Topik ni adalah utk membincangkan ape saje prediction ttg dinar iraq ni..kalau ada para pembaca mendapat sebarang info dan news utk dikongsi..sila post di ruang komen…



Tuesday 01 May 2007
Flights to transfer currency from the Rafidain Bank to a number of banks

Luna / Baghdad / The Iraqi company for banking services several trips to the transfer of currency to the Rafidain bank branches all over in Baghdad during the third week of April.

The source added that the branches are (Rustumiyyah, Haifa, Liberals, the White Palace, paradise, Khansa, Jerusalem, Al-Mansour, Diyala bridge, in essence, Karradat Maryam, the eastern section, Azwaih, projectors, Hotel Babylon, oil compound, Waziriyah, New Dawn), has moved the company private currency Rashid Bank and its branches, some branches of private banks, adding that the company has several flights outside Baghdad governorate to the Wasit governorate, including three special Rafidain Bank branches in the (Suwayrah, Wasit, the project) and another trip to the Rasheed Bank branch in (Nu’maniyah).


Closing kelmarin masih sama di CBI (Central Bank Iraq)

15 Bank mengambil bahagian dalam urusniaga exchange

Dinar Out : 105,320,000 USD per mil atau 134,704,280,000 in Dinar
Dinar In : NIL

Walau bagaimanapun diluar, harga Dinar tinggi daripada CBI antara yg saya jumpa ialah Bank of Kuwait.Ulasan adalah seperti di bawah dan sila pergi ke link dibawah untuk lihat sendiri.

Bank of Kuwait keeping pace. Outside markets still show strong demand for IQD. Keeps an open spread and leaves room for the CBI to continue IQD value increases:

1179.2468 IQD = 1 USD -Kuwait Bank
1279 = 1 USD – CBI


Closing untuk semalam ini 07/03/07

1278/1 USD ( Turun 1 mata drpd semalam)
12 Bank menjalankan transaksi exchange

Dinar Out : 66,260,000 USD per mil atau 84,680,280,000 dlm Dinar
Dinar In : Zero In


Utusan Malaysia 22/2/2007 (Khamis)Desakan pengunduran tentera asing dari Iraq Britain keluar mulai April iniLONDON 21 Feb. – Perdana Menteri, Tony Blair hari ini mengumumkan jadual waktu untuk mengundurkan 7,100 askar Britain secara berperingkat-peringkat dari Iraq.
Laporan media menyebut, hampir separuh daripada jumlah itu akan pulang ke tanah air menjelang hujung tahun ini.
Sehingga 1,500 askar dijangka dikeluarkan dari negara itu pada April ini manakala 1,500 lagi menjelang akhir Disember.
Britain ialah sekutu utama Amerika Syarikat (AS) di Iraq di mana Washington menempatkan kira-kira 138,000 askarnya dan merancang untuk menghantar 21,500 lagi bagi membendung keganasan terutamanya di Baghdad.
White House yang menghadapi tekanan daripada rakyat dan Kongres AS berhubung strategi perangnya di Iraq cuba memberi gambaran positif tentang rancangan pengunduran Britain itu selepas Blair menelefon Presiden George W. Bush untuk memaklumkan langkah tersebut.
“Bush melihat langkah ini sebagai tanda kejayaan yang membayangkan apa yang kita sendiri boleh lakukan apabila kita berjaya membantu Iraq menangani keganasan antara mazhab di Baghdad.
“Presiden berterima kasih atas bantuan tentera Britian pada masa lalu dan akan datang. Kami gembira kerana keadaan di Basra sudah pulih secukupnya untuk membolehkan mereka menyerahkan kuasa kepada pasukan keselamatan Iraq,” kata jurucakap White House, Gordon Johndroe.
Askar Britain yang berpangkalan di sekitar bandar utama di selatan Iraq, Basrah sudah pun menyerahkan kuasa kepada pasukan keselamatan Iraq di beberapa kawasan di selatan.
Keganasan di kawasan majoriti Syiah itu tidak seburuk yang disaksikan di Baghdad dan kawasan “segi tiga Sunah” di tengah Iraq.
Bagaimanapun tentera Britain menghadapi tentangan keras daripada militia-militia tempatan dan 130 askar British telah terkorban di Iraq.
Pejabat Blair di Downing Street enggan mengesahkan atau menafikan laporan media tetapi menyatakan “adalah wajar Perdana Menteri memaklumkan Parlimen terlebih dahulu.”

Utusan Malaysia 23/2/2007 (Jumaat)Bush didesak contohi Blair undur dari IraqWASHINGTON 22 Feb. – Musuh-musuh politik Presiden George W. Bush semalam mendesak beliau mencontohi sekutu rapatnya, Perdana Menteri Britain, Tony Blair dengan memulakan pengunduran askar Amerika Syarikat (AS) dari Iraq.
Anggota Demokrat di Kongres menggunakan rancangan pengunduran askar British yang diumumkan oleh Blair semalam sebagai senjata baru untuk menghentam Bush dalam perbahasan sengit berhubung perang di Iraq.
Pemimpin Majoriti (Demokrat) di Senat, Harry Reid secara berterus-terang berkata, Britain akhirnya menerima kenyataan tetapi Bush masih “menolak hakikat itu” kerana beliau tetap mahu menghantar askar tambahan ke Iraq.
“Sengketa di Iraq tidak mungkin diselesaikan secara ketenteraan semata-mata,” kata Reid dalam kenyataannya.
Speaker Dewan Perwakilan, Nancy Pelosi pula bertanya, “mengapa beribu-ribu lagi askar Amerika hendak dihantar ke Iraq padahal pada masa yang sama, askar Britain merancang untuk berundur?”
Senator veteran Demokrat, Edward Kennedy menyifatkan pengumuman Blair itu sebagai tindakan yang menolak pendekatan Bush.

921 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. nazhasecret
    Mar 08, 2007 @ 20:59:55

    kami bukan pakar kite tgk based on news yg ade dlm internet ni..rundingan rebuild iraq pun dlm bulan mei akan berlangsung..dimana diorg target 1dinar=1usd masa ni kan hanya prediction

    sharing is caring..


  2. nazhasecret
    Mar 09, 2007 @ 06:47:52

    org kata kata kalau US kuar je dr IRAQ..insya Allah matawang dia akan up balik…huhu..mudah-mudahan cepat la US ni berundur dr IRAQ…uhuks..


  3. nazhasecret
    Mar 14, 2007 @ 17:11:19

    IMF Executive Board Completes Third and Fourth Reviews under Iraq’s Stand-By Arrangement, Approves Six-Month Extension of Arrangement to September 2007
    Press Release No. 07/48
    March 13, 2007

    The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has completed the third and fourth reviews of Iraq’s performance under its economic program supported by a Stand-By Arrangement. The IMF arrangement is being treated as precautionary by the Iraqi authorities, and no purchase is planned.



  4. nazhasecret
    Mar 14, 2007 @ 17:38:33

    The United States welcomes the law of the distribution of oil wealth, according to the proportions of the population in Iraq

    MENAFN – 13/03/2007MENAFN-13 / 03 / 2007

    (MENAFN) United States welcomed the commitment to the text of a draft of the new hydrocarbon law in Iraq. و

    A spokesman for the State Department, that the text of the draft law, which would be forwarded to the National Assembly in Iraq includes a number of positive points.

    The spokesman for the State Department that the text of the draft law is important because it provides that all revenue from the sale of oil will go into the expense of the national general. و

    And will all Iraqi governorates in the federal oil and gas, which will formulate state policy in the matter of energy. The provinces will receive shares of the proceeds directly, which would increase local control of financial resources.

    it is noteworthy that the Iraqi Prime Minister had announced that the Iraqi government has approved in a special meeting Monday, the new oil bill, which provides for the distribution of proceeds in accordance with the proportions of the population.


  5. mynazha
    Apr 12, 2007 @ 10:17:56

    salam..ade sikit news..kemungkinan dinar iraq akan naik ujung thn ni..wallahua’lam..aku dpt news ni pun dr supplier sana..pak2 arab kt sana dh sebok gebang ckp dinar Iraq ni akan mula ade sedikit news yg dpt aku kongsikan bersama..

    Central Bank of Iraq’s auction sales show increase against last week’s sales
    11 April 2007 (PortAl Iraq)

    On April 8 the Iraqi dinar was at ID1272; last week’s rate was ID1273 per dollar. The amount sold at auction price increased from last week’s auction.

    U.S. dollar total sales at last week’s auction totaled $42,400,000; this week’s auction saw a total of $49,825,000.

    link sini:

    The cancellation of more than a thousand in 1919 and signed the Principles in
    (Voice of Iraq) – 11-04-2007 shall

    As part of the Memorandum of Understanding “oil for food”
    Foreign Ministry announced the cancellation of more than 19 thousand contract of the oil-for-food program concluded during the former regime and ending the program and the liquidation of accounts and forwarded to the Development Fund for Iraq. A press statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received a “morning” that the copy of this action came after the completion of the conference to discuss the termination of the program and the liquidation of accounts

    The conference was attended by the head of the Iraqi organizations and international cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Najib narratives and representatives of eight other Iraqi ministries as well as the World Bank in addition to the presence of the Controller of the United Nations. The statement said that the conferees agreed to extend the contracts of some necessary and essential for Iraq until the end of this year, pointing out that the narratives handed the ambassadors of the Russian Federation, China, France and Germany official note requesting Iraq to support their draft resolution expected to be discussed in the Security Council during the current month to end the mandate of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and the closure of the files on past weapons programs and the conversion of the assets to the Development Fund for Iraq.

    ***berita ni yg latest aku dpt***


  6. mynazha
    Apr 12, 2007 @ 10:23:55

    klik cni:

    Japan to give Iraq loans for water, electricity projects
    11 April 2007 (PortAl Iraq)

    The Government of Japan has announced its intention to provide loans up to 57,716 million yen to Iraq for implementing the Basrah Water Supply Improvement Project and the Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project in Kurdistan Region.

    This announcement was made by Prime Minister Shintaro Abe to Prime Minister Kamil Al-Mariki during the summit meeting in Tokyo today.

    The loans will have a 0.75 percent interest rate and a 40-year repayment period (including a 10-year grace period). The procurement method is general untied.

    Basrah Water Supply Improvement Project

    The maximum amount of this loan is 42,969 million yen.

    According to Japanese officials, the water supply system in Basrah City and Hartha City must be improved through working on water supply facilities such as water treatment plants, transmission lines and distribution networks.

    Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project in Kurdistan Region

    The maximum amount of this loan is 14,747 million yen.

    The electricity sector is the basis of any economic and social activities in Iraq, according to the Japanese Government.

    “However, the function of power supply and distribution in Kurdistan Region (northern governorates comprising of Dohuk governorate, Erbil governorate and Sulaimaniya governorate) as well as all over Iraq has been greatly deteriorated by insufficient new investment and maintenance for the power sector resulting from conflicts including Iran-Iraq War and the Gulf War, and economic sanctions,” the Japanese Government stated.

    By supplying equipment and developing necessary facilities for the substation and distribution system, this project aims to stabilize the power supply in the Kurdistan Region.


  7. nazhasecret
    May 03, 2007 @ 15:36:44

    tatau la ramai ke tk perasan CBI ade buat mistake b4 labour day..aku ade dpt info yg diaorg ade annouce the rate on the CBI site of .19..mmg kecoh site dh update balik


  8. bayu
    Sep 13, 2007 @ 04:46:20

    Teman saya punya 500 juta dinar irak, ia hendak menjualnya tapi bingung untuk menjualnya dimana? bila ada yang bisa membantu tolong hub saya


    • joelfikar
      Sep 01, 2013 @ 05:54:21

      Dear Bayu, anda bs mail saya utk 500jt dinar bl msh ada, serious!! Kita kolektor dinar di indonesia .please admin, conected us. Thanks


  9. nazhasecret
    Sep 13, 2007 @ 10:11:58

    hai bayu..jika anda di timur tengah..ade certain2 money exchanger disana sudah membeli balik dinar iraq mcm di malaysia masih blum bole jual balik kerana blum floating dan tiada money exchanger yg membeli the gud news di malaysia..ade certain2 money exchanger menjual dinar iraq tp rate nya tinggi la..maksud sy gud news ni..adalah petanda baik yang dinar iraq ni akan revalued dan menunggu masa yg sesuai utk ditukarkan nanti..cuma masa nya bila blum lg diketahui..semua mengharapkan akhir thn personally sy target thn depan sudah akan ada bibit yg menggembirakan..mudah mudahan begitu la..

    please refer to news updates..


  10. bimo wicaksono
    Sep 23, 2007 @ 07:24:44

    If it Sounds Too Good to be True…

    Ask yourself one question: if the Iraq Dinar is such a hot commodity, why would anyone in the know be willing to sell it to you? If you thought that the IQD was going to multiply in worth by hundreds of thousands of percent, would you sell it? Of course not — you’d be too busy buying as much of it as you could.

    But if you thought that the IQD was going to go down in value over time, well, then you might start trying to convince people that it was a “great deal” so that you could get rid of all of yours as soon as possible.

    Remember the old saying: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be careful!


  11. nazhasecret
    Sep 24, 2007 @ 08:45:07

    hi bimo..sounds too good right but if it really happen sumday of coz u shock right.. 😀 we found this great opportunity last that time in malaysia,not many selling this new iraqi we try to search n share to all..we dunt think it going down coz since last year time we bought it :

    1dinar iraq=0.0006925usd ( latest rate 25/11/2006)
    1dinar iraq=0.00071usd (latest rate 15/12/2006)
    1dinar iraq=0.000735usd (latest rate 22/12/2006)
    1dinar iraq=0.0007547usd (latest rate 3/1/2007)

    AND NOW 1 dinar iraq= 0.00081usd..(24/9/2007)

    u can check the rate n history at central bank of iraq
    we also dunt know when is the “TIME’ to RV..its up to u dude..but wut can i say..why not just keeping 1 set only n wait till iraq establish n might be dinar Iraq RV n become ‘2nd QUWAIT’..who knows..only God knows right


  12. Yandi
    Dec 02, 2007 @ 02:40:36

    I dont think so.

    1dinar iraq=0.0006925usd ( latest rate 25/11/2006)
    1dinar iraq=0.00071usd (latest rate 15/12/2006)
    1dinar iraq=0.000735usd (latest rate 22/12/2006)
    1dinar iraq=0.0007547usd (latest rate 3/1/2007)

    1dinar iraq=0.00085usd ( latest rate 25/11/2008)
    1dinar iraq=0.00091usd (latest rate 15/12/2009)
    1dinar iraq=0.001035usd (latest rate 22/12/2010)
    1dinar iraq=0.0011547usd (latest rate 3/1/2011)

    so how long time you waiting 1 UQD – 1 USD ?
    100 Years ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    I dont believe this issue. you know ? now I’m working in kuwait
    no body to buy this Iraqi Dinar. if tehy thingking like that so why they not buy this Iraqi dinar ?

    I know some people want to take money from thi issue to sell iraqi dinar.
    vietnam also before war with amerika but until now the currency still not growing up. so why you not thingking to buy vietnam money ????

    oh my god… please….


  13. nazhasecret
    Dec 02, 2007 @ 08:38:09

    ahaks..if u dunt believe is ok..i also buy dong vietnam..for me keeping this currency (dinar iraq or dong vietnam) is a high risk..and nothing to loose..becoz i just buy n keep as many as i can afford to loose it…

    thinking smart?not only us keeping this curency..whole world alert about this currency ( if u smart u can search about it)


    just only rumours and prediction right but if support with will become true sumday..just wait and see 😀


  14. Wusda
    Dec 04, 2007 @ 14:36:12

    i agree with u.. and i also do what u do. i just buy n keep as many as i can afford to loose it. But da diferent is, i also trade the IQD.


    Because, keep IQD is for invest ( EVERY INSTRUMENT OF INVESTMENT HAVE RISK )
    but trading it, is for my side business RIGHT NOW… and it is so profitable.
    am i right..


  15. nazhasecret
    Dec 06, 2007 @ 04:20:05

    Iraq Premier Sees Families Returning to Safer Capital

    BAGHDAD, Nov. 11 — The Iraqi prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, said in a news conference on Sunday that increased security in Baghdad had allowed thousands of families to return to their homes in the capital and outlying areas.

    …more details clicks on


  16. shamsul
    Dec 07, 2007 @ 17:37:29

    Latest newsof iraqi dinar,IRAQ plans to rebase currency early 2008.The Fin Min is negotiating for taking off three zeros from the current rate.News was addresssed in Aman,Jordan.(DowJonesnews-wire)

    The big reason to rebase the currency is Baghdad Stock Market will be launched early 2008.If the iraq govmt does not rebase crrncy,everyone can gain the big company equities at the small value.So if we hold 10million dinar,we can be a director of the oil company.It is not reasonable.FRom my experience in FOREX trading,the stock market will steer the up and down of the domestic currency.Let say,dowjones up,USD up and so the nikkei etc.

    All the money traders are holding the iraqi dinar.I have travelled to middle -east recently,and have met with business inteligence,economist expert,money changers and they have the same thought about iraqi dinar.You can find out the statement in the internet as a solid prove.


  17. nazhasecret
    Dec 08, 2007 @ 00:44:00

    kot ye pun tak yah la spam sampai 3 komen…sy edit jadi satu..nama pun prediction kan..still blum ade kesohihan tp supplier kami dr sana bgtau just aspeculation so spt biasa just wait and see ok..selagi blum ada annoucement rasmi dr pihak CBI sendiri semua itu hanyalah spekulasi dn rumours semata


  18. shamsul
    Dec 08, 2007 @ 04:52:55

    I am a professional trader.I have known the information in advance.One of the minister in iraq govmt is my colleauge,used to study in US for 5yrs.If you want more about that you have to pay.Secret and confidential.The detail of press conference between Finance Minister of Iraq,Bayan Al-Jaber ……..


  19. nazhasecret
    Dec 08, 2007 @ 15:44:21

    😀 patut la encik shamsul paham penulisan sy dlm BM..kesemua id en shamsul menggunakan ip malaysia ..rasa nye dulu pun kita pernah dpt ip yg sama buat provoke disini..ape2 pun,tk kira la menteri iraq tu ur frenz or wut so ever..nantikan saja la pengumuman rasmi dr iraq sendiri..nk tau lanjut kena byr la pulak ye..kalau nk revealed baik revealed semua je kan..hak hak hak peace no harm


  20. fenty
    Dec 16, 2007 @ 18:10:56

    saya mempunyai dinar iraq, saya mau jual. bisakah anda kasih tau saya, kemana bisa saya jual dinar itu. tapi jangan di timur tengah, tapi di Malaysia bisa tidak? dan money changer or bank apa? mohon nama dan alamat lengkapnya? thanks


  21. nazhasecret
    Dec 17, 2007 @ 15:05:00

    hi fenty..anda di indonesia kenapa cari di malaysia plak ni..maaf la ye di malaysia blum bole lagi kot..


  22. muhdy
    Jan 06, 2008 @ 07:27:49

    to :fenty. aku menyambut baik jika saudara percaya dengan aku, aku siap jadi mitra fenty untuk jual dinar di Indonesia, aku punya market, mudah2an saudra percaya aku ?..Trims.


  23. nazhasecret
    Jan 06, 2008 @ 10:27:33

    simpan je..mana tau kan..tuah ayam nmpak di kaki..tuah manusia siapa yg tau kan


  24. nai ask
    Jan 11, 2008 @ 03:24:41

    sy nak mintak tlong emailkan saye sumer brite atau rencana berkenaan dengan puak pelampau.samaada di irak atau negara lain untuk research saya di universiti mengenai puak ini.


  25. nazhasecret
    Jan 11, 2008 @ 03:27:59

    hai nai..mana2 cerita/sebarang news sy dh update siap link sumber dr mana sy dpt..sila la cari sendiri dlm blog ni ataupun search ye..rajin2 kan jari jemari anda.tq


  26. AMRI
    Jul 18, 2008 @ 00:47:36



  27. grafer_gar
    Sep 12, 2008 @ 09:46:01

    hai semua,,,…. ada news baru tak tentang irak???


  28. NORAA.
    Sep 16, 2008 @ 00:00:00

    ade.. thn dpn awal 2009. MUNGKIN C.B.I. AKAN REVALUE 1 IQD=0.43 U.S.D.
    HMM OK KAN..


  29. MUSA
    Oct 21, 2008 @ 01:52:15

    Hmmmm…semua org boleh kata yang IQD akan revalue dan akan sama macam sebelum zaman perang dulu2….1 IQD=3.3 USD. Tapi entah bila akan jadi, kita tak tau….semua ni kerja spekulator? Kan? Ntah! Tunggu ajelah agaknya…..mungkin 5 thn lagi, 10 thn lagi?? Atau bila Barrack Obama jadi presiden US? Ada org kata macam tulah…. saya cuma dengar, tunggu dan lihat. Tak boleh buat apa. IQD yg ada tu simpan, kena peram lama2 lagi…hehheh…


  30. honeybunny
    Jan 14, 2010 @ 08:16:49

    ON MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2010. IQD already rises from 1 US$=1170 IQD to US$ 1= 1111.1 IQD.
    1 US Dollar(s) = 1111.1 Iraqi Dinar(s)
    1 IQD = 0.000900009 USD
    1 USD = 1111.1 IQD
    We all hope in a week or a month ahead that it will rise and rise until at least US1=1 IQD.


  31. honeybunny
    Jan 14, 2010 @ 08:17:20

    Hillary Clinton on Iraqi Dinars : Clinton urges US investment in Iraq. Clinton announced that the State Department was launching a US-Iraqi internship program in January 2010. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on encouraged US businesses to invest in Iraq, saying that country’s potential is “palpable”. Addressing the Iraq Investment and Business Conference in Washington, Clinton touted investment opportunities in Iraq. “Iraq sits at a global crossroads, and it is a country that, because of its religious and ethnic diversity, has a great potential for connecting up far beyond its own borders in terms of investments and other kinds of opportunities,” she told the business forum. The conference, organized by Washington, is aimed at facilitating contacts between US and Iraqi companies, businessmen and regional leaders from around Iraq. According to AFP, some 750 projects will be presented to potential investors.“For decades, Iraq has been disconnected from the global economy because of war and sanctions. Now we see the potential. And it is one that is based in broad economic growth, fueled by but not limited to oil production,” said Clinton. “And we believe strongly that economic development will go hand-in-hand with an increasing and very clear commitment to democracy,” she added. At the same time, Clinton underscored the importance of Iraq creating “safe and attractive conditions” for international investors. “That of course begins with holding national elections in January that are safe, free, and fair,” she told the conference, which was attended by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. She also said that a comprehensive hydrocarbon law was vital for regulating the oil sector. “As the Iraqi Government continues to make its reforms, I urge US businesses to really see all of the progress that has been made,” Clinton said, pointing to an improved security situation and stronger conditions for investment.
    “The world is watching for every opportunity to invest in Iraq, and companies that wait too long may discover they are too late,” she added. Clinton announced that the State Department was launching a US-Iraqi internship program in January, which will place young Iraqi in technology start-ups in the United States, exposing them to “an entrepreneurial spirit” and helping them develop skills to use at home. All American can invest in Iraq by buying Iraqi Dinars, it is legal and you can invest today. The historical value of the Dinar has been over $3.00, today is under a penny. By buying a 25,000 Dinar note today for $27 after the revalue it could be worth $75,000. The new Dinar notes, Printed in Britain, are designed with the most up-to-date anti-counterfeit features, which includes watermarks, raised letters, security thread, and an optical variable ink along with other variations to deter counterfeiters. Isn’t it a good news, we all hope that this will speed up the RV in a week or a month ahead.


  32. honeybunny
    Jan 14, 2010 @ 08:17:58

    The newspapers have said military forces believed to be from operations forces attacked a Baghdad bank and seized Maigarb $ 100 million from the bank after the arrest and intimidation of staff. The district subject to the guards and protections the ruling parties in Iraq. The power that the theft came from the Abu Ghraib area and brought in specifically for the robbery and that the staff could not contacting the Loblag responsible for the robbery only hours after. The archive of this theft is the biggest robbery in the history of modern Iraq .. It also quoted a police source who declined to be identified said he saw his chance by virtue of pickups and soldiers from operations forces entered Baghdad to the bank and arrested staff and began carrying boxes believed to hold millions of dollars. And often a patchwork of banks and exchange companies in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities are subjected to the robbery from different because of the deterioration of the security inherent in the situation in Iraq. OH MY GOD. I DON’T MEAN TO SCARE EVERYONE HERE BUT JUST FOR PREACUTION,EVERYONE SHOULD BE VERY VERY CAREFUL WHEN SENDING MONEY TO THE BANK IN IRAQ. THERE IS NOTHING GUARANTEED THAT THE MONEY ARE ALREADY SAVED IN THE BANK IN IRAQ WILL BE SAFE FROM ROBBERY. ETC.


  33. honeybunny
    Jan 14, 2010 @ 08:18:20

    Iraq has received a loan of $ 7 trillion dinars to cover the deficit : Alaa al-Sadoun said Deputy Chairperson of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives that the World Bank and IMF special drawing rights and made a loan to Iraq Bmlbg 7 trillion Iraqi dinars to bridge the fiscal deficit. Said Saadoun, a member of the Accordance Front, said: “The fiscal budget deficit of 21 trillion Iraqi dinars. Sntdark and recycled it through my existing budget of the past year. And the budget in 2010 was calculated on the basis that the price of a barrel of oil to $ 62,5, and the price The current oil is $ 73 a barrel. and this difference would reduce the fiscal deficit.” Saadoun predicted: “The vote is on the budget for the current year next week.” In this case, Something gotta give soon. And, The IMF could of just told then to RV! and the budget would not be affected.


  34. honeybunny
    Jan 14, 2010 @ 08:18:51

    We’re hearing a lot of buzz on the ERM, or Exchange Rate Mechanism for Iraq. ERM, or Exchange Rate Mechanism, generally refers to the EU before they went to a common currency: the Euro. This Exchange Rate Mechanism was an agreement to keep the values of the currencies of the members of the European Economic Community tightly grouped, within +/- 2.25%. If any of the currencies went outside of that range, financial institutions were designed to step in and take action to bring the currency back into range. Let’s play a little “Connect The Dots”… we already know that there is talk of a Common Middle Eastern Currency, known as the Gulf Dinar.The Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate Mechanism, if implemented, could be the start of stabilizing the Exchange Rate of the Iraqi Dinar prior to bringing it into the GCC, where a union of countries will support each other financially to ensure a value within a small fluctuation rate. This is known as “semi-pegging”. So, if Iraq is looking at an ERM, and the goal of an ERM is to keep the currencies in the group (or coalition, as it is in this case) on a level par with each other, what is the likely course for the Dinar at this point in time? Quite simply, it has to be closer to the value of the other currencies in the “basket” in order to be withing a +/- 2.5% range. If this is the plan, I wouldn’t be surprised to see either an RV very soon, OR a rapid rise in value to get it up to the rate it needs to be at in order to match the other GCC member’s currencies. Possible speculation and proposals on the Gulf Dinar put it about 2-3 years out. If Iraq does not RV overnight, they need time to grow the currency and avoid a huge shock to their economy, so things need to start happening soon. One thing we know for sure is that we have not seen any movement on the Dinar in over a year, and at the same time we’re hearing about stuff like an Iraqi Dinar ERM. I can only imagine that means one thing: Something is in the works.


  35. nazhasecret
    Jan 14, 2010 @ 18:54:49

    tunggu dan lihat..


  36. honeybunny
    Jan 18, 2010 @ 08:20:02

    This is a summary information about RV: ( it is very important and don’t ever miss it!!!):
    1. We know from Maliki’s letter to the UN dated 13 Dec 2009 that it is his intention to bring Iraq into the “international financial community” during 2010.
    2. We know that his letter stated originally 2009 or 2010 and it is dated 13 Dec 2009. Therefore this would seem to indicate a degree of imminence in itself since he included 2009 with only 17 days left in that year!
    3. From this letter then we know now a time frame and a FACT that the RV will occur by his use of the phrase to “bring Iraq into the international financial community.”
    4. This was echoed by the UN in July when we found a document in which was buried on about the 50th page the statement that the UN intended to revalue the currency of Iraq as well.
    5. The programmed rate of 1170 IQD to the dollar is set to expire on January 12, today. This needs to be verified because I did not provide the link proving this. However,
    6. The Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) is scheduled to come into affect for Iraq on the 12th, the same day that the programmed rate expires.
    7. The purpose of the ERM is to stabilize a given currency among several currencies that participate in the ERM so that large fluctuations are avoided. The goal of the ERM, as was the case in Europe, is to bring the currency group into “parity” and then eventually create a single currency for all of the countries in the group.
    8. The fact that Iraq is participating in an ERM indicates that there is a plan, as yet not announced publicly, for a group of countries to form a unified currency in the ME.
    9. The GCC has already indicated its desire to form a single currency and has in fact already invited and accepted Iraq into the GCC as a “fully fledged member”. This occurred in July.
    10. For Iraq to become a fully fledged member, however, it has to have an internationally recognized currency. It’s entry therefore is another indication that the plan is in the works for an RV of the dinar.
    11. The average current level of currencies in the GCC is about $3.45. It is therefore reasonable to suspect that the IQD will be RVd either at that rate or at a lower rate and then be allowed to rise to that rate prior to the creation of the single ME currency.
    12. The ERM allows for a fixed rate platform, a managed float platform, and a free float platform.
    13. We have heard rumors that the RV would include a short time frame for exchanging dinars. Periods from 30 days to 45 days seem to predominate. None has projected less than 30 days that I am aware of.
    14. Presumably and logically the cash-in “window” would be used to draw in all notes of 1,000 dinar or larger. My assumption is that these would eventually be destroyed and then the IQD would have notes similar to the US dollar (1, 5, 20, 50, and 100) plus coinage as we do. All of this has already been planned for and I have read that the bills have been produced.
    15. The final key to our analysis is to attempt to put a narrower time frame on the RV. This begins with March 17 as the farthest out possible date. The reasoning is as follows:
    16. The IMF has announced that it is lending 7 trillion dinar to Iraq to support its budget. First payment on that loan is due on March 17. This number seems enormous on the surface and would lead us to believe that
    17. The loan cannot be repaid with the current valuation of the dinar. However at $1 or $3 for the value of the dinar (instead of $.0008) the loan becomes somewhere between $2.5 billion and $7 billion.
    18. Given the fact that the Iraqi budget, based on $60 per barrel oil, is going to be less than $100 billion, then the loan represents somewhere between 2.5% and 7% of the budget, which is reasonable. However,
    19. It is ONLY reasonable if the IQD is revalued. And in order to pay its first payment the RV would have to occur BEFORE the first payment is due. This is all consistent with Maliki’s statement in his letter to the UN.
    20. I have read that the IMF has rules that insist that Iraq be prepared to make its payments from 30 to 45 days PRIOR to the payment date, and that it much show proof to the IMF. This needs to be verified by our group but is reasonable. In any case, however, the IMF clearly would NOT have announced the loan unless it KNEW that Iraq would be able to pay it back. This is a secondary confirmation that an RV is close.
    21. The election takes place on March 7. Clearly Maliki intends to be re-elected. Clearly also it is in his best interest to get the RV done prior to the election so that he can benefit from that event.
    22. Election laws prohibit certain major expenses and changes in expense structures 30 days prior to the election (this is to prevent fraud and “buying” of an election). I have read this and should be able to provide a link, or someone else should post it for us so we have it in writing. This means that Maliki has until February 7 to get the RV done; otherwise he will have violated Iraqi law and placed a cloud on his re-election chances.
    23. Finally, the new budget obviously has to be in affect shortly, and clearly very soon since the first payment from the IMF is due on March 17. We learned yesterday that the budget is conditionally approved with only 2 small elements to be worked out. I posted some more on this this morning, as did Hangtime.
    24. We can be confident that the budget will be finalized this week, IMO.
    25. We can therefore now state with a good degree of confidence that the RV must occur sometime between now and February 7. The sooner it is done the better for Maliki and his election prospects, in my opinion, since he has more time for the impact of the RV to be felt by the people.
    26. It is likely that the coup attempt was made yesterday with the foreknowledge that Maliki has this “rabbit in the hat” and that once the RV is announced there will be no stopping his re-election.



  37. Bilal
    Feb 21, 2010 @ 22:48:45

    Any rv info. since rv did not happen on 2/07/2010


  38. Gudang Garam
    May 12, 2010 @ 15:52:14

    Saya nak jual Dinar Iraq 500,000 dgn RM2,000…nak guna duit utk Buka Account Bank Di Iraq….Siapa Berminat boleh call/sms….segera.. cpt sementara stok masih ada..klu dpt sorang je pembeli..tawaran istimewa beb….

    **admin = no promotion here..tq


  39. Mohd Helmy
    May 31, 2010 @ 05:05:06

    Salam .. Buat Semua Yg telah Membuka account Bank Iraq dengan saya. Terima kasih kepada anda semua..diatas kerpercayaan anda terhadap saya.dan tidak lupa juga tahniah saya ucapkan kepada anda diatas keberanian anda untuk mengubah masa depan anda.sekiranya anda ada sebarang pertanyaan tentang account banking anda, sila emailkan pertanyaan . Insyallah saya akan cuba sedaya upaya menjawab soalan anda. Sekian.

    ***pls dunt hijack or spam here..tq


  40. Mohd Helmy
    May 31, 2010 @ 11:07:11

    Iraq Transfers 3 Tons of Gold into CBI to support Dinar

    Iraq Transfers 3 Tons of Gold into CBI to support Dinar
    07 Feb 2010 23:27

    Plan to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar and the deletion of three zeroes

    Finance Ministry has prepared a plan to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar and then delete the three zeroes from the dinar’s value to contribute to the advancement of the Iraqi economy during the coming period with the Iraqi central bank denied the rumors making the dollar worth 1000 dinars and said in a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance:, the Minister Baqir Jabr said During his recent visit to the Jordanian capital Amman, said the CBI chagrin financially estimated $ 22 billion and three tons of gold intended to support the Iraqi dinar. He said that successful fiscal policy pursued in Iraq have contributed to increasing the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, noting that the dollar exchange rate dropped significantly during the current year, stressing that all efforts will be channeled to the deletion of three zeros from the value of the dinar.

    On the other hand denied the authoritative source in the Iraqi Central Bank rumors making the dollar worth 1000 dinars, or a change denominations or raise zeros from the current currency.

    He said in a press statement that the bank has been following with great interest the phenomenon of low demand for the dollar in the local exchange markets, stressing that such information or rumors surrounding the aim of achieving commercial gain emergency for some users at the expense of the public.


  41. Mohd Helmy
    May 31, 2010 @ 11:11:30

    Iraqi Dinar Redenomination and Exchangeability

    April 10, 2010 – 09:26:06

    There have been a tremendous number of inquiries about the recent news that Iraq will be increasing the value of their currency and, at the same time, introduce new denominations into the Iraqi economy sometime in 2010 (currently planned). Specifically, it has been reported that the Iraq Finance Minister issued a statement saying they have prepared a plan to increase the value of the Dinar against the dollar and will introduce 25, 10, 5, 1, 1/2, ¼, and smaller (possibly 1/10 or 1/20) Dinar banknotes and/or coins. He said that successful fiscal policies pursued in Iraq have contributed to increasing the value of the Iraqi Dinar against the dollar, noting that the U.S. Dollar dropped significantly in value during the current year. Of note, he also said in a press statement that the bank has been following with great interest the phenomenon of low demand for the U.S. Dollar in the local Iraqi currency exchange markets.

    Mudhhir Muhammad Salih, a member of a Central Bank advisory panel, said by the end of 2010, new banknotes will be fully introduced while the current banknotes will be gradually removed from circulation. He did not specify when the new banknotes would be issued. Both (current and new) denominations will be legal tender in Iraq until the current banknotes are completely withdrawn over a period of time.
    Economic analyst Hilal al-Tahhan was quoted as saying, “The bank’s move is overdue.” He said he expects the currency change to go smoothly because of the decision to allow both thecurrent and new banknotes to coexist during an extended exchange period, leading to less turbulence in the economy.

    What does all this mean? Overall, this news appears to be very positive and possibly points to some significant changes in the value ofthe Iraqi Dinar. It has long been the opinion of many Iraqi Dinar investors that the Iraqi Government must introduce new lower denominations into their economy before the value of their currency increases. If the value (buying power) of the dinar increases significantly or rapidly, the larger denominations currently in circulation would be impractical for use during everyday transactions in the Iraqi economy. If the Iraqi Dinar increased in value to 10 cents (.1 USD), the smallest banknote in Iraqi would have a value of $5 USD. There would no practical way to purchase everyday items in theeconomy and no way to make change—the currency would be impractical and unusable. If a soda in Iraq has a value of 50 cents now, it will still have a value of 50 cents if the value ofthe Dinar increases, and there has to be a denomination in the Iraq economy to pay for it. The current problem is that Iraq doesn’t have any currency in circulation to pay for normal day-to-day products if the Dinar rises significantly in value, so Iraq must have smaller denominations moving forward.

    Also from the recent news, it appears as though all denominations (current and soon to be issued) will be in circulation at the same time and no immediate exchange will be necessary. Hopefully, the Iraqi Dinar will be on the world exchange market soon to allow for even easier exchange in the near future. Expectations are that Iraq is moving as fast as they can to rebuild theireconomy and wealth, and join the international economic community.

    There have also been rumors about the future exchangeable value of some current Iraqi banknote denominations, and limited time periods for exchange of current Iraqi banknotes. It has been falsely rumored that perhaps the 25,000 Dinar banknote will be exchanged at a different exchange rate than current smaller Iraqi banknotes. Another false rumor suggests there will be a very short period (days or weeks) of exchange for the current Iraqi banknotes after a significant change of value and introduction of lower denominations.

    To address these rumors, let’s look at currency from a basic level: Countries issue their own currency. They issue their currency with a responsibility to honor it and redeem it. The currency must be accounted for. When a country issues currency (the US as an example), they borrow against the currency and issue debt to support it. The U.S. recently printed a significant amount of currency in order to finance stimulus funding. In order to do this, the U.S. government had to borrow the money with an obligation to pay it back.

    One of the main functions of the U.S. Treasury Department is to manage the U.S. national debt (the amount of money which the federal government owes to its creditors). China owns much of our debt as do U.S. citizens and other countries—we must honor our issued currency and our debt. If a country doesn’t honor its debt, creditors (other countries and investors) lose faith in the defaulting country and a country will end up in financial ruins. Iraq, as a responsible member of the world economic community with a goal of getting their currency online with the rest of the world currencies, has issued currency with an obligation to honor it—-all of it—not just certaindenominations. Throughout modern history, there has not been one instance where a country honored some denominations, but not others. If certain denominations were not valued, people and other countries would lose faith in that country’s responsibility to respect their debt and honor their issued currency. If a nation only valued certaindenominations , who would trade with them, exchange with them, or conduct business with them? To limit the time period for currency exchange in order to force the de-valuation of currency incirculation in order to reduce debt doesn’t happen and wouldn’t be tolerated by the world financial community. Countries have to be accountable for all of their currency and they can’t play games with exchange timelines to try and prevent people for exchanging. Remember, in addition to individual investors, large governments and banks outside of Iraq hold Iraqi currency. Money from all over the world has flowed into Iraq through the purchase of Iraqi Dinar. The Iraqi Government will honor that investment in theireconomy, or there will never be faith in their economy and they will never be accepted by the world financial community.


  42. Mohd Helmy
    May 31, 2010 @ 11:24:22

    2 biggest naval tugs left Malaysia for Basra

    April 15, 2010 – 10:19:34

    BASRA / Aswat al-Iraq: The biggest two naval tugs left Malaysia on Thursday heading for Basra to work in the Iraqi oil ports, the public relations and media director at the State Company for Iraqi Ports said.

    “The ship carrying the two tugs (al-Fayhaa) and (al-Eishar) left Malaysia on Thursday (April 15) heading for Basra to start working for Iraqi oil ports,” Anmar al-Safi told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    “The two tugs are scheduled to arrive in early May,” he added.

    “The two tugs are considered the biggest tugs to work in the Iraqi ports,” he underlined.

    P/s: need more news regarding Iraq just contect me truth email :


  43. naKata"17"
    Jun 05, 2010 @ 07:52:57

    saLam sUme…cik moHd heLmy…kaLau sY naK bKak aKaun bank iRaq caM ne ek..bLeh toLong ax??bApe RM???g saTu ade beNefiT k bKak aKaun kaT saNe???


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jun 07, 2010 @ 19:18:39


      Document yg di perlukan adalah seperti Berikut :-

      i) IC muka Depan Sahaja (Scan)

      ii) Lesen Memandu Bergambar (expire) & yg Tidak bergambar (yg terbaru) @ Utiliti Bil di atas nama Anda (Scan)

      iii) Tanda Tangan Anda ( Scan )

      iv) No telefon Bimbit & Telefon Rumah (sekiranya ada)

      itu sahaja.

      P/s: sekiranya anda ber minat untuk membuka account saya cadangkan anda berjumpa saya face to face lebih bagus. upah saya ambil RM 2,000 sahaja. saya tidak mengambil Upfront. upah saya anda jelaskan setelah saya menerima No account Iraq anda. disini saya berikan Contoh account Bank Iraq Saya sebagai Rujukan anda.

      P/s: berkenaan dengan benefit memang banyak.. sekiranya anda ingin tahu sila hubungi saya di talian 016-2731460 (Mohd Helmy)


      • nazhasecret
        Jun 08, 2010 @ 06:40:34


  44. naKata"17"
    Jun 08, 2010 @ 08:12:10

    beTuL gak tue cik naZha…sO kat u sTiLL ade baPe banyak ag dinar???1miL ade ax??


  45. Mohd Helmy
    Jun 10, 2010 @ 17:11:22

    Buat Pengetahuan Anda semua penghujung tahun 2010 CBI akan mengeluarkan MataWang Baru bagi mengantikan Matawang yg sedia Ada sekarang.

    ” Mudhhir Muhammad Salih, a member of a Central Bank advisory panel, said by the end of 2010, new banknotes will be fully introduced while the current banknotes will be gradually removed from circulation. ”

    Sila baca keratan akbar bertajuk :

    Iraqi Dinar Redenomination and Exchangeability

    yang telah saya lampirkan diatas. kegagalan untuk menukar Note lama kepada yg baru akan menyebabkan Note dinar yg anda pegang menjadi Perhiasan sahaja. perlu ingat IQD 1 juta hanya bernilai RM:2,9++ sekiranya anda membeli direct dengan CBI ( Central Bank Of Iraq )


    • nazhasecret
      Jun 11, 2010 @ 08:18:45

      jika betul ditukarkan kita diberi masa 3bulan utk tukar..cerita nk tukar bank note baru ni dh bpe lama dah..pastu senyap..skang timbul better tunggu smpai betul2 tukar then bertindak


  46. nazhasecret
    Jun 11, 2010 @ 08:21:20

    opssss..1mil 2.9rm k ye?sama gak dh byr upah utk encik helmy kite ni 2k rm=1mill 4.9k la ek..sama je kalau beli 1mill sendiri,dpt pegang lagi duit nye


  47. Mohd Helmy
    Jun 11, 2010 @ 10:40:25

    Opsss…. nak tanya ckit.. sebelum pengapungan dinar berlaku Note ini akan ditukar terlebih dahulu… saya nak tanya…pada masa tu bagai mana Pembeli2 encik nazhasecret nak tukar note tersebut ?? bolehkah encik nazhasecret menukarkan Note tersebut untuk mereka? 🙂 Atau pun encik nazhasecret nak lepas tangan sahaja. kalau encik nazhasecret boleh menukarkan bagi pihak pembeli encik nazhasecret , saya nak encik nazhasecret nyatakan di blog ini agar pembeli2 encik nazhasecret tidak terkapai2. :-):-)


    • nazhasecret
      Jun 11, 2010 @ 10:46:30

      itu rahsia sy yg tk perlu sy dedahkan disini..sape yg pernah deal beli iqd dgn sy tau bagaimana sy deal dgn membuat urusan since 2006 lg..mereka taw dimana nk cari sy jika BENAR masa tu iqd sekarang ni yg kami pegang DITUKARKAN PADA YG punya plan sy sendiri jika note yg sy jual since 2006 smpai skang akn ditarik balik utk preoses penukaran..smpai masa nye nti bru akan tak suka mencanang SESUATU YG TAK lebey baik kite tggu je sampai berita penukaran note bank iraq BENAR2 BERLAKU..tq


      • ayiem
        Jun 13, 2010 @ 03:29:25

        saya dah bukak dah akaun kat iraq dgn encik helmi…..ok je.akaun pun dah akaun ada dan yang penting duit dah ada….jadi…saya taknak komen lebih2….lu fikirlah sendiri….

  48. Mohd Helmy
    Jun 11, 2010 @ 11:04:31

    kalau encik nazhasecret dah ada plan baguslah…harap2 plan encik nazhasecret berjalan dengan lancar…& tidak ada apa2 berlaku 🙂


  49. naKata"17"
    Jun 11, 2010 @ 14:47:37

    sUre k iQD niE aKan d tuKar???eeMm caM ne ek…2000 tue x Leh neGo ag keW heLmy???


  50. naKata"17"
    Jun 12, 2010 @ 10:35:00

    CBI akan menarik balik Note besar2, itu sebab dia orang dah buat keputusan untuk menghapuskan 3 angka sifar dari note duit besar… so siapa yg beli duit besar2 tu… peninglah kepala… apabila note 25,000 akan jadi 25 dinar ajer… 10,000 dinar akan jadi 10.00 dinar ajer… 5,000 dinar jadi 5.00 dinar 1,000 jadi 1.00… sebab dia orang naka maintain currency dia orang IQD 1.00 , IQD 5.00 , IQD 10.00 , IQD 50.00 , IQD 250.00 & IQD 500 :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o…

    niE sY daPat daRi poRtaL Lain…caM ne niE???


  51. Mohd Helmy
    Jun 12, 2010 @ 15:50:33

    itu sebab saya katakan bahawa penghujung tahun 2010 CBI nak tukar Semua Note Dinar mereka. Ramai Orang Tidak percaya! memang dulu dah lama orang ramai tahu yg iraq nak tukar note Yg lagi Baru…cuma pada masa itu CBI tak beri tahu Bila akan dikuatkuasakan.that why banyak orang kata benda ini dah lama diheboh2kan ibarat encik nazhasecret cakap ” Cerita nk tukar bank note baru ni dh bpe lama dah..pastu senyap..skang timbul balik ” tapi kali berita ini timbul semula & pasti tak akan tengelam2 lagi 🙂 kerana kita dah Tahu Bila Masa dia akan bertukar. 🙂 🙂


  52. naKata"17"
    Jun 13, 2010 @ 23:27:05

    x pEw wLau betuL o x ciTe tUe..kiTe ni maLsiaN CtzEn..sO kLau naK naiK an owg mLayu kiTe,kTe kNe r keJe saTu kumPuLan n tKar2 pendaPat bout diNar nie..x perlu naK jaTuh an sesape key!!kLau perLu tGu..kite tGu n Lihat,kLau perLu bKak aKaun kaT saNe..x saLah pn!!btoL ax naZha n heLmY!!u aLL sY tgok de knowLdge pasaL diNar x saLah r kLau waT teaMwork!!


  53. Akub's
    Jun 16, 2010 @ 16:29:33

    Helmy ngan Nakata ni cam org sama jer. keekekeke..
    tayah kelam kabut brader…dah la hijack blog org utk promote.
    bukak la blog sendiri then invite org k?


  54. naKata"17"
    Jun 17, 2010 @ 08:00:21

    sOwey bRo aKu bKan heLmy r..heLmy nie daK kL..aKu dak n9…aKu bKak bLog nie jusT naK taO news pasaL dinar niE jew…n aDe news2 yg aku aMik daRi bLog Laen n past kaT cni just foR kNow reasoN baEk dari naZha n helmY..


  55. Mohd Helmy
    Jun 19, 2010 @ 10:24:25

    Akub’s & naKata boleh tak kau orang taip elok2 ckit.. aku tap paham lah ayat2 kau orang nie…terlalu singkat sangat ayat kau orang nie… 🙂


  56. naKata"17"
    Jun 23, 2010 @ 04:10:19

    eeMMm aKu da biase cam tuE r mie…da x bLeh uBah da!!sO ade aPe2 Latest news ax???


  57. Mohd Helmy
    Jun 23, 2010 @ 15:59:24

    Ok!! mengenai Ura-ura dinar akan di apungkan ada 4 Versi..

    i) Pada Bulan Julay 2010 – kenapa ramai pengenalisis ekonomi Amerika menjangkakan Dinar akan diapungkan pada bulan julay ? ini disebabkan Iraq Baru habis pilihan raya pada bulan 3-5 dan pada bulan jun Kerajaan kebinet iraq yg baru telah di bentuk dan pada julay nanti parliment iraq akan bersidang. kemungkinan ahli2 Kebinet bersuara tentang Currency dinar.

    ii) kalau tak jadi pada bulan julay 2010 kemungkinan pada 1 september 2010.kenapa saya menyatakan september 2010? ini memandangkan pengunduran secara total tentra Amerika dari bumi iraq.dan pada masa tersebut iraq akan ditakbir sepenuhnya oleh rakyat Iraq.

    iii) kalau tak jadi pada bulan september kemungkinan pada penghujung bulan disember 2010,kenapa saya menyatakan pada penhujung disember 2010? sebabnya pada masa itu CBI akan mengeluarkan Note Dinar Iraq Yg baru Bagi mengantikan Note dinar Iraq Yg sedia ada sekarang ini.dan kemungkinan pada masa yg sama Dinar iraq ini akan diapungkan.

    iv) kalau tak jadi pada hujung disember 2010 so tarikh yg diangap Paling munahsabah untuk dinar iraq di diapungkan adalah pada tahun 2013. kenapa saya mengatakan pada 2013? kerana pada tahun 2013 genaplah 10 tahun iraq habis perang. ini kalau kita menyorot kembali perang iraq kuwait. dinar kuwait di apungkan setelah genap 10 tahun perang kuwait tamat.

    P/s: so sekarang ini saya hanya menunggu masa dan ketika sahaja dinar ini akan diapungkan. jangka masa yg paling dekat adalah pada bulan depan. 🙂 🙂 😛


  58. ayiem
    Jun 24, 2010 @ 14:47:14

    tak pelah …kita tunggu dan lihat je….kalau dah rezeki tak kemana…yang penting mesti ada usaha….bak kata orang tua2 dimana ada usaha disitu ada jalan……


  59. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 01, 2010 @ 13:21:58

    Next Monday Allawi will be named to from government

    Erbil, June 22 (AKnews) – A member of al-Iraqiya List declared that next Monday the Iraqi President will ask Ayad Allawi, the Head of the List, to form the next Iraqi government.

    The Parliament will reconvene next Monday to assign the next Speaker of the Parliament, Maysun Damluji told AKnews on Monday.

    “During the same session the Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, will call on Allawi to from the new government and certainly al-Iraqiya will carry out the task effectively”, she declared.

    “The outsiders’ interference and the political disputes have suspended shaping the government; however, the next Iraqi government should be shared by all Iraqi players”, Damluji concluded


  60. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 01, 2010 @ 13:22:31

    U.S. Partners With Iraq to Stabilize Economy


    “Iraq’s Victory Base Complex vendors, contractors and civilians will soon have a new bank to meet their financial service needs,” said Maj. Andrea Singer, as bank officials and employees broke ground at Camp Liberty in Baghdad for the Iraqi-based Industrial Zone’s Golden Construction Company to begin building the Bank of Baghdad.

    Singer, the theater financial management liaison officer for the 326th Theater Financial Management Center, said the Victory Base Complex branch of Bank of Baghdad will be one of 10 Iraqi banks to be established on U.S. bases throughout Iraq. And is the second on VBC, as part of the Banks on Bases Initiative.

    The new bank, expected to open in about 10 weeks, will ease the impact on the Iraq Joint Operations Area as the financial management units help set the conditions for the responsible drawdown of U.S. forces in Iraq, said Capt. Eric C. LaBay of Denver, Colo., the 15th Financial Management Company Banking and E-Commerce officer.

    Singer of Los Angeles, Calif., explained that the goal of the Banks on Bases Initiative is to eventually transition the installation, as well as the rest of the country, into using Iraqi Dinar instead of U.S. currency to help strengthen the Iraqi economy.

    “The dependence on U.S. currency has resulted in the dollarization of the Iraqi economy, which increases the probability of fraud and exposes service members to unnecessary risk by creating a potential funding source for our adversaries,” she said. “By de-dollarizing the Iraqi economy we are helping to strengthen the Iraqi business and banking infrastructure and improving the value of the local currency.”

    Singer said this bank will be available for use by local nationals, third-country nationals, and contractors working on Victory Base Complex, and also noted that the Bank of Baghdad was approved by the U.S. Treasury to hold government funds for U.S. Army finance companies.

    “Having banks on bases throughout Iraq also allows the U.S. government to send electronic payments to our vendors rather than disburse cash,” added Capt. Shaun Miller, U.S. Army Central Command banking officer for Iraq.

    “We have already seen a domino-like effect at other bases, where vendors and contractors are turning around and paying their employees electronically as well,” said Miller, a Washington D.C. resident. “We are promoting financial cultural change toward the banking system, and away from cash.”

    “This bank will not only create jobs, but will also increase the confidence in the Iraqi Dinar and the Iraqi banking system,” Singer stated. “Iraqi’s are still learning to place faith in their banking system because when Saddam was in power, it was not uncommon for him to seize bank assets.”

    She said as local nationals see the benefits of using their banking system; they will gain confidence and will begin establishing checking and savings accounts, as well as be able to obtain loans.

    To date, the U.S. Financial Management Community and the Iraqi Based Industrial Zone, known as IBIZ, with assistance from Miller, have been responsible for officially opening Iraqi banks on two of the U.S. Enduring Bases. Eight additional “Banks on Bases,” have been solicited throughout Iraq, and are expected to be operational within the year.

    “This is a great example of the partnership we’ve created,” Fort Leavenworth, Kan., native, Maj. Jerry England, IBIZ project coordinator said. “Together we are working to build the economy.”


  61. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 01, 2010 @ 13:23:01

    The monetary value of the Iraqi dinar has increased in the last two months

    Baghdad, June 26 ( Akaniwz ) – The Iraqi economic , Saturday, that the reality of the Iraqi dinar in sleep after security has improved markedly over the last two months.

    Susan said Abdul Ali told the Kurdistan News ( Akaniwz ) that ” Iraq has growing economic and clear recently because of improved security and no security operations, which contributed to a boom in commercial activity and economic development in the country. ”

    She explained that ” the actual value of the Iraqi dinar has increased the value of 0.16 for the month of April last , which occurred armed operations , causing deterioration of the economic value of the Iraqi dinar . ”

    “The storm did not cause the Iraqi Central Bank to cordon off the Iraqi dinar to the economic , investment due to the movement which has gripped Iraq , and the recovery of financial circulation between Iraq and a number of countries are: Austria, Germany and Morocco. ”

    The Central Bank of Iraq announced Saturday that the process of lifting of the zeroes of the Iraqi currency , required more time, being a highly complex because of the actions required by the routine and do not bear the country in its current situation to such a process.

    The Iraqi Central Bank has four branches in the governorates of Basra and Sulaymaniyah , Irbil and Mosul , he founded the bank independent Iraqi under the law of the Iraqi Central Bank of 6 March 2004 , which is responsible for the maintenance of price stability and monetary policy implementation , including exchange-rate policies and management of foreign reserves and the issuance and management of Currency , as well as to regulate the banking sector.


  62. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 01, 2010 @ 13:23:52

    Iraq demands ” IMF, ” five billion dollars to meet its budget deficit

    Arbil, June 23 ( Akaniwz ) – An official source at the Iraqi Finance Ministry , on Wednesday , the current budget year, recorded a deficit of 23 trillion Iraqi dinars, pointing out that his country asked the International Monetary Fund , a loan of five billion U.S. dollars to fill the deficit.

    The agent said the Ministry of Finance Fadhil Prophet told Kurdistan News ( Akaniwz ) “The arrival of budget deficit this year to Iraq, to account for about 23 trillion Iraqi dinars, forced the Iraqi government requested a loan from the International Monetary Fund worth five billion U.S. dollars, to plug its budget And distributed to those economic sectors that need it. ”

    “The Kurdistan region will get its share of the loan and the general budget by 17%. . ”

    The Prophet said , ” This will have the amount Aguetrdhanah the World Bank, effect in reducing the budget deficit, ” he said, adding that “the International Monetary Fund has imposed on Iraq, any conditions in return the loan . “


  63. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 01, 2010 @ 13:24:16

    Governor of Central Bank:

    24/6/2010 2:58 pm

    Denied the Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan
    Shabibi force the Iraqi dinar has been affected by the process of lifting
    Zeros from the central bank application
    During the coming period, noting that the process of lifting
    Zeros will be gradual and thoughtful without being
    Have any negative impact on the Iraqi currency.
    This came during a news conference attended by the reporter (and the agency
    Iraqi Information News / INA) convened by the Department
    Bank at the Rashid Hotel address policy
    Altamlat of the Bank and conducted by banks with
    And banks, noting that the attack by one
    Advisor to the Ministry of Finance of private banks
    And saying it would go bankrupt because it deals
    True and non-compliance with the laws of the bank, not realistic
    And incorrect Many banks have contributed to the progress of
    Sector banker, and there is no breach of any event
    Bank, calling on banks not to charge at random ”
    He says. ”
    For his part, Director General of banking at the bank
    Iraqi private banks, including Kabtal
    The Warka and Iranian banks have
    Credits to her name and the banking and capital
    Great, and reject any accusations because the bank
    Responsible for the transactions of these banks, and we are between
    Occasionally freeze on certain sections and keep revisiting the opening
    Actions from transactional banking and there is no blemish
    To any bank, especially those targeted by some of the
    Authorities recently.


  64. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 01, 2010 @ 13:24:41

    Central Bank denies that private banks be put at risk

    Baghdad, June 24 ( Akaniwz ) – denied the Iraqi central bank governor on Thursday, that the development of private Iraqi banks risk Matwkdh by the Ministry of Finance down.

    The Shabibi told Kurdistan News ( Akaniwz ) that ” Iraq is in economically developed and clear, especially with regard to the subject of private banks, which deal with the Central Bank on the basis of economic force in all the countries of the world . ”

    “The main problem facing the Iraqi economy is the impact of the political reality on the economic side of the country , which needs to provide factors stabilize the political side to positively affect the work of government and private banks alike, “he said, pointing out that ” the economic reality in the country Well, and needs to be further efforts are tailored to the needs of the country of Finance. ”

    Description Shabibi charges the Ministry of Finance on the loss of private banks as ” illogical and can not be applied to the land of the economic reality in the country , “saying that “these banks, especially the old ones have credits and capital that the bank is responsible for its financial transactions , whether external or internal , as well as he Is the occasional freezing of bank branches that fail to work. ”

    The total capital of private Iraqi banks from 30 million dollars in 2004 to one billion and 600 million dollars now , except Maatmlleke branches of Arab and foreign banks operating in the country.

    The number of private banks rose from 17 banks in 2004 to 31 banks currently in the number of branches in Baghdad and other governorates from 100 to more than 600 branch to compete in the number and level of services in Iraq bank branches and rational .


  65. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 01, 2010 @ 13:25:21

    The government denies any change on the local currency

    Baghdad, May 30 (Akaniwz) – Iraqi government denied the outgoing Sunday rumors, which was launched on Saturday through a number of media for determination cancellation of three zeros from the currency, domestic financial during the coming period in order to reduce inflation, while the expert described the Iraqi economic economic situation in the country (non-balanced) because it has caused a big gap between the Iraqis.

    Counsel stated in the Iraqi government told Ahmed reputation beyond Kurdistan News (Akaniwz) “Raising the zeros of the Iraqi currency can not be local at the present time due to instability of the Iraqi market and influenced by political and security variables that occur in the country.”

    “It was a government plan to lift earlier in three zeros from the local currency is that it’s after the holidays, we found that this will disrupt the economic situation in Iraq.”

    He noted that “such measures need to stable political situation and this matter is not available at the present time because of continuing disagreements between the political blocs of winning the election on the formation of next government.”

    He explained, “We are rational justifications for deferral to change the Iraqi currency at this time was most important that this issue will contribute to the dimensions of the investment companies from investing in the country”

    He stressed on the reputation beyond Dharrop that “the government does change their role in the local currency and coins, in addition to saying” lies on the next government and head of an important role in addressing the financial Altdkk seen by the Iraqi financial market by making some changes on the local currency. ”

    The rumors have recently confirmed that the Iraqi government plans to raise three zeroes from the local currency and the addition of the Kurdish language by the aim of reducing inflation suffered by the Iraqi market

    The local currency changed to mirror several, most recently in 2004 when the former Governing Council opted instead for Alamlpalsabakp which was a symbol of the former regime.

    For his part, Iraqi economic expert described the economic situation in the country (non-balanced) because it has caused a big gap between the Iraqis, especially in the mechanism of the distribution of salaries and privileges of appointment of government.

    Ali Ke Ji (l Akaniwz) announced today that “the economic situation in Iraq is very bad as experiencing many tensions which will make it flutter lasting impact, creating a big gap in society and the middle class from Gate”

    ” The strange economic reality that the Iraqi people with low incomes are suffering from many economic problems, notably the failure to regulate their monthly income as would other countries”

    And that “the most complex problem facing the next Iraqi government is to review in earnest in the mechanism followed the distribution of salaries of staff and it seems that the task is not easy being established for the past years”

    He Ke Ji, “The distribution system is not fair at all salaries in the country, subject to the privileges measured between staff and creates a significant economic differences”

    The economy of Iraq’s many tensions due to political influences and the country’s security

    The Supreme Committee for the alleviation of poverty, has revealed in a report last week, there are more than six million Iraqis living below the poverty line based on survey data of social and economic status of the family, the estimated cost of basic food requirements per person to 34 250 dinars (about 29 dollars) a month .

    And formed the Supreme Committee for Poverty Reduction Strategy in the light of joint cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Planning and the World Bank in 2007, with support from the Prime Minister’s outgoing Nuri al-Maliki and included a number of members of the House of Representatives and representatives of ministries, universities and the Kurdistan Regional Government, to provide a database and statistical indicators on social and economic status to the Iraqis.


  66. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 01, 2010 @ 13:25:40

    Letter from Warka Bank – 3 Zero News “Null and Void”

    Here is a statement from Warka Bank (largest privately owned Bank in Iraq 120+ branches approx.) – as you can see the CBI is using the media for propaganda purposes in order to curb speculation – if any of the 3 zero stories held water the bank(s) would of course be officially notified – as per the letter from Mr. I. below they have not been notified of any changes.

    I deal with this bank and have several emails from him over the years – as per an earlier agreement we have, as a group, decided to keep his full name off the internet. If you deal with the bank or their ISX dept, you are fully aware of his name and title – he is quite respected and revered as a true professional for Warka Bank and it’s ISX dept.

    Note – From Mr I of Warka Bank :-

    “The CBI has not provided official written notification to the banking sector
    and banks regarding this matter thus it is considered null and void by the
    Iraqi banking sector and this is the general law noting that we contacted
    the CBI regarding this matter where they did not provide anything official
    to comment on simply stating that this matter is under study and has been so
    for the past few years nothing more nothing less.

    The value the currency, shares, property…etc will be set in accordance
    with the value of IQD applied and affected by the CBI in accordance with the
    law where the value of the IQD is set in accordance with the value they set
    and this standard general practice.

    If a revalue takes the entire IQD will be revalued in accordance with the
    rate the CBI sets.

    From our prospective we can not comment and will not comment any further
    unless the CBI officially announces that the removing of the 3 zeros or
    revaluation will actually take place by providing the banking sector written
    documentation where this would be the standard general verification and
    confirmation currently practiced.”


  67. haikal
    Jul 01, 2010 @ 15:11:23!))-How-To-Get-A-Warka-Investment-Bank-Online-Account-Access…&s=7162a2f3fc74e6c8a4819c6833b51ab7……bagi peminat dinar iraq info….


  68. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 02, 2010 @ 09:22:07

    5-year NDP to be launched next Sunday

    June 30, 2010 – 09:56:02

    BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: A 5-year National Development Plan (NDP) will be launched next Sunday (July, 4), the Iraqi Planning Ministry said on Wednesday.

    “The NDP will be for the years 2010 to 2014,” the ministry said in a release as received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    The plan aims at minimizing differences between urban and rural areas, improving infrastructures, providing job opportunities, and boosting Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 9.38% as an average annual growth within the NDP’s timeframe.

    P/s: Harap2 dalam Plan (NDP) terkandung sekali Plan tentang kenaikan Dinar Iraq 🙂 🙂 🙂


  69. kassim
    Jul 02, 2010 @ 09:37:00

    Sdr Helmi,
    Camna nak contact anda?


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 02, 2010 @ 10:11:14

      hubungi saya melalui email pass tu saya akan sent email kepada anda semula & saya akan berikan no H/P saya.


  70. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 03, 2010 @ 03:46:34

    Planning launches tomorrow Sustainable Development Plan 2010 – 2014

    July 3 2010

    BAGHDAD – Omar Abdel-Latif
    Launched and the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, on Sunday, the national sustainable development plan for the years 2010 and 2014. An official source at the ministry statement singled out by the (morning): The launch event will be tomorrow at the Rashid Hotel in central Baghdad,

    Patronage of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation Ali Ghalib Baban, will attend the academics and experts of the ministry and heads of executive departments, as well as local government leaders and officials of the civil society organizations and heads of political entities to announce five-year plan for the country. “This plan has been postponed for six months, after it was scheduled to launch early this year because of the observations and reservations of some provinces, noting that the past period witnessed the development of features and details of the Five Year Plan.

    The source expressed hope that progress with the scheme boom in the economy and improve the quality of services provided to the citizen, who said: «The suffering has surged in recent years and reached a limit is not acceptable», pointing out that Iraqi citizens live by my pension is not acceptable and cities reeling from the impact of poor services. He source to the fact that some 2700 projects worth 186 billion dollars will be distributed over the next five years the life of the plan will be funded through the federal budget as well as through local and foreign investments in activities set by the plan, returned fire action plan of five-year development economic event the most prominent this year because it focused on building rights in education, health and secure clean water and sanitation to the largest possible proportion of the population as well as focus on the theme of the spatial dimension by reducing the differences between the provinces and the distribution of investments by the fair and equitable manner compatible with the need and the degree of deprivation in the previous decades.

    The source revealed that the focus in the implementation of programs to be in the plan will be on oil and electricity sectors as a top priority, given that oil is funded by the foundation of GDP and the financing of the budgets of investment plans. He said strategizing investment in the five-year plan to be reviewed the details of tomorrow, including hundreds of important projects distributed among vital sectors of Iraq needs for reconstruction, stressing the importance of the way through which to deal in the development of a clear vision and easy to understand by all the underlying methodology of the new strategy in line with actual needs of the development of various dimensions and aspects during the years of the next plan and benefit from past experiences in this aspect.

    P/s: Kepada Sesiapa Yg mempunyai Account Bank Di Iraq,Saya Nashiatkan anda “Rajin-rajinlah mengconvertkan duit didalam account bank anda,dengan cara ini anda boleh mengetahui sama ada dinar sudah diapungkan ker belum.kemungkinan besar RV (REVALUE)in Country akan terjadi…ini kerana CBI Telah Mengarahkan Bank-bank Di iraq supaya menghentikan urusniaga mereka sehingga hari isnin akan datang. Kalau benar RV in country akan berlaku maka bersiap sedia kepada pemegang2 account bank diIraq Berkemungkinan IQD 1 = USD 3.65 nilai ini hanya untuk duit yg berada didalam negara iraq. selepas RV in country telah berlaku .. barulah RV secara menyeluruh dengan nilai dinar diapungkan IQD 1 = USD 0.30.


  71. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 03, 2010 @ 03:49:09

    E-mail to Warka bank clients

    Dear Warka Clients,
    Please note that Warka Bank for Investment and Finance will be closed this Thursday July 1st 2010 settling and reconciling our mid annual finances in accordance with the regulations and requirements set by the CBI.
    Our bank will be opened for business Sunday July 4th 2010 providing our full services and products.
    Best regards,
    Operations Team
    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance

    P/s: email dari pada Warka Bank kepada Clients mereka.


  72. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 03, 2010 @ 03:49:56

    Al-Zubaidi confirms the need for a branch of the World Bank in Iraq

    July 1 2010

    BAGHDAD (AP) – Finance Minister Baqer al-Zubaidi, the importance of opening a branch of the World Bank in Iraq in order to promote confidence and the relationship between the World Bank, Iraq and creating a predictable environment to support investment and entry of firms into Iraq.

    Zubaidi and during a meeting with a U.S. delegation led by Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary Charles Cullen said that “the economic successes achieved in Iraq was the result of a strong and sustained effort of the Ministry of Finance in formulating and implementing fiscal policy that has been growing” significantly “in the Iraqi economy.

    He said al-Zubaidi said in a statement the Ministry of Finance that Iraq has achieved significant progress in the relationship with the International Monetary Fund and the Convention chock SBA, where he was receiving (400) million dollars of the loan, (3,8) billion dollars over two years, and the discussions with the Fund for the period From 1317 / July this for the second installment of the loan and the amount of ((475 million dollars.

    Also reviewed Zubaidi with the guests strategic budget for the year (2011 / 2012 / 2013), which demarcates the first time in Iraq to provide a strategy and clear for the phased reduction of the deficit in the budget of Iraq, Federal these years, and limit the benefits of highest production of oil to keep the security gains and economic gains made in Iraq.

    For his part, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury U.S. Government’s commitment to effective U.S. support for Iraq to continue to support the efforts of economic reform in the areas of financial management and the financial market to promote economic growth and prosperity.

    This delegation included also the U.S. Director of the Office for International Economics in the Middle East and North Africa in the U.S. Treasury Department and a number of aides and Treasury Department at the U.S. Embassy.


  73. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 03, 2010 @ 03:50:30

    Development Plan for the next five years focusing on oil and electricity sectors

    July 1 2010

    The Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation of Iraq plans to launch a national sustainable development plan for the years from 2010 to 2014 during the next week.
    The ministry said in a statement issued on Thursday said that the past period witnessed the development of features and details of the five-year plan in order to develop economy and improve services, confirming that the investment strategies in the five-year plan contains hundreds of important projects distributed to the vital sectors.
    The statement also pointed to the establishment of approximately 2700 projects worth 186 billion dollars, will be distributed to the next five years, to be financed from the federal budget, and domestic and foreign investments in activities identified by the plan.
    According to the statement, the plan will focus on the spatial dimension by reducing the differences between the provinces and the distribution of investments just about consistent with the need, with a focus in the implementation of programs assessed on oil and electricity sectors.


  74. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 05, 2010 @ 03:16:24

    Treasury Assistant Secretary Collyns Visits Iraq

    July 2, 2010

    WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced that Assistant Secretary for International Finance Charles Collyns visited Baghdad, Iraq June 30 – July 1 and met with senior Iraqi leadership including Deputy Prime Minister Rowsh Shaways, Finance Minister Baqir Jabr Al-Zubaidy, Central Bank Governor Dr. Sinan al-Shabibi, and Iraq National Investment Commission Chairman Dr. Sami al-Araji. In addition, he met with Iraqi business leaders, academics and representatives from the United Nations and the WorldBank.

    During his visit, Assistant Secretary Collyns discussed the Treasury Department’s commitment to a long-term partnership with Iraq based on our shared interests, and expressed condolences to the families and friends of victims of recent bombings at Iraqi financial institutions. He reviewed progress made by Treasury’s technical assistance program in areas such as banking, taxation, public financial management and anti-money laundering.

    Assistant Secretary Collyns emphasized the importance of implementing prudent macroeconomic policies, promoting development of the private sector and engaging with internationalfinancial institutions.

    P/s: My opinion this tells me we are real close to the rate change 🙂 🙂 🙂


  75. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 05, 2010 @ 03:17:07

    Iraqi economists are calling for activating the law against money laundering

    July 3 2010

    New Iraqi demands for economic experts to activate the law against money laundering, banking institutions are subject to private and public companies, including banking, to act accordingly. They warned against the practice difficult to control, carried out by the offices dealing in foreign currency and local communities outside the scope of the Central Bank of Iraq.
    There was these warnings with the call to organize the work of some 370 franchise companies across Iraq, the value of their capital to one billion dollars and operating under the control of the Iraqi Central Bank accounts are subject to scrutiny and oversight of field constantly.
    It is noteworthy that post in 2003, has offices dealing outside the scope of corporate banking, is the control of its financial transactions is very difficult, they transfer the money in a very large outside Iraq and inside, without the availability of the details around it, prompting officials in the Iraqi Central Bank to create a body combat economic crime, including financial activities of the offices of unlicensed, to underscore the many in this regard and there are operations to finance terrorism and other related financial and administrative corruption.

    The Executive Director called for the Investment Bank of Iraq Hamza asparagus in a statement to «life», the «greater control of the Iraqi Central Bank on remittances, especially with regard to actively banking offices that need to be strict control».He revealed that the money-laundering operations «are strictly confidential and in accordance with mechanisms difficult to control, both for the office of unlicensed or other, since you need illegal practices in a more realistic and serious combat».

    The Director-General of the Department of Banking and trust in the Iraqi Central Bank, Walid Idi Abdul Nabi in a statement to «life», to the great efforts made by the Office of the anti-money laundering at the central bank to reduce the violations recorded in the framework of a corporate banking and foreign exchange ».

    Announced the «development regulations to the Office’s activity derives its objectives and racing of the recommendations of relevant international institutions, as well as increase the effectiveness of associate to the office to enhance their professional capabilities and control, as directed banks, civil and governmental development of control measures necessary and depending on the level of their daily work, so do not pass through any transaction money transfer or receipt of payments without reference to the offices of anti-money laundering currently available in banks.

    P/s: pendapat dari pakar2 ekonomi US : “Well its time to get proof of purchase receipt from dinar dealer… just in case after the RV, banks require proof that dinars came from a legal source”


  76. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 05, 2010 @ 03:17:56

    Ministry of Finance: preparing 3 year budget , first time!

    July 4 2010

    BAGHDAD – morning
    Finance Minister Baqer Al Zubaidi said the economic successes achieved in Iraq was the result of strong and sustained effort of the Ministry of Finance in formulating and implementing fiscal policy that has been growing “significantly” in the Iraqi economy.

    The Finance Minister said the economic relations between Iraq and the United States of America developed, noting that Iraq had made significant progress in the relationship with international institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund agreement was signed chock SBA were delivered (400) million dollars of the loan, (3,8 ) billion dollars over two years and the discussions with the Fund for the period from 1317 / July for the second installment of the loan and the amount of (475) million dollars in addition to cooperation with the World Bank through a program of economic reforms the Iraqi who arranged the standards related to the first review of the arrangements chock Fund International Monetary which will help pave the way for a study loan, the second development policy amount (250) million dollars of the amount of up to (500) million to be submitted by the World Bank for Iraq. and Zubaidi, the Ministry of Finance have grown in support of the private banking sector, where up dependence the one that opens in private banks to four million dollars, and this great achievement in support of private banks. Minister of Finance revealed that Iraq has prepared a strategic budget for the year (2011 / 2012 / 2013) which sets for the first time in Iraq to develop strategy and clear for the phased reduction of the deficit Iraq’s budget for these years, federal and limiting the benefits of higher oil production to keep the security and economic gains achieved in Iraq.


  77. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 05, 2010 @ 03:18:33

    The development plan will provide more than four million jobs in the country

    July 4 2010

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad
    The Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation Ali Baban, Sunday, the main objective of the National Development Plan for the years 2010 – 2014 launched by his ministry today will provide more than four million jobs after its implementation, while also Chairman of the National Development Plan that the plan stems from the ability of the Iraqi economy Advancement through the granting of local administrations in the provinces a major role in the development process.

    Baban said in an interview with “Alsumaria News” on the sidelines of the celebration set up by the ministry to launch a national development plan in Baghdad that “the National Development Plan for the years 2010 – 2014 would qualify sector of the Iraqi economy in general, as well as it will provide more than four million job opportunities, especially between young people and women, “noting that” the plan did not put a document to be only theoretical, but designed to turn into numbers and data reflected on the reality of the economy and development in the country. ”

    Baban said that “the plan focuses on the sectors of production priority to the oil and electricity sectors,” adding that “the problems of the development plan is the bureaucracy (routine government) and the administrative and financial corruption and political interference and the unstable security conditions, that the plan is trying to overcome the problems that may face implementation process “.

    The head of the outgoing government, Nouri al-Maliki said in a speech during the ceremony, there was an evolution in the development plans and budgets and five-year plans in Iraq, and considered that the issue of planning in Iraq, “is no longer primitive,” and noted in this regard that Iraq will begin within the next few years to benefit from the proceeds of all contracts carried out in all areas.

    The cabinet decided to end last April approved Five-Year National Development Plan for the years (2010-2014) as the final revised by the Ministry of Planning, taking into account the amendments proposed by some ministries into consideration.

    For his part the Chairman of the committee that drafted the National Development Plan for the years 2010-2014 the Ministry of Planning Sami when “The plan stems from the ability of the Iraqi economy to promote through the granting of local administrations in the provinces a major role in the development process,” and it calls for the strengthening of management decentralization of development, to diversify by strengthening the role of the local private sector and foreign investment in the country.

    He said when told of the “Sumerian News”, “The National Development Plan for the five coming years, faces multiple challenges highlighted economic fact that the Iraqi economy, Rei, and depends on oil, which contributes 93% of the fund balances the annual federal”, noting that “this provision is affected at market World oil negatively and positively through the rise and fall. ”

    He said Matthew, who is also Deputy Minister of Planning said that “The second problem is the weakness of the private sector following the flight of Iraqi capital abroad, as well as the problem of unemployment, which reached 15% in Iraq,” noting that “The third problem faced by the plan, is occurrence of 23% of Iraqis living under the poverty line. ”

    And criticized by observers of the economic direction the Iraqi government plans to create a long-term economic development, they consider that it did not prove successful in Iraq during the past three decades, as it established a socialist mental or so-called state takeover of all the economic fortunes of the country.

    The rhetoric of the Iraqi officials on the transition to the free market but that the Iraqi state still controlled most of the industries and some of the economic facilities and tourism, and investment law in Iraq, which passed in 2006 contrary to the majority of Iraqi laws in place four decades ago and related to ownership of lands and selling them.

    The ratification of the National Development Plan Five-year (2010-2014) comes to reducing the differences and barriers between urban and rural areas and the provision of infrastructure and social services, and generate new jobs and increase awareness and acceptance of the principles of sustainable development for the realization of an integrated and coherent ensure activation Investment optimized for human and natural resources in the provinces all of Iraq, and through an increase in the employment rate, particularly among young people and women and increase and improve the amount of water processed for human consumption and the quality and hard work to alleviate poverty, widely available in Iraq.


  78. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 05, 2010 @ 03:19:07

    ISX opens week with 1% up

    BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) index opened this week with an increase of 1% to close at 95.2 points with fresh activity by the hotel sector that registered a remarkable rise in its traded shares.
    The ISX index had registered a 0.7% increase to close at 94.2 points during the previous session.
    “Sunday’s session saw more than 399.375 million shares exchanging hands at 1.581 billion Iraqi dinars ($1.3 million) through 411 deals with non-Iraqi investors grabbing 14 purchase deals worth 9 million dinars over the banking, investment, industrial and hotel sectors,” according to an ISX news bulletin received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
    Thirty-one out of a total 85 electronically registered firms traded in today’s session, 10 of them went up, 12 down while nine retained their previous rates.
    The hotel sector came in the lead with 67% of the trading activities through 234 deals worth more than 1 billion dinars over six firms, followed by the banking sector with 16% through 56 deals worth 261 million dinars over eight firms and the industrial sector with 10% through 68 deals worth more than 157 million dinars over nine firms.
    Trading was modest over the service, insurance, investment and agricultural sectors.
    The ISX witnessed its first E-trading session on April 19, 2009 over five registered companies, three banks and two hotels. The banks were: Ashur International Bank (AIB), Al-Mansour Bank and the Iraqi Credit Bank while the hotels were: Ashtar Hotel and Al-Mansour Hotel.
    On June 7, 2009, the Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank and the Warka Bank joined the electronic trading sessions.
    The ISX now holds five sessions from Sunday to Thursday.


  79. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 05, 2010 @ 03:19:39

    The government to increase the Japanese loan to Iraq 1,5 billion

    Erbil, July 4 ( Akaniwz ) – The Iraqi Minister of Finance Baqir al- Zubaidi, on Sunday , the Japanese government loan, it would increase Iraq’s 1,5 billion to become the value of the loan total 5 billion dollars to create new projects in the provinces of the loan.

    According to the ministry’s website that ” al-Zubaidi stressed to increase the loan when he met with the Ambassador of Japan to Iraq, Shoji Ogawa today in Baghdad. ”

    He pointed out that ” During the meeting, review of political and economic relations between the two countries and ways of strengthening them to serve common interests. ”

    He called the Ambassador of Japan according to location , ” the new Parliament to ratify the exchange of notes signed between the Government of Iraq , Japan, included the implementation of three development projects, important in central and western Iraq, including water supply project in Nineveh , Salahuddin and Anbar, worth 421 million Power Station Project crutch in Anbar province, the amount of 295 Million and the establishment of a hydroelectric power station in the province of Dohuk in the Kurdistan region worth 170 million dollars. ”

    The Web site that ” has been allocated the remaining amount of the Japanese loan of 220 million dollars ” .. pointing out that ” the Iraqi Finance proposed the allocation of 120 million dollars to the Ministry of Communications to improve the telephone network ground in Iraq and the allocation of 100 million U.S. dollars to hospitals capacity of 200 beds each . “


  80. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 05, 2010 @ 03:20:35

    Iraq signs a national energy strategy with the World Bank

    Erbil, July 4 ( Akaniwz ) – The chairman of the advisers in the Iraqi government said on Saturday that Iraq has signed a national energy strategy with the World Bank , which aims to provide opportunities for strategic planning for the future of energy over the next twenty years.

    And the transfer of the National Center for information about Thamer Ghadhban as saying that ” acknowledges the contract to prepare an integrated study for the national strategy in Iraq by one of the world known and financed by the World Bank to be completed within 18 months from next month.

    He explained that ” Iraq needs to address all aspects of energy both in terms of bridging the needs of citizens or in sectors such as industry , agriculture, chock , and the search for alternatives and keep abreast of scientific and technical development in the energy industry as well as to study the costs and cost-effective , taking advantage of the investment.

    The ministries concerned, which witnessed the signing of the contract is ( oil , industry and minerals , electricity, and water resources, and planning).


  81. mamat
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 04:17:58

    Dah tak ada berita terbaru ke? dengar cerita dari pihak tertentu yang mungkin tak terlibat dengan lQD kununnya lQD tak ada nilainya. kepada mereka yang faham kedudukan lQD ini, tolong jelaskan situasi lQD, betul ke kata sedikian oleh ‘kunun-kunun’ tu. Saya cadang nak buka akaun warka, dan nak tranfer 1,000,000 lQD ke akaun tersebut, ada sapa-sapa boleh bantu?, kalu niat nak bantu pahala confirm dapat, tapi kalau nak charge pun jangan lah tinggi sangat ye. boleh beri no telefon utk saya hbungi? tq.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 09, 2010 @ 07:58:54

      🙂 bukan dah tak ada berita terbaru.. berita tu hari2 ada tapi saya sebuk ckit kebelakang nie menguruskan pembukaan account bank Iraq untuk coustomer2 saya. sorrylah ekk… 🙂


  82. mamat
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 04:20:24

    tolong inform saya maklumat terbaru seperti yang dibangkitkan di atas tadi melalui email ye, tq


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 09, 2010 @ 08:40:36

      Bro.. Jalan yg paling terbaik.. adalah dengan membuka account Bank diiraq.Bagi saya peduli apa dengan kabar2 angin yg bro dengar tu… dinar ada value ker atau tak ada value ker saya tak takut. sebab sekiranya betul dinar tidak ada value seperti yg bro dengar… bagi saya saya tak rugi apa2 pun sebab saya masih boleh memanggil pulang duit saya yg berada didalam account bank kat sana..dan saya boleh mendapat kembali RM yg saya invest ke Iraq.ini jauh sekali kalau kita bandingkan dengan membeli Fizikal Note.apabila bro sudah membeli fizikal note.. bro dah tidak ada peluang untuk menukarkan semula IQD ke RM.kenapa saya berkata bergitu? Ok.. sekiranya semua orang dah tahu dinar memang sudah tidakada value lagi…siapakah orang yg Masih Cerdik lagi untuk membeli dinar dengan Bro? kesudahannya bro akan mengalami kerugian 100% disebabkan bro invest pada fizikal Note Dinar. so advise saya Bro bukalah account bank diiraq secepat mungkin sementara masih ada waktu lagi.. berkenaan dengan fizikal Note yg bro dah beli… memang dah tak boleh berbuat apa2.confirm mungkin fizikal note yg bro sudah beli itu akan rugi .disini saya paste kan semula keratan akhbar berkenaan Revalue Dinar

      Iraqi economists are calling for activating the law against money laundering ( Sila Baca Artical Surat Khabar yg telah saya lampirkan Pada Post a Comment 75. untuk maklumat lanjut )

      ” Iraqi economists are calling for activating the law against money laundering ”

      July 3 2010

      P/s: pendapat dari pakar2 ekonomi US : “Well its time to get proof of purchase receipt from dinar dealer… just in case after the RV, banks require proof that dinars came from a legal source”


  83. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 08:00:05

    Raise zeros from currency creates controversy economically

    July 6 2010

    Economist said that the deletion of zeros in place of the Iraqi currency to create sensation between supporters and opponents about what that might entail for the effects of the economic sector, especially the volume of currency in circulation in the Iraqi market is estimated about 30 trillion dinars.
    The name Abdul Hadi supporters believe that lifting the zeros will create a psychological effect to the citizen through the strengthening of its currency and adopted more widely, rather than the foreign currency that is demand for it’s combination of high value and ease of pregnancy and the difficulty of counterfeiting. Abdul Hadi said the process of lifting the zeroes will raise the value of the currency and reduces the demand for foreign currency that powerful, would re-balance between the value of local and foreign currency and give it market power at home and abroad. Abizaid and Abdul Hadi either oppose the process of lifting the zeroes believe that the dinar will lose its value and depend on the price index in the local market. And that through the gradual rise of prices would lead to high rates of inflation, so that we lift the zeroes will increase prices and rising inflation rate and have to repeat the same process again.
    Abdul-Hadi We are with the postponement of the process at this time because it will create confusion in the Iraqi market and will be charged the Central Bank of huge amounts of money through the process of drawing, printing, replacement, especially the amount of currency in circulation in the Iraqi market is currently estimated at about 30 trillion dinars compared to what it was the amount of currency on our web site in 2004, which amounted to 4 trillion dinars. He noted that the approach to support market stability and the national currency will be better and more effective than replacement with a new value and other currency
    He also announced the Iraqi market for securities, to allow the Bank of Bahrain’s Ahli United Bank to buy shares of Commercial Bank of Iraq, according to a mechanism in the Iraqi Stock Exchange trading, after the approval of the Iraqi Central Bank to raise the contribution of Bahrain to 75%.
    The statement said the Iraqi market for securities have been approved “to identify the first session to allow the purchase of shares of Commercial Bank of Iraq by the Ahli United Bank, Al-Bahrani,” and that according to the “mechanism of trading in the Iraqi market for securities.”
    The National Bank of Bahrain won the approval of Central Bank of Iraq last year to increase its stake in Commercial Bank of Iraq from 49% to 75% by buying shares of Bank of Iraq from the Iraqi market for securities.
    The Iraqi Stock Exchange in its statement that “all the brokerage firms could purchase coverage through the implementation of contracts for the sale of shares to investors willing to bank in accordance with the trading mechanism.”


  84. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 08:01:39

    Kurdistan International Bank Iraq

    July 6 2010

    Baghdad morning
    Kurdistan International Bank has signed a contract with a Kuwaiti company to implement the project on the use of electronic means in private banks, the Kurdistan Region to provide facilities for the citizens of the Territory, particularly those who have subscriptions with private banks in the Region.

    The website of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan said the new system will come into effect soon and the citizens can handle their money easily through the system to take advantage of electronic banking practice throughout the world.
    The federation cited a spokesman for Bank of Kurdistan International saying: that this regime is followed in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region for the first time, and initiated Bank of Kurdistan, the international introduction of this system to the region where the Kuwaiti company for the introduction of the system and electronic apparatus. The spokesman pointed out that private banks in throughout Iraq follow a newly contributes to the citizens to deal with the banks and provide money and deposited in private banks, without any risk.


  85. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 08:03:48

    Central Bank

    Erbil, July 5 ( Akaniwz ) – The head of the Central Bank of Iraq’s Kurdistan province , Monday , the banks, the region will be linked with banks across the global electronic banking system in the near future , pointing at the same time that the four banks currently operating in accordance with the new system.

    , “Said Adham Karim Darwish told Kurdistan News ( Akaniwz ) “The electronic system is very advanced and global , basically invented a British company, and tested on four banks successfully , until now, ” had ” but we dealt with the company for the Lebanese. ”

    He explained that ” this system includes several services , as a service (ATM) “, pointing out that ” services will increase stage by stage, because it can provide all the services. ”

    Darwish said that “the system can link all the banks in the region with some of them, also provides citizens with the possibility of withdrawing their money in any part of the world as it is linked system of international banks , ” noting that ” the region will enter into the world order. ”

    He continued by saying “even if this system is not completed at the end of this year, it is necessary to understand the citizens . ”

    The 81 banks and 53 government waged, in the Kurdistan region , four banks are the main branches of civil , while the rest are branches of the secondary.


  86. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 08:07:02

    Flydubai launches services to Erbil, Iraq

    July 16 2010

    flydubai, Dubai’s first low cost airline, will launch flights from Dubai to Erbil in northern Iraq, effective from July 16.
    Commenting on the new service (one way fare priced at US$315), flydubai’s CEO, Ghaith Al Ghaith, said: “Erbil is reinventing itself and undergoing an economic boom with new hotels, leisure and healthcare facilities, commercial towers and trade centres.
    “The city’s rapid development has been compared with that of Dubai and it is a beacon of progress for the rest of the country.
    “In 2009, the UAE was the top foreign investor in Iraq and according to reports, the UAE is set to double investment in Iraqi Kurdistan to around AED22 billion in the next three years.
    “flydubai’s new service will not only help to strengthen the relationship between our two nations but will also give the many Iraqi expatriates living in the UAE another affordable, quality air travel alternative to visit friends and family back home.”
    Flights to Dubai will operate twice a week on Fridays and Mondays. On Fridays, FZ202 will leave Erbil at 2115hrs, arriving Dubai at 0055hrs local time.
    FZ201 will depart from Dubai at 1830hrs, landing in Erbil at 2030hrs local time. On Mondays, FZ202 will depart from Erbil at 1415hrs arriving in Dubai at 1800hrs local time. FZ201 leaves Dubai at 1130hrs landing in Erbil at 1330hrs local time.


  87. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 08:09:23

    France builds Iraq business centre to lure firms

    Reuters – [7/8/2010]

    France has taken a leap ahead of its rivals in the race to tap investment opportunities in Iraq by building a heavily fortified business centre and boutique hotel where businessmen can sleep, eat and work in safety.

    The complex financed by private companies near its embassy in Baghdad’s once glamorous Abu Nawas neighbourhood has room for 20 offices — half of which have already been claimed by major firms — and 10 bedrooms for visiting would-be investors.

    “We say this is the time to come back to Iraq,” said Julien Kerdoncuf, deputy head of the embassy’s economic department.

    The firms say “yes”, he said, speaking in English, but note that insecurity, as Sunni Islamist insurgents continue a campaign of suicide bombings and killings, remains a concern.

    “And what we say is: ‘Listen, we take care of that, we arrange everything, you get offices, you get swimming pools, you get hotel accommodation, you get food over there, and security is everywhere, everything you need, so you do not have an excuse not to come’. It is time to come — and actually they are coming, that is the big deal.”

    The companies that have installed themselves in the French business centre include Lafarge (LAFP.PA: Quote), a pioneer of investment in Iraq which already has cement plants in semi-autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan and has just started a $200 million renovation of an Iraqi state-owned cement plant in Kerbala.

    Others are oil contractor Technip SA (TECF.PA: Quote) and engineering firm Alstom (ALSO.PA: Quote).

    Oil major Total (TOTF.PA: Quote), which has partnered with China’s CNPC to develop Iraq’s giant Halfaya oilfield, plans to move from Baghdad’s Green Zone government and diplomatic enclave to the business centre, French diplomats said.

    Emerging from war, Iraq is trying to shake off years of violence, sanctions and economic decline by opening up its vast oil reserves — the world’s third largest — and attracting foreign investment and expertise to help it rebuild.

    But while it has signed 11 deals with global oil companies to develop its richest fields, projects outside the energy sector have rarely gone beyond aspirations. Lingering violence and political uncertainty, four months after an inconclusive election, are keeping most western investors on the sidelines.

    Of those brave enough to invest so far, Iranian, Turkish and Gulf companies lead the pack, especially in Shi’ite tourism, housing and banking.

    The United Arab Emirates is the biggest investor in large projects, with total pledges of $37.7 billion, while Lebanon tops the list of investment deals below $1 billion, according to a report last year by Dunia Frontier Consultants. (For a list of non-oil investment projects in Iraq click on [ID:nKAM126516])


    France opposed former President George W. Bush’s 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Now as a fragile peace returns, it is getting in on the ground floor, said Ambassador Boris Boillon.

    In addition to Lafarge, which produces 60 percent of the cement sold in Iraq, car maker Renault (RENA.PA: Quote) has signed an agreement to assemble trucks in two plants, one south of Baghdad and the other in the Kurdish region.

    Boillon said apart from the issue of security, Iraq suffered from an excess of red tape and corruption that could undermine profitability. The Iraqi government was also moving too slowly to approve plans and projects and put them in motion.

    “I am not exaggerating if I say there are 50 (French) companies now waiting for an Iraqi decision to create a plan, a project. Iraq was considered too dangerous before. Now the question is not of security, it is more about economic profitability,” he said.

    “Now it is important to send the right messages regarding profitability, the struggle against corruption and bureaucracy.”

    Eric Noel, international sales director for defence, space and security for Communication & Systemes, used the dining room of the business centre recently to host officials from the Iraqi Communications Ministry with which CS signed a deal a year ago.

    “Of course security is a major concern,” Noel said. “It has been improving in recent years and months, however it requires a lot of planning … to move around.”


  88. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 08:10:19

    United States plans to sell Iraq F16 jets

    Baghdad, July 8 (AKnews) – The United States intends to respond to the Iraqi request submitted since a long time about buying F-16 jets that are manufactured by Lockheed Martin company,” the spokesman of the American military in Iraq said on Thursday.

    “There are discussions between Baghdad and Washington to buy F-16 jets to support the Iraqi security forces and the Iraqi air force,” Gen. Stephen Lanza said.

    “My country is still considering this issue, and transfering such weapons needs the approvals of the Defence and Foreign Affairs Ministries, in addition to the Congress,” he added.

    “The Iraqi Air Force needs developed equipment to be able to protect its space and the decision of buying the aircraft goes back to the Iraqi government,” he said, noting that “This decision came at the request of the Government and the needs of its army.”

    “The Iraqi Air Force today has more than 100 planes and it is growing to reinforce its troops and today it has approximately 9,500 pilots that have developed their abilities through the courses outside the country,” Gen. Lanza added.

    The Kuwaiti government has asked the United States last year not to arm the Iraqi army with developed weapons that may reverse the power balance in the region, and it demanded of written guarantees that the Iraqi military won’t carry out any operations against the countries of the region.


  89. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 08:11:51

    Iraq works on developing industrial sector

    July 8 2010

    Developing Industrial sector in the country and boosting the national industry is a necessity especially that the Iraqi industry is going thru a transitional period during which it aims at implementing a lot of investment projects inside the country. However, this directive is obvious in the policy Minister of Industry is applying with a number of companies.
    In spite of the relative amelioration in the performance, the Company called the Iraqi government to increase the investment allocations for the upcoming years which could hoist Iraq industry to the level of international industries.
    Investors say that Iraq economic policy needs to boost its technical management in order to deal in a right way with the investment opportunities which need qualified cadres to handle it in the near future.


  90. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 08:13:37

    Iraq celebrates July 14th Revolution Day

    July 7 2010

    July 14, 1958 is the anniversary of the revolution that saved Iraq from monarchy and British occupation and made it a self-rule republic.

    Baghdad, will celebrate on July 14th. This year will mark the 52nd anniversary of the July 14, 1958 Revolution led by Iraqi leader Abdul-Kareem Qasim, which overthrew the monarchy and founded the first Iraqi republic.

    On the occasion, July 14 Revolution was a result of political and social harmony and the long struggle for victory by all segments of Iraqi society.
    Iraq celebrates the anniversary of the revolution and recalls its positive results,” It reminds Iraqi people the lessons learned from the revolution and how Iraqis overcome religious, ethnic and partisan differences.

    Faiq Batti, an Iraqi press historian, said on the day of the revolution. “Al-Bilad newspaper was the first to resume publication on July 16, 1958. A proclamation of an Iraqi republic, the revolution’s statements and (former) Egyptian President Jamal Abdul Nasser’s congratulations made headlines in the newspaper,” he explained.
    A few days after the revolution, other newspapers resumed publication, but were placed under military supervision.

    Following sharp divisions within the Iraqi political scene, newspapers displayed partisan leanings, Batti added.

    Sattar Jabbar, the editor-in-chief of al-Bayyina al-Jadida, an offshoot of Iraq’s Hezbollah Movement’s al-Bayyina newspaper, said that the revolution saved Iraq from monarchy and British occupation and made it a self-rule republic.

    “Despite the revolution’s short age, it has made significant achievements that are still of value today,” Jabbar said.

    Kadhem Ghanim Abu Jawwad, 66, said that he was one of the staunchest supporters of the revolution, adding “Abdul-Kareem Qasim was the best ruler in Iraq’s modern history.”

    Qasim (1914-1963) was an Iraqi military officer involved in the 1958 military coup d’etat that overthrew monarchy. Named Prime Minister of Iraq, Qasim associated himself with the ordinary Iraqi people. He was killed after a show trial on February 9, 1963.

    Umm Orboa, a 73-year-old woman from Baghdad, said, “Had it not been for the revolution, we would not have owned a house.” Iraqis had lived in security and stability away from the scenes of death and destruction, she indicated.

    The July 14 Revolution came after a series of liberal and democratic victories, including the Chinese revolution, the Vietnamese and Korean wars, the Egyptian revolution in 1952, in addition to the Algerian Revolution and the establishment of the United Arab Republic (U.A.R.) by Egypt and Syria.

    According to press releases made after the revolution, it confiscated land from feudalists and redistributed it to poor peasants. Under the revolution, an agrarian reform law and a personal status law that gave women all their rights were enacted. Democratic freedoms were introduced and assemblies, syndicates, trade unions and NGOs were established.

    In 2005, the Iraqi government declared July 14 a national holiday and a statue of Qasim was erected in the heart of Baghdad’s al-Rasheed street.


  91. Kembara IQD
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 13:25:28

    to Mohd Helmy…maaf saudare Helmy mengganggu…sy merupakan penjual dinar iraq & membeli dinar iraq Direct dr Bank iraq sejak 2006…sy byk jual dinar ke USA sbb dier org punye Modal Besar & 1 kali Order 100Mill ke atas..saper2 yg nk jual dinar iraq sy sudi membelinye…harge mengikut Rate IQD terkini..insyaALLAH sy akan pulang ke Malaysia akhir tahun ini…sy nk buke Money Changer n jual & beli Dinar iraq..sape2 yg rase pelaburan IQD merugikan boleh jual kt sy nanti…harge sy beli mengikut Rate IQD terkini…sape2 nk buke Acc kat bank iraq pun xde masalah..leh buke…tp hati2 sbbnye takut kene tipu di agent nnti..kalu kite sndiri yg pergi iraq Ok le..confirm x kene tipu..tanye diri & berfikir..kalu sy dah buke Money Changer nnti x yah susah2 nk buke Acc kat iraq..boleh beli & tukar balik pd biler2 maser aje dgn akn info disini bile sy dah buke MC kt Malysia nnti..Jangn risau nk tukar IQD tu nanti..Doakan sy & kite seme semoga nilai IQD cepat


  92. kassim
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 14:36:04

    wah…bagus tu…tak payah susah2 buka akaun kat bank iraq….sekarang ni sape2 yang ada akaun dalam warka bank sudah risau pasal dah dikeluarkan dalam senarai index ISX…..APA PUN, HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOON…HERE IN MALAYSIA, HEHE …


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 09, 2010 @ 17:28:06

      Bro.. boleh tak tempekkan artical News yg menyatakan “Warka Bank Telah Dikeluarkan Dari Senarai Index ISX”… sebagai proof & bukannya Rumor… sebab saya selalu berintraksi memalui email dengan MR “M”. buat pengetahuan anda MR “M” adalah Deputy Managing Director Senior Executive Warka Bank for Investment and Finance. sebab sebelum ini saya ada ajukan beberapa soalan dengan MR “M’ berkenaan dengan Pemansuhan 3 angka sifar pada note Dinar .. so jawapan yg dia berikan adalah ” “The CBI has not provided official written notification to the banking sector
      and banks regarding this matter thus it is considered null and void by the
      Iraqi banking sector and this is the general law noting that we contacted
      the CBI regarding this matter where they did not provide anything official
      to comment on simply stating that this matter is under study and has been so
      for the past few years nothing more nothing less.

      Sila Baca cerita berkenaan Pemansuhan 3 angka sifar pada note Dinar pada Post a Comment 66. untuk maklumat lanjut.


      • kassim
        Jul 12, 2010 @ 05:16:57

        mungkin takde ape2 >>> sila lihat mesej dipetik dari DV :
        There is NO problem with Warka Bank. One (1) brokerage firm (Rabies) was using Warka Bank in their averages (just like the Dow Jones Industrials,or the S&P),and has decided to drop them from this list.The US Stock Exchange did the same thing when they dropped General Motors from their averages,after all their financial problems.However,I don’t think Warka has any financial problems.I have emailed Mr. I,managing Director of Warka,for a reply. He has been on vacation,and will return Sunday. I will post his answer.

        Read more:

  93. kassim
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 14:43:23

    Oh ya, kepada pemilik2 IQD ….boleh lawat website DV berikut untuk info terkini yand ada kaitan dengan dinar iraq ……


  94. ryzo
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 15:22:19

    saudara kassim, apa kesannya pada pemegang akaun banksekiranya warka bank keluar dari index….


    • kassim
      Jul 09, 2010 @ 16:06:43

      mungkin tak ade kesan…cuma mereka risau kot2 ade yang tak kene dengan warka sehingga dikeluarkan dari index bursa iraq….seperti akaun yang diragukan !!


      • Mohd Helmy
        Jul 09, 2010 @ 17:42:49

        yer!! sekiranya benar seperti En. Kassim Said cakap bagi pada saya itu tidak menjejaskan pemegang2 account bank diwarka. sebab kita bukannya membuka account dibank tersebut untuk bertujuan membuat perlaburan dalam perbagai sector yg ada diIraq. kita hanya Buka account bank Untuk menyimpan sahaja duit tersebut,dan kita akan mengeluarkan semula duit itu setelah dinar telah diapungkan.ini memudahkan kita untuk menjual semula dinar tersebut berbanding kita memegang fizikal note yg kita sendiri tak pasti sama ada dinar in boleh ditukarkan di MALAYSIA atau pun tidak.sekiranya boleh ditukarkan dimalaysia OK… tetapi sekiranya tidak… macam mana kita nak buat. perlu diingatkan KERAJAAN MALAYSIA memang taknak memberi peluang Orang Malayu Kaya, sebabnya sekiranya Orang Melayu semua dah kaya…. so tak dapatlah dia orang nak bagi gula2 kat Orang melayu pada setiap kali Pilihan Raya. that why Orang Cina Ramai yg kaya dari Orang Melayu. 🙂

  95. ryzo
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 16:18:24

    Kalau IQD diampungkan boleh ke kita tukar IQD sebagaimana pelancong tukar duit mereka…..mampu ke Money Changer sediakan duit untuk pertukaran dan BNM x action ke…. duit pindah tangan terlalu banyak…..risau juga ni….


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 10, 2010 @ 01:48:25

      Kalau Saudara Ryzo Risau …jalan yg terbaik adalah dengan membuka account bank Di Iraq.sebabnya sekiranya dinar telah diapungkan anda tidak Perlu berasa takut ketika anda melakukan transaksi Duit (TT) dari Iraq Ke Malaysia.,sebabnya anda mempunyi bukti bahawa anda membeli dinar secara sah, iaitu anda membeli melalui bank dan anda mempunyi bukti salinan penghantaraan duit dari malaysia ke iraq.perlu diingatkan setiap kali anda melakukan pemindahan wang dari luar negara ke malaysia,dan sebelum duit tersebut sampai ke account bank anda..pihak BNM yg akan dapat tahu dahulu bahawa duit ini datang dari mana dan nak masuk ke account siapa dimalaysia.pada masa itu anda akan dapat panggilan telefon dari BNM & Pihak BNM akan meminta anda menjelaskan dari mana datangnya duit berjutan ringgit yg akan masuk ke account anda.pada ketika itu bukti penghantaraan duit dari malaysia ke iraq akan menjadi jawapannya bahawa anda telah membuka account bank di sana & bukannya duit yg datang ini merupakan duit Money Laundring.


      • ayiem
        Jul 10, 2010 @ 08:13:25

        saya setuju apa yang diperkatakan oleh encik helmi….sekurang2nya setiap pembukaan a/c ada bukti pembukaan tersebut….slip pembelian dan sebagainya…boleh dijadikan bukti..jika dibandingkan dgn cash note yanh tidak diketahui sumbernya…lebih2 lg setelah akta money loundring telah dikuatkuasakan….dgr cerita matawang kecil telah ada dan tungggu masa untuk di lunch kan…..oleh itu MARI KITA LIHAT SIAPA YANG KENA …..he…he…he…..

  96. mamat
    Jul 10, 2010 @ 08:29:58

    Salam encik Kassim,

    Bagaimana saya nak hubungi encik kassim? Boleh bagi kontek info, orang seperti saya memerlukan pertolongan encik kassim, saya kurang maklumat mengenai dinar, semasa beli dinar dulu, urusannya senang je, ceritanya “anda beli dinar dan tunggu ia diapungkan, boleh tukar ke rm mengikut nilai usd”, ketika itu terbayang dapat duit banyak, maka saya dan kawan-kawan beli dinar, tanpa fikir panjang, memang ada risiko dan berbagai spekulasi, walau bagaimana pun saya harap encikKassim adalah antara orang yang dapat memberikan info dinar ini dan dapat membantu saya dan kawan-kawan menukarkan dinar ke RM apabila dinar ini diapungkan atau di RV. Untuk maklumat encik kassim nilai lQD fisikal yang saya dan kawan-kawan simpan ketika ini hampir mencecah lQD 100,000,000 ( lQD100 juta) inilah yang merisaukan saya dan kawan-kawan semua, ada pihak yang menyatakan fisikal dinar tidak ada nilai langsung apabila diapungkan. Harap encik Kassim dapat memberi nasihat dan seterusnya membantu kami. Terima Kasih.


  97. mamat
    Jul 10, 2010 @ 08:43:00

    Salam untuk encik Kasim sekali lagi,

    En. Kassim boleh hantar cadangan, pandangan, nasihat kepada saya melalui email saya ni,
    Sebarang makluman , nasihat atau cadangan yang positif dari encik Kassim akan saya sampaikan kepada kawan-kawan saya, dan kami akan bertindak secara kolektif agar kami dapat sama-sama merasa untung dengan RV dinar ini. Semoga pertolongan dari encik Kassim itu akan diberi ganjaran oleh Allah swt……lnsyaAllah…tolonglah dengan niat kerana mencari keredhoan Allah swt.

    terima kasih banyak-banyak atas cadangan serta nasihat dari encik Kassim.


  98. Gudang Garam
    Jul 10, 2010 @ 13:10:46

    siapa yg masih bercadang nak beli dinar sila lawati disini…

    RM:3,900 IQD 1.2Mil. itu pun kalau you all masih berminat dengan fizikal Note…:-)


  99. Kembara IQD
    Jul 10, 2010 @ 14:29:12

    to mamat..x yah risau pasal dinar fizikal yg dah ade di tgn en..cube bace komen sy kat ats di kembara IQD…kalu En tol2 nk jual 100Mill tu leh jual kat sy…insyaALLAH akhir tahun ni sy dah ade kat akn beli 1OOMill tu dgn RATE IQD terkini…sy Jual Dinar ke US 100Mill per/minggu sejak 2006 ( Note 25000,10000,5000,1000,500,250 & 50..syiling iraq nilainye 25sen & 100sen pun sy ade jual )..lihat website ni ( org Order besar & harge dier org dapt mmg murah..lagipun deir org customez tetap sampai sesape nk buke Acc bank di iraq xde saper nk halang..leh buke..risiko tanggung skrng kat Timur Tengah & dekat sgt dgn iraq..yg memisahkan hanye Border aje antare 2 negare ni..pernah sy nk buke Acc Bank di iraq melalui Bank di luar iraq tp di negara arab la sbb sy x nk masuk iraq mase tu kerna keadaan terlalu bahaye….dier org x bagi..katenye kene pergi sndiri iraq kalu nk buke Acc di sane..lagipun bg org luar/ajaanib kalu nk buke Acc Bank di sesebuah negara arab dier nk tgk passport antarabangse kite & dier akn copy muke depan passport kite..kalu xde passport mmg x leh buke Acc bank la jawabnye..mudah citer..itu pengalaman sy..utk pengetahuan sedare semua..kat Negara Arab Money Changer dier org terime pertukaran dinar iraq..x cayer beli tiket flight & pegi maner2 negare arab tgk sndiri..insyaALLAH akhir tahun ni ade Money Changer yg membeli & menjual IQD di Malaysia..Doakan sy & kite seme..pe2 hal leh email pd sy..insyaALLAH sy akn membantu & kongsi bersame


  100. mamat
    Jul 10, 2010 @ 23:57:36

    Salam Kembara lQD,

    terima kasih atas hasrat saudara nak buka MC, saya harap jadi kenyataan secepat mungkin. Saya dan kawan-kawan ada simpan hampir lQD100 juta menanti untuk ditukar ke RM apabila lQD d RV nanti, kami risau dengan bermacam-macam spekulasi yang tidak menentu mutakhir ini. Sekiranya anda buka MC nanti semua lQD kami akan ditukar melalui anda. TOLONG BERI KONTEK INFO ANDA UNTUK KAMI HUBUNGI, tq sdra kembara dinar. Saya harap dapat menghubungi saudara.


  101. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 11, 2010 @ 03:03:55

    The importance of a branch of the World Bank in the country

    July 11 2010

    Baghdad morning
    Finance Minister Baqir Jabr Al-Zubaidi importance of opening a branch of the World Bank in Iraq in order to promote confidence and the relationship between the parties, and creating a predictable environment to support investment and entry of firms into the country.

    A statement issued by the Information Office at the Ministry of Finance, the minister stressed during his meeting yesterday with the first U.S. delegation led by Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary Charles Colleen on «the economic successes achieved in Iraq was the result of strong and sustained effort of the Ministry of Finance in formulating and implementing fiscal policy that has been growing» large »in the national economy.
    He said Zubaidi «that Iraq has made significant progress in the relationship with the International Monetary Fund and the Convention chock SBA, as it was received 400 million dollars of the loan of 3.8 billion dollars over two years, and the discussions with the Fund for the period from 13 July 17 under for the down payment the second loan, amounting to 475 million dollars.
    The minister reviewed with the visiting delegation strategy budget for the years 2011 and 2012 and 2013, which sets for the first time in Iraq to develop strategy and clear for the phased reduction of the deficit in the budget of Iraq Federal these years and limiting the benefits of highest production for oil to preserve the gains security and economic achievements of the country.

    On his part.
    Said Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary’s commitment to his government’s effective support for Iraq to continue to support the efforts of economic reform in the areas of financial management and the financial market to promote economic growth and prosperity.
    The delegation included the U.S. Director of the Office for International Economics in the Middle East and North Africa, the U.S. Treasury and a number of aides and Treasury Department at the U.S. Embassy.


  102. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 11, 2010 @ 03:09:39

    Maliki’s acceptance of of Dr. Iyad Allawi, head of the Iraqi List, as the coming Prime Minister

    7/10/2010 6:06:00 PM

    BAGHDAD, July 10 (KUNA) —

    Iraqi Vice President and leading figure of the Iraqi List Tariq Al-Hashemi hailed here Saturday the leader of the State of Law Coalition Nouri Al-Maliki’s acceptance of of Dr. Iyad Allawi, head of the Iraqi List, as the coming Prime Minister.

    Al-Hashemi said that this stance is a positive development that is hoped to put a quick end to the controversy over the Iraqi List’s right to form the cabinet in its capacity as the winning parliamentary bloc and the constitutionally eligible one to form the government.

    Al-Hashemi added in a statement that, “The Iraqi List deem such statements as a positive political development on the part of the State of Law Coalition, though this should be translated into an actual response through the negotiation committees between the two sides.”

    He added, “We hope for the coming round of negotiations between the relevant committees to be held soon.” On the coming parliamentary session and the possibility of finding solutions that expedite the formation of government, Al-Hashemi said that this depends on the stance of other parliamentary blocs, pointing out that “if our partners took a quick move on the political process, then I think that there would be a chance to agree on the remaining major posts.”

    Al-Maliki, the outgoing Iraqi Prime Minister said last Thursday in Beirut following his meeting with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri that, “there is nothing precludes,” Allawi’s chairing of the new government, “when things run according to the approved constitutional rules,”.

    Finally, he said that, “there is no veto power over one the parliamentary blocs that took part in the elections and won.”


  103. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 11, 2010 @ 03:11:29

    A possible deal between Maliki, Allawi

    July 10 2010

    While approaching the resumption of the first open meeting of the new parliament will continue Differences among the parties of the political process while media leaks indicate the existence of an agreement between Qamiti Allawi and Maliki to share the posts of Prime Minister of the Republic and Oriasp mutual consent, this Agreement may, according to politicians Lead to change the image of alliances and a mechanism, which was distributed by the sovereign of the three positions in the state where the former prime minister of the share component of the Shiite and the Republic of the share component of the Kurdish parliament and the share component of the Sunni.

    Possible settlement between the coalition and Iraqi rule of law will come with the chances of cross Jalal Talabani, the Kurdish candidate lists for the office of the presidency, who says that Kurdish politicians were clearly in its favor, according to the positions of all blocks winner.
    He said an independent member of the Kurdistan Alliance Mahmoud Othman, the “file cabinet is still in the framework of chatter and speculation we have not seen any concrete agreement,” adding that “the opportunity Talabani is the largest among the other leaders to take over the presidency of the republic.”
    He’s (weekly): the “candidate of the Kurdistan Alliance enjoys significant Poivre d’qualifications that it will lead to renewal for a second term in this position because of the U.S. position that supports the survival in this business and political blocs that had been resolved ordered in this regard but Osman hinted at the possibility that the study lists the Kurdistan any offer offers as a substitute for the presidency, saying “If a new update, we will look like any list, including formally introduce us to study for final position toward it.”
    Maliki has hinted at the possibility of forming a government in conjunction with the Iraqi List, saying in a press statement during his recent visit to Beirut that he sees no harm in that form a new government headed by Iyad Allawi.
    This situation by observers as a change in tone between the liabilities and adults, especially Allawi, during a separate visit to Beirut, also expressed optimism (breakthroughs recently) for the current crisis over the formation of the government.
    In this regard, “says political analyst Mohamed mint that the tone of rapprochement between Iraq and the rule of law seemed clear.
    He said in an interview with Mint (weekly) that “the failure of the National Alliance, a satisfactory solution to the problem of the post of prime minister opened the way for Maliki’s coalition to change the part with respect to alliances.”
    He saw that “Allawi’s coalition is essential for him to exploit this opportunity to get the post of prime minister or the Republic,” saying that it was” If coalitions have succeeded In resolving the differences found itself forced Iraq to accept the post of presidency of the parliament. ”
    For his part, member of the Iraqi List, which won first place in the elections, Kamal al-Dulaimi said his list still believes in the principle of the involvement of winning the four blocks to form a government but pointed to the need to divide the positions between the lists on the basis of the electoral weight.
    He’s (weekly) that “the division of posts in accordance with the election of the benefit will be devoted to peaceful transfer of power, thereby increasing the opportunity to adopt the election results at the next session away from political conflicts.
    The period of selecting a president by the Constitution did not Taqiy old days when only three blocks will be the winner is invited to resume the open session of parliament on Wednesday the fourteenth of July, the ongoing one full month the first meetings on the fourteenth of last month.


  104. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 11, 2010 @ 03:14:11

    Discussing the establishment of 10 hospitals in Iraq

    July 10 2010

    Met with Finance Minister Baqir Jabr Al-Zubaidi, Minister
    Health Faleh Al_husoni During the meeting, they discussed
    The issue of facilitating the procedures for financing the establishment of 10 hospitals
    Sophisticated capacity of 400 beds in all provinces.
    A media source in the ministry of the reporter (and the agency
    Iraqi Information News / INA) that the Minister of Finance
    During the meeting, confirmed its full support for this project
    Dynamic stressing the ministry is keen to launch
    Amounts allocated to this project within the budget of 2010.
    As well as the launch of the amounts allocated to the Ministry of
    Of Health to import advanced medical equipment
    And the development of hospitals and health centers working
    In Iraq.
    For his part, Minister of Health reviewed during the meeting
    Stages of completion of these hospitals, they returned it as a
    Quantum leap in the provision of medical services
    Of the citizens.
    The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Health and Adviser to the Minister of
    Financial and general manager of Commercial Bank of Iraq
    And the Director General of the Department projects in the Ministry of Health.


  105. nazhasecret
    Jul 12, 2010 @ 13:37:31

    sy mmg suka korang duk share info kt blog yg mana promote sy mmg cantas..sila buat blog sendiri jika nk promote jual beli dinar iraq masing2..yg nk promote bukak warka ke ape ke buat la blog n pamerkan rege n syarat2.

    kenapa sy buat blog sbb sy bole tinggalkan jejak setiap kali sy berkongsi info..mcm anda yg menumpang promote jika jd ape2 anda akan lepas tangan n tkde sape leh jejak anda jika berlaku ape2..


  106. isma
    Jul 13, 2010 @ 22:07:55

    bila nak rv


  107. isma
    Jul 13, 2010 @ 22:08:49

    dah tak sabar ni


    • kass
      Jul 14, 2010 @ 00:24:50

      sabar…tunggu terbentuk kerajaan dan keluar dari BAB7 dulu…sabar tu separuh daripada imannn….


  108. isma
    Jul 14, 2010 @ 10:10:44

    innallahhu maassobirin…..go rv ..go ri


  109. isma
    Jul 14, 2010 @ 10:15:10

    bolih cik kassim terangkan money laundering tu apa?


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 14, 2010 @ 17:23:20

      Pelaburan wang haram adalah proses mengubah jumlah besar wang diperolehi dari jenayah serius, seperti penyeludupan dadah, ke dalam keasalan dari sebuah sumber yang sah.[1] Ia adalah jenayah dalam banyak bidang kuasa denga pelbagai takrifan. Ia merupakan suatu operasi utama ekonomi bawah tanah.

      Dalam undang-undang AS ia adalah amalan melibatkan urusan kewangan untuk menyembunyikan pengenalan, sumber, atau destinasi wang yang diperolehi secara haram. Dalam undang-undang UK takrifan common law adalah lebih luas. Kelakuan ini ditakrifkan sebagai mengambil apa-apa tindakan dengan harta milik dalam mana-mana bentuk yang sama ada keseluruhannya atau sebahagiannya hasil jenayah yang akan menyamarkan fakta bahawa harta milik itu adalah hasil jenayah atau mengaburkan kepemilikan bermanfaatan harta milik yang dikatakan.

      Pada masa lalu, istilah “pelaburan wang haram” telah digunakan hanya pada urusan kewangan berkaitan dengan jenayah terancang. Kini takrifannya sering diperluas oleh kerajaan dan pengawal atur antarabangsa seperti Office of the Comptroller of the Currency AS untuk bermakna mana-mana urusan kewangan yang menghasilkan aset atau suatu nilai disebabkan tindakan haram, yang mungkin melibatkan tindakan seperti pengelakan cukai atau perakaunan palsu. Di UK, ia malah tidak perlu melibatkan wang, tetapi mana-mana barang ekonomi. Mahkamah-mahkamah melibatkan pelaburan wang haram dilakukan oleh individu peribadi, pengedar dadah, perniagaan, pegawai rasuah, ahli pertubuhan jenayah seperti Mafia, dan juga negeri-negeri.

      Apabila jenayah kewangan menjadi lebih kompleks, dan “Financial Intelligence” (FININT) telah menjadi lebih diakui dalam memerangi jenayah dan keganasan antarabangsa, pelaburan wang haram telah menjadi lebih menonjol dalam debat politik, ekonomi, dan undang-undang. Pelaburan wang haram adalah haram ipso facto; tindakan menghasilkan wang itu hampir sentiasa bersifat jenayah dari sesetengah segi (kerana jika tidak, wang itu tidak perlu untuk dilaburkan haram).

      P/s: Harap ini dapat membantu… 🙂


    • kassim
      Jul 14, 2010 @ 22:12:04

      en isma…alaa..macam antar kain baju kat mesin laundrette laa…pakai coin palsuuu….


  110. isma
    Jul 14, 2010 @ 23:09:10

    syukran gazillan


  111. koko
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 02:49:33

    nampak nya dah seminggu tak ada sapa yang buat spekulasi dan komen kat sini. mungkin sekarang ni waktu bertenang dan tunggu berita je agaknya,


  112. naKata"17"
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 06:11:33

    maYbee koT….x de hot2 issUe keW???


  113. belumkata
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 07:36:34

    Minta kerjasama semua yang ingin menulis dalam blog ini agar menggunakan bahasa dan ejaan orang yang educated yang mudah difahami, tq semua, semoga semua yang menulis di sini dihormati dan dianggap orang yang educated. bye….


  114. mamat
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 08:09:33

    Salam kepada saudara lQD,
    Semoga anda bahagia, saya dapat maklumat yang belum disahkan bahawa lQD denominasi yang baru (denom kecil) telah beredar di iraq, sewajarnya RV semakin hampir. Sebelum RV berlaku, saya ingin mendapat sedikit pandangan saudara, sekiranya lQD note 25,000, 10,000 dan 5,000 perlu ditukarkan ke denom yang lebih kecil, ada atau bolehkah ianya ditukarkan di pengurup wang tempatan atau perlu melalui ejen dinar juga. Harap dapat komen atau pandangan saudara, semoga saudara dapat membantu…tq


  115. kassim
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 10:00:03

    sdr mamat, knape pulak nak tukar ke denom kecil? …kan lebih baik terus cash-in aje…habis cerita !


  116. kassim
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 22:37:06

    Terkini, kerajaan baru iraq terbentuk dlm masa terdekat..? Sila baca:
    Iraqiya Proposals: Allawi for PM, Talabani for President, Hammoudi for Speaker

    19/07/2010By Maad Fayad

    London, Asharq Al-Awsat – Informed sources within the Iraqi National Alliance which is led by Ammar al-Hakim informed Asharq Al-Awsat that they had received a copy of proposals from Iyad Allawi’s Iraqiya bloc with regards to the formation of the next government of Iraq. The sources said that the proposals include Iraqiya bloc leader Allawi becoming Iraqi Prime Minister, with the presidency remains with current Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, and the position of parliamentary speaker being given to a member of al-Hakim’s Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq. The source within the National Iraqi Alliance told Asharq Al-Awsat that “the Iraqiya bloc is making proposals regarding the designation of the leadership positions [prime minister, president, parliamentary speaker] and some high-level positions in the next government, and we are studying these proposals which we received a copy of the day before yesterday, as did the Sadrist trend.”

    The source clarified that the proposal was for the formation of a national partnership government led by the Iraqiya bloc’s Iyad Allawi, with Talabani remaining president, and both Adil Abdul-Mahdi, a senior member of al-Hakim’s Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, and the Iraqiya bloc’s Tariq al-Hashemi, remaining as Iraq’s vice presidents. The Iraqiya bloc also proposed Hamam Hammoudi, also of al-Hakim’s Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, as the Iraqi parliamentary speaker.

    This came as Allawi was scheduled to meet with Sadrist trend leader Moqtada al-Sadr yesterday in Damascus amidst signs that the crisis over the formation of the Iraqi government is drawing to a close.


  117. mamat
    Jul 21, 2010 @ 04:31:08

    Salam saudara Kassim,
    Terima Kasih, saya mungkin dpt maklumat salah, bahawa lQD 25,000, 10,000 dan 5,000 tidak bernilai jika denom kecil berada dalam pasaran, kalau laku n boleh tunai direct oklah memang cntik, saya ni banyak selok belok invstmnt dalam lQD yang tak faham, nasib baik jugalah ada info dlm blog spt ini, harap info yg benar itu tetap benar dan disiarkan di sini, saya invst dalam dinar ini kerana keinginan n smngat tinggi untuk membantu org-org yang memlukan bntuan spt yg dipapar dalam akhbar, tv n sbgnya setiap hari, moga Allah SWTmakbulkan hsrat saya itu, do’a kan untuksaya sama ye, agar hasrat saya ini jadi kenyataan…INSYAALLAH…jumpa lagi INSYAALLAH


  118. isma
    Jul 21, 2010 @ 13:07:54

    amin….laallakum barakallah


  119. kassim
    Jul 22, 2010 @ 03:43:34

    Salam kepada sdr mamat, isma dan pengikut blog ini >>> Sila baca petikan daripada DV yang saya kira amat informatif sekali mengenai IQD !!!

    Enorrste Post: The G.E.T. Team 7/21/10
    July 21, 2010 · Posted on Dinar Daddy

    I have decided tonight to give you all a brief review of the FACTS of the situation prior to offering my take on the “where we are” part of my presentation.

    I don’t do this to fill time but do it instead for two simple reasons: first, there are “newbies” who have hardly a clue as to why they are involved in this investment. Second, there are many among you who are truly frustrated with the incessant delays and have come to question whether you have made a bad investment.

    In the next few minutes I hope to show you both that you have not only made a good investment, but also to show you that your investment is about to pay off for you. I will be as specific as I can in this effort, and I will also be as concise as I am able. I am aware from your comments in the forums that you appreciate how I “make it simple to understand”. Therefore, with your blessing, I will begin.

    Many people have questioned over the last several years whether this is a “pipe dream” or a real investment. We need to deal with that first, and foremost, so that we can dispense with it once and for all.

    In short, the question is this: Is this investment an “if” or is it a “when”?

    After that, we will ask another much more important question. Please bear with me.

    Our journey begins with information received from two sources. The first is truly amazing. It is also quite new to you all. This is not all review. You will be surprised to find out that the United States government made a decision as far back as the end of the Saddam Hussein regime to do what they did, and at that very time they also made it clear that this was a temporary decision.

    I had been told this some time ago, and actually believed it. But it was Muffin, from our own site, who presented me with the proof of this amazing reality.

    She sent me a file of 198 pages that says quite clearly that the decision to reduce the value of the IQD to toilet paper value was intentional on the part of the US. Furthermore, the document that she sent me, which I will post in the “files to download” section of our forums, says clearly that it was the intention of the US, as occupier of Iraq, to eventually re-instate the value of the IQD (known as the “new Dinar” in the file) to the value that it held in the 1970s.

    Furthermore, and this is extremely important, the same unclassified document also said in a footnote that it was important that this not be revealed too soon because of the potential speculative affect that it would have on the international markets when the currency was brought back to that 1970s level.

    Incidentally, that level, in the 1970s, was over $3.00 per dinar.

    This is totally new information to you all, and to the internet in general, and Muffin deserves the credit for having found it. We will post it on our site as a “file to download”, which, incidentally, no other website that I am aware of offers at this time. Our position is clear: the truth will come forth freely!

    Now, having said that, I’d like to present a brief synopsis of what happened after that classified document was written, and how it eventually became a reality, and how we can now know that we will see the dinar at its 1970s value of over $3.00 in the near future.

    Incidentally, friends, you won’t find this anywhere else, period. I’m not boasting. I’m just telling you the truth.

    Since that document was written as a classified document here is exactly what has occurred. I have written this in my book, which is free for download only on our site, but also may exist elsewhere, since I do have a history of moving from home to home. In any case, what I present here is a brief review of what I know to be true and can prove, and that is what is important, in my opinion.

    All of my comments are available in my book, with links, until I state otherwise.

    In September of 2005 an official statement was made in which it was announced that the “value” of the dinar was the responsibility of the Central Bank of Iraq while the “fiscal policy” was the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance. At that time it was stated that the dinar was grossly undervalued. More to the point is this fact from the article, which I have not presented before other than in my book, and which is quite telling. Here is the quote:

    “Lastly Zubaidi [in his] correspondence in reference to the International Monetary Fund in supporting the resolution of the Iraqi dinar noted that it was remarkable considering that the Central Bank of Iraq financially covers $ 11 billion dollars to support the value of the Iraqi dinar and that amount of cover is rarely found in the third world.”

    Now this was in 2005, folks, and it was clear then that the CBI was totally on top of things. They were way over the top in terms of supporting the value of the dinar, which then, as now, was toilet paper. Their reserves of 11 billion dollars were enormous in terms of what other third world countries had to cover their own currencies.

    I am just beginning. Please fasten your seat belts.

    On June 29, 2006 a statement was made by Mr. Al-Zubaidi that will blow your minds. I will quote what was written in the article posted that day:

    “The Ministry of Finance together with the Central Bank are studying a proposal to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar in order to return it to previous levels where one Iraqi dinar was valued at 3.33 US dollars.”

    For those of you who are new to this investment you are beginning to see why I am optimistic. But we are only at 2006. Let’s move on.

    I have to stop a moment. Does any other site do this? Think about that for a moment.

    Now, on January 21, 2007 Mr. Al-Zubaidi made another statement which was posted in the press. Here it is, and I quote:

    Al Zubaidi emphasized that the Ministry of Finance and in consultation with the Central Bank seeks to identify the exchange rate of the dollar at 1260 dinar during the this year. It also laid down a plan to restore the Iraqi dinar to its former era during the coming three years expressing his hope to stabilize its exchange rate at 1000 dinar for the dollar during the coming period.

    Now it is important to note that he stated that it was his “hope”, clear back in 2007, that the exchange rate would reach its value from the “former era”, namely before Saddam’ regime, for the dinar. This is not reported anywhere else on the internet, and we have him on record from that date that the dinar should return to the pre-Saddam value, for the second time! This was in January of 2007.

    In August of 2008, about 18 months later we received another article of confirmation regarding the intentions of the Iraqi government. Here is a quote:

    “The Finance Ministry has prepared a plan to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar and then delete the three zeroes from the dinar’s value to contribute to the advancement of the Iraqi economy during the coming period.”

    It was here that the problems with the “lop” theory began, because the term “delete the three zeros from the dinar’s value” was introduced into the discussion.

    However, this was way back in 2008. All we needed to do was wait for the Iraqis to give us more information, and it would all become clear.

    We finally got their answer on February 10, 2010, this year. Here are the clear quotes from the the Radio Free Iraq press:

    The Iraqi Central Bank is planning to redenominate the national currency in an effort to ease transactions and allow people to carry less paper money.

    That seems clear enough. But there was more:

    “Muhammad Salih, a member of a Central Bank advisory panel, told RFI that a plan has been made to remove three zeros from the currency and phase out the current banknotes late this year.

    “Salih said by the end of 2010 the new banknotes will be fully introduced while the old banknotes will be gradually removed from circulation.

    “Both will be legal tender in Iraq until the old notes are completely withdrawn.”

    Now, if this was unclear to anyone, and it certainly should not be, a statement was made again on February 10, only four days later, to clarify the intentions of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Ministry of Finance.

    Here is a quote from the article:

    The CBI begins at the end of the year and gradually will replace the currency now in circulation and a new currency in which zeroes are deleted is within the strategy to reform the monetary system started in 2005.

    It is important to note here that this article is stating exactly what I have stated, namely that this process was started in 2005. Muffin’s sending me this confirmed to me absolutely that this is not just an Iraqi plan but more importantly that it is the UN/US plan, and has been from the beginning. This is very important, my friends.

    I’m just getting going now.

    On the very next day Mr. Al-Zubaidi, the head of the Ministry of Finance, said the following, and I quote from the article:

    The proposal to raise three zeroes from the currency will be in accordance with the right monetary policy and is not gradual, as happened in Turkey and this policy will raise the monetary value of the Iraqi currency and will Strengthen the Iraqi dinar against all currencies.
    I have shortened the actual quote there but the content remains the same.

    Not a week later Mr. Shabibi, the head of the Central Bank of Iraq went on record himself before the IMF. He wrote a “Letter of Intent” to them which was written just before Al-Zubaidi’s public announcement but was published shortly thereafter. The letter itself is dated February 8, 2010.

    In his Letter of Intent to the IMF he announced, essentially to the world, that the Iraqi dinar would “enter the international financial markets”. Furthermore, he stated that it would happen in “the near future”.

    Even more telling, he announced that on entering that market that the IQD would be on a “managed float”.

    Now, all of this is consistent with the following, and this is why I have presented it:

    First, it is now known that this was the plan of the United States for Iraq from the beginning. This comes from the 198 page document that Muffin sent me and confirms what I had written in my book, but adds that it was the US plan and not just an Iraqi plan.

    Second, this has been shown to have been planned from 2005 and that Iraq is only following the plan.

    Third, by announcing that Iraq is ready to bring the IQD to the international market “in the near future” we can clearly see that Shabibi of the CBI was ready clear back in February when I published my book.

    So, what has happened since then, and, more particularly, what is holding up the RV?

    If you will indulge me a little longer I will give you the outline of what has happened since then. At the end of this, hopefully, everyone on this call will know, without a hesitation of a doubt, that your investment is not only real, but also that it will pay off, big time.

    So, let’s move forward. I hope I haven’t lost you all, yet.

    We see now that the entire issue of the revaluing of the dinar was set in stone by the US government 5 years ago and that the plan was well underway by the Iraqi government. We also see that they were following the “orders” as written for 5 years now.

    This should seal for all of you this fact: this is not an “if” question; it is now a “when” question. Therefore for those of you who have been in this for years, relax. This will happen, and soon.

    Let’s see why that is the case.

    The dinar was set to RV in late December or early this year. Both Maliki and Shabibi indicated that in correspondence with the UN, in Maliki’s case, and in the press, in Shabibi’s case. I won’t bother you with the quotes from here on since it is available somewhere on the net, either on Adam’s site, dont promote other sitess’, or Currency Chatter. It was presented there by me and is still in there archives. In any case, I will reproduce this at the GET TEAM site in short order so that you will all know that I’m not a “bloviator”, as O’Reilly uses the term.

    Unfortunately the entire RV scenario came to a halt with the election in Iraq. Our “blessing” as Frank calls it, has been delayed.

    We all know what has happened over that last four months. I will state this simple fact: the entire delay is due to one man only. If you are not aware of whom I am speaking then I suggest you find another site to follow. This is not a game. This is our investment.

    I am trying very hard to elevate the discussion so that we all can see what is happening and where we are, today.

    Now, 20 minutes into our time together, let’s figure out where we are. I will now move into the immediate present and the near future, since I’ve bored you enough.

    As I predicted some weeks ago the alliances have now been formed. I am confident in stating this since Al-Sadr himself has stated it. Here is the way that this will play out.

    Al-Sadr has finally made a commitment, as of today only. He has sided with Allawi. This is in spite of Maliki’s attempt to sway him to the State of Law side by offering to release prisoners. However, Al-Sadr, a cleric, and a Shiite, has figured out that Maliki cannot be trusted. He knew this from the beginning but gave the man an opportunity to show his cards.

    Clearly, the cards were not sufficient to sway Al-Sadr.

    What was amazing, to me, was that Al-Sadr also failed to show his own cards with Allawi when they met in Damascus a couple of days ago.

    Yet today he said it, and he said it clearly. Without endorsing Allawi directly he stated that the Iraqiya List, which is the Allawi group, has finally found the solution to form the new government.

    Having said this, I predict that the new government will be announced within the next day or two at the most, and almost certainly tomorrow (I’m writing this on Tuesday night).

    Whether Maliki has a place in the government is now, in my opinion, a moot point. I’m interested in my investment!

    I expect the announcement of the new government to be made forthwith, as in the next day or so. The government will be based on a Triangle, as Al-Sadr hinted, made of three bases. The three bases, as I predicted some weeks ago, will be the Kurdish Alliance, The Iraqiya List, which is Sunnis, and the National Alliance, which is the Shiites. Whether, and to what extent, Maliki participates, will not change the results.

    Shortly thereafter, and I suspect within a day or so, we will see two things happen. Those two things are the release of Iraq from Chapter 7 and the revaluation of the currency.

    The fact is that the release from Chapter 7 has, in my opinion, always been conditioned on the position of Maliki in the new government. As long as he is not in the PM position, Chapter 7 will be released.

    Along with that will come the revaluation. I have always believed that the Chapter 7 and the revaluation were “quid pro quo” deals, meaning that one went with the other. But I’ve also contended that Chapter 7 release was Maliki’s hang up and not that of the entire country of Iraq.

    Furthermore, I’ve held that the UN has withheld the release of Chapter 7 almost solely because it was so important to Maliki. This ultimately has come down to politics.

    Unfortunately for Maliki, he was playing in a bigger league than he knew. The UN held firm while at the same time the IMF pressed forward toward the finish line. The RV was always the prize. Yet Maliki will be shown to be the one who could not deliver, in my opinion. That “crown” will go to Allawi.

    With that crown, incidentally, will come a lot of “perks”. It is my view that because Allawi will be shown to have “come through” for the people, this will benefit him tremendously and he will become a very powerful man. I’d love to talk more about that, but my investment, and yours, is the first item on the plate.

    I look for our investment to pay off before Ramadan, before August 4, which is one of Frank’s dates, and, hopefully, later this week.

    Of course I could be wrong.


  120. isma
    Jul 22, 2010 @ 13:08:42

    well said and restore back my dreams to come true.for a delightful hari raya…selamat menyambut ramadan almubarak…


  121. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 23, 2010 @ 10:51:25


    • kassim
      Jul 23, 2010 @ 13:02:17

      Salam sdr Helmi….macamana nak pastikan ini note baru? Kalau benar, maknanya…….


      • Mohd Helmy
        Jul 23, 2010 @ 19:25:08

        Salam..En Kassim Said ,untuk memastikan Note IQD5 yg saya uploadkan itu note baru atau lama sungguh mudah…note IQD lama Bergambar Sadam Hussin ..ini dah pasti note lama & note IQD5,000 yg baru gambar muka hadapan dia ” Gully Ali Beg Waterfall ” & Gambar Belakang Dia ” The Second Century Desert Fortress Of Al-Ukhether ” ini kalau dilihat dengan berhati2 pada note IQD5 adalah Sama 1000% dengan Gambar Note IQD5,000. so memang Sahlah Note IQD5 Yg Saya Uploadkan gambar TerSebut adalah Peganti Kepada Note IQD5,000.

        P/s : Sila Perhatikan Gambar Note IQD5,000 & IQD5 yg saya uploadkan ini untuk Tatapan Warga “Nazhasecret”



      • Mohd Helmy
        Jul 23, 2010 @ 19:33:25

        Sorry link untuk gambar tak function… rasa2nya ini OK.

      • kassim
        Jul 24, 2010 @ 04:45:48

        Tq sdr Helmy, nak tanya lebih lanjut boleh?…gini, dari mana sdr dapat imej 5dinar tu? dari ebay ke?…sebab ramai ahli2 DV yang hantar imej small denom yang disangka baru, tapi akhirnya ada ahli2 lain yang lebih arif (ramai juga bilangannya) menidakkanya sebagai note lama walau pun yang tanpa gambar saddam…

        Dan mengenai cash dinar saja yang akan di “lop” saya fikir agak sukar diterima sebab walau apa pun dibuat ke atas matawang sesebuah negara >>> Amaun Total Asal mesti sama dengan Amaun Total Baru. Jadi, kalau berita itu benar, jumlah asal wang iraq akan jauh merosot walau pun dengan exchange rate yg tinggi seperti 1 IQD = 5 USD !! wallahuaklamm…

      • Mohd Helmy
        Jul 24, 2010 @ 05:13:23

        Salam.. En Kassim… Saya Dapat Sumber IQD5 adalah dari sumber2 ketenteraan Amreka di Iraq. Bagi saya tak kisahlah kalau orang ramai kata itu duit lama…bagi saya.. kemungkinan besar dia orang nak menyedapkan hati & perasaan mereka masing2. apa2 pun kita tunggu & lihat 🙂

  122. ArsHavin
    Jul 23, 2010 @ 13:22:30

    kaLau benar kene r buat account kat iraq now…..


  123. koko
    Jul 23, 2010 @ 15:33:29

    Dia cuma bagi tahu je, kat iraq ada note dinar kecil baru lQD5 dinar, minta tolong dengan cik helmy tukarkan kita punya note 25,000 dan lain-lain note, bila lagi nak tolong kawan, tolong kawan dapat saham akhirat, dinar-dinar ni urusan dunia, tapi ‘tolong’ itulah saham akhirat, amacam??? dunia cari juga… akhirat pun kena ada juga…kalau nak caj pun patut jugalah, tapi caj yang berpatutan lah ye….selamat menyambut RV dinar lraq kpd kawan-kawan semua.


    • kassim
      Jul 23, 2010 @ 15:48:28

      wow, misalnya kalau 5 juta dinar nak tukar dgn note 5 dinar…macamana gamaknya ye?


      • Mohd Helmy
        Jul 23, 2010 @ 17:51:17

        Salam.. dari sumber2 yg saya dapat.. penghapusan 3 angka sifar hanya berlaku pada Cash Note sahaja… & tidak melibatkan Duit didalam Account. Ini kerana memandangkan Cash Note Dinar telah banyak keluar dari negara asalnya. penghapusan 3 angka sifar hanya tertumpu pada note dinar yg besar spt IQD1,000 akan menjadi IQD1 , IQD5,000 akan Menjadi IQD5, IQD10,000 akan menjadi IQD10 & IQD25,000 akan Menjadi IQD25. manakala Note seperti IQD50 , IQD250 & IQD500 akan Tetap seperti Biasa.

  124. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 23, 2010 @ 18:46:20

    Cadangan Saya pada Pemegang2 Note Dinar Yg Besar.. Kalau boleh anda Jualkan kesemua Note Besar anda kepada Saudara “Kembara IQD” kerana Saudara Kembara Sanggup Membeli Note Dinar anda Pada Kadar Semasa Bank.Rugi sedikit tak mengapa..Asalkan tidak rugi kesemuanya… contoh yg saya berikan…ada sesetengah dari anda membeli Cash Note IQD 1 Juta berharga RM4,000++ sekiranya saudara Kembara membeli semula dinar anda dengan Rate semasa Bank Sebanyak RM:2,900++ anda hanya rugi RM:1,100 itu kalau dikirakan rugi dalam nilai ringgit… tetapi dalam nilai IQD anda hanya Rugi sebanyak IQD taksampai IQD5,000 sekiranya anda membuka account bank diiraq dengan menggunakan duit sebanyak RM:2,900 yg anda dapat tadi.anda akan memperolihi IQD sebanyak lebih kurang IQD997,941 ++ didalam account bank anda.itu tak termasuk duit wire transsfer (TT) dari bank malaysia Ke bank diiraq & juga tidak termasuk Upah Untuk membuka account sebanyak RM:2,000. sekiranya anda boleh membuka sendiri account bank diiraq adalah lebih baik, kerana anda dapat menjimatkan duit sebanyak RM:2,000. ini adalah cadangan saya sahaja. yg boleh menerima cadangan saya terimalah & sesiapa yg tidak boleh menerima cadangan saya…anda carilah jalan lain… asalkan anda tidak rugi 100%. kepada sesiapa yg membeli note IQD yg kecil2 mereka terselamat..


  125. kassim
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 04:09:11

    I saw the following two posts on Currency Chatter about the reduction of the money supply and potential rate. They are quite interesting so I thought I would post them here. The first post explains the rationale of Bama’s theory. In the second post, sxmas puts it in plain English.

    Post #1 from Bama on Currency Chatter – 7/23/10

    Let’s see….to understand what they may mean when they say “reduce the money supply from 26 trillion dinar (26,000,000,000,000) to 25 billion dinar(25,000,000,000)” requires a few assumptions. For starters, we haveto assume they are only discussing the paper currency currently or formerly incirculation. Next, we have to assume that both amounts have nothing to do with the exchange rate, but represent the actual number of dinars incirculation. Lastly, we have to assume when they say “deleting the three zeros” they are referring toremoval of the dinar notes with denominations of 25,000 IQD, 10,000 IQD, 5,000IQD and the 1,000 IQD.

    With those assumptions in place, here is what we can conclude must be completed to accomplish the goal of reducing the physical money supply:

    1. Removal of the vast majority of physical currency. ( In order to reduce from 26 trillion to 25 billion, 99.99% of the currency must be removed). To make is simple, divide 25 billion by 25 trillion and you will see that 25 billion is .001% of 25 trillion. It has been reported that between 70% and 90% has already been removed. That which has been removed to date is the currency that comes through the Iraqi banking system and can be converted to electronic currency or other wise taken off the market. What about the other 7trillion IQD (roughly the 26% not yet removed)? Why has that not been taken out of circulation? It turns out that 7 trillion IQD is the amount that is estimated to be held by investors and foreign governments. In other words, they would need to have all speculators as well as foreign governments return the IQD that is currently being held for investment purposes.

    2. Either completely move from an 80% cash economy to a 100% electronic economy, or introduce paper currency to replace what has been removed from circulation.

    A developing / emerging economy will cease to function when trying to make a transition to a cashless society without a long and extensive campaign to educate the local citizens. If the goal is removal of the 000’s by the end of 2010 as the article sates, we are left to assume that some new paper currency must be on the way. (We have heard the rumors of small denominations for some time now that are waiting to be introduced into the system). The arrival of new, smaller denominations into the currency system would by necessity be combined with an increase in the value of the existing currency as well as a reduction in the price of existing goods and services. For instance, a new pair of shoes that now is priced at 105,300 IQD ($90 US) would be priced at 80 IQD (using a new value of $1.12 per 1 IQD). Salaries would be adjusted, phone bills would be adjusted, pensions would be adjusted,etc, etc.

    3. A society of 30 million people can not function on a physical money supply of 25 billion dinars.

    If we assume that the average household runs on cash and the average Iraqi household earns between $600 and $800 per month, then we can logically say that 25 billion IQD at the current rate will not meet the needsof an 80% cash based society. (30 million Iraqi people using 25 billion cash equals 833 IQD per person per month, which at current exchange rates is roughly $.71 US). Assuming there are 6 people per Iraqi family as reported in the World Health Organizations’ 2006/2007 Iraq Family Health Survey, the 25 billion IQD in circulation would stretch to 5000 IQD per month per household, or roughly $4.30 per household per month. Either way,there simply will not be enough cash to run the economy.

    Given the above, we can conclude that if in fact the money supply is decreased from 26 trillion IQD to 25 billion IQD, a new value must be assigned to the remaining 25 billion in circulation. The current supply of 26 trillion IQD at an exchange rate of $.00086 to 1 IQD has a nominal value of $22,360,000,000 ($22.3 billion). Assuming the CBI intends to keep the purchasing power for the Iraqi citizens’ unchanged, then a new exchange rate of $.89 would have to be implemented in order for the 25 billion IQD to have the same value of $22,360,000,000 US. This does not mean the exchange rate can not be higher, however, this is a neutral rate given the stated goal of decreasing the physical supply of money.

    While we have all seen the rates $.86, $1.49, $3.22, and $3.86 floating around, it is difficult to pin down what the actual rate may be. Logic dictates something above a dollar is in order, but the intent of the CBI/GOI/UN/US/IMF folks can not be gauged. The purchasing power of the Iraqi citizen could be increased with a much higher rate, allowing for an increased standard of living and most likely a decrease in violence. Only time will tell of course, but if the article is to be believed, we can be encouraged that an increase in the value of the IQD is coming sometime prior to the end of 2010.

    Post #2 from sxmas on Currency Chatter – 7/23/10

    Here is one way to gauge the rate: Kuwait’s curent money supply (M3 – money circulating in the economy) is 25 billion dinars with a value of $87 billion US. Saudi Arabia has a current money supply valued at $217 billion US. The United Arab Emarites have a current money supply valued at $163 billion US. Iraq has a current money supply valued at $22 billion US. As Iraq removes currency and reduces the amount in circulation to 25 billion dinars, those dinars must have a value of somewhere between $22 billion (value of current supply) and $217 billion (Saudi Arabia has 5 million less people than Iraq but 10 times the money supply). Using those numbers, a range for the new rate could be from $.89 ( to keep the value the same is USD) to $8.68( to match the value of Saudi Arabian currency). A reasonable expectation is a rate that increase the value of Iraq’s supply of currency to $80 to $90 billion, which would be $3.20 to 3.60, which would be a median range for the M3 (current money in circulation) of other Gulf Countries.

    Clarification from Bama:

    Just a quick clarification: I am not saying the value of any currency of the above mentioned countries is $.89 or $8.68. I was merely making a point that in order for Iraq to have a money supply that is equal to those other countries money supply as stated in USD, then a rate of $.89 to $8.68 would be in order. I am NOT saying $8.68 is what is to be expected. That is just an example of how big the money supply is of Saudi Arabia.

    Read more:


  126. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 04:47:55

    saya Translate kan apa yg kassim said postkan kat atas.. 🙂

    Aku melihat dua posting berikut pada Mata Wang Chatter tentang pengurangan jumlah wang beredar dan tahap keupayaan. They are quite interesting so I thought I would post them here. Mereka cukup menarik jadi saya pikir saya akan mempostingnya di sini. The first post explains the rationale of Bama’s theory. Posting pertama menjelaskan alasan teori Bama’s. In the second post, sxmas puts it in plain English. Dalam posting kedua, sxmas menempatkan dalam bahasa Bahasa Inggeris.

    Post #1 from Bama on Currency Chatter – 7/23/10 Post # 1 dari Bama pada Mata Wang Chatter – 7/23/10

    Let’s see….to understand what they may mean when they say “reduce the money supply from 26 trillion dinar (26,000,000,000,000) to 25 billion dinar(25,000,000,000)” requires a few assumptions. Mari kita lihat …. untuk memahami apa yang mereka dapat berarti ketika mereka berkata “mengurangkan jumlah wang beredar dari 26000000000000 dinar (26,000,000,000,000) ke 25000000000 dinar (25000000000)” memerlukan beberapa andaian. For starters, we haveto assume they are only discussing the paper currency currently or formerly incirculation. Sebagai awal, kita haveto menganggap mereka hanya membahas mata wang kertas ketika ini atau sebelum incirculation. Next, we have to assume that both amounts have nothing to do with the exchange rate, but represent the actual number of dinars incirculation. Kemudian, kita harus menganggap bahawa kedua-dua jumlah tidak ada hubungannya dengan kadar pertukaran, tapi merupakan jumlah sebenar dinar incirculation. Lastly, we have to assume when they say “deleting the three zeros” they are referring toremoval of the dinar notes with denominations of 25,000 IQD, 10,000 IQD, 5,000IQD and the 1,000 IQD. Terakhir, kita harus menganggap ketika mereka berkata “menghapuskan tiga sifar” yang mereka maksudkan toremoval dari catatan dinar dengan denominasi 25.000 IQD, 10.000 IQD, 5.000 IQD dan 1,000 IQD.

    With those assumptions in place, here is what we can conclude must be completed to accomplish the goal of reducing the physical money supply: Dengan asumsi di tempat, di sini adalah apa yang kita dapat menyimpulkan harus diselesaikan untuk mencapai matlamat mengurangkan jumlah wang beredar fizikal:

    1. 1. Removal of the vast majority of physical currency. Penghapusan sebahagian besar mata wang fizikal. ( In order to reduce from 26 trillion to 25 billion, 99.99% of the currency must be removed). (Untuk mengurangkan 26000000000000-25000000000, 99,99% dari mata wang harus dihapuskan). To make is simple, divide 25 billion by 25 trillion and you will see that 25 billion is .001% of 25 trillion. Untuk membuat mudah, membahagi 25000000000 sebanyak 25 trilion dan anda akan melihat bahawa 25 bilion 0,001% dari 25 triliun. It has been reported that between 70% and 90% has already been removed. Telah dilaporkan bahawa antara 70% dan 90% telah dihapuskan. That which has been removed to date is the currency that comes through the Iraqi banking system and can be converted to electronic currency or other wise taken off the market. Itu yang telah dihapuskan sampai saat ini adalah mata wang yang datang melalui sistem perbankan dan Iraq boleh dikonversi ke mata wang elektronik atau lain bijaksana diambil dari pasaran. What about the other 7trillion IQD (roughly the 26% not yet removed)? Bagaimana dengan IQD 7trillion lain (kira-kira 26% belum dihapuskan)? Why has that not been taken out of circulation? Mengapa yang tidak diambil dari peredaran? It turns out that 7 trillion IQD is the amount that is estimated to be held by investors and foreign governments. Ternyata 7000000000000 IQD adalah jumlah yang dijangka akan diadakan oleh pelabur dan kerajaan asing. In other words, they would need to have all speculators as well as foreign governments return the IQD that is currently being held for investment purposes. Dengan kata lain, mereka perlu memiliki semua spekulan serta kerajaan asing mengembalikan IQD yang sedang diadakan untuk tujuan pelaburan.

    2. 2. Either completely move from an 80% cash economy to a 100% electronic economy, or introduce paper currency to replace what has been removed from circulation. Entah benar-benar bergerak dari ekonomi tunai 80% kepada ekonomi elektronik 100%, atau memperkenalkan mata wang kertas untuk menggantikan apa yang telah dibuang dari peredaran.

    A developing / emerging economy will cease to function when trying to make a transition to a cashless society without a long and extensive campaign to educate the local citizens. Sebuah ekonomi / membangunkan muncul akan berhenti berfungsi ketika cuba untuk membuat peralihan ke suatu masyarakat tanpa wang tunai tanpa kempen panjang dan luas untuk mendidik warga tempatan. If the goal is removal of the 000’s by the end of 2010 as the article sates, we are left to assume that some new paper currency must be on the way. Jika tujuannya adalah penghapusan dari 000 yang pada akhir tahun 2010 sebagai rencana sates, kita dibiarkan untuk menganggap bahawa beberapa mata wang kertas yang baru harus di jalan. (We have heard the rumors of small denominations for some time now that are waiting to be introduced into the system). (Kami telah mendengar desas-desus denominasi kecil untuk beberapa waktu sekarang yang menunggu untuk diperkenalkan ke dalam sistem). The arrival of new, smaller denominations into the currency system would by necessity be combined with an increase in the value of the existing currency as well as a reduction in the price of existing goods and services. Kedatangan baru, denominasi yang lebih kecil ke dalam sistem mata wang akan dengan keperluan digabungkan dengan peningkatan nilai mata wang yang ada serta penurunan harga barang dan perkhidmatan yang ada. For instance, a new pair of shoes that now is priced at 105,300 IQD ($90 US) would be priced at 80 IQD (using a new value of $1.12 per 1 IQD). Sebagai contoh, sepasang kasut baru yang sekarang adalah harga 105.300 IQD ($ 90 US) akan harga 80 IQD (menggunakan nilai baru $ 1,12 per 1 IQD). Salaries would be adjusted, phone bills would be adjusted, pensions would be adjusted,etc, etc. Gaji akan disesuaikan, bil telefon akan disesuaikan, bersara akan disesuaikan, dll, dll

    3. 3. A society of 30 million people can not function on a physical money supply of 25 billion dinars. Sebuah masyarakat dari 30 juta orang tidak dapat berfungsi pada bekalan wang fizikal dinar 25000000000.

    If we assume that the average household runs on cash and the average Iraqi household earns between $600 and $800 per month, then we can logically say that 25 billion IQD at the current rate will not meet the needsof an 80% cash based society. Jika kita berasumsi bahawa rata-rata rumah tangga berjalan pada kas dan rumah tangga Iraq rata-rata menghasilkan antara $ 600 dan $ 800 per bulan, maka kita dapat secara logik mengatakan bahawa 25000000000 IQD pada kadar saat ini tidak akan bertemu needsof yang cash 80% berasaskan masyarakat. (30 million Iraqi people using 25 billion cash equals 833 IQD per person per month, which at current exchange rates is roughly $.71 US). (30 juta orang Iraq menggunakan 25000000000 kas IQD sama dengan 833 per orang per bulan, yang pada kadar yang berlaku kira-kira US $ 0,71). Assuming there are 6 people per Iraqi family as reported in the World Health Organizations’ 2006/2007 Iraq Family Health Survey, the 25 billion IQD in circulation would stretch to 5000 IQD per month per household, or roughly $4.30 per household per month. Dengan asumsi ada 6 orang per keluarga Iraq seperti yang dilaporkan tahun 2006/2007 Keluarga Pertubuhan Kesihatan Dunia ‘Survey Kesihatan Iraq, yang 25000000000 IQD dalam sirkulasi akan meregangkan pada 5000 IQD per bulan per rumah tangga, atau sekitar $ 4,30 per rumah tangga per bulan. Either way,there simply will not be enough cash to run the economy. Either way, hanya ada tidak akan cukup wang untuk menjalankan perekonomian.

    Given the above, we can conclude that if in fact the money supply is decreased from 26 trillion IQD to 25 billion IQD, a new value must be assigned to the remaining 25 billion in circulation. Diberikan di atas, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahawa jika ternyata jumlah wang beredar menurun daripada 26000000000000 IQD ke 25000000000 IQD, nilai baru harus ditetapkan untuk sisa 25 bilion dalam sirkulasi. The current supply of 26 trillion IQD at an exchange rate of $.00086 to 1 IQD has a nominal value of $22,360,000,000 ($22.3 billion). Bekalan semasa 26000000000000 IQD pada kadar $ ,00086-1 IQD memiliki nilai nominal 22360000000 $ ($ 22.3 bilion). Assuming the CBI intends to keep the purchasing power for the Iraqi citizens’ unchanged, then a new exchange rate of $.89 would have to be implemented in order for the 25 billion IQD to have the same value of $22,360,000,000 US. Dengan andaian bahawa CBI bermaksud untuk menjaga daya beli bagi warga Iraq ‘tidak berubah, maka nilai tukar baru dari $ 0.89 harus dilaksanakan dalam rangka untuk 25000000000 IQD mempunyai nilai yang sama US $ 22360000000. This does not mean the exchange rate can not be higher, however, this is a neutral rate given the stated goal of decreasing the physical supply of money. Ini tidak bermakna kadar pertukaran tidak dapat lebih tinggi, namun, ini adalah tahap neutral diberi tujuan lain penurunan bekalan fizikal wang.

    While we have all seen the rates $.86, $1.49, $3.22, and $3.86 floating around, it is difficult to pin down what the actual rate may be. Sementara kita semua telah melihat harga 0,86 $, $ 1,49, $ 3,22, dan 3,86 $ mengambang sekitar, sukar untuk pin down apa tahap aktual mungkin. Logic dictates something above a dollar is in order, but the intent of the CBI/GOI/UN/US/IMF folks can not be gauged. Logika menentukan sesuatu atas dolar adalah dalam rangka, tapi maksud dari CBI / Kerajaan / PBB / US / IMF orang tidak dapat diukur. The purchasing power of the Iraqi citizen could be increased with a much higher rate, allowing for an increased standard of living and most likely a decrease in violence. Daya beli warga Iraq dapat ditingkatkan dengan tingkat lebih tinggi, membolehkan anda meningkatkan taraf hidup dan kemungkinan besar penurunan kekerasan. Only time will tell of course, but if the article is to be believed, we can be encouraged that an increase in the value of the IQD is coming sometime prior to the end of 2010. Hanya waktu yang akan berkata tentu saja, tetapi jika rencana ini boleh dipercayai, kita boleh ditolak bahawa peningkatan nilai IQD akan datang kadang sebelum akhir 2010.

    Post #2 from sxmas on Currency Chatter – 7/23/10 Post # 2 dari sxmas pada Mata Wang Chatter – 7/23/10

    Here is one way to gauge the rate: Kuwait’s curent money supply (M3 – money circulating in the economy) is 25 billion dinars with a value of $87 billion US. Berikut adalah salah satu cara untuk mengukur laju: Berlaku wang Kuwait bekalan (M3 – wang yang beredar dalam perekonomian) adalah 25000000000 dinar dengan nilai US $ 87000000000. Saudi Arabia has a current money supply valued at $217 billion US. Arab Saudi mempunyai jumlah wang beredar saat ini bernilai US $ The United Arab Emarites have a current money supply valued at $163 billion US. United Arab Emarites mempunyai jumlah wang beredar saat ini bernilai US $ Iraq has a current money supply valued at $22 billion US. Iraq mempunyai jumlah wang beredar saat ini dinilai seharga $ 22 bilion US. As Iraq removes currency and reduces the amount in circulation to 25 billion dinars, those dinars must have a value of somewhere between $22 billion (value of current supply) and $217 billion (Saudi Arabia has 5 million less people than Iraq but 10 times the money supply). Seperti Iraq menghapuskan mata wang dan mengurangkan jumlah yang beredar untuk 25000000000 dinar, mereka dinar mesti mempunyai nilai di suatu tempat antara $ 22000000000 (Penilaian persediaan saat ini), dan $ (Arab Saudi telah orang 5 juta dikurangkan dari Iraq, tetapi 10 kali wang bekalan). Using those numbers, a range for the new rate could be from $.89 ( to keep the value the same is USD) to $8.68( to match the value of Saudi Arabian currency). Menggunakan nombor-nombor, pelbagai untuk tingkat baru bisa dari $ 0.89 (untuk mempertahankan nilai yang sama adalah USD) untuk $ 8,68 (untuk mencocokkan nilai mata wang Arab Saudi). A reasonable expectation is a rate that increase the value of Iraq’s supply of currency to $80 to $90 billion, which would be $3.20 to 3.60, which would be a median range for the M3 (current money in circulation) of other Gulf Countries. Sebuah harapan yang wajar adalah tahap yang meningkatkan nilai bekalan Iraq mata wang menjadi $ 80 sampai $, 90 bilion, yang akan menjadi $ 3,20-3,60, yang akan menjadi kisaran rata-rata untuk wang saat ini M3 (beredar) dari Negara-negara Teluk lain.

    Clarification from Bama: Klarifikasi dari Bama:

    Just a quick clarification: I am not saying the value of any currency of the above mentioned countries is $.89 or $8.68. Hanya penjelasan ringkas: Saya tidak mengatakan nilai mata wang negara yang disebut di atas adalah $ 0.89 atau $ 8,68. I was merely making a point that in order for Iraq to have a money supply that is equal to those other countries money supply as stated in USD, then a rate of $.89 to $8.68 would be in order. Aku hanya membuat titik bahawa agar Iraq untuk memiliki persediaan wang yang sama dengan negara-negara lain memberikan wang sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam USD, maka tahap $ 0.89 ke $ 8,68 akan beres. I am NOT saying $8.68 is what is to be expected. Saya TIDAK mengatakan $ 8,68 adalah apa yang diharapkan. That is just an example of how big the money supply is of Saudi Arabia. Itu hanya sebuah contoh bagaimana besar jumlah wang beredar adalah Arab Saudi.

    Read more:


  127. kassim
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 05:00:03

    oh ya sdr Helmy, nama saya bukan Kassim Said….saya dapati dua kali sdr tulis gitu….Said tu adalah past tense bagi say …hehe !!


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 24, 2010 @ 05:18:57

      O.. yer ker..mungkin saya tersilap… sorry ekk 🙂


  128. kassim
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 05:27:00

    Sepeti kata sdr Helmi >>> kita tunggu dan lihat…..

    1) DELETING ZEROES OFF CURRENCY could mean REMOVING LARGER denoms from circulation and RELEASING LOWER denoms (ALREADY IN VAULTS) that have Kurdish, Arabic, and English printed on them. Think about it — when LOWER (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25) DENOMS are released — the ZEROES will have been REMOVED / DELETED from currency(1000, 5000, 10,000, 25,000) that have been in circulation.

    When you see a real lop article … look to see who is speaking … is it Shabibi or someone who could actually lop? Shabibi is the one who comes behind and says “Nope, not going to happen”


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 24, 2010 @ 05:54:53

      Yup!! kita sama2 tunggu & lihat… tapi apa yg saya difahamkan pemansuhan 3 angka sifar hanya tertumpu pada Cash Note sahaja & tidak melibatkan Duit yg berada didalam account bank. antara sebab2 yg saya berkata demikian…

      Cash note dah terang2 memberi bacaan tentang nilai duit, Contoh Cash note Dinar IQD5,000 telah nyata dan terang ia menunjukkan nilai note tersebut sekeping kertas tertera 5,000 manakala duit didalam account contoh kata ada IQD5,000 didalam account tersebut..tetapi ia tidak menunjukkan nilai kepingan kertas tersebut. mungkin boleh jadi IQD5,000 tersebut dalam bentuk note IQD50 =100 keping atau IOQ250 = 20 keping atau pun IQD500 = 10 keping. so kesimpulannya adalah sukar pihak bank untuk menukar jumlah amount didalam bank.

      adalah lebih senang untuk mereka menghapuskan 3 angka sifar dari Cash Note sahaja. apa2 pun ini adalah teori saya sahaja…so anda fikir sahajalah sama ada logic atau pun tidak. 🙂


      • ayiem
        Jul 24, 2010 @ 06:28:26

        nilai iraq yang dibeli dan dimasukkan kedalam akaun adalah dibeli dgn nilai dolaar sebelum ditukar kepada dinar secara elektronik….jadi tiada specifikasi khusus untuk menentukan jumlah nilai dinar tersebut sebagai pertukaran samaada wang kecil atau wang nilainya besar…..diharap info ini dpt membantu..

        dinar iraq akan dinilaikan semula pada bila2 masa sahaja dari sekarang…..mungkin kepada sesiapa yang ingin membuka a/c rasanya sudah terlambat… terkini….mungkin r.v pada hari isnin atau selasa mggu depan……sekian…….

  129. koko
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 07:47:38

    Salam pada semua,
    Kalau benar note lQD fisikal cash nak dihapuskan 3 zeros, maka ramailah yang menyimpan cash tersebut akan rugi, ada cadangan itu dan ini tapi nak bertindak sebagaimana yang dicadangkan, tidaklah semudah yang di cadangkan oleh mereka yang membuat cadangan, lebih lebih lagi bagi orang seperti saya ni yang kurang faham banyak perkara, nak jumpa dengan orang yang mencadang ha….mcm menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba laa… Dalam dunia ni manusia nak tolong hanya kalau ada ‘m_s_k’. kalu tiada ‘m_s_k’ maka, faham-faham je le. Bagi saya apa pun terjadi saya serahkan kepada Allah, kalau ditakdirkan rugi, maka saya rugi…kalau ditakdirkan untung maka saya dan orang ramai yang senasib dengan saya akan untung, lnsyaAllah. Rugi di dunia boleh tahan lagi…boleh bersabar, tapi rugi di akhirat tidak tertanggung….. na’uzubillah…


    • ayiem
      Jul 24, 2010 @ 08:16:12

      saya setuju dgn koko…..tetapi…..setiap manusia mesti berusaha…jgn putus asa… saya koko adalah org yg mudah berputus asa kerana hanya menunggu…..saya pun mcm koko juga..tak tahu langsung psl dinar ini….berkat byk bertanya dan membaca..byklah yg saya dpt…sampailah hingga ini saya masih lg melihat segala maklumat mengenai dinar…..memang rezeki dr tuhan…..tetapi ianya tidak dtg sendiri…..bukannya senang nak senang…….byk pengorbanan yang terpaksa dilakukan…..akhir sekali bersyukurlah apa yg kita ada daripada tidak ada dpt apa2…


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 24, 2010 @ 18:09:18

      Salam.. En Koko… buat pengetahuan anda… saya sudah beberapa kali memberi nasihat & pandangan berkenaan perlunya membuka account bank Diiraq didalam Forum ini..sejak sebulan dua yg lepas. tetapi ramai yg tidak mengendahkan pandangan saya.ada segelintir diantara mereka mengangap bahawa saya ingin membuat keuntungan semata2.sebenarnya niat saya adalah ingin membantu para2 pelabur dinar,supaya apabila anda ingin melabur.. , melaburlah dengan cara yg betul…bukan dengan cara terejah sahaja…cara yg betul untuk melabur adalah dengan cara membeli dinar melalui bank & bukan melalui orang perseorangan.


  130. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 10:51:51

    mana cik nazhasecret kita nie…. sonyap jer… ada apa2 info ker cik nazhasecret,mehlah share kat cnie


  131. naKata"17"
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 11:59:41

    eeMMm..saya setuju dengan ayiem said tue terhadap koko..kite x seharusnya mudah putus asa dan mengharap an semua tu ketentuan ilahi..kite kene tahu tuhan tu maha adil,kalau ada usaha ada lah jalan nye…terus terang saya pun x tahu sangat pasal dinar nie pada awal nye,tapi bak iklan dalam tv ”semuanya di hujung jari anda” tiap hari saya akan search prediction nie n wat research pasal dinar nie,sehinggakan sy pun kadang2 ada teori sendiri cam cik helmy ada teori dia sendiri yg maybe bleh di percayai…..


  132. naKata"17"
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 12:22:24

    cik koko,kite dalam forum nie secara x langsung saling jangan r berserah pada takdir semata2,macam mane melayu nak maju kalau ada negative thinking cam nie..seharusnya kita kene bukak banyak jalan cz kalau satu jalan kene tutup,kita still ada jalan lain..pada saya selagi IQD nie belum rv kita still ada jalan..setahu saya la 2 jalan yang kita ada now,simpan fizikal note n bkak account kat x salah kalau kita guna dua2 jalan nie…come on r..kate high risk!!!tepuk dada tanye selera key….


  133. naKata"17"
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 12:30:42

    salam cik helmy..thanks cz bantu buat an account warka sy,cume nak tanye sikit mane kalau kita nak beli n tambah an dinar melalui account yang ada nie…eeMMm x berapa paHam sangat!!hehehe….


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 24, 2010 @ 14:07:42

      Boleh.. itu bisa diatur kalau nak guna Cable saya bolehlah kita berjumpa atau pun sekadar kita berhubung melalui H/p. en. naKata”17″ ada no h/p saya kan.. atau pun kita jumpa kat area tmn equien…kita gi minum2 k. 🙂

      P/s: anyway saya juga berterima kasih kepada En.naKata”17″ kerana memberi kepercayaan kepada saya mendepositkan duit en.naKata”17″.bukan senang orang yg kita tak kenali tetiba kita nak beri deposit duit kepada orang tersebut. 🙂


  134. Kembara IQD
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 16:48:37

    Bismillah…saper2 ade gambar Note IQD 5 tlg send dlm email sy di…Gambar tu biar terang n jelas k…Jangn gambar samar2 mcm perangkap nk tgk n beri penjelasan..sbb sy kat timur tengah ni pun x sampai agi Note iqd 5 tu pd sy..tolong menolong k..sian kat kawn2 kite yg simpan fizikal IQD..dier org tentu takut nilai IQD yg mereka pegang x laku…bertambah merana kalu IQD tu x bernilai..buat kawan2 yg buke Acc IQD tu support la kawn2 kte yg pegang fizikal IQD..Jangn la menhancurkan impian mereka utk menjadi Jutawan..biler jadi Jutawan tunggu nilai IQD di pun x tahu biler difloatkan terus terang sy bagi tahu sedare seme..seperti yg sy katakan Money Changer di timur tengah menerima pertukaran IQD…kalau tol ade Note IQD 5 kenape dlm website (( )) x di uploadkan gambarnye…mungkin lambat skit kot gambar IQD 5 tu di uploadkan…waallau’alam..


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 24, 2010 @ 17:37:44

      Salam Kembara IQD buat pengetahuan Saudara note IQD5 ini masih belum diguna pakai lagi… note ini akan digunakan pada penghujung tahun ini,itu sebab anda lihat kat laman sesawang bank negara iraq masih tiada lagi note IQD5. yg ada disana adalah note yg telah diguna pakai ini.. satu lagi.. ditimur tengah juga anda tidak akan dapat melihat note IQD5 sebab note IQD5 ini masih lagi dalam ” Unclassified ” sejak dari 2006. perlu diingatkan note kecil IQD yg akan menggantikan note IQD yg besar ini telah siap dicetak sejak tahun 2006 lagi. hanya pihak atasan tentera Amreka sahaja yg mengetahui tentang cerita dinar ini.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 24, 2010 @ 18:56:54

      The Future Of Iraq Project “UNCLASSIFIED RELEASED IN FULL”

      sila download PDF ini … titipan daripada Pegawai Tertinggi Tentera America Yg Berada Di Iraq. – Limited Hanya 10 kali Download Sahaja Dibenarkan 🙂


  135. nazhasecret
    Jul 24, 2010 @ 19:09:38

    patutla tersedak,ade yg sebut nma sy ek.
    1-pd pemegang fizikal note/koleksi iqd,korang rse kite je ke yg pegang?rakyat negara lain x pegang ke denom mcm kite ni?think positive ok,bykkn masuk forum international,diaorg tu pgng lg org kata simpn setakat mampu

    2-utk yg ade fizikal note iqd,ape perasaan korng bila kuarkn duit n beli iqd?kire korng byr then dpt pegang,bau note iqd tu?mcm sy,sy mmg puas ati,sy sendiri beli n simpan setakat yg sy mampu,kire klu x rv/naik pun sy x putih mata,atleast note2 ni sy leh taruk dlm album or frame sbg kenang-kenangan,xde la ralatpun sbb nmpak dpn mata

    3-utk yg bukak akaun bank online-korang dh check n pastikn betul2 ke’genuine’ info bank tu?klu bukak direct tkde la transfer then tgk je ‘duit’ ade dlm ‘akaun maya’..oh la la la.klu sok web tu ‘hilang’?camno?trkebil ke?putih mato ko?Mmg le ramai yg bukak akaun tp klu jenis yg sanggup ‘tgk’ jek okla.dh nma high risk personally sy lg suka pegang fizikal,terasa real

    4-tk kisah la yg ade akaun online bank iraq tu nk kata rugi la pegang note iqd,masing2 punye pendptkn.yg duk posting pun ramalan je.belum lg kuar berita yg betul2 punye target iqd rv then bru denom kecik dikeluarkn.kly bnr note bsr bole di cashkn.psl money laundering la,alahai,benda mcm ni baru bg kite semua.biar berlaku,rv ke then klu xdpt tukr ke bru kite cari solution.utk pembeli sy kite akn tukar di luar malaysia maybe ade caj sbb guna khidmat luar tp klu nilai rv berlipat ganda tkde hal akn dipastikn bila betul2 kita hadapi masalah utk pertukaran/jual balik

    5-yg dh berurusan ngn saudara helmy tu pepandai la.jgn nti nk mengomel tk tentu hala.

    6-sy diam bukan beerti tk peduli.yg mne tnye psl rege n stok note iqd,note mmg dh smpai tp disbbkn kesihtn tk mengizinkn utk sy melakukn COD;maka sy senyp.lgpun sy mnggu news utk pd pemegang note fizikal iqd,set koleksi,sama2 berdoa n jgn cpt gelabah dgn kata2 org yg bukak akaun online bank iraq.ade rezeki x kemana.


  136. koko
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 02:36:59

    Salam untuk kawan-kawan semua,
    Terima kasih atas nasihat yang kawan-kawan berikan,
    Kepada saudara helmy saya juga ucapkan terima kasih atas pandangan atau nasihat yg ‘telah’ saudara berikan mengenai pembukaan akaun dilraq, mungkin saya telah terlepas pandang agaknya dan tidak terbaca mengenai. Tak apa lah saudara, saya tetap berdoa, agar kita semua berjaya apabila RV berlaku nanti samada pemegang fisikal lQD atau pun yang ada akaun di lraq. Walau pun kawan-kawan dalam forum ini tidak dapat membantu, namun saya tetap berusaha mencari jalan agar kejayaan dicapai nanti, lnsyaAllah, saya tidak berputus asa dan akan terus berusaha…..lnsyaAllah.
    Salam untuk kawan-kawan semua, semoga anda semua bergembira. Terima kasih juga atas info yang saudara semua paparkan dforum ini, sedikit sebanyak ia juga membantu…


  137. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 02:45:31

    Salam Cik Nazhasecret buat pengetahuan cik Nazha Pihak Bank DiMalaysia Sudah Membuat Kepastian Tentang Keujudan account bank saya & coustomer saya diiraq. saya telah disoal siasat oleh Pihak HQ bank yg saya membuat Wire Transsfer secara tidak sengaja . mana tak nya total saya TT kesemua duit coustomer saya melebihi RM 200,000 . itu yg mengusar kan pihak bank tersebut,kerana banyak duit malaysia keluar dari malaysia.satu lagi buat pengetahuan cik nazha… semua coustomer saya confident dengan pembukaan account disebabkan nama bank tersebut adalah salah satu bank yg tersenarai didalam CBI (Central Bank OF Iraq). anda boleh login keaccount anda melalui website CBI passtu anda pilih nama Bank yg anda mempunyi account pass tu anda click Button login.kemudian anda masukkanlah ID & password anda.sekiranya anda boleh login ke account anda, itu bermakna account anda adalah Genuine. 🙂 🙂


  138. ayiem
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 04:23:29

    saya ada kemuskilan skt le psl penerangan cik naza ni

    1)kerajaan negara luar, kita tak tahu pasal polisi kewangan negara dia..mcm US BERI KEBENARAN RAKYATNYA BELI DINAR…mcm mana negara malaysia yang tercinta ni….ada beri kelulusan tak….

    2)org beli dinar kalu dlm jumlah skt spt hanya note 10000 sekeping je….bolehlah buat koleksi…tp kalau banyak mcm cik naza jual sampai berjuta tu mcm mana pulak…itu dah jadi investment….takkan nak buat koleksi jugak…

    3)saya dah ada a/c kat iraq dan buat masa nie tak da masalah langung…kalau hilang website tu saya boleh check ngan bank kat iraq….berapa sen sangat pakai talipon atau pakai internet….camon le….

    4)katakan cik naza berjaya bwk keluar duit iraq tu dari malaysia….mcm mana pulak cik naza nak bwk masuk duit yang berpuloh juta tu ke malaysia. ..berapa biji kapal nak bwk….lps tu nak simpan kat mana? dalam bank atau bwh bantal…..kalau dlm bank apa kata BNM ..kalau BNM tanya mana dtg duit yg bertimbun ni..dan kalau cik naza kata beli duit dinar …apa buktinya dan ada tak resit pembelian atau dokuman sokongan…kalau tak ade harap maklum sendiri le……

    dan akhir sekali harap cik naza dpt menjelaskan kepada buyer cik naza mengenai kemuskilan ini…..harap2 jgn ada yang teranaiya…….sekian


  139. ayiem
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 04:35:59

    salam pada cik koko…

    saya bersimpati pada cik koko….dan disini saya ada skt idea untuk kurang kan skt presure cik koko….

    1)buka a/c kat iraq dgn cik helmi dan cuba berbincang ngan dia term and condition dia…..

    2)kalau ada kekewan cik koko yg dah ada a/c tu cuba bincang ngan kawan tu untuk tumpang dalam a/c dia tu dan bincang lah term and condition ngan kwn cik koko tu………

    itu saje masa ini dan harap ini dpt membantu….


  140. Kembara IQD
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 05:16:32

    to Mohd Helmy…tolong send dlm email sy berkenaan dgn IQD 5 tu..saudara seorang saje yg tahu pasal Note


  141. koko
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 05:24:03

    Terima kasih cik ayiem atas simpati anda pada saya,
    Saya memang berhasrat juga nak buka akaun di lraq tu, tapi setakat ini hasrat ini terhenti begitu saja sebab persoalan saya mengenainya tidak berjawab, so saya kira agak sukar untuk membuka akaun tersebut, maka saya diamkan je le, saya tidak mendapat jwpan kpd persoalan, i) berapa kos utk buka akaun ii) boleh kah fisikal dinar yang saya pegang skrg dipindahkan ke akaun yg bakal dibuka di lraq tu? iii) dokumen yang diperlukan iv) orang yng bertanggungjwb untuk buka akaun tersebut sukar ditemui. Anyway thanks to cik ayiem


    • Mohd Helmy
      Jul 25, 2010 @ 05:51:14

      Salam en. koko…ini adalah jawapan yg saya berikan..pada soalan en.koko

      i) Kos untuk membuka account melalui saya, saya mengambil upah sebanyak RM2,000 sahaja.

      ii) Berkenaan dengan Fizikal note yg en.koko ada sekarang ini saya tidak dapat membantu untuk memasukkan duit tersebut itu kedalam account bank en.koko kat iraq.ini disebabkan Seluruh Perbankkan Dimalaysia tidak membuat urusniaga dengan matawang iraq, kerana pada masa sekarang ini matawang iraq tiada value.

      iii) document yg diperlukan untuk membuka account seperti berikut
      i) NIRC ( IC) / Passport Antarabangsa yg masih lagi sah digunakan.
      ii) Driving licence Bergambar & tidak bergambar (satu yg dah expire & satulagi yg masih sah digunakan. @ pun Utiliti Bil atas nama Tuan Punya Account

      iii) Tanda tangan pembuka account

      kesemua Document hendaklah discan terlebih dahulu dan convertkan kesemua document tersebut dari JPG ke PDF file.

      iv) email @ hubungi Saya di untuk membuka account atau yg lebih baik lagi jumpa face to face dengan saya. insyaallah saya boleh membantu.


      • Mohd Helmy
        Jul 25, 2010 @ 06:25:51

        Salam En.koko… lupa Pula saya nak beri cadangan tentang IQD yg en.Koko simpan itu.cuba en.koko menjualkan semula duit en.koko tersebut kepada Kawan Kita Kembara IQD.dengan cara tersebut,duit yg en.Koko terima dari Kembara IQD en.koko bole buat deposit kedalam account bank Iraq en.koko melalui wire Transsfer (TT) dari malaysia Ke Iraq. harap ini dapat membantu. 🙂

  142. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 05:30:54

    Salam en.ayiem.. berkenaan dengan cadangan encik ayiem untuk menumpang dengan account kawan2 itu saya tak berapa setuju..sebab ini melibatkan ” DUIT” . kerana duit macam2 boleh berlaku…kerana duit juga adik-beradik boleh bergaduh inikan pula kawan2…buat masa sekarang ini Value IQD masih belum naik oklah… kawan2 boleh cakap nak bagi tumpang… tapi bila nilai IQD dah naik beratus kali ganda…itu jam kawan2 Bila mata dah jadi merah tengok duit banyak dalam account takut kawan2 tu lari menghilangkan diri.jalan yg terbaik adalah membuka account diatas nama sendiri. sendiri jaga account sendiri. Ok.


    • ayiem
      Jul 25, 2010 @ 06:13:01

      ok……cadangan yang amat baik dan perihatin……


  143. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 06:32:52

    Salam… en.Kembara IQD, saya dah emailkan gambar Note IQD5 kat email saudara. 🙂


  144. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 06:56:57

    The Future Of Iraq Project “UNCLASSIFIED RELEASED IN FULL”

    sila download PDF ini … titipan daripada Pegawai Tertinggi Tentera America Yg Berada Di Iraq.

    P/s: Yang ini download X ada expire. 🙂


  145. Kembara IQD
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 07:52:32

    to saudare Mohd Helmy…terima kasih kerana sedare telah send gambar IQD 5 tu dlm email sy…tergelak sy sorang2 tgk gambar IQD 5 yg telah dicetak tahun 2006 tu & telah pun ade dlm Email sy skrng ini…kenape sy tergelak & terbahak2…nanti kan penjelasan akan akn jelaskan ari ni utk sedare & sahabat2 sy yg ade simpan Fizikal IQD…ape yg dpt sy simpulkan mmg sedare kurang memahami BAHASE akan jelaskan semenye..skrng sy mahu keluar scan slip pertukaran IQD yg sy buat 22/07/2010 hari khamis minggu lepas dgn Money Changer di timur tengah..Scan dirumah sy skrng rosak n sy akan send disini buat tatapan sahabat semua…maafkan sy sedare mohd helmi kalu perkataan sy menyinggung sedare & sy x berniat n sedare same2 buat Bisnes IQD cume care berbeza & insyaALLAH kite same2 bekerjesame & dpt membantu menyelesaikan masalah mereka yg membeli Fizikal IQD..Jangn biarkan mereka terkontang kanting keseorangan..kerana sy tahu ramai org mlaysia kite yg membeli Fizikal IQD sama ade melayu@cine@india dr penjual2 IQD yg bersepah di merate yakin 90% pembeli2 IQD di Malaysia bukan membeli dgn sy tp sy akan membantu mereka mendaptkn info2 terkini tentang IQD.. ws


  146. nazhasecret
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 08:06:18

    1-akaun genuine okla alhamdulillah,bgus tu

    2-e’eleh tau la en ayiem big supporter en helmy kt cni .iqd byk ke sikit ttp dianggap koleksi set sbb xde nilai tmbh2 siap ngn folder simpn.bila koleksi set sesape pun bole beli simpn.public bnk pun prnh jual skjp dulu sbg koleksi set.

    3-mcm mne sy dptkn dinar n mcm mne sy buat urusn pembelian iqd mcm tu jugakla yg akn sy buat utk cashkn.kite pun bukn bodo2 bwk masuk bulat2 mcm tu.ade otak kna la bijak brfikir cmne nk bkn bru arini buat urusn kuar msuk duit

    4-org dlm bank pun buat urusan jual beli iqd ni bawah meja.kontek dlm kna ade.

    5-msa blum smpai jgn la duk gelabah x tentu hala.sila baca faq kt blog ni.dh terang lg aktif mncari info since 2006.klu spe yg kenal sy kt CG,NG,forum2 lain sy aktif smpai thn2008 xsilap utk dinar iraq.lps tu sy hnya penuhi permintaan dr yg request personal nk beli jek.

    En helmy pun nmpk bru di CG or mybe bru create id bru kt sna.whateverla,if ikhlas sgt nk membntu create la blog,pamerkn syrt2 nk bukak akaun warka.biar jelas n nyata.xde la org duk tnye byk2 kali


  147. Kembara IQD
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 11:39:08


    kalau sedare nk tau penjelasan sy pasal Note IQD5 tu leh klik disini..
    (( pertukaran IQD yg sy buat dah di scan & nanti sy kongsi
    bersame sahabat


    • kassim
      Jul 25, 2010 @ 14:42:44

      Hmm…seperti yang saya jangkakan!. Itulah sebabnya saya tanya dari mana sdr Helmy dapat imej itu…. Kalau sah ada, dah tentu awal2 lagi dapat tau dari DV…


  148. Kembara IQD
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 12:37:36


    website yg sy bg kat bawah ni akan menjawab persoalan
    yg sedare tercari2..tolong klik di websitu tu n leh tgk seme mata wang
    iraq yg lame n baru..siap ade tulis agi tahunnye sekali..sedare klik kat IMAGE..


    Sign & Gabenor Bank iraq ade dlm website tu & Serial Number Prefixes for Iraq pun ade tulis n diterjemahkan sekali angka2 bertulis arab ke english..arap sedare2 leh tgk situ utk mengelakkan kekeliruan berkaitan mata wang iraq lama n mata wang baru..mudah2an kite seme


  149. Kembara IQD
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 14:23:56


    sedare leh klik kat website ni nk tgk IQD dr tahun2 dulu sampai sekarang..

    (( website ni ade Note 25,Note 10k & 5k..100% mcm Note 25000,Note 10000 & Note 5000 yang ade
    dengn sedare skrng


  150. Kembara IQD
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 14:27:44

    Oopppss..tersilap..Note IQD 25000 yg baru berbeza 100% dgn Note IQD 25 yg


  151. Kassim
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 14:48:33

    Salam sdr Kembara IQD, apa komen sdr tentang ‘source’ sdr Helmy yg menyatakan Cash Dinar akan di ‘lop” manakala yg lain akan selamat…


  152. Kembara IQD
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 15:30:06

    Resit Exchange IQD boleh dilihat di sini ((


  153. Kembara IQD
    Jul 25, 2010 @ 16:44:10


    en kassim..pasal pertanyaan en sy ambil pendekatan tunggu & x nk komen ape2 sbbnye dr tahun 2006 sy jual IQD sapa skrng kebanyakan soalan yg same org tanye..terime kasih byk2 pd mereka yg bertanye walpun soklan x menyalahkah mereka sbbnye hak mereka nk tau perkembangn IQD semase.. mereka buat pelaburan msti nak untung..kalu leh kpd pembeli dinar cri info dlm tenet pasal pelaburan IQD & itu boleh membntu sedare dr mendengar cakap2 org..utk kesohehan berite leh hubungi sy & sy akan cube bg info sekadar ape yg sy ade Link di Iraq n berite akn cepat sapa pd sy..insyaALLAH.. sesape yg simpan IQD dlm Acc di bank iraq sy doakan duit anda x lesap bile nilai IQD dah di floatkan nanti..lebih baik anda berjupe sndiri dgn en helmi face to face pasa buke Acc di sndiri pun xde Acc di bank,info pasa buke Acc di sane sy x leh nk kongsi ngn sahabt seme..doakan akhir tahun 2010 ni ade Money Changer di Malaysia yg membeli & menjual IQD…itu harapan sy..semoga Allah


    • Kassim
      Jul 25, 2010 @ 23:21:39

      Terima kasih sdr Kembara IQD…cepat2lah balik ke malaysia dan buka MC kat sini ya…..


  154. nazhasecret
    Jul 26, 2010 @ 04:05:07

    sy online guna hp so ade certain image sy tk dp loading dgn sempurna,ape2 pun hope pnjelasan en kembara iqd tu bole buat pemegang note fizikal pun tarik nafas lega.

    Tu sbb sy lebey suka tggu n lihat,sbb dr dulu mmg byk rumuors n propaganda smpai sy pun x lrt nk mengupdate.

    Pernah msa thn 2007 sorng member buat promosi 1set koleksi iqd utk 1buah rumah.supaya sama2 beroleh manfaat jika rv n jika x rv pun x mengapa sbb bole buat koleksi.

    since ujung thn 2006 sy simpan sekadar suka2+sy seorg high risk taker.berapa kali kuar news kt metro kata skim pelaburan kata dinar iraq tipu sy sgt mudah.anda beli/bagi duit,anda dpt ape yg ditawarkan/note iqd.adekah anda rase tertipu?

    Yg sy rase trtipu bila sy beli/bagi duit then xdpt kt tgn,cth hnya tgk kt web mcm zmn sy aktif main hyip n autosurf pd thn 2005.last2 burn mcm tu.

    Ape2 pun selera masing2,ade yg suka manis,ade yg suka sy mmg akn bertindak bila news yg betul kuar.utk pembeli2 dgn sy jgn risau,sy masih hp pun yg lama.yg prnh jumpe dtg umh,umh sy ttp kt situ x pindah2.

    Pd yg nk share ape2 news n prediction sila post seperti biase.but pls dunt hijack my blog klu anda nk promote


  155. pok dogol
    Jul 26, 2010 @ 08:07:38

    sy nk tnya bnyak…sy ada beli IQD dgn syrikat kt luar negara.. abes 2 cmana nk tkar klau dinar di apungkan nanti…??


  156. Pak Pandir
    Jul 26, 2010 @ 10:16:36

    Kepada pok dogol
    Sila lihat petikan dari catatan Pak Ali dari satu laman blog tempatan :–
    Sesuatu matawang yang telah diapungkan dipasaran memberi implikasi seperti berikut:

    i. Matawang itu dijadikan sebagai tukaran mendapat matawang asing yang lain sebagai perbelanjaan di luar negara. Misalnya RM boleh di tukar ke Rupiah di Indonesia, atau Dollar Singapura di Singapura, atau Baht di Thailand atau Riyal di Arab Saudi. Begitu juga jika dengan Dinar Iraq, apabila diapungkan nanti, maka ianya boleh di tukarkan di mana-mana negara yang kita berurusan.

    ii. Sesuatu negara boleh menjadikan matawang itu sebagai reserve negara jika diyakini nilainya stabil atau berpotensi lebih menguat lagi pada masa hadapan. Misalnya Malaysia menyimpan pelbagai matawang asing sebagai reserve. Matawang Euro, Paun Britain, dan Yen Jepun adalah antara pilihan matawang yang disimpan sebagai reserve oleh negara kita dan juga negara-negara lain dalam dunia ini.

    iii. Matawang yang sedia terapung juga boleh digunakan untuk pembayaran impot dan pembayaran hutang sesuatu negara. Misalnya Malaysia boleh gunakan reservenya dalam USD atau Yen untuk membayar hutang luar Malaysia. Maknanya sesuatu negara itu tidak semestinya menggunakan matawang mereka sendiri sebagai alat pembayaran. Mereka boleh gunakan matawang asing yang mereka simpan atau yang dibawa masuk oleh peniaga atau pelancung asing ke negara mereka. Lantaran itulah industri pelancongan digalakkan supaya matawang asing masuk ke negara ini atau urusan ekspot dibuat melalui tukaran USD.

    Dengan pemahaman diatas, anda tidak perlu khuatir akan kemampuan Iraq menyerap dan membeli semula dinarnya yang kini berada di luar Iraq. Dinar Iraq yang akan diapungkan nanti, secara otomatik akan digunakan oleh dunia sebagai tukaran dalam perdagangan antara negara dalam dunia, atau sebagai reserve sesuatu negara dan sebagai matawang membayar hutang. Masa apungan semakin mendekat kerana ianya telah melalui tempoh 7 tahun.Tempoh masa antara 7 ke 10 tahun adalah masa yang manasabah dinar Iraq akan diapungkan.

    Dan anda sebagai penyimpan Dinar Iraq di negara ini sebenarnya secara tidak langsung membantu negara membuat satu reserve yang berpotensi terlalu tinggi nilainya. Tidak hairanlah Amerika meluluskan undang-undang supaya rakyatnya boleh membeli dan memiliki dinar Iraq secara teratur.


    • pok dogol
      Jul 26, 2010 @ 17:01:11

      tq pk pndir krn respon….tpi kurang fham…kalau sy beli IQD dri US..,jdi sy kena pegi tkar kt US r..??klau bleh kt malaysia, kt mana plak 2..?? kt pngurup wang brlesen bleh ker..??xkan nk kena pegi US….jauh tuuu…


  157. isma
    Jul 26, 2010 @ 11:02:35

    yup..dont wori be happy..


  158. Pak Pandir
    Jul 26, 2010 @ 11:14:35

    betul tu sdr isma…dah tengok scooter?


  159. naKata"17"
    Jul 26, 2010 @ 16:46:59

    uuhh aku menanti dengan penuh kesabaran..hehehe!!


  160. Kembara IQD
    Jul 26, 2010 @ 17:53:02


    to Pok Dogol..semcam jer name Nickname sedare..cube sedare bace & faham komen yg ditulis oleh pak pandir..sedare akn fahm nanti..cth paling mudah sy bg..byangkan sedare nk pegi melancong ke italy n ketika tu nilai IQD sudah diapungkan..maknenye IQD dah diperdagangkan antare negare dunia..sedare bwk jer la IQD tu n sapa saner tukar dgn mata wang Jgan lak bawak 5 guni IQD tu ke sane…cri nahas


  161. naKata"17"
    Jul 27, 2010 @ 03:25:13

    eeMM Pak Dogol……bila IQD nie da rv semua negara da mula guna duit nie,so nak pening pale wat pe…pergi je mane2 bank n money changer untuk tukar,x perlu lah sampai kene pg us tue..

    Sy umpama kan Pak Dogol pergi Giant beli barang,then dapat baki tue x kan la Pak Dogol boleh guna kat Giant jew,Pak Dogol still boleh guna kat Tesco,Jusco..and Kedai Mamak Roti Canai…hehehe…WasaLam!!!


    • pok dogol
      Jul 27, 2010 @ 03:48:13

      huahuahua…..skarang dh fham dan jelas…bleh la bli ag IQD…yes..!!tq kmbara n nakata…


  162. isma
    Jul 27, 2010 @ 06:24:01

    bersiap sedia untuk jadi jutawan …kita bukak pam minyak untuk real biz…


    • kassim
      Jul 27, 2010 @ 08:15:52

      Kekawan IQD…saya pastekan petikan dari ringkasan penerangan dari kawan kepada seorang yang pakar berkaitan pelaburan IQD bernickname “scooter” >>>

      Sure no problem….we have a good dialogue cause me and scooter talk on a regular, go get drinks, that kind of thing lol , he is very good at finding this info, I try to get him over here after making those chats from other sites to help explain and answer questions people might have….but yea to sum things up….this has been planned for years….it was planned to be executed with or without the govt in place, because they knew the leaders of Iraq would not be able to handle this and they would end up screwing it all up….they have been in a way testing a wide range of rates behind the locked rate of 1170 to see how they would work with Iraqs economy the way it is….they have been doing this since 2004 as to find the “equilibrium” rate, meaning the rate best justified and supported by Iraqs economy and oil production… as for the banks and the ISX…..Iraq needs the ISX to go international as to help with massive amounts of investments that can pour into the country and make it easier for foreigners to invest into the private sector as well….in order for the ISX to go international, the dinar must be internationally recognized first and must at least be at the value of 1 cent as well….but the banking reform actually includes the RV/RI and so they must complete the RV/RI before the end of october which of course that deadline may be extended if necessary so its still not set in stone… we COULD be looking at a time frame of end of august till end of october to see our dinar rise in value because i dont believe that we will see anything happen during the month of ramadan….so look right after that till october as our “timeframe” based soley on Iraqs plans and what they have placed in front of us…..not off some random rumors or anything like that….just off good ol reading and comprehension ya dig?!?! and of course long and tiring research done by none other than scooter himself


  163. naKata"17"
    Jul 27, 2010 @ 09:35:28

    hehehe bunyi nye cam menarik je…moga2 penantian kita since 2006 akan berakhir dengan gembira…hehehe..sama2 kita berdoa!!


  164. pok dogol
    Jul 27, 2010 @ 11:16:12

    harap2 lambat ag,,,aku nk beli siket ag,,hahahaaa…


  165. isma
    Jul 27, 2010 @ 11:20:51

    cukuplah ape yang ada..jangan tamak…janji dah kaya jangan lupa yang miskin..sadakah dalam bulan ramadan afdal..


    • pok dogol
      Jul 29, 2010 @ 06:16:23

      aku bru ada 100k…nk beli bleh 50k ag…


      • Ahli Baru..
        Aug 02, 2010 @ 18:43:42

        saya ada dinar nak jual sikit,berminat tak??

  166. isma
    Jul 27, 2010 @ 11:24:41

    BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: U.S. Joint Chief of Staff Mike Mullen arrived in Baghdad on Tuesday to complete the plans of his troops’ withdrawal from Iraq in August 2010.

    The al-Iraqiya state-run TV station reported the event.


  167. koko
    Jul 27, 2010 @ 15:29:35

    For visitors to this forum, you are most welcome to publish useful information regarding lQD rather than giving some foolish words meaning revealing a kind of low personality, hope everyone of us are aware of that, show to visitors of this blog that we are all educated people…..right !!! Lets us wait patiently for lQD to produce some very very good news in a few days to come


  168. Kassim
    Jul 27, 2010 @ 16:05:46

    Economist Explains How The Plan To Have The IQD RV at 1 IQD = $1 USD Should Work!


    In our 40+ year career as a Retirement Consultant we have been blessed to meet some very talented professionals. One of them is a retired State Dept. economist who introduced us to the IQD investment in 2005. He had worked on the original plan to install a new monetary system for Iraq after the 2003 invasion.

    He had originally indicated that the plan was for the IQD to achieve financial parity with the USD over a 7-10 year period from the introduction of the new system. At that time the USD�s use would be completely discontinued and it would be replaced by the IQD for in-country use and international exchange. The variable factor in the timetable would be the political environment.

    I visited with him recently and got an update on several issues:

    (1) He indicated the original time table was proceeding on a fast track due to the financial management skills exhibited by the CBI and the Finance Ministry in (1) controlling the rate of inflation, (2) controlling the value of the IQD in a declining economic environment and (3) implementing a digital banking system both internally and externally, but the variable was still the political environment.

    Like most economist he doesn�t talk in absolutes (i.e. rate/date) but in probabilities. His knowledge base is pretty current since he is still part of a subsection of the original group that Iraq, State Department and IMF financial people bounce things off of.

    (2) We raised the issue of the large number of IQD reported as being in circulation (current estimates are at 25 Trillion). He indicated this was mostly made up of (1) in country physical currency, (2) the foreign currency reserves of the central banks around the world which are electronic, (3) currency that had been printed but not released (i.e. small denomination bills) and (4) privately held physical currency sold to increase the foreign currency reserves.

    The export oil revenues are still under the control of the UN supervised DFI, and Iraq only gets roughly 30% of the fair market value of the oil they are selling, which is to be used only for budgetary expenditures. Since Shabbi, the head of the CBI, knew he couldn�t get anymore cash flow out of the controlled revenue system the IMF/UN had him under, he opened a currency sales window at the daily auctions to tap into the wallets of the worlds speculators. Worked pretty good, since he�s built his foreign currency reserves to over $50 billion USD.

    (3) We then moved to the removal of big bills (the ones with the 3 zeros on them) and he said that this activity was always built into the plan. The activity was to begin as soon as Iraq had implemented a modern digital financial system (i.e. bank branches, credit/debit cards, ATM�s, direct wire transfers etc.). The removal of the large bills in-country would be the reverse of the process that was used to remove the pre-2003 currency with Saddams picture on it. The example was a 25,000 IQD=$25USD/pre-rv note would be brought into the bank and exchanged for a 25 IQD note=$25 USD post/rv. The 25,000 IQD note would then be destroyed removing it from the currency in circulation account. I told him a lot of people would call that a LOP and he laughed, saying they are partially right, because 25,000 IQD was being lopped from the currency in circulation account, but the only reason for this process was to improve money handling ability at all organization levels, and reduce the actual physical currency in use in all areas of the Iraq economy.

    Interestingly enough, he said this activity could happen in-country without an approved RV rate being released to the International financial system. I asked how much physical IQD did he estimated was in circulation in-country, and he said probably less than had been originally introduced in 2003 which was about $4.5 billion USD worth at an exchange rate of 2000 IQD = $1 USD, because there has been a continuous process of not replacing the larger bills as they wore out. In fact this has resulted in currency shortages in some areas.

    (4) The next obvious question was how would the removal of the large bills with the three zeros work outside of Iraq, because of the number of world speculators holding IQD. He indicated, the amount of IQD held by speculators was relatively minor (less than 10%) compared to the IQD held as foreign currency reserve by the central banks of a number of major countries (US, China, England & France were the largest) with major financial interest in Iraq. He didn�t have an exact estimate of speculator holdings but ventured an educated guess of 750,000 individuals worldwide with the majority in the US. Estimated value of their holdings $1.5 Trillion � $1.7 trillion IQD.

    (5) Before discussing the planned process of how currency exchange would take plan after the IQD was released as an international tradeable currency, he asked if I remembered my economics 101 and what the real purpose of currency is? Yes teacher I replied, it�s a medium of exchange that facilitates the orderly distribution of goods and services among individuals, companies, country�s etc. The often used example, is the use of currency allows an automobile dealer to exchange a new mustang GT (composed of many diverse parts each with its own individual market value) for the cash down payment + bank financing check of a proud new owner, and each has received equal market value at the moment of exchange.

    This is an important concept because the value of a particular currency may be defined by the value of what the currency can be exchanged for, instead of the usual underlying economic indicators.

    The complete discussion was rather lengthy so here�s the executive summary of how the exchange should work with IQD owned by a US speculator:

    (1) IQD is released internationally with an exchange rate of $1 USD = 1 IQD
    (2) IQD is exchanged by Mr. & Mrs. X at Bank Y. Their exchange value is credited to their designated financial account, Bank Y forwards the IQD currency to the Federal Reserve and Bank Y�s account is credited at the bank private exchange rate. Yes, the banks will have a private rate and then they will add their profit spread to come up with their public rate. By law this bank spread could be as high as 8%, but it will be a competitive marketplace and the banks know investors will shop around. There is a possibility that there might even be a three rate structure (i.e. Treasury Rate � Bank Private Rate � Bank Public Rate) imposed, but he had no input on that subject.
    (3) The Federal Reserve adds the value of the exchanged IQD to their foreign currency reserve accounts and destroys the actual physical currency under agreement with the CBI, which serves to reduce the total IQD physical currency in circulation. This build up of the foreign currency reserve accounts serves to strengthen the USD in the marketplace, because heretofore the US has never held significant foreign currency reserves, because there wasn�t any country whose currency was perceived as being equal to or stronger than the USD. The IQD with it�s commodity (oil+others) base, potential for agriculture growth and aggressive private development growth, has the capability to become the most valuable currency in the world in the 10 years after it�s revaluation and approval as an internationally recognized currency. Other countries have lots of oil, but they can�t feed themselves, they operate under a monarchy or religious tribunal and they have no private development system in place.
    (4) Mr. & Mrs. X tithe to their church, local charity etc. which stimulates activity in that sector. They pay off their debts, making currency available for re-lending by their creditors. They buy a new house and car which stimulates their local economy and set up a conservative investment portfolio which adds capital to the investment markets. They also pay their estimated taxes which increases the cash flow to the US Treasury.
    (5) The Federal Reserve under a controlled redemption plan supervised by the IMF, will use it�s foreign currency reserve IQD account to buy oil for the national strategic reserve, DOD reserves, other country reserves as part of international support agreements or resell it to private oil companies etc.

    This gives the Federal Reserve a powerful market force capability to control the supply/price of imported oil which has far-reaching economic and national security implications.

    The economics of this scenario look like this, using the exchange of a 10,000 IQD Note with a two-tier 2% bank exchange spread as an example:

    (1) Mr. & Mrs. X get $9,800 credited to their non-interest bearing checking account.
    (2) Bank Y gets a $10,000 credit to its Federal Reserve account, and by adding the $200 profit to their capital account, allows them to increase their lending cap by $2,000 under the 10% fractional banking model.
    (3) The Treasury gets $3,500 in estimated taxes in the quarter after the exchange, because Mr. & Mrs. X are now in the �rich� category and get to enjoy the 35% tax bracket. This lowers the net cost of the IQD exchange to the US financial system to $6,500 USD (i.e. $10,000 out � $3,500 in).
    (4) The Fed�s designated agent, at some point, orders $10,000 worth of oil from Iraq. Payment will consist of a 10,000 transfer from the Fed�s foreign currency reserve IQD account to the IRAQ Oil payment account at the CBI. Even though the world spot price of oil is defined in terms of USD, the actual transaction may take place in any internationally recognized currency agreed to by the parties. For example, Iran only accepts Yen from Japan for their oil orders, because they don�t want USD in their foreign currency reserves.
    (5) The $10,000 order is filled with 200 barrels of oil based on the spot price on the date of the sale (for this example we used a $50 USD spot price). What does it cost Iraq to produce the oil to fill this order? Well they have negotiated productions agreements for $1.50 USD/barrel. From that price $.50 USD goes to the national Iraqi oil company who is the partner in the field the oil came from. Out of the remaining $1.00 the other oil field partners have to pay the Iraq government a profit tax of $.35 USD (35%). The net cost to Iraq to produce a barrel of oil used in this scenario is $.65 USD. (i.e. $1.50 � .50 � .35)
    (6) The transaction is completed with the Federal Reserve exchanging foreign reserve credits which are equal to 10,000 IQD (which had a net acquisition cost of $6,500 USD) for 200 barrels of oil (which has a net cost to produce of $130 USD.

    Simply put, it cost Iraq $130 USD from their foreign currency reserve accounts to redeem the value of 10,000 IQD, which goes into their operating accounts. At the same time the US got $10,000 worth of oil for a net cost of $6,500. That�s how it was originally planned for Iraq to RV at 1 IQD = 1 USD, with the variable being the political element (i.e. UN Sanctions, GOI actions, IMF actions, World Bank actions


  169. Kembara IQD
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 03:35:15


    sy ade tanye seorang seller IQD di America n dier ade website sendiri n antare seller IQD terbesar di America pasal buke Acc bank di iraq..ini jawapannye Ringkas aje..”my recommendation would be to contact the bank directly that you would like to open the account with.That’s going to be your best bet”


  170. mamat
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 05:04:57

    Salam saudara Kembara lQD,
    Tak pe lah, tak perlu nak buka akaun di sana, kalau saudara Kembara lQD dah buka MC kat malaysia, kita tukar lQD di sini, je lah. Semoga menjadi kenyataan…lnsyaAllah


  171. Kassim
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 14:15:40

    Salam kekawan IQD >> Sila baca (jangan tak baca) petikan perbualan chatters dengan saya percaya pakar ekonomi dan kewangan bernama “scooter” di bawah !!!!

    Scooter Chat July 28th @ 7:00 CST Rate Topic:

    6:59 AM [Scooter] No way

    6:59 AM [leggman24] hey scooter.

    6:59 AM [mark_mich266] Morning, Scooter

    6:59 AM [Scooter] Good Morning

    6:59 AM [Scooter] How is everybody?

    6:59 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter   your up early!!!

    6:59 AM [Scooter] I thought I was the only person that didn’t sleep

    6:59 AM [Scooter]  

    6:59 AM [Scooter] keepmwlknfny keepmwlknfny What are you doing up this early

    6:59 AM [Scooter]  

    6:59 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter no i have insomnia too

    7:00 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter   i usually dont sleep until 5am

    7:00 AM [Scooter] leggman24 leggman24 TY

    7:00 AM [Scooter] Appreciate the comments

    7:00 AM [Scooter] so I have an ignorant question

    7:01 AM [Scooter] is HFMedic the same guy as Sweet Prince

    7:01 AM [leggman24] Scooter not a prob, love all your work you do.

    7:01 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter we were talking about china buying up the euro to prop up the euro and china when this RV’s….you hearing the same???

    7:01 AM [Scooter] Oh yea — that’s all over the FOREX charts

    7:01 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter and with the US having trillions of dinar in reserve wouldnt that also help the US dollar too when they RV?

    7:01 AM [Scooter] China has essentially saved the Euro

    7:02 AM [Scooter] But why they did that — I don’t know

    7:02 AM [leggman24] Scooter yes they have.

    7:02 AM [Scooter] The eurozone is only growing at .09% a year

    7:02 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter maybe cause they are the only ones that have that kind of money?   

    7:02 AM [Scooter] it’s a terrible play because that debt in Europe is way out of control

    7:03 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter essentially the IMF could be behind all this to help out the global crisis with Iraq’s RV??

    7:03 AM [Scooter] keepmwlknfny — Here’s the thing — The US this year

    7:03 AM [Scooter] This president and congress spent more money in the first 100 days

    7:03 AM [leggman24] Scooter but scoot, when we cash the dinar the dollar will go down, and the euro will actually go up a bit

    7:03 AM [Scooter] than all 43 presidents combined

    7:03 AM [Scooter] When this economy heats up

    7:04 AM [Scooter] we will see hyperinflation like never before

    7:04 AM [Scooter] What happend is China got a sweet heart deal

    7:04 AM [Scooter] The Euro was spiraling downward

    7:04 AM [Scooter] where it should have been going

    7:05 AM [Scooter] in fact this move in the long run

    7:05 AM [Scooter] will be bad for Europe too

    7:05 AM [Scooter] They needed to be at even parity with the USD

    7:05 AM [Scooter] improve the exports and erradicate that debt

    7:05 AM [Scooter] China improves its value over time

    7:05 AM [Scooter] and the natural course of the market occurs

    7:06 AM [Scooter] China has several problems too though

    7:06 AM [Scooter] they will be hitting a bubble they never seen before

    7:06 AM [Scooter] When they began growing at an outrageous 10% plus

    7:06 AM [Scooter] every year

    7:06 AM [Scooter] they forgot one major thing

    7:06 AM [Scooter] increase the pay of their workers

    7:07 AM [Scooter] massive overcapacity problems in the next 18 months

    7:07 AM [Scooter] Here’s the worldwide problem

    7:07 AM [Scooter] the USD is usually the Safehaven

    7:07 AM [Scooter] most circulation

    7:07 AM [Scooter] but the value has dropped significantly since 2000

    7:08 AM [Scooter] and the debt is now equivalent to the GDP

    7:08 AM [Scooter] not good at all

    7:08 AM [Scooter] leggman24 Your absolutely correctd

    7:08 AM [Scooter] correct

    7:08 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter so you think the IMF could have been behind this and planning this whole thing out to coincide with Iraq’s RV to help the global economy but its going to backfire in a way??

    7:08 AM [Scooter] I don’t understand why they didn’t proggressively improve that

    7:09 AM [Scooter] The US?

    7:09 AM [Scooter] or China

    7:09 AM [Scooter] ahhh yes

    7:09 AM [Scooter] keepmwlknfny keepmwlknfny No

    7:09 AM [Scooter] I think there was interference in the Euro — no doubt in my mind

    7:10 AM [Scooter] but

    7:10 AM [Scooter] the IMF has it’s own agenda too

    7:10 AM [Scooter] they’ve been pushing their own worldwide currency based on the SDR

    7:10 AM [Scooter] See China was buying our treasury notes at a rate of 50 – 70 billion a month

    7:11 AM [Scooter] They couldn’t go to Europe — there was no growth

    7:11 AM [Scooter] So the USD — was the only option

    7:11 AM [Scooter] Mideh GM

    7:11 AM [Mideh] Scooter great to see you hear,

    7:11 AM [Scooter] What’s going to get us out of this mess is the emerging markets

    7:12 AM [Scooter] The BRIC countries, Middle East, Africa

    7:12 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter really? hmmmm

    7:12 AM [Scooter] Mideh Thanks — didn’t sleep last night — thought I would pop in

    7:12 AM [Scooter]  

    7:12 AM [Scooter]  

    7:12 AM [Mideh] Scooter not you…

    7:12 AM [Scooter] MrRich Yepper!!!

    7:13 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter how are these emerging markets going to save us??

    7:13 AM [Scooter] BRIC — Brazil, Russia, India, China

    7:13 AM [Scooter] keepmwlknfny That’s the only Growth areas

    7:14 AM [Scooter] the US Debt is eventually going to tumble and Europe — Too much to even go into right now

    7:14 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter   

    7:14 AM [Scooter] China – Overcapacity — but will be growing for sometime

    7:14 AM [Scooter] Banking infrastructure still weak

    7:14 AM [Scooter] but still a good buy

    7:14 AM [Scooter] Canada looks dynamite

    7:14 AM [Scooter] the Aussie as well

    7:15 AM [Scooter] drox GM

    7:15 AM [Mideh] Scooter why canada?

    7:15 AM [Scooter] Canada

    7:15 AM [Scooter] lets see for a second

    7:15 AM [Scooter] Top 8 in natural resources

    7:15 AM [Scooter] 85 Billion spent in the northern slope

    7:15 AM [Scooter] of Alberta for just oil

    7:16 AM [Scooter] and they have fewer

    7:16 AM [Scooter] people than southern California

    7:16 AM [Mideh] Scooter aren’t they big importers though?

    7:16 AM [Scooter] The problem is they don’t have enough circulation for the big boys to play there

    7:16 AM [leggman24] Scooter i like there debt to gdp ratio.

    7:16 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter so with china’s growth will that impact the asian countries positively as well with growth in their economy and possibly currencies as well??

    7:16 AM [Scooter] so small guys like us can leverage that

    7:17 AM [Scooter] leggman24 comparitively speaking —– me toooo!!   

    7:17 AM [Scooter] keepmwlknfny All of Asia will follow China

    7:17 AM [Scooter] in terms of monetary policy

    7:17 AM [Mideh] Scooter what sectors do you like in the Canada market

    7:17 AM [Scooter] when the Yuan moves stronger — so will asia

    7:17 AM [Scooter] except for Japan

    7:18 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter   so long term the VND might not be bad to look into??

    7:18 AM [Scooter] Mideh OIL OIL OIL —— and then they have 1.7 Trillion in natural resources they can play with

    7:18 AM [Scooter] mark_mich266 Great Call

    7:18 AM [Scooter] 8- 10 play

    7:19 AM [Scooter] but will be worth it

    7:19 AM [Scooter] definately

    7:19 AM [Scooter] Afghanistan has a GDP of 12 Billion

    7:19 AM [Mideh] Scooter ty, didn’t see that, oil I mean.

    7:19 AM [Scooter] Their first Lithium contract with China

    7:19 AM [Scooter] was 4 Billion

    7:19 AM [Scooter] half paid in straight cash

    7:19 AM [Scooter] Mideh sorry — it’s early you know

    7:19 AM [Scooter]  

    7:19 AM [Scooter]  

    7:20 AM [Mideh] Scooter   

    7:20 AM [Scooter]  

    7:20 AM [leggman24] Scooter didnt know that ….   

    7:20 AM [Scooter] leggman24   

    7:20 AM [Mideh] Scooter plus, I slept well last night   

    7:20 AM [Scooter] Mideh ohhhhhhhh

    7:20 AM [Scooter] Snap!!!

    7:20 AM [Scooter]  

    7:20 AM [leggman24] Scooter didnt know that ….   

    7:20 AM [Scooter] leggman24   

    7:20 AM [Mideh] Scooter plus, I slept well last night   

    7:20 AM [Scooter] Mideh ohhhhhhhh

    7:20 AM [Scooter] Snap!!!

    7:20 AM [Scooter]  

    7:21 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter let me know next time your free!!!   

    7:21 AM [Scooter] mark_mich266 — brb — I’ll get a link for you that shows the canadian resources weath

    7:21 AM [Scooter] wealth

    7:21 AM [Cyn] Scooter Thanks so much…Great Coffee Time!!!

    7:22 AM [Scooter] keepmwlknfny NP — Like I said on the phone — probably next week is good with me my friend

    7:22 AM [Scooter] Cyn   

    7:22 AM [Scooter] Where’s mine?

    7:22 AM [Scooter] I better make some

    7:22 AM [Scooter] huh?

    7:22 AM [Mideh] Scooter thought you were gone,

    7:22 AM [Scooter] Where’s my cup

    7:22 AM [gina1exp] Scooter c(_)

    7:22 AM [Mideh] Scooter not asking for a rate and date…

    7:22 AM [Scooter] Mideh —– he doesn’t know

    7:23 AM [Scooter]  

    7:23 AM [Scooter]  

    7:23 AM [Scooter]  

    7:23 AM [Scooter] gina1exp gina1exp gina1exp

    7:23 AM [Scooter]  

    7:23 AM [Scooter]  

    7:23 AM [Scooter]  

    7:23 AM [Scooter] gina1exp gina1exp gina1exp

    7:23 AM [Scooter]  

    7:23 AM [drox] So Scooter… have you noticed in the staff report nothing really talks about increases to the exchange rate?

    7:24 AM [Scooter] Which one?

    7:24 AM [Scooter] the one yesterday

    7:24 AM [Scooter] remember — having done FOREX for this long

    7:25 AM [Scooter] As we get closer and closer to the date — the news willl get more and more

    7:25 AM [Scooter] confusing —-

    7:25 AM [Den56] Scooter – In your last chat, you mentioned that the IMF/UN/World Bank Reform period ends in October. Does that mean tha if the Dinar does not RV by then we will be out of luck for another 6-12 months ? Or, are you saying that it has to happen by then ? Thanks . . . .

    7:25 AM [Scooter] Here’s my suggestions — DON’T Listen to it

    7:25 AM [Scooter]  

    7:25 AM [Scooter] the central bankers are the worlds best at spin

    7:25 AM [Scooter] when you see one of those articles

    7:26 AM [Scooter] look immediately at the source

    7:26 AM [Scooter] That tells me immediately if it’s bogus or not

    7:26 AM [Scooter] I saw one yesterday that was a riot

    7:26 AM [Scooter] People were freaking out

    7:27 AM [Scooter] and it was bogus

    7:27 AM [Cyn] Scooter Is that the answer to DEN56 Question??

    7:27 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter the one about interest rates being down and that they werent going to change the exchange rate?

    7:27 AM [leggman24] Scooter lots of smoke and mirrors.

    7:27 AM [Scooter] The CBI sent a consultant out to tell all the world and speculators that inflation was under control and there was no need to RV

    7:27 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter yea thats the one!!   

    7:28 AM [Scooter] this came just two weeks after the IMF Inflationary Working paper was released on Iraq

    7:28 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter it got alot of people buzzing on here too!!!

    7:28 AM [Scooter] leggman24 too many holes

    7:28 AM [Scooter] the IMF and World Bank Data must be transparent!

    7:28 AM [Scooter] and completley legit

    7:29 AM [Scooter] mark_mich266 Oh yea — bigtime

    7:29 AM [KCT] Scooter how do you weed out the sources? im new and trying to learn . thanks for all you do by the way! GM everyone!

    7:29 AM [KCT] Scooter how do you weed out the sources? im new and trying to learn . thanks for all you do by the way! GM everyone!

    7:31 AM [Scooter] I just lost my connection

    7:31 AM [Scooter] sorry about that

    7:25 AM [Scooter] the central bankers are the worlds best at spin

    7:25 AM [Scooter] when you see one of those articles

    7:26 AM [Scooter] look immediately at the source

    7:26 AM [Scooter] That tells me immediately if it’s bogus or not

    7:26 AM [Scooter] I saw one yesterday that was a riot

    7:26 AM [Scooter] People were freaking out

    7:27 AM [Scooter] and it was bogus

    7:27 AM [Cyn] Scooter Is that the answer to DEN56 Question??

    7:27 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter the one about interest rates being down and that they werent going to change the exchange rate?

    7:27 AM [leggman24] Scooter lots of smoke and mirrors.

    7:27 AM [Scooter] The CBI sent a consultant out to tell all the world and speculators that inflation was under control and there was no need to RV

    7:27 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter yea thats the one!!   

    7:28 AM [Scooter] this came just two weeks after the IMF Inflationary Working paper was released on Iraq

    7:28 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter it got alot of people buzzing on here too!!!

    7:28 AM [Scooter] leggman24 too many holes

    7:28 AM [Scooter] the IMF and World Bank Data must be transparent!

    7:28 AM [Scooter] and completley legit

    7:29 AM [Scooter] mark_mich266 Oh yea — bigtime

    7:29 AM [KCT] Scooter how do you weed out the sources? im new and trying to learn . thanks for all you do by the way! GM everyone!

    7:31 AM [Scooter] I just lost my connection

    7:31 AM [Scooter] sorry about that

    7:31 AM [Scooter] KCT

    7:31 AM [drox] Scooter…As we get closer to the Dinar trading on an international exchange do you see Shabs trying to raise interest rates to pump up the value?

    7:31 AM [Scooter] Your question is a good one —- I usuallly

    7:32 AM [Scooter] look at the source and their position

    7:32 AM [Scooter] then look at their motive

    7:32 AM [Scooter] usually gives it up right away before pursuing

    7:32 AM [Scooter] further

    7:32 AM [Scooter] However, if you have a question like that — just ping me via PM

    7:33 AM [Scooter] drox Great Question

    7:33 AM [Scooter] NO

    7:33 AM [Scooter]  

    7:33 AM [Scooter]  

    7:33 AM [Scooter] here’s why

    7:33 AM [KCT] Scooter thanks

    7:33 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter Wow….It’s Scooter!

    7:33 AM [Den56] Scooter – If we don’t get an RV before the end of October and the end of the IMF Banking Reform Period, are we out of luck for another year ? Was confused about that in your chat yesterday.

    7:33 AM [Scooter] RicknSaudi It is — is that RicknSaudi?

    7:34 AM [Scooter] it is

    7:34 AM [Scooter] How are you

    7:34 AM [Scooter] oh

    7:34 AM [Scooter] forgot my answer

    7:34 AM [Scooter] shoot

    7:34 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter       

    7:34 AM [Scooter]  

    7:34 AM [Scooter] Drox

    7:34 AM [Scooter] Here’s the reason why they won’t increase the rate

    7:35 AM [Scooter] One — The DPL is filled — and I mean filled with loans for housing cars, infrastructure

    7:35 AM [Scooter] etc…

    7:35 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter Sorry, DPL?

    7:35 AM [Scooter] In fact, if you look at the MofF website — Zubaidi has opened up 3.8 trillion just for low cost loans

    7:35 AM [Scooter] Development Plan from the World Bank

    7:35 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter ty

    7:35 AM [Scooter] the RV is inside that bad boy

    7:35 AM [Scooter] NP

    7:36 AM [Cyn] Scooter Now I’m interested in the answer to DEN56 question       

    7:36 AM [Scooter] I missed it Cyn

    7:36 AM [Scooter] remember — you kicked me out

    7:36 AM [Scooter]  

    7:36 AM [Scooter]  

    7:36 AM [RDP_62] Den56] Scooter – If we don’t get an RV before the end of October and the end of the IMF Banking Reform Period, are we out of luck for another year ? Was confused about that in your chat yesterday.

    7:36 AM [Scooter] Den56 —– no — we are not out of luck

    7:36 AM [Scooter] see

    7:37 AM [Den56] Scooter – TY

    7:37 AM [Scooter] the World Bank DPL has this intracately planned out

    7:37 AM [Scooter] so that the RV occurs with the Banking Reform —- in fact — The Banking reform is the RV

    7:38 AM [Scooter] When you read the DPL —- and follow what’s happening right now

    7:38 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter Q: In the great scheme of this thing, how important is a government?

    7:38 AM [Scooter] we are right on schedule

    7:38 AM [Mideh] Scooter isnt it better to say its the fuel of the banking reform?

    7:38 AM [Scooter] RicknSaudi — NOT

    7:38 AM [Scooter] here’s why

    7:33 AM [KCT] Scooter thanks

    7:33 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter Wow….It’s Scooter!

    7:33 AM [Den56] Scooter – If we don’t get an RV before the end of October and the end of the IMF Banking Reform Period, are we out of luck for another year ? Was confused about that in your chat yesterday.

    7:33 AM [Scooter] RicknSaudi It is — is that RicknSaudi?

    7:34 AM [Scooter] it is

    7:34 AM [Scooter] How are you

    7:34 AM [Scooter] oh

    7:34 AM [Scooter] forgot my answer

    7:34 AM [Scooter] shoot

    7:34 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter       

    7:34 AM [Scooter]  

    7:34 AM [Scooter] Drox

    7:34 AM [Scooter] Here’s the reason why they won’t increase the rate

    7:35 AM [Scooter] One — The DPL is filled — and I mean filled with loans for housing cars, infrastructure

    7:35 AM [Scooter] etc…

    7:35 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter Sorry, DPL?

    7:35 AM [Scooter] In fact, if you look at the MofF website — Zubaidi has opened up 3.8 trillion just for low cost loans

    7:35 AM [Scooter] Development Plan from the World Bank

    7:35 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter ty

    7:35 AM [Scooter] the RV is inside that bad boy

    7:35 AM [Scooter] NP

    7:36 AM [Cyn] Scooter Now I’m interested in the answer to DEN56 question       

    7:36 AM [Scooter] I missed it Cyn

    7:36 AM [Scooter] remember — you kicked me out

    7:36 AM [Scooter]  

    7:36 AM [Scooter]  

    7:36 AM [RDP_62] Den56] Scooter – If we don’t get an RV before the end of October and the end of the IMF Banking Reform Period, are we out of luck for another year ? Was confused about that in your chat yesterday.

    7:36 AM [Scooter] Den56 —– no — we are not out of luck

    7:36 AM [Scooter] see

    7:37 AM [Den56] Scooter – TY

    7:37 AM [Scooter] the World Bank DPL has this intracately planned out

    7:37 AM [Scooter] so that the RV occurs with the Banking Reform —- in fact — The Banking reform is the RV

    7:38 AM [Scooter] When you read the DPL —- and follow what’s happening right now

    7:38 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter Q: In the great scheme of this thing, how important is a government?

    7:38 AM [Scooter] we are right on schedule

    7:38 AM [Mideh] Scooter isnt it better to say its the fuel of the banking reform?

    7:38 AM [Scooter] RicknSaudi — NOT

    7:38 AM [Scooter] here’s why

    7:38 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter ???

    7:38 AM [leggman24] Scooter give them the old stand by answer- any day now….   

    7:39 AM [Scooter] Iraq has the mid tier and and lower echelon of government continuing to work daily

    7:39 AM [Scooter] The IMF and World Bank and UN knew these lunatics would screw this up

    7:39 AM [Den56] Scooter – R U then saying that you would be pretty shocked if we don’t see an RV before the end of October ?

    7:39 AM [Scooter] so the UNDERPINNED the whole darn thing last year

    7:39 AM [Scooter] They made iraq pass two years of budgets

    7:40 AM [Scooter] and they leveraged it by telling them they wouldn’t get another loan if they didn’t

    7:40 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter but that ending date can be extended correct?? I believe that was stated on the bottom of those documents you pulled up…..

    7:40 AM [Scooter] In fact — The only thing that got messed up was the “Trigger” point

    7:41 AM [Scooter] and it says it right in the IMF CR 1072 document

    7:41 AM [Scooter] where they were going to take the next steps after the conclusion of parliment seating

    7:41 AM [Scooter] so

    7:41 AM [Scooter] they goto plan b

    7:41 AM [Scooter] do it without them

    7:41 AM [Scooter] There are 31 donar countries involved and the plan has been underway for 7 years

    7:42 AM [Scooter] they forced the iraqis

    7:42 AM [Scooter] to pass the RV law last year

    7:42 AM [Scooter] that way when the elections came — the plan was already passed into law

    7:42 AM [Scooter] and the Ministies go about their business

    7:42 AM [Scooter] it’s one of the most brilliant plans I have ever seen

    7:43 AM [Scooter] almost better than the Marshal Plan after WWII

    7:43 AM [Scooter] MrRich Great Question

    7:43 AM [Scooter] And the rate will be volatile as Heck the first 45 days

    7:43 AM [Cyn] Scooter So for us simplefolk….Don’t listen to anything and watch FOREX pop up the rate??

    7:44 AM [Scooter] and yes — that will have an effect — but marginal in this case

    7:44 AM [Mideh] Scooter volitle??

    7:44 AM [Scooter] because the UNSC will be overseeing the whole thing

    7:44 AM [Scooter] Volatile

    7:44 AM [Scooter] is that right

    7:44 AM [Scooter] hmmmm

    7:44 AM [Mideh] Scooter Why

    7:44 AM [Scooter] spell check

    7:44 AM [Mideh] Scooter no why volatile

    7:45 AM [Scooter] Cyn NOt exactly

    7:45 AM [Scooter] you can see the plan being fulfilled right now

    7:45 AM [Scooter] goto the MofF and MofP sites today

    7:45 AM [Mideh] Scooter Why do you think the rate will be volatile?

    7:45 AM [Scooter] you can see where MofF is already distributing the Revaluated monies to the provinces

    7:45 AM [Scooter] this thing is underway

    7:46 AM [Scooter] Mideh sorry

    7:46 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter what is motf and motp?   

    7:46 AM [Scooter] When this becomes int’l recognized

    7:46 AM [Scooter] and they come out with their rate

    7:46 AM [Scooter] two things will occur

    7:46 AM [Scooter] One

    7:46 AM [Scooter] the big boys come into the game

    7:46 AM [Mideh] Scooter I love what you say about “the plan”, most people get so wrapped around the axle about daily articles and they are almost worthless but revealing

    7:47 AM [Scooter] hedge funds, to central bank governments, etc….

    7:47 AM [Scooter] they will be buying and selling frantically

    7:47 AM [Scooter] at first

    7:47 AM [Scooter] second

    7:47 AM [Scooter] The independant individual investor will be cashing out

    7:47 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter yes!!!

    7:47 AM [Scooter] huge amounts of funds will be transferred electronically

    7:48 AM [Scooter] after the first 21 days — 30 days

    7:48 AM [Scooter] a consolidation period will occur and the rate will normalize itself

    7:48 AM [Scooter] It has to

    7:48 AM [Scooter] becasue in October — every major corporation in the world will be in baghdad

    7:49 AM [Scooter] in October for the ISX opening

    7:49 AM [Scooter] escorted by US Trade

    7:49 AM [Scooter] really —

    7:49 AM [Scooter] I don’t even know what I’m saying

    7:49 AM [Scooter]  

    7:49 AM [Scooter] sorry

    7:49 AM [Scooter] no coffee

    7:49 AM [Cyn] Scooter “Normalize” would that be level off??

    7:49 AM [RDP_62] Scooter so do you think the rate will go down in the first 20-30 days of trading? and then go up?

    7:49 AM [Scooter] drox they go for everything

    7:50 AM [Scooter] options and all

    7:50 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter what is motf and motp?

    7:50 AM [Scooter] Cyn correct

    7:50 AM [Scooter] Remember

    7:50 AM [Scooter] the end goal for the Dinar —- to be a member of the GCC

    7:50 AM [Scooter] that’s not the goal

    7:50 AM [Scooter] sorrry about that

    7:51 AM [Scooter] The goal is to help the iraqi people

    7:51 AM [Scooter] that’s what I love about this plan

    7:51 AM [Scooter] It takes the lunatic leaders completely out of the picture

    7:51 AM [Scooter] they’ve already approved it in 2009

    7:51 AM [leggman24] Scooter thats the best part.

    7:51 AM [Scooter] it’s called the General Budget for 2010 law

    7:52 AM [Scooter] That is a good thing

    7:52 AM [Scooter] What’s really cool

    7:52 AM [Scooter] is that we can watch the plan unfold before our eyes

    7:52 AM [Scooter] I mean the Ministry of Finance — ReBooted the Banking system

    7:52 AM [keepmwlknfny] Scooter well can i go ahead and start unfolding it cause im in a little bit of a crunch here   

    7:52 AM [Scooter] on June 30th — massive changes

    7:52 AM [Scooter] but nobody knows about it

    7:53 AM [Scooter] it’s hillarious

    7:53 AM [Scooter] they also have distributed trillions to the provinces

    7:53 AM [Scooter] not all are complete yet

    7:53 AM [Mideh] Scooter reboot? when did that happen or are you saying going to.

    7:53 AM [Scooter] but it’s all according the the 2010 budget and law

    7:53 AM [Scooter] and nobody knows about it

    7:53 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter keepmwlknfny Da**, both of those sites are censored through Google translate   

    7:54 AM [irvman] Scooter this chat is much better than the long numbers stuff…Thanks

    7:54 AM [Scooter] Mideh Yes — Complete Re-Boot — the IMF eliminated 80%+ of their debt

    7:54 AM [Scooter] all

    7:54 AM [Scooter] suspence accounts removed

    7:54 AM [Scooter] and now the worldwide assets from 1990

    7:54 AM [Scooter] are beginning to return quietly

    7:54 AM [Scooter] also — more important

    7:55 AM [Scooter] A massive infusion of CASH dropped into the Rafadain and Rasheed banks

    7:55 AM [Scooter] That’s 80% of iraq’s banking system

    7:55 AM [Scooter] show me the money

    7:55 AM [Scooter]  

    7:55 AM [Scooter] drox — one minute my friend

    7:55 AM [Scooter] one last thing

    7:56 AM [Scooter] They completely revamped the balance sheets

    7:56 AM [Scooter] Essentially, this is all part of the preparation for the RV

    7:56 AM [Mideh] Scooter 2 sets of books, eh

    7:56 AM [Scooter] They also took 70% of the M2 money

    7:57 AM [Scooter] and using it for the low interest loans for the RV

    7:57 AM [Scooter] and DPL plans

    7:57 AM [Scooter] Mideh Brand new set

    7:57 AM [Scooter] provided by the IMF themselves

    7:57 AM [Mideh] Scooter got it… when the time is right

    7:57 AM [Scooter] Very nice

    7:57 AM [stangernan] Scooter thankyou!

    7:57 AM [Scooter] NP

    7:57 AM [Scooter] drox

    7:58 AM [sdawson359] Thx Scooter, This is Like Iraq Finance 101

    7:58 AM [EagleEye] Scooter thanks again so you think any day ?

    7:58 AM [mark_mich266] Thanks, Scooter

    7:58 AM [Scooter] I investigated that angle

    7:58 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter Who are you? And, do you have wings?

    7:58 AM [Scooter] the two state banks won’t have that kind of impact on rate

    7:58 AM [Cyn] Scooter Think we need to hook you up to an IV and keep you here with us. You certainly bring some sanity to all this confusion.       

    7:59 AM [Scooter] The IMF has a couple pages on the REER for Iraq

    7:59 AM [Scooter] let me see

    7:59 AM [Scooter] oh

    7:59 AM [Scooter] same document

    7:59 AM [Scooter] Imf cr 1072 for Iraq

    7:59 AM [Scooter] its within the first 10 pages

    7:59 AM [Scooter]  

    7:59 AM [Scooter] That does it

    7:59 AM [Scooter] I’m going to make my coffee now

    7:59 AM [Scooter]  

    7:59 AM [Scooter]  

    7:59 AM [Scooter] brb

    7:59 AM [RicknSaudi] Scooter       

    8:00 AM [Cyn] Scooter Thank you thank you thank you

    8:00 AM [Scooter] Drox — I’ll send you that picture — will that help?

    8:00 AM [Scooter] Cyn YW

    8:00 AM [Scooter] drox NP

    8:00 AM [Scooter] brb


  172. Kembara IQD
    Jul 29, 2010 @ 06:24:33


    to Mohd Helmy…kalu sedare ade info2 baru pasal IQD postkan kat website ning k..kite same2 kongsi bersame sahabat


  173. naKata"17"
    Jul 29, 2010 @ 06:27:49

    eeMMm saya pn harap cam tue gak….


  174. Kassim
    Jul 29, 2010 @ 14:14:57

    Much has been said about RV dates for the Iraqi Dinar. I am a full-time currency trader in the midwest. I am in complete agreement with you, Dr. J, and Breitling regarding the time frame expected for the RV. I would like to take this a step further and explain why we are looking at late September/ October for the RV.

    We all know that China is buying Euros right now; but why? My best guess is that China has an agreement with the IMF to prop up the Euro before the RV happens. One month ago, the Euro was trading at 1.19 or so. If the RV had happened at that time, the Euro would have fallen dramatically because U.S. holdings of dinar and the potential to lower our deficit because of the RV, would have brought swarms of dollar buyers to the table. Since currencies are traded in pairs, if traders are buying dollars, then the Euro is dropping. The IMF does not want a Euro at 1.1. And neither does the U.S. Balance of trade; import/export issues are all affected.

    By propping up the Euro now, (it is trading at 1.3080 at this writing), the issues explained above will be implemented in a more controlled way. It will take until late September to October for the Euro to rise to the levels where the IMF is comfortable with the exchange rate. No weak dollar and no weak Euro. This about much more than Iraq; lots of players are involved in this venture. The IMF is making sure that the balance is protected with regard to exchange rates.

    Could we all be surprised and have this happen sooner? Yes. Someone could throw a curve ball anytime to shake this up. However, if there is no curve ball, then we are looking at late Sept. to October. Have a great day!


  175. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 30, 2010 @ 02:44:02

    Lawak Dari DV … tentang kenaikan matawang IQD… cuba anda semua try convert duit IQD ke USD atau pun IQD ke RM 🙂 🙂

    Tapi saya dah pastikan melalui account online banking saya diiraq nilainya masa sama… 1,000,000 = USD 877 🙂


  176. isma
    Jul 31, 2010 @ 01:31:52

    yesterday euro was trading at 1.370…up all the way


  177. isma
    Jul 31, 2010 @ 01:32:37

    buy euro and keep …make money


  178. isma
    Jul 31, 2010 @ 01:35:15

    raq pays $30 billion as compensation to Kuwait

    July 30, 2010 – 10:03:48

    BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The U.N. committee paid on Thursday $650 million in Iraqi compensation to Kuwait, raising the total amount paid to Kuwait as compensation to $30 billion, spokesman of the Iraqi government said on Friday.

    “These compensations are paid every three months from the Iraqi Development Fund’s budget, according to the U.N. Chapter VII,” Ali al-Dabbagh told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    The payment brings the total sum of compensation paid to Kuwait to 30 billion dollars. A further 22.3 billion dollars is due to Kuwait.

    Following the 1991 invasion of Kuwait, Iraq is required to put five percent of its oil and gas revenues into the UN reparations fund.

    SH (P)


  179. Kassim
    Jul 31, 2010 @ 01:36:00

    dah takde duit daa…banyak terlabur dalam IQD daa….


  180. Kassim
    Jul 31, 2010 @ 01:39:40

    en isma tak ade cadang nak tambah dinar lagi?


  181. isma
    Jul 31, 2010 @ 02:31:16

    dah cukup dah ..


  182. Dinar IraQ
    Jul 31, 2010 @ 04:36:33

    Sy nk jual 1juta dinar iraq saya dengan harga RM10,000 sahaja.

    kalau ade sape yang nk beli sila call

    **no hp no pls.pls dunt promote here:tq-admin**


  183. isma
    Jul 31, 2010 @ 06:12:56

    murah tuu…ali maidin jual rm 15000 …1 juta iqd..bolih bli ni..


  184. Hiroshima
    Jul 31, 2010 @ 08:28:53

    Sy tgk harge Dinar iraq lagi murah kat blog..siap ade harge jual & beli Dinar iraq terbaru dlm dah beli semalam 3Mill Note 10k..

    **no promotion here.pls dunt put any link.tq-admin**


    • Kassim
      Aug 01, 2010 @ 09:26:31

      hmmm..saya tau blog ni ….


  185. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 01, 2010 @ 16:30:18

    Dinar Redenomination

    July 30 2010

    TheCBI has announced that it intends to implement
    a long-planned redenomination of the Iraqi
    dinar by eliminating three zeros fromthe nominal
    value of “BANK NOTES”.This process is mean to ease
    commercial transactions by reducing errors and
    confusion that hyper-inflated currencies often
    cause. Now that Iraq’s inflation rate has achieved
    a level of stability, themove could serve to bolster
    confidence in the country’s currency.The redenomination
    process is set to begin in late 2010 and
    take two years to complete.


  186. kassim
    Aug 02, 2010 @ 02:20:56

    [Scooter] Well this is getting more and more interesting: I’m doing a drive by becasue I’ve got to pick up the pizza for the family
    [Scooter] Baghdad 1/8/2010 Zubaidi … The president of the governorate of Babil and instructs the Department of Budget rotate the investment budget amounts that are not available to ministries and provinces of the year 2010 to 2011
    [Scooter] HE instructed the Minister of Finance Baqer Al-Zubaidi Budget Department to rotate the remainder of the investment funds
    [Scooter] Allocated for 2010 to ministries and provinces in 2011.This came during a meeting with HH with Mr. Kazim Majid Thumann, head of the governorate of Babil, members of the provincial council, which reviewed the major projects implemented by the province in 2010 and the obstacles that hinder the work of the service departments in the province . The Minister stressed the importance of activation sector investment in the province, particularly “in the field of housing and tourist complexes and hotels due to its preservation of historical specificity that makes it attract the same tourist investment and called on” to activate the performance of the private sector in the province in order to contribute actively in the process of building and construction. This meeting was attended by Dr.. Aziz Jaafar adviser to the Minister of Finance
    [Sheree] hey Scooter, good to see ya, decipher please!
    [Scooter] Sheree Sheree Sheree Sheree Sheree Sheree Sheree
    [Scooter] one minute
    [Unitedrich] Scooter Thanks buddy!
    [Sheree] sorry
    [Cyn] Scooter Good Evening!!! Can you translate??
    [rich daniels] finaly the biggest brain in the room hehehe
    [Scooter] Here’s another one — but it’s not the one I was looking for — brb
    [keepmwlknfny] Scooter Scooter Scooter there he is!!
    [dirtman_00] Scooter Does that have anything to do with Rv are not
    [Scooter] Baghdad, 5/ 7 / 2010 Zubaidi … During a meeting with the governor of Dhi Qar instructs release (15) billion dinars, the salaries of social protection network for the fourth installment in 2009
    [Scooter] Instructed the Minister of Finance Baqer Al-Zubaidi Budget Department to release the amount of (15) billion dinars, representing
    [Scooter] he fourth installment in 2009 and for the salaries of social protection network in the province of Dhi Qar, which did not happen in a timely manner by the province.This came during a meeting with His Excellency Mr. called Kazim Hassan governor of Dhi Qar, and a number of members of the provincial council.reviewed the governor’s most prominent projects completed and ongoing work and the plan the province to implement projects petrodollar revenues, which represent additional allocations to maintain within the federal budget in 2010 to contribute to the advancement of the projects in the province. The Minister stressed the importance of optimal investment of the amounts allocated in the budget of 2010 and especially the “investment which called on” to activate the investment sector in the province and openness to international companies and to move towards the establishment of an airport in the province to the lack of port border which will contribute to the revitalization of the tourism sector and trade, stres
    [Sheree] its going to be long
    [keepmwlknfny] this is all talking about the different provinces getting there allocated funds!!! good stuff!
    [keepmwlknfny] or should i say different sectors
    [Sheree] yes, I know about the provinces getting funds, but how do they know its at a higher rate?
    [keepmwlknfny] all these sectors need to get the budgeted money in there hands!!!
    [Cyn] keepmwlknfny Why wouldn’t they want it after the RV?
    [keepmwlknfny] the money has to be in place first….
    [Sheree] whos to say they won’t spend some before the RV
    [Scooter] Here it is — then I have to go
    [dirtman_00] keepmwlknfny I wish thay would allocate some funds to myprovince//
    [Sheree] do they know to wait
    [Scooter] Baghdad, 11/ 7 / 2010 Mesopotamia and good amount of self stirring 3498, trillion dinars Procedures within the Ministry of Finance in the implementation of fiscal policy and raise the level Of living of citizens and staff
    [Scooter] And retired banker Mesopotamia and the granting of good advances and housing loans to state employees and retirees and advances to marriage and to buy cars in order to meet the essential needs of these segments of society, as in the table
    [Dee-Anna] Scooter ty
    [Scooter] Total 3,498,35 trillion dinars , where the two banks who are among the most important Iraqi financial institutions affecting the welfare of the citizens and the Iraqi economy and the mainstay of the pillars of development in all Maimlkanh long history in banking, especially Rafidain was therefore to provide adequate support for them by His Excellency the Minister of Financial Engineer Baqir al-Zubaidi, in order to provide the service of citizens and contribute to the solution of key problems, both in housing, marriage and reducing unemployment, especially among graduates of Iraqi universities and institutes through the granting of advances and loans of the establishment of small and medium enterprises in return for guarantees essential to ensure the right bank and citizens alike, and a low interest rate does not exceed 8% for a significant proportion of inflation affect interest rates because the money offered by the bank is not the money returned by later low-value d
    [Scooter] Now
    [Sheree] holy crap!
    [Scooter] When that money stops being distributed
    [Scooter] be concerned
    [Scooter] It’s like building a house — what do you do first
    [Scooter] you lay the foundation
    [Scooter] That’s what they are doing right now
    [Scooter] all the provinces and banking system must be ready for the RV to come
    [Scooter] credit for houses, cars, living items, etc….
    [keepmwlknfny] Scooter and when the money stops that means that step is complete and they can move forward!
    [Scooter] exactly
    [Scooter] must go now
    [keepmwlknfny] giggity giggity goo
    [keepmwlknfny] Scooter Scooter Scooter later dude
    [Butifldrm] Thanks Scooter
    [Sheree] how do we know when the money stops?
    [Unitedrich] Scooter Thanks
    [Scooter] but remember that 3.498 Trillion is right out of the General budget 2010 law
    [Cyn] Scooter The Pizza man cometh!!!
    [Scooter] Things are moving forward so don’t — I repeat DONOT get down or sell you dinars — just let the market come to you .
    [Scooter] Adios


  187. isma
    Aug 02, 2010 @ 12:09:46

    mr kassim thank u for the info..well other forummer what say u


  188. isma
    Aug 02, 2010 @ 13:13:30

    other forummer should thank mr kassim for finding very useful information from scooter


  189. isma
    Aug 02, 2010 @ 13:19:55

    be thankul lah


  190. Ahli Baru..
    Aug 02, 2010 @ 18:36:47

    as”salam…cik kassim leh bagi rumusan sikit tak pasal perbualan dengan scooter tu,emm..saya nie nie tak berape pandai sangat english..hope dapat membantu…


  191. Ahli Baru..
    Aug 02, 2010 @ 18:46:20

    hope setiap news dapat kawan2 translate dalam malay.


  192. koko
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 01:02:13

    Beberapa hari kebelakangan ini, agak sepi, tidak terdapat spekulasi lQD, spekulasi tetap spekulasi, yang maha mengetahui tentang apa sebenarnya yang akan terjadi pada dinar lQD ini hanya Allah SWT, apa yang terfikir dan harapan rakyat lraq khususnya kepimpinan negara lraq itu sendiri, termasuk juga individu dan organisasi yang samada mereka yang berminat apatah lagi mereka yang terlibat secara langsung dengan pelaburan lQD ini, hakikatnya hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu. Bagi saya, saya berpendapat, selagi kerajaan baru lraq yang sah tidak dibentuk maka selagi itulah RV keatas lQD ini tidak akan berlaku. lraq tidak ada kerajaan sekarang, yang ada hanya “care-taker” government, siapakah mereka ini? seriuskah mereka untuk menguruskan kesejahteraan rakyat lraq atau mereka masih mencari “aku”, dan “aku” dan “aku” yang mengidamkan kerusi “kuasa” (menteri) dalam kabinet lraq, manusia mana yang tidak mahukan kuasa, setelah 5 bulan pilihanraya lraq berlalu, tapi lraq masih belum ada kerajaan, cuba saudara semua bayangkan perkara ini, apakah jenis “negara” lraq ini waktu ini. lnilah antara sinario yang menyelubungi kehidupan manusia yang menolak panduan wahyu lllahi yang memiliki alam ini, maka jauhlah kehidupan dari rahmat dan barokah Allah SWT, walau macam mana pun kita tetap dan terus berdo’a agar Allah membuka pintu pintu hati mereka yang ada sedikit kuasa kurniaan lllahi agar berbuat sesuatu untuk kesejahteraan rakyat lraq khususnya, termasuklah manusia manusia lain mendapat menafa’at darinya. lni sekadar pendapat saya je, kita tunggu dan lihat dari sekarang samada 1 atau 2 atau 3 tahun lagi atau…..Wallahu’a’lam…


  193. kassim
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 03:53:02

    Scooter has never set a date or specific rate, but according to the information he has shown us it seems that we are on schedule for the RV prior to the ISX going international which is supposed to happen at the end of October. The statement has been made that they will need time for the Dinar to “level out” prior to the ISX hitting world markets somewhere between 30-45 days, so you can possibly back it up and get a “near abouts” date.
    As far as a rate, he has shown that they have played with numbers from 1.13 to 3.22 (I think those are correct), but an actual rate has not been shown.


  194. kassim
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 03:58:35

    Kepada sesiapa yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat terbaru dari scooter, sila pergi ke dinarvets …


  195. kassim
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 03:59:36


  196. kassim
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 04:10:09

    Its not the formation of the govt holding up the rebuilding of simple things like water, housing, electricity…..all that is still being handled by the interm govt…..all of those policies are still able to move forward….the only thing that is on a stand still from moving forward is the private sector and foreign investments in the sectors because that requires the govt to pass reforms on…..certain things have to be in place before they can RV and the banking sector has to be reformed to handle the transformation of the exchange rate and smaller bills, atms, etc…..not sure if even they have finished distributing the budgets allocated funds to all the diff provinces which also needs to happen first…..the govt is not holding the RV up….they just havent succeded in finishing other areas that needed reform or work done to handle them changing the value of their currency….its slowly coming around which this does take time to implement but it should be completed soon and we shall see this movement soon on the dinar…..they dont have too much time before taking the ISX international which they will need time before that for them to RV and consolidate the currency and stabilize things before going international…..just be patient….another month isent going to kill us…..we should know that they arent going to RV before or during ramadan but soon after they will need to get a move on things….


  197. Kassim
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 09:32:42

    kekawan IQD, apabila RV berlaku, kita di rantau Asia boleh cash-in melalui Ali Aghza, pemilik Dinar Trade di ofisnya di SINGAPURA dengan bayaran USD150 bagi setiap 1 juta dinar. Ini dimaklumkan oleh Ali kepada DinarDaddy (Roger) semalam…..jadi usah bimbang!! Kita dikehendakki membawa passport/lesen memandu/bil utiliti….untuk proses cash-in itu….


    • Kassim
      Aug 05, 2010 @ 14:15:27

      anda boleh mendengar rakaman temuramah DinarDaddy dengan Ali di blognya…jika berminat nak tau lebih lanjutlahh…


  198. isma
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 13:07:59

    wow..ramairamai lah kita pergi shopping diorchard road beli i pad..


    • Kassim
      Aug 05, 2010 @ 14:09:00

      yupp…lepas shopping kita ramai2 ke pulau Sentosa….rehat2 semalam dua…


  199. isma
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 13:12:07

    Scooter has never set a date or specific rate, but according to the information he has shown us it seems that we are on schedule for the RV prior to the ISX going international which is supposed to happen at the end of October. The statement has been made that they will need time for the Dinar to “level out” prior to the ISX hitting world markets somewhere between 30-45 days, so you can possibly back it up and get a “near abouts” date.
    As far as a rate, he has shown that they have played with numbers from 1.13 to 3.22 (I think those are correct), but an actual rate has not been shown.

    Once again, Thank you Scooter!

    Read more:


  200. isma
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 13:13:46

    we will get our rv before october this year. alright..


  201. isma
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 13:23:36

    It actually happened 3 x’s, and once even at 3.47 or 3.49, as I had had some firemen and a Chief contact me and let me know, yes it was only a short while. A few hours at the max, I think it has to be posted for 24 hrs min in order to be valid and able to cash in on it.

    Read more:


  202. koko
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 14:27:05

    Saudara Kassim,
    Kalau boleh tolong siarkan kontek info encik Ali Aghza ni supaya mudah kita berhubung dengan dia, no tefon, alamat dan website atau blog beliau, ini penting. D Malaysia ni kita harap ada juga orang seperti encik Ali ini, di mana kita boleh membuat pertukaran lQD nanti. Kat Singapura tu kita boleh pergi berurusan dengan dia tapi ada juga risikonya. Harap saudara Kassim dapat siarkan kontek info encik Ali tu. Thank You encik Kassim.


    • Kassim
      Aug 05, 2010 @ 14:36:45

      Maaf en. Koko, saya tak boleh siarkan linknya di sini …nanti admin maree….
      Cuba anda search “dinar trade” dengan google…pasti dapat…


  203. Kembara IQD
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 18:13:44


    to En koko…insyaALLAH Rayer tahun ini sy akan berada di Malaysia & akn cuba daptkan lesen Membuke Money Changer utk membeli & menjual IQD secare sah..ape2 pun sy akn info di forum ini nanti..kalau en koko nk jual IQD skrng pun sy sedia membeli..harge beli IQD di blog x perlukan passport/lesen memandu/bil utiliti utk menukarkan IQD itu..cume kene pastikan NOTE IQD itu mestilah UNCIRCULATED & ORIGINAL..kalau Note IQD CIRCULATED harge beli lebih murah dr UNCIRCULATED kerana itu note ade alat untuk menguji ketulenan NOTE IQD & Jangn


    • kassim
      Aug 06, 2010 @ 04:42:27

      mudah2an hajat sdr Kembara akan tercapai…..lagi mudahlah bagi kami untuk cash-in nanti…..!!


  204. koko
    Aug 06, 2010 @ 00:33:26

    Saudara Kembara lQD,
    Terima kasih atas respon anda, saya do’a kan anda dapat buka 1 sykt MC, kat M’sia nanti dan seterusnya memudahkan pertukaran lQD ke RM, harap anda siarkan dalam forum ni nanti, dan apa yang patut diberitahu oleh anda maka beritahu dengan ikhlas ye saudara, tak perlulah berahsia kalau bukan rahsia, yang penting semua yg membacanya dapat menafa’at. Semoga anda berjaya buka MC


  205. koko
    Aug 06, 2010 @ 00:40:50

    Thank you en Kassim, saya cuba buka www yg anda nyatakan


  206. isma
    Aug 08, 2010 @ 00:01:38

    yad Allawi, in an interview with an Egyptian newspaper:

    July 29, 2010

    Iyad Allawi, in an interview with an Egyptian newspaper: will withdraw if I was to hang
    . The interview was conducted in Baghdad: Mohammad Anwar: There are many questions that arise in mind when dialogue one of the symbols of the new Iraq at a time of growing conflict in Iraq continues, including the unresolved political crisis since the elections on the seventh of last March.It is even more difficult if the counterparty is Dr. Iyad Allawi, former Prime Minister and the President of the Iraqi List, won the largest number of seats in parliament (91 seats), the complexity of the dialogue with him to a lot of points on the ongoing negotiations to end the crisis and the formation of government, and his vision of the situation of Iraq and the U.S. role in Iraq and international.
    ‏ Happened this dialogue with Allawi at his Olive Street in central Baghdad on the impact of the explosions that rocked the office and hit the office of Al Arab, addresses a number of things that can reveal to the reader, an aspect of what is happening in Iraq, and what can the future holds for this Country:

    *‏ * How are things going for the negotiations to form a government?
    ـ Things are not progressing fast, insisting on the Iraqi issue is regarding the meaning of national partnership and the way the state administration and decision-making, among other things, and finally determine the criteria used to select the prime minister and other sites state, the fact that the Brotherhood, others were insisting on only Discussion positions presidencies three others, while we proposed the core issues first, before entering into positions by offering things and clarify both the issue of partnership government and national and how the decision-making, and other matters relating to rule a country of many races, creeds, issues must clear to all parties, first and foremost the issue of political sectarianism, national interests and Iraq’s foreign policy is through the things we put together a road map forward.

    * Now where are you come?
    ـTwo days only approved a coalition of law to talk about these things, and we refused to enter into the question of the details and demanded the development of benchmarks and foremost a measure of competence and integrity and then measure the elections and peaceful transfer of power to deepen democracy in Iraq, which are also subject to debate negotiations are proceeding slowly because it was the tires spin of Foreign Affairs and not the core content, which we Tazavrat him in Iraq and stomach, and two others that have understood and accepted the research and debate.

    ‏*‏ * Understanding or a waste of time?
    I understand, I do not hide from you a secret that the Americans and the United Nations have the view that the winners must work together and there is a desire to be the alliance between us and the rule of law, a coalition is not against others but to attract others.

    * Will the rule of law responsive to this desire?
    ـ .‏ God, what Americans know and told us we will not be at the center against others.

    ‏*‏ Q: What is the role of the Americans?
    ـ .‏ There is no role for them.

    ‏*‏ * Does this make sense after all what happened from 2003 .. the Americans have no role now?
    .‏ Forced, not Mjerin, U.S. policy fell and failed in many places evidence that after nearly ten years are down for the International Conference on Afghanistan from within its recommendations the need for reconciliation with the Taliban and U.S. policy more fear of failure and another in Iraq.

    ‏*‏ Q: When will the new government Be formed in your assessment?
    ـ God knows, we must not forget that the rule of law, missed three months of being accused of Baathism and after the exclusion and annihilation, and after that we are being accused of a Sunni Arab list, and after a recount of the vote, to enter into the question of the list are most other attempts to circumvent the eligibility national election in Iraq and their right to form a government, and I expect that the ninth month of the government formation will begin after the Eid al-Fitr, which will be certainly important negotiations during the month of August and my expectation but I hope that we finish tomorrow to get to significant results at the end of August and begin to cabinet positions and designations of the presidential, because there is another issue on the allocation of positions will be disputed even in the other blocs, and the difference that we are in Iraq this settled the matter for all positions.

    Q: What is your view of the new government?
    Government will be four blocks from the winner and I am personally inclined to the participation of popular sectors are not present in the parliament, including the ways but not limited to Awakening that had been acting great to fight the forces of extremism, and this awakening is not enough to employ its members, but must there be a role in the political process, this as well as other strong, and since I’m the occupation and war have not changed my comments corresponding to the convictions for both national reconciliation and the elimination of political sectarianism and maintain the identity of Iraq and its Arab character and depth of Islamic and that they have adopted before the elections.

    Q: What about the news about the existence of power-sharing deal with Maliki?
    There are no such things and I do not ACCEPT such deals, and I’m personally ready to leave the prime minister will not didst seize him, but I am not prepared to concede the right of Iraq to highlight someone else’s candidate for prime minister, and I do not have the slightest reservation Ali, with the honor and electing me by Iraq as prime minister candidate, but I put up with any other person for the position and there are many in Iraq’s fit to do so because the service of Iraq and the Iraqi people do not come from the post of prime minister or the Republic, but through the adoption of programs that serve Iraq , a signal to others not to hold the job, but stick to the election dues, therefore, Iraq or any other institution is unable to provide replacements, if I was an obstacle withdrawn, and we are keen firmly on the Kurds are part of the alliance for many reasons, including the historical and actual and future , and also we are keen to be the next Government of wise national partnership but we have to make clear what the partnership mechanisms and requirements, alliances depend on the current alliance with the Kurds and I will meet with President Barzani soon, as well as the rule of law, and if we start from the question of clinging to positions it means that we are talking about positions and not the country.

    Q: What about your meetings with Maliki and bilateral took place there?
    ـ Axis House, which with al-Maliki is the focus of the confidence-building because there is a break It belongs to a different school of thought (the sectarian political) I come from a national school of thought Arabism, as well as the clarification of concepts to him, to find common rules to understand and, as was the question the biggest bloc and its commitment to mass the largest in parliament, although the precedents in Alatkhabat previous is the biggest bloc of winning elections, and these meetings have not resolved anything in the basic concepts to form a government national partnership rather than leadership positions .

    ‏*‏Q: What about the regional role in the formation of the government?
    .‏ Americans Saahbun their hands because of their political status, with the exception of Iran’s regional role is retarded too, which is generally a Greetings does not interfere with the exception of Iran, which calls for parties and delegations from holding its own with some of the parties that are linked with historic ties, and that harmful interference and we have Iranians refer to that either even before the elections and asked them to make a statement on the official Iranian position not to interfere unless he gets despite a promise by the Iranian ambassador this, all communications are currently declared, a negative factor for Iraq and Iran as well, and we are keen not to interfere with regard to Iran.

    ‏ * Do you expect an escalation of the security impact on the political alliances?
    Certainly will happen and will grow on both sides, first the subject and the general security is the escalation of bombings and assassinations, and the second is to target certain communities, and try to re-sectarian, and the targeting of national symbols, which is expected to increase.

    ‏ * In your personal security?
    I greatly threatened not a week passes but comes to me and assurances by the U.S. military and its security forces and Iraqi forces as well as the existence of a serious attempt to assassinate me and detection, but for the actions I am taking reasonable action because a person can not be confined within the four walls.

    ‏ * Who will be the next President of the Republic Is it the same President Jalal Talabani will be the last Arab or especially the Kurds are committed to the presidency?
    Not yet been set, we have not seen an official position of the Alliance of Kurdistan, and the proposal is in the media but not in direct negotiations shall adhere to the job and if not we have a reservation, not an Arab or Kurd or Sunni or Shiite, because These positions must be open to all Iraqis.

    ‏ * There are those who consider that the fourth day of August will be a day after the watershed and the United Nations intervenes after failing to form a government?
    Parliamentary session will remain open until agreement is reached on the three presidencies, the date the fourth of next month, a special UN Security Council on Iraq, and our position should not be only the second meeting will be held after naming the three presidencies and, if Iraq is not falling, God forbid, in trouble too.

    ‏Q: You said that the government will be in the ninth month?

    the‏ presidencies something else to form a government because the government formation takes time, the United Nations is unable to intervene, weak and unable to do anything, we should speak of things as they are, is talking about the U.S. role and not the United Nations role , because the role of the United Nations would not be without an American role, the U.S. role in Iraq now, shy and hesitant and weak because of the problems that plague the world as a whole and at all levels, which is not a turning point because in my opinion, the Security Council will meet and listen to a report. d. Melchot the UN representative in Iraq, will come out a statement calling for an urgent Iraqi politicians to form a government, the United Nations will review it and he is in my opinion, what will happen after the Fourth of August, and will not interfere with the United Nations in the joints and the details matter, and internationalized Iraq since the invasion of Kuwait and possibly since the Iran-Iraq war and what to do .. This UN slogans to scary, but when you actually checked and it’s nothing, I repeat that the U.S. role is hesitant and unclear, The problem is that Iran is moving strongly and have sent delegations to do so, and we confirmed that we will not be a base for aggression against and we want good relations with them and sent them more of the messages.

    ‏*‏ Q: Do you still exists Iranian veto against you or not?
    .‏ This country and our people and our dignity .. keep in Iranian veto Aroukthm Jmathm with whatever they are.

    ‏*‏ * The Arab role is weak, or helpless in Iraq? And why?
    ـ Weak and helpless, and the reason for weakness is extradited to the U.S. position and his belief that the U.S. stance will be supportive of the unity of Iraq, since the start of the war, the Arabs believed the assurances by the United States there will be no role for the dismemberment of Iraq, aggravating the conditions and the dismantling of its social, economic, and that America will maintain on Iraq, which never happened, but the opposite happened, now there began an awakening and the attention of the Arab Iraq is going through, I’d say that there are two key posts required in the immediate urgency is a strong Iraq, and the second problem is chronic Palestine, and if not solve the immediate problem Vstsab region heart that only God knows, and therefore ensure Iraq’s unity, stability and security and strength will increase the coherence and strength of the Arab position and improve the chances just peace with Israel, because the stability of Iraq would create a lot of time and money and the Arab effort on all levels .

    ‏*Q: How do you see the coming period in Iraq?
    .‏ I say to all … if they do not form a government and an Iraqi national curriculum and program of Iraq sincere and clear there will be a major disaster in Iraq and the region and I am profoundly convinced of that, solving the problem of Iraq’s cohesion.


    So here we have Allawi saying they will form the Gov around the ninth month, after the presidency is formed in August. Just as he stated, linked together but two dif deals. I am not predicting anything and I am still hoping this will end this month but remember some positions being held, and the positions that have to be post, have to be confirmed through parliament, just like our US and the British Gov has to go through, this is not a one day one shot deal this takes time, as Allawi explained.

    If it goes past August and we have a lot of people saying it will not RV in August and we are looking at Sep-Oct take the information given in consideration.

    One of my sources was saying Sep-Oct for many months now and the others have talked about August, the sources that were hell bent on August have now been informed that Sep-Oct is the time frame.

    Now we have Allawi who is talking about the Presidency being formed in August and the Gov being formed in Sep. What have we talked about for the RV to Happen ?????? they need to form the GOV, the presidency is the path to forming the Gov.

    So just keep those points in mind as we go down this road and again I hope they can knock it out this month, but the problem is we now have Allawi on the Sept band wagon. I also read Allawi saying once they form the presidency they can form a Gov in ten days, I had to laugh because I never have seen Iraq do anything with in ten days. But lets hope they can do it just once.

    Also through the grape vine I am still hearing on rates .86 and the Euro. They can come in allot higher then both those rates, and all agree to this, but are saying they won’t, the reason being in economics terms you will end up with a pool to small for the amount water, or a big pool and not enough water to fill it, they want a pool that will hold the water and be able to maintain that water level and go with Market driven slow grow to build a legitimate base for economic stability and future looking growth.


    • Kassim
      Aug 08, 2010 @ 01:49:43

      tq en isma….


  207. koko
    Aug 09, 2010 @ 03:17:20

    Salam untuk semua,

    Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan yang mulia, tingkatkan ilmu agama, amal, iman dan taqwa kita kepada Allah SWT, banyakkan berdo’a agar Allah SWT makbulkan usaha kita, dan seterusnya bersyukur kepadanya, semoga kita semua menjadi orang yang ikhlas dan pemurah kerana Allah SWT. Selamat Berpuasa kepada anda semua di sana.


  208. Kembara IQD
    Aug 10, 2010 @ 17:58:40




  209. mUs
    Aug 11, 2010 @ 01:18:33


    Pe cerita ttg matawang DINAR Iraq???

    mmpunyai DINAR 250000 pe perlu buat???

    Mintak penjelasan.




  210. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 12, 2010 @ 16:25:50

    Remove zeros and raise the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar

    Remove zeros and raise the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar

    By: Dr..

    Abdullah Ali Awad

    (Voice of Iraq) – 10/08/2010

    Became known to all and through statements by officials in the Iraqi government and people involved in economic affairs, the Central Bank of Iraq and the other seriously the issue of removing zeros Iraqi dinar, which is now equal to its value (less than fils) compared to the previous value ($ 3.1). As mentioned by those circles, that the purpose of this procedure is to get rid of the quantities of paper currency many are trading
    ، .

    It was possible to work on recovery Aldenarabraghi by Bremer Bremer, after the fall of the fascist Baath on 9 – 4 – 2003 directly, which means re-nominal value former Iraqi currency by imposing an international obligation towards it, the fact that currency has a strategic reserve indirectly, which is oil , gas and other natural resources, has been the application of that principle (international obligation) against the Kuwaiti dinar after the invasion of Saddam Hussein remained in the Kuwaiti dinar wallets on its purchasing power has not been subjected to collapse, because Kuwait’s oil wealth is the main guarantor, which is unable to pay the accumulated debt of Kuwait plus decisions International, which has become in the interest of revival of the Kuwaiti currency and the economy

    Hence we have a clearer picture, that the purpose of leaving the Iraqi dinar bulk recover automatically and depending on what is owned by the Iraqi Central Bank of strategic reserves of gold and a basket of foreign currencies, is to give more room and more time for the reluctance of the acquisition of the Iraqi dinar and not accepted by the institutions of banking and banks Foreign Affairs, and in this way the dinar currency remains weak and undesirable, which means the dependence of the Iraqi economy, the world’s major currencies, which reflects a form of economic dependency.

    One reason for the change (high and low) the purchasing power of currency is the degree of demand, the more demand has been (a rare commodity is equivalent to the rest of the goods) and thus increase their purchasing power. Tzkirandma and put the single currency Union – the euro – are pre-established nominal value, which is equal to ($ 1.18) and did not let loose at the mercy of other currencies.

    The factors affecting the nominal value and purchasing power of the coin, some concrete material and some other significant but has a very material impact are as follows: –

    1 – direct strategic reserve of gold and a basket of foreign currencies.

    2 – indirect strategic reserve, which includes natural resources and the branches of the booming economy and developed infrastructure.

    3 – psychological factor, and here I mean many areas, including an example of behavior and activity of some wholesalers who refuse to sell their goods in Iraqi dinars to major retailers, as well as with retailers in Karbala and Najaf, who sell their goods to foreign visitors (and conspicuously visible on the dollar).
    Because of such activity, which indicates a lack of consciousness and selfishness of the Iraqi traders in how to respect the currency of his country and considered one of the symbols of national sovereignty, and here throw the blame on the Ministry of Finance, which does not make decisions and take deterrent measures that would prevent the phenomenon of trading foreign currencies at the Iraqi market and when you stop this phenomenon will increase the demand for the Iraqi dinar and the currency becomes scarce, and not only show zeros, even if the zeros were removed, it will not affect significantly as long as the process of dollarization of domestic economic activity continues.


  211. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 12, 2010 @ 16:31:34

    Dinar Redenomination

    July 30 2010

    TheCBI has announced that it intends to implement
    a long-planned redenomination of the Iraqi
    dinar by eliminating three zeros fromthe nominal
    value of banknotes.This process ismeant to ease
    commercial transactions by reducing errors and
    confusion that hyper-inflated currencies often
    cause. Now that Iraq’s inflation rate has achieved
    a level of stability, themove could serve to bolster
    confidence in the country’s currency.The redenomination
    process is set to begin in late 2010 and
    take two years to complete.


  212. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 12, 2010 @ 16:33:48

    Central Bank of Iraq

    August 1 2010

    Initiate the Central Bank of Iraq during March (March 2011) implement a plan of action to transform Auction currency from cash payment to an electronic system.
    The Bank considered the electronic system known as the «R T GSM» (gross settlement in real time), «more secure than cash transactions in the system. He said in a statement that he will run the system through the accounts of financial institutions it has.

    An advisor to the Bank the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that «the issues of information technology has become an important role in the modern world», pointing to the success of «the work of selling government bonds and the work of the settlements related to payments and other transactions other of the Ministry of Finance of Iraq, which linked the system RTL GSM.

    He explained that the work system «will facilitate the establishment of a virtual auctions which will be adjustments and transactions and transfers and offers. And about those who work with the Central Bank to develop the system, he stressed that the Action Plan «put the Central Bank of Japan and the World Bank and the U.S. Treasury».

    Will hold the Iraqi Central Bank auction of five meetings a week for the sale of foreign currencies and buy them.
    So, the President of the Board of Directors «Ashur International Bank for Investment» Wadi Nuri al-Handal «Iraqi private banks need to play a vital role in line with the important turning point in the strip in Iraq finally at all.
    He added that «those who pay the banking sector out of the limited frameworks and secure better opportunities for competition is the capital of the total, which strengthens its position in front of banks, government capacity to implement development projects».
    The bitter melon in a meeting with the «life» are not convinced the Iraqi Central Bank to extend the period of implementation of his decision to increase the capital of private banks to 250 billion Iraqi dinars (211 million dollars) over three years.
    He stressed that the recapitalization of banks is «essential for development projects need major investments to develop and rehabilitation, especially with the willingness of foreign banks to play this role.


  213. zulkarnain
    Aug 13, 2010 @ 06:34:47

    Salam.. sekadar ingin bertanya.. apa akan jadi pada IQD yg ada sekarang sekiranya Gabenor yg ada tandatangannya di note duit IQD tu letak jawatan @ tidak lagi memegang jawatan @ di buang @ meninggal dunia? Apakah masih valid dan bernilai?


  214. Kembara IQD
    Aug 13, 2010 @ 16:23:16


    xde masalah sedare soal tu..cume Sign Gabenor aje berbeze & Note IQD masih tetap same & valid..cetakan versi pertama Note IQD Baru tahun 2003 Disign oleh org berbeze dgn cetakan IQD tahun 2004-2010..cube bace komen2 di


  215. isma
    Aug 14, 2010 @ 04:57:44

    Please REMEMBER the following is strictly MY OWN OPINION – TiaC:
    August 13, 2010 · Posted in CHATS / POSTS
    Please REMEMBER the following is strictly MY OWN OPINION – TiaC:

    Iam putting this particular TiaC analysis in my traditional point bypoint reference. MY OPINION is based on various information I havecome across, been sent to me for analysis, or discussed with others. Iwant to clarify for everyone – I am not now a member of any chat sitethat deals with the Dinar, or other currencies. The only posting Ihave ever done was theget chat, and that was about 2weeks ago with my 11 point post, after which Ileft. Neither am I associated with any information bank. I am simplyan individual who enjoys solving mysterious puzzles.

    Whenthere is a Why? to anything – there is always A LOGICAL ANSWER. Mostof the time I have found the answer is right in front of our face. Whyare we are not seeing the answer to the Why of the Revaluation of thebasket of currencies, especially the Dinar? IMO – The answer is themost obvious, the obvious which has been overlooked by so many of us.

    A Slight Review:

    IMO- Sadr and his List/Coalition have moved into the Iraqi camp. Frominformation coming out of Iraq they would not support M any longer.

    IMO- with the above position of Sadr and his followers the clock forcompletion was fast reaching the Hour for a final decision.

    IMO- the hands of the clock were inching closer and closer to a finaldecision – A or M – once time ran out there would be no more extentionsof time allowed.

    IMO- the Kurds then aligned themselves with A because it would be morebenifical to their coalition in being garranteed in writing themajority of the demands.

    IMO- from information, from various sources, the inital meeting(s) betweenA and M fell apart – and the two individuals did not join together toshare the PM positon. With each individual recieving a 2 yearappointment as PM then serving the remaining 2 years as President. Ato fill the first 2 years and M to serve the last 2 years.

    We knowthe Iraqi Parliment was seated some time ago. We also know theParilment was not suspended. Was this because the Parilment could notfinish their Constitutional duties, until the various Lists/Coalitionscompleted what they had to do?

    IMO – I have every reason to believe the that everything is over –

    IMO- from the information coming out of Iraq via what ever means it isbeing delievered, there seems to be a lot of celebrating going on. Alot of Joy among the people. Why I ask?

    Doesanyone else find it very odd that Muslims around the world arecelebrating Ramadam – and the followers of Islam in Iraq are not -hummm I wonder why that is?

    IMO- If you have nothing more to discuss – no more issues to work out -then additonal meetings to make a choice are no longer needed – Thenits time to go home and have one heck of a party. Of course this isJUST my opinion. IMO –

    IsTiaC the only one who finds it very odd that Muslims around the worldare celebrating Ramadam, which lasts for exactly 30 days – and as oftoday, the 12th of August the followers of Islam,in Iraq are not. Forthose of you who are not Muslim – Ramadam is also the traditonal periodof time a devotee of Islam makes their piligramage to Mecca. Thisjourney is made by foot, not by train, plane, or automobile, or othermodern conveyance.

    Seemsthe powers that be in Iraq are delaying Ramadam – apparently 1 day at atime! Why on earth would that be? Hummm TiaC asks – Is it possiblethe reason for the delay in the start of Ramadam has something to dowith the finalization and installation of the Iraqi PM (A) and thePresidents? Is there more to the delay of the formal announcement ofthe offical Iraqi government – including the global announcement of theRV of their currancy –

    IMO there issomething more and may very well answer the magic question of – Why hasthe ‘new offical Iraqi Government along with the RV for their currencynot been announced? Please REMEMBER this is just the opinion of TiaC.

    IMO-1. It is my understanding when a countries currency is going tofinally revalue a final accounting/auit is done to determine thecurrent, not the past, value of their assets.

    IMO- 2. #1 is or has been done. (reports recieved of mass celebrating bedone in Iraq) The total value of Iraqi’s assets in the early 1970’sthrough the late 1990’s is vastly different from the assessed value oftheir assets as of the 11th of August 2010.

    IMO- 3. Because of the massive increase in the overall value of Iraq’ssovern assets I am of the opinion the declared value of a Dinar will besubstancially more than the original estamite of $3.21/$3.22.

    IMO- 4. Due to the higher asset value is would not shock me to see theamount of the RV’s Dinar to be between $3.68 and $4.25.

    IMO – 5. I will go with $4.10 – $4.25 (Just my opinion of course)

    Please Remember this is just the opinion of TiaC:

    Ibelieve that what I am next going to say can be borne out by variousarticles and intel which has been recieved over a lengthy period oftime.

    IMO – The RV of the Dinar has to take place very shortly.

    IMO -(1) for Ramadam to be celebrated in Iraq.

    IMO-(2) in preparation for the Iraqi currency to be a viable tradeablecurrency for offical placement on the ISSX (Iraqi Stock Exchange)

    IMO- (3) It is my understand a country’s currency has to be considered atradeable currency 30 – 45 days prior to being placed on the ISSX(Iraqi Stock Exchange) – ISSX rules not mine… It has been statedthe Iraqi currency, the Dinar, will be going on the ISSX (Iraqi StockExchange) October of 2010.

    Now for the million dollar question?

    If #3 is so, then when would the Iraqi Dinar be most likely be RV’D?

    In My Humble Opinion – August 14th – August 31st.

    IMO- Folks we are looking at it square in the face. Personally, I likethe 14th thru the 21st of August for those days hold the fondestmemories for me.

    Just my humble opinion,



  216. kassim
    Aug 14, 2010 @ 10:07:27

    Terbaru dari da man “scooter >>> Scooter Chat: Stardogger 8/13/10

    [Scooter] So what’s the latest
    [Scooter] anybody have any juicy news
    [Scooter] I’ve been in lock down in some research
    [Scooter] it’s now blossomed into
    [Scooter] mega topics
    [*****] Scooter i think everyone is waiting on your next post
    [***] Scooter Keepm..Thought you might have some good news coming!!!
    [Scooter] Always
    [***] Scooter And?
    [Scooter] There’s good news all over — the tasc are getting completed –
    [Scooter] everything is running smoothly from what I see
    [Scooter] lets see
    [Scooter] The MofF is completing the distributions
    [Scooter] I have a much better translation of of the law itself
    [Scooter] and chasing an interesting lead in terms of the schedule
    [Scooter] ****** My next post huh?
    [*****] Scooter thats what *** said
    [Scooter] I was hoping to have that out earlier this week
    [Scooter] Sorry
    [Scooter] a little late
    [Scooter] It was the vacation thing
    [Scooter] happens all the time
    [*****] Scooter np,enjoy all your work
    [***] Scooter Have you read Groovegal latest post?
    [Scooter] TY
    [Scooter] Parts of it –
    [Scooter] What did you think
    [***] Scooter It has followed alot of what you have been saying for a while…
    [Scooter] ohhhhh
    [Scooter] very very cool
    [*****] Scooter we all would like to have this done tomorrow,but as long as it is this year i think we can wait it out
    [***] Scooter She is talking more like October timeframe…
    [Scooter] ****** It has to be this year
    [*****] Scooter yessssssss
    [Scooter] The aftershocks and problems would be very harmful to the people of Iraq
    [Scooter] *** Excellent !!!
    [Scooter] October 31 is when the Banking reform concludes
    [Scooter] I need to check however the public finance reform
    [Scooter] schedule
    [Scooter] They just added some addtional task
    [*******] Scooter how much does the ISX going international play into this time frame
    [Scooter] Plays very well
    [***] Scooter But is there a deadline for ISX? Or can they jump in anytime??
    [Scooter] October is the month that two other items occur
    [*********] isx cant go intl unless currency is recognized, but they have set dates to go intl in the past and moved them, so no guarantee this date will be any different
    [Scooter] The ISX is targeted for international recognition
    [Scooter] and two
    [Scooter] The US is bringing over a bunch of corps over for a trade show and meetings
    [Scooter] *********** correct!
    [***] Scooter Would they want an RV BEFORE those meetings or after??
    [*******] Scooter iyo how much lead time for the currency to settle down
    [*********] ••• /173419/ read this
    [Scooter] The currency first — it’s the basis — then the stocks and equities
    [Scooter] one minute
    [***] Scooter Tick Tock Tick
    [Scooter] haha
    [Scooter] ok — consolidation period
    [Scooter] hmmmm
    [Scooter] It believe it should be in the 30 -60 day period
    [Scooter] However, I’m chasing a lead that suggest 30 days
    [Scooter] Caught me off guard
    [******] Scooter sorry i had to step out…30 days for rv?
    [*****] Scooter i musta missed sometin
    [Scooter] ok — consolidation period
    [***] Scooter You are still not concerned with the GOI having to form first?
    [Scooter] *** Not at all
    [******] Scooter so…you’re not thinking Labor Day weekend anymore?
    [Scooter] ****** I think September is high target month
    [******] sounds good to me! Thank!
    [Scooter] Just a couple phrases that I didn’t like
    [Scooter] nothing to be concerned with though
    [Scooter] ************ What am I posting?
    [******] phrases?
    [Scooter] ***** TY — that means a great deal!
    [Scooter] ****** I have not yet — but intend to –
    [******] Scooter good read
    [Scooter] Big fan of **
    [******] I thought you said you were going to post something last week?
    [Scooter] **** I think labor day weekend is a great place to set up and test the system and Ramadan ends the 11th
    [******] Scooter yes…makes sense.
    [Scooter] and there’s a task that concludes at the end of the month that I need to verify
    [Scooter] Other than that — I like September — it scores the highest out of all the months
    [***] Scooter Do you know if all the provences received their allocations?
    [ ***] Scooter did you read ***** cash in guide for dummies?
    [******] Scooter glad to hear it. You put together more factual information than anyone I’ve read.
    [Scooter] *** I thought they did — yet — I saw another item get distributed yesterday
    [Scooter] I think the majority is complete


  217. kassim
    Aug 15, 2010 @ 23:35:06


    Click to access PSSITFBanking2010.pdf


  218. kassim
    Aug 15, 2010 @ 23:37:26


    Click to access PSSITFBanking2010.pdf


  219. Hiroshima
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 13:51:12


    terima kasih buat sedare kassim kerana byk info pasal dinar iraq kt sini..
    p/s..kebanyakan info dlm bahase english..sesape yg boleh terjemahkan dlm bahse melayu lagi Ok utk tatapan sahabat2 seme..mudah2an dinar iraq akn diapungkan dlm mase terdekat..


  220. Al Amin
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 13:51:29

    bila la dinar ni nak diapungkan…moga ada rezeki skrg simpan IQD 1 JUTA.


  221. kassim
    Aug 17, 2010 @ 20:15:07

    Researh dari scooter

    Why this RV Must Occur
    The Mandate for Iraq and its People

    This event is not about individual investors, politicians , or oil.
    It’s about the survival of the Iraqi people.

    DV TEAM,

    This is the second of a series of three POST. The topics and sequence are listed below:

    1. The Major Problems
    2. Inflation, Consumer Pricing, and REAL VALUES
    3. The Intervention and Partners

    Part Two is below and I hope you enjoy. The Third post will be within the next 72 hours — that’s when we have more fun!!!

    Have a great evening,


    Resized to 77% (was 896 x 3999) – Click image to enlarge

    Resized to 65% (was 1061 x 2592) – Click image to enlarge

    Read more:


  222. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 19, 2010 @ 02:22:29

    The REAL reason US attacked Iraq…

    08/05/2010 – 01:48 in

    In 2000 near the end of the year, Saddam made an announcement to the world.
    He claimed that soon, Iraq would no longer accept US dollars (the world’s reserve currency) for its oil.
    They would only accept Euros.
    This hurt the Federal Reserve’s feelings.
    So they pulled on the puppet strings and directed the Bush administration to invade…
    But naturally they would need a REASON to take over the country (other than the truth about Saddam’s announcement) as the world would have been outraged by that.
    So conveniently, on Sept. 11, 2001, they got their reason right out of thin air.
    And even though Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, the central bankers knew that the American sheeples would never question their motives.
    And THAT is why we invaded and took over Iraq…
    I call it “U.S. held Iraq.”
    And contrary to what our illustrious president promises us…

    Wallah hu alam…. 🙂


  223. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 20, 2010 @ 22:34:19

    Done Deal? – Sadrist MP: Govt will be announced next week

    Sadrist MP: Govt will be announced next week

    Friday, August 20th 2010 2:46 PM

    Karbala, Aug. 20 (AKnews) – An official from the Sadrist Current told AKnews on Friday that the Iraqi National Alliance (INA), the Kurds and al-Iraqiya will form the government next week.

    The remarks by the Jawad al-Hasnawi came as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law Coalition (SLC) appears to have been sidelined after al-Iraqiya, led by former PM Ayad Allawi, decided to break off talks with the SLC over Maliki’s designation of al-Iraqiya as a “Sunni” bloc.

    Hasnawi said that the dialogues between the INA and al-Iraqiya were positive and successful, adding that they were done because of the insistence of the SLC on retaining the prime minister’s post for narrow party interests.

    The Sadrist Current is part of the INA that came third in March parliamentary elections with 70 seats.
    The SLC, a Shia-dominated group, won 89 seats in the elections trailing behind the Sunni-dominated al-Iraqiya which secured 91 seats.

    The Kurds have 57 seats in the parliament and constitute the fourth largest parliamentary bloc.
    “The meetings between the Iraqi National Alliance (INA) and al-Iraqiya were successful and made significant progress to speed up the formation of the next government…. Our meeting with al-Iraqiya was in the framework of the National Coalition, and not out of it,” said Hasnawi.

    The National Coalition was a super bloc created by an alliance between the INA and SLC. But after Maliki refused to step down from office, the fate of the alliance has been plunged into uncertainty.

    Hasnawi criticized “Maliki’s insistence on becoming the next prime minister and rejecting the nomination of other candidates… It is this dictatorship that not only separated him from the INA but has isolated him from the political process as well.”

    More than five months after parliamentary elections, Iraqi political forces have not been able yet to reach a deal on forming the country’s new government.


  224. isma
    Aug 21, 2010 @ 02:31:36

    siap sedia lah untu RV.. raya thun ini lebih bermakna..


  225. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 21, 2010 @ 04:00:36

    Titipan Buat Pemegang Cash Note Dinar…. sila layari video yg saya beri…

    Guide to Exchanging Iraqi Dinar After Revaluation

    How Do I Sell My Iraq Dinar?

    Understanding the Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate

    The Future of the New Iraqi Dinar

    Iraqi Dinar Revaluation – Questions and Answers

    How to Find a Reputable Iraqi Dinar Currency Seller

    Iraq Dinar Scam – How to Avoid Counterfeit Dinar

    P/s: so ini adalah persediaan buat anda.


  226. naKata"17"
    Aug 21, 2010 @ 06:18:42

    thanks buat helmy banyak memberi bantuan kpd kawan2 laen…


  227. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 21, 2010 @ 15:20:34


  228. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 21, 2010 @ 15:36:20

    Receipts needed ? Get them if you can/Intensive pumping/counterfeit currency

    Intensive pumping from the neighboring countries of counterfeit currency in the Iraqi markets
    بتاء On: Saturday, 12/06/2010 13:08

    : BAGHDAD – Agencies:
    بدأ. Began to counterfeit currency and special category of 25 thousand dinars to deploy these days in the Iraqi markets with information to enter the amounts from outside the border.

    وتعد ظا. Is the phenomenon of counterfeit currency from the most dangerous phenomena on the national economy, one of the economic crimes that are punishable by law.

    . According to analysts, economists said the instability of political and security situations in the country provided an atmosphere and ideal for the forgers and counterfeiters with double the action taken to reduce thisphenomenon.

    وقال “. The expert said the financial Majid al-Rubaie: “The phenomenon of counterfeit currency or counterfeit is not a problem only for Iraq, there are many countries suffer from this phenomenon, but it may be deployed in Iraq are the biggest and especially in these days due to preoccupation with the security agencies to pursue terrorist groups and protect areas , giving an opportunity for forgers to exploit this situation. ”

    He added: “The process of reducing the spread of the phenomenon of counterfeiting Iraqi currency need modern devices are distributed to banks
    “. And banking offices covering all areas of Iraq, and the currency of Iraq, including in respect of good quality are outdated Hence the urgent need to keep up with the developed countries which are being constantly strives to develop its currency between now and then to insert new developments where on the one hand, reduce the fraud, which is developing is repeated with the other developments in printing the original currency. ”

    “. He said: “The renewal is necessary in the current stage, or the maximum in the period disturbed, and otherwise be by maintaining the development of thecurrency and the introduction of standards of modern in terms of printing, paper type, colors, and the rest of the other specs, will directly affect the increase in counterfeiting.”

    فيم “. Underscoring the financial analyst in the Central Bank of Iraq on behalf of Abdul-Hadi: “The Iraqi currency is subject to renewal by replacing the damaged ones each period of time.”
    “. He said: “The currency of Iraq has not visited so far largely incomplete and the existing categories currently a fake groups devoid of any features or specifications of the Iraqicurrency, which include the line of phosphorous and mark the horse’s head and the type of paper.”

    وب “. And: “There are several bodies involved in the counterfeiting of currency, including weak people and criminal gangs and foreign destinations and corrupt officials and others.”

    وتابع :” ان ظاهرا “. He continued: “The phenomenon of counterfeiting is a global phenomenon not confined to Iraq, which witnessed all eras past, despite the presence of larger political system Policy in Iraq in the region and the world, but that the fraud did not stop despite the adoption of tougher sanctions against the perpetrators. As major powers in the world still suffers from thisphenomenon, which is always prepared Palmstasip despite a host of measures taken to reduce them. ”
    “. He pointed out that “the Ministry of Finance and the competent security authorities confirmed through the media between Onah and others for detention of many of the gangs of rigging the currency and the prosecution of many of the fraud Iraq’s new currency and old stands behind corrupt officials and people crooks take advantage of weak management oversight, in some joints, administrative and governmental in order to achieve personal benefits “and reap the profits from behind the operations intended to destabilize the situation stable Iraqicurrency or carry out the smuggling of hard currency from abroad.”

    ي. Referred to as a source in the Interior Ministry said that the past few days has seen the arrest of several persons of Iranian nationality in southern Iraq in possession of a quantity of counterfeit Iraqicurrency.

    واوضح. He explained: “This is not the first time are apprehended by the Iraqi people who are in possession of counterfeit currency had earlier arrest of another Iranian group in Sulaymaniyah governorate.

    واش “. The Director of the customs posts fourth region in Basra, Brigadier Khalaf Badran, “it was set recently forged Iraqi currency has entered a neighbor in huge quantities to Basra and from different denominations.”

    و “. He said: “The defendants insisted during the preliminary investigation with them they had entered from one of the neighboring countries in possession of millions of counterfeit Iraqi currency.”

    “. He added: “The currency category ten thousand dinar was rigged perfectly large can not be detected by ordinary citizens, but through the device detection of forgeries, while the currency of category five and twenty thousand can find out forgeries by the presence of blue in it because it is very clear and so the quality of the paper normal “.

    . He continued: “The amount of currency has gone to Basra,” and urged citizens to check during their daily source of currency.

    . The police of the Fourth District managed customs posts last Tuesday from the large quantity of counterfeit currency within Basra and arrested a number of suspects and bring them to the investigation to search for other gangs involved in the introduction of counterfeit currency into Basra.

    “. He said Fadhil Abbas, a shopkeeper in central Baghdad for Banking: “Many of the counterfeit currency began to come to us and not counterfeit currency detector passed to us without being detected.”

    “. He said it: “We did not have a year ago detector counterfeit currency, but for a large number of what appears between the money that we have categories of false, we had to put the device inside the store.”

    “. With, “said Ali Abdul Zahra Al Rajhi owner of a shop selling food wholesale business in the beautiful eastern Baghdad:” The phenomenon of counterfeit currency are spread to a large extent and we are not confident we receive any money until after the examination. ”

    “. He pointed out that “most of the shops started using the currency of the device revealed the fact that there are many incidents that took place in a beautiful Shorja In addition, because there is so specialized gangs, come and Taatda large quantities of counterfeit currency.”


  229. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 21, 2010 @ 15:38:53

    Counterfeit currency coming from neighboring countries pouring heavily in the Iraq

    June 12 2010

    Baghdad (NINA) Report: started counterfeit currency and a special category of 25 thousand dinars to deploy these days in the Iraqi markets with information to enter the amounts from outside the border.

    Is the phenomenon of counterfeit currency from the most dangerous phenomena on the national economy, one of the economic crimes that are punishable by law.

    According to analysts, economists said the instability of political and security situations in the country provided an atmosphere and ideal for the forgers and counterfeiters with double the action taken to reduce this phenomenon.

    The expert said the financial Majid al-Rubaie said: “the phenomenon of counterfeit currency or counterfeit is not a problem only for Iraq, there are many countries suffer from this phenomenon, but it may be deployed in Iraq are the biggest and especially in these days due to preoccupation with the security agencies to pursue terrorist groups and protect areas , giving an opportunity for forgers to exploit this situation. ”

    He added: “The process of reducing the spread of the phenomenon of counterfeiting Iraqi currency need modern devices are distributed to banks
    And banking offices covering all areas of Iraq, and the currency of Iraq, including in respect of good quality are outdated Hence the urgent need to keep up with the developed countries which are being constantly strives to develop its currency between now and then to insert new developments where on the one hand, reduce the fraud, which is developing is repeated with the other developments in printing the original currency. ”

    He said: “The renewal is necessary in the current stage, or the maximum in the period disturbed, and otherwise be by maintaining the development of the currency and the introduction of standards of modern in terms of printing, paper type, colors and other specifications other, that will directly affect the increase in counterfeiting.”

    Underscoring the financial analyst in the Central Bank of Iraq on behalf of Abdul-Hadi: “The Iraqi currency is subject to renewal by replacing the damaged ones each period of time.”

    He said: “The currency of Iraq has not visited so far largely incomplete and the existing categories currently a fake groups devoid of any features or specifications of the Iraqi currency, which include the line of phosphorous and mark the horse’s head and the type of paper.”

    And: “There are several bodies involved in the counterfeiting of currency, including weak people and criminal gangs and foreign destinations and corrupt officials and others.”

    He continued: “The phenomenon of counterfeiting is a global phenomenon not confined to Iraq, which witnessed all eras past, despite the presence of larger political system Policy in Iraq in the region and the world, but that the fraud did not stop despite the adoption of tougher sanctions against the perpetrators. As major powers in the world still suffers from this phenomenon, which is always prepared Palmstasip despite a host of measures taken to reduce them. ”

    He pointed out that “the Ministry of Finance and the competent security authorities confirmed through the media between Onah and others for detention of many of the gangs of rigging the currency and the prosecution of many of the fraud Iraq’s new currency and old stands behind corrupt officials and people crooks take advantage of weak management oversight, in some joints, administrative and governmental in order to achieve personal benefits “and reap the profits from behind the operations intended to destabilize the situation stable Iraqi currency or to the smuggling of hard currency from abroad.”

    Referred to as a source in the Interior Ministry said that the past few days has seen the arrest of several persons of Iranian nationality in southern Iraq in possession of a quantity of counterfeit Iraqi currency.

    He explained: “This is not the first time are apprehended by the Iraqi people who are in possession of counterfeit currency, it has already arrest of another Iranian group in Sulaymaniyah governorate.

    The Director of the customs posts fourth region in Basra, Brigadier Khalaf Badran, “it was set recently forged Iraqi currency has entered a neighbor in huge quantities to Basra and from different denominations.”

    He said: “The defendants insisted during the preliminary investigation with them they had entered from one of the neighboring countries in possession of millions of counterfeit Iraqi currency.”

    He added: “The currency category ten thousand dinars was rigged perfectly large, not detectable by the average citizen only by device detection of forgeries, while the currency of category five and twenty thousand can find out forgeries by the presence of blue in it because it is very clear and so the quality of the paper normal “.

    He continued: “The amount of the currency has gone to Basra,” calling on citizens to check during their daily source of currency.

    The police of customs posts fourth region on Tuesday was able to control a large amount of counterfeit within Basra and arrested a number of suspects and referred for investigation to search for other gangs involved in introducing counterfeit of Basra.

    He said Fadhil Abbas, a shopkeeper in central Baghdad for Banking: “Many of the counterfeit currency began to come to us and not a device to detect counterfeit currency passed us without being detected.”

    He explained that: “We did not have a year ago detector counterfeit currency, but for many it appears between the money that we have categories of false, we had to put the device inside the shop.”

    With, “said Ali Abdul Zahra Al Rajhi owner of a shop selling food wholesale business in a beautiful area east of Baghdad:” The phenomenon of counterfeit currency are spread to a large extent and we are not confident we receive any money until after the examination. ”

    He pointed out that “most of the shops started using the currency of the device revealed the fact that there are many incidents that took place in a beautiful Shorja In addition, because there is so specialized gangs, come and Taatda large quantities of counterfeit currency.”


  230. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 22, 2010 @ 02:32:51

    War on Iran – any minute now? US etc. moving in closer….

    One down, one to go……. did not realize things were this close to taking place….

    Arab sources: A major military surprise is close. Galant scandal a smokescreen
    DEBKAfile Special Report August 20, 2010, 1:04 PM (GMT+02:00)

    IRGC forces on war alert

    War preparations are reported by debkafile’s military sources in Tehran and Damascus, debkafile’s military sources report.
    In Tehran, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards announced Friday, Aug. 20: “IRGC is in full readiness to encounter firmly with the stupidity of the US and the Zionist regime.”
    In Damascus, Syrian prime minister Naji al-Otari gathered his ministers and heads of security and emergency services Thursday and ordered them to place all their services on immediate war readiness.
    And sources close to the Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas quoted him as saying that direct talks with Israel were not in the offing because “a big military surprise awaits the Middle East.”
    On Thursday, too, Tehran pitched its threat level high by warning that any attack on Iran’s nuclear sites would be met by the IRGC “targeting the interests of the enemies in any part of the world.”
    Some Iranian sources have suggested that Israel’s obsessive preoccupation with the Galant scandal (over a forged document designed to influence the choice of the next Israeli chief of staff) is a smokescreen for masking preparations for an imminent attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
    In the United States, respected commentators this week talked and wrote openly about a possible war over Iran’s progress toward a nuclear bomb capability.
    Former US ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk, who has excellent connections in Washington and Jerusalem, wrote: “The United States is more likely than Israel to launch an attack on Iran.”
    Lawrence Eagleburger, former US Secretary of State, had this to say about the activation of Iran’s first reactor at Bushehr Saturday, Aug. 21: “The world’s going to war over this. If Iran gets the weapon it’s going to use it.”
    He urged an attack on Iran before it obtained a bomb.
    Some other US experts suggest the world powers would wait longer than 11 months before weighing an attack, whereas informed American sources are talking for the first time in 14 months about a possible US-led multilateral Western attack on Iran which, according to debkafile’s military sources, would be in conjunction with Germany, Britain and France.
    In the first week of June, 2009, those sources note, US, UK and French forces carried out a joint exercise at the French Canjuers training facility near Toulon, simulating a marine attack with close air support on Iranian ground targets
    British planes took off for the exercise from airbases in the UK, while US warplanes flew in from the USS Harry S. Truman and French jets from their carrier, the Charles de Gaulle. It was their first display of strength, in which the German frigate FGS Hessen also took part, for a combined air-sea-ground war offensive.
    The Truman and the Hessen are currently stationed in the Gulf of Oman opposite the strategic Straits of Hormuz.
    In an apparent bid to calm the rising war fever in America, the New York Times Friday reported that the Washington has assured Israel that an Iranian threat was not imminent but had been delayed for a year by problems in enriching uranium and divisions within the regime over how far to push their nuclear program But the NYT added suspicions in Israel that the enrichment problems may be a pretext to conceal a secret enrichment site yet to be discovered in tunnels being dug across the country, including some near Natanz. Tehran may then take everyone by surprise and jump up with a nuclear bomb – in the same way as it caught the world napping with a banned uranium enrichment industry turning out fuel for a bomb unhindered.
    Simon Henderson, an eminent American expert on Iran, published an article Thursday on the imminent inauguration of the Bushehr reactor in which he stressed that the fuel rods it uses could produce enough plutonium-rich residue for building at least one nuclear bomb a year.
    The plant will moreover provide cover for training an entire generation of Iranian nuclear scientists and technicians for its weapons industry. After all, the regime’s nuclear and missile programs involved “evasion” and “an array of deceptive practices.”
    Yet not a word was heard in Israel – either from official sources or by media commentators – in advance of the ceremony inaugurating the Russian-built Bushehr reactor Saturday. All their efforts were bent on untangling the Galant affair and coping with its fallout. No wonder Iran, Syria, Hizballah and the Palestinians refused to believe this obsession could be so all-consuming and treated it as a red herring for deceiving them.

    P/s: adakah ini satu lagi Sumber Investment akan Datang… Wallah hu alam.


  231. kassim
    Aug 22, 2010 @ 04:39:04



    I’m going to be very clear in this post, and I’d ask that you take this seriously…

    I am hearing from multiple contacts around the world, and through many different sources that this ride is over as early as this coming week. We may see something as early as Monday, but probably mid-week, as it will take the rate a couple days to propagate through the world-wide financial systems.

    Keep a close eye on the forex sites and the CBI website for anything that would show a change in the rate of the IQD.

    I pray this ride is over and we’re about to get off!


  232. isma
    Aug 22, 2010 @ 08:43:42

    Sadrist MP: Govt will be announced next week
    August 20, 2010 By Fred Wilson 1 Comment

    Friday, August 20th 2010

    Karbala, Aug. 20 (AKnews) – An official from the Sadrist Current told AKnews on Friday that the Iraqi National Alliance (INA), the Kurds and al-Iraqiya will form the government next week.

    Maliki and Allawi and Ammar
    The remarks by the Jawad al-Hasnawi came as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law Coalition (SLC) appears to have been sidelined after al-Iraqiya, led by former PM Ayad Allawi, decided to break off talks with the SLC over Maliki’s designation of al-Iraqiya as a “Sunni” bloc.

    Hasnawi said that the dialogues between the INA and al-Iraqiya were positive and successful, adding that they were done because of the insistence of the SLC on retaining the prime minister’s post for narrow party interests.

    The Sadrist Current is part of the INA that came third in March parliamentary elections with 70 seats.
    The SLC, a Shia-dominated group, won 89 seats in the elections trailing behind the Sunni-dominated al-Iraqiya which secured 91 seats.

    The Kurds have 57 seats in the parliament and constitute the fourth largest parliamentary bloc.
    “The meetings between the Iraqi National Alliance (INA) and al-Iraqiya were successful and made significant progress to speed up the formation of the next government…. Our meeting with al-Iraqiya was in the framework of the National Coalition, and not out of it,” said Hasnawi.

    The National Coalition was a super bloc created by an alliance between the INA and SLC. But after Maliki refused to step down from office, the fate of the alliance has been plunged into uncertainty.

    Hasnawi criticized “Maliki’s insistence on becoming the next prime minister and rejecting the nomination of other candidates… It is this dictatorship that not only separated him from the INA but has isolated him from the political process as well.”

    More than five months after parliamentary elections, Iraqi political forces have not been able yet to reach a deal on forming the country’s new government.


    yupee next week we go holiday..


  233. koko
    Aug 22, 2010 @ 09:42:15

    Salam kpd kawan-kawan semua,

    Kepada encik Kassim, ribuan terima kasih atas info yang anda sampaikan, kepada yang mengharapkan pertolongan Allah, teruskan berdo’a dalam bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini agar do’a kita dimakbulkan…lnsyaAllah. Jika ada yang nak enjoy, holiday dan sbgnya, harap simpan dulu kegembiraan atas mana-mana berita seperti yang disampaikan oleh en Kassim itu sebelum ia menjadi kenyataan, be matured and smart, intelligent people like en Kassim, Kembara lQD (examples). no reason to be excited unnecessarily. We are all supposed to be a thinking people, so say something accordingly. Thank you very much again to encik Kassim


  234. kassim
    Aug 22, 2010 @ 21:59:59

    Roger of Dinar Daddy: A Follow-up to Last Night’s Post>>>>>>


    Based on what has been shared with me, from contacts DIFFERENT than other forums, and from several contacts that are tied to this from different angles, I am optimistically hopeful we won’t have to be in this investment much longer.

    I am sticking with my post last night, that we will see a change to this investment by sometime next week, MAYBE even as early as tomorrow, BUT you just don’t know how these things will roll out, and it MAY take a few days longer, even into the latter part of next week.

    Yes, I know this all goes against my original stated time line of October 17th, and by the “end of October”. I would not believe this myself if it were not for the quality of contacts and information I’ve received over the past week, ONE phone call and contact in particular. As you know, I will NEVER reveal my contacts and their sources. I will NEVER give specifics, as that can just as easily reveal the “Who” and the “What”. So, take it as everything else, just more information to reference about this investment on my site.

    Yes, I am VERY anxious about this, as this is really the FIRST post I’ve made of this magnitude and specificity. If it ends up being wrong, I will make a post to that affect and even own up to it, and give my reasons based on what I am told. Though, I don’t believe that will happen despite my natural skepticism about Iraq and this investment’s ever-moving time lines.

    So, please do NOT go out and buy more dinar based on my information. I’m genuine about that! Pray to keep a level head, and let’s all “keep the faith” (as Frank26 says) that this ride is finally over this coming week. I can assure you this, that if this week comes and goes, with no change, I will NOT be this specific again. I agree with DrJ’s comments from the past… “one strike and you’re out” when it comes to making predictions in this investment.


  235. albob
    Aug 22, 2010 @ 23:50:51

    TK rumor: GET team 8/20/10
    August 20, 2010 · Posted in RUMORS

    [terryk] im hearing this
    [terryk] this is all done
    [Janna] What is all done, tk?
    [terryk] when they open in 3 hours we may or may not see something
    [terryk] we may see the ri on monday
    [terryk] is what im hearing
    [terryk] but not able to cash in until wed due to banking rou


  236. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 23, 2010 @ 07:40:50

    Mmmm…. Tak Sabar nak tunggu RI/RV nie…. Debit MasterCard Yg apply ngan Bank Iraq nie Pun… minggu nie Sampai….,tak sabar nak Tenyeh DebitCard Warka Bank Nie untuk merasakan duit RI/RV.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Aug 25, 2010 @ 16:52:09


  237. albob
    Aug 23, 2010 @ 21:27:35

    jangan berangan mat jenin..nanti koko marah..ruang ini untuk orang yang serius dan matang ..


  238. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 23, 2010 @ 21:59:56

    Bukan Berangan “albob” ini kenyataan… orang yg serius & matang dalam investment ini adalah orang yg pandai meminimakan Kerugian…. bukan memaximakan kerugian.

    P/s: berurusan dengan bank adalah jalan yg terbaik daripada berurusan selain daripada bank.fikir-fikirkanlah…. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  239. koko
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 01:12:48

    Salam kpd kawan-kawan semua,

    Selamat berpuasa kepada semua
    Saya tak marah kepada sesiapa, sekadar ingat mengingatkan sahaja, supaya
    tidak lupa, saya tak berhak nak marah kpd sesiapa, apatah lagi di bulan ramadhan yang sngt mulia ini. lslam menganjurkan kita supaya berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran dan kesabaran…kan begitu bro albob???


  240. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 02:01:41


    Yer!! saya sokong pendapat anda KOKO…. selamat Selamat Menyambut Ramadan Ke14 hari kalau tak silap saya…. pada keesokan hari (Ramadan ke 15) bermulalah Doa Qunut……


  241. naKata"17"
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 03:24:26

    eeMMm…ape keLebihan buat deBit mastercard tue ek!!tp benda tue boleh guna kat mane2 negara an…!!so kalau sume pemegang account kat sane nak buat gak boleh yerk??cam mane nak buat ek???


  242. kassim
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 03:25:55

    wahh..sekarang ni rumors RV/RI sedang hot diperkatakan….akan menjadi kenyataan??…kita tunggu dan lihat !!!!!!!!!!!


    • Mohd Helmy
      Aug 24, 2010 @ 03:49:20

      Yerlah en.Kassim saya pun tak sabar menunggu dengan penuh khusuk & Tawaduk …


  243. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 03:39:22

    naKata”17″ said,

    August 24, 2010 at 3:24 am

    eeMMm…ape keLebihan buat deBit mastercard tue ek!!tp benda tue boleh guna kat mane2 negara an…!!so kalau sume pemegang account kat sane nak buat gak boleh yerk??cam mane nak buat ek???

    Kelebihan dia banyak… salah satu dia boleh “Withdrawal” secara terus melalui ATM Mesin diseluruh dunia max Withdrawal sehari USD1000. dan melalui Debit MasterCard juga anda boleh membuat bayaran di counter2 casher diseluruh dunia dan tidak mempunyai limit pembelian bergantung pada duit anda didalam account bank anda. Debit MasterCard Warka bank ini boleh digunakan di 210 buah negara dan boleh digunakan di 1juta lebih ATM Mesin seluruh dunia & 25 jutah lebih POS (Counter Bayaran) . 🙂 🙂


  244. naKata"17"
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 04:00:04

    next week mungkin sy turun KL,so rase2 cik helmy free tak untuk face to face ajar cam mane nak buat debit mastercard n tambah kan lagi duit kt account sane…


    • Mohd Helmy
      Aug 24, 2010 @ 04:56:59

      Jumpa Face 2 face takada masalah… datanglah…


  245. sulaiman
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 05:25:22

    Salam…En Helmy, En Kassim, Kembara IQD….saya ingin join info dinar iraq dalam forum ni…Harap kehadiran tidak menganggu forum ini….saya telah mengikuti banyak discussion dalam forum ni yang sangat membantu….saya juga tak tau apa2 tentang Dinar Iraq nih…cuma mengikut kawan2 beli sbanyak IQD 300,000 tahun 2006 dulu, sampai sekarang saya masih simpan sebagai koleksi peribadi…sebagaimana kawan2 pesan dulu…tunggu ajelah sampai Iraq ok semula…masa tu boleh jual dan harga insyaAllah melambung….


    • Mohd Helmy
      Aug 24, 2010 @ 05:42:27

      Ahlan wah sahlan en. sulaiman,harap en sulaiman dapat menimba sedikit sebanyak ilmu dari muzakarah kami semua disini… buat pengetahuan en.sulaiman kami semua disini berbincang tentang perkembangan dinar Iraq berpandukan dari sumber2 “RUMOR” sahaja…tak lebih dari itu.harap en.sulaiman dapat memahami perbincangan kami.


      • sulaiman
        Aug 24, 2010 @ 16:45:41

        terima kasih en mohd helmi…saya terus mengikuti perkembangan…mudah2an berbaloi usaha perbincangan dan pencarian maklumat dari semasa ke semasa….

  246. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 05:48:11

    Aduh… mungkinkan akan berlaku Delay lagi RV/RI …. 😦

    The Real Gov. Delay? – Allawi says US opposes him

    Monday, August 23, 2010 12:40

    Is this the real reason for Gov. delay…… ??

    Allawi says US opposes him

    Head of Al Iraqiya List Iyad Allawi met in Moscow with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

    Allawi affirmed that the United States will not support any Iraqi Government that is not in good relations with Iran, he said.

    Allawi said he believes the United States opposes him. Allawi expressed some essential reservations on the US to the US media.

    The US is seeking an Iraqi government approved by Tehran, Allawi noted.
    Asked about his alliance with Al Sadr Front, Allawi stressed that any partnership requires openness to other parties.


  247. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 05:51:06

    satu lagi cerita yg kurang enak… dibaca 😦

    MP: Statements on government formation false

    Monday, August 23rd 2010 11:03 AM

    Sulaimaniya, Aug. 23 (AKnews) – A Kurdish lawmaker denied on Monday that Iraq’s political blocs have reached any agreements to form the new government, stating that recent comments about the possibilities of forming a government soon is false.

    Iraqi politicians from the different blocs have recently stated that agreements between certain blocks are soon to be made and that the government will be formed soon.

    Mahmoud Othman, a member of the Kurish Blocs Coalition (KBC) told AKnews on Monday that “those statements are far from the truth, they say what they please.”

    “So far, there is nothing new, no developments about the political situation in Iraq” Othman said adding, “These talks have been around for more than three months now.”

    On Friday, an official from the Sadrist Current told AKnews that the Iraqi National Alliance (INA) – of which the Sadr Current is a part of – the Kurds and al-Iraqiya will form the government “next week”.

    A member of the al-Iraqiya list led by Ayad Allawi, Adnan al-Danbos, said the “doors are open” for the State of Law Coalition (SLC) led by Nouri al-Maliki to take part in the “new alliance” to be announced soon” between Iraqiya, the Sadr Current, and the Kurds, provided that the SLC “forgets about the prime minister’s post.”

    But Mahmoud said “so far we have not had any such negotiations regarding the formation of the next government.”

    The comments about a close agreement between al-Iraqiya, Sadrists and the Kurds come at a time when the INA has suspended all its talks with the SLC, after Maliki insisted to run for the prime minister’s post for a second term.

    The al-Iraqiya list broke off with the SLC after Maliki described the list as a “Sunni bloc” which angered Alawi and the members of the list. Allawi said Maliki had to apologize to millions of Iraqis who had voted for al-Iraqiya because it was a “national list” rather than a Sunni list.


  248. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 05:53:57

    Iraqi government and the public confirms its support for Allawi against Maliki

    دخلت علي الخط المباشر لتشكيل الحكومة العراقية بدعمها المباشر لزعيم القائمة العراقية ضد رئيس الوزراء الحالي نوري المالكي.
    Siftproof – The leading exporter and the Iraqi List said Saudi Arabia has entered on-line to form a government outright support for the leader of the Iraqi List against the current Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

    واضاف المصدر الذي طالبا بعدم الكشف عن اسمه ان هناك أجتماع للكتل العراقية الفائزة في الانتخابات البرلمانية سوف يعقد في دمشق خلال الأيام القليلة المقبلة لإنهاء أزمة تشكيل الحكومة العراقية وسيتصدر دعم القائمة العراقية من قبل السعودية وبعض الدول الجوار على حساب المالكي.
    He said the source, who asked not to be named, said there is a meeting of the Iraqi masses of winning the parliamentary elections will be held in Damascus during the next few days to end the crisis in the formation of the Iraqi government will lead the support of the Iraqi List by Saudi Arabia and some neighboring countries, to the detriment of al-Maliki.

    واضاف المصدر ان هذا الاجتماع يأتي لإنجاح مشروع التحرك السوري السعودي التركي والذي تسانده موسكو لتشكيل الحكومة العراقية مضيفا ان السعودية تدعم وبقوة التحرك السوري لأنها لا تريد ان تكون في واجهة تشكيل الحكومة العراقية لأن ذلك يثير حفيظة العراقيين للدور السعودي السلبي في العراق لا سيما في تمويل الارهاب وأكد أن تلك الأجتماعات ستكون لدعم القائمة العراقية.
    The source added that this meeting is to make the project move Syrian-Saudi, Turkish, backed by Moscow for the formation of the Iraqi government, adding that Saudi Arabia strongly supports the Syrian move as they do not want to be in the forefront of the formation of the Iraqi government because it raises the ire of Iraqis, Saudi role negative in Iraq, especially in the financing of terrorism saying that such meetings will be to support the Iraqi List.

    من جهتها اكدت السعودية موقفها من نوري المالكي، وذلك عبر تصريحات أدلى بها إعلاميون سعوديون تحدثوا فيها عن موقف الحكومة السعودية من المشاركين في العملية السياسية في العراق.
    For its part, Saudi Arabia confirmed its position on Nouri al-Maliki, through statements made by Saudi media representatives talked about the position of the Saudi government of the participants in the political process in Iraq.

    هذا وقد صدرت تصريحات متزامنة مع اجتماعات الملك عبد الله مع عدد من الشخصيات السياسية العراقية تحدثت عن ترحيب الحكومة السعودية بكافة الشخصيات السياسية العراقية باستثناء نوري المالكي وجاء في التصريحات أن المالكي غير مرحب به في المملكة وان من المستبعد أن توجه له الحكومة السعودية دعوة زيارة كما تقوم به مع شخصيات سياسية اخرى حيث كان مستشار الملك السعودي قد صرح عقب اعلان نتائج الانتخابات بأن علاقات السعودية مع العراق ستتحدد على ضوء التشكيلة الحكومة الجديدة، وانها لن تشهد تحسناً في حال تولي المالكي رئاسة الوزراء.
    This has been statements in conjunction with meetings of King Abdullah with a number of Iraqi political figures spoke welcomed the Saudi government of all Iraqi political figures with the exception of Nuri al-Maliki said in a statement that Maliki is not welcome in the Kingdom, and is unlikely to be indicted by the Saudi government invitation for a visit is also it with other political figures, where he was adviser to the Saudi King said after the election results, that the Saudi relations with Iraq will be determined in the light of the new government formation, and they will not see an improvement in under the leadership of al-Maliki as prime minister.


  249. albob
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 08:26:29

    He disclosed that the four leaders of Iraqi factions or their representatives to Damascus to attend the coronation of Saudi-Turkish Syrian initiative a success, and we hope to get it and make up the Iraqi government ahead of the Eid al-Fitr.


  250. albob
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 08:30:48

    erryK Rumor: G.E.T. 8/23/10 7:42pm
    August 24, 2010 By Fred Wilson Leave a Comment

    7:42 PM [terryk] have a source on the phone
    7:43 PM [terryk] china source confirms rv announcement in bagdad

    7:43 PM [terryk] 4.10-4.25

    7:43 PM [terryk] this is from china source
    7:43 PM [terryk] who is on the ground in iraq
    7:47 PM [terryk] im trying to get a iraq source on the line
    7:47 PM [terryk] left message with frank

    7:48 PM [terryk] bronco if you listened
    7:48 PM [terryk] i said china

    7:49 PM [terryk] no i said it was announced in iraq
    7:50 PM [terryk] i dont either

    7:50 PM [terryk] i dont question
    7:50 PM [terryk] it maybe it was on the rise already
    7:50 PM [terryk] who knows

    7:50 PM [terryk] treat this as rumor
    7:50 PM [terryk] until we can get it varified


  251. kassim
    Aug 25, 2010 @ 00:00:28

    Kekawan IQD,

    Berita berikut menjelaskan bahawa CBI tidak akan melaksanakan “LOPPING” iaitu menghapuskan 3 sifar ke atas nilai nominal IQD !!! Strategi ini adalah perlu hanya jika kadar inflasi terlalu tinggi ….Jadi, masalah KEMUNGKINAN LOPPING yang menakutkan pemegang new IQD terlerailah sudah !!! wallhuaklam….

    Arbil, 24 August ( Akaniwz ) – denied the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Iraq on Tuesday , delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency because it would increase the cases of financial corruption, will not address the problem of inflation in the country.

    Said Fadel Prophet told Kurdistan News ( Akaniwz ) announced today that ” three years ago , the determination of the Central Bank of Iraq to the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, we pointed out at the time not to reap the benefit of the process, has been repeated talk about the subject during the past year, we renewed our disagreement It has renewed talk about it again , but the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Iraq will not delete the zeroes from the currency. ”

    He said the Prophet that ” the process of removing zeroes from the currency bearing height , inter alia, an increase in expenses that allow cases of financial corruption , and the second it does not address the problem of inflation, although inflation dropped in Iraq in recent times, as well as the big problem is that Raised by the citizens until the get used to dealing with the new currency . ”

    He said: “we are sure that the process of deleting the zeroes damaging citizens , because of their impact in reducing salaries, given that the Iraqi market lacks the culture of dealing with such situations rationally, and will not be lowering the prices of goods, and all the reasons mentioned above I note that the Process is complex and will not serve the Iraqi citizen or solve the economic crisis, inflation in the country. ”


  252. kassim
    Aug 25, 2010 @ 01:51:08

    Official: Zeros in Iraqi currency will not be removed

    Tuesday, August 24th 2010 5:15 PM

    Erbil, Aug. 24 (AKnews) – Iraq will not remove the zeros from its currency because it will not resolve inflation and will create opportunities for corruption, said a senior source in Iraq’s ministry of finance and economics.

    Iraq’s currency known as Dinar was largely devalued after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1991 and the imposition of international sanctions on the country.

    The Iraqi government added three zeros to the bank notes in 1990s.

    While before 1991, one Iraqi Dinar was equal to around $3, now $1 is worth 1170 Dinars, according to Iraqi Central Bank’s exchange rates.

    Some experts have suggested that removing the zeros will enhance the country’s currency and allow it to better tackle inflation.

    “The Central Bank wanted to remove the zeros three years ago, we alleged that it was impossible. They wanted to do it again last year and we rejected the proposal again. The issue is currently brought up once again, but the Ministry of Finance and Economics insists that Zeros will remain,” said Fazil Nabi, the deputy minister of finance and economics.

    Nabi said removing the zeros will not reduce the inflation rates as Iraq’s inflation has been stable and remained low for quite some time.

    “Besides, it will create problems for many citizens because it takes time for them to learn to use the new currency,” he said.

    Nabi also stated that certain people will be harmed by removing the zeros because their salaries will decrease while it is unlikely for the price of goods in the markets to decrease


  253. kassim
    Aug 25, 2010 @ 02:03:43

    Daripada Chief V >>>>

    With the influx of supposed confirmed intel and what I’ve been receiving I believe we’re definitely onto something, I just received a text from one of my former firefighters in Iraq about what his girlfriend heard on ABC news just this morning, so I called him. He told me what was up and I asked him to forward the information to me so I could research it, I’m not finding it yet, but have a feeling it’s valid. He’s invested as well so I have no reason to doubt him. Here’s the email:

    Here’s what she said she heard:


    ” Btw I was listening to radio today and the abc news break said that with the pulling of forces in Iraq their economy is at the highest in years as they are scheduled to hit international exchange/currency within the month. Sounded like those dinar are supposed to hit! Check into it! ”

    Let me know what you find out, bud.

    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

    I’ve also received information from a select few individuals that unfortunately I cannot share as I promised I wouldn’t, this information is in relation to DD’s (Roger) post, but I cannot confirm nor deny. I’ve promised that I would not give the info out, and so with that I will not share that. I do feel it’s good info, and that more than likely this is in fact done, and the smoke n mirrors are there for a reason. With the upcoming Presidential Address to this very subject, wouldn’t that make you think that they already know it’s done??


  254. kassim
    Aug 25, 2010 @ 02:12:27

    Daripada blog DD (Roger) >>>>

    Dinar Daddy: Update… Again… 🙂
    August 24, 2010 · Posted in BALANCE, CHATS / POSTS, TIDBIT

    I want to let you ALL know that I am still hearing from my original sources, along with additional contacts, information, stories, and intel that corroborates my original information, and that everything is as it should be.

    I am STILL holding to my original intent, and I am STILL optimistically hopeful that we will see the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar by the end of the month.


  255. albob
    Aug 25, 2010 @ 11:07:45

    get ready for transformasi …….winter sonata this desember


    • Mohd Helmy
      Aug 25, 2010 @ 16:12:53

      I’m always ready…. go…RV…. go..go….RI 🙂 🙂 🙂


  256. albob
    Aug 26, 2010 @ 14:35:12



    • Mohd Helmy
      Aug 26, 2010 @ 16:19:52

      Bagus…. Bagus…. mana cukup 3 mil bro… kurang2 10 mil bro baru meriah… 🙂 🙂 🙂


      • kassim
        Aug 26, 2010 @ 21:10:14

        wow…sdr Helmy hebat laa…mesti ada 20 juta ni……

      • Mohd Helmy
        Aug 27, 2010 @ 01:00:17

        🙂 🙂 🙂 pandai en. Kassim meneka… yek… tapi kurang tepatlah en.kassim bukan 20 mil tapi 25 mil…. 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • kassim
        Aug 27, 2010 @ 10:41:25

        iye ke en helmi…..25 juta?..banyak tu …almaklumlahh…bagi setiap akaun bank iraq >>> rm2,ooo masyukkk…hehe!!!

      • Mohd Helmy
        Aug 27, 2010 @ 11:07:16

        he..he..hee.. tapi tak mengapa… RM2,000 bukannya banyak jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah yg bakal mereka terima… sama juga seperti orang2 yg menjual Cash Note dinar… Untung lagi berlipat ganda dari saya. bagi saya apa yg penting adalah mereka yg berusan dengan saya tidak mengalami risiko….. kerana saya berurusan direct dengan bank Iraq.

  257. kassim
    Aug 26, 2010 @ 23:23:35



  258. albob
    Aug 27, 2010 @ 10:44:20

    wow..harapan cerah…beli lagi 2 juta IQD…


  259. koko
    Aug 27, 2010 @ 10:58:45

    Bersyukurlah kepada lllahi dengan apa yang ada, jangan riak dan takbur sudahlah yee, kerana itu adalah sikap yang dibenci oleh Allas swt, banyakkan infak kepada fakir, miskin dan yang memerlukan, semua yang ada ditangan bukan mutlak milik yang memegangnya, Allah maha mengetahui. Belum ada hitam putih pun lagi tentang RV ni, mengapa ada yang terlalu gembira seolah-olah duit dah ada ditangan…bersabar yee….istighfar banyak-banyak yee…..berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran dan dengan kesabaran


    • Mohd Helmy
      Aug 27, 2010 @ 11:08:46

      Baik Tuan… 🙂 🙂 🙂


      • ayiem
        Aug 28, 2010 @ 14:43:59

        nampaknya dlm forum nie dah ada selingan tazkirah…..bagusla tu….disamping kejar dunia ….akhirat tak dilupakan….ye la duit banyak2 pun kalau tak digunakan pada jln yang betuk ,tak guna jugak…….20 million dalam akaun bank…he.he.he…

      • Mohd Helmy
        Aug 28, 2010 @ 16:53:26

        tulah… Ustaz KOKO dah bagi tazkirah dah… apa2 pun jangan lupa infak yer… kat surau & masjid2 kalau nak lagi besar pahala… carilah mana2 surau atau masjid yg sedang dibina yg kekurangan modal….sampai kiamat pahala kita dapat.. 🙂

  260. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 27, 2010 @ 11:09:39

    Central Bank Governor interview Fox News…ylist_id=87089


  261. albob
    Aug 27, 2010 @ 11:10:15

    * Dinar Daddy: Tidal Wave’s a Comin… an Update!
    August 26, 2010 · Posted in BALANCE, CHATS / POSTS, TIDBIT


    I just want you to know I’m at peace tonight about our investment.

    I wish to thank those who have trusted me with their information. You and your information are safe with me. Thank you for the gift of peace tonight that I received from you. I needed it!

    To all of my site’s members… how long do you need to stand on the shoreline to realize there’s a tidal wave coming? Get moving and get to a safe place up on higher ground. It’s coming! 😉

    Go Dinar!

    Dinar Daddy


  262. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 27, 2010 @ 11:12:16

    URGENT …. Maliki assumes the post of prime minister for the second session


    URGENT …. Maliki assumes the post of prime minister for the second session

    A source at the beginning of the National Alliance coalition, which includes the rule of law led by outgoing Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the National Coalition led by Dr. Ibrahim al-Jaafari revealed a concession by the National Coalition and the acceptance of pay-Maliki as prime minister.
    The source, who preferred anonymity in a telephone conversation with the location of N that the National Coalition made concessions to accept Maliki’s prime minister for the second session without mentioning the size of the guarantees provided by the al-Maliki’s coalition, the national exchange for voting and acceptance by the prime minister for the next session.
    The al-Maliki today called on the political blocs to show flexibility in their positions and compromise their differences in order to accelerate the formation of the new government.
    Maliki said that the interest of the country’s highest political blocs require a waiver for their differences and form a government and install the security situation
    N. particular site


  263. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 28, 2010 @ 16:48:01

    hi… sonyap… jer 2 hari nie… aper cerita??? 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • kassim
      Aug 29, 2010 @ 02:49:54

      cerita banyak …tapi elok jugak kurangkan bercerita dan lebihkan beramal dlm bulan Almubarak ni…Pasal rv/ri ni kita tunggu ajelahh…

      ….sesungguhnya manusia ini dalam kerugian kecuali mereka yang………


  264. kassim
    Aug 29, 2010 @ 02:59:16


  265. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 29, 2010 @ 04:09:52

    he..he..he.. tak payah risau… RV kemungkinan berlaku pada penghujung Tahun ini ataupun pada awal tahun 2011… kerana pristiwa ini paling penting sekali iaitu CBI akan mengeluarkan note Dinar baru menggantikan nilai note dinar yg sedia ada. kalau pada masa itu tak flote jugak matawang dinar… maka kita mempunyai masa selama 2 tahun lagi untuk menunggu nilai dinar diapungkan. ini menjadikan tahun 2013 sebagai tahun wajib bagi iraq untuk flotekan matawangnya setelah genap 10 tahun peperangan tamat.


  266. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 29, 2010 @ 08:26:17

    Controlling Inflation in Iraq 8/28/2010 1:05:12 PM

    The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Sinan Al-Shabibi, tells the Wall Street Journal’s Jon Hilsenrath, how Iraq managed to control inflation and what lies ahead for the rebuilding country’s economy.


  267. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 29, 2010 @ 13:08:02

    Pada Pemegang2 account Bank Warka cawangan Al-WATHIQ Sila2 lah melihat Gambar Bank Anda. 🙂

    Pictures from the Main Branch

    Pictures of the main Gate of the Main Branch

    Indoor pictures from the Main Branch


    • Mohd Helmy
      Aug 29, 2010 @ 15:46:55

      Peace Of Mind……. When RV Happen

      Debit MasterCard Warka Bank

      Think Easy Think Warka Debit MasterCard 🙂 🙂


      • Tekok
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 11:38:22

        PEACE OF MIND ???…….Hmmmm…..

      • algoredbody
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 12:28:19

        whats up?

      • algoredbody
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 13:32:47

        warka bank in hot soup..condolenze to account holders..

      • algoredbody
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 14:15:32

        get gored badly by the bull

      • Tekok
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 22:25:33

        i was in iraq for five and half years before all this had a chance to start bank acc with warka .i did so and by some chance they lost 750thousand of my dinars
        couldnt find my acc so after that gave up was going too put more in but changed my mind now glad i didnt

        Read more:

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 23:39:20

        Kebanyakan Mat Salleh didalam fourm DV yg kehilangan Duit didalam account bank adalah disebabkan mereka bermain dengan ISX. ISX adalah Share Market.. So adatlah…. bermain dengan ISX ada masanya kau untung ,kau untung… bila masa kau rugi… kau rugilah… so kesimpulannya apabila kau bermain dengan ISX (share Market) Resiko tetap ada. 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • kayo_den
        Sep 21, 2010 @ 00:06:10

        iye ke tu..? hehe…

  268. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 29, 2010 @ 13:24:56

    Pada Investor2 Dinar Iraq ini adalah gambar Central Bank Of Iraq (CBI) marilah kita lihat sesama 🙂


  269. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 29, 2010 @ 14:08:31

    Mari Kenali Wajah-Wajah Barisan Permain Utama Iraq ( Orang Penting DI Iraq)


    P/s: Muka- Muka Inilah Yg Memainkan Peranan Penting Dalam Kenaikkan Nilai Mata Wang Iraq. 🙂 🙂


  270. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 29, 2010 @ 14:09:26

    Mari Kenali Wajah-Wajah Barisan Permain Utama Iraq ( Orang Penting DI Iraq)

    P/s: Muka- Muka Inilah Yg Memainkan Peranan Penting Dalam Kenaikkan Nilai Mata Wang Iraq.


  271. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 29, 2010 @ 19:43:31

    Gambar Warka Bank Cawangan Al-Wathiq (HQ) 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Pictures From The Main Branch

    Pictures Of The Main Gate Of The Main Branch

    Indoor Pictures From The Main Branch


  272. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 29, 2010 @ 19:53:55

    Gambar Warka Bank Cawangan Al-Wathiq (HQ) 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Pictures From The Main Branch

    Pictures Of The Main Gate Of The Main Branch

    Indoor Pictures From The Main Branch


  273. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 29, 2010 @ 19:58:24

    Sorry Ter..double post lah pulak


  274. kassim
    Aug 30, 2010 @ 00:52:41

    Salam kepada en Kembara IQD,

    Di manakah anda sekarang…masih di TT?. Ada ape2 berita terbaru dari sana?


  275. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 30, 2010 @ 01:31:04

    Bank: the launch of liquidity to banks move to strengthen the role of the private sec

    Saturday, August 28, 2010

    Bank: the launch of liquidity to banks move to strengthen the role of the private sector in the economy
    The director of the ” WARKA BANK ” on Saturday, said the release of central bank liquidity rate of 5% of the cash reserves of banks step towards strengthening the role of the private sector in the economy, noting that these amounts will be forwarded to the expansion of lending and the opening of letters of guarantee.
    Mohammed said al-Samarrai told (Voices of Iraq) that “the Iraqi Central Bank’s decision to reduce the cash reserve ratio and the launch of the legal rate of 5% of liquidity to banks is a positive step because the amount was more or less reserved and is not to take advantage of it.”
    The Central Bank of Iraq announced a reduction of the proportion of the legal reserve of the government and private banks by 5% starting from the first of next September with a view to encourage investment in Iraq.
    According to al-Samarrai, the central “is convinced of the importance of helping private banks encouraged to keep deposits with, which is an integral part of action already and have been taken including the transfer of the cash reserve of 20% shall be deposited in full at the central to the division ratio of 5% remain with the banks and the rest of the central” .
    Samarrai said that under the new reduction of the reserve, “the distribution ratio would be 10% of the deposits held by central reserve and 5% remain with the banks, will be launched with the 5% Kciolp to strengthen the financial positions of banks.”
    The investment of the new liquidity explained that the banks “would direct the granting of loans to expand or facilitate the opening of letters of credit and security,” noting that “the existence of liquidity in bank itself contributes to strengthening their daily dealings.”
    He urged the Ministry of Finance to “step back from its earlier decision to prevent government departments to open accounts with private banks, being hurt in this vital sector spending, which in the next stage of investment and contribution to the progress of the Iraqi economy.”
    He said that prevention “if because of fears of fiscal positions of private banks can finance that you sort through the Central Bank, which is the regulator,” and about the way “can see how the possibility of dealing with the bank on whether or not”, which helps to “give financial and government departments, reassuring in its dealings with the private sector banking. “


  276. Kembara_IQD
    Aug 31, 2010 @ 02:00:02


    to en kassim..insyaALLAH aidilfitri ini sy berada di Malaysia..cite terbaru pasal IQD xde …kalu ade citer panas2 sy akn info di


  277. koko
    Aug 31, 2010 @ 02:30:11


    Syabas sdara Kembara lQD, dibulan Ramadhan yang mulia ni, kita cakap yang perlu je, yang lagho kita buangkan jauh-jauh, smoga ibadat kita diterima oleh ALLAH SWT. selamat kembali ke Malaysia dan menubuhkan MC co, agar senang berurusan dengan saudara nanti apabila lQD dah RV…lnsyaALLAH


  278. kassim
    Aug 31, 2010 @ 04:21:52


    If any of you have read my past posts, you would know that I have become a Scooter fan, but I think the time has come to roast the fella. Please read on…

    I have not been in this investment long and cannot fathom the stress and or pressure the “old timers” have experienced. I suppose I would be a wreck if Scooter had not come along. You see, Scooter is like a compass, steady and always pointing in one direction, the finish line. I use to get all hung up with the politics of it all. OMG what a catastrophe, I mean he’s in, he’s out, soon, almost, meeting again, making progress etc etc, totally out of control media garbage. If you follow these statements, there is a straight jacket with your name on it.

    Then along comes this guy named Scooter. No politics, no rumors, no opinions, just facts, documents, links and conclusions. My boat has now been sailing in clear calm waters with certain expectations based on facts, not speculations. My boat use to be tossed back and forth by durbulant seas, not knowing where I would end up. (starting to write like Frank 26, who I tend to like) Anyway, no need in getting upset or frustrated over the goings on in Iraq. It’s all being taken care of in a nice, progressive way with all the pieces of the puzzle coming together nicely with powers that are high up the food chain, and its because of the compass we call Scooter. The dot connector.

    And please remember, he has never been in a position where he HAS to share any of exhaustive research. He chooses to do so from the kindness of his heart, and it is WHO HE IS. I like that. So on to the roast…

    I think that after the RV, we should all desend on Phoenix AZ like a hoard of locusts and have a post RV good old fashion Scooter Roast. I mean a bronze statue would be nice, but what would be better than for all the people he has helped guide and survive this turmoil, to roast him, don’t you think?? Not to mention we would all get to meet one another.

    You know, Scooter is like Ross Perot with all of his charts and grafts…maybe he should run for president. I liked when he published his latest calander that was so detailed and Drox tells him that he forgot to list the Monster Truck Show in the calander..lmbo. Anyway, they always say a roast is the best way to honor someone, who better than the steady compass…Scooter. Looking forward to AZ…anyone else coming?? I mean it’s not like you can’t afford it!!


    This post has been edited by HeavyDuty: Today, 11:11 AM


  279. kassim
    Aug 31, 2010 @ 05:22:28


    [Scooter] Hey Brother — what’s up
    [00castle] Scooter Scooter that was an awesome article you pposted earlier
    [Scooter] 00castle 00castle 00castle 00castle TY Very Much
    [00castle] sounded like more good news to me
    [Scooter] Good Morning Mods
    [Scooter] Just doing a drive by
    [leggman24] Scooter so weds is the first, should we expect anything?
    [Scooter] leggman24 —- I don’t know — No rates or dates from scooter — only probabilities
    [leggman24] Scooter i know that, just wondered how you felt?
    [Scooter] leggman24 leggman24 I know — giving you a hard time bud!
    [Scooter] momentum seems to be picking up strongly —- but nobody knows — Now is the time the news is flawed and the backroom deals are being made
    [leggman24] Scooter someone did say that you said something about what time of day it would happen.
    [Scooter] leggman24 leggman24 I knew it I knew it I knew it
    [Scooter] hahahah
    [Scooter] It was suggested
    [Scooter] or asked
    [Scooter] what time of the day
    [Scooter] my response was it usually occurs when the banks open up
    [Scooter] in Wellington New Zealand
    [Scooter] on Monday morning —- Start of the FOREX sessions
    [Scooter] However, this being the case
    [Scooter] a mid week target
    [Scooter] look around noon PST
    [Scooter] because that’s
    [Scooter] around 8:00 am in Kiwi Land
    [bjdksl] nine o’clock in the am in Hawaii
    [leggman24] Scooter oh i gotcha. thanks for clearing that up.
    [Scooter] Well — were all in this together —– all we can do is eliminate the variables that don’t play correctly
    [Scooter] and keep the ones that do
    [Scooter] leggman24 leggman24 leggman24 NP — my pleassure bud!!
    [Scooter] bjdksl bjdksl TY — there’s alot of folks that engage in “Selective Hearing”
    [Scooter] but not here
    [Scooter] people here really listen and understand
    [MrRich] Scooter – What was the reason Bush issued the order allowing us to buy dinar?
    [Scooter] I thank everyone here for that
    [Scooter] the order was 14404 I think — the reason — I don’t know
    [Scooter] oh yea
    [Scooter] investment in wore torn Iraq
    [Scooter] that was it
    [MrRich] buying dinar funded them?
    [clkelle] are we saying we might get our rv tonight with all going on?
    [Scooter] clkelle — AMEN!!! —– That’s why I like DV so much
    [vegasman56] I do not get nervous or excited is not over until it is over
    [vegasman56] and you guys should do the same thing
    [Scooter] vegasman56 AMEN Vegas!!! AMEN
    [jcny47] Scooter you really think this could happen tonight?
    [Scooter] jcny47 —- Low probability IMHO
    [jcny47] Scooter ty
    [Scooter] but I could be wrong
    [MrRich] The way I see it we have no idea what is going on behind the scenes so all of the obstacles could have been removed and the RV could happen any time
    [Scooter] MrRich Well Said !!
    [A. Zuccaro] I think the 15th is a good possibility…tomorrow is too soon…
    [MrRich] Then again they might be playing checkers
    [A. Zuccaro] but would love it!!
    [Scooter] jcny47 I think between now and October 31 —- offer the highest probabilities
    [Scooter] I’ve got some people researching all activities
    [Scooter] and putting them on a consolidated Calendar
    [jcny47] Scooter TY…IYHO…This thing really does need to get done this year…
    [Scooter] I should be able to have a Rolling Reported Calendar
    [Scooter] very soon posted
    [Scooter] jcny47 YES — It must happen this year — I stick with that one for sure
    [MrRich] they could lose support from donor nations
    [Scooter] MrRich They could loose everything
    [Scooter] That’s alot of reasons


  280. kassim
    Aug 31, 2010 @ 05:28:00


    9:44 PM [Honeypaws] Hey All! Just heard from my source who has been out of touch most of the day. From 67 different contacts, sources all over the world, some on the ground and some in high security positions, all are saying the same thing – tomorrow/Tuesday. This will be a declaration of Iraq’s new beginnings. Announcement of the new government which is believed to be in place, announcement of the Prime Minister (every reason to believe it is still Allawi), lifting of Chapter 7, and declaration of the revalue of their currency. 9:45 PM [Honeypaws] All sources honestly expected the RV would show on the screens for business early this morning. However, this apparently is going to coincide more closely with the end of the month as a lead-in to the first of September – their independence day. They are now a sovereign nation with freedom to make choices – Isn’t that one reason why we went there? We have suffered the birth pangs with Iraq; now the baby is born. 9:45 PM [Honeypaws] Major currency traders all ov


  281. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 31, 2010 @ 08:54:49

    Gambar Warka Bank Cawangan Al-Wathiq (HQ) 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Pictures From The Main Branch

    Pictures Of The Main Gate Of The Main Branch

    Indoor Pictures From The Main Branch


  282. Mohd Helmy
    Aug 31, 2010 @ 23:40:44

    Salam…. Semua , Pada Sesiapa Yg dah Ada Account Bank Warka…. Saya Minta Kerja Sama Anda Untuk Mengupdatekan Setiap Hari Currency Exchange Rate Dari Bank Tersebut Kedalam Blog ini Untuk Tatapan Kita Bersama Agar Kita Semua Tidak Terlepas Pandang Berkenaan ” RV IN COUNTRY ” . Seperti Yg Kita Dengar Bahawa Kerajaan Iraq Ingin Memberi Kejutan Atau Hadiah Kepada Rakyat Iraq Semasa Bulan Ramadan Atau Sebelum AidilFitri…. .Diharapkan Agar Kita Juga Akan Mendapat Tempias Dari ” RV In Country ”



  283. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 01, 2010 @ 01:37:16

    Antara Bank – Bank Dunia Yg Berurusan Dengan Warka Bank :

    Buat Rujukan Kita Semua. 🙂


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 01, 2010 @ 02:42:35

      Old/Good News..end of 2010 new banknotes will be fully introduced!

      From an Article from: Feb 06, 2010

      Mudhhir Muhammad Salih, a member of a Central Bank advisory panel, told RFI that a plan has been made to remove three zeros from the currency and phase out the current banknotes late this year.

      Salih said by the end of 2010 the new banknotes will be fully introduced while the old banknotes will be gradually removed from circulation.

      There’s no word yet on when the first delivery of new notes. Should happen last quarter of this year.

      We assume that all of the old bankotes, that they are wanting to phase out or remove, would be the triple 000 notes only, as this is what’s been rumored for years. This would consist of the 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 & 25,000 notes. On another note, if the smaller denominations were to be deleted that they list on the CBI’s Site, like the 50, 250 & 500 notes….then why have they not already deleted them, especially the one’s that are too small of a monetary value to use in everyday trade, especially if you were going to phase them out anyway?…Even the 25 & 100 coins are listed on the site, but showing currently not trading or yet…like on hold or pending?…In other words, if they know all of this currency will be null and void anyway, and/or by the end of this year, for an example: why even keep these “never used before coins” listed on the CBI’s Website, that are not even being used…and still are listed in pending status?



      THESE TWO PHRASES BELOW, THAT ARE MENTIONED IN THE ABOVE TWO PARAGRAPH’S…AS MENTIONED BY: Mudhhir Muhammad Salih, a member of a Central Bank advisory panel

      *phase out the current banknotes late this year.
      *gradually removed from circulation.



      • kassim
        Sep 01, 2010 @ 11:07:16

        sdr Helmy, siapa dia si IMO tu? ….. hehehe, maksud saya siapa punya IMO tu?…awak ke?

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 01, 2010 @ 15:17:49

        Salam… Buat en kassim saya hanya copy & paset dari Fourm Dinar yg lain… hanya untuk tatapan kita semua… 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • algoreng
        Sep 04, 2010 @ 23:41:47

        Hi rv is around the cornet

      • ayiem
        Sep 06, 2010 @ 05:24:48

        February 06, 2010
        BAGHDAD — The Iraqi Central Bank is planning to redenominate the national currency in an effort to ease transactions and allow people to carry less paper money, RFE/RL’s Radio Free Iraq (RFI) reports.

        Mudhhir Muhammad Salih, a member of a Central Bank advisory panel, told RFI that a plan has been made to remove three zeros from the currency and phase out the current banknotes late this year.

        Salih said by the end of 2010 the new banknotes will be fully introduced while the old banknotes will be gradually removed from circulation. He did not specify when the new notes would be issued.

        Both will be legal tender in Iraq until the old notes are completely withdrawn.

        Iraqi officials have had a long-running plan to redenominate the Iraqi dinar. In 2006, the Finance Ministry recommended to the Central Bank that it carry out such a plan.

        Salih pointed out that banks are having a hard time accepting cash savings and deposits, but by dropping the zeros it will make it easier for both the banks to deal with their customers and for the general public to carry money. He said some 80 percent of Iraq’s money supply is cash in circulation.

        Salih added that in 1990 the value of banknotes in circulation was about 25 billion Iraqi dinars but is currently some 25 trillion dinars.

        Economic analyst Hilal al-Tahhan told RFI that the bank’s move is overdue. He said he expects the currency change to go smoothly because of the decision to allow both the old and new banknotes to coexist, leading to less turbulence in the economy.

        The current exchange rate is 1,167 Iraqi dinars to the U.S. dollar.

      • ayiem
        Sep 07, 2010 @ 12:44:44

        Default New Iraqi Currency Description etc.

        Bar News | 05-09-2010

        Baghdad / Orr News
        Revealed an adviser to the Iraqi Central Bank about the details of the new currency which the Bank intends to put up for trading and the project to delete the zeroes from the current currency , stressing at the same time that does not have a date soon to inject new currency, and that deletion of zeros is still a project under study by the competent authorities .
        The appearance of Mohammed Salih, adviser to the Central Bank in a press statement that “the Bank will adopt the process of removing zeros of the three , issuing a new currency rather than currency in circulation in order to reform the system of currency in the country ” , adding that ” delete the zeros has nothing to do to inflation in Iraq , and it will Bmrdodat positive on the economy of the country will not confuse the internal or transaction affects , “and noting that ” the new dinar will exceed those currently in circulation category in 1000 with a value of less than one dollar under the current exchange rate . ”
        And in favor of “the new currency will be more sedate than the existing currency and difficult to counterfeit , and guarantees of safety strong. ” stressing that ” the Kurdish language will be included in the design of the new currency as well as symbols and signs that reflect the Iraqi national culture and history . ”
        The central bank adviser said that “the colors adopted in the design of the new currency will not be much different from the colors in the current currency . ” And on the timing of the launch of the new currency and put into circulation response to central bank adviser , saying that ” timing is not in a hurry is still under consideration pending consultation with the Cabinet and presented to the table the parliament after the formation of the government, ” stressing that ” the process of replacing the new currency currency current will take into consideration not confuse Internal transactions

      • ayiem
        Sep 07, 2010 @ 12:47:56

        Default Kurds Excited about new IRAQI Currency!

        Kurdistan Regional Government Requests for printed language on the Iraqi currency

        JD Kurdish: Kurdistan Regional Government Requests for printed language on the Iraqi currency
        السليمانية – بشرتنا إحدى الصحف بخبر مثير مفاده أن العملة العراقية الجديدة التي تصدر قريبا ستكون باللغتين العربية والكردية بعد رفع الأصفار عنها!
        Sulaymaniyah – our skin is one of the newspapers that the news of an exciting new Iraqi currency, which will be published soon in Arabic and Kurdish zeros after the lifting of her!
        ما يهمنا هو ليس رفع الأصفار ، بل وجود لغة ثانية على وجه العملة الجديدة، وهو أمر غريب لم تسبقنا إليه دولة من دول العالم .
        What concerns us is not a lifting of zeros, but the presence of a second language on the face of the new currency, which is not ours to a strange country in the world. Britain for example, is the mother of democracies in the world, not running languages, with that of its citizens minorities Scottish and Oelchip and Ireland, as well as Switzerland, which consists mainly of three nationalities (German, Italian and French). And even the former Soviet Union which was comprised of more than twenty national has been currency (ruble) to read numbers and characters from Russia!!. One may say that what is happening in Iraq is the insistence by leaders of both parties in Kurdistan to the generalization of the language (the mother) on the Iraqi dinar .. who knows what they will ask tomorrow if the government caved in all the current demands?
        ربما يطلبون أن يكون رئيس الوزراء الحالي أو الجديد لبقاً باللغة الكردية!
        May be asked to be the current prime minister or the new tactful in the Kurdish language!
        May insist that the talking, if present at the national or international in both languages, ie, that Arab and other Kurdish have no right to be too Almtalib, dinar Iraq since released less than a century until today to write in Arabic, English, Arabic, because it is the language of most of the country, and English as a universal language, any foreigner to understand the value of the dinar and its derivatives …
        The fact that only write the currency Arabic and Kurdish, an alien does not understand it but to accompany every BD interpreter of Kurdistan (nominated by one of the two ruling parties) to explain to visitors the value of the banknote!!. This radicalization of the demands, and as long as in taking away the rights, and must comply with the wishes of childhood have no meaning …!!!…%26tbs%3Dqdr:d

      • ayiem
        Sep 07, 2010 @ 17:12:52

        Allawi is expected the government announced in October .. And calls for power-sharing between partnersSaid he was ready to give up the post of prime minister on condition that a mass of government09/07/2010Posted ImageBaghdad , London «Middle East »- hopes to former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi is making talks on forming a coalition government made by the end of October ( October) the next , and said that the formation of the government was necessary to the security of Iraq after the United States ended their combat operations formally.
        He said Allawi told « Reuters »The talks between the mass of the Iraqi -led and supported by a year, and a coalition of state law , led by Prime Minister outgoing, Nuri al-Maliki , is still at an early stage after six months of the holding of general elections did not result in the emergence of a clear winner.

        And the brightest failure to form a government fears of a return to violence on a large scale after it came out of Iraq into sectarian strife began after the US-led invasion in 2003 , while the promise of the deals with oil companies prosper in the future.

        Allawi said in an interview in which he spoke in English, «I hope sometime in October, late October , that the matter has been resolved , we are still at a preliminary stage . We know that there is a delay , but it is important to be safe, and confident rather than to be regretful … United States of the deceased , has already begun to reduce their numbers, and we believe that there is much that can be done in this State to become a secure and stable » .

        Iraq has been of the political vacuum since the elections of the seventh (March ), which won two seats block the Iraqi coalition on the state of law , but did not win any of them the majority needed to rule.

        Conducted Ktlta Allawi and Maliki negotiations hesitant , but at the same time are engaged in contacts with other potential partners. So far, the political factions continue to Shi’ite, Sunni and Kurdish are too far apart on who should occupy key positions in government , particularly as prime minister. The crisis has had a vacuum , exploited by insurgents to launch attacks continue , especially against the army and police, raising concerns about their ability , while U.S. forces are preparing for the complete withdrawal by the end of 2011. The United States ended its combat operations officially last Tuesday , after seven and a half years of the invasion.

        Will provide the remaining U.S. troops in Iraq, and the 50 alpha advice and assistance to the Iraqi security forces , rather than lead the fight against insurgents. Allawi said « passed eight years, and we could not establish security fully. God knows when the Iraqis will be able to be responsible for their safety and security of the Iraqi people » . The U.S. troops opened fire, and provided air support to Iraqi forces the day before yesterday , Sunday, when he tried to up to six suicide bombers to storm an army base in Baghdad. Dozens of Iraqi army recruits and soldiers have been killed in another attack , when a suicide bomber blew himself up in the same complex , two weeks earlier.

        Allawi said that the main points , which are not in limbo after coalition talks are the prime minister and the issue of who has the right to form the next government.

        Maliki has been in touch with the Iraqi block after it failed to convince the Iraqi National Coalition , led by Ammar al-Hakim , his main ally, to support his bid to become prime minister for a second term .

        Allawi said that he was prepared to make available to another member bloc, the Iraqi prime minister, but insisted that the Iraqi right to form a new government , given the victory , albeit narrowly in the general election .

        It was a lot of Iraqis are hoping to achieve greater stability of the elections of the country devastated by war and suffer from a bad economic situation caused by the sanctions , neglect and isolation.

        But the political crisis prompted many foreign investors to wait on the sidelines. And moving the deals signed with major oil companies slowly.

        Allawi said that it was important to the division of power between all the political blocs in Iraq’s new democracy . The « because we are in a transitional stage we need to divide power , and we need to say that it will not be one is deprived of its legitimate right , and that no one would be a junior partner and the other major partner » . He said « Unfortunately, some of our colleagues in political circles believe that the presentation of a seat or two in the government you have enough , and that this is like you are part and parcel of the political process. We do not see this » .

        Read more:

      • ayiem
        Sep 07, 2010 @ 17:22:55 …..
        Seperti Yg telah Saya Janjikan bahawa saya akan uploadkan Debit MasterCard saya yg telah Saya Terima Daripada Pihak Bank Warka DiIraq. So mari sama2 kita lihat Debit MasterCard Saya.

        Video Bukti Warka Bank Debit MasterCard Boleh Digunakan Di ATM Mesin Di Malaysia sila click link dibawah ini :

        P/s: Buat Pengetahuan Semua, No Account Debit Card , No Account Bank Iraq & Juga 3 Digit Secure Code Telah Saya UBAH SUAI ( Bukan Nombor Asal ) Di atas Sebab – sebab Keselamatan. Dan Selain Daripada Itu Nama Yg Tertera & Juga Expire Date Card Adalah BENAR.


      • ayiem
        Sep 07, 2010 @ 17:29:02

        kepada pemegang pemegang akaun dinar…itulah bukti kemudahan yang dapat setelah dinar di apungkan….dan kepada cash note ……semoga berjaya menunaikannya…….

      • ayiem
        Sep 07, 2010 @ 18:26:58

        salam kepada ahli forum…

        disini telah lampirkan segala maklum balas mengenai percaturan mengenai pembelian dinar samaada melaui fizikal note ataupun pembukaan bank akaun….diharap pembaca dapat membuat penilaian sendiri secara rasional mengenai pelaburan dinar ini…..kerana sisini juga semua pelabur berusaha mencari penyelesaian terbaik untuk merelisasikan setiap impian untuk menjadi kenyataan dgn seribu harapan…..gunalah segala maklumat yg tertera didalam forum ini sebagai satu guideline untuk mencari satu titik noktah bagi perjalanan yang penuh dgn.warna warni…..umpama mengapa kita perlu ke iraq menggunakan kapal laut sedangkan kapal terbang telah disediakan……cuma perlu bayar harga tiket walaupun mahal sedikit tetapi perkhimatannya FIRST CLASS…..akhir sekali SELAMAT HARI RAYA.MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN……SEKIAN…

      • ayiem
        Sep 07, 2010 @ 18:43:57

        😮 Take a look at the kazillion dollar buildings to her credit.

        Anyone that thinks that there is not enough money for the RV take a look at who they hired and the kind of building that they will have built.


        Read more:


      • ayiem
        Sep 07, 2010 @ 21:56:00 …..
        Seperti Yg telah Saya Janjikan bahawa saya akan uploadkan Debit MasterCard saya yg telah Saya Terima Daripada Pihak Bank Warka DiIraq. So mari sama2 kita lihat Debit MasterCard Saya.

        Video Bukti Warka Bank Debit MasterCard Boleh Digunakan Di ATM Mesin Di Malaysia sila click link dibawah ini :

        P/s: Buat Pengetahuan Semua, No Account Debit Card , No Account Bank Iraq & Juga 3 Digit Secure Code Telah Saya UBAH SUAI ( Bukan Nombor Asal ) Di atas Sebab – sebab Keselamatan. Dan Selain Daripada Itu Nama Yg Tertera & Juga Expire Date Card Adalah BENAR.


      • ayiem
        Sep 14, 2010 @ 06:43:35

        Default VERY GOOD NEWS !! Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) removed the Iraqi Sanctio

        On September 13, 2010, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) removed the Iraqi Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 575 from 31 C.F.R. chapter V, and added the Iraq Stabilization and Insurgency Sanctions Regulations (“ISISR”) as new part 576 to 31 C.F.R. chapter V. The ISISR implement Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003, Executive Order 13315 of August 28, 2003, Executive Order 13350 of July 29, 2004, Executive Order 13364 of November 29, 2004, and Executive Order 13438 of July 17, 2007.…20100913.shtml

      • algored
        Sep 14, 2010 @ 08:55:41


      • algored
        Sep 14, 2010 @ 09:11:07

        Currency Code Sell Buy
        US dollar USD 1170.000 1168.000

      • ayiem
        Sep 14, 2010 @ 16:33:14

        Default Central Bank confirms its willingness to delete the zeros from the currency after the

        Central Bank confirms its willingness to delete the zeros from the currency after the formation of the government directly

        14 September 2010 07:24 GMT / Alsumaria News / Baghdad
        The Central Bank of Iraq, on Tuesday, his willingness to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency after the formation of the Iraqi government directly, pointing at the same time that those zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency during the last period formed a cluster of large cash amounted to 27 trillion Iraqi dinars.
        The adviser said the Iraqi Central Bank Governor appearance of Mohammed Salih in an interview with “Alsumaria News”, “The zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency, during the last period, formed a cluster of large cash amounting to more than four trillion paper money, financial value amounted to 27 trillion Iraqi dinars, after that was 25 billion dinars in 1980, “noting that” Iraq is unable to manage this block because it is a small country where the large number of funds that traded on the Iraqi market has led to confusion in transactions for large commercial banks and in the work. “
        The Iraq and gradually the issuance of new banknotes after 1991 when it began currencies are scarce in the Iraqi market for several reasons, most notably the high demand for them to meet the buying and selling as well as the smuggling of currency abroad, and to the north of Iraq, which split its time for the central administration, which made the Iraqi government allows Central Bank of printing new banknotes to meet the local need, and continued the process of lifting of the zeroes of the dinar to beyond 2003 through the issuance of a class of cash amounting to 25 thousand dinars.
        Saleh added that “the Bank has fully prepared to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, once forming the Iraqi government,” noting that “the deletion of zeros is a national issue and may need to special legislation, despite the fact that the Central Bank of Iraq is a reform of the currency management from the core work and to delete the zeros is one of the strategic functions of the Central Bank of Iraq. “
        Saleh pointed out that “the Bank was able, during the last period, to reduce the level of inflation to the level of one decimal place, after more than twenty years,” noting that “Iraq could for the first time to reduce inflation to 3%, which reflects the success of Iraq policy,” monetary .
        For his part, said economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “Iraq is not formatted for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar,” noting that “the deletion of zeros needed to stabilize the security and political, as well as economic stability.”
        Antoine said that “the central bank by seeking to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar is designed to give moral force, not physical strength of the dinar,” noting that “the deletion of zeros needed to create and cultural awareness for the Iraqi people and the Iraqi market.”
        The CBI, with headquarters in Baghdad, has four branches in Basra and Sulaymaniyah, Irbil and Mosul, and founded the bank independent Iraqi under the law of the Central Bank of Iraq issued on the sixth of March 2004, and is responsible for the maintenance of price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including policies, prices exchange and management of foreign reserves and the issuance of currency management, as well as to regulate the banking sector.…ss%20news.html

      • algored
        Sep 17, 2010 @ 04:47:33

        sonyap jorita baru mampir?..takde be

      • algored
        Sep 17, 2010 @ 21:02:45

        govt about to be formed.Mahdi Chief minister Allawi VP..GO RV..The eagle has landed..

      • algoredbody
        Sep 17, 2010 @ 21:17:41

        oops..sorry..Mahdi PM Allawai as president..Cheers to everyone

      • algoredbody
        Sep 17, 2010 @ 21:19:03

        oops..sorry..Mahdi PM Allawai as president..Cheers to everyone…

      • hafizi
        Sep 14, 2010 @ 06:35:37

        bole bg contact number? saya berminat pasal buka akaun tu…sms/call

        **no hp no ok

      • ayiem
        Sep 13, 2010 @ 06:48:51

        Default New Money Images of GCC Currency – Is this “OUR” new Money?

        Here our images of the GCC currency 1/2 1 and 5 dinar notes – they were slated for a 2010 release – could this be our new money ? Discuss please.

        Arabic/Kurdistan and English. language on these? That would be the give away

        Anyway …. good luck.…

        Obtained On one of the drafts of the unified Gulf currency, in this draft proposed that the currency is called the JD, the different categories as shown below:

        Class half dinars Gulf
        Color: Red
        Face: Logo Flags of the Gulf Cooperation Council and child Blabs popular
        Back: Qallaf which is to make ships and doors a profession heritage and side Dallah coffee

        Category dinars Gulf
        Color: Blue
        Face: Logo Flags of the Gulf Cooperation Council and child خليجيه Blabs popular hand the Koran and the mosque behind
        Back: The woman in the Gulf sewed Sadu evaporator side and the Gulf

        A five-JD
        Color: Brown / Purple
        Face: Logo Flags of the Gulf Cooperation Council and a child Gulf Blabs popular Quran in his hand
        Back: The profession of teaching the Koran before the Gulf (Koranic schools) and mentor, the Koran and the reservation girls side (blower) machine breathed fire from the Gulf Heritage

  284. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 01, 2010 @ 02:59:36

    Dinar Redenomination

    July 30 2010

    TheCBI has announced that it intends to implement
    a long-planned redenomination of the Iraqi
    dinar by eliminating three zeros fromthe nominal
    value of banknotes.This process ismeant to ease
    commercial transactions by reducing errors and
    confusion that hyper-inflated currencies often
    cause. Now that Iraq’s inflation rate has achieved
    a level of stability, themove could serve to bolster
    confidence in the country’s currency.The redenomination
    process is set to begin in late 2010 and
    take two years to complete.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 01, 2010 @ 03:02:35

      P/s: tak tahu mana yg betul…. kejap cakap tak jadi… pass tu tak jadi … lepas tu jadi pulak…. apa2 pun kita tunggu hujung tahun ini…. baru kita tahu sama ada jadi atau tidak…. 🙂 🙂


  285. zulkarnain
    Sep 01, 2010 @ 12:32:03

    sekiranya… nilai 000 didalam dinar iraq dibuang, apakah ini beerti wang dinar iraq yg saya ada sekarang x bernilai lg?


  286. zulkarnain
    Sep 01, 2010 @ 12:33:57

    sekiranya nilai 000 di dalam dinar Iraq dibuang, adakah ini beerti duit dinar iraq yg saya simpan selama ini x bernilai lg?


  287. zulkarnain
    Sep 01, 2010 @ 12:41:42

    sekiranya nilai 000 di dalam dinar Iraq dibuang, adakah ini beerti duit dinar iraq yg saya simpan selama ini x dh boleh digunakan lg ke?


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 01, 2010 @ 15:29:03

      Salam… Sekiranya Benar2 berlaku penghapusan 3 angka sifar, itu tidak bererti duit anda tidak laku….. hanya value @ nilai matawang tersebut sudah menjadi susut…. contoh.. IQD 25,000 akan menjadi IQD 25.00 sahaja. dan sekiranya pada penghujung tahun ini berlakunya pertukaran note baru mengantikan note yg sedia ada….. pihak CBI akan memberi tempoh penukaran note lama kepada note baru,sekiranya tempoh tersebut telah tamat dan anda gagal untuk menukarkan dinar yg ada pada simpanan anda…. maka dinar yg ada pada anda itu sudah tidak mempunyai apa2 nilai.


  288. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 01, 2010 @ 15:53:06

    IQD – Iraqi Dinar

    The Iraqi Dinar is the currency of Iraq. The currency code for Dinars is IQD, and the currency symbol is د.ع . Below, you’ll find Iraqi Dinar rates, a currency converter, Iraqi Dinar News and more. You can also subscribe to our currency newsletters with daily rates and analysis, or take IQD rates on the go with our XE Mobile apps for your iPhone, BlackBerry, or even your regular phone.

    The Central Bank of Iraq has announced their plans to redenominate the Iraqi Dinar to ease cash transactions. By the end of 2010, they intend to drop three zeros from the nominal value of bank notes. It should be noted that the actual value of the dinar will remain unchanged. That means that 1,000 IQD (pre-redenomination) and 1 dinar (post-redenomination) will both be worth the same amount in US Dollars. As stated by the Central Bank of Iraq, their mandate is to “ensure domestic price stability and foster a stable competitive market based financial system.” For more information about the redenomination, read “Iraq Planning Currency Redenomination.”

    P/s: artikal ini dipetik dari sumber


  289. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 01, 2010 @ 16:16:13

    Central Bank of Iraq during March (March 2011) implement a plan of action to transform Auction currency from cash payment to an electronic system.

    Central Bank of Iraq

    August 1 2010

    Initiate the Central Bank of Iraq during March (March 2011) implement a plan of action to transform Auction currency from cash payment to an electronic system.
    The Bank considered the electronic system known as the «R T GSM» (gross settlement in real time), «more secure than cash transactions in the system. He said in a statement that he will run the system through the accounts of financial institutions it has.
    An advisor to the Bank the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that «the issues of information technology has become an important role in the modern world», pointing to the success of «the work of selling government bonds and the work of the settlements related to payments and other transactions other of the Ministry of Finance of Iraq, which linked the system RTL GSM.
    He explained that the work system «will facilitate the establishment of a virtual auctions which will be adjustments and transactions and transfers and offers. And about those who work with the Central Bank to develop the system, he stressed that the Action Plan «put the Central Bank of Japan and the World Bank and the U.S. Treasury».
    Will hold the Iraqi Central Bank auction of five meetings a week for the sale of foreign currencies and buy them.
    So, the President of the Board of Directors «Ashur International Bank for Investment» Wadi Nuri al-Handal «Iraqi private banks need to play a vital role in line with the important turning point in the strip in Iraq finally at all.
    He added that «those who pay the banking sector out of the limited frameworks and secure better opportunities for competition is the capital of the total, which strengthens its position in front of banks, government capacity to implement development projects».
    The bitter melon in a meeting with the «life» are not convinced the Iraqi Central Bank to extend the period of implementation of his decision to increase the capital of private banks to 250 billion Iraqi dinars (211 million dollars) over three years.
    He stressed that the recapitalization of banks is «essential for development projects need major investments to develop and rehabilitation, especially with the willingness of foreign banks to play this role.


  290. Jannor Bin Jewins
    Sep 02, 2010 @ 15:47:18

    saya nak tanya ada ke yang jual note kecil2 duit iraq. dan berapa harga kalau nak beli 50k


  291. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 03, 2010 @ 14:51:57

    Salam… :-):-)
    Hari ini saya telah menerima Warka Bank Debit MasterCard…. Dari Iraq, Insyallah Sebaik sahaja Saya Balik Dari Outstation (Isnin) Saya akan Uploadkan Gambar Debit MasterCard tersebut dan Selepas Hari raya Saya cuba menggunakan Card Tersebut Di pasaraya untuk mencuba samaada boleh boleh atau tidak card tersebut digunakan di MALAYSIA. 🙂 🙂


  292. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 03, 2010 @ 15:34:49

    Salam… UPDATE Currency Exchange Rate Dari warka Bank


  293. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 04, 2010 @ 15:15:10

    Dates to watch

    Thursday, 2 September 2010

    Iraq Important DatesSeptember 10, 2010End of Ramadan – Eid ul-Fitr CelebrationSeptember 27-28, 2010Oil & Gas Conference Istanbul, TurkeyOctober 8-10, 2010IMF Conference & CBI officials/MoF Washington D.C.October 15-16, 2010GET ENERGY for Iraq Conference Basra, IraqOctober 24, 2010Iraq National Census – Postponed to 2011November 25-28, 2010Basra International Oil & Gas Conference Basra, IraqNovember 29-Dec 1, 2010Iraq Petroleum 2010 London, U.K.December 31, 2010DFI Fund Remains in Federal Reserve NYDecember 15, 20103rd Review Stand-by-Agreement IraqMarch 12, 2011Kurdistan Regional ElectionsMarch 1, 2011Arab League Summit – Baghdad, Iraq**Dates are tentative and could change without notice
    If you have been paying attention to the ‘Iraq Important Dates’ you will notice a very important meeting will be taking place on October 8-10 with representatives of the International Monetary Fund and representatives of the World Bank (WB). In attendance will be the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), Dr. Sinan al-Shabibi, and other officials from the CBI and the Ministry of Finance, Bayan Jabr, and his deputies. If American Contractor could attend the meeting the one question I would ask the MOF is why do you refuse to accept checks from Iraqi banks?


  294. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 04, 2010 @ 15:32:16

    sonyap jer… apa cerita???? tak ada news baru ker ?


  295. isma
    Sep 04, 2010 @ 23:04:31

    wow marvellous more hiccup to form government
    go rv , ri..

    Med chat – Govt formed? Dinar Speculator 9/4/10
    September 4, 2010 · Posted in BALANCE, CHATS / POSTS

    MED says to (12:29:42):

    lpd says to (12:34:08):
    wow I did not know that Mahdi and Allawi are friends…most excellent

    MED says to (12:34:15):

    This is wonderful news Med please thank Sonny and thank you I pray this is settled now!

    MED says to (12:36:13):


  296. isma
    Sep 04, 2010 @ 23:05:15

    Med chat – Govt formed? Dinar Speculator 9/4/10
    September 4, 2010 · Posted in BALANCE, CHATS / POSTS

    MED says to (12:29:42):

    lpd says to (12:34:08):
    wow I did not know that Mahdi and Allawi are friends…most excellent

    MED says to (12:34:15):

    This is wonderful news Med please thank Sonny and thank you I pray this is settled now!

    MED says to (12:36:13):


  297. albob
    Sep 04, 2010 @ 23:06:24

    Med chat – Govt formed? Dinar Speculator 9/4/10
    September 4, 2010 · Posted in BALANCE, CHATS / POSTS

    MED says to (12:29:42):

    lpd says to (12:34:08):
    wow I did not know that Mahdi and Allawi are friends…most excellent

    MED says to (12:34:15):

    This is wonderful news Med please thank Sonny and thank you I pray this is settled now!

    MED says to (12:36:13):


  298. algoreng
    Sep 04, 2010 @ 23:07:45

    Med chat – Govt formed? Dinar Speculator 9/4/10
    September 4, 2010 · Posted in BALANCE, CHATS / POSTS

    MED says to (12:29:42):

    lpd says to (12:34:08):
    wow I did not know that Mahdi and Allawi are friends…most excellent

    MED says to (12:34:15):

    This is wonderful news Med please thank Sonny and thank you I pray this is settled now!

    MED says to (12:36:13):


  299. algoreng
    Sep 04, 2010 @ 23:37:48

    Hey guys, Its Jesse. Hope all is well. I have been reading on all the speculations and dates and rates, and when is it going to RV. Well no one knows….right? Well recently there has been intel I believe scooter had done some research on the dates, and pulled some files on speculative dates and If im not mistaken I believe there were a few in mid october? If anyone has the link please post it. However I just pulled this off of
    OANDA fcx site: when prompted to “learn more about the Dinar”

    Notes on the Iraqi Dinar
    The new Iraqi Dinar was released on October 15, 2003. It replaced all “old” Dinar and “Swiss” Dinar banknotes, which as of January 15th 2004 were no longer legal tender.

    The conversion rates for the new Iraqi dinars were as follows:

    one “old” Dinar was exchanged for one new Iraqi Dinar

    one unit of the “Swiss” Dinar (used throughout Iraq until the early 1990’s, and still used in some northern areas of Iraq) was exchanged for 150 new Iraqi Dinars.

    The new Iraqi Dinar banknotes look similar to the former national (“Swiss”) Dinar notes, but have more security features to guard against counterfeiting, are more durable so will suffer less “wear and tear,” and have many more denominations.

    The new currency is convertible into non-Iraqi currencies, including the US dollar, at the prevailing market rate.

    To see pictures of the banknotes of Iraq, go to FXGallery.

    OANDA does not exchange Iraqi Dinars (including physical banknotes) to any other currency.

    October 15th…. 7 years ago.

    TRACONESU02 recently posted a topic stating that 7 yrs ago the executive order 13315 had been signed.…_0&#entry184586

    October 15th, 2010 is exactly 43 days away….

    Now completely speculating… How many can hold on till then?

    Gosh it feels good to know we are this close.. WOOOOOOOOOO LETS GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If anybody has any links that suggest October please post them. Thanks guys. Keep the faith.

    Still Standing,


    Read more:


  300. kassim
    Sep 05, 2010 @ 02:54:53


    Well many know me on DV for posting news & comments I hope that give the better judgment.

    I have something that may be good news but I must say it is only speculation.

    If I can explain

    I have 7 friends I regularly meet in London on a 3 month basis, wives go shopping we gents get into investment stuff.

    5 of the friends are invested in IQD for the last 7 years as I have, 2 have not purchased 1 single IQD until NOW!!!

    Well here goes, the non invested 2 didn’t buy IQD as they believe that it would be cash invested over a long term that could be spent or placed in a better basket, trust me they have many fingers in many pies & as yet not invested in anything that has not made a very sound return.

    We met on Thursday to talk & the 2 that have no IQD have now purchased 10 million IQD each I have seen the notes in person so I know this isn’t BS.

    I obviously asked why now & the response was a little up lifting

    “On or around the 17th of September the KWD will rise slightly to compensate for a significant chance in a neighbouring countries currency (Iraq)”

    “Don’t even think about buying the KWD as you will not have enough purchasing power to make any large profits from a very small rise”

    Again I asked why?

    “I can tell you that Kuwait wants the RV as bad as anyone else on this boat BUT Kuwait wants to be the front runner on the Middle East market”

    Take it for what its worth I am only sharing what I have been told.

    Just to confirm a small detail the 2 friends that have just purchased IQD are in the oil industries, 1 is the operations manager for a European company, the other research coordinator for an international Company.

    Would love to give you the names & so on but you would Google them, from that point onwards my friends would cut me out of any info that may be passed on.

    Just not worth the risk.



  301. algoreng
    Sep 05, 2010 @ 11:57:52

    alittle advice when u get ur windfall…

    inar Daddy: the Proper Mind-set for Wealth…
    September 4, 2010 · Posted in BALANCE, CHATS / POSTS, TIDBIT


    It’s important you understand a few things, should we all be so blessed with a massive windfall of money, that will protect you if you would but listen and REALLY take-in what I’m sharing with you now.

    1) BEFORE you ever spend a penny, other than on paying down debt, you should place the BULK/MAJORITY of your money in investment vehicles that will allow you to live off the interest. If you don’t you will be sure to spend yourself into poverty.

    2) Do NOT be in a hurry to spend OR invest your money. Take your time so that you can carefully work your plan and gain valuable insight from professionals who can help steer you properly with your money.

    3) Decide what your needs versus wants are. Take care of the needs, but DELAY the wants.

    4) Be careful you do NOT share, regardless of how hard it is, that you have come into a tremendous amount of money WITH ANYONE! If you didn’t trust them to tell them PRIOR to your windfall, why in the world would you EVER tell them afterward. This includes those who you DID tell, but they bashed you for your idiotic idea.

    5) Get to a Tax Attorney, Financial Advisor/Wealth Manager, and Trust Adviser immediately.


  302. algoreng
    Sep 05, 2010 @ 11:59:01

    inar Daddy: the Proper Mind-set for Wealth…
    September 4, 2010 · Posted in BALANCE, CHATS / POSTS, TIDBIT


    It’s important you understand a few things, should we all be so blessed with a massive windfall of money, that will protect you if you would but listen and REALLY take-in what I’m sharing with you now.

    1) BEFORE you ever spend a penny, other than on paying down debt, you should place the BULK/MAJORITY of your money in investment vehicles that will allow you to live off the interest. If you don’t you will be sure to spend yourself into poverty.

    2) Do NOT be in a hurry to spend OR invest your money. Take your time so that you can carefully work your plan and gain valuable insight from professionals who can help steer you properly with your money.

    3) Decide what your needs versus wants are. Take care of the needs, but DELAY the wants.

    4) Be careful you do NOT share, regardless of how hard it is, that you have come into a tremendous amount of money WITH ANYONE! If you didn’t trust them to tell them PRIOR to your windfall, why in the world would you EVER tell them afterward. This includes those who you DID tell, but they bashed you for your idiotic idea.

    5) Get to a Tax Attorney, Financial Advisor/Wealth Manager, and Trust Adviser immediately.


  303. ayiem
    Sep 06, 2010 @ 05:21:02

    Wink Central Bank: the new currency will include the Kurdish language and national symbols

    Advisor to the Central Bank: the new currency will include the Kurdish language and national symbols

    Ur News | 05-09-2010

    Baghdad / Ur News

    Revealed an adviser to the Iraqi Central Bank about the details of the new currency which the Bank intends to put up for trading and the project to delete the zeroes from the current currency , stressing at the same time that does not have a date soon to inject new currency, and that deletion of zeros is still a project under study by the competent authorities .

    Mudhir Mohammed Salih, adviser to the Central Bank in a press statement that “the Bank will adopt the process of deleting the zeroes of the three , issuing a new currency instead of the currency in circulation in order to reform the system of currency in the country, ” adding that ” delete the zeros has nothing to do to inflation in Iraq , and it will have a positive impact on the economy of the country will not confuse the internal dealings or affect it , “and noting that ” the new dinar would be equivalent to class 1000 currently in circulation and the value of less than one dollar under the current exchange rate . ”

    And in favor of “the new currency will be more sedate than the existing currency and difficult to counterfeit , and guarantees of safety strong. ” stressing that ” the Kurdish language will be included in the design of the new currency as well as symbols and signs that reflect the Iraqi national culture and history . ”

    The central bank adviser said that “the colors adopted in the design of the new currency will not be much different from the colors in the current currency . ” And on the timing of the launch of the new currency and put into circulation response to central bank adviser , saying that ” timing is not in a hurry is still under consideration pending consultation with the Cabinet and presented to the table the parliament after the formation of the government, ” stressing that ” the process of replacing the new currency currency current will take into consideration not confuse Internal transactions . “


  304. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 06, 2010 @ 16:42:44

    Salam …..
    Seperti Yg telah Saya Janjikan bahawa saya akan uploadkan Debit MasterCard saya yg telah Saya Terima Daripada Pihak Bank Warka DiIraq. So mari sama2 kita lihat Debit MasterCard Saya.

    P/s: Buat Pengetahuan Semua, No Account Debit Card , No Account Bank Iraq & Juga 3 Digit Secure Code Telah Saya UBAH SUAI ( Bukan Nombor Asal ) Di atas Sebab – sebab Keselamatan. Dan Selain Daripada Itu Nama Yg Tertera & Juga Expire Date Card Adalah BENAR.



  305. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 02:38:21

    New Iraqi Currency Description etc.

    Bar News | 05-09-2010

    Baghdad / Orr News
    Revealed an adviser to the Iraqi Central Bank about the details of the new currency which the Bank intends to put up for trading and the project to delete the zeroes from the current currency , stressing at the same time that does not have a date soon to inject new currency, and that deletion of zeros is still a project under study by the competent authorities .
    The appearance of Mohammed Salih, adviser to the Central Bank in a press statement that “the Bank will adopt the process of removing zeros of the three , issuing a new currency rather than currency in circulation in order to reform the system of currency in the country ” , adding that ” delete the zeros has nothing to do to inflation in Iraq , and it will Bmrdodat positive on the economy of the country will not confuse the internal or transaction affects , “and noting that ” the new dinar will exceed those currently in circulation category in 1000 with a value of less than one dollar under the current exchange rate . ”
    And in favor of “the new currency will be more sedate than the existing currency and difficult to counterfeit , and guarantees of safety strong. ” stressing that ” the Kurdish language will be included in the design of the new currency as well as symbols and signs that reflect the Iraqi national culture and history . ”
    The central bank adviser said that “the colors adopted in the design of the new currency will not be much different from the colors in the current currency . ” And on the timing of the launch of the new currency and put into circulation response to central bank adviser , saying that ” timing is not in a hurry is still under consideration pending consultation with the Cabinet and presented to the table the parliament after the formation of the government, ” stressing that ” the process of replacing the new currency currency current will take into consideration not confuse Internal transactions


  306. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 02:42:20

    The value of the Iraqi Dinar to the US Economy


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 07, 2010 @ 03:05:31


  307. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 03:09:33


  308. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 03:13:06


  309. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 03:22:59


  310. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 03:28:54


  311. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 03:31:17


  312. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 03:33:55


  313. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 03:49:58


  314. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 03:54:00

    Kurds Excited about new IRAQI Currency!

    Kurdistan Regional Government Requests for printed language on the Iraqi currency

    JD Kurdish: Kurdistan Regional Government Requests for printed language on the Iraqi currency
    السليمانية – بشرتنا إحدى الصحف بخبر مثير مفاده أن العملة العراقية الجديدة التي تصدر قريبا ستكون باللغتين العربية والكردية بعد رفع الأصفار عنها!
    Sulaymaniyah – our skin is one of the newspapers that the news of an exciting new Iraqi currency, which will be published soon in Arabic and Kurdish zeros after the lifting of her!
    ما يهمنا هو ليس رفع الأصفار ، بل وجود لغة ثانية على وجه العملة الجديدة، وهو أمر غريب لم تسبقنا إليه دولة من دول العالم .
    What concerns us is not a lifting of zeros, but the presence of a second language on the face of the new currency, which is not ours to a strange country in the world. Britain for example, is the mother of democracies in the world, not running languages, with that of its citizens minorities Scottish and Oelchip and Ireland, as well as Switzerland, which consists mainly of three nationalities (German, Italian and French). And even the former Soviet Union which was comprised of more than twenty national has been currency (ruble) to read numbers and characters from Russia!!. One may say that what is happening in Iraq is the insistence by leaders of both parties in Kurdistan to the generalization of the language (the mother) on the Iraqi dinar .. who knows what they will ask tomorrow if the government caved in all the current demands?
    ربما يطلبون أن يكون رئيس الوزراء الحالي أو الجديد لبقاً باللغة الكردية!
    May be asked to be the current prime minister or the new tactful in the Kurdish language!
    May insist that the talking, if present at the national or international in both languages, ie, that Arab and other Kurdish have no right to be too Almtalib, dinar Iraq since released less than a century until today to write in Arabic, English, Arabic, because it is the language of most of the country, and English as a universal language, any foreigner to understand the value of the dinar and its derivatives …
    The fact that only write the currency Arabic and Kurdish, an alien does not understand it but to accompany every BD interpreter of Kurdistan (nominated by one of the two ruling parties) to explain to visitors the value of the banknote!!. This radicalization of the demands, and as long as in taking away the rights, and must comply with the wishes of childhood have no meaning …!!!


  315. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 04:22:31


  316. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 04:24:09


  317. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 04:28:24


  318. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 12:46:39

    Salam …..
    Seperti Yg telah Saya Janjikan bahawa saya akan uploadkan Debit MasterCard saya yg telah Saya Terima Daripada Pihak Bank Warka DiIraq. So mari sama2 kita lihat Debit MasterCard Saya.

    P/s: Buat Pengetahuan Semua, No Account Debit Card , No Account Bank Iraq & Juga 3 Digit Secure Code Telah Saya UBAH SUAI ( Bukan Nombor Asal ) Di atas Sebab – sebab Keselamatan. Dan Selain Daripada Itu Nama Yg Tertera & Juga Expire Date Card Adalah BENAR.



  319. algoreng
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 14:17:08

    eerie quiet…


  320. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 20:36:30

    Bukti Warka Bank Cara Paling Berkesan untuk Withdrawl duit yg terpantas diabad ini jika dibandingkan dengan Cash Note. kalau tak percaya lihatlah sendiri.

    P/s: tepuk dada tanya selera…. mana satu pilihan kalbu… disini saya telah buktikan Bahawa Account Bank lebih selamat & mind free jika dibandingkan dengan Cash Note.


  321. koko
    Sep 08, 2010 @ 00:51:15

    Salam ldilfitri kepada semua yang beragama lslam, semoga terus lstiqomah sebagai hamba Allah SWT.
    kepada kawan-kawan yang ada debit kad warka bank, semoga anda semua dapat menafa’at darinya, saya cuma ada cash note, kalau ada rezeki saya dan kawan-kawan seperti saya, lnsyaAllah dapatlah ditukar setelah RV nanti, tapi kalau ditakdirkan tidak ada rezeki, maka tak adalah jawabnya. Kalau ada yang berkata nak bantu pun, rasa-rasanya masih terlalu samar…..untung sabut timbul….. Apa pun terserah Pada Allah SWT yang maha mengetahui segala-galanya.


  322. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 09, 2010 @ 15:19:34


    Saya Baru Ambil Video Petang Semalam Di ATM Mesin AmBank Jaya Jusco Taman Equin Dengan Menggunakan Debit Prepaid MasterCard Saya


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 09, 2010 @ 16:18:40

      Proof Of Purchase Using Warka Debit Prepaid MasterCard


      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 09, 2010 @ 17:53:49

        P/s: Nasihat Saya…. Pada Semua Investor Dinar Sebelum Terlambat Cepat2lah Buka Account Bank Di Iraq Agar Kita Sama2 Dapat Merasai Hasil Investment Kita Akan Datang. Bagi Saya , Saya Telah Menjalankan Tugas Saya Bagi Membuktikan Kepada Anda Semua Bahawa Harapan Kita Sebagai Investor Dinar Dimalaysia Bergantung Pada Account Bank Sahaja. Jangan Samakan Kita Dengan Rakyat Amerika,Sebab Di Amerika Bank2 DiSana Dibenarkan Menjual Cash Note Dinar… So Apabila RV Mereka Tiada Masalah Untuk Menjual Semula Note Dinar Tersebut Kepada Bank… Sebab Mereka Mempunyai Resit Sah Pembelian Dinar.Tapi Kita Dimalaysia Lain Ceritanya, Kita Membeli Cash Note Dinar Bukan Melalui Bank Di Malaysia,Kita Membeli Melalui Orang Perseorangan Dan Cash Note Tersebut Dibawa Masuk Ke Malaysia Melalui ” Under Water ” . So Apabila Cash Note Tersebut Masuk Melalui Under Water maka Jawapannya Amatlah Mudah…Kita Tidak Boleh Menjualkan semula Cash Note Dinar Tersebut DiMalaysia… Sebaliknya Kita Terpaksa Menjualkan Cash Note Tersebut Diluar Negara…Siapa Cakap Money Changer Dimalaysia Boleh Membeli Cash Note Anda??? Kalau Ada Sila Buktikan dengan Resit Pembelian Money Changer Tersebut… Letakan Didalam Forum Ini Resit Berserta Nama Money Changer & Alamatnya Sekali Sekiranya Anda Percaya Cash Note Dinar Ini Sah Dijual Di Malaysia.
        Kenapa Perlu Disembunyikan Nama & Tempat Money Changer Tersebut!!! Kenapa!!! Takut Money Changer Tersebut Diserbu Oleh Pihak Berkuasa??? Fikir2kanlah… Saya Berkata Demikian Bukanlah Saya Nak Promote Anda Buka Account Bank Dengan Saya…Anda Boleh Membuka Account Bank Anda Di Iraq Sendiri Sekiranya Anda Tahu Caranya Tak Perlu Keluar Modal Yg Banyak…Bagi Saya,Saya Hanya Membantu Orang2 Yg Benar2 Berminat Untuk Membuat Investment Dinar Iraq Tetapi Tidak Tahu Cara Nak Membuka Account.Kerana Saya Tahu Selok Belok Bank Disana.Akhir Kata Dari Saya.. Tak Salah Sekiranya Anda Sudah Mempunyai Cash Note Dinar Tetapi Anda Membuat Satu lagi Option Dengan Membuka Account Bank Di Iraq Sebagai Jalan Alternatif.Manalah Tahu Sekiranya Anda Rugi Di Cash Note Tetapi Anda Boleh Cover Balik Kerugian Anda Melalui Account Bank Yg Anda Buka Di Iraq. Perpatah Inggeris Menyatakan ” DON’T PUT ALL YOUR EAGG INTO ONE BASKET ” Saya Harap Anda Faham Maksudnya.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 10, 2010 @ 17:28:14

      Test Warka Debit MasterCard Using RHB ATM Mesin


      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 11, 2010 @ 03:45:31

        Ok Kalau Link Diatas Tak boleh… Cuba link Dibawah ini

  323. cacamerba
    Sep 12, 2010 @ 07:05:07

    Saya nak dengar komen dari Kembara lQD, mungkin beliau dapat menjelaskan komen mohd helmy yang menyatakan cash note lQD tak boleh ditukar d malaysia, tapi kita tunggulah MC co.belian. Berdasarkan komen kembara lQD di atas saya yakin beliau berada di malaysia sekarang dalam proses membuka MC nya, saya harap kita sabar menunggu berita dari kembara lQD, dah lama juga dia tidak membuat komen dalam forum ni, dia sibuk lah tu.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 12, 2010 @ 16:45:47

      Bukan Senang Nak Buka MC… syarat2 dia banyak… dan mengambil Masa yg agak lama. apa2 pun jom kita tengok syarat2 nak apply MC kat Malaysia ….


      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 12, 2010 @ 16:52:01

        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 12, 2010 @ 17:24:08

        FAQs related to Resident Individuals – Baca Dengan Teliti

        1.Who can buy or sell foreign currency in Malaysia?

        Licensed commercial banks or Islamic banks in Malaysia may buy or sell foreign currency other than the currency of Israel with a resident or non-resident in Malaysia or any party outside Malaysia.

        An investment bank may also buy or sell foreign currency with their resident clients or any non-residents.

        Licensed moneychangers are only permitted to buy and sell foreign currency notes against ringgit and buy any travellers’ cheques.

        Licensed offshore banks in Labuan may buy or sell foreign currency against another foreign currency with any non-resident clients.

        2.Can I send money abroad through a licensed moneychanger?

        No. Any remittance abroad must be done through a licensed onshore bank or companies given permission to carry on remittance business. A licensed moneychanger in Malaysia is not permitted to conduct remittance activities under the Money-Changing Act 1998 as well as the Exchange Control Act 1953.

        3.What is the policy for a resident traveller to carry in person or baggage foreign currency or ringgit notes in or out of Malaysia?

        There is no restriction for a resident traveller to bring in any amount of foreign currency notes, including travellers cheques.

        A resident traveller is allowed to carry up to the equivalent of USD10,000 in foreign currency notes, including travellers cheques when travelling out of Malaysia.

        The amount of ringgit notes that a resident traveler can carry in and out of Malaysia is only up to RM1,000.

        For a resident to bring in or out ringgit or foreign currency notes exceeding the limits stated above, prior permission must be obtained by applying to the Foreign Exchange Administration Department. Permission can be obtained within 1 working day.

        The resident traveler is no longer required to complete Travellers’ Declaration Form which has been discontinued since 31 March 2006.

        4.I am a resident in Malaysia. Can I pay another resident in foreign currency?

        * Effective 1 April 2007, a resident is allowed to pay another resident for settlement of foreign currency financial products offered onshore.

        * Effective 7 January 2010, resident participants* undertaking commodity murabahah through resident commodity trading service providers are free to make payment in foreign currency between resident participants.

        * However, payment in foreign currency between residents for other purpose requires the prior permission from the Controller.

        * The participants of commodity murabahah comprise financial institutions, companies or individuals, commodity brokers, commodity suppliers, commodity buyers and commodity trading service providers.

        5.Can I send money to my child who is studying overseas?


        * If you have no domestic credit facility, you may convert any amount of ringgit into foreign currency and send to his/her bank account overseas.

        * If you have domestic credit facility, you may convert up to USD50,000 equivalent into foreign currency for crediting into the overseas account and up to USD150,000 respectively for crediting into foreign currency accounts maintained with licensed onshore banks or licensed offshore banks in Labuan for education purposes.

        * You would be required to show supporting documents to the remitting banks.

        Domestic credit facilities exclude one housing loan, one vehicle loan and/or credit card/charge card facilities.

        6. If I am a resident with a child studying abroad, can I open a joint bank account with my child in an overseas bank?

        Yes. You may open a joint bank account with your child with an overseas bank.

        7. I am a resident individual and I have only one outstanding housing loan. How much ringgit can I convert for crediting into a foreign currency account for education/employment overseas?

        You may convert any amount of ringgit into foreign currency for crediting into a foreign currency account for education/employment overseas.

        8. Do I need prior permission to open a foreign currency account?

        Residents are free to open foreign currency accounts (FCA) in Malaysia or overseas.

        9. Can my wife and I maintain a joint foreign currency account with overseas bank for purposes other than education or employment?

        Yes. Resident individuals are freely allowed to open and maintain joint foreign currency accounts for any purpose with onshore or overseas banks.

        10. What is considered as domestic ringgit credit facility?

        Domestic ringgit borrowing refer to any ringgit advances, loans, trade financing facilities, hire purchase, factoring facilities with recourse, financial leasing facilities, guarantee for payment of goods, redeemable preference shares or similar facilities in whatever name or form, except:

        * Trade credit terms extended by suppliers for all types of goods and services

        * Forward foreign exchange contracts entered into with licensed onshore banks

        * Performance guarantees and financial guarantees

        * One personal housing loan and one vehicle loan obtained from residents

        * Credit card and charge card facilities

        * Operational leasing facilities

        * Factoring facilities without recourse; and

        * Inter-company borrowings within a corporate group in Malaysia

        11. As a resident individual, what type of foreign currency receipts from abroad can I keep in a foreign currency account with no limit?

        You may keep any amount of foreign currency receipts such as income/profit from investment/ rental/ proceeds from divestment of approved overseas investment or proceeds from approved foreign currency loans.

        12. I am a resident individual and would like to invest in foreign currency products offered by a licensed onshore bank or licensed offshore bank in Labuan. Do I need to seek permission?

        If you have no domestic ringgit credit facility, you are free to invest any amount in foreign currency products offered onshore and offshore. Your investment can be funded by your existing foreign currency funds retained onshore or offshore or conversion of ringgit into foreign currency.

        If you have domestic ringgit credit facility, you are free to invest in foreign currency products any amount of your existing foreign currency funds and convert up to RM1.0 million per calendar year, including for investment overseas.

        13 Can I use my foreign currency funds and pay to licensed onshore banks for purchase of foreign currency investment products?

        Yes. Effective 1 April 2007, resident is allowed to pay another resident for settlement of foreign currency financial products offered onshore.

        14. I am a resident and I need to pay a non-resident for purchase of goods and services. Is there any restriction?

        There is no restriction for a resident to pay a non-resident for purchase of goods and services. The payments can be made either in ringgit or foreign currency.

        The resident can settle his trade payments or receipt with non-resident in ringgit arising from the import or export of goods and services as follows:

        * Payment in ringgit by resident to the non-resident must be made into the External Account of the non-resident; or

        * Receipt of ringgit by the resident from the non-resident can be effected from the External Account of the non-resident or an External Account of an appointed overseas branch of the same banking group of an onshore bank.

        15. Can I make a payment under guarantee to a non-resident?

        For financial guarantee exceeding RM50 million equivalent in aggregate, it has to be registered and acknowledged by the Controller of Foreign Exchange prior to making any payment. There are no restrictions on payment under guarantee to a non-resident.

        16. Do I need to seek permission to repay a loan I have obtained from a non-resident?

        You do not need to seek permission for repayment of a loan obtained from a non-resident if:

        * The loan you have obtained is within the permitted limit; or

        * You have obtained specific permission from the Controller for the loan from the non-resident.

        The repayment should be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loan.

        17. Can I open a joint foreign currency account with bank in Malaysia or overseas?

        Yes. Resident individuals are free to open joint foreign currency accounts onshore or offshore.

        18 Do I need to register the opening of overseas accounts for education and employment purpose?

        No. Effective 1 October 2007, the requirement for registration of overseas account has been abolished.

        19. Where can I seek more information on foreign exchange administration in Malaysia?

        You can obtain more information from Foreign Exchange Administration Department, Bank Negara Malaysia.

        General information on foreign exchange administration policy could also be obtained at

        20. How can I apply for permission to undertake transactions which requires approval?

        Applicants are required to submit applications using forms available online in this website. To choose the application form, click here. For application which the available online forms do not apply, applicants may submit hardcopy application to the following address:

        Foreign Exchange Administration Department
        Bank Negara Malaysia
        Jalan Dato Onn
        50480 Kuala Lumpur
        Fax: 03-26943991

        For a list of application forms and their user guides, click here.

    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 12, 2010 @ 17:08:14

      Sila Baca Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) betul2…. sangat berguna…
      ini ada beberapa Petikan soalan Dari FAQ yg saya ambil… sila baca dengan berhati2.

      1.Who can buy or sell foreign currency in Malaysia?

      Licensed commercial banks or Islamic banks in Malaysia may buy or sell foreign currency other than the currency of Israel with a resident or non-resident in Malaysia or any party outside Malaysia.

      An investment bank may also buy or sell foreign currency with their resident clients or any non-residents.

      Licensed moneychangers are only permitted to buy and sell foreign currency notes against ringgit and buy any travellers’ cheques.

      Licensed offshore banks in Labuan may buy or sell foreign currency against another foreign currency with any non-resident clients.

      2.Can a company in Malaysia send money abroad through a licensed moneychanger?

      No. Any remittance abroad must be done through a licensed onshore bank or companies given permission to carry on remittance business. A licensed moneychanger in Malaysia is not permitted to conduct remittance activities under the Money-Changing Act 1998 as well as the Exchange Control Act 1953.

      15.Do we have to register our investment in foreign currency assets?

      No. Effective 1 October 2007, the requirement for registration of investment in foreign currency assets has been abolished.

      23.Can I transfer funds in one foreign currency account to another foreign currency account?

      Yes, residents with foreign currency accounts (FCA) maintained with licensed onshore banks may transfer funds from one FCA to another FCA as long as the two accounts belong to the same account holder.

      24.Can I transfer funds in my company’s foreign currency account to another resident company’s foreign currency account?

      No. Transferring of foreign currency funds between two different account holders is not allowed. If the transfer is due to making foreign currency payment to another resident, then only resident company with export earnings is allowed to pay another resident company for settlement of goods and services.


    • ayiem
      Sep 13, 2010 @ 07:15:27

      lega rasanya bila dah ada akaun kat iraq….rasanya dah tak sabar nak belanjakan 20 mill nie he.he.he…kalau ade rezeki nak cari awek moroco la….


      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 13, 2010 @ 07:45:59

        🙂 🙂 🙂 salam en. ayiem… nak tanya ckit… cik ayiem dah kawin ke lum… 😉 🙂 kalau lum oklah kalau niat nak cari orang Moroco… saya ada kenalan yg tingal di Moroco… rakyat malaysia gak tapi dia berkahwin ngan warga Moroco.. kalau nak saya rekmen leh gak…

  324. jase
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 09:41:47

    Hmm makin baca komen korang makin konpius la kepala otak aku. Aku mmg ada pegang fizikal dinar iraq, klu ada rezeki, Insyaallah dpt tukarla wang tu, klu sebaliknya jd perhiasanla duit tu. Bab nak buka akaun kat bank iraq ni, mcm susah pula aku nak terima, ye lah takkan nak buka akaun tak perlukan tdtgn dan kehadiran fizikal pembuka akaun tu sendiri. Klu setakat cek akaun di internet tu aku da pernah kena tipu dek cornman, yg mana akaun tu just maya je. Takpelah klu rugi sbb tak pi buka akaun, drp rugi sbb tamak nak kaya ..


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 13, 2010 @ 10:02:55

      Salam jase…. kalau anda tiada pengalaman tentang membuka account luar negara… sila dapatkan nasihat orang yg mahir dalam bidang ini. berminat nak membuka account bank Iraq sila siapkan dockument berikut :-

      Untuk membuka bank Diiraq.. dockument yg diperlukan adalah seperti berikut :-

      i) IC muka Depan Sahaja (Scan)

      ii) Lesen Memandu Bergambar (expire) & yg Tidak bergambar (yg terbaru) (Scan)

      iii) Tanda Tangan Anda ( Scan )

      iv) No telefon Bimbit & Telefon Rumah (sekiranya ada) (email)

      V) Status Perkahwinan (email)

      vi) Status Perkerjaan (email)

      Vii) Tempat Lahir (email)

      itu sahaja.

      Dan jangan lupa standby RM: 5,000 untuk proses membuka account dimana RM: 2,000 adalah upah saya manakala RM: 3,000 adalah duit yg sudah siap sedia berada didalam account bank Iraq anda sebanyak IQD:1,000,000. (sekiranya berminat nak buat sekali dengan Debit Mastercard Sila Tambah lagi RM:500)

      P/s: sila lihat Proof Pembelian saya Di Jaya Jusco dengan menggunakan Debit Prepaid MasterCard Dari Bank Iraq di bawah ini. (AMBANK) (RHB BANK)

      Proof Of Purchase Using Warka Debit Prepaid MasterCard (9 September 2010)


    • ayiem
      Sep 14, 2010 @ 06:50:28

      kepada saudare jase…..saya punya akaun dah boleh buat pengeluaran kat malaysia dgn menggunakan debit masterkad laa…..nak shopping kat pasaraya pun boleh daaa…….kalau nak saye belanja makan puun boleh dgn menggunakan debit masterkad warka bank nie….jgn marah….nanti kena jual…..he.he.he…..


    • ayiem
      Sep 21, 2010 @ 05:09:44

      Tuesday, 21 September 2010 12:57:37
      Pengeluarn Duit Menggunakan Warka Dabit MasterCard.

      Mohd Helmy Sheikh Omar

      Salam Semua…

      Video & Gambar Ini Dapat Menafikan Segala Provokasi Yg Dibuat Didalam Fourm Ini Dan Secara Tak Langsung Dapat Menangkis Provokasi Dari Pihak Media Kurdis.

      P/s: Bukti Telah Diberikan… So Apa Lagi…Bukalah Account Bank Iraq Sekarang Sebelum Terlambat…. Di Ingatkan Sekali lagi 1 October RM:7,000 = IQD 1,000,000 Dalam Account Bank. 🙂 🙂

      *same post wif en helmy??hurmmmm


  325. cacamerba
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 10:41:39

    semua komen dalam forum ni hanya spekulasi, kita tunggu dan lihat apa yang sebenarnya yang akan berlaku, manusia merancang tapi Allah lebih mengetahui segalanya, mana ada manusia yg tahu apa yg akan berlaku hari esok, kalu ada yang benar benar nak tolong, tolong dengan ikhlas ye, tak kan setakat nak bagi tau nak tukar note cash lQD pun bakhil, semua nampak duit je, kalu setakat untung berjuta atas dunia tapi di akhirat tak ada untung, apa gunanya walau satu dunia harta dimiliki. duit belum terima tapi angan-angan dan niat dah nampak ke arah mencari keseronokan dunia. jangan marah ye…..tepuk dada tanya iman, jangan tanya selera nanti nafsu yang bertakhta ye. apa pun sendiri harus tentukan apa yang terbaik untuk dilakukan bagi kesejahteraan akhirat khususnya. Mohon ma’af. semoga anda semua bahagia….adious semua


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 13, 2010 @ 11:05:04

      Salam Cacamarba…. nama pun investment!!!! mana ada orang buat investment FREE aje…. kalau untung anda makan sendiri….tapi bab KALAU nak invest nak yg free….saya nak tanya cket.. pada anda …. dinar yg ada pada anda tu… anda dapat free ker… atau anda Beli???? 🙂 🙂 🙂 setahu saya nielah kan Nak Gi Buang Air Pun kena Bayar. 🙂 🙂 🙂


      • hafizi
        Sep 14, 2010 @ 06:34:07

        bole bg contact number? saya berminat pasal bula akaun tu…sms/call **no hp no ok

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 14, 2010 @ 07:14:48

        Saya Dah Sms No h/p saya pada anda.

    • ayiem
      Sep 14, 2010 @ 06:54:38

      carilah lah dunia seolah-olah kamu hidup seribu tahun….dan carilah akhirat seolah-olah akan mati pd esok hari……fikir2kan lah…..


  326. naKata"17"
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 16:37:21

    eemmm cam ne nak tambah lagi dinar yg dalam account warka tu ek???tolong tunjukkan cara2 nye…


  327. Kembara_IQD
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 18:01:36


    salam rayer buat seme..
    mohon maaf lamer sy x post komen dlm forum ni..
    sebenarnye sy malas nk layan sgt kalu isu2 yg ditimbulkan di forum ini merupakan isu yg remeh temeh & spekulasi..sbb itu sy jarang komen..kalu ade isu yg tol2 panas bru sy perbetulkan faktanye..pd en helmi tahniah kerna sedare dah buke acc di warka x perlu lah sedare menakut2kan pemegang fizikal IQD dgn post2 sedare di forum ini..seolah2 ade udang di bawh mee bandung..he he..biarkan mereka berfikir adakah perlu mereka membuka acc di warka atau tidak..pilihan di tgn mereka..dan sy sebagai penjual fizikal IQD x memakse mereka utk membeli fizikal IQD..cume jaminan sy mereka boleh membeli & menjual balik fizikal IQD yg ade pd mereka skrng pd sy kembali sama ada pd waktu ini@apabila nilainye telah float…pd pemegang fizikal IQD usahlah sedare khuatir dimana nk tukar IQD tu skrng dlm proses utk buka MC n buat Web baru IQD..di web baru nanti sy akn sertakan profile sy selengkapnye utk memudahkan sedare menghubungi sy..biarpun usaha utk membuka MC memakan masa tp sy akan cube supaya sedare x perlu ke luar negare utk menukarkan IQD fizikal apabila nilainye telah float…ws


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 13, 2010 @ 20:51:07

      Salam ” En Kembara “… saya bukan bermaksud nak menakut2kan member2 dalam forum nie… tapi salahkah sekiranya saya beri amaran awal2 kepada mereka… supaya ” NASI TAK MENJADI BUBUR “…buat apa nak mengharapkan benda yg masih samar2 sedangkan yg samar2 dari saya dahulu telah saya buktikan kesahihannya.Terang2 saya dah berikan FAQ dari Bank Negara (BNM) terpulanglah pada mereka semua.saya taknak Orang Melayu kita satu hari nanti akan terkena dek kerana kesilapan yg mereka buat. saya hanya menunjukan kepada orang melayu kita cara2 yg betul untuk membuat investment. sebab orang melayu kita nie lebih suka rugi dari Untung.Sebab Adat Orang melayu kita Bila dah rugi Mulalah mereka mengatakan dinar ini penipulah apalah..tapi mereka terlupa bahawa disebabkan kerana kebodohan merekalah yg menyebabkan mereka rugi. maaf kalau ayat saya nie terkasar ckit. Bagi saya Biar kita bergaduh sekarang jangan kita bergaduh kemudian hari. so fikir2kan lah . buat sesiapa yg belum buka account Bank Diiraq… silalah buat sekarang. sebab pada awal bulan October saya dah tak buat lagi account bank iraq dengan nilai RM:5,000 Untuk IQD 1,000,000 (Tak Termasuk Debit MasterCard) lagi… mulai 1/10/2010 saya akan Buka pula package RM:7,000 Untuk IQD 1,000,000 (Tak Termasuk Debit MasterCard). Saya tak akan menerima Sebarang rayuan untuk pengurangan harga untuk pembukaan account Bank selepas dari tarikh tersebut. saya tak kisah kalau Member2 dalam Forum ini mengatakan saya mata duitan. itu hak masing2.yg penting 1 OCTOBER 2010 RM:7,000 = IQD 1,000,000 Sekian 🙂


      • kassim
        Sep 14, 2010 @ 15:13:56

        Hahaha..sya nak katakan di sini yang sdr memang mata duitan…haha…sdr tak kisah kan?….so kira oklah tu…
        Saya bersetuju dgn apa yang dikatakan oleh sdr Kembara IQD..sdr nak berniaga ..berniagalah…nak caj RM70,000 pun caj lah, itu hak sdr….tapi janganlah sampai berulang2kali menakut2kan pemegang fisikal IQD di forum ni !!! bak kata orang putih >>> enough is enough lahh….

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 14, 2010 @ 17:58:16

        Tak Kisahlah….baguslah kalau saya mata duitan… yg penting…. orang2 yg buka account bank dengan saya boleh tidur ngan lena…tak payah dihantui masalah nak cashkan Note Dinar seperti en kassim….:-) 🙂 yg masih mengharapkan benda yg belum pasti lagi…tapi tak mengapa… saya juga tengah mencari jalan untuk pemegang2 cash note dinar untuk mendepositkan duit cash note mereka kedalam bank di Iraq….sekiranya saya berjaya mencari jalan untuk mendepositkan cash note Dinar kedalam Account bank di iraq disitu saya akan kenakan Upah membuka account sahaja Sebanyak RM:4,000 & Cash Note dinar akan dibahagi 2 iaitu 50% saya ambil dan 50% lagi akan dimasukkan kedalam account pernama tersebut.ini adalah sebagai 2nd option sekiranya pembukaan MC oleh saudara Kembara menemui jalan buntu.

        P/s: opps!!! mata duitan lagilah saya nie… 🙂 🙂 🙂

  328. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 22:28:15

    Iraq will become a member of the World Trade Organization

    13/09/2010 04:35 13/09/2010 04:35

    . Baghdad, 13 September (Akaniwz) – A source in the Iraqi government ended their mandates, said Monday that Iraq has made progress in its negotiations to join the WTO, noting that this accession will, in the near future.
    World Trade Organization in Germany2009. The Task Force Iraq to join the organization was founded on December 13, December 2004, and only that he had submitted a note to join the organization on 16 September 2005, and the adoption of Iraq’s observer at the January 24, 2007, and began the meetings of the first round of the Working Group in 2007, followed by a second round of meetings in 2008, then the third round of the end of 2009.

    “. A member of the negotiating committee in the Working Group of Iraq, Ibrahim Zndjeli, told the Kurdish news agency (Akaniwz) “The Iraqi government made considerable progress in seeking to enter Iraq to the World Trade Organization, especially after he was able to obtain assurances from member states of the Organization.”
    “. “The Committee’s main task is to seek to reduce the difference between the U.S. dollar and the Iraqi dinar, as well as activating the role of the private sector, commensurate with the efforts to develop the economy of the country.”

    وتابع”. He said it “requires Iraq to open world markets in the Iraq, with the balance customs tariff on goods imported as commensurate with the economic laws in force in the country.”

    وفيم “. With regard to problems which impede Iraq’s accession to the Organization, Zndjeli pointed out that “Member States in the WTO insists on the need to end the file of Iraq’s debt in full, and considers this a key condition to allow Iraq to enter as a key member of the Organization.”

    TOW ب. Was established World Trade Organization under the Convention on TOW Bretton Woods the end of 1944 in the United States, was founded as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank under the Convention itself, and the organization currently comprises approximately 150 countries.


  329. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 22:32:33

    OPEC seeks to influence the global supply of crude oil

    (Voice of Iraq) – 12/09/2010

    (Voice of Iraq) – London – Arab Online: seeking Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries “OPEC” Tuesday, which celebrates its fiftieth anniversary, to influence the global supply of crude regularly identified through a ceiling of production depending on the goals set by the prices.

    Since 1982 this ceiling distributed among its members through a system of quotas have varied degrees of respect by the member states, allow the reduction or increase of oil exports.

    And have the main producing countries, OPEC’s enormous productive capacity unused can turn quickly to increase supplies.

    And take the organization based in Vienna since 1965 and includes three main institutions:

    – Conference, which brings together at least twice a year and oil ministers in member countries: has the votes in each country must take all decisions unanimously.

    – Board of Governors in charge of the implementation of the decisions of the Conference.

    – General Secretariat, which manages the ongoing business of the organization. And the Secretary General of OPEC since 2007 is Libya’s oil minister and the former, then power Abdullah Salem El-Badri.

    – Members and production in August 2010 –

    – Saudi Arabia, “founding member” produces 8.28 million barrels per day.

    – Iran, “founding member”: 3.70 million barrels per day.

    – Iraq “is a founding member suspended production after the international embargo in 1990, then returned to become a member with full rights in 2003 but is still excluded from the quota system”: 2.32 million barrels per day.

    – Kuwait, “founding member”: 2.30 million barrels per day.

    – Venezuela, “founding member”: 2.23 million barrels per day.

    – Qatar “joined in 1961”: 0.79 million barrels per day.

    – Libya “in 1962 joined”: 1.56 million barrels per day.

    – United Arab Emirates “1971”: 2.32 million barrels per day.

    – Algeria, “1969”: 1.26 million barrels per day.

    – Nigeria “1971”: 2.14 million barrels per day.

    – Ecuador, “joined in 1973 and then withdrew in 1992 before returning to the membership of the organization in 2007”: 0.46 million barrels per day.

    – Angola “2007”: 1.79 million barrels per day.

    The total current output of OPEC’s 29.158 million barrels a day, “the capabilities of production estimated at 35.22 million barrels a day.”

    Indonesia pulled out and withdrew from the organization in 2008 after he joined the oil cartel in 1962 because of lack of development of new fields has become a net importer of oil.

    Gabon also withdrew from the organization in 1996 Ahtjajaaly level of financial contribution after it joined in 1975.


  330. hafizi
    Sep 14, 2010 @ 06:30:34

    salam en helmy said..saya berminat tentang buka akaun tu..bole bagi contact nomber @ call/sms saya **no hp no ok


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 16, 2010 @ 13:12:14

      Salam.. En.Hafiz,saya dah send semua document anda pada pihak bank…diiraq hari ini…. insyaallah dalam esok atau lusa account no en.hafiz akan dapat. so standby duit seperti yg ditetepkan… duit yg akan dihantar kebank diiraq memakan masa 7 hari berkerja. harap maklum


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 28, 2010 @ 14:31:16


      T.Kasih kerana berusan dengan saya. Sila check email anda,saya baru sent Internet Id & Password online banking anda. 🙂 🙂 🙂


      **dont use my blog for ur personal biz.tq


      • kayo_den
        Sep 28, 2010 @ 23:58:55

        hmmm….masih jugak berurusan peribadi dirumah orang..aparaa.!!

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 29, 2010 @ 01:44:15

        anda cemburu ker..???? 😛 😛 😛

      • kayo_den
        Sep 29, 2010 @ 05:25:52

        takde cemburu…sekadar mengingat … kalau tak silap sudah dua kali tuan rumah sound…!!! …tapi tuan hamba buat2 bodoh jer…agaknya ni yang en helmy katakan orang bodoh sombong tu tak??…hehe..jangan marah ye nanti kene jual ..!

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 29, 2010 @ 07:50:31

        he..he..he.. kata blog untuk perbincangan…. so saya berbincanglah kat cini cara yg betul kalau nak invest Dinar Iraq…. bukan cara yg salah…. Ok…. so siapa yg berminat nak buka account kat dalam fourm nie…. Secara Sah / halal dari segi undang2 so mereka bolehlah berhubung dengan saya… bukan macam anda… dahlah beli duit secara tidak sah pass tu claim beli untuk Koleksi… pass tu bila dinar dah ada Value ada pula niat nak gi cashkan pulak…tak tahu malu … pas tu ada hati nak lari dari bayar cukai (sebab beli dinar Secara seludup masuk ke malaysia tampa kebenaaran pihak bank negara. Pass tu bila orang bagi fakta dari bank negara… cakap saya saja nak menakut2kan orang… Hello baca di sini :

        itu sebab Bila saya cakap anda nie bodoh sombong… anda marah…. bila saya dah bagi fakta anda menafikan…. so kesimpulannya anda “memang bodoh sombong” 🙂

  331. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 14, 2010 @ 06:39:56

    Wow!!!! Mahalnya Orang Nie Jual Note Dinar ekk…lagi mahal dari buka account bank Kat Iraq. Siapalah agaknya Orang tu ekk… ????

    **no link pls


  332. algored
    Sep 14, 2010 @ 08:54:37

    good news..positive for revaluation of IQD.


  333. cacamerba
    Sep 15, 2010 @ 02:30:57

    encik helmy dah mengaku dia mata duitan, so takkan kawan-kawan masih tak faham, apa yang dimaksudkan, duit nak buka akaun d lraq tu lebih baik beli note lQD cash. kepada encik helmy, saya nasihatkan laburkan kekayaan anda tu untuk saham akhirat, itulah harta anda yang sebenarnya yang boleh menyelamatkan anda di akhirat nanti, sekiranya wang yang anda ada itu diperolehi dengan cara halal, semoga anda dan kita semua selamat dunia dan akhirat, camna cik helmi ??? setujukah dengan saranan saya ni, yakinkah anda dengan kesejahteraan akhirat…nasihat iklas saya untuk saudara kerana Allah SWT


    • kassim
      Sep 15, 2010 @ 03:01:42



    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 15, 2010 @ 07:25:45

      🙂 🙂 🙂 bagus2 belilah bebanyak cash Note….dinar…. so senang saya nak buat duit lagi…. nanti jangan lupa yek…. kalau duit tu ada masalah nak cashkan carilah saya…. kenyang Pakcik dapat untung bebanyak… lepas tu bila dah dapat tukar duit tu jangan lupa ekk… simpan duit tu dibawah bantal ekk… tak pun anda ikutlah cara aziz satar dalam cerita alibaba…. tanam duit dalam tanah….. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  334. Suria pagi
    Sep 15, 2010 @ 15:27:46

    Salam Kembara IQD. Boleh bagi ctc no utk memudahkan sy menghubungi tn kelak.


  335. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 16, 2010 @ 08:23:27

    Central Bank confirms its willingness to delete the zeros from the currency after the formation of the government directly

    14 September 2010 07:24 GMT / Alsumaria News / Baghdad

    The Central Bank of Iraq, on Tuesday, his willingness to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency after the formation of the Iraqi government directly, pointing at the same time that those zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency during the last period formed a cluster of large cash amounted to 27 trillion Iraqi dinars.
    The adviser said the Iraqi Central Bank Governor appearance of Mohammed Salih in an interview with “Alsumaria News”, “The zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency, during the last period, formed a cluster of large cash amounting to more than four trillion paper money, financial value amounted to 27 trillion Iraqi dinars, after that was 25 billion dinars in 1980, “noting that” Iraq is unable to manage this block because it is a small country where the large number of funds that traded on the Iraqi market has led to confusion in transactions for large commercial banks and in the work. “
    The Iraq and gradually the issuance of new banknotes after 1991 when it began currencies are scarce in the Iraqi market for several reasons, most notably the high demand for them to meet the buying and selling as well as the smuggling of currency abroad, and to the north of Iraq, which split its time for the central administration, which made the Iraqi government allows Central Bank of printing new banknotes to meet the local need, and continued the process of lifting of the zeroes of the dinar to beyond 2003 through the issuance of a class of cash amounting to 25 thousand dinars.
    Saleh added that “the Bank has fully prepared to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, once forming the Iraqi government,” noting that “the deletion of zeros is a national issue and may need to special legislation, despite the fact that the Central Bank of Iraq is a reform of the currency management from the core work and to delete the zeros is one of the strategic functions of the Central Bank of Iraq. “
    Saleh pointed out that “the Bank was able, during the last period, to reduce the level of inflation to the level of one decimal place, after more than twenty years,” noting that “Iraq could for the first time to reduce inflation to 3%, which reflects the success of Iraq policy,” monetary .
    For his part, said economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “Iraq is not formatted for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar,” noting that “the deletion of zeros needed to stabilize the security and political, as well as economic stability.”
    Antoine said that “the central bank by seeking to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar is designed to give moral force, not physical strength of the dinar,” noting that “the deletion of zeros needed to create and cultural awareness for the Iraqi people and the Iraqi market.”
    The CBI, with headquarters in Baghdad, has four branches in Basra and Sulaymaniyah, Irbil and Mosul, and founded the bank independent Iraqi under the law of the Central Bank of Iraq issued on the sixth of March 2004, and is responsible for the maintenance of price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including policies, prices exchange and management of foreign reserves and the issuance of currency management, as well as to regulate the banking sector.


  336. Kembara_IQD
    Sep 16, 2010 @ 09:47:24


    pd sedare suria pagi…emailkan sy **no email ok…sy akn send nom contact sy pd tuan..

    P/s..pd pemegang fizikal IQD kalau nk jual Note Dinar iraq baru leh jual kan pd sy..HARGA BELI IQD TERKINI 16.09.2010…
    Note 25k=RM3100..Note 10k=RM3185..Note 5k=RM3300..
    sy mejual & membeli IQD Note baru..emailkan pd sy sape2 nk jualkan IQD


    • naKata"17"
      Sep 17, 2010 @ 12:40:27

      saLam kembara dinar…kenapa makin kecik nilai makin mahal u beli ek??? bila yg kami pemegang2 fizikal note ni boleh jual kat u???kat mana???


  337. Kembara_IQD
    Sep 16, 2010 @ 10:03:25


    **no link plss

    P/s::maaf tuan web sy send link blog sy di sini..kalau ianya mengganggu pihak tuan boleh delete link yg sy send di


    • kassim
      Sep 16, 2010 @ 23:06:09

      trima kasih en. Kembara…harap dpt berurusan dgn anda nnti….


  338. osamaobama
    Sep 17, 2010 @ 18:00:28

    pening kepala baca komen kat sini,mana satu nak ikut,helmi kata buka acc warka,kembara kata tak yah,nanti boleh tukar kat dia,sapa2 boleh bagi nasihat kat aku tak ?


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 17, 2010 @ 20:08:24

      Salam … benda ini simple sangat,…. takkan pening kot…. buka account anda boleh keluarkan duit melalui 2 cara….

      i) menggunakan Debit Mastercard ( ATM Mesin)

      ii) membuat WIRE TRANSFFER dari Bank Iraq Ke Bank malaysia.

      kalau Simpan Cash Note …..

      i) Kena tukar Melalui individu ( Orang Perseorangan)

      ii) bila Duit Dah banyak… nak bawa masuk malaysia nak simpan kat bank Bermasalah… sebab BNM akan Tanya mana dapat Duit….???? bila anda cakap beli Dinar Iraq !!! BNM tanya mana buktinya… anda nak cakap macam Mana???? apa anda nak cakap??? bila anda beli bukan dari Pihak Bank Dimalaysia…so anda dikira melakukan PENGUBAHAN WANG HARAM…. atau lebih tepat lagi BAFIA atau AMLA kalau tak caya cuba google ayat BAFIA @ AMLA…. bacalah dengan hati2 dan fahamkan maksud dia.

      kesimpulan dia Senang…. anda fikirkan lah sendiri…. paling BEST tanyalah Member2 yg berkerja dengan bank….kat malaysia… mana lebih baik…

      i) buka account bank kat sana …passtu beli matawang asing melalui Pihak bank dimalaysia hantar kesana.

      ii) atau beli matawang asing dengan individu yg tidak mempunyai lesen pertukaran wang dengan BNM…. anda akan dapat jawapanya.



      • Tekok
        Sep 19, 2010 @ 14:07:52

        You dont need proof of where you bought the dinar to cash in. The only reason you would need proof of purchase date is for tax purposes-long term vs short term capital gains. I personally would steer clear of ebay for dinar purchases.

        Read more:

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 19, 2010 @ 16:16:26

        Hi Tekok,

        Where are you Stay now…??? If you stay in Malaysia… please ask with BNM First whether they want a proof of purchase or not if you want to bring back a ton of money in Malaysia. Please don’t compare Malaysia & US Law.. It totally different. In Malaysia it all possible can happen without expected

      • Tekok
        Sep 19, 2010 @ 21:59:59

        hi mohd helmy ..
        in iraq, anything can happen too…unpredictable! like warka bank can just disappear into thin air with you savings after rv…who can stop that??!!!!

      • Tekok
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 11:14:23


  339. kassim
    Sep 18, 2010 @ 04:51:20

    My name is Rudolph XXXXXXX, i am the person who spoke to Hannity, 2 weeks ago on his radio show. Everyone was wondering who i was, and where did i get my information. I live in Jacksonville, Fl and have been in the Banking business for 15 years. In 1982 i joined the Marine Corps, and had a wonderful 12 year career, Semper Fi. You can google my name and look at my background. I studied International Finance at the University of Colorado, and recieved my masters in economics. My last position was with JPMCHASE in there cdo dept, and i had a 420million dollar portfolio. I also owned a mortgage company called DIRECT LENDING, we did loans thru out the U.S.
    I am well known in the banking industry and have had my own radio show and also have been a contributor to fox news.
    My life has been very transperent, and anyone can check on it.
    I have had commendations and recognition for my involvement in Desert shield and desert storm.

    Now to the important issue at hand.

    The Federal Reserve is a entity that is guided and managed on its own. The house and senate has no say so in its external and internal policies. It is its own corporation. It is the for front for all economic stability in this global arena. Look at it as the HDQ for all economic policies worldwide. When a Central Bank is managed in a country it is always following the federal reserves policies. Our dollar dictates all managed forums thruout the world. Yes countries will move in areas that are contrary to our dictum, but only on our ok. we are the capital of all finance, and the IMF is only an administrative arm to control accountability. Look at it as the clearing house for acct recievables/payables. It balances the check book.
    All central banks are franchises of the Corp office, like in most business some franchisees will not follow the rules, and as an example there is greece.
    Some will think that i am overextending our power, but history shows we do what we want when the IMF and the Federal reserve are in agreement.
    I am not bashing our system, i think it really works in its own frame, sometimes frames can be bent and readjusted to conform to its enviroment.
    There are many reasons why we have not seen an RV/RI.
    When u here all the Gurus talk about iraq needs a standing govt, dont fool yourselves, we are the standing govt. do you truly believe we would leave a 3 trillion dollar investment in the hands of a country that has never experienced democracy, or the idea of it.
    What CEO, or board of directors would hand a multi billion interest producing company to a recent graduate with no life or administrative experience, would you hand over your lexus to your 16 year old son to drive on a friday night, i dont think so.
    we have always been in control, and will continue to be in control.
    we have the largest embassy in the world in iraq, 8000 emplyees, what do you think they do. they consist of the largest group of industry experts in the world.
    it is the largest IMF/FEDERAL RESERVE investment in the world.
    the ramifications of this investment will change world history. and politics and religion in that region, why do you think there is so much opposition, i will clarify and it will make sense.

    look at our resume, soviet union, europe, asia, latin america. all at one time have been dictatorships, did we not change there political stance. most out comes have been to democrotize there regions, not for human gain but for economic gain. did we not create conflict for our benifit. yes
    iran is scared what will a democratic iraq do to there internal politics, it will create an internal civil war, did you know that they have the largest oil reserves in the world. that is why the middle east does not want a western nation in there region.
    the rest of the middle east nation are opposed also, it takes there power away, do you think saudi arabia is happy, no, there hanging by a toe nail, to keep there money flow to the royal family in place. we are changing the enviroment and there opposed.

    now i will talk about our involment in iraq, and why we have not seen progress

    1: hillary and biden did not go there to push the govt formation, but to hold it back
    2: election reasons
    3: nov elections are coming soon, who wants to look good
    4: 2 weeks before elections, look for chapter 7 removed
    5: ri/rv occurs
    6: obama takes credit for deficit being reduced
    7: no taxes for 2011
    8: new social programs paid for

    i will continue our discussion on this subject in # 2 this week.

    i know there will be some bashing and its ok, but it doesnt affect me , i am invested in this dinar and am only trying to bring light to this content., we will talk about the isx and it has no bearing on the dinar.

    if news shows take my info serious and i can cme out on shows i think that states itself.
    my # xxx-xxx-xxxx
    like i said i am transperant, and i have nothing to hide, call if you want


  340. nita
    Sep 18, 2010 @ 05:37:34

    salam. en. mohd helmy, saya berminat untuk membuka akaun seperti yng diperkatakan. pls email at

    **pls no email ok


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 18, 2010 @ 12:06:40

      Salam…cik nita… sila check email anda.



  341. sayafikir
    Sep 19, 2010 @ 12:07:17

    assalamu’alaikum, en hellmy tolong sendkan cara2 nak buat acc kat iraq.
    terima kasih


  342. sayafikir
    Sep 19, 2010 @ 12:10:20

    tolong poskan saya maklumat untuk akaun di iraq. terima kasih

    *no number pls


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 19, 2010 @ 13:09:47

      Salam.. En.sayafikir ….sila send Dockument seperti yg saya beritahu sebentar tadi di **ade lagi taruk email..iskhhh



      • kayo_den
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 07:20:57

        wahhhhhaiii…business en helmy makin lebat nampak!

  343. Sukoco
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 03:19:53



  344. Kembara_IQD
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 05:28:27


    untk hanye membeli & menjual fizikal note dinar iraq baru..sesape yg membeli dinar iraq dgn org lain tp nk jual pd sy xde masalah sy terima..utk pembukaan account dinar di bank iraq sedare leh cntact en mmg tiada kaitan dgn pembukaan acc dinar di iraq..w/pun sy ambil dinar direct dgn bank iraq tp sy x buke acc utk org lain di iraq kerana prosesnye agak


    • ROSLI
      Oct 26, 2011 @ 08:57:38


      **sila klik link di nma kmbara IQD tu..tkyah la nk taruk no hp kt sini..kalau nk jual jnguk no kontek dia kt blog dia tu-admin nazha


  345. kassim
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 11:05:48


    CBI suspends all transactions at Warka Bank; Issues an order to cease all dealings

    Posted: September 20, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
    Iraq, Dinar, IQD, CBI, warka, Government, Central bank, Business, Central Bank of Iraq, Financial services, Basra, Banking Services

    Basra, September 19 (Akaniwz) – complained about a number of local residents and Iraqi traders in the province of Basra from the way it treats the Warka Bank Ahli Recently, with official source in a branch of Bank Central Bank of Iraq issued an order to cease all dealings branches Warka until decide that the committee overseeing the Warka Bank this topic.

    Said Mohammad Rahim Ragab (dealer) told Kurdistan News (Akaniwz) on Sunday, “I deal with Warka Bank for more than a year, where did they deal with customers on a good level, but recently turned all parallel.”
    He explained that “the large sums that are deposited in the Warka Bank became trapped and I can not withdraw their payments do I need in my work, which requires me to permanent financial liquidity.”

    He added that “the way pursued by Warka Bank in recent times by giving us small amounts and in the form of payments did not meet our need for traders in the market.”

    The citizen says Abdel Wahab Mahmoud told (Akaniwz) “We left the government banks in order to get the best deal and more benefits with private banks.”

    He added, “Warka Bank will cause people moving away from private banks, especially since he Italm Biidaatna and invest in his own work and turn blind us to these funds can not be retrieved only through a few batches are not consistent with the amount of funds deposited by us in the bank.”

    While he says the press for the return of peace (Akaniwz) that “most journalists and media workers, particularly those working in media institutions outside the province of Basra or outside Iraq receive their salaries through the current accounts in banks, notably the civil Warka Bank.”

    He explained that “all branches of the Warka Bank in Basra to refrain from paying full salaries to journalists, but fragmented into two or more.”

    He added, “Media and the employee is not a dealer or a businessman to take on the financial crisis as he was waiting for a specific amount at the end of the month to subsistence livelihood is unjust and unfair to withhold funds or pay him in the form of payments are very few.”

    For his part, an official at a branch of the Warka in Basra (l Akaniwz) that “the Warka Bank is going through a financial crisis, the fact that the scarce funds to be deposited in the bank are not sufficient to meet the requirements of customers.”

    He added that “the bank’s administration recently decided to walk things clients as possible through the provision of the required amounts in the form of payments.”

    However, “But even this ended as of the day after that we got a formal letter from the Central Bank was not to act until after the amounts provided to the Committee overseeing the Warka Bank official request shows the names of customers and the amount of obligations.”

    “The book also provides that the exchange will be a decision of the supervisory committee and at rates as it deems appropriate and fair.”

    Noting that “the supervisory committee called Warka Bank by providing them with an official letter that contains all of the amounts derived from credit and the amounts deposited by customers a week.”

    In the same context, the source stressed that “the province of Basra alone, 13-branch of the Warka Bank which makes the jobs of dozens of staff of Warka in danger against the backdrop of the repercussions of the crisis experienced by the bank.”

    This declined to branch manager of the Shatt al-Arab Sudanese Majed Hameed, to give any statement to the Agency (Akaniwz), saying that the central problem and include all provinces and senior management is only responsible for the comments.


  346. Tekok
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 12:19:21


    Why so suprised?

    Warka bank was under investigation for massive fraud before and even had some of its top peope arrested a few years ago.

    (The Warka pumpers never tell people those stories)

    Also being a private bank and not state owned they can just close the doors at any time if they decide to.

    There is no FDIC in Iraq…if you lose your money you lose your money…the bank closes or fails and you are screwed.

    And right now…because of the CBI stopping all dealings with Warka Bank…if you have money there and it RVs…you are screwed.

    Best of luck with that private banking in Iraq thing.

    Suggestion: Support your LOCAL bank and the United States banking system!


    Read more:


    • Tekok
      Sep 20, 2010 @ 12:28:57



    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 20, 2010 @ 15:47:02

      I have sent an email to Warka Bank……………..

      Dear Mr,

      Please can you confirm if these reports are true about Warka Bank appearing in the media?


      Dear Sir,

      To make things short and simple yesterday our Managing Director Mr.
      Al-Samarai held a press conference where all the heavy Media and Press
      attended putting an end to all the rumors that are circulating where he
      confirmed the support of the CBI as well displaying and discussing our
      assets, finances, investments confirming that we are the largest private
      bank in the country.


  347. algoredbody
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 12:27:31

    whats up?? ..Mr Tekok


    • Tekok
      Sep 20, 2010 @ 12:33:04



      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 16:44:57

        Warka Bank already established since 1999 …. to me I confidence with Warka Bank…. the first largest privet bank in Iraq Until Today.

  348. algoredbody
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 14:14:09

    really get gored by the bull


  349. cacamerba
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 15:15:08

    Kepada pemegang kad warka bank, anda harus bersabar, ini semua dugaan, hati kita semua kena baik, kalau bercakap jangan takbur, Allah tak suka orang takbur, muhasabah balik segala kesilapan dan perbetulkanlah, kepada lain forumer, tolong jangan menyakitkan hati mereka, jangan lepaskan marah anda dengan menghina mereka… ingat !!! balasan dari Allah boleh datang bila-bila masa je, hati mau baik dan bersangka baik selalu yeeee…jangan ikut perasaan marah.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 20, 2010 @ 15:51:32

      I have sent an email to Warka Bank……………..see below:-

      Dear Mr,

      Please can you confirm if these reports are true about Warka Bank appearing in the media?


      Dear Sir,

      To make things short and simple yesterday our Managing Director Mr.
      Al-Samarai held a press conference where all the heavy Media and Press
      attended putting an end to all the rumors that are circulating where he
      confirmed the support of the CBI as well displaying and discussing our
      assets, finances, investments confirming that we are the largest private
      bank in the country.

      he..he..he.. ini perkara kecil… rumor media pada warka bank ini bukan kali pertama… tapi dah banyak kali…. sebelum ini rumor yg pihak media mainkan pada warka bank tentang pelucutan ISX pada warka bank…. tapi tak berhasil…. Warka Bank masih beroperasi dengan ISX…


      • Tekok
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 16:11:12

        ye ke perkara kecik? Esok cuba cucuk kad debit mastercard awak kat RHB atm……tengok keluar duit tak…kalau tak meleleh keluar duit, kira parah ler……ingat anything can happen kat iraq, apatah lagi bank persendirian…tak ada insuran wang simpanan penyimpan…bank bungkus duit hang hangussss…..

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 16:33:32

        Ok… esok saya akan proof kan pada anda…. 🙂 🙂 🙂

        P/s: 20/9/2010 saya baru tambah lagi duit kedalam account saya sebanyak 1,000,000 lagi… dan inyallah… dalam hujung bulan ini akan saya tambahkan lagi sebanyak 2,000,000.

      • Tekok
        Sep 20, 2010 @ 22:18:29

        molek lah tu…tambah lagi …jangan tak tambah …yang dah buka akaun pun boleh tambah simpanan lagi…..haha!!!

    • ayiem
      Sep 21, 2010 @ 17:54:05

      kepada cacamerba…..terima kasih atas nasihat dan pandangan yang diberikan…..what ever pun kita hanya merancang….tuhan yang menentukan…..buatlah yang mana difikirkan terbaik…..


  350. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 16:02:14

    Warkaa bank says it has not collapsed

    Monday, September 20th 2010 1:36 PM

    Sulaimaniya, Sept. 20 (AKnews) – The general director of Iraq’s Warkaa Bank said on Sunday that his bank has not collapsed but has faced problems due to a recent decision of the Iraqi government to that led to over $1.6 billion to be withdrawn from the bank.

    The Iraqi government recently decided to withdraw its money from all private banks, leading to media reports that the Warkaa Bank had collapsed.

    Speaking during a press conference in Sulaimaniya, Mohammed Hussein said, “Warkaa Bank has not collapsed. It is just some problems we are facing which will be resolved soon and we will resume our work in a better way.”

    He said the Iraqi Trade Ministry owes $250 million to the bank but has failed to return the money because of the changes in the leadership of the ministry.

    On his part, Dler Mohammed, the head of Warkaa’s branch in Kurdistan said the Iraqi minister of finance has agreed to give a loan of around $64 million to the bank.

    He added several British and Lebanese companies have also agreed to buy shares in Warkaa but did not provide the names of the companies.

    Mohammed said following the government’s decision, the Iraqi Public Vehicle Company withdrew around $680 million from the bank. He added that later citizens withdrew around $1 billion as well.

    “During talks with officials at Kurdistan’s Ministry of Finance, they promised us to return the pensions for retired government personnel to Warkaa bank,” said Mohammed.

    The Kurdish Ministry of Finance had decided two months ago to give the pensions to government banks to dispense instead of Warkaa.

    Warkaa bank was established in 1999 and currently is one of the largest private banks in Iraq with 120 branches all over the country.

    Reported by Dilashd Saifaddin

    Read more:


  351. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 16:27:47

    Warka Bank denies bankruptcy news and confirms that he had a campaign to discredit his reputation by competitors

    September 20, 2010

    by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics

    Iraq, Dinar, CBI, warka, bank, Business, Central Bank of Iraq, Financial services, Investment Banks

    20 September 2010 Alsumaria News / Sulaymaniyah

    Director denied the Warka Bank of Iraq, Sunday, reports that his bank was bankrupt because the Bank is supported by the Central Bank of Iraq, accusing some of the rivals of conducting a campaign to tarnish his reputation and helped some of the media to promote those rumors.

    The Managing Director of the Bank of Warka Mohammed al-Samarrai told a news conference in Sulaimaniya, and attended “Alsumaria News”, the lender was “subjected to a campaign to discredit him by competitors Mordin, with the media’s promotion of such rumors with regret,” did not refer to the identity with followers of rival .

    She had been reluctant in recent times, reports that the bank is facing difficulties in continuing his work, without indicating the news published by some local media the details of those difficulties.
    Samarrai said that his bank “is supported by the Central Bank of Iraq and can not talk about bankruptcy,” noting that “any confusion or work to spread rumors will affect the private banking sector in light of the unsettled political conditions in the country”.

    The manager of the bank that “the private sector is relied upon in building the country, and is the private banking sector is the backbone of the economy of any state,” noting that “the development of states measured by the development of its economy,” as he put it.

    The bank was established Warka investment bank in 1999 with a capital of 500 million dinars, “about 420 thousand dollars,” and reached the bank’s capital earlier this year to 75 billion dinars, and plans to increase its capital to 250 billion Iraqi dinars, and the bank 121 branches in provinces and cities of Iraq.


  352. Tekok
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 22:05:57

    Good work Chief.

    Thanks for the solid info with links.

    Wow…funding of terrorist!

    I knew this was the reason for the arrest and warrants before but I had not seen this most recent action on this issue.

    The United States Patriot Act will be all over this situation and there is a good chance any and all Warka assets will be frozen for good if proven.

    Link to United States Patriot Act:


    Hoping the best for Warka account holders but as of right now….this is looking very bad.


    Read more:


  353. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 03:24:15

    Salam ..

    Pada Pemegang2 account Warka…. Berita Dari Pihak Akhbar Kurdis yg menyatakan rakyat tempatan tidak boleh mengeluarkan Duit dari warka bank hanyalah sebagai mainan pihak media kurdis. mereka (pihak Kurdis) sengaja ingin menjatuhkan Image Warka Bank. Buat pengetahuan Anda Saya DiMalaysia Telah Mengeluarkan Duit Dari Debit MasterCard Warka Bank sebanyak IQD 18,000 bersamaan dengan RM:50.00 pada Pagi ini 21 September 2010 jam 9:22 am. so bagi saya sedikit masa untuk saya uploadkan vedio ini ke Youtube & ke fourm ini… sebagai menangkis Provokasi2 oleh orang ramai.



    • Tekok
      Sep 21, 2010 @ 12:15:37

      itu hari ni, bagaimana esok…lusa…tulat ….tubin…?? ada jaminan boleh keluar ke ??…. hmmm…talking about peace of mind…hahaha…


      • Tekok
        Sep 21, 2010 @ 12:25:11

        This does not address the statement made that the Central Bank of Iraq has stopped all dealings with Warka Bank.

        None of the letters or statements from Warka even mention the statement that the CBI has stopped all dealings with Warka.

        For this to be cleared up the CBI situation needs to be addressed.

        IF it is true that the CBI has stopped all dealings with Warka they could still operate for a while…but for how long?

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 21, 2010 @ 13:32:34

        🙂 🙂 🙂 apa2 pun Jangan ler jelous…. yg saya dah ada jalan penyelesaian… untuk menikmati Dinar Iraq Ini….pada RV akan Datang… Anda (Tekok) perlu mencari jalan anda pula untuk Cash kan Dinar Iraq Ke Ringgit Malaysia….. jangan asik menjaga tepi kain Orang lain sedangkan kain yg anda pakai sendiri pun Koyak anda pun tak Sedar… 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • Zahid Zidane
        Sep 21, 2010 @ 16:12:19

        Salam saudara tekok…saya rasa saudara iri hati dgn en. helmi..dr penulisan saudara sy tengok saudara mcm tak suka dgn penjelasan en. helmi ataupun en. helmi dah amik duit saudara utk invest tp tak buat kot..saya rasa para investor yg telah en. helmi bantu takde apa2 masalah sekiranya akaun tu tak wujud sbb pada mula buka akaun lg en. helmi telah bagi tau akan risiko invest akaun iqd ni dan mereka pun faham..saya berkata begitu sbb saya penah berjumpa sendiri dgn en. helmi w/pun saya belum berhasrat utk buka akaun..dan satu lg en. helmi inform para investor yg telah dia bantu semuanya duit terlebih dan tak kisah pun kalau duit tu hilang….

      • ayiem
        Sep 21, 2010 @ 17:38:18

        saye rase encik tekok tgh jiwa kacau…..biarlah lah dia nak merapu apapun ……yang penting……kita lakukan apa yang kita percaya….dan bukannya berkata dalam keadaan yang tak tentu hala….buat sakit kepala je……he.he.he…..

    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 21, 2010 @ 13:34:34

      Proof Pengeluaran Duit Menggunakan Debit MasterCard Warka Bank
      ************************************************************** (AMBANK ATM Mesin)


  354. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 04:27:41

    Salam Semua…

    Video & Gambar Ini Dapat Menafikan Segala Provokasi Yg Dibuat Didalam Fourm Ini Dan Secara Tak Langsung Dapat Menangkis Provokasi Dari Pihak Media Kurdis.

    P/s: Bukti Telah Diberikan… So Apa Lagi…Bukalah Account Bank Iraq Sekarang Sebelum Terlambat…. Di Ingatkan Sekali lagi 1 October RM:7,000 = IQD 1,000,000 Dalam Account Bank. 🙂 🙂


  355. jase
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 04:39:06

    Nampaknya warka bank da ada isu yg kureng baik. Katalah dia betul2 bermasalah, apa akan jd kat duit penyimpan agaknya ye? Katala Helmi betul dan cash dinar tak dpt tukar ke RM, apa pula yg akan jd? He he sekurang2nya ada jgla duit tu boleh dijdkan perhiasan.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 21, 2010 @ 04:44:32

      Kalau Boleh Anda Juallah Cash Note Tu Kat ” Kedai Cina Jual Alat2 Sembahyang “…. So Dapatlah Juga Duit Ckit…. Daripada Langsung Tak Dapat 🙂


    • ayiem
      Sep 21, 2010 @ 17:48:39

      bagi pandangan saya……setiap perniagaan yang melibatkan institusi kewangan atau bank adalah amat sukar untuk diistiharkan muflis kerana ianya melibat kan deposit orang ramai…kalau ianya tidak boleh lg meneruskan pernigaan…bank tersebut akan dibeli oleh bank yang lain (merge)atau pun ianya akan dibantu oleh kerajaan kerana kelulusan pembukaan bank adalah tertakluk kepada kelulusan pada bank pusat sesuatu negara tersebut dan perkara tersebut telahpun pernah berlaku dimalaysia yg mana byk bank terlah di merge kan dan setiap duit pendeposit tidak hilang cuma dipindah kan kepada bank yg baru….harap ini dpt membantu…..


  356. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 04:48:17

    Salam Semua…

    Video & Gambar Ini Dapat Menafikan Segala Provokasi Yg Dibuat Didalam Fourm Ini Dan Secara Tak Langsung Dapat Menangkis Provokasi Dari Pihak Media Kurdis.

    P/s: Bukti Telah Diberikan… So Apa Lagi…Bukalah Account Bank Iraq Sekarang Sebelum Terlambat…. Di Ingatkan Sekali lagi 1 October RM:7,000 = IQD 1,000,000 Dalam Account Bank. 🙂 🙂


  357. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 05:16:50

    Warka Bank and the email response to my questions.

    *****My original email is at the bottom. I sent it to the CEO Saad Al-Bunnia and the Bank Director Mr. Alsamarai. Mohammad K. Issa responded

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you for your prompt response to my questions. Best Regards, Paul B. Hutchinson

    —–Original Message—–

    From: Mohammad K. Issa
    To: ‘Paul Brian Hutchinson’
    Cc: ‘Saad Al-Bunnia’ ; ‘m-alsamarai’
    Sent: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 5:28 pm

    Subject: RE: Warka’s Status

    Dear Sir,

    To make things short and simple yesterday our Managing Director Mr. Al-Samarai held a press conference in the presence of the Ministry of Finance and CBI where all the heavy Media and Press attended putting an end to all the rumors that are circulating either from incorrect reports of the Media and or ill competitors where he confirmed the support of the CBI as well displaying and discussing our strong assets, finances, investments confirming that we are the largest private bank in the country.

    Also today several leading Iraqi news stations such as the Rasheed announced that the rumors being circulated about Warka Bank is a cheap shot by ill competitors to attract business to their enterprises.

    On a different note in regards to our capital increase there is potential foreign enterprise that is interested to partnering with Warka Bank details of this matter will be posted on our website once negotiations have been completed and the agreement has been made official which will bring great incentive not only to the bank but increase the value of Warka stock bringing good profit to shareholders.

    Best regards,



  358. Pencint Dinar
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 07:06:35

    ape cerita nie…betul ke cite pasal warka bank nie???


  359. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 10:40:31

    Salam Semua…

    Video & Gambar Ini Dapat Menafikan Segala Provokasi Yg Dibuat Didalam Fourm Ini Dan Secara Tak Langsung Dapat Menangkis Provokasi Dari Pihak Media Kurdis.

    P/s: Bukti Telah Diberikan… So Apa Lagi…Bukalah Account Bank Iraq Sekarang Sebelum Terlambat…. Di Ingatkan Sekali lagi 1 October RM:7,000 = IQD 1,000,000 Dalam Account Bank.


  360. Acun Kidung
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 10:58:37

    Salam Semua… sy on behalf Mohd Helmy postkn link ni sbb dia dah banyak kali upload tapi xleh msuk sbb kmugkinan admin forum ni delete article Mohd Helmy.

    Video & Gambar Ini Dapat Menafikan Segala Provokasi Yg Dibuat Didalam Fourm Ini Dan Secara Tak Langsung Dapat Menangkis Provokasi Dari Pihak Media Kurdis.

    P/s: Bukti Telah Diberikan… So Apa Lagi…Bukalah Account Bank Iraq Sekarang Sebelum Terlambat…. Di Ingatkan Sekali lagi 1 October RM:7,000 = IQD 1,000,000 Dalam Account Bank.

    **ye ke on behalf?or same person?


  361. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 15:06:16

    Delete 3 zeros from the Iraqi dinar «encourage» to be applied instead of the dollar

    September 20, 2010

    BAGHDAD – Adel Mahdi
    The announcement by the Central Bank of Iraq’s intention to delete the three zeroes of the dinar, the reactions and the wide economic community
    And financial, as the consequences of this step on the markets, especially that the zeros added to the currency a few years ago inflated the money supply.

    He said the Executive Director for the «Bank of guidance» Abdul Aziz Hassoun’s «life, step task, referring to the« they need to be carefully studied in order to avoid chaos and confusion in the market, if it does not possess the qualifications and capabilities required to implement the resolution, which aims to get rid of the cluster paper huge client, and that led to problems in the trading and banking ».

    The Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Karbala governor Mohsen that the Iraqi currency is now a «mass of paper», considering that «a problem in itself stands in the way of developing the national economy».
    He pointed out that the first step in this direction «of issuing two types of paper currency, one million dinars and the second thousand dinars to grow the confidence of the citizens and enable it to deal with the new currency was immediately».

    He added that the application of step «would not take more than a year or two», because the deletion of zeros «will in the future to carry the citizen small amounts of currency, and increase its value in conjunction with a qualitative shift in the Iraqi economy, through optimum utilization of agricultural resources, industrial, transportation, services, storage, and development actor of the national staff, through a policy of balanced economic and financial », pointing out that the deletion of zeros will lead to an increase in KD by traders rather than the dollar», the «mean power-added of the national currency».

    The Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that «zeros formed a cluster of up to four trillion banknote, worth 27 trillion financial dinars, up from 25 billion dinars in 1980.


  362. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 15:08:01

    Rise in Iraqi Dinar against the dollar – Next year ?

    Economist : next year will see a rise in Iraqi dinar against the dollar

    Tuesday 09/21/2010 12:05

    Baghdad ( News) : Economic expert Ghazi al -Kanani said that the reason for the stability of the dollar over the past five years, is due to the right monetary policy of the Central Bank , expecting to see the Iraqi dinar rise against the dollar next year. He said on Tuesday: since 2004 stability of the U.S. dollar exchange rate affect the majority , as this stability in the interests of consumers and traders, explained that the citizens and merchants were suffering greatly from volatility in the exchange rate, which is reflected in the prices of goods and services .

    He pointed out that the constantly changing exchange rate prior to 2004, the latest upheaval in ( business and trade ) in the country , as well as central bank reserves , and that the stability of the exchange rate giving a boost to the Iraqi dinar. predicted Kanani it improves Iraqi dinar in the coming year due to increased financial reserves Especially after the signing of Iraq to the Convention ( licensing round of oil) that is, they increase revenues, with the budget of oil. Kanani said that this stability will affect the reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq and consequently the high value of the Iraqi dinar and stability .


  363. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 15:11:17

    Salam Semua…

    Video & Gambar Ini Dapat Menafikan Segala Provokasi Yg Dibuat Didalam Fourm Ini Dan Secara Tak Langsung Dapat Menangkis Provokasi Dari Pihak Media Kurdis.

    P/s: Bukti Telah Diberikan… So Apa Lagi…Bukalah Account Bank Iraq Sekarang Sebelum Terlambat…. Di Ingatkan Sekali lagi 1 October RM:7,000 = IQD 1,000,000 Dalam Account Bank.


  364. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 16:39:28

    Salam.. Buat Semua investor Dinar… Untuk pengetahuan anda Saya Dah Banyak Kali mengupload Video & Resit Bukti Pengeluaran Duit Dengan Menggunakan Debit MasterCard Warka Bank Pagi tadi . tetapi Post Comment saya seolah2 ditapis oleh Admin Blog ini…agar Bukti Pengeluaran tersebut tidak sampai kepada Semua Forumer Disini. so sekiranya anda berhasrat untuk melihat Video Tersebut anda boleh lah melawati di link yg telah saya sediakan dibawah ini.


    **sy x pernah tapis cuma masuk kt pending sbb byk link,lama dh tk online thru lappy.ur link already approved


    • Tekok
      Sep 22, 2010 @ 10:49:40

      Kalau gitu uploadkan kat blog sendiri lah…..habis cerita !!


      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 22, 2010 @ 11:31:59

        He..he.. he.. tak mengapa… saya faham… lagi banyak anda punya Comment dalam fourm ini… lagi terserlahlah Kebodohan anda dalam investment dinar ini… 🙂 🙂 🙂

        P/s: Jangan Marah Yer Tekok …. 🙂 🙂 😛

  365. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 21, 2010 @ 19:11:30

    Buat Investor2 dinar… yg menjadi pemerhati sahaja…(yg belum menghantar Komen) sekiranya anda ada pertanyaan dan malu untuk meluahkan isi yg terpendam didalam hati berkenaan dengan Dinar. maka anda bolehlah personal Chatt ngan saya melalui SKYPE. Nick Name saya adalah :

    ” iraqidinarinvestment. ”



  366. Tekok
    Sep 22, 2010 @ 10:17:46


    Dinar Trade procedures for cashing in dinars at the time of a re-value:

    We will be taking appointments on a first come first serve basis. We will only cash in your dinars with a scheduled appointment. At the time of a RV we will notify our customers via
    email as well as posting it on our website. Our Santa Monica, CA, Brentwood, TN and Bakersfield, CA offices will be open immediately. Our other offices, which are listed below,
    will open within 5-7 business days of a re-value. There will be no limit on the amount of Iraqi Dinar you may cash in.

    When you are ready to cash in your Dinars with Dinar Trade:
    Call 1-877-770-7660 or visit our website at, to make an appointment.
    Let us know which office you would like to go to in order to make the trade.

    We will take group appointments. A group is considered 5-30 people. At the time of the appointment you must inform us of the number of people in your group and the total amount of dinars each person will be exchanging. If locking in a rate, each person in the group who would like to lock in will need to sign an agreement with Dinar Trade, guaranteeing the amount of dinar
    to be cashed in. Each person in the group does not have to lock in a rate. Each person in the group is responsible for their own appointment and rate lock in.

    Individuals & Groups:
    You will need the following:
    §2 forms of identification (one with a picture and one with your name on it, for example a
    credit card or utility bill)
    §Fincen 104 form ( http://www.fincen.go…/fin104_ctr.pdf ) if you don’t have
    one we will have them available at our offices .
    §Bank incoming wire instructions ( ABA Routing number and Account number)

    We will wire the funds form our bank account here in the U.S to your bank while you wait at the time of exchange. There will only be one wire to one account per customer.
    Customers cashing in on someone’s behalf must have a copy of the individuals identifications, banking information and a notarized letter authorizing the specific individual to complete
    transaction on their behalf.

    International customers: we will require a copy of your passport and banking information to cash in at locations outside of the United States.

    Dinar Trade will charge $150 per million dinars as a service fee for exchanging your Dinars. Our minimum quantity of Dinars that may be cashed in is 100,000. The minimum fee is $150.

    Rate of Exchange:
    We will offer customers who have purchased from Dinar Trade the option to lock in a rate for the time of their appointment. Our rate will be based on the Central Bank of Iraq’s buy rate. We
    will post the lock in agreement on our website and we will also fax or email a lock in agreement to the customer that must be signed, notarized and faxed back to our office within 24 hours. If
    the fax is not received within the 24 hours your lock in rate will be forfeited. Once locked in the appointment and rate cannot be changed or canceled. There will be legal recourse for individuals
    who lock in a rate and do not arrive for their appointment. The lock in rate is guaranteed until the day of the appointment. A lock in rate means that the price is agreed upon whether the rate goes up or down.
    Customers who are unsure or do not want to lock in a rate will receive the rate on the day of their appointment. The exchange rate will depend on the rate in Iraq at that time of the appointment for customers not locking in a rate. We will let you know the rate on the phone but it will not be confirmed until you arrive at one of our offices at the time of exchange.
    We encourage everyone to check all the banks who will be exchanging Dinars and their rates before calling us. We are confident we can beat their rates.

    At this time we have 3 offices open:

    Brentwood, Tennessee
    Bakersfield, California
    Santa Monica California

    Once the re value occurs we will have the following locations open within 5-7 business days.

    Locations to open:

    -Manhattan, NY
    -Grand Forks, ND
    -London, United Kingdom
    -Spring hill, FL
    -Las Vegas, NV
    -Zurich, Switzerland
    -FT Smith, AR
    -Toledo, OH
    -Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    -Waxahachie, TX
    -Salt Lake City, UT
    -Albuquerque, NM
    -Kent, WA
    -Vancouver, Canada

    We will not disclose the address of these locations for security reasons. We will only disclose them to customers with appointments. If you would like to exchange before a location near youis open, you will have to come to our office in Tennessee or California. We will be able to make appointments for all locations as soon as the re value occurs. We estimate that you will not have to wait more than 3 business days when making an appointment. If making an appointment for an unopened location we estimate that individuals will be accommodated within 3 business days of the opening. We will accommodate on a first come first serve basis.


    • Tekok
      Sep 22, 2010 @ 10:42:27

      Selain Dinar Trade, mungkin boleh cash-in dengan Kembara IQD …Tak gitu en Kembara?


      • algoredbody
        Sep 22, 2010 @ 13:06:22

        En Tekok..Warka bank camna sekarang

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 22, 2010 @ 13:21:43

        🙂 🙂 🙂 Naper algoredbody…. nampak macam berminat ngan Warka Bank jer???? 🙂 🙂 🙂 sejak2 sehari dua nie…asik ambil berat jer ngan warka bank….:-)

      • algoredbody
        Sep 22, 2010 @ 14:44:16

        saya cashin dgn dinar trade. En Tekok bagaimana?

      • algoredbody
        Sep 24, 2010 @ 05:02:22

        wow boringnya..bila nak jadi kayo

      • algoredbody
        Sep 24, 2010 @ 13:27:10

        mana mahdi,maliki,allawi,talabani?

      • algoredbody
        Sep 27, 2010 @ 13:06:18


      • algoredbody
        Sep 29, 2010 @ 08:40:28


      • algoreng
        Oct 01, 2010 @ 07:06:27

        8-9 october IMF meeting with word bank gabenor… iclude CBI. Get ready to fasten ur seatbelt. We are going to ne catapulted to rich kingdom… Nuy more IQD from Ali ..just RM 15000 for 1 million IQD

      • algoreng
        Oct 01, 2010 @ 07:14:35

        hurry up dont be laid..oop soly ..late

      • algoreng
        Oct 03, 2010 @ 11:55:25


      • algoreng
        Oct 11, 2010 @ 13:12:00

        As of tomorrow displays the file “to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency

        (صوت العراق) – 11-10-2010 (Voice of Iraq) – 10/11/2010
        .Send this to a friend

        (.. (Voice of Iraq) – – October 11, 2010 – The Central Bank launched in early 2007, to develop a strategic project located under the title of the reform of management system of the Iraqi currency on the recommendation of the Supreme Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers with the support of the Iraqi Ministry of Finance. … The project speaks for gradual substitution of the Iraqi currency with another is lower than in the nominal value. .. From here, presents the program “as of tomorrow” on Alsumaria afternoon, Friday, October 15, 2010 at ten pm Baghdad time this topic to see its repercussions on the Iraqi economy.
        .. Contagious and will discuss the program with guests Ahmed Hassan several themes in the context of the loop. ..Does the economic climate well suited to the order of these changes on the currency? .The effects of deletion of zeros, including whether this is causing unrest in the Iraqi market?

        من.. Meanwhile, the guests discuss the possibility of bit of this project to reform the Iraqi system of payments and the impact of deletion of zeros on the stock market as well as to the descent completed the process of deletion of zeros.

        .Is a delete operation will add zeros to the value of purchasing something and economic gains that will come out in this project? .. In addition to details of other more accurate timing of the work related to the project.

        .. Hosts “on tomorrow” in the next episode adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed and two economists as Antoine Majid picture in addition to the economic expert Faili spokesman Thaer Investment Authority, Baghdad, as well as the President of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen and investors willing Reza industrial fixed Baldawi.

        .. Full-time working group “on tomorrow” this week to put the episode titled “Delete zeros” of the Iraqi currency pm Friday, October 15, 2010 at ten pm Baghdad time, and run-off on Sunday morning at ten o’clock on Alsumaria, Iraqi Satellite TV Network.

      • ayiem
        Oct 12, 2010 @ 03:52:15

        mari kita lihat SIAPA YANG KENA……

      • algoreng
        Oct 12, 2010 @ 11:44:05

        kono apo jang?

      • kassim
        Oct 12, 2010 @ 13:56:35

        ye lahh…kena apa?….yang tak buka akaun warka ke?….ek elehhhh….

      • kassim
        Oct 12, 2010 @ 22:14:23

        Ah… with the IQD now a global currency, an upcoming TV prog to talk about ‘Deleting the Zeroes’ and Parliament saying that a deal has been struck and will be announced on Sunday.. we are getting closer

      • kassim
        Oct 12, 2010 @ 22:35:29

        Bi Tarikh Al Ghad

        “Bi tarikh Al Ghad” is a weekly political talk-show prepared and presented by Ahmad Hassan and directed by Yaseen Mohamad Amin. It retraces the latest major political developments taking place in Iraq and handles events from a leading-edge angle. “Bi tarikh al ghad’ projects the consequences of newest developments on the political process and highlights their effect on the current situation. It analyzes as well the future impact of the present situation on Tomorrow’s political stands and provides insight on how Iraqis see their future. “Bi Tarikh Al Ghad” is a political talk-show aimed at uncovering the fate of Iraq.

        Iraq’s Central Bank set up a new strategic project in 2007 under the name of “Iraqi Currency revaluation” under the recommendation of the Supreme Economic Committee related to the Ministerial Council with the support of Iraq’s Finances Ministry. The project aims to re-denominate the national currency by removing zeros from the currency. This week’s episode of Bi Tarikh Al Ghad will tackle the following issues: Is Iraq’s economy prepared for such a change? What is the effect of removing zeros from the currency? Will removing zeros from the currency cause fluctuations in the Iraqi market? Is the project aimed to improve Iraqi payments system? What is the effect of removing zeros on bonds market? How is the process of removing zeros progressing? Will removing zeros add up to the purchase value? What are the gains of such a project?

        All these questions will be addressed with the following guests: Iraq’s Central Bank advisor Mazhar Mohammed, economist Basem Antoine, economist Majed Al Souri, Baghdad Investment Committee spokesman and economist Thaer Al Fili, Industrial investor Thabet Al Baldawi, Head of Iraqi Businessmen Union Ragheb Rida and a number of Citizens

      • algoreng
        Oct 21, 2010 @ 06:50:05

        tido kah?

      • albob
        Nov 11, 2010 @ 04:43:12

        esok raya …rv

      • ayiem
        Dec 04, 2010 @ 14:35:12

        Director denied the Warka Bank of Iraq, Sunday, reports that his bank was bankrupt because the Bank is supported by the Central Bank of Iraq, accusing some of the rivals of conducting a campaign to tarnish his reputation and helped some of the media to promote those rumors.

        The Managing Director of the Bank of Warka Mohammed al-Samarrai told a news conference in Sulaimaniya, and attended “Alsumaria News”, the lender was “subjected to a campaign to discredit him by competitors Mordin, with the media’s promotion of such rumors with regret,” did not refer to the identity with followers of rival .

        She had been reluctant in recent times, reports that the bank is facing difficulties in continuing his work, without indicating the news published by some local media the details of those difficulties.
        Samarrai said that his bank “is supported by the Central Bank of Iraq and can not talk about bankruptcy,” noting that “any confusion or work to spread rumors will affect the private banking sector in light of the unsettled political conditions in the country”.

        The manager of the bank that “the private sector is relied upon in building the country, and is the private banking sector is the backbone of the economy of any state,” noting that “the development of states measured by the development of its economy,” as he put it.

        The bank was established Warka investment bank in 1999 with a capital of 500 million dinars, “about 420 thousand dollars,” and reached the bank’s capital earlier this year to 75 billion dinars, and plans to increase its capital to 250 billion Iraqi dinars, and the bank 121 branches in provinces and cities of Iraq.

      • Tekok
        Sep 22, 2010 @ 13:13:51

        masih beroperasi lagi….but only on “borrowed time”? hehe….gurau ajer…
        apamacam en algoredbody?…. nanti boleh cash-in dengan Ali kat kl aje….

  367. nazhasecret
    Sep 22, 2010 @ 11:27:50


    buat semua peminat,penyimpan dinar iraq,suka sy ingatkan ruang ini adalah utk berkongsi any news ttq rv iqd or any info yg pls dunt promote anykind jual beli or bukak akaun online.toksah perli n gado2

    Dan utk pengetahuan en helmy yg duk kata saya delete or what so ever ur post.ekceli ur komen n sesapa yg komen tak appear tu,u all punye komen need my approval first.maybe ade taruk link yg dikuatiri spam so dats y sistem blog tk lps immediately msa u all post tggu sy online guna laptop bru sy leh login ke panel utk approve.guna hp sy ni limited nk bukak blog ni.

    So sila guna blog ni secara berhemah.ade yg guna id lain semata2 nk up each other.ape2 pun kite bertukar n berkongsi pendpt utk sesama beroleh manfaat.sowey klu pasni sy akn edit beberapa posting yg brbentuk peribadi.

    Mcm b4 ni sy pun de suh en helmy buat blog sendiri kn,so time komen kn leh isi ruang website.kembara iqd pun dh buat blog semua pembaca disini tau url blog u all.tkde la suka suki post link promote kt sini

    Selamat ber’iqd’ dgn aman disini.arap semua leh dpt keuntungn tk kira fizikal note or warka


  368. algoredbody
    Sep 22, 2010 @ 14:43:01

    saya cash in dengan dinar trade ..bila rv kelak..En Tekok bagaimana?


  369. Kembara_IQD
    Sep 22, 2010 @ 17:37:56


    insyaALLAH boleh..xde masalah nk cash-in dgn


    • Tekok
      Sep 22, 2010 @ 18:14:12

      terima kash en kembara…..


  370. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 22, 2010 @ 21:17:15

    No RV without new Currency – Prove me Wrong (Dec/Jan launch date)

    Some here say the RV or increased rate of the IQD will occur before the new currency is released. I would like nothing more for this to happen but simple logic makes it virtually impossible. Some also say the RV rate will exceed 1 US dollar, but for simplicty sake lets use 1 USD equivalent. The current inflation rate is 1.7 percent so it’s safe to say a chocolate bar costing 1USD or 1170 IQD (that is the current rate 1USD=1170 IQD) today in Iraq will be 1USD OR 1170 IQD tommorow.

    Lets say we finally have the RV at 1USD per 1 IQD – so we are at par with the USD.

    Now, I go in tomorrow to my local variety store to buy my fav. chocolate bar, and the price (remember inflation is in check) is the same price I bought it for
    yesterday – 1 USD or in Iraq now it’s “1 IQD now” – not the 1170 IQD it was yesterday. How am I paying for my chocalate bar or a multitude of other items ? (insert your weekly grocery list here for starters).

    I don’t have a 1 IQD note to pay for the purchase – nor does the shop owner have change to give me for my 50 IQD note – the smallest denomination available currently. Also, US currency is near gone in Iraq – it started to be pulled from the streets over a year ago so IQD is the predominant currency in Iraq today.

    So, you see, you cannot have a “signicant” rate increase without the new currency launched simutaneously.

    The old currency will be used for exchange to new only in Iraq, then they can go about their shopping pleasure. And we here – outside of Iraq, will just go in to a bank and exchange for whatever currency you so desire – US/Candian/Euro/BP etc. etc.

    If you can challenge this theory of logic then please do so. I for one would love to see the RV prior to Dec. 2010/early Jan. 2011, when the new currency is due to be released, but logic tells me otherwise.

    Good Luck all.


  371. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 22, 2010 @ 23:16:40

    Dear Warka Clients,

    With regards to the rumors that have been circulating against our bank by ill competitors please note that our bank is well supervised and monitored by the highest financial authority in Iraq CBI and we operate under their firm guidelines and regulations where deposits are guaranteed by the CBI.

    Best regards,

    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 22, 2010 @ 23:18:58

      So… Siapa nak comment lagi…. setelah kenyataan ini dikeluarkan di laman Sesawang Warka Bank . 🙂 🙂 🙂


      • Tekok
        Sep 23, 2010 @ 12:04:55


        Please note…the fact that there has been a change on the banks web site (the return of one on line function) does not constitute or reflect the financial situation with in the bank or the current standing of the bank with Central Bank of Iraq.

        Also Warka bank has yet to comment or clarify on the statement that the Central Bank of Iraq has stopped all dealings with Warka Bank.

        It is also worth keeping in mind that the Warka Bank stock is still de listed and non tradable on the ISX and there is a chance it will never trade again.

        Just a word to the wise.

      • Mohd Helmy
        Sep 23, 2010 @ 12:19:28

        Your all dead wrong Warka is 100% FINE and this is all rumors… STOP BASHING THEM… There was NO TRADING HOLD PHOENIX… where do you get your info? Do you just make it up?… Here from the Source … As a matter of fact they are expanding and looking for a partner..

        Our bank is opened to make things short and simple yesterday our Managing Director Mr. Al-Samarai held a press conference in the presence of the Ministry of Finance and CBI where all the heavy Media and Press attended putting an end to all the rumors that are circulating either from incorrect reports of the Media and or ill competitors where he confirmed the support of the CBI as well displaying and discussing our strong assets, finances, investments confirming that we are the largest private bank in the country.

        Also today several leading Iraqi news stations such as the Rasheed announced that the rumors being circulated about Warka Bank is a cheap shot by ill competitors to attract business to their enterprises.

        On a different note in regards to our capital increase there is potential foreign enterprise that is interested in partnering with Warka Bank details of this matter will be posted on our website once negotiations have been completed and the agreement has been made official which will bring great incentive not only to the bank but increase the value of Warka stock bringing good profit to shareholders.

        Best regards,


        Read more:

  372. cacamerba
    Sep 23, 2010 @ 00:58:49

    Salam, baguslah tu en hilmy, kalu menulis tu jgnlah bernada sombong pula…tak baik…. berdosa….Allah benci. Kan lebih baik kalu nada lembut, manis, org pun suka…kwn pun ramai, dapat pahala pulak lg. lngat, segala yang kita dapat atau perolehi bukan atas dasar kehebatan atau usaha kuat atau banyak ilmu, tapi hakikatnya Allah yg kurniakan dgn keizinannya. Semoga terbuka minda dan dpt sedikit ilmu pagi ni, utk pembaca di blog en nazha ni. Tq, puasa 6 hari dlm bulan Syawal dah beres ke? kalau dah beres, Alhamdulillah, kalu belum beres, masih ada masa. “Berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran dan berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran”.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 23, 2010 @ 01:15:35

      Salam.. Cacamerba

      Saya bukan Sombong….saya memberi maklumat kepada orang ” Bodoh Sombong ” iaitu orang yg tak Faham tentang investment tetapi berlagak macam pandai… so faham2lah maksud saya ekk… 🙂


      • kayo_den
        Sep 23, 2010 @ 10:13:39

        Ma’af yek, nak tanyo ~~~oghang yang claim faham tontang investment tu, botu2 ko dio pandai? …..nak tergolak den…

  373. cacamerba
    Sep 23, 2010 @ 01:54:36

    TQ en helmy, kalu ya pun ada org ‘bodoh sombong’ jgn layan dia ikut cara ‘bodoh sombong’ dia tu, nnt jd mcm dia juga. Cuba bagi kefahaman sebaik mungkin, kalu masih tak faham, suruh je dia cari guru investment, hbis crita. Tak payah layan lg pas tu. Ma’afkan dia…dan mohon ma’aflah dari dia…ok? no sweat brother…good. Salam pada sdra dan semua.


  374. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 23, 2010 @ 13:13:34

    Bukti Pengeluaran RM:50 Pada 21 September 2010 telah ditolak dari account bank di Iraq



    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 23, 2010 @ 13:14:43

      Sorry ini active link


  375. jase
    Sep 24, 2010 @ 11:11:11

    kat forum ni byk kali sya terbaca ayat “peace of mind”.. Sya risau pula klu tak jadi kenyataan dan ayat tu da terucapkan lagi, tp diganti “rest in peace”….Gurau sikit…


  376. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 25, 2010 @ 08:08:36


    Interest Paid Annually on Savings Accounts:

    IQD savings accounts: 7% per year.

    USD savings accounts: 4% per year.

    Warka Investment Bank Cash Deposit (Certificate of Deposit)

    IQD CASH DEPOSIT ( CD ) Rates:

    3 month 8.5% yearly percent rate IQD CD.

    6 month 9.5% yearly percent rate IQD CD.

    12 month 10.5% yearly percent rate IQD CD.

    USD CASH DEPOSIT ( CD ) Rates:

    6 month 4% yearly percent rate USD CD.

    12 month 5% yearly percent rate USD CD

    Sesiapa Yg Mempunyai account Bank Warka dan Berminat untuk Membuat ” Pelaburan dalam Pelaburan ” sila email kepada saya

    **pls no email for ur biz.tq

    Disini saya berikan beberapa contoh Pelaburan didalam Cash Deposit (CD)

    Cash Deposit Untuk 3 Bulan

    Katakan invest IQD 1,000,000 x 8.5% Setahun ÷ 4 kali invest dalam setahun, Keuntungan dalam masa 3 bulan pertama = IQD 21,250.00 × 4 kali invest (mewakili

    Setahun) = IQD 85,000.00 + Capital = IQD 1,000,000 = IQD 1,085,000 seandainya IQD diapungkan USD:0.30 = RM:0.90 bermakna pendapatan investment anda sebanyak

    IQD 85,000 tadi akan bertukar dalam ringgit Malaysia sebanyak RM:76,500 Setahun.

    Cash Deposit Untuk 6 Bulan

    Katakan invest IQD 1,000,000 x 9.5% Setahun ÷ 2 kali invest dalam setahun, Keuntungan dalam masa 6 bulan pertama = IQD 47,500.00 × 2 kali invest (mewakili

    Setahun) = IQD 95,000.00 + Capital = IQD 1,000,000 = IQD 1,095,000 seandainya IQD diapungkan USD:0.30 = RM:0.90 bermakna pendapatan investment anda sebanyak

    IQD 95,000 tadi akan bertukar dalam ringgit Malaysia sebanyak RM:85,500 Setahun.

    Cash Deposit Untuk 12 Bulan

    Katakan invest IQD 1,000,000 x 10.5% Setahun, Keuntungan dalam masa Setahun = IQD 105,000.00 . IQD 105,000.00 + Capital = IQD 1,105,000 = IQD 1,105,000

    seandainya IQD diapungkan USD:0.30 = RM:0.90 bermakna pendapatan investment anda sebanyak IQD 105,000 tadi akan bertukar dalam ringgit Malaysia sebanyak

    RM:94,500 Setahun.

    P/s: seandainya anda mempunyai IQD 2,000,000 didalam account bank,memadailah invest 50% daripadanya, Kerana sekiranya anda membuat investment Didalam “CASH

    DEPOSIT” anda tidak boleh mengeluarkan duit tersebut sehingga tempo matang investment kenapa saya suruh invest 50% sahaja??? . ini disebabkan

    sekiranya berlaku ” RV ” dalam masa terdekat… anda masih lagi berpeluang merasai 50% lagi dari simpanan anda untuk dibawa keluar.

    P/s: setiap Permohonan untuk membuat ” CASH DEPOSIT ” dikenakan upah sebanyak RM:500 untuk saya membuat dokumentasi kepada pihak Bank diiraq.

    Upah yg dikenakan seperti berikut :-

    CASH DEPOSIT untuk Setiap 3 bulan dikenakan sebanyak RM:125.00
    CASH DEPOSIT untuk Setiap 6 bulan dikenakan sebanyak RM:250.00
    CASH DEPOSIT untuk 12 Bulan dikenakan sebanyak RM:500.00

    So anda boleh pilih package mana yg anda kehendaki.



  377. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 25, 2010 @ 08:51:33

    Don’t under Estimate the Partnership between Citi Bank and Warka Bank

    Don’t under Estimate the Partnership between Citi Bank and Warka. Citi Bank has given Warka access to the world.
    Most people do not know that Citi Bank is not your Average Bank.

    The Wall St. Journal reports that Citigroup’s Global Transaction Services unit (GTS), sends more than $3 trillion around the world each day for hundreds of corporations and dozens of governments and agencies, including the Federal Reserve.

    In 2005, Citigroup won the job of processing passport applications for the State Department. That contract helped open doors around the world. Today, Citigroup cites more than 80 national governments and about 60 central banks rely on GTS to manage their cash, make payments, transfer funds across borders and convert currencies.

    And inside the United States, GTS handles about 90% of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s transaction in 190 countries and 90 currencies, accounting for approximately $23 billion of payments in 2009.

    Keterangan lanjut disini:


  378. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 26, 2010 @ 07:36:36

    Redenomination an unlikely priority for the CBI

    25 September 2010

    Earlier this month it was reported that the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) might redenominate the Iraqi dinar after the new government is formed, exchanging one new dinar for 1,000 old. (For more on this story, see While such a redenomination would obviously help to simplify transactions and record keeping, it is not clear that these benefits would be sufficient to justify the costs, both to the government and the economy as a whole, of switching to a new currency.

    It’s not even true that all transactions would be simplified. Consider the ISX, for example, where stocks have a ID 1 par value and most of the share prices tend to be in the ID 1 – 30 range. While the redenomination is usually presented as a matter of “knocking off three zeros,” in the case of a name like BCOI, which last traded at ID 1.38, you’d actually be “tacking on” three zeros as the price in the new currency would be 0.00138. Would the companies then have to consolidate their shares, replacing every 1,000 old shares with 1 new one?

    In any event, it’s not really clear why the CBI would choose to redenominate the dinar at this time. Historically, redenomination has typically been done either as part of “heterodox” inflation-fighting programs or, more rarely, as a way of expropriating wealth. (Heterodox programs are designed to lower the public’s inflation expectations, mainly through administrative measures such as wage/price controls.) For example, episodes of hyperinflation led to the introduction of the Argentine peso, which replaced the austral at a rate of 1:10,000 in December, 1991 and the Brazilian real, which replaced the cruzeiro real at a rate of 1:2,750 in July, 1994. More recently, North Korea replaced existing won notes with new ones at a rate of 1:100 last November, capping exchanges at W 100,000 per family (about US$ 40 at black-market rates), with the evident intent of wiping out free-market traders.

    With Iraqi inflation now in the low single digits and, as far as we know, the government not out to expropriate anyone’s cash holdings, it’s hard to see why redenomination would be a priority. And indeed the disadvantages of having three extra zeros to deal with aren’t all that clear either. Think of the South Korean won, which at 1,150 to one US dollar is worth about ID 1.03. Does anyone really think there would be big benefits to the Korean economy from “knocking off” three zeros from the currency?

    Sumber dipetik dari :


  379. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 26, 2010 @ 08:18:08

    Harta Kekayaan Pemilik Warka Bank

    Click to access HMBS.pdf


    • Tekok
      Sep 26, 2010 @ 21:04:30


      Well just a thought……they are not going to let you know that something is wrong even if they are coming out tommorow and announcing they are bankrupt….they will try to satisfy customers till the very end….everything we are seeing and reading about warka and their problems and them funding terrorists is directly contradicting what they are telling you people as customers… think any of those banks here that went belly up told all their customers that they might wanna pull out ALL of their money because they are about to hit rock bottom? Of course not….because they didnt have the funds to pay everyone out and from the articles, neither does Warka…..they dont wanna start a mass confusion and rush for EVERYONE that has an account to pull out all their money and close accounts because they will NOT be able to give all of you the money you have deposited with them….just because you got an email from them telling you everything is ok does not mean you are in the clear….like Phoenix said, there is a great chance that the US could sieze all accounts with warka and all of you will be S.O.L…….im just trying to help because this does not look good for any of you with an account with warka….I would suggest you bail ASAP and get what money you can…..none of you have any protection should something like that happen to warka……just thought id give my honest opinion to you all that hold accounts…..dont want any of you getting burned cause that would really suck after investing your hard earned money just to have it taken away like candy from a baby…….PLEASE…all of you that have accounts seriously think about this…..!


  380. khairul
    Sep 28, 2010 @ 03:35:06

    salam, en. helmy saya berminat untuk membuka akaun di warka bank, contact saya


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 28, 2010 @ 04:26:15



  381. algoreng
    Sep 30, 2010 @ 12:30:42



  382. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 30, 2010 @ 16:45:23

    No financial surplus we have to delete the zeros of the draft Strategy

    September 29 2010

    draft Strategy Central bank adviser said the appearance of good Saturday project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency is designed to reform the management system of currency.
    He said good in a statement to Radio Tigris, “The currency system the current cost Iraq long years of release cash cheap”, following “The purpose of the strategic project, raise three zeroes from the currency is the legalization of cash trading with the great maintenance of trade transactions and purchasing power of the citizen.
    The appearance of good, saying:

    Counsel at the Central Bank In a statement to Radio Tigris denied the existence of a surplus in the reserve of the Iraqi Central, according to a report the U.S. Bank Accounting.
    The good “The money is in reserves and funds disbursed and obligations,” denying that “the surplus according to Helms in the report of the U.S. bank accounting, which he described Balkhati in terms of logical and scientific.”

    He went to Radio Tigris good by saying:

    The Government Accountability Office of the U.S. Congress had said earlier there is a surplus exceeding $ 52 billion to Iraq.
    The Minister of Finance Baqir al-Zubaidi, the numbers given by the Office are divided into $ 40 billion currently exist in Central Bank reserves, which is beyond the disposal of the government, there are 10 billion dollars at the disposal of the government, an amount usually act at the beginning of each fiscal year to avoid problems on the new budget.


  383. Mohd Helmy
    Sep 30, 2010 @ 16:50:29

    Dinar Redenomination

    TheCBI has announced that it intends to implement
    a long-planned redenomination of the Iraqi
    dinar by eliminating three zeros from the nominal
    value of ” BANK NOTE “.This process ismeant to ease
    commercial transactions by reducing errors and
    confusion that hyper-inflated currencies often
    cause. Now that Iraq’s inflation rate has achieved
    a level of stability, themove could serve to bolster
    confidence in the country’s currency.The redenomination
    process is set to begin in late 2010 and
    take two years to complete.

    P/s: Innalilah hi wa ina lilah hira jiunn…. pada Cash Note….


  384. Kembara_IQD
    Oct 01, 2010 @ 02:01:53


    Pd pemegang fizikal IQD/Cash Note,kalau benar2 bank iraq akn tarik balik Note2 besar cthnye Note 25k,10k,5k akhir tahun ni..sedare seme leh emailkan pd sy di sedare malas nk email pd sy boleh contact adk sy di KL akn send nom contact adk sy pd sedare yg brminat utk buat pertukaran@membeli@menjual IQD saje yer..sedare cume bg dinar sedare tu pd adk sy & sy akn bg surat akuan penerimaan & pertukaran pd sedare & sy akn membuat pertukaran utk sdare w/pun sdare bukan membeli dinar dr sy..kalau mengikut artikel yg En helmy post di forum ini katenye bank iraq akn menarik balik Note2 besar IQD dr pasaran bermula akhir tahun ini & memakan mase 2 tahun utk melaksanekannye..Alhmdulillah bank iraq bg mase yg terlalu lame utk sy menukarkan Note2 besar kpd Note2 baru nnti..bile Note baru tu keluar sy pun x tau..kite tunggu keputusan dr bank iraq bile akn dikeluarkn Note baru itu..ari tu En helmy ade send pd sy gambar cth Note IQD 5..katenye itu Note baru menggantikan Note IQD 5000 yg terdapat di pasaran skrng..bile sy cek Note IQD 5 itu rupenye Note IQD 5 digunakan pd zaman saddam hussin..utk pengetahun sedare seme,setiap Note IQD ade tertulis tahun cetakan dier..tulisan dier dlm bahse arab n bertulisan kecik..skrng di iraq pun Note IQD 25,IQD10,IQD5 & IQD 1 masih digunakan oleh sebahagian kecil rakyat iraq tp seme tu Note lame n zaman saddam..tgk di blog sy kalu nk yakin lagi k pasal Note2 ni..kalu kat tempat sy tinggal di timur tengah ni Note2 IQD 25,IQD10,IQD5 & IQD1 tu leh beli di tepi2 jalan ngn penjual mate wang lame..berlambak2 &,pd pemegang fizikal IQD x yah risau la yer…2 tahun tu tempoh yg panjang..
    p/ menantikan sama ada Note2 IQD 25000,10000 & 5000 ditarik balik balik dr pasaran@nilainye akn diapungkan..same2 nantikan


  385. koko
    Oct 01, 2010 @ 03:14:16

    Salam kembara lQD,
    Bagaimana dengan hasrat saudara nak buka MC kat M’sia, boleh bgtau perkembangan atau adik sdra yang uruskan? TQ


  386. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 01, 2010 @ 04:13:34

    salam …. Saya Just Bagi tahu jer…at least saya perihatin pada pemegang Cash Note…tak tahulah saya kalau kot2 ada yg tak percaya…..dengan saya… apa2 pun lebih baik sediakan payung sebelum hujan… kalau benar anda masih nak simpan Cash note… saya cadangkan anda belilah kat saudara ” KEMBARA IQD ” note dinar yg kecil spt :- IQD 50 , IQD 250 & IQD 500…. Tapi jangan lupa Note Kecil Harganya Mahal… hanya ” KEMBARA IQD ” & saya sahaja yg boleh membantu anda. dimana En. Kembara boleh supply pada anda Note Kecil , manakala saya boleh membantu anda membuka account bank Di iraq. sebab dari sumber2 yg saya dapat RV tidak akan berlaku selagi NOTE IQD baru belum keluar…


    • Mohd Helmy
      Oct 01, 2010 @ 04:31:49


      saya nak tambah ckit cadangan… apa kata anda sentkan NOte Besar2 tu kepada saudara kembara untuk ditukarkan kepada Note kecil. tetapi risiko tetap ada….. di mana sekiranya duit yg anda post kepada saudara kembara melalui FedEx hilang dalam perjalanan…anda terpaksa tanggung… sebab kalau hilang anda tidak boleh claim… duit tersebut. sebab barang2 berharga spt duit , barang kemas… dan sebagainya tiada insurance. Sekian.


  387. koko
    Oct 01, 2010 @ 07:14:57

    Cik Ali, boleh bagi alamat ‘Ali’ saya perlukan kontek info dia. Nanti boleh hubungi dia kalau nak tukar duit RV nanti, kalu dia kat Singapura pun tak pa lah, singapura pun singapura lah, nak wat cmna, kat m’sia mungkin MC tak mau terima dinar nanti


  388. Kembara_IQD
    Oct 01, 2010 @ 10:34:45


    insyaALLAH bulan 11 nanti akan ade Money changer yg Menjual & Membeli Dinar iraq di Malaysia…paling lambat bulan 12 akhir tahun


    • kassim
      Oct 01, 2010 @ 10:39:33

      alhamdullillah….nanti beritaulah alamatnya ye….


  389. algoreng
    Oct 03, 2010 @ 11:48:09

    world bankand IMF scurried give loan to Iraq…Ada udang balik balik batu…pinjam USD bayar balik IQD..Lalu dah RV nanti kayalah World Bank dan IMF


  390. algoreng
    Oct 03, 2010 @ 11:51:02



  391. algoreng
    Oct 03, 2010 @ 11:52:09



  392. kassim
    Oct 03, 2010 @ 12:53:55

    wah…algoreng aktif betul hari ni…..go go rv go…..


  393. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 06:18:46

    The central bank is ready to delete the zeros from the dinar after the formation of the government directly

    October 3, 2010

    Economic expert called for increased funds in central bank dollar and the reduction of import commodity because of its link the issue of the deletion of zeros.
    Mahouelle’s (Citizen): The process of deletion must be matched by the power of currency
    Said Dr Issam Mahouelle’s (Citizen) said yesterday that the process of deleting the zeros must be offset by increasing the power of the local currency to be considered at the highest levels of accuracy in choosing the appropriate time to inject a new currency.
    Stressing that the issue is not the issue, but delete the zeros is the issue of currency of a country which can raise the value through the revitalization of internal and external trade balances and increase the dollar and the reduction of import. The Central Bank of Iraq has affirmed its readiness to delete the zeros from the currency after the formation of the government directly, pointing at the same time that those zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency during the past formed a cluster of large cash amounted to 27 trillion Iraqi dinars.
    The adviser said the Iraqi Central Bank Governor appearance of Mohammed Salih in an interview with “Alsumaria News”, “The zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency, during the last period, formed a cluster of large cash amounting to more than four trillion paper money, financial value amounted to 27 trillion Iraqi dinars, after that was 25 billion dinars in 1980, “noting that” Iraq is unable to manage this block because it is a small country where the large number of funds that traded on the Iraqi market has led to confusion in transactions for large commercial banks and in the work. ”
    The Iraq and gradually the issuance of new banknotes after 1991 when it began currencies are scarce in the Iraqi market for several reasons, most notably the high demand for them to meet the buying and selling as well as the smuggling of currency abroad, and to the north of Iraq, which split its time for the central administration, which made the Iraqi government allows Central Bank of printing new banknotes to meet the local need, and continued the process of lifting of the zeroes of the dinar to beyond 2003 through the issuance of a class of cash amounting to 25 thousand dinars.
    Saleh added that “the Bank has fully prepared to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, once forming the Iraqi government,” noting that “the deletion of zeros is a national issue and may need to special legislation, despite the fact that the Central Bank of Iraq is a reform of the currency management from the core work and to delete the zeros is one of the strategic functions of the Central Bank of Iraq. “
    Saleh pointed out that “the Bank was able, during the last term, to reduce the level of inflation to the level of one decimal place, after more than twenty years,” noting that “Iraq has managed for the first time to reduce inflation to 3%, which reflects the success of the policy of the country’s monetary” . For his part, said economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “Iraq is not formatted for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar,” noting that “the deletion of zeros needed to stabilize the security and political, as well as economic stability.”
    Antoine said that “the central bank by seeking to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar is designed to give moral force, not physical strength of the dinar,” noting that “the deletion of zeros needed to create and cultural awareness for the Iraqi people and the Iraqi market.”
    The CBI, with headquarters in Baghdad, has four branches in Basra and Sulaymaniyah, Irbil and Mosul, and founded the bank independent Iraqi under the law of the Central Bank of Iraq issued on the sixth of March 2004, and is responsible for the maintenance of price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including policies, prices exchange and management of foreign reserves and the issuance of currency management, as well as to regulate the banking sector.


  394. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 06, 2010 @ 07:30:11

    ‘Iraq is the new Dubai’

    Wednesday 6 Oct, 2010

    Financial firms who have successfully invested in Dubai should turn their attention to opportunities in Iraq, according to a businessman who has tasted success in both markets.
    Shwan Ibrahim Taha, who worked as fund manager in Dubai before becoming chairman of an investment firm in Iraq, said that while security issues remain, investors prepared to pursue business in Iraq will find a business environment comparable to Dubai in the late 1990s.
    “The mood shift I have seen in Iraq in the last six months indicates that some serious money is probably being prepared to go into Iraq,” Taha told experts at a recent conference devoted to investment opportunities in Iraq.
    “The difficulties in putting money into Dubai’s market back in the late 1990s and early 2000s are not too different to Iraq [now],” he told delegates at the event in Bahrain.
    The political uncertainty which remains in Iraq after March elections failed to produce a new government, and the remaining threat of deadly attacks against foreign firms, has not been enough to deter hedge funds from preparing to enter the country, according to Taha, chairman of the Baghdad-based Rabee Securities.
    “There was nothing to dissuade these hedge funds and frontier funds from actually investing in Iraq,” he said. “And the reason is they have seen it all.”
    Their interest has only grown stronger as Iraq’s economic isolation saved it from the worst of the global financial crisis.
    “The rewards have been unmentioned. We started getting a lot of attention when suddenly everyone noticed the whole global stock market had collapsed and there is one country that has not collapsed – it’s Iraq.
    So everybody started asking ‘why, what happened?’
    “[Admittedly] that’s a sword with two edges. It means that Iraq is on another planet and is orbiting in its own way and it’s not integrated.”
    But that will not always be the case, Taha believes, and Iraq has the potential to emulate the sudden economic development of neighbours like Dubai.
    “We will actually see thriving capital markets in Iraq in the next five to ten years,” he added.


  395. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 06, 2010 @ 07:33:02

    Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies

    The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies

    Below are the central controls related to the exchange rate of the foreign currency to convert the project inputs and outputs from foreign currency to its equivalent in the local currency, and that is by calculating the net discounted present value standard and the internal return on investments in economic analysis that governs investment projects that costs excess one million dinars.

    Estimate the shadow price of foreign currency:

    1. It is necessary to put central controls to amend the official exchange rate * to reflect the shadow price of the foreign currency, and that is considered one of the necessary requirements to implement the net discounted present value standard and the internal return rate on investment in the economic calculation stated in the instructions, paragraph nine.

    The central controls for adjusting market prices distinguished a group of outputs and inputs traded internationally, where the projects production or usage of them is reflected on the abundance of foreign currency in the economy and thus project outputs or inputs used of such are considered purely foreign currency outputs or inputs.

    * What is meant by exchange rate: the number of units of foreign currency, expressed in dollar per one dinar.
    In particular the following outputs and inputs of foreign currency were distinguished:

    · Export-outputs.
    · Outputs marketed locally that substitute imports.
    · Imported inputs.
    · Inputs produced locally that usually go to exports.
    · Foreign labor.

    According to the pricing rules the value of the output and input (traded) is calculated using export prices (FOB) and import prices (CIF), according to what is listed in the pricing rules.

    In other words the pricing rules calculate what the project produces from foreign currency (quantity of exports multiplied by the export price (FOB) in foreign currency or the quantity of substitute imports multiplied by the import price (CIF) in foreign currency, as well as what the project uses from foreign currency and imported inputs multiplied by the import price (CIF) in foreign currency …. etc.).
    In a later step, project outputs and inputs must be converted from the foreign currency to its equivalent in local currency (dinars) by using a specific exchange rate for the foreign currency.

    2. Justifications for exchange-rate adjustment: there are a number of important and powerful arguments which support the view that the official exchange rate reduces the real value of foreign currency for purposes of calculating the economic national profitability for investment projects and hence for the purposes of investment planning. It is demonstrated in this context to call for assessing the dinar for less than (3.208) dollar (official exchange rate) when assessing project outputs and inputs of traded goods of exports, substitute imports and imports… etc.

    The justifications to call for the use of an exchange rate that is lower than the official exchange rate are:

    · The use of an exchange rate that is lower than the official rate is the appropriate action at the investment planning level to translate the country’s economic strategy aiming at stimulating central investments in the sectors that encourage the development of non-oil exports, as well as sectors that encourage the expansion of domestic production base in order to reduce imports and compensate it with local commodities. This helps to reduce reliance on foreign exchange earnings from crude oil exports and increases the share of non-oil sectors in the local production.

    · The application of the amended exchange rate on project imported inputs will assist in directing investments away from aggregated sectors dependent on imported inputs and the preference of those sectors that rely on locally produced inputs.

    · The use of the amended exchange rate helps to correct the balance in favor of the traded goods sectors compared to non-traded goods.

    · The real exchange rate has declined rapidly since the early seventies, through rapid rise of the level of prices and local costs which led by the steadiness of the official exchange rate to change in prices and actual local rate costs that gave an advantage for imported goods at the expense of locally produced goods, meaning that it led to deterioration of the competitiveness of alternative replacement goods and export commodities.

    · This action shows that the official exchange rate overestimates the value of the dinar, compared to the foreign currency and from the promoting goods substituting imports and export commodities point of view of.

    And in support to this view is the state’s utilization and in a broad approach to the customs and quantitative protection policies especially for consumer goods, as well as export subsidies that exports have through an amended export exchange rate.

    3. Estimate the amended exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar to be used in technical and economical feasibility studies and for (1.134) dollar per dinar. This price should be approved for 3 years until re-appreciation by the competent authorities.


  396. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 08, 2010 @ 02:36:52

    Currency forger band arrested in Iraq

    Baghdad, Oct. 7 (AKnews)

    A source in the Iraqi police said on Thursday that the forces of the Interior Ministry arrested this afternoon a gang specialized in rigging the local currency, pointing out to the confiscation of the money and the forgery devices.

    A force from the Interior Ministry raided a house in the Batawein neighborhood at the center of Baghdad depending on intelligence information, according to the informed source who preferred to remain anonymous.

    “The security forces raided the house and found three people forging the local currency…. The house includes a number of computers and copiers and other equipment used for the process.”

    “The security forces arrested the detainees and took them to the police station and confiscated the used equipments .”

    The Iraqi law punishes by 10 years imprisonment as the minimum for the perpetrators of such acts and the punishment could reach to death penalty.

    The gangs specialized in rigging the local currency were activated after 2003 because of weak security controls and ease of disbursement of funds in the market.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Oct 08, 2010 @ 07:17:00


      Jalur pemalsu mata wang ditangkap di Iraq

      Baghdad, Okt. 7 (AKnews)

      Satu sumber dalam polis Iraq kata pada hari Khamis yang kuasa-kuasa Kementerian Pendalaman menahan ini petang satu kumpulan mengkhusus memasang mata wang tempatan, menunjukkan untuk penyitaan wang dan alat-alat pemalsuan.

      Satu kuasa dari Kementerian Pendalaman diserbu sebuah rumah di kawasan kejiranan Batawein pada di tengah-tengah Baghdad bergantung pada maklumat risikan, menurut sumber bermaklum yang mengutamakan untuk baki tanpa nama.

      “Pasukan keselamatan diserbu rumah dan mendapati tiga orang tempa tempatan currency…. Rumah termasuk sejumlah komputer-komputer dan mesin-mesin penyalin dan peralatan lain digunakan untuk proses.”

      “Pasukan keselamatan menahan orang-orang tahanan dan membawa mereka ke balai polis dan mengambil peralatan-peralatan terpakai .”

      Undang-undang Iraq menjatuhkan oleh 10 tahun penjara sebagai minimum untuk pesalah akta-akta sebegitu dan hukuman boleh mencapai untuk hukuman mati.

      Kumpulan mengkhusus memasang mata wang tempatan diaktifkan selepas 2003 disebabkan oleh kawalan-kawalan keselamatan lemah dan kemudahan pembayaran dana.


  397. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 08, 2010 @ 04:32:07

    Adakah Note IQD25K telah berada didalam pasaran….?????

    Sila lihat pada kotak yg berwarna merah….

    Adakah… Rakyat Iraq Sedang Menukar Note IQD25,000 , IQD10,000 , IQD5,000 & IQD1,000 kepada nilai Dinar yg kecil…?????

    Apa2 pun kita minta kepastian pada “KEMBARA IQD” kerana beliau sedang melanjutkan pelajaran di Syria.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Oct 08, 2010 @ 07:49:13

      Ok…. ini yg dapat saya cari berkenaan Note IQD25 yg telah digunakan oleh kerajaan Iraq Pada masa dahulu… tapi… angka 25 dibahagian tepi tak ada juga nampak pada duit yg terdahulu????? so jom kita lihat sama2.


  398. Kembara_IQD
    Oct 08, 2010 @ 13:12:35


    to En helmy..leh besarkan image IQD dlm photobucket tu (( nampak jelas skit..
    sy x berape nampak image tu..kalu dah nampak jelas sy akn perjelaskan tentang note IQD itu..send image IQD tu dlm email sy di (


  399. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 09, 2010 @ 01:32:39

    Hanan al: The Prime Minister does not require a vote in parliament


    A member of a coalition of state law Hanan al that the vote in parliament will be to the President and the Speaker of Parliament and not the Prime Minister.

    Fatlawi said in a statement to Radio Tigris that the prime minister called by the President of the Republic does not need to vote, and then given a month-running constitutional deadline to form a government.
    She Fatlawi to say:

    Audio link:…es/alflawi.MP3


  400. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 09, 2010 @ 01:36:01

    US companies can change Basra to Hong Kong: officials

    Basra, Oct. 8 (AKnews) – The Vice President of the Basra provincial council said on Friday that the visit of the U.S Deputy Defense Minister to Iraq came to discuss the issue of attracting the foreign companies to work in Basra.

    “An expanded meeting between the U.S Deputy Defense Minister Secretary Matthew Winson and a number of members of the provincial council was held to discuss projects that could be implemented by foreign companies to improve the situation in Basra province in record time,” said Ahmed al-Sulaiti.

    “The geographical position of Basra province qualify it to be similar to economically developed countries such as Dubai, especially after it attracted a number of foreign companies, and in particular the Turkish ones, and promised of changing Basra completely.”

    Sulaiti quoted Winson as saying that “The American companies could transfer Basra to a city similar to Hong Kong because it has a lot of special aspects that are not found in other Iraqi provinces, but on the condition that all possible efforts should be done to achieve that…. The priorities of these projects are construction of roads and f buildings and the improvement and maintenance of the infrastructure of the province.


  401. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 09, 2010 @ 01:37:43

    IMF gives Iraq the second installment of the loan of more than $ 3 billion

    2010-10-08 22:20:37

    BAGHDAD (Iba) .. Finance Minister Baqir al-Zubaidi, who is currently in Washington that the Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund agreed on the outcome of the discussions that took place in the first review of the Convention support the third SPA3 that took place in June 2010 between the experts of the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Iraq and the IMF experts in Amman.

    A statement from the Ministry of Finance said that under this approval have been launched by the Fund’s second installment of the loan granted to Iraq and the deep (4.3 billion dollars) has reached the second installment up to (475) million of special drawing rights of the SDR, which is equivalent up to (741) million U.S. dollars.

    He added: that the Fund has already released the first batch and the beginning of this year, amounting to up to (453) million U.S. dollars. (End)


  402. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 09, 2010 @ 01:42:22

    INA / MP Mohammed Chihod: Maliki won Maiwhlh votes to form government

    Conscious / Baghdad / m k

    2010/10/8 3:06 pm

    MP for the coalition of state law, Sheikh Mohammed Saadoun Chihod “The Islamic Supreme Council of important and active part in the coalition and the National Alliance and the alliance now is subject to the constitutional and legal standards as the largest parliamentary bloc, the number and the right to form a government.”
    He said Chihod in an interview with a reporter (news agency, media / INA) that “the candidate the National Alliance had the support of most members of the coalition for the purpose of his candidacy for prime minister and not necessarily that the candidate has obtained the coalition support of all its members, noting that the issue of participation of the Islamic Supreme Council or whether or not this issue has no relationship to form a government at all Maliki got Maiwhlh of enough votes to be president for the next government. ”
    He pointed out that “the next step will be to move the lists of political blocs and the other for the purpose of getting us to form a quorum of the government and therefore we are now accelerating in the election of the President and the Speaker of Parliament and it needs to obtain two-thirds.”
    He Chihod, saying: In the event of a national coalition to support and participation of coalition forces Kurdistan had no value for a boycott of this party Aomak if it wanted to mandate mass boycott Flabos to be among opposition in parliament in order to evaluate and monitor the performance of the government during the coming period, so we now complete the quorum for the formation of Government and we have great hope of the coalition of Kurdish blocs, which announced its agreement to participate with us in forming a government. “


  403. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 09, 2010 @ 02:05:09

    National Alliance calls for Iraqi Kurdistan and the agreement on the posts of my presidency and the parliament of the Republic


    Palm – called the National Alliance, Iraqi List led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, and a coalition of Kurdish blocs, the agreement between the two posts of my presidency to the House of Representatives and the Republic in order to accelerate the formation of the government.

    A member of the coalition Haider The Swedish National Alliance, told the Iraqi National List coalition and Kurdish blocs need to agree between themselves to share the posts of the Presidency and the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, noting that the National Alliance is expected the agreement will reach the lists.

    Despite invitations to Iraq to participate in the new government, but they are still insisting that they would not participate in a government headed by Maliki, a past formed an alliance of several political blocs to form a government of national partnership according to the list members, stressing that the National Alliance believes that Iraq’s large list and need to be participate actively in the next government, noting that the Islamic Supreme Council is also one of the basic components and its position with the position of Iraq, so there are efforts to form a government of national partnership.

    Indicates a member of the National Alliance, the Parties to the Interior and the regional and the international community supports the formation of a government of national partnership, stressing that the Kurdistan Alliance is currently the touchstone.

    The coalition boycotted the session, al-Hakim al-Maliki named a candidate for the National Coalition for the prime minister’s opposition to the Maliki as a character does not have the admissibility of political forces, most notably the Iraqi List headed by Allawi.

    In the view of Iraq as the largest bloc that must be charged with forming a government based on achieving the highest votes in the elections held on 7 March last, in the view of state law that the Federal Court’s interpretation of article Constitutional given right to block the biggest after the coalition to form a government so that the Supreme Council Islamic declaration of withdrawal from the National Alliance


  404. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 09, 2010 @ 02:06:41

    Iraq’s Maliki expects to announce coalition by next week


    – The Christian Science Monitor

    October 8, 2010 2:50pm EDT

    BAGHDAD — Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Friday his Shiite coalition is close to forming a government and could announce a new coalition by next week, ending the country’s long-running political crisis.
    “This is not going to be easily determined, but the progress of these talks indicates we have come to near the end of these negotiations,” Maliki told The Christian Science Monitor.
    Speaking in his first interview since he received the key backing of hard-line cleric Muqtada al-Sadr last week, Maliki said he expects the results of negotiations with the Kurdish coalition and talks with the secular Iraqiya block to become clear in the next two to three days.
    Although the most likely scenario appeared to involve an alliance with Ayad Allawi, whose Iraqiya coalition includes many Sunnis, it was still unclear whether Allawi would accept Maliki’s terms. The proposed alliance with Allawi also appeared to sideline the Kurds.
    Iraqis went to the polls in March in the first national election since they regained full sovereignty, but forming a government that does not exclude major groups and risk re-igniting sectarian violence has proved agonizingly difficult. When none of the candidates won enough seats to form a majority in parliament, Maliki demanded and obtained a recount. Seven months after the election, negotiations have just recently swung into high gear.
    Maliki, who is still more than 20 seats short of the 163-seat majority he needs in parliament, looks almost certain to be the next prime minister, unless his main Shiite rival Adel Abdul Mehdi can muster enough votes.
    Recent reports have suggested that Allawi could be president rather than the prime minister’s post he maintains he is entitled to, but Maliki on Friday ruled that out.
    “The presidency is essentially spoken for,” said Maliki, referring to the Kurdish claim to the position currently held by Jalal Talabani, head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, saying they would have to relinquish the position. “Take it from me in full confidence – the Kurds will not forgo the position of president, and the president will be Jalal Talabani.”
    Instead, he said they were offering Allawi the position of head of a powerful new body named the National Council for Strategic Studies, a decision-making body, as well as the position of speaker of parliament and a share of key ministries for members of Iraqiya.
    Maliki said all the parties had rejected a proposal made to them by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden under which Talabani would become a special ambassadorial envoy, Allawi would be named president and Maliki would remain prime minister. American officials have publicly said the United States has not promoted any plan but privately have made clear that they will back any government that includes Sunnis, Kurds and Shiites.
    The war that toppled Saddam Hussein also paved the way for Iraq’s Shiite majority to take power for the first time – sending shock waves throughout the region and within the country’s traditional Sunni political elite. The U.S. decision to disband the Iraqi army and outlaw the Baath party is blamed for fueling the insurgency. Maintaining a balance of power between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds is seen as the key to Iraq holding together.

    Maliki has had a roller-coaster ride during political negotiations over the last several months. Although popular in the street, he is widely distrusted by most of his former political allies, who have accused him of not consulting them on national security and other crucial issues. The Shiite coalition he oversees has splintered and come back together several times. In its latest incarnation, the rival Islamic Supreme Council in Iraq has split from the coalition, while the Sadrists, who withdrew their support for Maliki, returned to the fold.
    Maliki denied reports that he had promised the Sadrists top security posts in exchange for their support but said they would be given a number of other ministries proportionate to their strength in the alliance.
    “They want to participate in the political process and distance themselves from the violence, militias and weapons and other tactics that they used before and we want to encourage them in this matter,” he said.
    Muqtada Sadr’s paramilitary Mahdi Army, made up mostly of poor and disenfranchised Shiites, fought U.S. troops in the streets in 2004. Two years ago, after the militia seized control of Basra, Maliki sent the Iraqi army to retake the city.
    The United States has publicly warned against giving the Sadrists a strong role in government despite their having won the biggest single bloc of seats in parliament in the March election.
    Asked about the likelihood of negotiating a new security agreement with U.S. forces after they withdraw from Iraq at the end of next year, Maliki said it would be up to the new government and parliament to decide whether that was needed.
    “Because we have bought American weapons, it would be customary for the country that supplies them to also supply expertise,” he gave as an example of a possible remaining U.S. military presence here.
    (McClatchy Newspapers and The Christian Science Monitor operate a joint bureau in Baghdad)


  405. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 09, 2010 @ 02:10:02

    Iraq’s budget for 2011 of about 86.4 billion dollars


    Palm – revealed the Iraqi Finance Ministry that the draft initial budget for Iraq in the coming year an estimated one hundred and two trillion dinars, or about 86 and a half billion dollars.

    The news agency “Reuters” Fadel, the Prophet and Undersecretary of the Iraqi Finance Ministry on Thursday September 23 that the draft budget put on the basis of the $ 70 price for a barrel of oil worldwide, and noted that the Minister of Finance will be submitted next week’s draft budget to the Council of Ministers.
    It is said that oil revenues account for about 95% of the income of the Iraqi budget.


  406. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 09, 2010 @ 02:14:12

    Washington 7/10/2010 7/10/2010 الزبيدي … Zubaidi … يؤكد من واشنطن موافقة صندوق النقد الدولي على نتائج مناقشات المراجعة الاولى لأتفاقية المساندة الثالثة SPA3 Confirms the approval of Washington, International Monetary Fund discussions on the results of the first review of the Convention support the third SPA3

    صرح معالي وزير المالية المهندس باقر الزبيدي من واشنطن ان مجلس ادارة صندوق النقد الدولي قد وافق HE the Minister of Finance Baqir al-Zubaidi, of Washington, said the Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund has approved

    بجلسته المنعقدة بتاريخ 1/10/2010 على نتائج المناقشات التي تمت في المراجعة الاولى لأتفاقية المساندة الثالثة SPA3 التي تمت في حزيران عام 2010 بين خبراء وزارة المالية والبنك المركزي العراقي وخبراء الصندوق في عمان . Its meeting held on 10.1.2010 on the outcome of the discussions that took place in the first review of the Convention support the third SPA3 that took place in June 2010 between the experts of the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Iraq and the IMF experts in Amman.

    هذا ويذكر انه بموجب هذه الموافقة فقــد اطـلق الـصندوق الدفعـة الثانـية من الـقرض الـذي منح للــعراق والبـالغ ( 4، 3 مليار دولار ) فقد بلغــت الدفـعة الثــانية بحـدود (475) مليون مـن حقـوق السـحب الخـاصة الـ SDR والتي تعادل بحدود (741) مليون دولار امريكي علما” بأن الصندوق سبق وان اطلق الدفعة الاولى بداية هذا العام والبالغة بحدود (453) مليون دولار امريكي . This states that under this approval have been launched by the Fund’s second installment of the loan granted to Iraq and the deep (4.3 billion dollars) has reached the second installment up to (475) million of special drawing rights of the SDR, which is equivalent up to (741) million U.S. dollars note ” that the Fund has already released the first batch and the beginning of this year, amounting to up to (453) million U.S. dollars.


  407. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 09, 2010 @ 02:20:41


  408. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 09, 2010 @ 02:34:08

    Allawi: negotiations stalled to form Iraqi govt.

    Friday, October 8th 2010 8:56 PM

    Baghdad, Oct. 8 (AKnews) – The head of al-Iraqiya list led by Ayad Allawi said on Thursday that the talks and negotiations with State of Law Coalition (SLC) are stalled because the latter refused to discuss the national reconciliation and powers issues.

    Allawi said at a news conference in Baghdad after meeting a delegation from the Accordance Front: “The negotiations are stalled with SLC while they are continuing with the other blocs’ dialogues, and the sensitive topics will be discussed soon in order to form a national partnership government that guarantees equal distributions for the power.”

    About the tensed situation in the Mosul province, Allawi said that “Al-Iraqiya can resolve such problems with the Kurds using dialogues since it has a considerable presence in these areas.”

    “There are serious dialogues with the Kurds and there is a positive development in the situation in Nineveh province… Things are going well and the presence of al-Iraqiya in these areas will help in maintaining security and stability.”

    While Ayad al-Sammurai, the leader in the Iraqi Accordance Front, and former House Speaker said during the conference that “We object stalling the parliament because this is unconstitutional.”

    “The Accordance Front called on all political parties to hold a parliamentary meeting as soon as possible because following the constitution will help in resolving a lot of issues and help the political forces to form the government and take the appropriate choices, though some parties are trying to resolve the issues before heading to the parliament and we do not agree with them about this.”

    Al-Iraqiya, led by former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi came first in the March elections by securing 91 seats. The SLC led by the outgoing PM Nouri al-Maliki ended up second with 89 seats, the INA came third with 70 seats and the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition (KBC) won 57 seats.

    The INA and the SLC, both Shia-dominated lists, merged in May to form the National Coalition (NC) in a bid to gain the parliamentary majority necessary to form the next government.

    The NC named on Oct. 1 Nouri al-Maliki as its candidate for the prime minister’s post.

    Reported by Yazn al-Shemmari

    RN/GS AKnews


  409. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 10, 2010 @ 02:18:59

    Central Bank past by deleting the zeros of the Iraqi operation

    October 10 2010

    Ministry of Finance said that the central bank past in his quest to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency.

    He said Finance Minister Bayan Jabr said in an interview with Iraq and the world in Washington that the decision in the interest of Iraq and beneficial to its economy.

    “Now that the deletion of zeros in the currency will contribute to the protection of citizens and financial institutions from theft operations, and facilitate the deal in the

    The Minister of Finance that the move would not affect the prices of goods, food or staff salaries.


  410. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 10, 2010 @ 04:46:17

    Salam…. hari ini 10/10/10 tak jadi RV… so sesiapa yg masih berminat untuk membuka account Bank Diiraq boleh berbuat submit dockument anda ke email saya di

    **no email pls for ur promotion

    package terbaru saya seperti berikut :-

    i)RM:5,500 = Sebuah Account Bank (Online Banking) Di dalam Account tersebut telah tersedia Duit Dinar sebanyak IQD 500,000

    ii)RM:7,000 = Sebuah Account Bank (Online Banking)Di dalam Account tersebut telah tersedia Duit Dinar sebanyak IQD 1,000,000

    P/s: sekiranya berminat untuk apply Debit MasterCard sila Tambah lagi RM:500.


    • khairul
      Oct 11, 2010 @ 00:34:34

      Salam…agak2 saya 20102010 (20.10.2010) kot? hehehe


      • Mohd Helmy
        Oct 11, 2010 @ 02:58:19

        Tak…juga, tapi saya rasakan kemungkinan pada 31/12/2010 ini disebabkan pada masa tersebut CBI akan Melancarkan Note Baru Bagi Menggantikan Note Yg Sedia Ada & dalam Masa yg Sama Note Kecil Juga Akan Dikeluarkan – Wallahhualam. 🙂 🙂

  411. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 11, 2010 @ 02:50:27


    Berita baik buat Pemegang2 account Warka Bank

    Pada 10/10/10 Warka Bank Investment And Finance Di anugrahkan Pingat


    Untuk Makluman Lanjut Sila Click Link Dibawah.

    🙂 🙂 🙂


  412. Farida
    Oct 11, 2010 @ 09:12:33

    Askm…nak tumpang tanya, camane kita nak tau duit Dinar tu ori @ palsu ke tak???? ada apa2 petunjuk keeee???? takut terbeli yg tak ori ajeee…harap dapat membantu.OK


  413. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 12, 2010 @ 00:04:33

    October 10 2010

    Baghdad (news) .. / report / minimum Sudanese / .. Araciyon economists encouraged the idea of deleting three zeros from the currency, while others refused on the grounds that the economic impact on the market.
    In the words of (the Agency’s news) .. and stressed the need to be taught the Central Bank of subject well .. Before making any decision whether or not delete Asvarmn.

    He noted economist Asad bugsbunny to the central bank raising the issue of deleting three zeros from the “CURRENCY PAPER” more than once, but has faced opposition to a lack of understanding and study of the topic accurately, where some of them pointed to delete the zeros will affect the economic situation in the country, and delayed Cjawamodua.

    He added that the deletion of zeros bugsbunny will help to widespread use in the currency as it works to increase the practice in the market and the huge amounts of money it is possible to transfer money from one place to another easily.
    The bugsbunny, for example, that “the adoption of thousands of dinars is a paper one million, while it is in large quantities.
    He continued: “The deletion will help economic recovery, stressing that the deletion of zeros is working on the use of coins as the 1000 JD could become the currency of ferrous small as coins is desirable because it is heavy when transporting from one place to another despite the fact that the use of coins helps to increase the price of Aldenarabraghi.

    For his part, encouraged by economic researcher Star Maritime idea to delete the zeros from the currency, said that many of the Iraqi experts and their experience of the big diagnosed topic direct diagnosis, especially after the decline in the economy which led to up to reduce the low of the nominal value, said Marine to the presence of two types of value the first nominal and real, so the second value is the cornerstone of the nominal value of this criterion Alhakiqipo human eye the most important standards that build upon the Iraqi economy

    And increased marine say: The coins have an effect on the hearts of the Iraqi citizen, because the psychological citizen and merchant differ by more than 30 years on what it is now, the fact that the citizen is not able to carry in hand or pocket currencies iron equivalent to the value of “PAPER CURRENCY”, said of the error to say that this talk about different kinds of coins that have real meaning of value because it is part of the Iraqi dinar, so the citizen does not favor the use of the value of iron in his pocket.

    While feared an economic expert Dr. Peace Sumaisem to delete the three zeroes from the currency, he affects the market significantly, and repeated fears of its impact on the calculation of the value of the securities and shares in transactions on credit and stressed the pair CBI of its resolution, such as Delete.
    This is currently trading in the Iraqi street talk about the intention of the central bank to delete the zeros while there were conflicting statements about this subject, at the time of The Bank at the time to delete it denies.

    P/s: Sesiapa Yg Menyimpan “CASH NOTE” Nilai Yg Besar2 Cepat2lah Cari Jalan Untuk Menukarkan Pada Note Yg Kecil @ Pun Jual Pada Kembara IQD Dan Buka Account…. Lagi Selamat.


  414. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 12, 2010 @ 01:14:48

    Arrest gang counterfeiting north of Basra

    October 11 2010

    Gave a force from the Iraqi Army’s Task Force 14
    Today arrested a gang of Tezir currency during the
    Security operation seen north of Basra.
    A security source said the reporter (Media News Agency
    / INA) that “the strength of the Iraqi army a
    The band 14 in Basra, was able during the security operation
    In the zone of Qurna, north of the city from shed
    Arrested a gang of Iraqi currency fraud
    “. Explaining that the” force to the Brigade 52 of the
    Band 14 in Basra on Friday arrested
    Ring consists of two people are rigging the currency
    And promotion in the local market. ”
    He said, “it was during the operation which was based on
    On intelligence adjust the amount of 90 000
    U.S. $ forged with the defendants. ”

    P/s: Ini Adalah Sebab2 @ Alasan2 UTAMA CBI nak Melancarkan Penukaran Matawang Baru Bagi Menggantikan Matawang Yg Sedia Ada Pada Penghujung Tahun 2010. So Kebanyakan Cerita Yg Anda Dengar Pada Penjual2 Cash Note Bahawa Tak Mungkin Iraq Akan Menukarkan Matawang Yg Baru Adalah Merupakan Alasan Untuk Melariskan Jualan Mereka. Saya Dah Beri Amaran Pada Pemegang Cash Note Agar Menghentikan Pembelian Cash Note & Beralih Pada Pembukaan Account Bank Adalah Lebih Selamat Dimana Anda Tak Perlu Risau Sekiranya Iraq Menukar Matawang Mereka Sekerapmana Pun Yg Pasti Dinar Yg Berada Didalam Account Bank Anda Pun Turut Bertukar. Dan Tahniah Pada Anda Yg Mempunyai Account Bank Di Iraq , Kerana Anda Sudah Terlepas Dari Masalah Penukaran Matawang Ini.


  415. Berita_Baik
    Oct 12, 2010 @ 04:01:50


    Di dalam blog ini **no link pls ade diberitahu sudah ade Money Changer di KL memasang Notis”DINAR IRAQ BOLEH TUKAR DI SINI”..cube sahabat2 contact empunya tuan blog itu utk


    • Mohd Helmy
      Oct 12, 2010 @ 07:50:48

      Cuba Anda Tanya Dngan Ali Maiden… Money Changer Mana yg akan Beli dinar Iraq Di area KL tu!!!! atau sekadar Gimik Sahaja Untuk dia Menghabiskan Note Dinar Dalam Simpanan Dia… 🙂


  416. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 12, 2010 @ 11:49:47

    Soldier Jailed – ‘Smuggled’ Iraqi Dinars

    October 12 2010

    U.S. Army officer who approved supplies contracts in Iraq was sentenced Friday to 21 months in prison for lying about contents of a package he sent to the United States containing more than $100,000, according to a report from Associated Press.
    Maj. Charles E. Sublett pleaded guilty in July to sending almost $108,000 in sequentially numbered $100 bills and more than 17 million Iraqi dinar, then worth about $11,600, from Iraq to his wife in Killeen, Texas. Customs officials in Memphis intercepted the FedEx package in January 2005.
    In return for his guilty plea, the government agreed to dismiss a bulk cash smuggling charge. He was never charged with stealing the money.
    The sentence was within the sentencing guidelines of 18 months to two years, so he cannot appeal under his plea agreement.
    Sublett apologized to federal Judge Samuel H. Mays.
    “I lied about the FedEx package,” said Sublett, 47. “I accept responsibility for what I have done.”
    When he pleaded guilty, Sublett acknowledged he failed to file a Currency or Money Instruments Transaction Report disclosing the money was in the package, which U.S. customs law requires when sending more than $10,000 into or out of the country.
    Instead, he listed the contents on the Federal Express package invoice as books, papers, a jewelry box and clothes valued at $140.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Oct 12, 2010 @ 12:01:06

      Mengapa Perlu Di Seludup Duit Dinar ini… Sedangkan Dia Boleh Buka Account Bank DiIraq Disana… Kan Dah Kena Jail 2 tahun . Sia2aje…Makan Nasi Free… 🙂 🙂 🙂


  417. Kembara_IQD
    Oct 14, 2010 @ 02:03:37


    Ape2 kemungkinan yg akn berlaku ke atas dinar iraq akn diketahui selepas PM iraq di lantik..buat mase skrng ni Note baru dinar iraq masih belum dikeluarkan..sekiranya Note2 besar IQD ditarik balik dr pasaran,pemegang2 fizikal IQD boleh emailkan pd sy ( utk dibuat penukaran kpd Note baru x tau bila ianya akn terjdi..kepade pemegang2 fizikal IQD yg nk jual dinar iraq mereka boleh emailkan pd sdia membelinya..

    P/s~kadang2 terfikir gak nk buke acc di bank iraq coz senang nk dpt untung ats angin 🙂


    • Mohd Helmy
      Oct 14, 2010 @ 13:20:42

      Salam …. Kembara,

      Bukan Sekadar Senang Dapat Untung…. Tetapi Yg Lebih Penting Ialah … ” MIND FREE ” Apabila Dinar Di Diapungkan Tak Payah Susah2 Nak Pikir Macam Mana Nak Bawa Masuk Duit Tu & Juga ” Mind Free ” Bila Matawang Iraq Bertukar Berjuta Kali Pun Tak Mengapa Sebab Automatik Duit Dalam Account Pun Ikut Sama Bertukar 🙂

      P/s: Kalau Teringin Nak Buka Account Lehlah Bagi Tahu Saya!!!! 🙂


      • hafiz
        Oct 20, 2010 @ 11:04:55

        assalamulaikum… camne saye boleh contact encik helmy? dan adajah saye perlu ke Iraq untuk buka akaun tersebut? ape2 saye berminat dengan tawaran en.helmy…. en.helmy boleh mberi maklumat tersebut ke emel saye…

      • Mohd Helmy
        Oct 20, 2010 @ 23:46:39

        Salam… Saya dah sent email pada Saudara… sila check email anda.


      • Lat
        Nov 26, 2010 @ 13:18:08

        hebahkan caranya

    • qaiezer2
      Jan 03, 2012 @ 06:47:01

      sy qaiezer2 3/1/2011-nk mimtk contct no utk tnye tntg dinar iraq ini sbb sy x pandai guna internet.kalo ade no phone senang sy nk tel… …tk…hrp dpt perhatian en


  418. algoreng
    Oct 15, 2010 @ 22:49:51

    another farce and scam…


  419. shintaro
    Oct 17, 2010 @ 12:59:54

    Pasal ‘Deleting Zeroes’ ni. kepada pemegang Cash Note, tak perlu risau.
    Walau apa pun keputusan Central Bk Iraq, saya pasti akan ada jangka masa tertentu untuk menukar IQD tersebut. So Relax.


  420. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 20, 2010 @ 01:44:34

    Baghdad morning
    Iraqi central bank said on Tuesday that the decision to remove the zeros from the currency needs to consult the next government, the process returned a strategic national project to reform the management system of currency.

    He said bank consultant appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that (deleting three zeros from the currency
    will negatively affect the Iraqi citizens, but will facilitate the exchange system transactions and bank deposit and withdrawal, particularly that Iraq does not deal Ertat but cash), adding that the (currency exchange comes to reform the management of the currency in Iraq), stressing that the (change currency needs to be consultation between the Central Bank of Iraq and the next government and parliament and needs logistical support).

    The news agency Voices of Iraq for the benefit of saying that the (mass of cash must be commensurate with the next stage and on this basis will be the reform of the currency by removing three zeros), explaining that the (mass current cash is the product of the stage of inflation prevailed in Iraq over the past twenty years and it is not the product of real economic development, but the result of loans and financing for inflation, the public budget

    P/s: Aduh!!!!!! sakitnya pemegang Cash Note Dinar….. Nasib Baik Pada Penyimpan Duit kedalam account.


  421. kelabu asap
    Oct 21, 2010 @ 15:24:17

    sape nak bukak akaun bank warka baik buat sendiri tak payah nak upah2 orang. Hari ni hantar dokumen besok dah dapat no akaun. Tak payah nak scan dokumen. Saya ambil gambar guna kamera digital, tukarkan kepada PDF lepas tu email. Senang je.


    • kassim
      Oct 23, 2010 @ 08:19:41

      betul tu KASAP …senang aje nak bukak akaun warka tu…tak payah buang2 duit RMx, xxx.00 > lainlah kalau memang saje2 nak derma…haha..jangan marah ya….sahabat!!


      • ayiem
        Oct 23, 2010 @ 10:58:31

        Post Economist: change currency would not change purchase value

        Radio Sawa 10/22/2010

        Economic expert said that deleting zeros smeisim peace of currency purchase value will raise, and called for the redrafting of the monetary system in the country.

        Smeisim explained that efforts to raise the zeros and change current currency may contribute to create the illusion of cash, but will not change currency purchasing truth.

        Smeisim warned of the risks of leakage of foreign currency abroad after the political freedom of Exchange, noting that the Central Bank auctions for dollar contributed greatly to the exit of large amounts of foreign currency from the country.

        And commended smeisim Central Bank policies in maintaining foreign cash cover and Golden Iraqi currency.

        The ECB intends to put an order lifting the zeros of Iraqi currency once formed the new Government, amid reports talking about the possible to include the new currency in the Kurdish language.…x%3Fid%3D14122

  422. Lat
    Oct 21, 2010 @ 20:39:49

    Cam mana nak buka akaun tu , sdra kena jelaskan


  423. shintaro
    Oct 22, 2010 @ 13:20:46

    TV program tu tak jadi disiarkan. Masih menunggu . Agak2nya ahkir bulan ni kot.


  424. Kembara_IQD
    Oct 27, 2010 @ 02:44:25


    Alhmdulillah dah ade Money Changer di Malaysia skrg y menjual Dinar


    • Mohd Helmy
      Oct 27, 2010 @ 13:08:51

      MC Menjual dinar…watt aper… dia orang nak menunggu MC beli dinar…dia orang..he..he..he..


  425. Kembara_IQD
    Oct 28, 2010 @ 03:21:27


    Ok la tu En Helmy MC kat Mlaysia dah mula Jual Dinar..lepas ni dier org beli dinar lak..itu petanda y bagus utk pemegang fizikal IQD..pemegang fizikal dinar kat Mlaysia x yah risau pasal bank iraq nk tarik balik Note2 besar dr pasaran kerana sy bukan hanya Menjual fizikal Dinar sahaja tp siap membelinya n menukarkan kembali kpd note dinar baru kalau ade pun tertunggu2 gak bile bank iraq nk keluarkan Note baru tersebut..sape2 nk jual dinar iraq leh emailkan pd sy di (( sudi membelinya w/pun sedare bukan custmez sy..kite tunggu & lihat ape akn terjadi pd dinar iraq selepas terlantiknye PM


    • Mohd Helmy
      Oct 28, 2010 @ 07:10:39

      Salam.. en Kembara… saya ada ramai Coustomer Saya yg nak jual dinarnya & saya tak berani nak Recomend pada anda… cukup seorang coustomer saya dari johor yg saya kenalkan jual pada anda sebanyak IQD 10,000,000 sehingga kini… duit coustomer saya tertunggak se banyak RM:900 + 9 keping note IQD25,000 yg masih lagi dalam gegaman anda. saya minta tolong pada anda supaya mempercepatkan baki duit coustomer saya.sebelum anda berurusan dengan Orang lain.

      P/s: Saya minta anda berlaku jujur bila anda berniat ingin membantu perlabur2lain.



      • Mohd Helmy
        Oct 28, 2010 @ 07:42:29

        Sorry Bukan RM:900 + 9 keping Note IQD 25,000 Tapi RM:900 = 12 keping IQD note 25,000.

  426. Kembara_IQD
    Oct 28, 2010 @ 09:27:23


    oo rupenye Hj tu custmez en akn perjelaskan dsini coz knape sy x buat pembayaran lagi utk 12keping Note 25k tu..ade x Hj y jual dinar iraq ke sy tu bg tau ape masalah Bal 12 keping Note 25k tu sy x byar lagi duit dier..
    Alhmdulillah w/pun Hj tu bukan cstmez sy tp sy tetap membeli dinar iraq drpd beliau dgn harge y dah bg tau awal2 pd dier sy beli RM3100 coz nk jual balik pd custmez sy di US & sy kenakan Caj RM50 bg stiap Mill..tu murah sgt2 sy kenakan Caj coz nk tolong dier..ikutkan x berbaloi dgn kos penghantaran,penukaran & tt balik duit dr bank ke bank..maknenye sy akn buat Total pembayaran RM3050/per Mill x 10mill=RM30500..Alhmdulillah sy dah buat pembayaran RM29,585 & BAL 12 keping tu coz Note 25k Hj tu ade getah melekat di Note itu..mungkin Hj tu x buang cepat2 Getah pengikat dinar time mule2 dier beli dinar tu dlu..dgn saper dier beli sy x tanye..Cstmez sy di US x nk beli Note itu n poskan pd sy sy cube juga Jual Note y 12 keping itu supaya laku semate2 nk tlg Hj tu..dier bg tau adk sy sbb dier jual dinar 10mill tu coz nk bayar kos perubatan ayah dier y sakit kat hospital..betul ke x terpulang pd Hj tu..yg pnting sy dah beli Note itu w/pun dgn harge y mahal n jualkannye pd cstmez di bg tau adk sy di Malysia call Hj tu bg tau kalau BAL 12 keping Note 25k tu x laku sy akn pulangkan balik pd dier minggu depan.. HJ tu kate Ok…sblum beli ari tu,sy dah suh adk sy bg tau Hj tu kalau nk duit cepat sy beli dgn harge RM2700/Per mill n jualkan di Money Changer di Timur Tengah..dlm mase 1 minggu lebih sy akn buat saper nk kalu bezenye RM350..Alhmdulillah sy dah buat pembayaran pd Hj tu dlm maser 3 minggu dr tempoh penerimaan dinar coz sy jual pd custmez di US & beli dgn Hj tu RM3050/Per Mill..insyaALLAH lepas2 ni sy akn utamakan custmez sy dlu n baru la sy buat pertukaran dinar utk custmez


    • Mohd Helmy
      Oct 28, 2010 @ 10:21:14

      buat pengetahuan saudara… saya sendiri yg membawa coustomer tersebut berjumpa dengan adik anda di masjid diarea sentul… tetapi nilai yg saudara katakan RM2,700 tidak disebut oleh adik saudara hanya dia sebut setiap IQD1 juta dikena cas sebanyak RM:50 itu saya tak kisah… tapi adik saudara berkata RM:30,500 akan Saudara masukan ke dalam account bank coustomer saya dalam masa 11 hari seperti yg saudara janjikan…dan coustomer saya memberi 3 hari lagi tempo masa bertenang…yg menjadikan jumlah masa yg diambil untuk memasukkan duit tersebut ke dalam account dia berjumlah 14 Hari.dan dalam perjanjian antara anda & coustomer saya tiada pula menyebutkan anda nak jual duit tersebut Di US , anda hanya menyebut kepadanya anda akan tolong jualkan duit tersebut di Money Changer Di Tempat saudara (SYRIA)… itu yg mengusarkan Coustomer saya & secara tak langsung ini juga mengusarkan saya …kerana saya yg introduce kan dia supaya jual dinar tersebut pada anda…yg amat merisaukan saya masa yg dijanjikan mula2dulu dengan coustomer saya selama 11 hari sahaja… tetapi… tempoh tersebut telah berlarutan selama lebih 25 hari…. kalau anda di tempat saya…. apa perasaan anda??? Cemaskan….sebab jumlah nya bukan sedikit….RM:30,500. tapi tak mengapa sekiranya anda sudah memutuskan untuk memulangkan semula lebihan 12 keping Note tersebut… baguslah…. sebab bagi saya kepercayaan coustomer itu penting buat kita berdua…



  427. Kembara_IQD
    Oct 28, 2010 @ 11:09:38


    sy rse Hj tau harge sy tawarkan RM3100 itu & Caj RM50..Coz dlm blog sy ade sy postkan pasal pembelian tersebut..adk sy x bg tau coz mungkin dier rse Hj tu dah tau pasal harga y sy pun dah emailkan pd Hj tu sebelum pembelian dibuat..xpe..kalau ade custmez En Helmy nk jualkan dinar lagi leh emailkan pd sy n sy akn beli pd harge RM2700/Per Mill & x termasuk Caj…sy akn tukarkan di Money changer di Timur Tengah..dlm maser kurang dr 2 minggu sy akn buat


    • Mohd Helmy
      Oct 28, 2010 @ 11:38:53

      Salam.. kembara boleh tak saudara kirakan sekali ngan charge saudara??
      So kalau IQD 1 juta… berapa coustomer saya akan dapat… setelah siap tolak Charge anda..


  428. Kembara_IQD
    Oct 28, 2010 @ 12:38:31

    Caj utk penukaran dinar RM250/per Mill & dah termasuk kos penghantaran,penukaran & tt duit balik ke acc custmez..insyaALLAH sy akn buat pembayaran kurang dr 2Minggu coz sy tukar direct dinar tu di Money Changer..
    Custmez x tanggung ape2 risiko cume kne bg fizikal dinar itu pd adk sy di KL..pastu kene buat surat aku janji mcm y Hj buat..pastikan Note dinar itu baru n original..jgn ade conteng2/getah pengikat dinar melekat di x pernah ikat dinar dgn getah coz masalahnye lame2 nnti getah pengikat tu akn melekat di Note tersebut..kalu ade cstmez en Helmy nk jual balik Note mereka emailkan pd sy..kalu nk pergi tukar sndiri di money changer di timur tengah pun Ok cume kosnye mungkin jauh lebih tinggi..nk tukar 1Mill aje tp kos tambang pergi balik melebihi harge nk jual dinar kt


  429. Mohd Helmy
    Nov 03, 2010 @ 20:16:27


    Dari sumber yg saya dapat…penghapusan 3 angka sifar tetap diteruskan oleh pihak CBI pada Penghujung tahun ini.penghapusan 3 angka sifar ini akan akan memberi impact pada pemegang Cash Note di Seluruh Dunia. seperti yg kita tahu banyak artical2 yg saya dah letakkan mengenai penghapusan 3 angka sifar ini tidak melibatkan Duit Simpanan Didalam Account Bank seperti yg diberitahu 2 kali oleh Penal Advisor CBI.Ramai Dikalangan Pemegang2 Cash Note Rata2 menyatakan ianya amat mustahil sekiranya penghapusan 3 angka sifar ini tidak berlaku pada duit simpanan didalam account Bank diiraq.tapi percayalah pada saya,apa yg panel advisor CBI ada kebenarannya. disini saya buktikan bahawa teori Panel Advisor CBI benar….

    Rata2 sekarang ini didalam fourm Luar negara tengah panic sekiranya teori ini benar2 terjadi…maka penantian yg mereka tunggu2 selama ini tidak membuahkan hasil yg lumayan (Bagi Penyimpan Cash Note).
    Kenapa Panel Advisor CBI menyatakan dengan penghapusan 3 angka sifar ini tidak menjejaskan ekonomi negara iraq sekali gus duit simpanan rakyat iraq dan juga duit didalam simpanan bank. Ok ini teori dia yg Terlintas didalam fikiran saya.

    1) Iraq akan mengapungkan dinarnya buat pertama kali iaitu IQD 1 = USD 0.01 . ramai orang akan tertanya2 mengapa hanya USD0.01 sahaja?????? atas sebab apa Negara Iraq yg kaya dengan sumber ekonomi hanya menaikkan nilai dinarnya hanya sebanyak itu????

    Jawapannya amat mudah…. !!! Iraq berbuat demikian adalah untuk memangil balik semua Cash Note mereka diseluruh Dunia balik kepangkuan mereka. dan pada ketika itu CBI akan memberikan Tempo duit tersebut untuk pulang semula keiraq min 30 hari atau paling lama 6 bulan. sepanjang tempoh tersebut nilai IQD tidak akan berubah sehingga habis tempo yg diberikan.selepas dari tempo itu cash note tersebut tidak sah digunakan apa akan terjadi selepas itu????? mahu atau pun tidak mahu anda semua kena menerima kenyataan bahawa penantian anda selama ini tidak berbaloi, kerana anda terpaksa menjualkan semula dinar anda pada harga yg amat2 rendah,suka mahu pun tidak anda terpaksa terima kenyataan ini dimana nilai Cash Note dinar anda yg anda simpan sebanyak IQD 1,000,000 menjadi hanya USD 10,000 sahaja.oklah baik dari tak dapat apa2 langsung….so peluang untuk menjadi jutawaan Cash Note tidak kesampaian.Perlu diingatkan ini adalah teori saya sahaja…..dimana saya nak membuktikan bahawa dengan penghapusan 3 angka sifar ini dengan menggunakan teori saya ini tidak menggangu gugat sesen pun duit didalam bank.dan setelah habis tempoh pemanggilan balik Cash Note Tersebut…. CBI akan merevalue kan semula dinar Iraq sehingga ke nilai asalnya USD 3.20 atau pun lebih dari orang yg beruntung dengan kenaikan dinar sehingga ketahap nilai asalnya atau pun lebih adalah Penyimpan Dinar Melalui Account Bank….. Mengapa????? sebab duit mereka bukan tergolong dari kalangan Cash Note…. tapi duit mereka tergolong didalam electronic currency…..



    • Mohd Helmy
      Nov 03, 2010 @ 20:31:44

      So fikir2kan lah dengan teori saya ini adakah ianya logic bagi pandangan anda….

      P/s: bagi sesiapa yg berhajat untuk membuka account bank di Iraq bolehlah berbuat dari sekarang…sementara masih ada waktu….


  430. Saudagar Dinar Iraq Termurah dan Tersohor di Malaysi
    Nov 05, 2010 @ 03:54:32

    salam.. encik helmy ada web/blog x?

    Lagi satu tolong jangan salah faham mengenai isu delete 3 angka 0 kat belakang tu ye.. bukan ape.. statement anda meresahkan hati pelabur-pelabur di Malaysia jer.. TQ


    • Mohd Helmy
      Nov 05, 2010 @ 07:39:34

      Salam pada saudagar dinar….

      Tajuk perbincangan Kita adalah ” PEMANSUHAN 3 ANGKA SIFAR DARI CASH NOTE IRAQ “.

      seperti yg anda sedia maklum… ini adalah teory yg terlintas didalam fikiran saya sahaja… teori ini bermain difikiran saya ketika saya membaca artical dari panel advisor CBI iaitu Mudhhir Muhammad Salih yang menyatakan penghapusan 3 angka sifar tidak menjejaskan ekonomi Iraq malah meningkatkan ekonomi mereka & juga tidak menjejaskan simpanan rakyat Iraq.

      dari ayat ini puas saya memikirkan bagai mana cara CBI nak melakukanya tampa ada kesan sampingan kepada ekonominya??? ia amat2 mustahil.sekiranya CBI menghapuskan 3 angka sifar dari cash note, ini akan menjadikan nilai IQD25,000 menjadi IQD25 sahaja apa akan terjadi Pada ISX dia???? apa akan terjadi pada pelabur2 dari negara lain yg datang melabur kenegara Iraq dengan amount pelaburan yg besar akhirnya jumlah pelaburan mereka tadi akan menjadi kecil setelah penghapusan 3 angka sifar dijalankan . bagi saya ekonomi negara Iraq bukan bertambah maju bahkan sebaliknya ekonominya akan jatuh merudum.

      oleh sebab itu saya membuat andaian bahawa tiada jalan lain Iraq nak menghapuskan Note Besar mereka @ lebih dikenali sebagai pemansuhan 3 angka sifar ini, hanya dengan cara teori saya tadi.

      melalui teori saya itu, Iraq tidak akan memansuhkan 3 angka sifarnya tapi sebaliknya ia akan terus mengguna pakai 3 angka sifar tersebut dengan cara membuat RV didalam nilai yg kecil.itulah yg saya nampak jalan penyelesaian kepada penghapusan Note besar.

      apabila RV pada nilai yg kecil telah dibuat CBI akan memanggil semula Duit2 bernilai besar mereka yg berada diluar iraq untuk ditukarkan mengikut value harga semasa.dan CBI akan memberi tempoh untuk penukaran balik duit tersebut min 30 hari max 6bulan ataupun setahun.

      so bagi pendapat saya.. sekiranya tempo tersebut berakhir,maka Cash Note nilai besar sudah berjaya dibawa keluar dari circulation. hanya dengan cara inilah sahaja ekonomi Negara Iraq Tidak akan terjejas,malah pelabur2 dari pelbagai negara akan berlumba2 datang ker Iraq untuk membuat pelaburan. Kenapa saya menyatakan sekiranya teori ini diguna pakai pelabur2 dipelbagai negara akan datang melabur???? ini tak lain & tak bukan kerana nilai IQD telah mula meningkat.

      contoh saya bagi… sekiranya anda datang melabur ke Iraq sebelum RV pada rate kecil berlaku, Investment anda sebanyak IQD 1,000,000 bersamaan USD 860 bersamaan RM:2,6XX.00 , dan setelah dinar diapungkan buat pertama kali pada nilai yg kecil..katakanlah @ contohnya USD 0.10 , berapa keuntungan anda pada masa itu????? bukankah keuntungan anda itu sebanyak USD100,000 dan ditolakkan semula dengan pelaburan permulaan anda sebanyak USD860,bukankah anda telah membuat profit sebanyak USD99,140. pelabur manakah yg kurang cerdik yg tidak mahu datang melabur Keiraq????? dah pasti ramai yg akan datang ke oleh sebab itu Muhammad Salih memberitahu bahawa ekonominya akan lebih stabil.

      bagi pemegang2 Cash Note Besar iraq, investment anda hanya setakat RV USD 0.10 sahaja.Kenapa untung pada RV rate USD 0.10 sahaja??? mesti ramai diantara anda akan bertanya pada saya,anda jangan lupa… bahawa anda adalah pemegang CASH NOTE nilai besar yg mempunyai TIME PRIOD untuk ditukarkan sebelum tempoh masanya habis.dan jangan lupa pula topik kita adalah “PEMANSUHAN 3 ANGKA SIFAR DARI CASH NOTE IRAQ”.

      tak sama dengan penyimpan duit melalui account bank…,penyimpan duit dalam bank tidak mempunyai tempo masa penukaran,kerana duit tersebut memang sudah berada didalam bank.dan mereka bolah menikmati RV pada rate yg lebih tinggi.

      P/s: cadangan saya pada pemegang CASH NOTE nilai besar sekiranya anda Ingin menikmati RV pada rate yg tinggi,saya cadangkan anda pergi ke CBI untuk membuat penukaran Nilai besar kepada nilai yg lebih kecil kemudian anda bukalah account bank disana dan anda depositkanlah duit anda tersebut kedalam account anda.buat masa sekarang…sebelum RV berlaku… anda mempunyai option.

      Buat pada Saudagar Dinar,sekiranya anda mempunyai teori yang lain… saya harap anda boleh berkongsi maklumat dengan saya melalui fourm ini….



      • Mohd Helmy
        Nov 10, 2010 @ 01:18:32

        Economic : The mission of the new Iraqi dinar is to raise the price in the currency market

        Dr. Saad Al Hassoun Hayali
        The deterioration that took place in Iraqi dinars since the early eighties of the last century as a result of economic policies random non-scientific, which followed the Iraqi political system before,

        Who pursued the policy of broad consumer spending Bcatrih military and civil cause of the deterioration of the Iraqi dinar to the bottom so that the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar today fils Iraqi equivalent prices in 1988.
        That monetary policy Iraqi conscious exercised by the Central Bank of Iraq’s current political circumstances, economic, social, very difficult, and hanging over the fact of the bombings and the destruction of infrastructure, but the Iraqi Central Bank was able to achieve balance and stability of the Iraqi dinar, to maintain the cover of the Iraqi currency (reserve currency foreign and gold) in spite of government pressure, the use of this balance in public investment, but the Central Bank of Iraq has managed to fend off these pressures, and work according to the contexts of the global central banks
        The issuance of the new Iraqi dinar should not be designed to delete the zeros, but must be placed a price equivalent to the U.S. dollar, the fact that the Middle East regions of the dollar, it must be new dinar equation:

        New Iraqi Dinars IQD is equivalent to 1220 and added to the cost of issuing one new dinar.
        And be here the issuance process meaningful is not the deletion of zeros, but the withdrawal of currency excess of the market and therefore absorb part of the inflated prices, and facilitate the process of trade, and improving financial control of the governmental apparatus, and to facilitate the feasibility studies for investment projects, and raise administrative efficiency. And reduce the phenomenon of administrative corruption.

        Sekiranya berita ini benar2 terjadi, maka teori saya lebih baik dari cara CBI nak buat ini. maksud dari berita ini CBI nak jadikan IQD 1 dinar baru bersamaan IQD 1220 dinar lama. maksudnya bergini sekiranya anda mempunyai IQD 1,000,000 ÷ IQD 1220 = IQD 819.67 dinar baru.
        IQD 819.67 X katakanlah IQD 1 dinar baru bersamaan dengan USD 3.22 = USD 2,639.34 = RM:7,918.02. waduh..waduh..waduh… mana untung… Rugi ada bagi pemegang Cash Note & pemegang account bank pun akan terkena tempisanya…tetapi hanya sementara waktu sahaja…setelah selesai Cash Note Besar Dapat dibawa keluar Dari circulation Iraq akan buat Rv kali kedua,masa itu duit dalam account akan turut meningkat.

  431. ayiem
    Nov 06, 2010 @ 03:15:15

    Check this out.

    We are 100% ready to go.

    SWIFT codes for Iraqi Banks are up…and 100% functional!

    Read more:


  432. Mohd Helmy
    Nov 06, 2010 @ 04:58:51

    SWIFT codes for Iraqi Banks are up…and functional!

    ISO 9362 (also known as SWIFT-BIC, BIC code, SWIFT ID or SWIFT code) is a standard format of Business Identifier Codes approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It is a unique identification code for both financial and non-financial institutions[1]. These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers, and also for the exchange of other messages between banks. The codes can sometimes be found on account statements.


  433. Microsoft
    Nov 06, 2010 @ 07:56:47

    Tawaran Hebat Kawasan KL dan Selangor

    Note Dinar 25k = 1,000,000 = RM 3,400
    Note Dinar 25k = 5,000,000 = RM 16,750

    **no promotion here pls.tq


  434. Mohd Helmy
    Nov 07, 2010 @ 12:23:03

    Iraq Dinar Value Growing Significantly

    07 November 2010

    By Jerrod Wilson

    The Iraqi dinar is the official currency of Iraq. The nation remains mostly isolated from global monetary markets. The country has no genuine sovereign credit, there is little demand for its currency which remains thinly traded. All Iraqi assets, including its money are viewed as being a high financial risk. The Iraqi dinar value, or the Iraqi dinar exchange rate, is effectively decided by the central bank via it’s US dollar auctions.

    The Iraq dinar began circulation once Iraq gained its independence in 1932 after being ruled by the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire and then The UK. Prior to the dinar, the Iraqi money was the Indian rupee, introduced with small creativity through the British after they defeated Turkey in WWI and took over management of Iraq.

    Originally, when it was first positioned into circulation, the Iraqi dinar was pegged towards the British pound. By 1959 Iraqi national wealth had become more and more linked with oil. Oil was priced and traded globally in terms from the US currency, so the Iraqi currency peg was changed to the US dollar and stays so to this day.

    Following the initial US Gulf Struggle and the imposition of UN economic sanctions, financial circumstances within Iraq worsened sharply. By 1993, inflation had exploded to an amazing yearly level of more than one thousand percent, unemployment was at a huge 50 percent and the Iraqi dinar exchange rate dropped considerably. Throughout 1994, it required about 2,500 dinars to buy one US dollar. To support the dinar, numerous measures were introduced in 1996 such as new regulations allowing Iraqi citizens to own overseas currency bank accounts.

    Subsequent to the second Gulf War, new arrangements had been made to be effective on 15 October 2003 to produce a new Iraqi dinar and also to manage the Iraqi dinar exchange rate. Since those new arrangements have been introduced, the Iraqi dinar value has steadily been elevated. The present exchange rate is 1,170 dinars for 1 US dollar.

    Data printed through the US Central Intelligence Agency points out that the quantity of Iraqi dinars required to purchase a US greenback was 1,475 dinars (on average) during 2005, 1,255 throughout 2007 then down to 1,170 in 2009. The exchange rate today remains near 1,170 dinars per US dollar.

    Iraq is wealthy in crude oil, now possessing the second largest amount of confirmed raw oil reserves after Saudi Arabia. Iraq lately quantified its proven crude oil reserves at 143 billion barrels, compared to Saudi Arabia with 265 billion barrels of confirmed reserves. More importantly, these reserves are readily available and therefore the oil has a low cost to produce. About 95% of Iraq export income is produced from crude oil or oil by-product commodities.

    As political security strengthens, and the economic system restores efficiencies, crude oil output will rise and national wealth should spread broadly amongst the Iraqi people, the Iraqi dinar worth may be expected to increase considerably above its present level of 1,170 dinars for each US dollar.

    About the Author:
    Just like most national currencies around the globe today, the Iraqi dinar value is vital to those who do business globally. The opportunities available to anyone who is considering investing means tracking the Iraqi dinar exchange rate consistently.


  435. albob
    Nov 07, 2010 @ 14:58:15

    syabas, iraq gov form…


  436. nun jauh di sana
    Nov 08, 2010 @ 01:07:54

    salam sme..

    ape perkembangan dinar iraq skrng?agak2nye bile nk Rv?


  437. nun jauh di sana
    Nov 08, 2010 @ 01:10:33


    kalau nk buke Acc 1,000,000 IQD berape Caj y en kenakan skrng?


    • Mohd Helmy
      Nov 08, 2010 @ 06:34:19

      ii)RM:7,000 = Sebuah Account Bank (Online Banking)Di dalam Account tersebut telah tersedia Duit Dinar sebanyak IQD 1,000,000

      P/s: sekiranya berminat untuk apply Debit MasterCard sila Tambah lagi RM:500.


      **berapa kali nak ckp no promotion pls


  438. nun jauh di sana
    Nov 08, 2010 @ 01:15:14

    Oh ya..lupe sy bertanye..

    kalau ape2 masalah y berlaku pd Acc nnti apa tindakan y boleh en helmy lakukan?ato en helmy ade jaminan utk custmez?sama ada wang dikembalikan/x…cthnye bank itu muflis/ape2 la y kite x tau..leh perjelaskan yer


    • Mohd Helmy
      Nov 08, 2010 @ 06:48:37

      Perlu Di ingatkan bahawa segala deposit anda kedalam account bank Di iraq dijamin oleh CBI (Central Bank Of Iraq)

      bukan dijamin oleh saya… Perlu dingatkan Sekiranya anda tidak berani mengambil risiko kerugian…anda dinasihatkan melibatkan diri dalam investment Dinar ini.



  439. nun jauh di sana
    Nov 08, 2010 @ 11:34:42


    mahalnye en helmy…en helmy bukannye kuar modal ape2 pun..last2 Caj sampai mcm tu sekali utk buke 1 acc..mcm pelik jer bunyi…pulak tu kalau ape2 terjadi pd acc sy nanti en helmy x bertanggungjawab kan?maksudnye nye xde jaminan ape2 la dr en helmy utk sy buke acc di iraq yer…kene fikir 1000x mcm tu…nanti kan Acc sy kemana n duit sy pun lesap bersame bank2 sane entah kemana n en helmy pun msti lesap gak..he he…nnti sy kepikiran dlu


    • Mohd Helmy
      Nov 08, 2010 @ 14:34:23

      kalau anda rasa nak murah…. Saya galakan anda buka sendiri account Bank…. he..he..he…. kalau anda nak jaminan dari saya tentang deposit IQD 1,000,000 anda dalam account tu… saya charge RM:10K untuk jaminan deposit IQD1,000,000 kalau apa2 berlaku pada account bank anda… tapi Upah saya tak termasuk dalam jaminan…. sebab anda hanya nak jaminan deposit duit dalam account saja kan….


  440. MAHAL BEB!!
    Nov 08, 2010 @ 11:38:16


    mahalnye en helmy…en helmy bukannye kuar modal ape2 pun..last2 Caj sampai mcm tu sekali utk buke 1 acc..mcm pelik jer bunyi…pulak tu kalau ape2 terjadi pd acc sy nanti en helmy x bertanggungjawab kan?maksudnye nye xde jaminan ape2 la dr en helmy utk sy buke acc di iraq yer…kene fikir 1000x mcm tu…nanti kan Acc sy kemana n duit sy pun lesap bersame bank2 sane entah kemana n en helmy pun msti lesap gak..he he…nnti sy kepikiran dlu


    • Mohd Helmy
      Nov 08, 2010 @ 14:38:15

      kalau anda rasa nak murah…. Saya galakan anda buka sendiri account Bank… lebih baik…. itu pun kalau anda boleh buat…tak susah ada member2 dalam ini cakap boleh ajarkan cara buka account…anda boleh minta bantuan dia… 🙂 🙂 🙂


  441. nun jauh di sana
    Nov 09, 2010 @ 01:53:54

    xpe la kalau mcm tu en helmy…
    mcm x logik jer Caj melampau2 he he he..terima kasih yer..w


    • Mohd Helmy
      Nov 10, 2010 @ 01:23:53

      🙂 🙂 🙂 sesama…. jangan lupa En.kelabu asapboleh tunjukkan caranya…isi borang online tak susah…. nak tt & nak buat Dockument untuk dihantar kepada pihak bank,itu yg ramai org tak tahu. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  442. kelabu asap
    Nov 09, 2010 @ 14:36:56

    kepada yang tak berduit nak upah orang bukak akaun kat warka, anda boleh buat sendiri. pergi website warka bank. pilih individual akaun. isi apa yang patut. scan i/c muka depan. taipkan alamat penuh dengan no telefon lepas tu scan. Pilih individual non resident alien. Tggu dia bagi no akaun lepastu masukkan duit. tq.


  443. nun jauh di sana
    Nov 10, 2010 @ 02:10:30


    to en kelabu asap..

    leh en perjelaskan step by step care nk buke Acc di warka?..memandangkan ade kawan2 kite y x mampu nk bayar mahal2 n mereka n buke sndiri Acc tu n menjimatkan..en bg info di sini care2 nk buke Acc n risikonye di tanggung oleh mereka..mcm en helmi dier pun xde jaminan utk custmez..dier cume amik Caj buke Acc kt sane n ape2 masalah nanti pihak cstmez y tanggung..web/blog dier pun xde..duk menumpang di nazhasecret ni jer..kalau ape2 terjdi nnti mungkin dier akn lesap entah ke mane..baik buke Acc sndiri kalu mcm tu..


    • Mohd Helmy
      Nov 10, 2010 @ 11:46:38

      Bagus… selamat mencuba… 🙂 🙂 🙂


  444. Tol Sg Besi
    Nov 11, 2010 @ 04:56:26

    to En Hadi..Try Jual kat Money changer di KL dinar tu..skrng ni ade Money changer y jual dinar iraq tp sy x pasti dier org beli balik ke x…minggu lepas kawn sy jual dinar 2Mill Note 25k tp sy x pasti dier jual ke saper..nnti sy tanye dier balik…


  445. akmal
    Nov 11, 2010 @ 14:10:51

    Sunyi betul kat sini tak seperti dulu…..tempat lain semua tengah meriah sekarang…..go rv


  446. Tol Sg Besi
    Nov 12, 2010 @ 01:22:29

    betul ker warka bank nie…semua dokumen yang dipinta just minta melalui email jer…sedangkan kalau kita buka akaun maybank dekat Malaysia nie perlu ada temujanji, kena minta cop jari lah, tanda tangan lah, isi borang lah, pemohon mesti kena datang ke bank kalau buka akaun, tue maybank yg kononnya gah di Malaysia nie tapi still kena buat temujanji..klu bank2 lain senang jer buka akaun, datang bank isi borang, sign borang, photostat apa yg patut pastue masukkan duit dalam akaun (still kena datang bank juga)..lagi satu, klu nak buka akaun mesti masuk duit baru dapat no akaun tapi kat warka nih, baru isi borang jer dah dapat no akaun itupun melalui email…klu lah proses nie merupakan teknologi zaman skang nie kenapa bank kat Malaysia tak der SATU PUN yang boleh apply kat rumah jer,scan document apa yg patut pastue send by email..pastue dah ada simpanan kat dalam bank…hmmm just nak ajar fikir..mcm lain macam jer…same2 fikirkan!!


    • Mohd Helmy
      Nov 12, 2010 @ 12:40:22

      Kalau anda tak yakin Jangan apply…. saya rasa anda mungkin kurang pendedahan tentang Dunia IT. Buat Pengetahuan anda Saya Membuka account bank Kuwait Finance Di Malaysia Hanya Melalui Online Sahaja…bukan itu sahaja Warga Asing Yg tidak Tinggal DiMalaysia Pun Boleh Membuka account Bank Kuwait Fainance Di Malaysia….so tak Mustahil juga Warka Bank boleh buat bergitu. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  447. suria pagi
    Nov 12, 2010 @ 03:56:47

    Salam. Kenapa tarikh yang forumer post tu tonggang terbalik ye?????

    Susah nak baca latest komen…..


  448. Mohd Helmy
    Nov 26, 2010 @ 17:16:04

    Bersiap sedia dengan Penghapusan 3 angka sifar..pada penghujung tahun ini..sekaligus…dengan penukaran note dinar iraq yg baru….bagi menggantikan Semua note dinar lama…dimana note dinar baru mempunyai tambahan tulisan Kurdis pada Cash Note tersebut.dan dikabarkan tempoh penukaran note lama kepada yg baru mengambil masa yg paling singkat…kurang dari 60 hari.


  449. nazhasecret
    Nov 30, 2010 @ 08:09:43

    tolong jgn merapu sgt ok..ruangan ni utk sharing any info pasal pls gunakan secara berhemah..tq


  450. ayiem
    Nov 30, 2010 @ 13:23:34

    ini aku postkan dari fourm lain untuk tatapan anda semua

    ” I spoke to an online bank doing biz with Warka. He told me that it is illegal to own dinar outside of iraq and that we may not be able to cash in when rv happens. Said that even if we fly to Iraq with the dinar, they would arrest and then confiscate the dinar.

    I am a newbie but have bought about 9 million dinar so I called my senator yesterday and asked the questions. No news yet, but will post asap with info.

    Anyone that has any information on where to cash in, please post “


  451. nun jauh di sana
    Nov 30, 2010 @ 23:33:40

    to ayiem…
    money changer kat timur tengah berlambak2 y beli dinar iraq skrng..korang jual kat money changer jer time RV dinar tu nnti..x yah nk masuk iraq..kat malaysia nnti bersepah2 money changer & agent2 y akn akn beli dinar tp iraq lepas dinar RV dlu la…kalau x cayer saudare boleh lihat nnti…


    • ayiem
      Dec 01, 2010 @ 17:25:34

      salam…..betu ke money changer blh beli balik duit dinar nie….bukan ape….sbb saya rasa confuse skt kerana jumlah duit yg nak di tukar nanti bukannya seribu dua tetapi berpuloh juta……blh ke money changer membuat tukaran setelah di r.v…..mcm mana pula dgn kerajaan malaysia….bimbang nanti keluar pulak akta BAFIA DAN AMBLA……kat tgn skg ade 25 j….pening kepala…..


  452. nun jauh di sana
    Dec 01, 2010 @ 23:14:01

    fuuyyooowww..kaye to en ayiem ade 25J..kate ari tu buke Acc iraq n saving dlm Acc..pesal lak ade 25J Cash Note tu ha ha ha..


    • ayiem
      Dec 02, 2010 @ 06:55:16

      dalam akaun pun saya ade……backup plan….dalam hidup mesti ade backup…..yang penting perancangan…..itupun setelah mendapat nasihat dr seorang sahabat……….


  453. sudu
    Dec 02, 2010 @ 01:45:47

    kau orang bukak akaun sendirilah. tak payah nak mengabis duit upah orang. bukan payah sangat pun. nak TT ke, nak buat authorized letter ke. sendiri buat lagi bagus. jimat duit. Pergi forum sebelah. topix forum. kat situ semua ada.


  454. nun jauh di sana
    Dec 03, 2010 @ 03:30:39

    Bagus tu en by gak tu 25J simpan Cash Note he he..kt dlm Acc warka msti 50J kan…ppeeerrgh..mmg jutawan en ayiem nnti


    • ayiem
      Dec 03, 2010 @ 11:27:57

      tak banyak mane pun… bolehlah……setakat nak buat retired in young and rich tu bolehlah…apa2pun hidup mesti kena ada perancangan yang betul dan mesti berani ambil risiko dan Akhir sekali BACKUP PLAN mesti kena ada bak kata org tua2…….SEDIAKAN PAYUNG SEBELUM HUJAN……kalau semua dah sediakan nak basah juga…….itulah dinamakan TAKDIR……..sekian…..


  455. ayiem
    Dec 04, 2010 @ 10:37:27

    December 4th, 2010

    BAGHDAD (Iba) .. hosted by the Chamber of Deputies in its meeting today the central bank governor Sinan Shabibi and his advisers.

    The MP said Talal al-Zobaie told the independent press Iba) on Saturday to host the Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi and his advisers came to view on fiscal policy decisions and future plans of the Central Bank.

    He Zobaie to be a lot of questions of Representatives focused on the private banks, and how to ensure the rights of citizens in private banks, especially with regard to Bank Warka as one of the private banks the President in Iraq and the problems that occurred in the last period, what are the measures taken to ensure the rights of the state and the citizen.He said also that the agenda of the meeting will include discussion of the issue of unemployment and methods of treatment and discuss the grades allocated to the government as well as discuss the project Allarroaii between the large rump and Shinafiyah.


  456. ayiem
    Dec 04, 2010 @ 12:41:58

    Experts: the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency strategy needs to be a private cash

    Baghdad (news) .. is the question of the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency of the important issues of concern to the citizen and the economists at the same time and this was useful for the Parliament to invite the Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi come to the House of Representatives in its day to discuss this subject,

    The members of parliament discussed with the Governor a number of economic aspects of interest to public affairs, including (to delete the zeros) of the Iraqi currency.

    The subject of the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency and small nominal value while maintaining Bakimiteha cash and purchasing of issues that are discussed in many seminars, as addressed by the statements and press reports, in this context, says adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that this year will see the start of the process of deleting the zeros , stressing that the bank has completed 50% of the preparations that are working on since 2005.

    Saleh pointed out that the strategy based on the principle of gradual substitution of the Iraqi currency with another is lower than three zeros, and pointed out that the positives of this strategy is that it will be less expensive and easier to trade.

    He added that the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency will depend on monetary policy, long-term, indicating that this step requires the issuance of legislation and laws before the foot as part of the strategic management of the currency in Iraq.

    The appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that the need to delete the zeros come from the “mass Iraqi monetary, which has become too large a product of the stage of inflation lasted about 30 years rose from 25 billion to $ 21 trillion, “adding that” the largest category of cash is 25 thousand dinars, equivalent to $ 23,while the largest category during the year 1979 and the period that preceded the Iran-Iraq war 25 dinars, equivalent to $ 75 at the time.

    “Today,” the largest Iraqi faction of 25 thousand dinars Atadl only $ 23 with the smallest currency we have is 250 dinars, “and will allow the delete operation” reduce the size of the cluster of cash currency, ie, that the paper of a thousand dinars, turn to one dinar, This means reducing the 21 trillion dinars to 15 billion with coins, metal, and small groups.

    “Saleh pointed out that the strategy, which purports to Central taken” in line with the Constitution and the economic life of good and facilitate internal transaction, “noting that” part of the margin of the inflation rate of between 1-3 % falls to the large number of cash representing the cost of transactions in the case of the deletion would decrease the cost. “and on the continuing high prices despite the official figures, which refers to the low rate of inflation Saleh explained that” monetary policy is not interested to return prices to square one, but aimed at reducing the rates of increase in prices which were up 32% in 2007, and today dropped those increases to the level of one decimal place around 7% only, “saying the number” a victory for the economic program of Iraq, where there are no important central Iraqi only achieve stability in the general level of prices and stability of the system Financial.

    Adding that the bank would issue treasury transfers of $ 3 trillion dinars during the next few days, to cover the contracts of electricity through the legal cash reserve held by banks for the benefit of

    From his part, sees Dr. Hilal Al-Tahan, that the application of such a strategy will not cause economic turmoil, or damage in the local market at the present time, while the economic analyst is willing to find satisfaction Blibl that the timing of the launch of this strategy is not appropriate now, noting that the country’s economy must be in a position of strength before applying those changes.

    Vimabin academic and an economist at the University of Karbala, said that the process of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency will lead to currency appreciation, pointing out the need for a quiet policy to persuade the citizens and get used to it for a period not exceeding two years.


  457. nun jauh di sana
    Dec 05, 2010 @ 00:52:43

    artikel dr Gabenor bank iraq skrng Sinan as-shabibi..Gune google translate dr arabic ke english…

    Shabibi: Iraqi dinar currency strong and stable in the region
    04/12/2010 – 14:03
    BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi, Saturday, at a meeting hosted by the Parliament that the Iraqi dinar has become a strong and stable currencies in the region.
    The Shabibi during the meeting that “the central bank has built foreign reserves dolly to the value of the Iraqi dinar at about fifty billion dollars, though it was a few billion dollars in previous years,” explaining that “the Iraqi dinar has become the most important currencies strong and stable in the region.”
    “The CBI has sought Bmlake national and experience high for the construction of monetary policy coherent and rational achieved financial stability in the country,” adding that “the central bank is the only party in Iraq, which is unique in the production of a public good directly to maintain the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar.”
    The Shabibi that “the central bank achieved these results: in very harsh conditions suffered by the Bank to two terrorists,” noting “although this did not shake the will of the factors the bank to continue to do, giving and self-denial, which fulfill the desired stability and put Iraq on the road in line with a prosperous life.”


  458. ayiem
    Dec 05, 2010 @ 10:40:25

    Ahli: Padam sifar dari mata wang akan meningkatkan nilai dan batas inflasi dari blok kas

    Baghdad (Agen) – memadam sifar dari mata wang Iraq satu isu penting yang menjadi perhatian para ahli ekonomi pada masa ini dan ini membuat panggilan Gabenor Bank Sentral Sinan al-Shabibi untuk datang ke DPR pada terakhir untuk membincangkan hal ini, telah membincangkan ahli Parlimen dengan set konservatif aspek ekonomi kepentingan urusan awam, selain (penghapusan nombor sifar) dari mata wang Iraq masuk dan keluar, dengan nilai nominal wang tunai dan terus membeli Bakimiteha.
    Penasihat CBI penampilan Mohammed Salih berkata: tahun berjalan akan menyaksikan pelancaran proses menghilangkan sifar, menekankan bahawa bank telah menyelesaikan 50% dari persiapan yang bekerja pada sejak tahun 2005.
    Dan ditambah ke Badan Berita: Bollywood ini didasarkan pada prinsip substitusi berperingkat mata wang Iraq dengan yang lain, kurang tiga sifar, dan menunjukkan bahawa sisi positif dari strategi ini ialah bahawa hal itu akan lebih murah dan lebih mudah untuk berniaga. Dia melanjutkan bahawa penghapusan sifar dari mata wang Iraq akan bergantung pada dasar kewangan jangka panjang.
    Dan antara berlaku: bahawa langkah ini memerlukan undang-undang dan undang-undang sebelum memulakan atas sebagai sebahagian daripada strategi mata wang pengurusan di Iraq.
    Penampilan dan menegaskan perlunya menghapuskan sifar berasal dari blok kewangan Iraq, yang telah menjadi terlalu besar merupakan produk dari fasa inflasi masa kira-kira 30 tahun naik 25000000000-21000000000000.
    Dia mencatat penampilan: menjadi media terbesar dari kas adalah 25 ribu dinar, setara dengan $ 23, sedangkan kategori terbesar selama tahun 1979 dan tempoh sebelumnya perang, Iran-Iraq 25 setara dengan $ 75 pada waktu itu, tetapi hari ini, puak Iraq terbesar 25 ribu dinar dinar tidak setara dengan hanya $ 23 dengan mata wang terkecil yang kita miliki adalah 250 dinar, dan akan membolehkan penghapusan mengurangkan saiz dari cluster mata wang tunai, iaitu, bahawa kertas seribu dinar giliran satu dinar, dan ini bererti mengurangkan 21 trilion dinar menjadi 15 bilion dolar dengan menggunakan duit syiling, logam, dan kumpulan-kumpulan kecil.
    Dan Saleh berkata: “Strategi yang dimaksudkan untuk Negeri diambil” selaras dengan Perlembagaan dan kehidupan ekonomi yang baik dan memudahkan intra-kumpulan transaksi, “menunjukkan bahawa” sebahagian daripada margin kadar inflasi antara 1-3% merupakan tanggung jawab dari sejumlah besar wang tunai yang mewakili kos transaksi dalam kes penghapusan akan berkurangan bahawa kos. ”
    Dan tentang harga tinggi terus meskipun angka rasmi yang menunjukkan penurunan kadar inflasi Saleh mengatakan bahawa “dasar kewangan tidak berkepentingan untuk kembali harga ke tempat pertama, tetapi tujuannya untuk mengurangkan kadar kenaikan harga, yang sekitar 32% pada tahun 2007, dan hari ini turun mereka meningkat menjadi ditetapkan ke satu tempat perpuluhan sekitar 7% sahaja, “mengatakan angka” kemenangan untuk program ekonomi Iraq, di mana tidak ada kestabilan Iraq penting pusat hanya pada tingkat harga umum dan kestabilan sistem kewangan. ” Ia mencontohkan, bank akan mengeluarkan pemindahan perbendaharaan 3000000000000 $ dinar selama beberapa hari ke depan, untuk menutup kontrak elektrik melalui cadangan kas undang-undang yang dibentuk untuk kepentingan bank.
    Sementara itu, kata pakar ekonomi, Dr Hilal Al-Tahan, bahawa penerapan strategi tersebut tidak akan menyebabkan gejolak ekonomi, atau rosak di pasaran tempatan ketika ini.
    Menekankan ekonomi dan akademik: untuk proses memadam tiga angka sifar dari mata wang Iraq akan mengarah ke revaluasi, mencatat harus mengikuti dasar tenang untuk meyakinkan penduduk dan mulai terbiasa untuk jangka masa tidak melebihi dua tahun.
    Para penganalisis ekonomi mengatakan Reza Ragheb Blibl Waktu pelancaran strategi ini tidak tepat sekarang, dan ekonomi negara harus berada dalam kedudukan yang kuat sebelum pelaksanaan perubahan tersebut.


  459. gaddafi
    Dec 06, 2010 @ 04:55:39


    berhati hati dengan mohd helmi,jgn terpengaruh dgn beliau untuk membuka akaun ,dia hanya sebarkan spekulasi untuk takutkn org ramai supaya jgn simpan duit cash,jgn jd bodoh bg 7-8 ribu untuk buka akaun,cekik darah,untung atas angin dalam 5-6 ribu,jika anda berminat untuk mengetahui cara-cara untuk buka sendiri akaun di iraq@warka bank ,sila ke forum ni..forumer disini akan bgtau cara2 nya….
    En helmy disitu menggunakan nick Iraqidinarinvestment


    • Mohd Helmy
      Dec 06, 2010 @ 11:10:03

      buat apa nak hati2 ngan saya… saya bukannya menipu duit orang….he..he..he..kan saya dah cakap…sekiranya anda boleh membuka sendiri account bank….anda buka ler…. X salah….anda dapat menjimatkan duit anda…..Tujuan saya menyuruh anda membuka account bank..adalah untuk menyelamatkan duit investment anda….dari berita yg hangat diperkatakan tentang pembuangan 3 angka sifar….,saya x nak anda berangan nak jadi jutawan iraq x kesampaian dengan penghapusan 3 angka sifar yg bakal anda saksikan dalam bulan ini.sia2 penantian anda selama ini untuk menjadi jutawan..

      Experts: Delete the zeros from the currency will raise the value, Lead to revaluation

      December 5, 2010

      Tags: Iraq, Dinar, Currency, Revaluation, iraqi, middle east, Central bank, Central Bank of Iraq, Monetary policy, Inflation, Saleh

      “…the process of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency will lead to a revaluation”

      – Dr. Hilal Al-Tahan, economist

      Note: An article very similar to this news story has been posted on Currency Newshound. However this particular article uses the word “revaluation” in Dr. al-Tahan’s quote. I thought it was interesting and wanted to share it with you. It is very difficult to find an article speaking of currency revaluation and iraqi dinar in the same context. Enjoy!

      Delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency of the important issues of concern to economists at the present time and this made the call Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi to come to the House of Representatives at its yesterday to discuss this issue, members of Parliament have discussed with the Governor a number of economic aspects of interest to the public sphere

      In addition to (deletion of zeros) of the Iraqi currency in and out, with a nominal value of cash and keep Bakimiteha purchasing. Adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Salih said: The current year will witness the launch the process of removing zeros, stressing that the bank has completed 50% of the preparations that are working on since 2005.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Dec 06, 2010 @ 14:14:20


      Sila Tengok Berita jam 12am nanti….. najib Bagi amaran pada BNM supaya mengetatkan kemasukan duit keluar masuk kemalaysia…kerana Kerajaan Malaysia mendapati banyak DUIT HARAM (duit yg masuk Tampa sah)yg telah memasuki ke dalam Malaysia dan akan mengancam nilai RM .

      P/s:Hati2 pada penyimpan Cash Note Dinar….saya bukan nak menakutkan…tapi sekadar ingin memberitahu…..spt yg telah saya jangkakan… pekara ini akan berlaku pada saat2 nak RV


      • Mohd Helmy
        Dec 06, 2010 @ 14:23:57

        Tengok berita 12:00 am di TV3

  460. Mohd Helmy
    Dec 06, 2010 @ 15:39:06

    OK.. ada lagi masa 30Min lagi untuk berita 12:00 am di TV3, kalau berita jam 12:00am X ada… esok petang tengok Buliten TV3 untuk 6 Disember 2010


  461. Gaddafi
    Dec 06, 2010 @ 17:35:48


    berhati hati dengan mohd helmi,jgn terpengaruh dgn beliau untuk membuka akaun ,dia hanya sebarkan spekulasi untuk takutkn org ramai supaya jgn simpan duit cash,jgn jd bodoh bg 7-8 ribu untuk buka akaun,cekik darah,untung atas angin dalam 5-6 ribu,jika anda berminat untuk mengetahui cara-cara untuk buka sendiri akaun di iraq@warka bank ,sila ke forum ni..forumer disini akan bgtau cara2 nya….
    En helmy disitu menggunakan nick Iraqidinarinvestment


    • Mohd Helmy
      Dec 06, 2010 @ 18:27:47

      x guna anda provok banyak2 pasal saya…..sehingga hari ini masih ada lagi orang yg inginkan membuka account dengan saya… hehe..he..he x semua orang termakan ngan provokasi anda 🙂 🙂 🙂


  462. Mohd Helmy
    Dec 06, 2010 @ 18:41:23

    CBI: Delete the Zeros

    December 6th, 2010 10:21 am · Posted in NEWS

    D. Ahmed Ali Abrihi / Iraqi Central Bank Governor

    Media announced on Saturday, 12.05.2010 that the Board of Deputies discussed the possibility of deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency. It seems appropriate to restate some of the basics may be that the benefit to avoid exaggerations and false impressions.

    The most positive element in this regard that the general society and private business owners and the money they dealt with the issue calmly and if it does not concern them, in practice, a position the right one. Because the deletion of zeros, by itself, does not achieve gains or losses ranks, which means not only changing the unit of measure is not the same thing.

    The 2000 meters is nothing more nor less than 2 km, the distance is the same but the unit of measurement in the second reading is the biggest. 1000 kg and not more than 1 ton, no less than 1000000 g, but different unit of measurement of weight. And also after deletion of zeros does not become a mass of less liquidity and greater and that changes is the number expressed.

    The currency is also based on its own to a unit of measurement is a unit basis, which take her name, such as the dinar and the dollar and the yen … And so on. And that the currency’s strength does not depend on the relative size of the basic unity.

    Because the fact of force independent of the unit measured, in general, as well as in the currency. Consider the examples of the exchange rate selected with a view to clarification, and the exchange rate, in the following, expressed in units of national currency in exchange for one dollar.

    And in the statement above, we find that the dollar is equal to 5.79 Egyptian pounds equal to 8992.5 while the Real Indonesia. This does not mean that the Egyptian currency is stronger than the Indonesian currency, because the riyal is equal to the Indonesian small part of a cent (one out of ninety) while the Egyptian pound is equal to 17 cents. As well as the Saudi riyal, about 27 cents, while the Kuwaiti dinar 357 cents, and does not understand him to Saudi currency weaker than the Kuwaiti currency. The same may be said when comparing the currency in South Korea and basic small unit value also with the Japanese currency.

    The linkage between the currency’s strength and value of the basic unit is the wrong impression was soon corrected attention and observation. It is supposed that rational people are not trying and do not expect gains of any kind, based on this illusion, if any.

    It has been rumored frequently that the deletion of zeros reduces the amount of paper and this understanding is based on an arithmetic error is clear. And show that a simple question: How much is the lowest number of papers you need to pay one million dinars?

    Answer: When you choose the largest category of the currency of 25 alpha, 40-sheet of which serve the purpose. Even if we assume that the zeros were deleted will be a million thousand units of new and because the coin of the above deleted digit, too, becomes only 25, when the apportionment of 1000 on 25 shows that the required number of papers is 40 as was the situation prior to the deletion of zeros, nothing more, nothing less.

    That the deletion of zeros in itself does not reduce the amount of paper. They are dependent on the amount of paper currency if categories have been developed far the largest category at $ 50 thousand dinars, you need 20 sheets to pay one million dinars, and if introduced 100 bills 10 thousand dinars, enough papers to pay the amount. The same is said when you delete the zeros are added if new categories 50 and 100 of the new currency.

    Changing the currency between October 2003 and January 2004 differs radically from the proposed rolling now. In a previous system did not change the currency, the dinar is the dinar, which got replaced the old edition of a new edition. It can therefore be compared to the amount of paper required to pay one million dinars in late nineties with what the situation is now. When was the biggest category of 1000 dinars 1000 paper you need to pay one million and 4000 when the paper was the largest category 250 dinars. Therefore, the amount of paper used in the large circulation, and this has nothing to do but the currency’s value categories. But people do not always notice after the category used currency and when you move from the category of 250 dinars to 25000 shorten the amount of paper by one to a hundred.

    It is true that the dinar exchange rate has improved since the dollar in late 2000 is equal to 2000 dinars and now in 1170, but apart from a few imported goods need to be exaggerated JD largest for the purchase of the land itself, or the quantity of vegetables and meat, but the amount of paper used less This is because the denominations large. All of these simple examples and digressions in order to isolate the impact of the category for the currency’s strength and unity based. And usually the more basic unit of currency used small groups more. And categories of the Iraqi currency current is appropriate to a large extent.

    In South Korea, where the unit currency approach to the unity of the Iraqi currency value in the category of merely five thousand to soon and at the end of 2009 added a ten thousand.

    It is also said that the deletion of zeros makes the numbers that are written by the amounts more concise and this is also incorrect. Now it says 10 400 ten thousand, four hundred dinars, and after deletion of zeros read four hundred ten dinars and fils. This is because the new unit (new dinar) is a large 1000 times as much as the unit now in place and must be dealt with parts.

    With any of the proposed system will deal with parts of the new dinar in the accounts and daily transactions, and will not be the simplest arithmetic processors than it is now, but is merely an illusion.

    It remains to point out that the deletion of zeros needs to be legislation and a number of arrangements for the transition to the new addition to the administrative and technical facilities to replace the currency which is huge.

    P/s:dari sumber yg kurang sahih yg saya Dapat….CBI akan memulakan penghapusan 3 angka sifar paling awal pada 15 Disember dan yg sahih tarikh yg pasti akan berlaku pada 31 disember 2010


    • ayiem
      Dec 07, 2010 @ 04:26:27

      D. احمد ابريهي علي Ahmed Ali Abrihi
      محافظ البنك المركزي العراقي Gabenor Bank Pusat Iraq
      أعلنت وسائل الإعلام يوم السبت 5/12/2010 أن مجلس Media diumumkan pada Sabtu 2010/12/05 bahawa Dewan Perwakilan membahas kemungkinan penghapusan sifar dari mata wang Iraq Nampaknya tepat untuk menyatakan kembali beberapa dasar-dasar mungkin yang bermanfaat untuk mengelakkan berlebihan dan tayangan palsu.
      Unsur yang paling positif dalam hal ini bahawa masyarakat awam dan pemilik perniagaan swasta dan wang yang mereka berurusan dengan masalah ini dengan tenang dan jika tidak urusan mereka, dalam praktiknya, posisi yang tepat. Kerana penghapusan sifar, dengan sendirinya, tidak mencapai keuntungan atau kerugian peringkat, yang bererti tidak hanya menukar unit ukuran meter tidak lebih dan tidak kurang dari 2 km, jarak yang sama tetapi unit ukuran dalam pembacaan kedua adalah yang terbesar. dan tidak lebih dari 1 tan, tidak dari 1000000 g kurang, tetapi unit yang berbeza dari pengukuran berat badan.Dan juga setelah penghapusan sifar tidak menjadi massa kecairan kurang dan lebih besar dan bahawa perubahan adalah angka yang dinyatakan.. Mata wang ini juga didasarkan pada sendiri untuk unit ukuran yang merupakan unit asas, yang mengambil namanya, seperti dinar dan dolar dan yen Dan itu mata wang ini kekuatan tidak bergantung pada saiz relatif dari kesatuan asas. لKerana fakta kekuatan bebas dari unit yang diukur, secara umum, serta dalam mata wang. Perhatikan contoh-contoh nilai pertukaran yang dipilih dengan maksud untuk klarifikasi, dan nilai tukar, di berikut, dinyatakan dalam unit mata wang nasional dalam pertukaran untuk satu dolarDan dalam kenyataan di atas, kita mendapati bahawa dolar sebanyak £ 5,79 Mesir sebanyak 8.992,5 sementara Indonesia Real Ini tidak bermakna bahawa mata wang Mesir lebih kuat daripada mata wang Indonesia, kerana riyal sama dengan bahagian kecil Indonesia dari satu sen (satu daripada sembilan puluh) sedangkan pound Mesir sama dengan 17 sen. Serta riyal Saudi, sekitar 27 sen, sedangkan dinar Kuwait 357 sen, dan tidak mengerti dia ke mata wang Saudi lebih lemah dari mata wang Kuwait Hal yang sama boleh dikatakan ketika membandingkan mata wang di Korea Selatan dan dasar nilai unit kecil juga dengan mata wang Jepun.
      Hubungan antara mata wang ini kekuatan dan nilai dari unit asas adalah kesan yang salah akan disemak perhatian dan pemerh Hal ini diduga bahawa orang-orang rasional yang tidak berusaha dan tidak mengharapkan keuntungan apapun, berdasarkan ilusi ini, jika ada.
      Telah dikhabarkan sering bahawa penghapusan sifar mengurangkan jumlah kertas dan pemahaman ini didasarkan pada kesalahan geometri yang jelas:. Dan menunjukkan bahawa sederhana soalan Berapa jumlah terendah dari makalah anda perlu membayar satu juta dinar? Jawapan: Apabila anda memilih kategori terbesar dari mata wang 25 alpha, 40-lembaran yang melayani tujuan. Bahkan jika kita menganggap bahawa angka sifar telah dihapuskan akan menjadi satu juta ribu unit yang baru dan kerana syiling di atas dihapuskan digit juga, menjadi hanya 25, pada saat pembahagian dari 1000 pada tarikh 25 menunjukkan bahawa jumlah yang diperlukan makalah adalah 40 seperti situasi sebelum penghapusan sifar, tidak lebih, t Bahawa penghapusan dari sifar itu sendiri tidak mengurangkan jumlah kertas. Mereka bergantung pada jumlah wang kertas jika media telah dibangunkan jauh kategori terbesar dari $ 50 ribu dinar, anda perlu 20 keping untuk membayar satu juta dinar, dan jika diperkenalkan 100 bil 10 ribu dinar, kertas cukup untuk membayar jumlah tersebut. Hal yang sama dikatakan ketika anda memadam sifar ditambah jika kategori baru 50 dan 100 dari mata wang baru.
      . Tukar mata wang antara Oktober 2003 dan Januari 2004 berbeza secara radikal dari yang dicadangkan sekarang bergulir. . Dalam sistem sebelum itu tidak menukar mata wang, dinar adalah dinar, yang harus diganti edisi lama edisi baru.. Oleh kerana itu dapat dibandingkan dengan jumlah kertas yang diperlukan untuk membayar satu juta dinar di akhir tahun sembilan puluhan dengan apa keadaan sekarang. . Bila media terbesar dinar 1000 1000 kertas yang anda perlu membayar satu juta dan 4000 saat kertas adalah kategori terbesar 250 dinar. و Tetapi orang tidak selalu memperhatikan selepas digunakan mata wang kategori dan apabila anda bergerak dariMemang benar bahawa nilai tukar dinar telah meningkat sejak dolar pada akhir 2000 sama dengan 2000 dinar dan sekarang pada 1170, tapi selain dari barang import beberapa perlu dibesar-besarkan JD terbesar untuk pembelian tanah itu sendiri, atau kuantiti sayur-sayuran dan daging, tetapi jumlah kertas yang digunakan kurang Hal ini kerana denominasi besar.Semua contoh-contoh sederhana dan penyimpangan dalam rangka untuk mengasingkan kesan daripada kategori untuk mata wang ini kekuatan dan kesatuan yang berasaskan. Dan biasanya unit asas mata wang yang digunakan lebih daripada kumpulan-kumpulan kecil Dan kategori arus mata wang Iraq yang tepat untuk sebahagian besar.
      Di Korea Selatan, di mana unit mata wang pendekatan kesatuan dari nilai-nilai mata wang Iraq dalam kategori hanya lima ribu untuk segera dan pada akhir tahun 2009 menambah sepuluh ribu.
      Hal ini juga mengatakan bahawa penghapusan sifar membuat nombor-nombor yang ditulis oleh jumlah yang lebih ringkas dan ini juga salah. Sekarang mengatakan 10 400 sepuluh ribu, empat ratus dinar, dan setelah penghapusan sifar membaca sepuluh dinar ratus empat dan Fils. Hal ini kerana unit baru (Dinar baru) adalah 1000 besar kali ganda sebagai unit sekarang di tempat dan harus ditangani dengan bahagian-bahagian.
      Dengan salah satu sistem yang dicadangkan akan mengendalikan bahagian dinar baru dalam akaun dan transaksi sehari-hari, dan tidak akan menjadi prosesor geometri sederhana daripada sekarang. Hal ini tetap menunjukkan bahawa penghapusan sifar perlu undang-undang dan sejumlah tatacara untuk peralihan untuk penambahan baru dan teknikal

      translate ke bahasa malaysia


      • ayiem
        Dec 07, 2010 @ 16:44:31

        Baghdad (berita).. mengesan pakar kewangan pada alasan tukang emas sebaliknya untuk nilai tinggi dolar terhadap dinar Iraq selama tempoh terkini.
        perhiasan itu mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan dipilih oleh Badan (berita) pada hari
        Isnin: bahawa nilai tinggi dolar tidak memiliki pembenaran kecuali bahawa suatu tindakan individu oleh masyarakat perbankan dalam rangka mencapai keuntungan cepat.
        jauhari berkata: bahawa keuntungan tidak berkaitan dengan subjek pasaran atau masalah yang lain dan semua perbankan yang ada orang tidak mengikuti perilaku berkaitan dengan realiti kegiatan ekonomi di negeri ini.jauhari mengatakan bahawa dasar kewangan yang jelas dan Msitraly terletak di pasaran matawang asing dan perjanjian terbuka dan jelas untuk semua orang.
        ;. Perlu dicatat bahawa harga dollar terhadap dinar telah meningkat sampai dengan 1122 dinar terhadap dolar../ Akhir /(3

  463. nazhasecret
    Dec 06, 2010 @ 18:52:07



  464. Nakata''17
    Dec 07, 2010 @ 03:26:37

    salam En helmie,bleh ajar kan macam mana nak tambah an dinar dari malaysia ke dalam akaun warka bank tue???n dulu masa buat acc debit kad belum ada,n now kalau nak apply debit kad warka bank tue bleh g tao macam mane n kalau En helmi leh bantu bape charge nye??


    • ayiem
      Dec 07, 2010 @ 16:46:39

      Arbil, 7 Disember (Rn) – mempersiapkan Majlis Keselamatan PBB, untuk menghapuskan Iraq dari Bab VII 15 Disember sedang berlangsung, sesuai dengan harapan para Wakil U. S. Duta Besar di Iraq, yang dipecat dari Basra di kedua-dua bulan ini, dan oleh kerana itu Keputusan Presiden kepada Majlis Keselamatan yang mengandungi tiga item, termasuk penyingkiran perwalian antarabangsa Iraq.

      Majlis Keselamatan PBB في الخامس عشر من كانون الاول/ديسمبر سيلتئم مجلس الامن الدولي برئاسة واشنطن ممثلا بنائب الرئيس الاميركي جو بايدن وفقا لتسريبات ديلوماسية ، حيث سيصوّت على ثلاثة مشاريع تتمثل بتمديد فترة الحصانة الدولية على صندوق تنمية العراق لمدة ستة اشهر على خلاف طلب بغداد بتمديده لمدة عام ، واغلاق ملف برنامج النفط مقابل الغذاء بشكل نهائي ، و الثالث سيعلن اخراج العراق من طائلة البند السابع.فضلا عن اصدار تقرير رئاسي يبين تعاون العراق وعودته الى المجتمع الدولي. Dalam lima belas Disember Siltim Majlis Keselamatan PBB, yang dipimpin oleh wakil Washington Naib Presiden Joe Biden, menurut bocoran Delomasep, di mana untuk memilih pada tiga projek adalah untuk memanjangkan tempoh kekebalan antarabangsa untuk Dana Pembangunan untuk Iraq selama enam bulan, jika tidak permintaan Baghdad, memanjangkan selama satu tahun, dan penutupan file minyak untuk program makanan sekali, dan yang ketiga akan diumumkan untuk menghapuskan Iraq dari Bab VII serta mengeluarkan laporan Presiden menunjukkan kerjasama Iraq dan kembali ke masyarakat antarabangsa ..

      الموقف الدولي من العراق جاء بعد سلسلة من الاجراءات التي قام بها منذ سبعة اعوام فيما يخص انهاء المشكلات العالقة مع الكويت و تسديد التعويضات والعمل بشفافية مع المنظمة الدولية للطاقة الذرية والتي وصفت في تقريرها الاخير التعاون العراق بـ”الشفاف”.علاوة على تشديد بغداد في اكثر من مذكرة بعثتها الى الامم المتحدة بأن “الوقت حان” للخروج من طائلة القرار الدولي. Kedudukan antarabangsa Iraq muncul selepas beberapa siri langkah-langkah yang dilakukan oleh tujuh tahun yang lalu dengan memperhatikan untuk menamatkan isu yang beredar dengan Kuwait dan bayaran pampasan dan bekerja secara telus dengan Pertubuhan Antarabangsa Tenaga Atom, yang diterangkan dalam kerjasama terkini Iraq dengan “telus.” Lebih banyak pengetatan Baghdad di lebih daripada nota misinya untuk Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu bahawa “saatnya telah tiba” keluar dari wang resolusi PBB.

      ومضى عشرون عاما على صدور القرار 661 لمجلس الأمن الدولي، وهو ثاني قرار يصدر بحق العراق بعد غزوه للكويت في الثاني من آب /أغسطس 1990 ، وضع بموجبه العراق تحت طائلة الفصل السابع من ميثاق الأمم المتحدة و فرض عليه حظر اقتصادي جمدت امواله في البنوك العالمية.وحسب القرار، يبقى العراق خاضعا لمتطلبات الفصل السابع الى أن تؤكد الأمم المتحدة لمجلس الأمن إلتزام بغداد بكل القرارات الدولية المتعلقة باحتلال الكويت، ومنها ملف التعويضات.وبعد تنفيذ القرار 986 المعروف ببرنامج النفط مقابل الغذاء، تقوم الأمم المتحدة بوضع 5% من عائدات بيع النفط العراقي منذ العام 1997 في صندوق خاص لتعويض الكويت الخسائر التي لحقت بها جراء الغزو. Dia Dua puluh tahun selepas pelaksanaan resolusi Majlis Keselamatan 661 PBB Dewan, yang merupakan keputusan kedua-dua dikeluarkan terhadap Iraq selepas pencerobohan Kuwait pada Ogos 1990, pembangunan yang Iraq di bawah Bab VII Piagam Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan dikenakan pada dirinya sekatan ekonomi membekukan aset di bank-bank antarabangsa. Menurut resolusi itu, Iraq tetap tunduk pada syarat-syarat dari Bab VII yang menekankan komitmen Majlis Keselamatan PBB untuk Baghdad dengan semua resolusi antarabangsa tentang pendudukan Kuwait, termasuk fail pampasan dan sesudah. pelaksanaan resolusi 986 yang dikenali sebagai Minyak untuk Program Pangan, Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu untuk membangunkan 5% dari hasil penjualan minyak Iraq sejak tahun 1997 dalam sebuah dana khas untuk mengkompensasi Kuwait atas kerugian yang diderita sebagai akibat dari pencerobohan.

      التسريبات التي نقلتها وكالة الانباء الكويتية الرسمية (كونا) اكدت مضي مجلس الامن بمشاوراته لاتخاذ الموقف النهائي بشأن العراق ، وان واشنطن هيأت الاجواء الدولية من اجل الغاء الوصاية الدولية على العراق ، كاحد الالتزامات الاميركية مع عراق ما بعد 2003. Kebocoran yang dilaporkan oleh pegawai Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) mengatakan perundingan itu, Majlis Keselamatan untuk mengambil posisi terakhir pada Iraq, dan Washington mencipta suasana antarabangsa untuk penghapusan perwalian antarabangsa di Iraq, sebagai salah satu komitmen AS ke Iraq setelah tahun 2003.

      في الاسبوع الماضي قالت مندوبة واشنطن في مجلس الامن سوزان رايس انه ” سيكون فرصة مهمة للمجتمع الدولي للوقوف على التقدم الحقيقي الذي احرزه العراق فيما يتعلق بتشكيل الحكومة اضافة الى الخطوات المهمة التي اتخذت لاتمام التزامها بالفصل السابع”. Pekan lalu, Washington mengatakan sebuah delegasi di Majlis Keselamatan, Susan Rice, mengatakan dia “akan menjadi kesempatan penting bagi komuniti antarabangsa untuk mengetahui kemajuan nyata dibuat oleh Iraq mengenai komposisi kerajaan selain langkah penting yang diambil untuk menyelesaikan komitmen pada Bab VII.”

      من جانبه قال مبعوث الامين العام للامم المتحدة الى العراق إد ميلكرت امس الاول في مؤتمر صحفي من القاهرة انه ” من المهم خروج العراق من طائلة البند السابع ،ومن وجهة النظر الدولية لابد ان تكون هناك علاقات فاعلة بين العراق والكويت والمنطقة كلها واستعادة العلاقات المتميزة والودية بين البلدين”. Sementara itu, Setiausaha-Agung PBB untuk Iraq, Iklan Melkert terakhir dalam sebuah sidang akhbar di Kaherah bahawa “penting untuk keluar dari Iraq dari Bab VII, dan titik antarabangsa pandang menjadi bahawa ada hubungan yang berkesan antara Iraq dan Kuwait dan seluruh wilayah dan memulihkan hubungan khusus dan hubungan persahabatan antara kedua-dua negara. ”

      iraq dan Kuwait bendera وتعد الحدود المشتركة بين الجانبين احدى اهم النقاط الخلافية الى الآن، والتي يطالب الكويتيون بترسيمها ، فضلا عن ملف التعويضات الكبيرة التي ترتب على العراق دفعها للكويت. Tarikh umum antara kedua-dua belah pihak salah satu mata yang paling penting dari perdebatan setakat ini, dan yang mendorong Kuwait batas-batasnya, serta pampasan atas sebuah fail yang mengakibatkan besar dibayar oleh Iraq daripada Kuwait.

      وكان الكويت و العراق قد اتفقا الثلاثاء الماضي على الانسحاب مسافة 500 متر عن الحدود الدولية الفاصلة بينهما الى عمق اراضيهما خطوة تهدف إلى إنهاء المشاكل الحدودية العالقة بينهما ، وتعهد ببناء 50 منزلا لمواطنين عراقيين تقع منازلهم بشكل لصيق على خط الحدود وتؤثر في الرؤية السليمة والمراقبة الدقيقة لمنطقة الحدود. Kuwait dan Iraq telah bersetuju Selasa untuk menarik sekitar 500 meter dari batas antarabangsa antara mereka jauh ke dalam langkah wilayah mereka bertujuan untuk mengakhiri masalah sempadan tertunda antara mereka, dan berjanji untuk membina 50 buah rumah untuk rumah-rumah warga Iraq yang terletak sangat dekat dengan sempadan dan mempengaruhi visi suara dan pemantauan dekat daerah sempadan.

      الموقف الكويتي يدا منسجما منذ اسابيع مع ضرورة اخراج العراق من البند السابع ، حيث اعلن رئيس الوزراء الكويتي الشيخ ناصر المحمد في 21 ايلول/سبتمبر الماضي ، تأييده لذلك ، بقوله ان ” الكويت اول دولة تتمنى خروج العراق من طائلة البند السابع ، وهذا يعني ان العراق استكمل تطبيق القرارات و الالتزامات الدولية”. Kedudukan Kuwait di tangan selari selama berminggu-minggu dengan keperluan untuk menghapuskan Iraq dari Bahagian VII, di mana Perdana Menteri Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad pada 21 September lalu, sokongan untuk itu, mengatakan bahawa “Kuwait adalah negara pertama yang ingin keluar Iraq dari Bab VII, dan ini bererti bahawa Iraq menyelesaikan pelaksanaan resolusi dan kewajipan antarabangsa. ”

      فيما اكدت الصحافة الكويتية في حينها ان ” الشيخ ناصر المحمد رئيس الوزراء أعلن عن اتفاقه مع الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون على انهاء الملفات العالقة مع العراق”. Disahkan dalam akhbar Kuwait pada waktu yang tepat “kata Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Perdana Menteri kesepakatan dengan Setiausaha Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu bulan, Ban Ki-untuk menamatkan isu yang beredar dengan Iraq.”

      الكويت سعت منذ سقوط النظام السابق في ربيع 2003 الى اقامة علاقات دبلوماسية متينة مع بغداد ، في اشارة الى كونها تنظر للعراق على اساس نظامه السياسي الجديد الصديق لها ، حيث اوفدت بغداد منتصف العام اول سفير لها الى الكويت لاقامة “علاقات استراتيجية وثيقة”، فيما كانت الكويت قد اوفدت اول سفير لها الى بغداد منذ عام2008. Kuwait telah berupaya sejak jatuhnya rejim bekas pada musim semi tahun 2003 untuk mendirikan syarikat diplomatik hubungan dengan Baghdad, merujuk sedang dipertimbangkan untuk Iraq atas dasar sistem politik adalah teman yang baru, di mana dihantar Baghdad pada pertengahan tahun, duta besar pertama ke Kuwait untuk membina “hubungan strategik” dokumen-dokumen, sementara itu Kuwait telah menghantar duta besar pertamanya ke Baghdad sejak tahun 2008.

      وكان وكيل وزارة الخارجية العراقية لبيد عباوي قد اكد لـ(آكانيوز) في 23 اب/اغسطس الماضي ان “العراق سدد حتى الان مبلغ 30 مليار دولار من الديون الكويتية وبقي منها مبلغ 22 مليار دولار”.وشدد ان بغداد تسعى لانهاء ملف الديون والتعويضات الكويتية للخروج من طائلة البند السابع قريبا.مؤكدا التزام بلاده بالقرارات الدولية لمجلس الامن حول الجارة الكويت لانهاء هذا الملف دون تأخير. Para Wakil dari Kementerian Luar Negeri Iraq, bagaimanapun, Abawi, telah mengesahkan (Rn) pada tarikh 23 Ogos lalu bahawa “Iraq telah membayar sejauh $ 30 bilion hutang Kuwait dan tetap, termasuk 22000000000 $ dolar.” Dan menekankan bahawa Baghdad sedang mencari untuk menamatkan fail hutang dan pampasan keluar Kuwait dari Bab VII akan. menekankan komitmen negaranya terhadap resolusi antarabangsa Majlis Keselamatan pada negara jirannya, Kuwait untuk menutup gambar ini tanpa penangguhan.

      فيما اكد رئيس دائرة الوطن العربي في وزارة الخارجية الكويتية جاسم المباركي لـ(آكانيوز) في 14 ايلول/سبتمبر الماضي انه “لاتوجد مسائل عالقة مع العراق ، وما موجود مشاكل بسيطة ، فنحن لدينا لجان مشتركة بخصوص ترسيم الحدود والمزارع المشتركة و الصيادين والمياه الاقليمية فضلا عن توسيع منفذ سفوان الحدودي و الحقول النفطية المشتركة، وستأخذ هذه المشكلات طريقها الى الحل مستقبلاً”. Sementara Bush Ketua dunia Arab di Jabatan Luar Negeri Kuwait Jassem Mubaraki’s (Rn) pada tarikh 14 September katanya, “Tidak ada masalah yang luar biasa dengan Iraq, dan mendapati masalah kecil, kami mempunyai jawatankuasa bersama mengenai penentuan sempadan dan penternakan sendi dan nelayan dan perairan pesisir serta Safwan sempadan perluasan pelabuhan dan ladang minyak yang sama, dan akan membawa masalah ini harus diselesaikan di masa depan. ”

      فيما اعلن العراق في 19 من ايلول/سبتمبر الماضي في تصريح للمتحدث باسم حكومته علي الدباغ لـ(آكانيوز) ان ” العراق بدأ خطوته الاولى لحل المشاكل العالقة مع الكويت من خلال تثبيت العلامات الحدودية للحدود البرية بين البلدين مما يدل على التزام العراق بقرارات الامم المتحدة ، مشددا على ان “الحكومة العراقية تعمل على تفعيل اتفاقية التوحيد الخاصة بالحقول النفطية المشتركة والتي يمكن ان يكون فيها استثمار مشترك بين البلدين برقابة طرف ثالث ، وتتضمن هذه الخطوة ايضا حل مشكلة المزارع الحدودية المشتركة في بلدة صفوان في محافظة البصرة والعائدة لمزارعين عراقيين”. Di Iraq mengumumkan pada tarikh 19 September lalu dalam laporan juru bicara bagi kerajaan nya Ali al-Dabbagh’s (Rn) bahawa “Iraq telah memulakan langkah pertama untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang beredar dengan Kuwait melalui pemasangan tanda batas batas tanah antara kedua-dua negara, yang menunjukkan komitmen Iraq, resolusi-resolusi PBB, menekankan bahawa “kerajaan Iraq bekerja untuk mengaktifkan Konvensyen Penyatuan bidang, minyak sendi, yang boleh di mana pelaburan bersama antara pihak audit dua ketiga, termasuk langkah-langkah ini juga menyelesaikan masalah sempadan pertanian umum di bandar Safwan di wilayah Basra dan milik Iraq petani.”

      صفاء خلف Safaa Khalaf


      • ayiem
        Dec 08, 2010 @ 20:35:43

        Krisis ekonomi, Iraq juga Pada: Rabu 2010/12/8 16:22
        Zuhair otak
        Iraq penulis dan akademik
        Akhirnya, melalui sejumlah anggota Dewan Iraq Perwakilan menyatakan keprihatinan kelewatan dalam meluluskan anggaran untuk Iraq pada tahun fiskal pada tahun 2011, salah satu anggaran terbesar dalam sejarah Iraq setara dengan US $ 87 bilion, meningkat sebanyak $ 18 bilion untuk anggaran sebelumnya, tetapi akan tetap menjadi tawanan dari pertempuran, politik untuk jangka waktu tertentu. Walaupun tidak mempunyai akses kepada banyak butiran anggaran, atau belum diterbitkan, kerana data ekonomi asas dan hasilnya masih sangat langka bagi masyarakat umum di negara ini, seseorang skeptis bahwa selalu ada nombor dalam penunjuk ekonomi yang paling penting.Pada masa, yang jalur di mana beberapa timbalan terus berkeberatan dengan anggaran draft, ada orang-orang yang percaya bahawa blok parlimen lain akan menemui keberatan, sebagai tugas mempersiapkan anggaran ini adalah tanggung jawab kerajaan baru akan mengambil alih kawalan kuasa di negeri ini, dan akan mempertimbangkan memeluknya, seperti pelanggaran Perlembagaan kekuatan Dalam kes apapun, itu adalah mencolok dalam anggaran baru, adalah untuk meningkatkan saiz peruntukan untuk kementerian keselamatan, yang meninggalkan tanda tanya atas masa depan terhadap kelayakan dan keberkesanan rancangan keselamatan, yang dikatakan mencerminkan positif pada tahap perbaikan dalam situasi keselamatan di negara itu.Sebaliknya, anggaran termasuk kemampuan kerajaan untuk mencapai tujuan dari pendapatan anggaran baru, negara tidak mempunyai pelaburan langsung dari tempatan dan dikunci dalam menghadapi pelaburan asing, tetapi dari pelaburan dari Negara, yang mengalami kesulitan, dan alat-alat pengeluaran. Sebuah contoh yang baik dari ini, Kerajaan memperuntukkan lebih daripada $ 21 bilion perbelanjaan projek pelaburan, tetapi tanpa keberuntungan dan projek-projek yang dikenalpasti. Dan tentu saja, tidak cukup untuk mengatakan bahawa anggaran baru “akan terbuka oleh kerajaan untuk menarik jumlah yang anda perlukan,” kata melibatkan tafsiran dan salah satu yang merupakan bahawa defisit dalam anggaran draf akan terlampaui, bukan hasil daripada kurangnya prestasi kerajaan, tetapi juga untuk pengeluaran besar yang telah diperuntukkan untuk pembangunan daerah dan wilayah tetapi tanpa hasil yang nyata, masih wilayah besar tidak menyambung ke kuasa dan pelupusan sampah dan sanitasi.Ia telah menggunakan pemerintahan sebelumnya dalam tahun fiskal 2009 dan 2010 atas permintaan Dewan Perwakilan suplemen anggaran tambahan. Anggaran rutin setiap negara, tetapi pentingnya terletak pada penerapan rancangan ekonomi dan sosial, berdasarkan pada keadaan dalam kelimpahan atau defisit, dalam konteks visi dan tujuan yang jelas yang boleh dilaksanaN Ini adalah apa yang saat ini kurang Iraq.Penunjuk ekonomi tercermin jelas dengan tidak adanya pembangunan ekonomi riil, termasuk ketidaksetaraan dalam bidang pendidikan, pekerjaan dan pendapatan, dan tahap kemiskinan, di samping krisis ekonomi yang parah, baik dalam pendapatan negara dan tingkat dinar Iraq tukar dan defisit dalam neraca tahap perdagangan dan pelaburan dan penilaian mata wang nasional atau dalam kadar pertumbuhan dan pengagihan dan transparansi, korupsi dan kewajipan kewangan Negara. Memang, penunjuk kewangan di Iraq tidak pernah konsisten dengan penunjuk sPengangguran mencapai pada pertengahan 2010 sekitar 30 peratus daripada tenaga kerja.Dan fakta bahawa indeks dikira berdasarkan jumlah mereka yang tidak mampu bekerja, dan yang bersedia untuk dia, jika mereka menambahkan tanggung jawab individu-individu dan keluarga untuk membuat kesimpulan sejumlah besar dalam berjuta-juta bukanlah sumber tetap pendapatan bagi mereka dan menderita keadaan hidup yang buruk. Ini adalah persis apa yang menyebabkan kegagalan pengeluaran dermawan diluluskan oleh kerajaan sebelum kumpulan-kumpulan sosial yang lebih miskin dari mencapai matlamat, yang telah diperuntukkan 4300000000 $ untuk menyokong “kad juadah”, setiap bantuan makanan kepada warga.Bila anda mempunyai minyak negara ketiga pengeluar di dunia dan kedua dalam cadangan dalam “OPEC”, untuk meneruskan dengan pendekatan ini, ini bermakna sangat sederhana, bahawa ada masalah yang lebih dalam mengurangkan kos bil makanan yang disokong oleh Negara, ada sesuatu yang tidak bekerja di drive ekonomi peringkat tempatan. Di daerah operasi tenaga kerja dan promosi barang dari Iraq, mengurangkan potensi produktif dari ratusan syarikat industri Iraq, di samping keengganan pelabur Iraq untuk pendirian syarikat baru dalam industri atau perkhidmatan, dan melarikan diri dengan modal mereka ke luar negeri, pada saat itu dilanjutkan ke spekulator di pasaran saham untuk bertindak seolah-olah mereka di kasino menang ketika ini saham dan kehilangan saham lain terkini, pada saat itu tetap kilang-kilang dan tanaman, jumlah dianggarkan CSS, termasuk lebih daripada 9 ribu menutup pintu setelah demobilisasi puluhan ribu pekerja, kakitangan, pengrajin dan industrialis, terampil, dan selepas itu dia meninggalkan pemilik luar negeri.Memang benar bahawa Iraq, yang memakan masa kira-kira dua juta barel minyak per hari, mampu mengurangkan kelantangan pengambilan dan kerananya bayaran sokongan, itu kerana bukan hanya untuk perbaikan dalam kecukupan pengambilan bahan tersebut, tetapi juga untuk tahap adopsi sebanyak $ 73 per barel minyak sebagai asas untuk anggaran bاDan kerana itu akan menjadi pemerintah Iraq yang baru untuk mencapai kadar pertumbuhan ukuran dasar dengan lebih daripada 20 peratus untuk mengekalkan kadar pertumbuhan riil dikira berdasarkan harga inflasi dan pelanggan. Inilah yang tampaknya mustahil dengan ketidakpastian dalam dasar kewangan dan ekonomi, selain masalah pengangguran dan kesulitan memperbaiki tahap pertukaran dinar Iraq, dan pengendalian defisit fiskal yang semakin memburuk di negara tersebut.

    • Mohd Helmy
      Dec 09, 2010 @ 00:09:19

      Charge untuk apply debit MasterCard Saya Charge RM:500 dan masa untuk Card DebitMastercard sampai ke Tangan anda ianya mengambil masa sebulan setengah.setelah card debit diterima, sila SMSkan No card Debit anda kepada saya untuk saya activekan card tersebut. untuk maklumat lanjut sila hubungi saya melalui email.


    • Mohd Helmy
      Dec 09, 2010 @ 00:21:23

      Charge untuk apply debit MasterCard Saya Charge RM:500 dan masa untuk Card DebitMastercard sampai ke Tangan anda ianya mengambil masa sebulan setengah.setelah card debit diterima, sila SMSkan No card Debit anda kepada saya untuk saya activekan card tersebut. untuk maklumat lanjut sila hubungi saya melalui email.pada coustomer saya yg telah mempunyai Card DebitMaster Card….anda just tunggu RV sahaja Untuk mengeluarkan duit tersebut. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  465. ayiem
    Dec 09, 2010 @ 14:27:24

    People please listen to what I’m about to tell you. My boyfriend is serving in Irak and like yourselves invested in the dinar believing it will pay off someday. He ask me to advise as many people as I can that the government of Irak will introduce a NEW CURRENCY on December 15, 2010 at noon. The Dinar that you are holding will be completely worthless on this day (the only ones profiting are the dealers) This Dinar illusion has been the biggest scam of the Century. Please don’t be fool by an absurd dream and sell them if you can!!!!!!!! Good Luck

    p/s;adakah ini masa untuk keraiaan iraq menukar matawang yg baru,,,,,,


  466. ayiem
    Dec 09, 2010 @ 14:31:04

    Extent) of Baghdad (agencies)-the Iraqi Central Bank Adviser stressed appearance Mohammed Saleh to balance in 2011 will raise the economic growth of 10%, indicating that it was built according to the country’s economic policy. “fit for Kurdistan News Agency (aknews) that” balance in 2011 to its current state is best budgets Iraq after 2003, as it will raise the country’s economic growth to 10%, being addressed economic structure “.
    Saleh said “the budget will be part of the economic divide between Iraq and the countries of the world”, Ranan “developed as political economic” Iraq.
    Cabinet has said in a statement, Wednesday, he endorsed the draft general budget for the year 2011, deficit of 12 billion dollars will be borne by the amounts of balancing last year, treated and borrowing internally and externally, and between the expected income estimated at 66.7 billion dollar expenditures amounted to $ 78.7 billion, or $ 12 billion dollar deficit.
    The Ministry of Finance announced last month for finalizing the draft Iraq budget for 2011, new budget allocates a large share of investment and to support the Government’s strategy for development that will last for four years.
    Initial budget amounts of Iraq in 2011 as 86 billion and $ 400 million, an increase of up to 14 billion dollars for the last budget.
    In the meantime confirmed MP nahida aldaini to house temporary committees are three economic, legal and financial, to discuss the draft budget 2011 which arrived last week from Cabinet.
    Aldaini said that the House is distributed file federal budget to the Board for study and proposals having discussed by temporary committees are financial, economic, legal and then put to a public debate.
    The Board has the right to return the balance to Cabinet if discovered that some of their provisions or its need to modify.
    Economist predicted as beautiful Antoine to face future economic challenges Government unless the clear strategy specialists where operational costs are balanced with capital spending in the State budget.
    Said Antoine “Radio Sawa” among those challenges of unemployment and crisis housing and services and electricity, noting the need to provide jobs and create investment projects to meet the challenges.
    For his part, reducing the Union of businessmen in Iraq willing consent blibel actions taken to reduce unemployment, told Radio Sawa “that those actions were not effective because they were on a small scale.
    The Economist Dr. Majed mock that staff in Iraq has risen significantly compared to 2003, restructuring of employment in the labour market.
    Mock said that many employees in administration rose from 800,000 in 2003, more than 2.5 million employees currently excluding retirees, adding that raise the number of employees would create too many crises, called for the rehabilitation of the private sector to absorb unemployment.
    The House discussed at its normal Monday career levels allocated to the Government and by the Congress to reconsider the decision to delay the launch of custom grades of Government after need therefore to their view.
    So I decided the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) project in Iraq early next worth € 3 million in technical cooperation with Iraq to develop industrial areas and increased investment in the country.
    The United Nations information service in a press release that Italy will finance this project done two years in cooperation with the World Bank. It stated that the project was signed in Vienna between the Director-General (UNIDO) CDN Ymkila and permanent delegate of Italy to UNIDO Ambassador Gianni Ghizi in the presence of Iraqi d’affaires Abdul Karim shortly. The project provides for the development of Iraqi Government capacity for planning and design of industrial areas permanently requires creating a mechanism for cooperation between institutions. Noted that the project will also facilitate the establishment of industrial zones in two specific areas to encourage private sector, revive and stimulate the local economy through increased investments as affirmed by the Iraqi Minister of planning to UNIDO’s application


  467. ayiem
    Dec 09, 2010 @ 14:34:43

    Estimates that the Iraqi Central Bank to the amount of Iraqi dinars in circulation rose from about $ 25 billion in 1980 to about 27 Trliuna at the present time it has increased any and eighty thousand times.”
    IQD…”remained at ($3.39) this level until the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War in 1980.”

    In 1980 there was 25 billion IQD in circulation. It’s value was 84.75 billion USD.

    Today there is 27 Trillion IQD in circulation. It’s value is 23.2 Billion USD.

    If current Dinar was to become as valuable as it was in 1980 compared to the USD then it needs to multiply by 3.65 times more then it is.

    When Kuwait lost it’s value it went from 3.xx to .10 then back to 3.xx to keep the value which is a 30 times increase.

    30 times for Kuwait

    3.65 times for Iraq

    I expect we will see the CBI RV the IQD to .0047 then the buy rate will be .0042 so we will receive 4200 for each million Dinar that we have.

    Not the best news but that is what I expect.


  468. ayiem
    Dec 10, 2010 @ 04:58:22

    Bank Sentral Perunding: Kami mempunyai surplus kerajaan $ 29000000000000 dinar
    محليات | 09-12-2010 Pemanis | 2010/09/12

    بغداد/اور نيوز Baghdad / Orr Berita

    قالَ مستشار البنك المركزي العراقي “ان مقترح الحكومة بالاقتراض من احتياطي البنك يعد مخافة قانونية”.كاشفاً عن موارد فائضة للحكومة قيمتها 29 تريليون دينار مودعة لدى مصرفي الرافدين والرشيد خلال السنوات الخمس الماضية. Penasihat mengatakan Sentral Iraq Bank, “Kerajaan proposal untuk meminjam dari Bank Reserve adalah takut undang-undang.” Mengungkap sumber surplus kepada kerajaan beberapa 29000000000000 $ dinar disimpan dengan bank Iraq dan rasional selama beberapa tahun terakhir lima.

    واضاف مظهر محمد صالح “ان المادة 26 من قانون البنك المركزي نصت على حظر اقراض الحكومة،وان الاخيرة تمول من الاصدار النقدي للبنك المركزي”، مبيناً “ان احتياطي البنك ليس تخصيصات مدورة من الموازنة بل هو عملات اجنبية تمت مقايضتها بالعملة المحلية التي يصدرها البنك”. Dia menambah munculnya Mohammed Saleh, “bahawa pasal 26 dari Bank Sentral UU menetapkan larangan pinjaman kepada kerajaan, dan pembiayaan baru-baru ini masalah ini adalah penting kepada Bank Sentral,” mencatatkan bahawa “bank sandaran tidak peruntukan bulat dari anggaran itu adalah mata wang asing dipertukarkan dengan mata wang tempatan yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank” .

    وكشف صالح عن “وجود موارد فائضة للحكومة تبلغ قيمتها 29 تريليون دينار لدى مصرفي الرافدين والرشيد على شكل ودائع حكومية للوزارات والقطاعين العام والخاص وعلى مدى السنوات الخمس الماضية،وقيمتها في تزايد مستمر”، مشيراً الى “ان الحكومة تقول ان هذه الموارد تعود الى مؤسسات القطاع العام من شركات صناعية وزراعية وخدمية وبضمنها 4-5 تريليونات دينار تعود الى صندوق التقاعد”. Saleh mendedahkan “adanya sumber daya surplus kepada kerajaan $ 29000000000000 dinar di Rafidain dan baik dalam bentuk deposit, jabatan kerajaan dan dan swasta sektor awam selama beberapa tahun terakhir lima, dan nilai mereka terus meningkat,” menambah bahawa “kerajaan mengatakan bahawa sumber daya ini kembali ke lembaga-lembaga sektor umum syarikat industri, pertanian dan perkhidmatan, termasuk 4-5000000000000 dinar kembali kepada dana pensiun. ”

    واكد مستشار البنك المركزي “ان الموازنة العامة للدولة العراقية ليست بالمستوى المطلوب من الكفاءة في التصميم والتنفيد”،موضحاً انه “على مدى السنوات الاربع الاخيرة كانت الموازنة غريبة الاطوار” على حد وصفه، عازياً ذلك الى “ان الموازنة تبدأ بعجز نظري وتخفض التخصيصات فيها ثم تنتهي بفائض مالي كبير،ما يفضي الى استمرار الخلل في الموازنات السابقة وموازنة العام المقبل”، مضيفاً “ان موازنة العام المقبل 2011 صممت على عجز قيمته 14 تريليون دينار مضافاً لها المدور من الموازنة الحالية وفي نهاية العام المقبل سيجتمع فائض بنحو عشرة تريليونات دينار”. Beliau berkata, penasihat bank sentral “untuk anggaran umum negara Iraq bukan tahap diperlukan kecekapan dalam Desain dan Pelaksanaan”, menjelaskan bahawa, “Selama beberapa tahun terakhir empat anggaran itu eksentrik,” seperti yang dijelaskan, menyambung ini untuk “bahawa anggaran mulai defisit teoritis dan mengurangkan penyesuaian yang kemudian akhir surplus kewangan yang cukup besar, yang menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan berterusan di anggaran sebelumnya dan anggaran tahun depan, “menambah bahawa” anggaran tahun depan tahun 2011 menawarkan ketidakmampuan $ 14000000000000 dinar, ditambah pusingan anggaran saat ini pada akhir tahun depan, akan bertemu surplus sekitar sepuluh trilion dinar. ”

    ودعا الى اعادة هندسة الموازنة العامة وتقييم كفاءتها والابتعاد عما وصفه بـ” الألعاب الخطرة التي تحرج الحكومة والبنك المركزي في الوقت نفسه”. Dia dipanggil untuk kejuruteraan-ulang anggaran awam dan menilai keberkesanan mereka dan untuk mengelakkan apa yang disebutnya “permainan berbahaya yang memalukan kerajaan dan bank sentral pada masa yang sama.


  469. ayiem
    Dec 10, 2010 @ 23:53:53

    Projek ini merupakan projek politik adalah korup
    تسعى بهِ حكومة “المالكي” المُتشبث بالسلطة، استكمال مسارات الفساد الذي بدأ منذ عام غزو واحتلال العراق 2003، وليس لأي سلطة في العراق المُحتل القدرة على إقرارهِ، دون موافقة صندوق النقد الدولي، والبنك الدولي، حيث يعيش اقتصاد شعب العراق في أسره.)) Dicari oleh kerajaan, “Maliki,” menempel pada kuasa, lengkap trek rasuah, yang bermula pada pencerobohan dan pendudukan Iraq pada tahun 2003, dan tidak kepada pihak berkuasa di Iraq diduduki, kemampuan untuk meluluskan, tanpa kelulusan daripada Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa, Bank Dunia, di mana ekonomi rakyat Iraq dalam penangkapannya.))

    الدكتور ثروت الحنكاوي اللهيبي* Dr Sarwat Alhnkkawi Lahibi *

    1. تمهيد: Pendahuluan:

    لم يلمس شعب العراق خلال السنوات العجاف الثمانية التي مرت من تاريخهِ، وهو يئنُ من ثِقلِ احتلال يجثمُ على سمائه، وأرضهِ، وشعبه، مُتمثلاً بتحالف أقطاب المؤامرة الكونية، المعروفة بأركان نظرية المؤامرة الأولى: ألأنجيلية المُتطرفة/أمريكا والدول التي على مساراتها، والتوارتية المُغالية الصهيونية/”إسرائيل” وحلفائها، والحكومة والمؤسسة الدينية الإيرانية المذهبية الشعوبية وامتداداتها الحوزوية، ما يُمكن تلمّسُهُ من تطور في أيِ ميدانٍ من ميادينِ الحياة الحضارية، كما أدعى ولا يزال ذلك التحالف، من أنه جاءَ ليُنقذ شعب العراق من الظُلمات إلى النور، لتُثبت حقائق تلك السنوات من الاحتلال، أنَّ ذلك التحالف قد نقل شعب العراق فعلاً من بصيص النور الذي كان يُنير ميادين حياتهِ المُتعدده، ويبني في ظلهِ حضارتهِ، إلى ظُلماتٍ، لم يعُد فيها يتمنى إلا العودة إلى ذاتِ ما كان عليه ذلك البصيص من النور، إلى فترة الحُكم الوطني للعراق ما قبل 2003؟! Tidak menyentuh rakyat Iraq selama tahun-tahun bersandar dari lapan yang telah berlalu dari sejarah, yang mengerang dari berat pendudukan yang bertengger di langit, dan tanah, dan penduduknya, yang diwakili oleh konspirasi Perikatan Poland kosmik, unsur yang dikenali dari teori konspirasi pertama: pelampau Injili / Amerika dan Amerika di atas rel, Altuartip ultra-Zionis / “Israel” dan sekutu-sekutunya, dan kerajaan dan populisme pembentukan agama agama Iran dan extension, bawah, apa yang boleh dirasakan dari pembangunan di segala bidang kehidupan bertamadun, kerana ia mengaku masih perikatan, ia datang untuk menyelamatkan rakyat Iraq dari kegelapan kepada cahaya, untuk membuktikan fakta ini tahun pekerjaan, yang perikatan boleh bergerak rakyat Iraq benar-benar sebuah sinar cahaya yang menerangi bidang kehidupan, Multimedia, dan bangunan di mana, dia atau sendiri, ke dalam kegelapan tidak mahu lagi, tetapi untuk kembali ke yang sama seperti yang bahawa secercah cahaya, ke kerajaan kebangsaan Iraq pra-2003?!

    حكومات العراق لمِا بعد عام غزو واحتلال العراق 2003 لم يكُن شعب العراق في أجندتها، وبرامجها الحكوميةَ، إلا رقماً سهلاً قابلاً للنسيان، والإهمال؟! Kerajaan Iraq selama satu tahun selepas pencerobohan dan pendudukan Iraq pada tahun 2003 adalah bukan rakyat Iraq dalam agenda, dan program-program kerajaan, tetapi jumlah yang mampu menjadi mudah untuk melupakan, mengabaikan?! فجاءت قراراته على الأعم، لا مكان فيها لذلك الشعب من حيث تحسن واقعه الذي يعيش فيهِ، وما تتناقله وسائل الإعلام، سيما الفضائيات منها من حقائق كارثية ومُرعبة، عن حالة البطالة، والفقر، والاعتقال العشوائي غير المُبرر، والتعذيب اللا شرعي واللا أخلاقي، والفساد الذي ينخر في مفاصل الدولة العراقية دون استثناء، و…إلخ حيث القائمة تطول ولا أعتقد من السهولة انتهائها؟! Datang keputusan pada yang lebih luas, tidak ada tempat bagi orang-orang dalam hal realiti yang lebih baik dan di mana mereka hidup, dan apa yang muncul di media, terutama saluran satelit termasuk fakta bencana dan mengerikan, pada situasi pengangguran, kemiskinan, dan penahanan sewenang-wenangnya tidak berasas, dan penyiksaan haram dan tidak bermoral, dan rasuah, yang menggerogoti sendi negara Iraq, tanpa kecuali, dan … dll, di mana senarai berjalan dan saya pikir sangat mudah untuk berakhir?! تؤكد على ما ذهبنا إليه آنفاً. Menekankan apa yang telah kita sebut sebelum ini.

    مشروع قرار جديد تسعى حكومة المُتشبث بالسلطة الـ “المالكي” إلى العمل على تفعيلهِ، يتمثل في “حذف ثلاثة أصفار من العُملة العراقية”، ولمّا كان مثل ذلك المشروع يصبُ أساساً في مصلحة الفاسدين القائمين على السلطة في بغداد المحتلة، فإني سأتناول مُناقشتُهُ، وتحليلُهُ سياسياً، في ضوءِ جُملةٍ من الحقائق يؤكد ما ذهبتُ إليه آنفاً، ووفق التسلسل الآتي: Sebuah rancangan resolusi baru mencari kerajaan menempel kekuatan dari “al-Maliki” untuk bekerja pada pengaktifan tersebut, adalah untuk “menghapuskan tiga sifar dari mata wang Iraq,” dan apa itu seperti projek yang terluka terutama untuk kepentingan korup mereka yang berkuasa di Baghdad diduduki, saya saya akan membincangkannya, dan analisis politik , dalam terang sejumlah fakta menegaskan apa yang saya pergi dengan dia sebelumnya, menurut urutan berikut ini:

    1. حقائق “مشروع قانون حذف ثلاثة أصفار من العملية العراقية”: Fakta, “bil untuk menghapuskan tiga sifar daripada operasi Iraq”:

    1. الموضوع آنف الذكر طُرح خلال السنوات الماضية من عُمرِ احتلال العراق مراتٍ مُتعدده، فمنها على سبيل المثال، خلال شهر كانون الأول/ديسمبر 2007 (1)، وخلال شهر آب/أغسطس 2009 (2)، ثم أُعيدَ طرحهُ خلال شهر كانون الأول/ديسمبر 2010 ، وفي المرات الثلاث أعلاه، تم طرحُهُ بالذات من قبل السيد “مظهر محمد صالح” المُستشار في البنك المركزي العراقي، فضلاً عن كونهِ مُدير التخطيط والإحصاء والدراسات في البنك ذاته، الذي يُعدُ مُنظر السياسة النقدية في العراق المُحتل، ويُعد الشخصية المالية التي تتبنى طرح هذا المشروع. Subjek yang disebutkan di atas diajukan selama tahun terakhir, kehidupan penjajahan kali Iraq beberapa, ketidakcocokan misalnya, sejak bulan Disember 2007 (1), selama bulan Ogos 2009 (2), dan kemudian kembali merilis sejak bulan Disember Disember 2010 Dalam tiga contoh di atas, dilancarkan secara khusus oleh Mr “penampilan Mohammed Saleh,” Canselor di CBI, selain juga sebagai Pengarah Perancangan dan Statistik dan Pengajian di bank itu sendiri, yang merupakan pandangan dasar kewangan di Iraq diduduki, dan merupakan kewangan peribadi mengadopsi menempatkan ini projek.

    1. يدافعُ السيد “صالح” في تنظيره لمشروعه هذا، بجُملةٍ من الحجج، منها: العودة إلى قيمة العُملة العراقية، التي كانت سائدة عام 1979 وما بعدها، ولغاية حوالي منتصف الثمانينات، ثم أنَّ هذا المشروع سيحدُ من “التضخُمِ الجامح” الذي يعيثُ تدميراً في الاقتصادِ العراقي. Pertahankan Mr “berpadanan” di Tnzirh untuk projek bahawa, antara hujah lain, termasuk: kembali kepada nilai-nilai mata wang Iraq, yang telah menang pada tahun 1979 dan selanjutnya, sampai sekitar pertengahan tahun lapan puluhan, dan bahawa projek ini akan mengurangkan “inflasi” yang mendatangkan kehancuran dalam ekonomi Iraq.
    2. أُستند السيد “صالح” إلى جُملة من الأرقام، تؤكد ما يذهب إليه، وهي: Mr berehat pada “fit” ke string nombor, menegaskan apa yang berlaku untuk itu, iaitu:

    1. عام 1980 كان المُتداول من العُملة العراقية في السوق العراقي 25 مليار دينار عراقي. 1980, rolling mata wang Iraq di pasaran Iraq 25 bilion dinar Iraq. (3) (3)

    1. في مطلع التسعينات، أرتفع المُتداول من العُملة العراقية في السوق العراقي بما يزيدُ قليلاً على 40 مليار دينار عراقي. Pada awal tahun sembilan puluhan, semakin tinggi rolling mata wang Iraq di pasaran Iraq, termasuk sedikit lebih dari 40 bilion dinar Iraq.
    2. عام 2004 أرتفع المُتداول من العُملة العراقية في السوق العراقي إلى 6 سته تريليون دينار. 2004 meningkat dari mata wang Iraq peniaga di pasar Iraq untuk 6 enam trilion dinar.
    3. عام 2010 أرتفع المُتداول من العُملة العراقية في السوق العراقي إلى 27 تريليون دينار. 2010 bangkit dari pedagang mata wang Iraq di pasaran Iraq 27 trilion dinar.
    4. عام 1979 والفترة التي لازمت الحرب الإيرانية العراقية، كانت أعلى/أكبر فئة نقدية مُتداولة هي 25 دينار، وتُعادل 75 دولار وقتئذٍ، فضلاً عن تداول الفئات الورقة والمعدنية الصغيرة. Pada tahun 1979 dan tempoh yang menyertai perang Iran-Iraq, media / tertinggi terbesar wang yang beredar adalah 25 dinar, setara dengan $ 75 pada waktu itu, serta peredaran kertas dan kumpulan-kumpulan kecil.
    5. عام 2010 وما قبلَهُ، فإن أعلى/أكبر فئة نقدية مُتداولة هي 25 ألف دينار، وهي لا تُعادل إلا 23 دولارا، فيما اصغر عُملة لذات الفترة هي 250 دينار. 2010 dan sebelumnya, media / tertinggi terbesar wang yang beredar adalah 25 ribu dinar, yang tidak setara dengan hanya $ 23, sedangkan syiling terkecil pada tempoh yang sama adalah 250 dinar.

    1. خلال عام 2003 – 2010 أدى التبدل الهيكلي في مستويات الأجور، والأسعار، وما رافقه من ارتفاع في السيولة، إلى تدهور “النمو في الناتج الإجمالي الحقيقي” و”معدلات سالبة” بالمُقارنة مع معدل النمو السكاني، فلم يتعد النمو 1% في أحسن الأحوال، لقاء متوسط تضخم سنوي زاد على 50%. Selama 2003 – 2010 menyebabkan perubahan kadar struktur upah, harga, dan kenaikan yang menyertainya kecairan, dengan penurunan “pertumbuhan KDNK riil” dan “tahap negatif” dibandingkan dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk, tidak melebihi pertumbuhan 1% di terbaik, untuk memenuhi inflasi tahunan rata-rata meningkat menjadi 50%.

    1. ولما ورد آنفاً، وانسجاما مع استقرار الأسعار، بعد أن تبدلت الهياكل السعرية، والأجور فإن الاقتصاد بحاجة إلى فئاتٍ نقدية، تُعادل ما كان عليه الاقتصاد في العام 1979، سيما إنه لا يُمكن للإصدار النقدي الجديد، الذي يُولده الدخل الحقيقي اليوم، أنْ يخدم مواصفات الاقتصاد، عندما كان في وضع تضخم جامح، والموازنة تُمول بالاقتراض الرخيص، عن طريق الإصدار النقدي أو التمويل بالتضخم. Seperti disebutkan di atas, dan selaras dengan kestabilan harga, kerana mengubah struktur harga, dan upah, ekonomi perlu kategori kas, setara dengan apa itu ekonomi pada tahun 1979, terutama bahawa ia tidak boleh menerbitkan uang baru, yang dibuat oleh pendapatan riil hari ini, untuk melayani perekonomian spesifikasi , ketika ia berada dalam inflasi dan anggaran yang dibiayai oleh pinjaman murah, melalui versi tunai atau pembiayaan inflasi.
    2. أن مشروع رفع الأصفار، يُسهل عمل نظام المدفوعات العراقي، ويُسهل عمل التبادلات التجارية، عن طريق إصدار فئات جديدة، تُلائم قيمة الناتج المحلي الإجمالي، والمُعاملات النقدية الكبيرة في الاقتصاد، فقد لُوحظ أن استخدام دولار الولايات المتحدة في المدفوعات الداخلية، واستعماله كعملة موازية مُساعدة، يأتي بالدرجةِ الأولى بسبب ضعف القيمة الشرائية لفئات العُملة العراقية في تغطية المعاملات، ولا سيما الكبيرة منها. Draft meningkatkan angka sifar, memudahkan kerja sistem pembayaran Iraq, dan memudahkan kerja bursa perdagangan, dengan menerbitkan kelas baru, cocok dengan nilai KDNK, kas transaksi besar dalam ekonomi, tercatat bahawa penggunaan dolar Amerika Syarikat dalam pembayaran Dalam Negeri, dan digunakan sebagai bantuan mata wang selari, datang terutama kerana kelemahan dalam daya beli dari kategori mata wang Iraq untuk menutup transaksi, terutama yang besar.
    3. أنَّ هنالك إعاقة كبيرة في حركة الأموال، بين المُواطنين، وبين المُواطنين والمصارف جراء تداول أكثر من أربعة تريليونات ورقة نقدية تزيد قيمتها على 27 تريليون دينار، مما يقتضي إعادة تركيبها، لتبلغ بضعة مليارات مُعادلة لـ27 تريليون دينار دون أن تسبب اختلالاً في الحقوق والالتزامات والعقود. Bahawa ada gangguan besar dalam gerakan dana, antara warga negara dan antara warga negara dan bank-bank oleh peredaran lebih daripada empat trilion kertas ulasan lebih daripada $ 27000000000000 dinar, yang mengharuskan dipasang semula, untuk mencapai satu bilion beberapa, setara dengan 27 trilion dinar, tanpa menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan dalam, kewajipan hak-hak dan kontrak. (4) (4)
    4. أكد “صالح” انجاز التحضيرات لتنفيذ مشروع حذف الاصفار من العُملة العراقية، سيما وأنهُ مشروع وطني، يهم البلد، والشعب، وبالتالي فهو يحتاج إلى دعم السلطتين التشريعية والتنفيذية، ويقتضي إجراءات متأنية، كما أن اتخاذ القرار بتنفيذ هذا المشروع، ستُعقبه فترة توعية لتبديد المخاوف، وتسليط الضوء على حقيقة أن الإجراء إصلاح، يهدف إلى تسهيل عمليات التبادل ولن يؤثر على دخول المواطنين وثرواتهم. Menekankan “berpadanan” selesainya persiapan pelaksanaan projek untuk memadam angka sifar dari mata wang Iraq, terutama kerana sebuah projek nasional, masalah negara, dan rakyat, dan kerana itu memerlukan sokongan daripada cawangan perundangan dan eksekutif, dan memerlukan tindakan berhati-hati, dan keputusan untuk melaksanakan projek ini, akan diikuti dengan masa kesedaran untuk menghalau ketakutan , dan untuk menyoroti fakta bahawa prosedur perbaikan, bertujuan untuk memudahkan pertukaran tidak akan menjejaskan kemasukan warga negara dan kekayaan mereka. (5) (5)
    5. أكد “صالح” إلى أن الدينار العراقي الجديد عندما يُطرح، سيُبقي على رموز العراق، ويحمل لغتيه الرئيستين، العربية والكردية. Menekankan “berpadanan” untuk dinar Iraq baru apabila ditanya, akan tetap pada simbol Iraq, dan memegang Co Ghtyh, Arab dan Kurdi. (6) (6)
    6. في تصريحٍ آخر للسيد “صالح” يؤكد، على: أن عملية رفع الاصفار هي: سياسة طويلة الأمد تبنتها الحكومة العراقية، والبنك المركزي، وهو مشرُوع سيتم المُباشرةَ بهِ، فور تحسُن وضع الاقتصاد العراقي، وهذا قد يكون العام الحالي (2010)، أو الذي يليه (2011)، ورُبما سيتطلبُ وقتاً أطول، ويعتمدُ بالأساس على الاستقرار الذي تحتاجهُ العملية، وليس هناك داع للاستعجال بالعملية في الوقت الحالي، لكنه أمر مطلوب بنفس الوقت، لأنهُ موضوع إصلاحي، لن يُغير من قيمة العُملة شيء لكنّهُ سيجعلها اقل حجما، سيما وأنَّ العراق خلال السنوات القليلة المُقبلة، ومع تطبيقه لخطة التنمية الجديدة، سيرفع من إنتاجه النفطي، وستزيدُ موارده بشكل كبير، وبالتالي فأننا نحتاج إلى عملة قوية وقليلة بنفس الوقت وسهلة بالتعامل. Dalam pernyataan lain kepada Mr “berpadanan” menegaskan, pada: proses mengangkat dari sifar adalah: dasar jangka-istilah yang diadopsi oleh kerajaan Iraq dan bank sentral, sebuah projek yang akan langsung, akan selepas pembangunan ekonomi Iraq, dan ini mungkin tahun berjalan (2010), atau yang diikuti oleh (2011), mungkin akan memakan masa yang lebih lama, bergantung terutama pada kestabilan yang anda perlukan proses, dan tidak perlu terburu-buru proses saat ini, tetapi diperlukan pada masa yang sama, kerana itu adalah subjek reformasi, tidak akan mengubah nilai dari hal mata wang, tetapi akan membuatnya lebih kecil, khususnya sebagai Iraq selama beberapa tahun ke depan, dan dengan pelaksanaan rancangan pembangunan baru, akan meningkatkan pengeluaran minyak, dan meningkatkan sumber daya secara signifikan, dan oleh kerana itu kita memerlukan mata wang yang kuat dan rendah pada masa yang sama dan pengendalian mudah.

    وحول الانتقادات التي وجهت للبنك المركزي بسبب إعلانه لتغيير العُملة قال “صالح”: “انه ينظر إلى مُستقبل العراق الاقتصادي بشكل مُتفاءل، أما إخفاقات الحاضر، والوضع غير المُستقر، فإنه أمرٌ لن يستمرُ إلى الأبد، بل الوضع في تحسنٍ مستمر” مُعتبراً أن أفكار المركزي “تقدمية تواجه أفكارا رجعية تريد العودة بالعراق إلى ثلاثين عاما مضت”. Dan tentang kritikan yang ditujukan pada Bank Sentral kerana deklarasi untuk menukar mata wang, mengatakan “sah”: “Ia memandang masa depan optimis keseluruhan ekonomi Iraq, dan kegagalan masa kini, dan situasi stabil, tidak akan bertahan selamanya, tapi situasi ini terus membaik,” menambah bahawa idea-idea dari pusat “menghadapi idea-idea reaksioner progresif anda ingin kembali Iraq untuk tiga puluh tahun yang lalu.” (7) (7)

    2- القراءة التحليلية لمشروع حذف ثلاثة أصفار من العُملة العراقية: 2 – membaca analitis projek untuk menghapuskan tiga sifar dari mata wang Iraq:

    في ضوء جملة الحقائق آنفة الذكر، وغيرها الأقل الذي لم نذكره لعدم الإطالة، فإن السيد “مظهر” في بعضاً من الشواهد التي ساقها أعلاه كان على صواب، بل كان على درجة عاليه من الدقة، أما كيف كان ذلك صواب، وتلك الدقة؟ Dalam terang, fakta-fakta lain yang disebut di atas, dan lain-lain sekurang-kurangnya yang tidak mengingatkan dia untuk tidak menghabiskan terlalu lama, Mr “penampilan” dalam beberapa bukti dikemukakan oleh di atas benar, tetapi dia adalah tahap ketepatan yang tinggi, dan bagaimana hal itu benar, dan resolusi itu? فإنهما يكمنان في رؤيتنا التحليلية الآتية: Mereka terletak dalam analisis kami berikut ini:

    1. أن الغاية التي نستشفها من شواهد السيد “مظهر” في تبنيه لمشروع هذا القرار، هو العودة بالقيمة النقدية، والقوة الشرائية، إلى ذات ما كانت عليه العُملة العراقية خلال عام 1079 ومطلع الثمانينات، وفي هذا اعتراف أن السياسة النقدية المُنتهجه خلال حقبة الحُكم الوطني، ما قبل الغزو والاحتلال عام 2003 كانت صائبة، ودقيقة، وتعكس بذات الوقت، أنَّ أموال العراق الواردة من النفط وغيره، كان يجري استثمارها اقتصادياً وفق سياسية اقتصادية، تحمل بين طياتها الكثير من الصواب، مما عزّز حينئذٍ من قيمة العُملة العراقية، وجعلها ذات شأن أمام الدولار الأمريكي، حيث كان الدينار العراقي وقتئذٍ يُعادل ثلاث دولارات أمريكية، في حين أنَّ الفترة ما بعد عام الغزو والاحتلال 2003، أصبحت الدنانير وليس الدينار، التي تعادل الدولار الأمريكي الواحد حوالي 1116 دينار عراقي للدولار الواحد، وهذا الرقم أتسم بالاستقرار النسبي خلال عامي 2009 – 2010. Bahawa tujuan yang Ncicvha bukti Mr “penampilan” dalam resolusi ini adalah pulangan dalam hal kewangan, dan daya beli, dengan sama seperti mata wang Iraq selama 1079 dan awal tahun lapan puluhan, dan dalam pengakuan ini bahawa dasar kewangan yang dibuat diketahui selama era pemerintahan nasional, apa yang sebelum pencerobohan dan pendudukan pada tahun 2003 adalah benar, tepat, dan mencerminkan masa yang sama, dana Iraq yang diterima daripada minyak dan lain-lain, sedang dieksploitasi secara ekonomi sesuai dengan politik, ekonomi, penuh dengan banyak hak, yang memperkuat kes nilai-nilai mata wang Iraq, dan membuat yang signifikan terhadap dolar AS Amerika Syarikat, di mana dinar Iraq pada setara masa tiga dolar AS, sementara tempoh selepas pencerobohan dan pendudukan pada tahun 2003, dinar, bukan dinar, setara dengan dolar AS pada sekitar 1.116 dinar Iraq pada dolar, sosok yang dicirikan oleh kestabilan relatif selama tahun 2009-2010 .
    2. يذكر السيد “مظهر” أرقاماً عن الكم النقدي المُتداول/المطبوع/المطروح في السوق العراقية خلال فترة الحُكم الوطني للعراق، وبين فترة الغزو والاحتلال الأمريكي/الصهيوني/الإيراني للعراق، ولأهميتها كونها صادرة عن مسؤول اقتصادي، يعمل بمنصبٍ ذا أهمية في البنك المركزي العراقي، لا بل كما أشرنا يُعد المُنظر للسياسة النقدية في العراق المُحتل، فإننا قد أنجزنا الجدول أدناه، الذي يُبين بالأرقام التي ذكرها المذكور ذاته، لنخلصُ منه بحقائق ثابته، تُؤكد ما كان عليهِ الوضع الاقتصادي من رصانةٍ خلال فترة الحُكم الوطني، وعلى الضدِ منهُ، كان ولا يزالُ الوضع الاقتصادي المتدهور الذي وصل للحضيض، وما هو آتٍ أسوأ، وما رصانة/تدهور قيمة العُملة العراقية إلا دليلاً وشاهداً على رصانة/تدهور الاقتصاد في كلا الحُقبتين: Mr “paparan” angka di kas kuantum rolling / dicetak / dibesarkan di pasaran Iraq selama masa pemerintahan nasional Iraq, dan tempoh pencerobohan dan pendudukan Amerika / Zionis / Iran ke Iraq, dan pentingnya dikeluarkan oleh kepala ekonomi, kedudukan kerja penting di Bank Sentral Iraq, Tidak, tapi seperti yang kita tunjukkan adalah pandangan dasar kewangan di Iraq diduduki, kita telah mencapai jadual di bawah ini, yang menunjukkan angka yang disebutkan oleh pertanyaan itu sendiri, untuk menyimpulkan dari realiti malar, membenarkan apa itu situasi ekonomi graviti selama masa pemerintahan nasional, dan kebalikan dari itu, tidak masih merosot situasi ekonomi, yang mencapai bahagian bawah, dan yang terburuk akan datang, dan graviti / penurunan daripada nilai mata wang Iraq hanya panduan dan saksi graviti / kemerosotan ekonomi di kedua-dua era:

    جدول مُقارن يُبين بالأرقام حجم التداول/المطبوع من العُملة العراقية سنوياً خلال فترة الحُكم الوطني للعراق قبل عام 2003… Jadual Perbandingan Volume menunjukkan jumlah / dicetak dari mata wang Iraq tahun selama masa pemerintahan nasional Iraq sebelum tahun 2003 … وحكم الاحتلال الأمريكي/الصهيوني/الإيراني للعراق بعد عام 2003 Dan pemerintahan pendudukan Amerika / Zionis / Iran di Iraq selepas tahun 2003

    السنة Tahun المُتداول من العُملة العراقية بالسوق العراقي بالمليار/فترة الحكم الوطني Bekerja dari pasaran mata wang Iraq dalam bilion tempoh Iraq / pemerintahan nasional
    السنة Tahun المُتداول من العُملة العراقية بالسوق العراقي بالتريليون/فترة الاحتلال الأمريكي/الصهيوني/الإيراني Bekerja dari pasaran mata wang Iraq, Baltrelion Iraq / tempoh pendudukan Amerika / Zionis / Iran
    1980 1980 25 مليار دينار عراقي 25 bilion dinar Iraq 2004 2004 6 تريليون دينار عراقي 6 trilion Iraq dinar
    1992 وهي تُمثل مطلع التسعينات 1992, merupakan awal tahun sembilan puluhan 40 مليار دينار عراقي 40 bilion dinar Iraq 2010 2010 27 تريليون دينار عراقي 27 trilion Iraq dinar

    * العملية الحسابية الأولى: Perhitungan pertama adalah:

    لبيان الكم المُتداول من العُملة العراقية خلال فترة الحُكم الوطني، بين سنة 1980 ومطلع التسعينات التي اعتبرناها عام 1992 نجري العملية الحسابية الآتية: Untuk menunjukkan kuantum rolling mata wang Iraq selama masa pemerintahan nasional, antara tahun 1980 dan awal tahun sembilan puluhan, yang kita dianggap pada tahun 1992 melakukan perhitungan sebagai berikut:

    1992 – 1980 = 12 سنة 1992 – 1980 = 12 tahun

    * العملية الحسابية الأولى: Perhitungan pertama adalah:

    لبيان الكم المُتداول من العُملة العراقية خلال فترة الغزو والاحتلال للعراق بين سنة 2004 و 2010 نجري العلمية الحسابية الآتية: Untuk menunjukkan kuantum rolling mata wang Iraq selama tempoh pencerobohan dan pendudukan Iraq antara 2004 dan 2010, melakukan perhitungan ilmiah sebagai berikut:

    2010 – 2004 = 6 سنة 2010 – 2004 = 6 tahun

    * العملية الحسابية الثانية: Perhitungan kedua:

    لبيان المُجمل للكم المطروح/المطبوع من العُملة العراقية خلال الـ 12 سنة أعلاه، نجري العملية الحسابية الآتية: Kenyataan dihuraikan untuk anda sebelum / dicetak dari mata wang Iraq selama 12 tahun terakhir di atas, kita memegang perhitungan sebagai berikut:

    40 مليار ينار عام 1992 – 25 مليار دينار عام 1980= 15 مليار دينار المُتداول/الذي تم ضخه/طبعه في السوق العراقي خلال 12 عاماً. Yanar 40 bilion pada 1992-25000000000 dinar, pada tahun 1980 = 15 bilion dinar, rolling /, yang disuntik / dicetak di pasaran Iraq dalam 12 tahun.

    * العملية الحسابية الثانية: Perhitungan kedua:

    لبيان المُجمل للكم المطروح/المطبوع من العُملة العراقية خلال الـ 6 سنوات أعلاه، نجري العملية الحسابية الآتية: Kenyataan dihuraikan untuk anda sebelum / dicetak dari mata wang Iraq selama 6 tahun di atas, kami memegang perhitungan sebagai berikut:

    6 تريليون دينار خلال عام 2004 – 27 تريليون دينار خلال عام 2010 = 21 تريليون دينار المُتداول/الذي تم ضخه/طبعه في السوق العراقي خلال الـ 6 سنوات من عُمر الاحتلال. 6 trilion dinar selama tahun 2004-27000000000000 dinar, pada tahun 2010 = 21 trilion dinar rolling /, yang disuntik / dicetak di pasaran Iraq selama 6 tahun terakhir penjajahan.

    * العملية الحسابية الثالثة: Ketiga perhitungan:

    لبيان الكم المطروح/المطبوع خلال كُل سنة من السنوات الـ 12 أعلاه نجري العملية الحسابية الآتية: Untuk menunjukkan kuantum sebelum / dicetak selama setiap tahun dari 12 masa lalu di atas kami memproses item berikut:

    15 ÷ 12 = 1,25 مليار دينار عراقي مطروح/مطبوع خلال كُل سنة من سنوات الـ 12 من الحُكم الوطني للعراق. 15 ÷ 12 = 1.25 bilion dinar Iraq Matrouh / dicetak setiap tahun selama 12 tahun pemerintahan nasional Iraq.

    * العملية الحسابية الثالثة: Ketiga perhitungan:

    لبيان الكم المطروح/المطبوع خلال كُل سنة من السنوات الـ 6 أعلاه نجري العملية الحسابية الآتية: Untuk menunjukkan kuantum sebelum / dicetak selama setiap tahun dalam 6 masa lalu di atas kami memproses item berikut:

    21 ÷ 6 = 3,5 تريليون دينار عراقي مطروح/مطبوع خلال كُل سنة من سنوات الـ 6 من سنوات غزو واحتلال العراق. 21 ÷ 6 = 3.5 trilion dinar Iraq Matrouh / dicetak selama setiap tahun dalam 6 tahun pencerobohan dan pendudukan Iraq.

    يظهر من الجدول والعملياتِ الحسابية أعلاه، الفارق الهائل والكارثي بين ضخ/طبع 1,25 مليار دينار عراقي خلال السنة الواحدة من السنوات الـ 12 من عُمر الحُكم الوطني، وبين ضخ/طبع 3,5 تريليون دينار عراقي في كُل سنة من السنوات الست من عُمر الاحتلال للعراق، بحيث أن ما تم طبعه/ضخه من العُملة العراقية طيلة الـ 12 سنه من عُمر الحُكم الوطني، تُمثل نسبة تُعد هامشية لما تم طبعه/ضخه من العُملة العراقية في سنة واحده من سنوات غزو واحتلال العراق؟! Muncul dari meja dan perhitungan di atas, perbezaan besar antara pam dan bencana / dicetak 1.25 bilion dinar Iraq selama satu tahun dari 12 tahun pemerintahan usia kebangsaan, dan antara pam / dicetak 3,5 trilion dinar Iraq dalam setiap tahun dalam enam tahun pendudukan Iraq, sehingga apa yang dicetak / disuntik dari mata wang Iraq selama 12 tahun terakhir pemerintahan usia kebangsaan, nisbah adalah marjinal dengan apa yang telah dicetak / disuntik dari mata wang Iraq di salah satu tahun pembukaan dan pendudukan Iraq?!

    وهنا من حقِنا، وبإيجاز أمام ما خلُصَ إليه الجدول أعلاه من حقائق لا يُمكن نُكرانها، أو التملُصَ منها، أنْ نتساءل: Di sini, adalah kita benar, dan secara singkat sebelum kesimpulan dari jadual di atas adalah fakta dinafikan, atau untuk mengelakkan mereka, untuk bertanya:

    1. أين الانتعاش الاقتصادي الذي وعد به الاحتلال الأمريكي العراقيين برفع مستواهم المعيشي، وجعلهم نموذجاً يُحتذى به في الشرق الأوسط، لا بل كونياً؟! Dimana pemulihan ekonomi yang dijanjikan oleh Iraq pendudukan AS meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka, dan menjadikan mereka sebagai panutan di Timur Tengah, namun tidak universal?
    2. أين الدور الإصلاحي الاقتصادي للحكومات العراقية، التي تعاقبت على حُكم العراق المُحتل خلال الفترة 2003 – 2010 وما سيأتي من أفعال من الحكومة الحالية للمالكي، وأحزابها السياسية الطائفية الشعوبية، أكثرُ سوءاً، وندعو الله تعالى اللُطفَ والرحمة بشعب العراق؟! Dimana peranan reformasi ekonomi kepada kerajaan Iraq, yang datang untuk memerintah Iraq diduduki selama tempoh 2003 – 2010 dan akan berasal dari tindakan pemilik saat ini kerajaan, parti politik dan populis sektarian, bahkan lebih buruk, dan berdoa kepada Allah SWT kebaikan dan belas kasihan rakyat Iraq?
    3. أليس الحقائق الرقمية في الجدول أعلاه تُظهر، وباعتراف البنك المركزي العراقي، أنَّ السياسة النقدية للحُكم الوطني للعراق لفترة ما قبل عام 2003 التي هي جزء مهم من السياسة الاقتصادية الشاملة وقتئذٍ، كانت رصينة، وعلمية وفي مصلحة الشعب العراقي؟ Alice mencari digital di jadual di atas menunjukkan, seperti yang disaksikan oleh Bank Sentral Iraq, dasar kewangan kerajaan kebangsaan Iraq untuk tempoh sebelum tahun 2003, yang merupakan sebahagian penting dari dasar ekonomi secara keseluruhan pada waktu itu, adalah padat, dan saintifik untuk kepentingan rakyat Iraq?
    4. أين واردات شعب العراق من العُملة الصعبة (الدولار) من تصدير النفط، خلال سنوات الاحتلال العجاف؟ Dimana rakyat Iraq import mata wang keras (dollar) dari eksport minyak, selama tahun-tahun pendudukan kurus? التي بلغت أرقاماً فلكية؟! Yang telah mencapai angka astronomi? ألم يسرقها الفاسدين القائمين على حكم العراق المُحتل، والقادمين مع الاحتلال على الدبابة الأمريكية، والطائرة الصهيونية، وكواتم الصوت والمُفخخة للمؤسسة الدينية الإيرانية.؟! Tidak mencuri korup berdasarkan Peraturan Iraq diduduki, dan seterusnya dengan pendudukan AS di pesawat, tangki dan Zionisme, dan peredam dan bom pembentukan agama Iran.?!
    5. ما هو مصير الملايين من الدولارات تارةً، والمليارات من الدولارات تارةً أخرى، التي أستقرضتها الحكومات التي تعاقبت على حكم العراق المُحتل، وبلغت ذروتها الإقتراضية في فترة حُكم المُتشبث بالسلطة “المالكي”، ووزير ماليته “باقر جبر صولاغ” الذي يرتبط أسمه بأبشع الجرائم بحق الشعب العراقي، تلك القروض التي توزعت على صندوق النقد الدولي، والبنك الدولي، واليابان، وإيران، وإيطاليا، و…إلخ، ولم يبقى للعراق، إلا الاقتراض من الصومال أو جيبوتي أو جزر القمر، سيما وأن تلك الحكومة، وذلك الوزير في توقيعهم على محاضر تلك القروض، يدّعون أنها لإنعاش الاقتصاد العراقي؟! Apakah nasib berjuta-juta dolar kadang-kadang, dan berbilion-bilion dolar pada waktu lain, yang Ostkarztha Kerajaan berturut-turut untuk memerintah Iraq diduduki, dan mencapai kemuncaknya pada pinjaman pada masa pemerintahan menempel pada kekuasaan, “al-Maliki,” dan itu menteri kewangan, “Bayan Jabor,” yang berkaitan dengan namanya dalam jenayah yang paling mengerikan terhadap rakyat Iraq, yang kredit yang diedarkan kepada Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa, dan lain-lain Bank Dunia, Jepun, Iran, Itali, dan …, tidak tinggal di Iraq, tetapi untuk meminjam dari Somalia atau Djibouti atau Comoros, terutama kerana kerajaan, seorang menteri dalam menandatangani catatan dari pinjaman ini, mereka mendakwa untuk menghidupkan semula ekonomi Iraq?

    1. من الثوابت التي قام عليها هذا المشروع، أنَّ كُل دينار واحد جديد (بعد حذف الأصفار)، يُعادل ألف دينار سابق (الذي لم تُحذف منهُ الأصفار)، ومائة دينار جديدة، تُعادل مائة ألف دينار سابقه، ومائة ألف دينار جديده، تعادل مليون دينار سابق، وهكذا دواليك، ثم أن الدينار الجديد في ظل حذف الأصفار يبقى يتمتع بذات القيمة النقدية، والقوة الشرائية التي كان يتمتع بها الدينار قبل حذف الأصفار منهُ، وهذا بدوره يعني، وفق تحليلنا، الآتي: Dari pemalar yang projek ini, bahawa setiap dinar yang baru (setelah memadam angka sifar), setara dengan seribu dinar dahulu (yang tidak memadamnya sifar), dan seratus dinar, baru, sama dengan seratus ribu dinar pendahulunya, dan seratus ribu dinar, yang baru, sama dengan satu juta dinar bekas , dan sebagainya, maka dinar baru dalam penghapusan sifar masih menikmati nilai kewangan yang sama, dan daya beli dinikmati oleh sifar dinar sebelum memadamnya, dan ini pada gilirannya bererti, berdasarkan analisis kami, sebagai berikut:

    1. أن المستوى ألمعاشي المُتدني جداً للمواطن العراقي بقي على حالهِ دون أي تطور ولو نسبي. Bahawa standard hidup sangat rendah bagi rakyat Iraq tetap sama bahkan tanpa pembangunan relatif.
    2. تكمن إيجابيته بالنسبة للمواطن العراقي، في أنه بدل أنْ يحمل ألف دينار، سيحملُ دينار واحد فقط؟! Iijaith untuk rakyat Iraq, dalam bahawa alih-alih seribu dinar, dinar, dan akan membawa hanya satu? وربما هنا تعد تلك الحكومة أنَّ هذا المشروع بمثابةِ إنجازاً لها، لأنها خففت نسبة ما يحملهُ المواطن العراقي من أموال، حرصاً منها على صحته.؟! Mungkin di sini adalah kerajaan bahawa projek ini berfungsi sebagai prestasi bagi mereka kerana mereka mengurangkan perkadaran yang dilakukan oleh warga Iraq dana, demi kesihatannya.?! يؤكد ما ذهبنا إليه أن القائمين على المصارف الأهلية العاملة في العراق، التي يبلغُ عددها بين 37-38 مصرف يرون: “أن الوقت غير مناسب حالياً لمثل هذا المشروع، لأن الاقتصاد العراقي غير منتعش بشكل جيد، وكذلك الناتج الفعلي من إيرادات تصدير النفط، لم تُستخدم بشكل صحيح، من أجل الإعمار والتنمية، وإعادة بناء البُنى التحتية، مما يجعل قيمة السلعة العراقية أكبر بكثير من قيمة العُملة، وبالتالي فإن رفع الأصفار الآن غير مناسب، لأن أكثر الموجودات بالشركات، والمصارف العراقية لا تزال أسهُمَها تقدر بقيمة الدينار العراقي، وحال رفع الأصفار، فإن ذلك معناه الرجوع إلى قيمة الفلس، وهذا غير مناسب بالوقت الحاضر. فالانتعاش..” Membenarkan apa yang kita harus didasarkan pada bank-bank swasta yang beroperasi di Iraq, yang jumlahnya antara 37-38 Bank lihat: “Waktu sekarang sesuai untuk projek tersebut, kerana ekonomi Iraq baik segar, serta output aktual dari pendapatan eksport minyak, tidak digunakan dengan betul, untuk rekonstruksi dan pembangunan, dan pembangunan semula infrastruktur, yang membuat nilai yang lebih besar Iraq item daripada nilai mata wang, sehingga meningkatkan angka sifar sekarang tidak tepat, kerana sebahagian besar aset syarikat, bank, Iraq masih saham bernilai dinar Iraq, dan acara yang diajukan sifar, itu bererti merujuk pada nilai sen, ini bukan waktu yang tepat menjadi terapi fizikal … ” (8) هو الذي يُقرر رفع الأصفار من عدمهِ. (8) adalah orang yang memutuskan apakah atau tidak untuk menaikkan sifar.
    3. من المهم جداً بيان أنَّ المُستفيد الأكبر من هذا المشروع، هُم فقط المُتربعين على عرش الحُكم في العراق المُحتل، فضلاً عن شخوص الأحزاب السياسية، وقادة الميلشيات الإرهابية، وتتلخص هذه الاستفادة ببساطة، أنهم بدلاً من أن يُجهدوا نفسهم، بحمل حقائب عده مملوءة بأموال شعب العراق المسروقة، تُثقل كاهلهم، فإنهم بهذا المشروع سيختصرونها بحقيبةِ واحدة، أو اثنتين على الأعم، مملوءة بالملايين، وبالتالي تبقى مفاصلهم العظمية سالمة وبخير؟! Ini kenyataan yang sangat penting bahawa penerima terbesar dari projek ini, mereka hanya diiktiraf atas takhta kuasa di Iraq diduduki, serta watak dari parti politik, para pemimpin militia pengganas, dan meringkaskan manfaat ini sederhana, mereka daripada membuat setiap usaha sendiri, membawa tas janji diisi dengan wang rakyat Iraq dicuri, menimbang bahu mereka, mereka Sechtsrunha ini portfolio projek dan satu atau dua yang lebih besar, diisi dengan berjuta-juta, dan kerana itu tetap utuh dan sendi tulang oke?
    4. إذن نخلصُ، إلى أن المشروع بأكملهَ ليس إلا تبديل عُملة ورقية، بعُملة ورقية أخرى، بمعنى آخر ورقة بورقة ليس إلا؟! Oleh kerana itu kita membuat kesimpulan, bahawa seluruh projek tidak hanya mengganti jenis mata wang kertas, mata wang dan kertas lain, dengan kata lain, kertas dan kertas sahaja?!
    5. المشروع لغاية الوقت الحاضر لم يُعرض على مجلس النواب العراقي، الذي التئم شمّله على مُبادرة غدرٍ، تُنبئ بأنَّ العراق مُقبلاً على ما هو أسوء؟! Projek sampai saat ini tidak disampaikan kepada parlimen Iraq, yang menyatu bersatu kembali atas inisiatif pengkhianatan, meramalkan bahawa Iraq akan datang dengan apa yang terburuk?


  470. ayiem
    Dec 11, 2010 @ 00:22:47

    Boys and Girls. Ladies and Gentlemen. First off, if we get confirmation that the smart cards (welfare program of 250 dinar) were not in fact loaded yet, but will actually be loaded on the 15th, it bolsters a new confidence in the dinar revaluing on that day also. I say this because the UNSC all vote to remove Chapter 7 from Iraq on the 15th. It is also safe to say the government will be completely formed by then or shortly after. This looks to be a planned day for the big RV don’t you think? Oh and one more thing. The UN updates revaluations on the 1st and 15th. Just a little more convenience for this to happen. We will wait! and see.


  471. ayiem
    Dec 11, 2010 @ 00:51:36

    I am not new to this investment, I don’t post often but felt the need to post this….
    I am NOT the writer…

    I share this with you because many including myself have considered this as being our hold-up, but despite my best efforts I could not find documentation to prove my fears.
    Today i will break the TRUE STORY with our dinar investment, what has been going on and WHO has been behind it. All the following information has been confirmed thru numerous Middle East and US based sources. This investment in the IQD was all based on a “Plan” put into place by Bush, designed by Paul Bremer, head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, and based off the Marshall Plan that freed Germany from its war torn state. Leading Germany into one of the most financially strong positions of any European country. This plan put in by the Bush administration was designed to give Iraq the foundation to become the one of the strongest financial powers in the world, and a close friend and right hand of the USA government. Placing superior military power and vast oil reserves on the same side for the first time in history.
    This plan should have been complete by now, and yet all troubles began with President Obama took office. There have been no less than six (6) occasions just in this current year that Obama has delayed the Iraqi people, delayed the citizens of the world, the final enactment of the plan, the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar. Thru my sources, the one underlying theme kept popping up thru discussions, Obama wanting more of our money, more of the money from the families of the Veterans of the gulf war, who gave life, limb and laid there heart on the battlefield to do the job their commander asked of them. You might be asking what do i mean by wanting more of our money, let me explain. Executive order 13303 was the order that gave us the right to “invest” in iraq thru the
    IQD, but that tax structure, where we are taxes as capital gains was not enough to feed the coffers of Washington.
    So our President has forcefully delayed the RV of the IQD, until he could get a better tax plan in place. What is important is the story behind Obama’s actions. You see the rate and date are not important to him, as the USA and every other country, China, France, Russia, ect, have a pre negotiated rate in the $5.75 dollar range. What Mr. Obama is trying to do is two fold. And his latest plan came just this week, when the IQD was supposed to go live with a new rate. He requested and received yet another delay so that he could attempt to attach a new tax law to the Bush Tax cut extensions that are fighting there way thru Washington. He is attempting to have this IQD RV proceeds taxes as ordinary income, a rate up to 35%, versus the lower capital gains which it was designed
    to fit under. The second personal plan of Mr. Obama is to force Iraq to come in lower than their Desired rate of 3.22, by doing so claiming more of the money for Washingtons own coffers.
    If O’s gets his way, a lower rate will be released to the World, closer to the Euro, providing up to 4+ dollars in the Washington piggy bank for every IQD owned by its citizens and service men. So the two part plan, if successful, will net us as investors close to .90 cents, while the US gov. receives close to $5 dollars. How is that for a swift reality check on what has really been going on with this investment. The Gov of Iraq has never been the issue, has never been the delay, the CBI has been more than ready and willing to RV the IQD for many months. Yet thru distortion of facts, we have been led to believe that we have been waiting for Iraq to get their act together, THIS IS NOT TRUE, what we have been waiting on is for Mr. Obama to figure out any and every way possible for every dollar possible to wind up in his spending coffers, and not ours. And without a doubt no dollar was to hit our bank accounts prior to our mid term elections, when the risk of this new found wealth could be used to support his
    August 31st, July 4th, Nov 25th, Dec. 7th, just a few of the confirmed dates that Iraq was ready and willing to uphold there end of “The Plan”. I have it confirmed that on Aug 31st we were actually close enough for the rate to be loaded into the system at $3.22. Did Obama win out in this battle, and force the Proud Iraqi people into a much lower rate, or did they stand strong finally and give to their people what they promised them for so long, a strong world currency, with international appeal. If Mr. Obama does not find a way to extend this into next year, and yes, this was his original plan, to push the RV of the IQD into 2011, all for personal gain, “deficit and re election”, we should see a new IQD rate at any time.
    We should see Iraq emerge out from under the shackles of Ch7, and once again assume the position of a powerful ME country, and this should happen on the 15th, with a RV prior to this occasion. Thats the good news in all this, in order for iraq to be granted Ch7 removal, they MUST RV first, so unless Obama strips iraq of the release, then at whichever rate comes out in the next few days, we will be thru with our search for the RV.
    I hope this information does not cause any of you grief, but i felt obligated to reveal the real reason for the endless delays of the RV, it was NOT IRAQ, not the GOI, not the CBI, not the issues with Kuwait, not the problems with Iran, it was all manipulated by someone much closer to our home.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,


  472. ayiem
    Dec 11, 2010 @ 08:35:45

    r professional historians the publication of the vast trove of diplomatic cables is a bittersweet affair.

    No one outside of the Washington establishment and the myriad foreign leaders shamed by revelations of their penchant for hatred, hubris and pedestrian peccadillos can seriously argue that the release of these classified documents has done anything but good for the cause of peace and political transparency.

    Whether about Iraq, Afghanistan, or the minuate of American diplomacy, they have shed crucial light on some of the most important issues of the day and will make it much harder for Western or Middle Eastern governments to lie to their people about so many aspects of the various wars on/of terror in the future.

    Indeed, if there’s anyone who deserves the next Nobel Peace Prize more than the courageous American soldier, Bradley Manning, who is alleged to have given the documents to Wikileaks in the first place, I’d like to know.

    At the very least, given what a mockery President Obama has made of the principles for which the prize is supposed to stand – evidence of which, like pressuring Spain to drop criminal investigations into Bush administration torture, have only come to light thanks to the latest WikiLeaks release – the Nobel Committee should demand his medal back and give it to Manning or whoever the leaker is.

    A new approach to diplomacy-honesty and transparency

    Already, thanks to WikiLeaks, citizens in the West and Middle East know more than they were ever supposed to about how corrupt, misguided, incompetent and mendacious, are their leaders and the policies pursued in their name.

    As each new revelation comes to light, I can’t help thinking, why was this secret in the first place? Wouldn’t it be better if American and other diplomats shared their concerns openly rather than hiding them from the public?

    How about everyone telling the truth for once and letting the people decide? Aren’t Italians better off knowing that the American Ambassador thinks Berlusconi is too old to party like a rock star and too corrupt to be trusted with his country’s leadership? Shouldn’t Americans know that the Saudis continue to funnel huge sums of money to militants and that Pakistanis are refusing to hand over nuclear fuel they long ago promised to give up?

    Wouldn’t Mexicans be better off knowing just what the US thinks of their anti-drug efforts, and Americans better off knowing just how badly the drug war is proceeding? And certainly the news that Saudi Arabia, at least, supports attacking Iran has already led Iran to tone down its rhetoric and seek to reassure its neighbors of its peaceable intentions.

    As far as I can see, the best development that could come out of Wikigate would be that diplomats around the world begin tweeting their previously secret observations on a daily basis, so that everyone knows where everyone else stands and governments can no longer hide behind diplomatic courtesy to continue with the all-too-often reprehensible “business as usual”. The world has never needed honesty more than it does today.

    Looking for shelter in an increasingly dangerous world

    If there’s anyone who doesn’t think the world – and particularly the United States – desperately needs WikiLeaks, I offer you “Exhibit A” of why this is the case: the star-studded official trailer for the “Call of Duty: Black Ops” first person shooter video game. Regular readers of this column might recall my November 16 article, “Nowhere Left to Run,” where I discussed the cultural implications of “Black Ops” after spotting a poster for the game in a Berlin subway around the time of its release.

    Since then I have seen the trailer, whose slogan is “There’s a soldier in all of us” and features both ordinary people – a secretary, fry cook, hotel concierge, and the like – along with celebrities like Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant, and late night American talk show host Jimmy Kimmel.

    After watching the trailer I was so exasperated I emailed a colleague at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies here at Lund and asked him, “Where is Ice Cube when you need him?” His reply stunned me: “LoL you don’t know where Ice Cube is? He’s doing the voice of Bowman in ‘Black Ops’…”

    In case you’re not a hiphop fan, once upon a time Ice Cube was the terror of law abiding white citizens across America as a member of the highly political gangsta rap group NWA. In fact, their song “F*** Da Police” almost got them into as much trouble with the US government as is Julian Assange today.

    But those days are long forgotten. Today Mr. Cube spends his time, when not playing secret service agents in movies, providing the voice for one of the lead characters in “Black Ops.”

    But it’s not just hiphop that’s prostituted itself to violence and big corporations. The rock n’ roll establishment has equally shamed itself, as none other than the Rolling Stones allowed their song “Gimme Shelter,” one of the most important anti-war songs of the Vietnam era, to be used as the soundtrack for the trailer, which shows Kobe Bryant smiling widely as he and innumerable other “ordinary” people blast away an unseen enemy in a clearly Middle Eastern landscape (not surprisingly, digital sales of the song and other Stones hits spiked in the wake of the trailer’s release).

    A chilling view of american culture and values

    The “Black Ops” trailer makes for chilling viewing, as it tells viewers – successfully, apparently, given the record – breaking sales of the game – that they can derive great pleasure from taking a break from life to pretend to kills people half way around the world.

    Perhaps most troubling, the colours and landscape of the trailer are eerily reminiscent of the infamous killing of a dozen Iraqis by a US helicopter crew, some of whom are laughing as they fire missiles at their targets. Not surprisingly, the only reason we know of this event is because WikiLeaks put the classified video, dubbed “collateral murder,” into the public domain last April, in one of the releases that first made the organisation (in)famous.

    Apparently Bryant, Kimmel, Cube, the Stones and the designers of “Black Ops” are all either ignorant of, or more likely unmoved, by the reality that ordinary Americans – fry cooks, secretaries, concierges and other working class people – have been forced to answer the “call of duty” for extended tours in Iraq and now Afghanistan during the last decade, where many have been forced into precisely the life and death situations of extreme violence that Bryant and his famous friends were no doubt paid handsomely to pretend so thoroughly to enjoy.

    This is the mindset, at all levels of American society, against which the truths revealed by the hundreds of thousands of WikiLeak documents must stand. And the potential for changing peoples’ minds is clearly disturbing enough to the US government that it has begun, when not calling for Assange’s arrest and worse to warn students at elite institutions like Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs that they risk never being hired by the State Department if they even mention the WikiLeaks documents on any social media sites in which they participate.

    Like the corrupt law firm that hired innocent newbie attorney Tom Cruise in the movie “The Firm,” the last thing the Government wants is for prospective employees to understand what it’s really up to until they’re sucked in too deep to change it.

    Truths that must Be learned-the sooner the better

    Chances are, if your government is telling you not to read something, you should be reading it twice as closely.

    The detailing of all the problems the Bush and Obama administrations have had in executing policies in the Muslim world have done an invaluable service to any citizen who wants to understand whether the government’s claims as well as aims in the war on terror are both reasonable and feasible on the ground (sadly, it seems more often than not, the answer is they are not).

    Certainly, I will urge my own students to read the various WikiLeak documents and compare them with documents we have from wars past, to gain greater insight into the continuities and changes in war-making, diplomacy, and the motivations behind both over the course of modern history.

    But if the release of over countless classified documents has given the world a “banquet of secrets” to feast upon (as Timothy Garton Ash put it in The Guardian), historians might be tempted to wonder what scraps we will be left to scrounge over when it comes time to write histories of the events covered by the various WikiLeaks documents with the nuance and perspective that only comes from a certain amount of historical distance from the events in question.

    And it’s not merely professional jealousy by people used to having largely exclusive access to the historical record– after all, who but historians is willing to sit in dusty archives for years searching through hundreds of thousands of documents for a few gems that can advance the state of knowledge on a topic? With easily searchable data bases, now – Heaven forbid! – anyone can be an historian, rendering judgment on events and motivations that members of the previously closed historians’ guild normally have to wait decades to get access to.

    Or can they?

    Despite the huge volume of cables and documents released by WikiLeaks, they only offer a very partial account of the realities they discussed. The often unguarded and even eloquent language of the writers of the dispatches does not change the fact that they were written by US government employees (whether soldiers or diplomats) for their superiors, addressing issues from an American perspective and a set of interests that can’t be assumed to match those of the myriad other actors in the dramas these documents reflect.

    History’s lesson: multiple perspectives provide the best view

    No matter how much we think we can learn about the realities of the Afpak, Iraqi or larger Middle Eastern conflicts from WikiLeaks, the limited perspective of the documents WikiLeaks has been able to obtain reveals that there is still an incredible amount to learn before we come close to having the full picture of the history-making events of the last decade.

    And unless there are British, French, Iraqi, Afghan and other soldiers with a similar access to classified documents and a reckless disregard for their own future, it is likely that the full accounting of the “Wikiwars” will likely wait until the historians of tomorrow are finally allowed to peruse the far larger volume of documents that governments will work even harder than before to keep out of the public domain.

    Mark LeVine is a professor of history at UC Irvine and senior visiting researcher at the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University in Sweden. His most recent books are Heavy Metal Islam (Random House) and Impossible Peace: Israel/Palestine Since 1989 (Zed Books).

    The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial policy.
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  473. khairul
    Dec 22, 2010 @ 08:22:48

    Iraq gets a new government
    Parliament unanimously approves Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his new government, ending nine months of deadlock.
    Last Modified: 21 Dec 2010 16:32 GMT

    Iraqi lawmakers have unanimously approved a new government to be headed by Nouri al-Maliki, the incumbent prime minister.

    The vote on Tuesday ended nine months of political deadlock after an inconclusive national election in March.

    Lawmakers approved 29 ministers, including al-Maliki, to form the new government, which includes members of all of Iraq’s major political and sectarian factions, including Shias, Sunnis and Kurds.

    Al-Maliki detailed to lawmakers on Tuesday the programme of his new parliament and vowed to make Iraq a truly democratic state that respects human rights and the rights of various ethnic and sectarian groups.

    But he criticised the various political blocs for failing to nominate female candidates for ministerial positions. He also warned that there will still be obstacles ahead.

    “Given the circumstances it has been created under, this government does not satisfy the people nor the needs of our country,” al-Maliki said.

    “But the effort and the will to make it work in the best possible way it can, is there.”

    Controversial appointments

    Al Jazeera’s Rawya Rageh, reporting from Baghdad, said al-Maliki will be the acting minister of defence, interior and national security “until appropriate candidates are found”.

    “This is likely to be a controversial move because the prime minister’s critics have been accusing him of what they see as attempts to consolidate his power and have complete control over the security file,” our correspondent said.

    “Still, there’s expected to be some relief in certain quarters among the Iraqi population. People have waited nine months to finally see a government in place to bring them basic services, welfare payments and jobs that have yet to be allocated because of the delay in government formation.

    “But concerns linger over the ability of this government to take any effective decisions given the sectarian nature along which the various positions were distributed.”

    Under the new government, outgoing oil minister Hussein Shahristani is now deputy prime minister for energy, while deputy prime minister Rafi al-Issawi becomes finance minister and foreign minister Hoshyar Zebari remains in place.

    The most controversial appointment is Saleh al-Mutlaq to the role of deputy prime minister. Up until two days ago, he was banned from politics altogether for being a former Baathist.

    Iraqiya bloc

    Former prime minister Iyad Allawi, who failed to gain enough support for a parliamentary majority after his cross-sectarian Iraqiya bloc won the most seats in the poll, is still without a proper post.

    Allawi has been promised the top position of a strategy and security council – but until it is created, those matters will be handled by al-Maliki.

    Despite not having a post yet, Allawi vowed to work with the government and give it his full support.

    “We wish the new government all success in meeting the needs of the Iraqi people,” he said.

    “We, in the Iraqiya list, announce our full support to this government. We will co-operate with the best intentions as long as our political partners treat us with the same spirit.”

    Until this month, the Iraqiya alliance bitterly fought to prevent al-Maliki from keeping his job, insisting Allawi should have the first shot at forming a government.

    Fair representation

    However, al-Maliki has yet to decide on permanent choices for some positions. The remainder of the 42-seat cabinet is made up of acting ministers who will replaced at a later date because of ongoing disputes between coalition partners.

    Some legislators said they were irritated that al-Maliki did not present a cabinet with names of candidates for all 42 posts.

    “An agreement should be reached on all security posts,” Mahmoud Othman, an independent Kurdish politician, said. “Why should they remain open and with the prime minister for an unspecified period of time?”

    Al-Maliki, who has served as prime minister since May 2006, said the delays would ensure all parties are fairly represented in the government.

    “The formation of national unity government in Iraq is a difficult and hard task because we need to find place in the government for all those who participated and won in the elections,” he said, speaking just hours after legislators gloomily predicted further delays.

    Iraq mendapat kerajaan baru
    Parlimen secara bulat menyetujui Perdana Menteri Nouri al-Maliki dan kerajaan barunya, mengakhiri kebuntuan sembilan bulan.
    Terakhir diubahsuai: Dis 21, 2010 16:32 GMT

    ahli parlimen Iraq telah secara bulat menyetujui kerajaan baru yang akan dipimpin oleh Nouri al-Maliki, perdana menteri incumbent.

    Pungutan suara pada Selasa sembilan bulan yang berakhir pada kebuntuan politik selepas pilihanraya umum nasional yang tidak meyakinkan Mac.

    DPR menyetujui 29 menteri, termasuk al-Maliki, untuk membentuk kerajaan baru, yang merangkumi ahli dari semua puak utama Iraq politik dan sektarian, termasuk Syiah, Sunni dan Kurdi.

    Al-Maliki terperinci untuk ahli parlimen pada hari Selasa program parlimen baru dan berjanji untuk membuat Iraq sebuah negara yang benar-benar demokratik yang menghormati hak asasi manusia dan hak-hak-hak kumpulan etnik dan pelbagai sektarian.

    Tapi ia mengkritik pelbagai blok politik gagal untuk mencalonkan calon wanita untuk kedudukan menteri. Dia juga memberi amaran bahawa masih akan ada hambatan di depan.

    “Memandangkan keadaan ini telah diciptakan di bawah, kerajaan ini tidak memuaskan masyarakat, mahupun keperluan negara kita,” kata al-Maliki.

    “Tapi usaha dan kemahuan untuk membuatnya bekerja dengan cara yang terbaik mungkin bisa, ada di sana.”

    Kontroversial janji

    Al-Jazeera Rawya Rageh, melaporkan dari Baghdad, kata al-Maliki akan bertindak menteri pertahanan, keselamatan interior dan nasional “sampai calon yang sesuai ditemui”.

    “Hal ini mungkin merupakan langkah kontroversi kerana pengkritik perdana menteri telah menuduh dia dari apa yang mereka lihat sebagai usaha untuk menyatukan kekuasaannya dan mempunyai kawalan penuh ke atas fail keselamatan,” kata wartawan kami.

    “Masih, ada diharapkan dapat beberapa bantuan di beberapa tempat di kalangan penduduk Iraq. Orang-orang telah menunggu sembilan bulan untuk akhirnya melihat kerajaan di tempat untuk membawa mereka perkhidmatan asas, bayaran kesejahteraan dan pekerjaan yang belum diperuntukkan kerana kelewatan dalam pembentukan kerajaan.

    “Tapi kebimbangan berlama-lama di atas kemampuan kerajaan ini untuk mengambil keputusan yang berkesan mengingati sifat sektarian sepanjang yang membahagikan pelbagai posisi.”

    Di bawah kerajaan baru, minyak menteri keluar Hussein Shahristani sekarang wakil perdana menteri untuk tenaga, sedangkan wakil perdana menteri Rafi al-Issawi menjadi menteri kewangan dan menteri luar negeri Hoshyar Zebari tetap di tempat.

    Penunjukan paling kontroversial adalah Saleh al-Mutlaq untuk peranan wakil perdana menteri. Sampai dua hari yang lalu, ia dilarang daripada politik sama sekali untuk menjadi bekas Baath.

    Iraqiya blok

    Bekas Perdana Menteri Iyad Allawi, yang gagal untuk mendapatkan sokongan cukup untuk majoriti di parlimen selepas lintas-sektarian blok Iraqiya memenangi kerusi terbanyak dalam jajak pendapat, masih tanpa posting yang tepat.

    Allawi telah dijanjikan kedudukan atas sebuah strategi dan dewan keselamatan – tetapi sampai dibuat, hal-hal akan dikendalikan oleh al-Maliki.

    Meski tidak memiliki posting belum, Allawi berjanji untuk bekerja dengan kerajaan dan memberikan sokongan penuh.

    “Kami berharap kerajaan baru semua kejayaan dalam memenuhi keperluan rakyat Iraq,” katanya.

    “Kami, dalam senarai Iraqiya, mengumumkan sokongan penuh kami kepada kerajaan ini. Kami akan bekerja sama dengan niat terbaik selama rakan politik kita melayan kami dengan semangat yang sama. ”

    Sampai bulan ini, aliansi Iraqiya pahit berjuang untuk mengelakkan al-Maliki dari menjaga pekerjaannya, berkeras Allawi mesti mempunyai tembakan pertama untuk membentuk kerajaan.

    Fair perwakilan

    Namun, al-Maliki belum memutuskan pilihan kekal untuk beberapa posisi. Sisa daripada 42 kerusi kabinet terdiri dari menteri bertindak yang akan diganti di kemudian hari kerana perselisihan berterusan antara rakan kongsi gabungan.

    Beberapa ahli perundangan mengatakan bahawa mereka jengkel bahawa al-Maliki tidak menyajikan sebuah kabinet dengan nama-nama calon untuk semua 42 posting.

    “Suatu kesepakatan harus dicapai pada semua pos-pos keselamatan,” kata Mahmoud Othman, seorang ahli politik Kurdi independen,. “Buat apa mereka tetap terbuka dan dengan perdana menteri untuk tempoh masa tidak tertentu?”

    Al-Maliki, yang telah menjabat sebagai perdana menteri sejak Mei 2006, berkata penangguhan akan memastikan semua pihak yang cukup terwakili dalam kerajaan.

    “Pembentukan kerajaan perpaduan nasional di Iraq adalah tugas yang sulit dan keras kerana kita perlu mencari tempat dalam kerajaan untuk semua orang yang menyertai dan menang dalam pilihan raya,” katanya, bercakap hanya beberapa jam selepas perundangan murung dijangka penangguhan lebih lanjut.


  474. Nakata''17
    Dec 26, 2010 @ 02:08:42

    tunGGu da Lihat,beNarkah RV isnin nie???


  475. Nakata''17
    Dec 26, 2010 @ 02:09:10

    tunGGu dan Lihat,beNarkah RV isnin nie???


  476. misc
    Dec 27, 2010 @ 19:17:00

    helmy ni aku rasa ko patut g bukak blog sndri drpd dok promote2 bisnes ko kat blog org ni.


  477. jalak lenting
    Dec 30, 2010 @ 04:11:19

    Beginning of a scam?

    We now are unable to take any dinar out of Iraq and have been told soon it will be illegal to sell the dinar outside of Iraq. I would imagine that eventually that you will only be able to cash in here (post RV). Therefore the big time investors will actually have to be here in order to cash in…..get where im going?

    Remember Iraq can do whatever it wishes as far as their currency is concerned. US investors will have a window to cash in their currency at the EXISTING RATE SOON before its declared ILLEGAL TO TRADE DINAR OUTSIDE IRAQ….scammed


  478. jalak lenting
    Dec 30, 2010 @ 04:13:02




  479. jalak lenting
    Dec 31, 2010 @ 02:05:01

    apa dah jadi!!!!! sila baca dengan teliti

    Speculators in Iraqi Dinar Face Importation Risk with Paper Currency

    “The formation of a government in Iraqi last week has re-energized speculators in the Iraqi Dinar” says David Pratt of U.S. Dinar Bank who cautions people that while these recent events are encouraging, people should heed the statements made by the Iraqi Ministry of Finance ?? Iraqi Customs does not permit the entry of IQD currency and will confiscate funds, and that FedEx is not permitted to handle and deliver IQD currency in or out of Iraq?.

    San Diego, CA (PRWEB) December 29, 2010

    “The formation of a government in Iraqi last week has re-enrgized speculators in the Iraqi Dinar” says David Pratt of U.S. Dinar Bank who cautions people that while these recent events are encouraging, people should heed the statements made by the Iraqi Ministry of Finance ?? Iraqi Customs does not permit the entry of IQD currency and will confiscate funds, and that FedEx is not permitted to handle and deliver IQD currency in or out of Iraq?.

    While thousands of U.S. Servicemen, and contractors in Iraqi purchased paper Dinar in anticipation of what appears to be an impending revaluation, they may have overlooked the fact that Iraq currency is a national currency only to be used and handled within the Republic of Iraq and not to be used, circulated, or handled internationally in any way.

    According to David Pratt, of US Dinar Bank,, “the statements above illustrate a major risk to investors owning the paper currency of Iraq and it may affect their capability to redeem it at any given time in the future?. He further states that Americans are free to have a bank account and purchase Dinar without taking those Dinar out of Iraq and be compliant with the regulations of the Iraqi government.

    Mr. Pratt and U.S. Dinar Bank facilitate commercial banking relationships for Iraq?s Al Warka Bank. The U.S. Dinar Bank does not handle Iraq?s paper currency in any way.

    Mr. Pratt may be reach by telephone 619- 819-5676.


  480. nun jauh di sana
    Jan 01, 2011 @ 04:01:57


    to en helmy…ni dah masuk tahun 2011…pesal bank iraq x tarik2 lagi Note besar dr pasaran?mungkin bank iraq nk suh custmez buke Acc warka Online kot..x tahu la sy..tunggu n


  481. nazhasecret
    Jan 02, 2011 @ 23:39:56

    kan byk rumuors aje,kesohihan belum lg kita ketahui..byk boom bang takleh nk bawak masuk iqd tukar kt sna..ade sape yg ade link info yg ada fakta..setakat tgk semua rumuors aje


  482. papa tejo
    Jan 06, 2011 @ 00:49:46


    Dari beberapa post sejak beberapa hari ini kelihatan rv iqd sebenarnya telah terjadi secara tidak rasmi di dalam Irak sendiri di mana rakyat iraq telah mula membeli barangan keperluan mereka dengan wang kecil seperti 25, 50, 250 dan 500 dinar saja. Manakala note 25K tidak kelihatan lagi, bukar berarti tidak laku tapi terlalu tinggi nilainya!
    Bahkan semalam satu post menyatakan di irak sekarang ini orang sudah boleh membeli used car dengan wang 1,000 dinar saja…. dan pagi ini ada satu post menyatakan dengan 25K dinar sudah membolehkan orang membeli sebuah kereta baru!
    Dapat disimpulkan kelewatan Shabibi umumkan rv adalah untuk mmblehkan note2 besar 25K ditarik balik dari sirkulasinya. Dan hal ini dikatakan sudah berlaku sejak bulan September, 2010 yang lalu, hanya kita di luar irak saja yang tidak tahu apa yang telah terjadi di Irak!
    Bahkan dikatakan di Irak sekarang ini sudah ada orang yang menukar secara gelap dinar iraq dengan nilai $1.00 untuk 1 dinar! apakah ertinya semua ini? Ertinya memang dinar akan diapungkan dengan nilai yang tinggi…….kalau tidak mana mungkin orang mahu menukar 1 dinar dengan 1USD!
    Berapa tinggi agaknya? Berita baru menyatakan ianya di bawah atau atas sedikit dinar Kuwait!
    Mudah2an benar berita tersebut! InsyaAllah!!!


  483. Ibrahim
    Jan 11, 2011 @ 17:01:58

    Saya juga hairan kenapa kita tidak mendapat informasi berkenaan padahal dianya telah di apungkan. saya telah diberitahu bahwa di iraq dinar telah digunakan sebagai mata uang yang sahih dan bisa digunakan untuk membeli barangan sehari-hari dan tadi malam saya mendapat email dari soarang sahabat dikuwait yang mengatakan dinar sudah di apungkan $ 3.1 dan tidak diumukan di media jadi ada snario dibalik semua ini. saya berharap ini adalah berita yang sangat mengembirakan. hanya kita belum tahu saja


    • 1Malaysia
      Jan 12, 2011 @ 12:36:07

      betul ker en ibrahim….rumor atau benar nie yg en ibrahim ada kawan dekat kuwait…nak rasa excited sikit nih


  484. nazhasecret
    Jan 12, 2011 @ 18:34:53

    pasal informasi yg ckp dh rv cuma kita tatau tu sy cuba cari di forum international setakat ni sy blum dpt nk tgk kesohihan dh rv ke blum..coz rata2 semua nye mcm kita duk menunggu news rasmi ttg rv..

    if sape2 yg mmg ade di kuwait,atau berdekatan dgn nya sila kompemkan betul ke iqd dh rv..coz latest my friend di timur tengah tukar iqd pun masih ikut rate semasa yg rendah..nk kena tanya balik ni


  485. nazhasecret
    Jan 13, 2011 @ 00:07:42

    bila sy review balik komen2 di blog ni..ada satu yg sy tertarik:

    pasal isu iqd kat tgn dia byk so bila RV nti cmne nk tukar,BNM x kaco ke
    mesti kena suspended la..dll ..mampu ke MC nak byr dia nti yg simpan berjuta2 lemon iqd ni

    actually bila RV utk pertama kali..bukan semua org akan berlumba2 nak menjual balik iqd,mungkin separuh akan menjual separuh lagi akan terus menyimpan menunggu price mungkin masa tu org lain akan beli iqd ni (selain MC)..ntah2 pelabur iqd baru ke yg nak beli.cth RV IQD 1= USD 1,so mungkin sy jual separuh dulu coz target sy IQD 1 = USD 3,so yg separuh yg nk dijual tu mungkin ada pelabur iqd akn beli sbb dia target IQD 1 = USD 3 nti,.so wallahualam. .ape2 pun sy menunggu berita RV yg semakin menghimpit..amin


  486. Mohd Helmy
    Jan 13, 2011 @ 17:05:31

    Dinar Circulation Restrictions Per Deputy Director Al Warka Bank

    Dinar Investors,

    In an effort to put this controversy to bed, I have the comments I received today from the second in command at the Al Warka Bank in Iraq. They are below for you to read. I have deleted his e-mail and phone numbers because I do not want him overwhelmed with e-mails and telephone calls , however I cannot stop any of you from attempting to contact him yourselves. Were I holding the currency of the Dinar, the message below from a person in Mr. Issa’s position would be sufficient information for me to take action.

    Knowing full well that many of you still will not be convinced of your potential risk, I am also waiting for a letter on Iraqi Government letterhead addressing the Dinar ands their monetary policy and procedures concerning it and especially whether it is a direct violation of Iraqi law to have it in one’s possession outside the borders of the borders of their country. I have asked for this to be provided ASAP.

    I sincerely hope this helps.


    David Pratt ( )

    Original Message—–
    From: Mohammad K. Issa
    Sent: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 19:06:47 +0300
    To: ;
    Subject: RE: dinar

    Dear Sir,

    It is always a pleasure to be of assistance and service with regards to the IQD please note that according to the regulations set by the CBI handling and dealing with the IQD internationally is prohibited as the CBI has not approved the trading of the IQD on the international market where Iraqi Banks are permitted to hold, handle and accept IQD deposits through their international corresponding banks. It is a local currency only to be circulated and traded locally in accordance with the bylaws set by the CBI.

    Best regards,

    Mohammad K. Issa

    Deputy Managing Director

    Senior Executive

    Warka Bank for Investment and Finance


  487. Hafiz
    Jan 15, 2011 @ 13:34:28

    Salam semua…
    Saya ade jual dinar IQD 10k n IQD 25k.. **hp no deleted by admin .Harga nego kalau order lebih. Stok terhad. Thanks.

    **please hormat sikit blog org,jgn nak suka suki promote kt my blog.tq-admin


  488. nazhasecret
    Jan 15, 2011 @ 14:15:19

    dah bape kali nak diingatkan,tolong jgn nak promote kt sini..nk promote buat blog/web sendiri,then taruk your url kt bawah nama masa post komen..tu pun susah ke nak paham?if nak share info ke or any news tk pe mmg digalakkan..tq


  489. nun jauh di sana
    Jan 16, 2011 @ 04:38:01

    Dinar iraq belum di RV lagi..harap bersabar..


  490. Suria pagi
    Jan 18, 2011 @ 09:19:59

    Syabas pn admin. Semuga pn dapat memberi info yg dapat memaklumkan kami ttg bila dinar nak RV


  491. ridzuan dzambrah
    Jan 19, 2011 @ 09:34:55

    salam admin. byk info berguna. keiklasan saudari memberi maklumat sebenarnya telah “mengkayakan” saudari dgn pahala. terdapat komen-komen dr ‘kanak-kanak’ yg suka bergaduh dan mengejek,jgn dilayankan mereka krn mereka masih ‘bawah umur’ utk berbincang disini. syabas admin.


  492. koko
    Jan 20, 2011 @ 02:34:30

    Kalau dinar dah RV nanti, tolong siarkan dalam web ini, khususnya kepada mereka yang ada maklumat terkini yang sohih. Jangan jadi blog dinariraq009 dah lah ye, sbb blog tersbut telah disekat oleh tuan punya. dia jemput orang orang “vip” sja untuk melihat dan membaca blognya. Jangan kedekut maklumat beb, kalau maklumat pun kedekut nak bagi, camna plak dengan dinar….woooo lagi kemut le…..maf ya, sekadar gurauan saja, wooooo


  493. fuluss
    Jan 20, 2011 @ 18:00:35

    ape pendapat kengkawan semua bg kes spt ini utk pemegang cash dinar smsa dinar di RV…bila dinar diapung dgn amat rendah contohnya 1juta Dinar=100,000USD=RM300,000 (Converter 1dinar=0.10USD=RM0.30) pastu ada syarat iaitu tempoh pertukaran note2 besar hanya sebulan shj dr tarikh apungan…besar kemungkinan lepas sebulan dr apungan, nilai dinar akan naik kpd 1juta dinar=300,000USD=RM 1juta (Converter 1dinar=0.30USD=RM1)…jadi sudah tentu saya akan ‘hold’ dulu duit dinar tu lebih drp sebulan supaya bl sya tukar dinar akn dpt RM1juta bukannya rm300,000…masalahnya lps sebulan dr apungan,duit dinar tu akn tak laku jd klu sya nk simpan ‘hold’ dulu dinar lebih drp sbulan maka kena la saya gi tukar dinar tu kepada note2 kecil kat negara iraq (sbb tentu money changer kat malaysia tak mau dn xde service tukar dinar besar kpd note2 kecil, mereka hanya bg servce dinar ditukar kpd nilai RM shj)…masalahnya tentula pihak kastam malaysia dn iraq tak akn benarkan saya buat keluar duit sebesar 1 juta dinar yg dah mula ada nilai slps diapungkn ni (masa tak apung bolehla dinar wat kuar msuk malaysia dgn mudah sbb tak digunakan secara rasmi diantarabangsa)…so alternatif lain ialah wakilkan pertukaran dinar bsr kpd note kecil melalui ejen2 dinar malaysia yg skrg mengaku mberi service utk tukar dinar kpd note2 kecil (maybe ejen ni ada cara tertentu nk kuar mlysia dgn bwa dinar byk2 utk proses tukar ke note kcil) tp adakah ejen ni tak akn gelap mata bila diorang nak tukatkan note2 iraq pelanggan merka yg bernilai berjuta2 ni…lebih baik la ejen ni ambik note2 kecil dinar berjuta2 ni dn tukar kpd nilai RM utk kegunaan sendiri kt money changer atau tak pun si ejen ni pun x sanggup nk tanggung risiko nk pegang duit org rmai utk tukar dinar kpd note kecil utk kita semua…susah jgk ni bila jadi hal camni…adakah cara lain utk atasi hal ni..wslm…


    • ridzuan dzambrah
      Jan 20, 2011 @ 18:47:15

      wallahu’alam. sy berpendapat perkara tu tak akan berlaku krn note 25k contohnya dikeluarkan oleh cib dan dilelongkan oleh mereka sendiri, dan absah utk trading. so jika berlaku pun time framenya bukan la dlm tempoh sebulan, tp lama, mcm kes syiling satu sen/note rm1000,500 dan syiling seringgit malaysia, memakan masa yg lama jugak. utk tukar di moneychanger mungkin xbolek sedrap jutaan dpt kot, mungkin lepas rv nanti bank2 pun akan turut serta menawarkan perkhidmatan tukaran wang,maybe jugak boleh bukak akaun. sebabnya… iqd da ada “nilai”.


  494. jutawan_dinar
    Jan 21, 2011 @ 12:20:18

    ‎411Chloe: 1970moneymaker1970: 11.01 Uhr EST [gankans] That means RV has to have been released! You all are about to witness a new era!

    411Chloe: 1970moneymaker1970: We are seeing history like we have never seen before! I spoke with my contact, and he told me that they are confirming that the RV should be showing up as early as tomorrow!

    411Chloe: 1970moneymaker1970: We are seeing RV of Venez. and we will most likely be able to cash out tomorrow. Several sources are saying that the banks are HOT and ready to cash out. Venezeula as RV’d from what I’m hearing.

    411Chloe: 1970moneymaker1970: I’m so excited for us. My source says they are 100% confident
    [red]that they are starting to receive their packages (payouts)! .[/u[/red]
    411Chloe: 1970moneymaker1970: They also told me that we would see our RV for IQD 24-36 hours after their money was confirmed and starting to be delivered. This was all confirmed yesterday by a very very high source of mine. You all should be extremely happy.

    This weekend our weekend must be easy


  495. Mohd Helmy
    Jan 21, 2011 @ 19:10:15

    Saya baru terima email…. dalam 10 jam yg lepas…. disini saya copy & paste email tersebut . ini adalah sebagai info sahaja yg saya nak kongsikan pada anda semua , bergantung & terserah pada anda sama ada percaya atau tidak.

    Dinar Investors,

    The following statement is a response from the Iraqi Embassy in Washington and I feel I should pass it on while waiting for more specific information. It would appear that if what the Commercial Attache, Iraqi Embassy Washington DC is saying here is in fact true, a Dinar denominated commercial bank account is the only legal vehicle, according to Iraqi law, with which anyone physically outside the Republic of Iraq may own Iraqi Dinar. One could also question the Iraqi Government’s intentions going forward with respect to honoring Dinar currency they deem to have been sold and or acquired illegally.

    David Pratt

    Fri, January 21, 2011 9:22:40 AM
    Clarification on Iraqi Monetary Policy
    amjad jaafer
    View Contact
    Cc: commercial attache


    Dear Sir,

    Thank you for contacting the Iraqi Commercial Attache in Washington DC. Reference to your inquire we would like to inform you that as of now it is illegal to sale Iraqi currency outside Iraq. You can visit Iraq central bank website ( to get more details about Monetary policy in Iraq.


    From: David Pratt
    Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 16:37:22 -0800 (PST)
    Subject: Fw: Clarification on Iraqi Monetary Policy



    Forgive me for sending in a second request for the information I requested only hours ago below. This information is extremely important and considered urgent by many and I am trying to assist them . I appreciate your allocating time to helping us.

    Thank you again.

    David Pratt

    David Pratt
    619-819-5676 USA
    866-352-7759 TOLL FREE
    619-964-9604 CELL

    —– Forwarded Message —-
    From: David Pratt
    Sent: Wed, January 19, 2011 12:40:33 PM
    Subject: Clarification on Iraqi Monetary Policy

    Dear Sir,

    I would like to have information regarding the current policies of the Iraqi Government and Central Bank of Iraq concerning the Iraqi Dinar and whether it is legal or illegal according to the laws of the government of Iraq to have the Iraqi Dinar currency outside the borders of the country of Iraq in any way at this time.

    A clear statement of the facts regarding the Iraqi Dinar paper currency and the rules and regulations those in possession of it should be aware of would be sufficient. If you could have my request answered quickly with the response written on your letterhead, then scanned and e-mailed back to me at this address as soon as possible I would be very grateful.

    Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

    Very Sincerely Yours,

    David Pratt
    619-819-5676 USA
    866-352-7759 TOLL FREE
    619-964-9604 CELL

    David Pratt

    619-819-5676 USA
    866-352-7759 TOLL FREE
    619-964-9604 CELL

    Director AMERAQ Exchange and Services Group


  496. IQDD
    Jan 22, 2011 @ 18:59:43

    Kesahihan Khidmat Buka Akaun Bank di Iraq

    Askm….saya ingin berkongsi maklumat mengenai perkara di atas (saya dapat maklumat nie melalui 1 web & saya hanya copy paste saje)

    Seperti yang kami bagitau sebelum ni… kami boleh tolong bukakan akaun di Iraq tapi kami khuatir tahap keselamatan duit anda.. nak tau kenapa?? sebabnya partner saya yang kini berada di Iraq mempunyai akaun di sana.. maklumat yang diperlukan adalah seperti ;

    1) Passport Antarabangsa – sangat penting, tanpanya memang xlayak la permohonan anda

    2) Visa
    3) Akad Ijar – surat ni adalah perjanjian antara beliau dengan tuan rumah sewa serta pihak bank – maksudnya mereka perlukan bukti bahawa kita menetap di sana..

    Jadi saya cukup hairan jika terlalu mudah untuk rakyat Malaysia yang menetap di bumi Malaysia sewenang-wenangnya membuka akaun di sana.

    P/S – Hmmm.. Tepuk Dada Tanya Selera


    • ayiem
      Jan 23, 2011 @ 03:03:06

      anda punya komen mcm budak2….apa yg anda tulis untuk penduduk iraq….cuba anda buka website warka bank…disana telah tertera segala syarat yg diperlukan untuk membuka akaun samaada penduduk atau investor luar…jadi tak timbul pekara yg anda sebutkan tadi….

      p/s:nak buat perniagaan tak kira dimana jua…asalkan segala syarat dikehendaki ada…itu saja……ada paham……


  497. nun jauh di sana
    Jan 23, 2011 @ 19:48:20

    Salam..hati2 dgn pembukaan Acc warka bank secare Online..kawn sy baru abih belaja di timur tengah n dah balik ke malaysia..sebelum balik sy pesan kat dier tanye kan pasal buke acc dgn branch bank iraq kat situ..dier cakap brach bank iraq kat situ x buke acc dlm mate wang iraq..nk buke acc dlm mate wang iraq dier suh masuk iraq buka kat sane dlu..kawn sy tanye kalau Online jer x leh ker?pegawai bank sane hanye ketawa…ws


  498. Sam Wilkinson
    Jan 25, 2011 @ 19:16:15

    –, I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives up to date information -..


  499. Mohd Helmy
    Feb 07, 2011 @ 13:39:23


    Sebelum RV baik kita semak2 laman web BNM dan baca ngan teliti isi kandunganya…. bukan apa….hanya sekadar berkongsi maklumat yg penting pada anda semua… sementara masih sempat….bolehlah kita sediakan payung sebelum hujan.


  500. ROSLI
    Feb 08, 2011 @ 15:43:01

    salam 1 malaysia untuk semua, saya ada kemuskilan, so nak tanya la sikit. saya baru saja beli dinar iraq 75,000. Ada ura2 cakap bulan 3 ni dinar iraq akan naik. So saya nak kepastian, jika di RV kan saya nak jual, adakah bank2 kat malaysia ni menerima pertukaran tersebut. dari maklumat yang diterima dinar 75,000 akan ditukar kepada RM, jumlah nya cukup besar, mesti ada procedure nya dalam pertukaran wang asing tak akan senang2 je pg tukar. yang pastinya, adakah pembelian dinar iraq ni merugikan atau menguntungkan.


  501. nun jauh di sana
    Feb 08, 2011 @ 18:52:14

    buat en rosli…tunggu Dinar RV dlu nnti..pastu sy akn bg contact number org malaysia utk tuan buat pertukaran dinar sekiranya x leh nk tukar dinar tu kat negara


  502. Mohd Helmy
    Feb 08, 2011 @ 21:51:58


  503. aben
    Feb 21, 2011 @ 14:20:16

    Kepada sesiapa yang belum memiliki Dinar Iraq , saya ada menawarkan IQD Dinar Iraq yang baru dengan harga pasaran semasa…jika ada sesiapa yang ingin membeli sila sms atau call saya ( Aben )
    ingat sebelum ia dipaungkan…..

    **admin delete ur phone no,pls be remind that we do not allowed anyone to promote here.just put ur link url under ur name.tq


  504. mamet83
    Mar 07, 2011 @ 08:45:44

    Salam, saya ingin bertanya mengenai Dinar Iraq yang terbaru x? sb ada member yang ada duit Iraq n dia bgitau akan naik 2-3 bulan lagi betul ker? blh ker Dinar Iraq tersebut di tukar di mana2 moneychanger atau bank di malaysia, camner prosedur dia plak?..tq


  505. aimanjujur
    Mar 07, 2011 @ 08:51:32

    As`salam, saya ada kawan mahu jual dinar iraq, patutkah saya beli buat masa sekarang ini lagipun saya tidak tahu menahu status dinar sekarang ini? adakah laku dinar iraq di malaysia jika dijual? blh sesiapa bgi komen…tq


  506. aben013-3115038
    Mar 07, 2011 @ 14:48:50

    yup insyaallah ia akan diapungkan dalm bulan 4..mmg laku..bila ia diapungkan ia boleh di jual dimana2 money changer yang terima atau bank negara..tiada masalah..jual kat saya balik pun boleh..atau nak beli pun boleh dari saya..keran saya ade link dari sane..sekadar berkongsi….


  507. aben013-3115038/017-2567570
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 10:42:59


    1. Nilai Dinar Iraq sebelum 1990 ialah 1 Dinar = USD 3.20. Pada ketika itu, Dinar Kuwait juga bernilai 1 Dinar = USD 3.40.

    2. Semasa Perang Iraq Vs Kuwait pada 1990, Dinar Kuwait jatuh merudum ke USD 0.30. Pada 2003, Dinar Kuwait melonjak semula ke USD 3.40. Maka pakar ekonomi meramalkan nilai Dinar Iraq pun akan melonjak sama ke USD 3.20.

    3. Iraq mempunyai reserve minyak pertama terbesar dan reserve gas ketiga terbesar di dunia.

    4. Usaha cari gali minyak di Iraq kini adalah kearah pengeluaran 11 juta tong sehari dalam tempoh 5 tahun akan datang, dimana ianya sama dengan jumlah pengeluaran Arab
    Semua pelabur besar dan dana pelaburan dunia bertumpu dan dicurahkan ke Iraq mencari minyak. Apakah manasabah nilai Dinar kini yang kurang dari satu sen USD? TIDAK ADIL SEKALI. Ianya wajar kembali ke nilai sebenar iaitu USD 3.20!!!

    5. Nilai dinar Iraq akan naik seiring dengan pengeluaran minyak. Penganalisis meramalkan jika Iraq mencapai pengeluaran 5 juta tong sehari, maka nilai Dinarnya adalah pada paling kurang bersamaan dengan USD 0.30.

    6. Selepas apungan, Dinar boleh dijual beli di pasaran terbuka. Bank komersil dan Pengurup Wang adalah medium jual beli sesuatu matawang yang telah diapungkan.

    7. Amerika Syarikat adalah negara yang paling banyak membeli Dinar Iraq. Kini merekalah yang paling mengharapkan Dinar ini diapungkan pada kadar USD 1.47

    8. Iraq telah melalui dua kali pilihanraya yang lebih demokratik berbanding era Saddam Hussin. Maka sistem politik, pentadbiran dan ekonomi Iraq kini adalah lebih tersusun berbanding dengan era lalu.

    9. Bursa saham Iraq secara elektronik akan dibuka kepada pelabur asing. Maka keperluan Dinar diapungkan adalah amat mendesak sekali untuk merancakkan Bursa Saham ini.

    10. Rancangan Iraq mewujudkan note Dinar yang kecil seperti 1/2 dan 1 Dinar adalah satu petanda jelas bahawa Dinar akan melonjak.

    11. Pada 2003, apabila Dinar Iraq yang baru diperkenalkan, peramal ekonomi menjangkakan Dinar akan diapungkan dalam tempoh antara 5 ke 10 tahun. Kini setelah 7 tahun, maka ianya satu masa yang PALING WAJAR DAN DINANTIKAN oleh semua pihak

    12. Apabila dinar sudah diapungkan, maka pada amalan lazimnya ia boleh dijual atau ditukar di mana-mana pengurup wang atau bank komersil.

    13. Saya hanya boleh memahamkan anda tentang prospek Dinar Iraq tetapi andalah yang perlu meyakinkan diri sendiri untuk MEMILIKINYA. Janganlah anda berdoa memohon rezeki tetapi tidak berbuat apa-apa apabila rezeki lalu di hadapan anda. Kegagalan pelaburan lalu bukan sebab untuk anda tidak berusaha lagi.

    sila sms saya untuk keterangan lanjut (ABEN)


  508. reysong_69
    Mar 21, 2011 @ 09:36:20

    1) Blh ke sesiapa yg mengikuti perkembangan terkini berkaitan nilai matawang Dinar Iraq ini, memberitahu secara jujur nya serta telus tentang potensi dinar ini akan naik, serta risk yg akan dihadapi exp: apabila pertukaran di bank, bank negara kacau @ tidak dll.

    2) dan apabila pertukaran nilai matawang dibuat, bank mana yg terima? adakah pihak bank negara akan membekukan wang2 tersebut..?sapa ada cara tlg jelaskan bagaimana…. Tq


    • Mohd Helmy
      Mar 22, 2011 @ 17:35:17


      Jawapan saya amat mudah sahaja….. Sila rujuk Pada laman sesawang BNM
      disana di bahagian ” Foreign Exchange Administration ” ruangan ” Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ” & juga di bahagian ” Financial Fraud Alert ” anda boleh mendapatkan segala jawapannya dengan amat jelas & terang. 🙂


  509. reysong_69
    Mar 23, 2011 @ 01:58:24

    Terlebih dahulu, TQ for Mr. Helmi for Answer my Question..saya masih samar2 lagi..ada sesiapa yg boleh jelaskan dgn ringkas n padat…senang citer boleh faham ckp la..adakah pertukaran wang IDD ke RM ni nati akan dikenakan tax…bper % lak tu?


  510. elis4315
    Apr 19, 2011 @ 06:16:35

    salam kat mana saya boleh beli matawang dinar iraq ni..?


    • pemilik dinar
      May 27, 2011 @ 08:53:51

      10k=rm50 (stok terhad)
      IQD500=RM10 (stok terhad)
      cntct *** tolong jgn iklan kt sini ok. (admin nazhasecret)
      beli bnyk 25k hrga boleh adjust :)z


  511. paxsync
    Apr 19, 2011 @ 21:02:19

    Gabenor Optimis Dinar RV..Iraq Bakal Ikut Jejak Turki??
    2011-04-20 00:28:01
    RV semakin lama, semakin dekat. Semalam Penasihat Bank Negara Iraq, Dr Mohammed Salleh dalam satu wawancara dengan Radio Free Iraq semalam menyatakan bahawa semua bank di Iraq sedang bersiap sedia untuk melaksanakan dasar kenaikkan tiga sifar daripada Dinar Iraq. Menurutnya lagi bahawa pelaksanaan dasar ini akan baiki masalah pengurusan matawang terutamanya soal inflasi yang mencecah 28 trilion Dinar Iraq dan ia perlu diubah (RV) disebabkan tidak lagi sepadan dengan harga dan kos di Iraq

    Dia turut menyatakan bahawa Bank Negara Iraq sudah bersiap untuk memulakan projek menaikkan tiga sifar ini, tapi perlu mendapat kelulusan kerajaan Iraq yang akan ditentukan sebelumnya oleh Parlimen Iraq

    Dan bahkan Ahli Parlimen Iraq optimis dengan cadangan Bank Negara Iraq untuk menambah tiga sifar dalam matawang Dinar Iraq. Mereka menganggap cadangan itu baik untuk Iraq keluar dari kemelesetan ekonomi terutamanya selepas kadar inflasi yang tertinggi di negara itu.

    Sebelum itu, Gabenor Bank Negara Iraq, Dr. Sinan Al-Shabibi telah datang ke Parlimen Iraq untuk membawa usul mengangkat dinar Iraq yakni mengapungkan Dinar Iraq di pasaran antarabangsa

    Sebenarnya ikut sejarah, Turki sendiri telah mengangkat enam sifar dalam matawangnya pada tahun 2005 dengan 1 juta Turkish Old Lira bersamaaan dengan 1 New Turkish Lira (1,000,000 TL = 1 NTL). Yakni kalau 1344,110 Turkis Old Lira, diangkat menjadi 1.3441. Dan ini secara automatik telah menaikkan Ekonomi Turki pada hari ini, yang pernah mencecah 1 USD bersamaan 1.6938 Turkish Lira, yang tertinggi pernah dicatat oleh negara Turki.

    Jadi jika Iraq laksanakan dasar itu tambah tiga sifar itu, memang RV akan berlaku. Dengan status negara ke-2 terbesar yang mengeluarkan minyak dunia, tak logik matawang mereka lebih rendah daripada negara miskin seperti zimbabwe dan somalia. Jadi RV tetap berlaku, hanya pengumuman daripada Iraq sahaja yang kita nantikan.


  512. nazhasecret
    Apr 19, 2011 @ 22:08:58

    bape kali nk pesan jgn promote kt sini..tkkan tu pun tkleh phm bahasa melayu kot


  513. dijo exchange rate
    May 10, 2011 @ 08:23:45

    sebenarnya kamu semua dah ditipu(dikencing) oiii..mana boleh beli 25000dinar boleh dapat 25000rm bila diapaungkan .akal korang letak kat lutut ke…bodoh kambing..yang untung , tu tu yang banyak dok promosi tu yang untung oii..1USD=1000Dinar( mengikut pasaran exchange rate-pasaran semasa) 3.90rm=1000dinar.( mengikut pasaran exchange rate-pasaran semasa).pasaran akan berubah dari hari kehari , dari masa kesemasa. bermaksud rm39.00=10000dinar, bukan nya rm100=10000 dinar, paham..mangkuk2 sekelian.25000dinar bersamaan dengan 97.50rm bukannya rm250.00..mankuku2 sekelian yang buta hati buta akal oii..
    bila diapapungkan anda bukan mendapat 25000dinar bersamaan dengan 25000rm keldai2 sekalian..tetapi mungkin didalam 194.00rm atau 388.00rm untuk 25000dinar , bergantung pada kenaikan dolar (dari1usd ke 2usd atau 3 usd)cth jumlah kasar:= 1usd 1000dinar, 2usd=1000dinar 3.20 usd=1000dinar..bukannya 3.20 usd bersamaan 1dinar..mankuk2 ku sekelian.harus diiingat , matawang pertukaran daganagan matawang dari iraq ke ke malaysia atau malaysia ke iraq hanya mengunakan matawang usd dan bukannya rm.semakin tinggi duit iraq semakin tinggi jumlah yang harus dibayar tetapi 1000dinar tetap tidak berubah ..duit kita yang berubah contoh:= jika amerika dollar naik dari 1.00USD ke 2.00 USD,maka kita harus membayar dari rm3.90 – ke 7.80rm untuk 1000dinar. jika 1.00 USD naik ke 3.20 USD , anda perlu membayar 11.70 rm untuk 1000dinar.(harga termaktub dari daganagan pasaran exchange ). bukannya seperti yang promoter katakan(10000dinar-10000rm), (25000-25000rm), (sejuta dinar sejuta rm) anda harus faham yang dinar sekarang bukan dari dinar dahulu..jika dinar dahulu 1.00dinar (3.20 USD) tetapi dinar sekarang 1.00 usd (1000 dinar.).dan anda harus diiingat yang keraajan iraq mahu memansuhkan tiga not dari belakang(25000- 25dinar) bermakusd sesiapa yang membeli dinar 25000dinar akan menjadi malang apabila matawang tersebut tidak laku dipasaran.

    **sila guna bahasa yg sopan selepas ini..jika anda masih posting dgn bahasa kasar sy akan delete tanpa notis..tq-admin nazhasecret


  514. AbenCinta
    May 10, 2011 @ 16:15:01

    Pakcik dijo exchange rate….xpayah ler nak mangkuk2 kan orang…hang yang x blajar sejarah..hang ingat yang dok mai dari iraq tu x kene charge pos ke,dekat kastam kene bayar,bukan sengaja jual mahal ke hapa…nak murah beli tiket kapal terbang pergi ke iraq buka akaun kat sana..tah2 pergi sana kene tipu lagi…kerajaan iraq bukan nak buang 3 zero kat belakang note tapi kat nilai dinar sekarang ade berapa zero nilainya dengan usd..member aku yang beli dinar kuawait sekarang da hidup senang lenang da…die lagi la beli berjuta2 dinar iraq nie..nak tambah kaya lagi…hang jangan ingat nak bawak dari iraq tu murah kos dia…..jgn dok mangkuk x tentu pasai…Yang MLM da tentu bangang saper yang masuk terutamanya hang x pula marah yer..join Rm10 dapat 1 juta lagi la mangkok….itu saja sapa yang terasa maaf la yer….adios….


  515. reysong_69
    May 13, 2011 @ 04:06:58

    untuk pack dijo…”bahasa jiwa bangsa” & “bahasa melambangkan bangsa”….so sapa mkn nangkA dia lah tersa pedas,..tak perlu bahasakan org kmbing la, mangkuk la…& sebagainya..tuk kengkwn semua lbh baik kiter wat pa yg sepatutnya kte wat…kan bli dh beli dh…dengan hrapan biar btoi2 jd ek…drp kitew gdh2 mcni coz baik kiter semua bdoa kpd Allah…mohon doa murahkan rezeki..bc surah : Al-Waqiah,AL-Imran 26,73,74, Al-Nisa, Al-Baqorah, Al-hajj & amalkan asmaul husna..doakan : “Ya Allah..kau limpahkan rezekimu seluas-luasnya kepadaku degn penuh keberkatanmu….
    “Ya …Allah, jika rezekiku di langit kau turunkan,
    “Ya …Allah, jika rezekiku di bumi kau keluarkanlah,
    “Ya …Allah, jika rezekiku jauh kau dekatkanlah,
    “Ya …Allah, jika rezekiku sukar kau permudahkanlah,
    “Ya …Allah, jika rezekiku haram kau halalkanlah,
    “Ya …Allah, jika rezekiku kecil kau besarkanlah…….Amin…
    klo kite semua spkat msg2 dok baca doa ni…mana la tau esok, lusa ade berita yg baik menjelma tuk kiter semua…insyaallah!!!…mudah-mudahan…Amin..ya rabbal alamin..


  516. wansyukri
    May 13, 2011 @ 14:17:21

    saya nak buka akaun warka di iraq.. **deleted by admin nazhasecret


  517. Babe
    May 13, 2011 @ 15:01:33

    Orang ni klau dah ngata Orang bOdOh…dia tu 10 X BodOh..SemUa kenA bayaR…teRMasuk TaNDas..Tak Kan Tak tau..Atau Dh RiaK pandai waHai DiJo..Oii…Nama Pun Nak dKat D-J–…Tau sama Tau…


  518. Mizan
    May 16, 2011 @ 09:07:59

    Xde ape2 perkembangan ke hari ni??..kata maliki nk announcement something harini..senyap sunyi jek..


  519. Mizan
    May 16, 2011 @ 16:41:27

    sunyi dah??..


  520. pemilik dinar
    May 16, 2011 @ 17:48:51

    cntct *** tolong jgn iklan kt sini ok. (admin nazhasecret)
    harga boleh kurg kalau beli banyak..


    • am
      May 17, 2011 @ 09:58:14

      mcm mane cara saya nk beli dinar ni?


      • pemilik dinar
        May 17, 2011 @ 10:56:28

        contact sy di *** tolong jgn iklan kt sini ok. (admin nazhasecret)

  521. Mizan
    May 18, 2011 @ 07:36:47

    EXECUTIVE ORDER (EO 13303) WILL EXPIRE ON 22 MAY 2011 … possible RV ON THE date 22 May 2011


  522. Mizan
    May 19, 2011 @ 16:27:02

    bulan ni insyaallah RV…jika berlaku..lakukan kebaikan..jangan jadi tamak..


  523. am
    May 20, 2011 @ 15:25:37

    btol ke RV 22hb?


  524. Mizan
    May 20, 2011 @ 17:23:19

    xtau lagi isnyaalah..klw belum RV, mungkin tu tarikh pengumuman RV..7 Jun genap 100 hari..same2 doa sebelum 7 jun RV ataupun minggu ni…moga dengan izin allah…amin..


  525. dd
    May 24, 2011 @ 11:55:56

    I heard dah RV…tunggu bank tunggu forex rate and BIS release the rates


  526. pemilik dinar
    May 25, 2011 @ 03:59:57

    cntct *** tolong jgn iklan kt sini ok. (admin nazhasecret)
    harga boleh kurg kalau beli banyak
    terima kasih..


  527. Aku hamba yg hina
    May 26, 2011 @ 06:33:04

    dijo exchange rate sblm nak gelarkan org magkuk ke bodoh kambing ke aku rasa baik ko bukak otak dan minda kau tak pun cuba2 ler baca dan ikuti perkembangan ehwal dunia.

    iraq mesti floatingkan kembali dinar dia utk msk blik ekonomi dunia sbb itu salah satu syarat WTO dlm chapter 7.

    kalau kau rasa org yg beli dinar nie bodoh kambing mangkuk aku rasa donald trump yang dah ado duit xabis nk mkn sampai cucu cicit ciak ciuk pun still beli dinar iraq 30juta usd.sebab apa tu yea aku rasa mgkn btol la dijo exchange rate ckp bodoh kambing sbb tu donald trump bli kot????

    pastu mgkn amerika nie bodoh kambing jgk sbb suruh rakyat dia beli dinar iraq dan mgkn jugak kwn aku yg jadi askar kat sana bgtau yg askar amerika diwajibkan bukak akaun di iraq dan simpan dinar iraq juga bodoh kambing.

    malas nak explain panjang2 sbb dijo exchange rate sudah terlalu cerdik tak perlu di bagitau lg.

    kesimpulanya sapa2 beli dinar iraq semua bodoh kambing dan magkuk meggi dan yg cerdik pandai adalah yg pasti lg diiktiraf iaitu dijo exchange rate


  528. mak uda
    May 26, 2011 @ 08:12:07

    dah 26 hb ni.. bila nak RV?


  529. Mizan
    May 26, 2011 @ 18:09:03

    mak uda ..sabar yeh..haha..semua ini allah yang tentukan..banyakkan berdoa..jangan ikut rumor sgt..ikot perkembangan fakta..rumor tu untuk menyedapkan hati jek..

    RV xkan berlaku sekelip mata..rilek mesti ade pengumuman sebelumnya..xpun bank2 dah mula kecoh..time tu xkan ade org jual dinar..skrg ni kite masih ternanti nanti..banyakkan berdoa..

    ingat mungkin ini akan jadi big impact kepada dunia..macm2 boleh berlaku..take a risk bile dah buat perlaburan..semoga allah merestuinya..

    RV tetap RV..go go go..:)


  530. pemilik dinar
    May 27, 2011 @ 08:51:40

    10k=rm50 (stok terhad)
    IQD500=RM10 (stok terhad)
    cntct *** tolong jgn iklan kt sini ok. (admin nazhasecret)
    beli bnyk 25k hrga boleh adjust 🙂


  531. dinar neskopi
    May 27, 2011 @ 13:31:47

    salam… kabornye..RV takkan berlaku selagi pirtikaian antara Maliki dan Alawi tak selesai. kita doalah agar dua mamat ni berbaik sangka. allah takkan melimpahkan rahmat kpd umat Nya yang berpecah sengketa…


  532. Anas
    May 27, 2011 @ 16:47:22

    sebenarnya beli dinar irag ni untung ke dok …..nak tahu cerita sebenar dan keadaan yang berlaku sekarang


  533. Aku hamba yg hina
    May 28, 2011 @ 04:48:37

    .ya betul tu en Mizan saya setuju rezeki dari Allah datangnya.klu uda Allah tentukan rezki kita byk tu byk tu lah kita akan klu bkn termaktub dari azali yg kita xkan dpt rezki yg melimpah dari rv nie terima ler dgn redha sbb Allah lbh tahu dan maha bijaksana,klu rv naik kpd 3++ usd 1 dinar tp lepas tukar duit tu kita mati accident ke,sakit ke tak ke sama jea tu bkn termaktub rezki kita utk kita nikmati kt dunia.jgn2 lah fikir terlalu melampau sgt ttg rv sbb pengakhiran kita bukan kt dunia yg sementara nie.(bukan bersyarah atau blagak alim cuma berpesan kpd diri sdiri dan pesan memesan kpd saudara sesama isalm)


    • Mizan
      May 28, 2011 @ 05:16:17

      wahai Aku hamba yg hina aku setuju sgt..pada pemegang dinar..kite bersabar je eh…ini dugaan allah..sama2 kita nantikan dengan penuh sabar dan doa..apa kate jangan fikir sgt..teruskan kehidupan masing2..jangan ikut rumor..ikut lah perkembangan fakta yg sedang berlaku di iraq.itu lebih baik daripada kita percaya date2 yag xpasti lagi die akan berlaku..

      klw ikut perkembangan sekarg isyallah sebelum WTO RV akan berlaku..


  534. Mizan
    May 29, 2011 @ 10:36:31

    dah satu jam setengah..cbi xkeluarkan report lagi untuk lelongan dinar pada harini..emmm..

    benda ni dah pernah jadi sekali mase tahun 2010..tapi atas sebab lain..

    Tapi skrg jadi lagi, kita nnatikan news malm ni atau esok tentang perkara ni..

    Mungkin ker dah tiba masenya CBI menghentikan lelongan dinar untuk melakukan proses pertukaran nilai matawang??..

    sama2 kita nantikan..


  535. Mizan
    May 29, 2011 @ 12:25:20

    keluar jugak akhirnya…

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 17
    Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1170
    Auction price buying dinar / US$ —–
    Amount sold at auction price (US$) 166,658,000
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) —–
    Total offers for buying (US$) 166,658,000
    Total offers for selling (US$) —–


  536. mamet83
    May 31, 2011 @ 01:27:41

    Salam sory, nk tanya..bila agaknya blh jual dinar ni? klu jual Money changer terima ker?


  537. mizi
    May 31, 2011 @ 14:09:27

    salam, en helmi .. saya baru terbaca berkenaan IQD .. saya berminat nak tahu macammana nak buka acc untuk invest.. please reply or macammana saya nak contact u..tq


  538. mr loba2
    Jun 02, 2011 @ 14:33:32

    salam,saya rasa kite melayu ni terlalu mengharap bende yg xpasti,,,klu dah beli dinar pejam mate sudah,,,ni di debat2 kn watpe…mcm2 ramalan ble kluar…memg logik ramalan tu tp kt kembali blk la pada Allah yg sebaik2 perancang,Allah jua yg menentukan…kite sbg manusia xlbh hanya menduga shj…mgkn mustahil pada kite tp x pd allah…mgkn blh rv dan mgkin jugak pembeli2 dinar ni ble melopong,,,teruskan kerja2 harian kite dari kite bcakap bende yg xpasti,,takut2 yg dipegang terlepas yg dikendong berciciran…hanya memberi pendapat…lainlah klu dah btol2 rv…


  539. sohail
    Jun 03, 2011 @ 00:45:08


    Saya rasa Dinar Iraq ini ialah SCAM. Berhati-hati.

    Jangan tamak dan jangan mudah tertipu. Duit kertas (dinar iraq) itu satu hari nanti tiba2 tidak bernilai.

    Ada banyak sebab mengapa saya kata ini scam. Kalau berminat saya boleh kongsi.

    AWAS, ini SCAM. Jangan jadi mangsa scam!



  540. sohail
    Jun 03, 2011 @ 01:07:48

    1. Dinar Iraq skrg ialah duit yg dicetak oleh penjajahnya, Amerika Syarikat. Duit ini tidak bernilai. Ingat masa perang dunia kedua dulu. Jepun cetak ‘duit pisang’. Bila jepun kalah, duit pisang tak laku.

    2. Bila british datang semula, bukan saja duit pisang tak laku, bahkan duit yg dikeluarkan british sendiri sebelum perang pun tak laku.

    3. Dinar Iraq dalam kategori yang sama.

    4. Cuba tukar duit dinar iraq di money changer. Kalau dapat bertuah. kalau tak dapat, nahas.

    5. Esok lusa amerika boleh devalue nilai dinar Iraq. Ini boleh terjadi sebab currency devaluation dah byk kali terjadi. Bila amerika devalue dinar, habisss..

    6. Minyak iraq dijual oleh amerika dalam US Dollar dan bukan Dinar Iraq. Dinar iraq tak ada kaitan dengan minyak.

    7. lagipun amerika tentu tak bagi dinar naik harga.


  541. sohail
    Jun 03, 2011 @ 01:18:52

    Elok beli EMAS dan PERAK. Perak dah naik lebih dari 50% sejak ogos 2010. Sejak tahun 2000, perak dah naik dekat 10 kali lipat dan emas 6 kali lipat. Dinar Iraq bagaimana?


  542. tah
    Jun 03, 2011 @ 04:03:17

    cam2 teori kita leh buta sohail…kalau aku ckp amerika serang iraq bukan saja nak jahanamkan sadam tp nak naikkan dinar iraq..dan nak tolong rakyat dia.pasal apa ramai rakyat dia beli dinar siap ckp dlm tv lagi…apa pulak akan jadi pd rakyat iraq….kalau duit tak laku….


  543. tah
    Jun 03, 2011 @ 04:04:34

    nak ckp kena ada bukti nak kempen emas dgn perak ckp terus terang jela


  544. tah
    Jun 03, 2011 @ 04:11:08

    jgn main aku rasa aku rasa je…..jgn mare en sohail…sokong mizan. beli simpan kita sama 2 pakat doa…moga d murahkan rejeki…sangak baik adalah lebih baik drp ckp yg x bukti….tq


  545. nazhasecret
    Jun 03, 2011 @ 17:37:04 nape ni..

    mcm mr loba2 ckp la dan sy pun dh tulis kt FAQ pasal risiko memiliki IQD ni

    mcm sohail ckp pasal emas n perak tu betul bole tgk history chart kenaikan emas n perak kt

    mana2 investment pun ade risiko nye so tkyah la nk berdebat tk tentu pasal..mmg tkde sape kt dunia ni bole bg jaminan..(allah je yg tau ape yg di langit n di bumi,juga yg akn berlaku pd msa akn dtg)

    simpan setakat mampu je la,rv ke tk rv blakang cite..kalau tk rv tkde la ralat sgt sbb bkn nye smpai bergolok bergadai utk beli IQD,n kalau rv pun at least ade la simpan setakat mampu,rezeki di tgn Allah

    so buat je la keje mcm biasa,bkn kita je tunggu rv ni..ade rezeki tk kemana


  546. nakalan
    Jun 07, 2011 @ 01:10:05

    Kepada sesiapa yang telah membuka account warka. Warka bank sekarang dalam situasi kritikal.Harap Maklum.


  547. sunnyfx
    Jun 07, 2011 @ 02:08:09

    Apa bukti atau url yang bleh mengesahkan warka bank dalam kritikal ?


  548. nakalan
    Jun 07, 2011 @ 04:05:23

    Email dari kawan saya…iraqi,seperti dibawah…

    salam ****
    how r u i hope ur fine
    i have some friends in the banking business and they told me that the situation of warka bank is critical, no body is so sure about these things, im just giving u some information,
    what you think and wats ur decission




  549. nakalan
    Jun 07, 2011 @ 04:31:30


  550. dinar neskopi
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 04:17:30

    Tak perlu la sampai nak bukak akaun kat warka bank, international bank yang ada kat malaysia ni pun akan berlumba lumba tarik pemilik dinar gi tukar kat kaunternye. Dah RV sok tau lah macamane….


  551. investor
    Jun 21, 2011 @ 12:51:00

    Pengumuman Penting !!!

    warka bank dah tak terima lagi permintaan untuk membuka account….kalau x percaya,cuba lihat laman sesawangnya yang baru…. dah x ada lagi borang appalication untuk membuka account. mulai hari ini.


  552. nazhasecret
    Jun 24, 2011 @ 10:32:15

    sesapa yg ade fesbuk bole la like page kami terutama yg pernah deal ngn team nazhasecret.tq


  553. Dinar Oh Dinar
    Jul 08, 2011 @ 00:28:50

    IS YOUR DINAR EXPIRED!!!! (Dipetik Dari fourm Luar Negara)

    OK, I’m not a pumper and not a person who wants to put out negative stuff either.
    The one thing I know and know for sure is that money can expire or can be expired.

    I personally have 2 million dinar, so my concerns are real and hope to get more
    clarity why this wouldn’t happen with my Dinar.

    Here is my experience with expired money. I used to live in Asia. I lived in many, many different countries and had this happen a number of different times.

    I would leave a country for a year and when I came back with my old currency that I kept with me, it was expired.
    My currency looked just like the currency they were presently using, but the serial number were expired I couldn’t
    cash them in. Yes, tried to cash them in, in a number of different places and banks. They all
    said the same thing

    Now if this only happened in one country, I would think OK maybe it’s only that county.
    Dirty Rats!!! The thing is I had this happen in many countries.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this. What would the reason be that Dinar couldn’t
    expire like other foreign currencies.

    Please share your input .

    *** Respond Answer From Other Person Regarding Dinar Expired

    Of course they can expire! Take your magnifying glass and look at the bottom of the note under the invisible horse’s head. You’ll see an expiration date written in Arabic. When the currency is sent, it’s sprayed with money smell and a special chemical that turns the note pitch black when it hits the due date. My Arabic friend, Naifiyabi Salulabi says most of my notes still have 3 months left, so I’m hoping this thing will hit by October 1st. GO RV!!


  554. Dinar Oh Dinar
    Jul 08, 2011 @ 01:08:50

    New Dinars for Old (For those holding dinar cash outside Iraq, things may be complicated)

    At the end of last month, a spokesman for the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) told reporters that a plan to redenominate the Iraqi dinar will be presented to the Council of Ministers in the near future. (See here and here.) The Council is then expected to submit the relevant legislation to Parliament for a vote. If the lawmakers approve the project, all existing banknotes will be replaced with new currency at the rate of 1,000 old dinar for one new over some unspecified period of time.

    Given Parliament’s current backlog, this change can hardly be imminent. Still, you might think they could get around to voting on the CBI’s proposal some time before the end of this year. In that case, the redenomination could presumably be completed by the end of 2012.

    The process will necessarily involve both the exchange of new banknotes for old and the restatement of contractual obligations in terms of the new currency. Among other things, three zeros will have to be eliminated from the share capital of the ISX listed companies as well as from the number of shares each has outstanding. (This will keep the par value at one dinar.)

    I’m told this should be a relatively straightforward change for the depository center to make. Trading should not have to be suspended for more than a few days and it may be possible to proceed in phases of a few names at a time so that the entire market does not have to shut down during the transition period.

    Similarly, it seems reasonable to expect the CBI to exchange new dinars for US dollars at one thousandth the rate for old dinars. In other words, if the original rate were IQD 1170 = US$ 1, post-redenomination this would become IQD 1.170 = US$ 1.

    All of this seems reasonably straightforward for anyone holding assets such as currency or shares inside the country. For those holding dinar cash outside Iraq, however, things may not be so simple. How and on what terms their old dinars will be convertible into the new currency remains an open question.

    New Dinars for Old


  555. nakalan
    Aug 14, 2011 @ 18:58:08

    hmmm…any comment tuan helmi…huhu
    “Warka Assets Seized in ‘Subcarpet’ Fight”

    Warka Assets Seized in ‘Subcarpet’ Fight


    • Mohd Helmy
      Sep 29, 2011 @ 16:43:24

      Pergilah kat laman web sini untuk mengetahui tentang warka…

      link dh taruk under ur name url – admin nazha


  556. kotabaghdad
    Aug 14, 2011 @ 20:17:31

    salam ramadhan..same2 kite kongsi info dinar di


  557. Joe
    Sep 13, 2011 @ 08:03:12

    Good news to all MALAYSIAN i have almost 1000,000.00 Dinar Iraq for sale.

    10,000 Dinar Iraq pada harga RM 120.00 berpotensi menjadi RM 10,000.00
    20,000 Dinar Iraq pada harga RM 230.00 berpotensi menjadi RM 20,000.00
    25,000 Dinar Iraq pada harga RM 280.00 berpotensi menjadi RM 25,000.00
    30,000 Dinar Iraq pada harga RM 330.00 berpotensi menjadi RM 30,000.00

    **bape kali nk bgtau tlg jgn promote kt sini.tq-admin nazha


  558. abencinta
    Sep 13, 2011 @ 08:08:52

    1 mil 5k =
    1 mil 10k =
    1 mil 25k =

    **bape kali nk bgtau tlg jgn promote kt sini.tq-admin nazha


  559. My.Dinar.Iraq
    Sep 13, 2011 @ 12:19:42

    Tawaran Hebat!!!

    Dinar Iraq Untuk di Kongsi..

    **bape kali nk bgtau tlg jgn promote kt sini.tq-admin nazha


  560. ary
    Sep 14, 2011 @ 07:44:56

    pls join “potensi dinar iraq” di FB


  561. apit turbo
    Oct 09, 2011 @ 10:08:44

    nampak nye da lama da dbncangkn pasal dinar iraq ni tp nmpaknye xda org jd kaya pon lg………,
    yg jual smkin byk……… kalu nak difkirkn…. ikut logik smua org x mau rugi n d akhir zaman ni payah la nak jmpe org yg baik sgt……..
    kalu ada simpan sesuatu yg akan mbawa keuntungan kenapa harus jual pada org lain????? boleh jd lebih2 kaya raya ….. kalu nak tolong org sgt kenapa x buat ofer
    ” kpd sesiapa yg nak dinar dan nak kaya sprt yg saya bakal jd kelak bleh la ambil pd saya sbb sy ada byk sgt dinar…. dan akan jd kaya sgt kelak… sy hnya nak mmbantu org jd kaya sprt sy kelak”
    sy hnya ingin tahu apakh niat sbenar org yg jual dinar kat sini…..????
    adakh dia yakin dgn dinar dia????…….
    ataupun dia da mula rasa cant go la dinar ni baik ak tebus balik duit ak sblm trlambat…….??????
    sorry if it offend someone


  562. abencinta
    Oct 09, 2011 @ 10:15:48

    cerita bab dinar nie jadi hangat lepas kuwait menaikkan rate die dari 0.00 sumthing kpd 3. sumthing…so itu yang menjadi hangat..jika jadi mmg akan kaya raya..tapi klu x jadi ape bleh buat xde rezeki law….so mcm masuk peradua..hadiah utama rumah banglo..tapi sblum masuk kene beli prodact beratus atau beribu..untung nasib dpt la banglo x untung dapat tengok je la banglo tu…ini bergantung kepada negara iraq itu sendri untuk menaikan rate dorang..kita cume menumpang jer….wasaalam


    Oct 26, 2011 @ 10:04:14



  564. PAk TEh
    Nov 13, 2011 @ 18:30:43

    dh bertahun-tahun yer bahaskan dinar ni..yg beli x jgk kayo2..yg kayo org yag jual 2 eh..hehehe..golak sopan sikit aih..huhu


  565. kopi pekat
    Nov 14, 2011 @ 03:27:04

    sabor le pak teh… kekembangan terkini menunjukkan tanda tanda akhir dah muncul… kita tungguuu… hehe..


  566. Ada rezeki
    Nov 14, 2011 @ 06:33:29

    Insyaalah, kalu ada rezeki tak kemana, setuju dgn kopi pekat, tanda-tanda akhir dah muncul, tunggu akhir bulan ini kot-kot ada rezeki. rv tetap rv amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.


  567. IQD
    Nov 15, 2011 @ 08:21:47

    pasti RV…huhu..


  568. Ada rezeki
    Nov 15, 2011 @ 08:44:59

    dengar berita sebelum jumaat ni betul ke huhuhuuuuh jgn lupa tengok cbi


  569. lobang
    Nov 16, 2011 @ 08:04:37

    bila nak kayo ni..?


  570. lobang
    Nov 16, 2011 @ 08:13:34

    apa pon x leh la..!! ada aku kesah..!!!


  571. nazhasecret
    Nov 18, 2011 @ 19:40:48

    rileks la..kalau bertahun bole tunggu tkkn la tkleh sbr kot


  572. denar
    Nov 23, 2011 @ 17:09:17

    nyce predictionss about meeee


  573. Ada rezeki
    Nov 24, 2011 @ 02:22:31

    dah akhir bulan November ni ,tengah berdebar ni menungguuuuuuuu ,insyaalah klau ada rezeki x kemana amiiiiiiiiiin


  574. zareeeds
    Nov 25, 2011 @ 09:16:37

    dimana perginya saudara mohd helmy?dulu dia beriya iya benar posting berita mengenai Iraq dan dinar Irag yang di cedoknya bulat2 dan copy paste dari blogger2 barat..takkan skarang dh kecewa n tewas kot…


  575. MIMI
    Nov 26, 2011 @ 02:08:53



    • Bini Najib(BN)
      Dec 01, 2011 @ 06:04:55

      salam… buat mimi,saya bukannya tidur,saya masih active dalam memberikan artical berkenaan dinar iraq sehingga sekarang.kalau mimi nak cari saya, mimi carilah saya dalam fourm2 lain dimalaysia berkenaan dinar iraq dan saya sehingga kini masih active lagi dalam mengambil upah untuk membuka account bank diiraq,walaupun upahnya mencecah 10K tapi masih ramai yg memerlukan khidmat saya.


  576. zareeeds
    Dec 03, 2011 @ 22:45:36

    salam…kepada saudara2 yang berkemampuan dan sanggup mengeluarkan sebanyak 10k,teruskan lah berurusan dengan saudara Bin Najib tetapi kepada saudara2 yang tidak berkemampuan,bila sudah RV nanti,tukar sahaja lah di mana2 bank/money changer di Malaysia ini.Sudah menjadi amalan dunia dimana2 jua sekali pun mana2 wang yang telah di apungkan,tetap laku dimana2 sahaja.Andai kata bank2/money changer tempatan di Malysia tidak mahu menerima pertukaran wang Dinar Iraq ini,tukar sahaja di bank HSBC.Bank HSBC ini mempunyai serata cawangan di dunia termasuk lah di Iraq,masukan terus kedalam akaun.


  577. Ada rezeki
    Dec 08, 2011 @ 05:18:42

    huhuhu ,saya setuju sangat dengan pandangan zareeeds tu, yang lain-lain apa komen anda tentang perkara ni, komen jangan x komen


  578. gua
    Dec 09, 2011 @ 00:22:16

    Gua copy paste dari fourm sebelah…..

    Nak ulas apa lagi….kan aku dah kata,Cash Note dinar iraq yg dibawa keluar dari iraq….memang tak sah/laku dipergunakan.anytime sahaja cbi boleh rite-off duit tersebut.
    sekarang nie pun cbi tengah menggubal /memperkemaskan lagi akta Money Laundring . sekarang ini iraq dah mula mengajar/menyuruh rakyatnya berbelanja dengan menggunakan matawang dinar iraq yang sedia ada dalam simpanan mereka,ini secara tak langsung iraq akan mematikan duit cash Note diluar dari iraq degan cara penukaran matawang lama kepada matawang yg baru secara perlahan2 tampa disedari oleh orang luar dari iraq,bahawa iraq sekarang ini sedang melakukan process penukaran dinar lama kepada dinar yg baru secara senyap2.kalau tak masakan iraq menyuruh rakyat mereka berbelanja dengan menggunakan matawang mereka.pada pandangan aku iraq berkemungkinan melakukan cara bergini

    i) rakyat iraq berbelanja dikedai2 & menyimpan duit kedalam account bank

    ii) pekedai medapat keutung dari jualan mereka lalu pekedai menyimpan duit hasil jualan mereka kedalam bank.

    iii) pihak bank mendapat cash note dinar iraq lama dari pada pekedai & juga rakyat yg menyimpan duit tersebut kedalam account,lalu menukarkan cash note tersebut kepada cash note dinar yg baru,dan cash note dinar iraq yg lama tersebut pihak bank akan melupuskan.

    iv) perkedai2 & rakyat yang menyimpan duit kedalam account bank apabila mereka mengeluarkan duit tersebut dari dalam account mereka telah mendapat duit cash note yg baru secara automatik.process ini akan berterusan sehingga penghujung tahun 2012 atau mungkin awal dari itu.apabila semua pertukaran tersebut selesai,barulah iraq akan membuat RV terhadap nilai matawang mereka dengan menggunakan cash note dinar iraq yg baru.disinilah kemungkinan besar cara2 iraq melupuskan 3 angka sifarnya terhadap matawangnya tampa memberi impak terhadap ekonomi negara mereka.

    senang dikatakan begini:

    Old IQD 25k yg disimpan kedalam account bank,akan menjadi New IQD 25k dalam gandaan 100 @ mungkin kecil dari 100. Contoh: New IQD 100 X 250pcs inilah nilai duit cash note apabila dikeluarkan dari dalam rakyat iraq tidak akan terasa apa2 kekurangan terhadap duit mereka .

    so secara tak langsung iraq telah memberi masa yg munasabah untuk rakyat mereka membuat penukaran cash note didalam bagi cash note yg berada diluar dari iraq,iraq tidak bertanggung jawab.kerana mereka yg membawa cash note keluar dinar iraq,mereka telah melanggar akta polisi CBI dan duit tersebut dianggap tidak sah.


    • gua
      Dec 09, 2011 @ 00:34:16

      cerita diatas berdasarkan artikal berita dibawah ini .

      Apokah maknanya ini semua!!!! siapa boleh tolong jawap??? lagi paniclah penyimpan Cash Note Diluar Dari Iraq.hehehehe..

      Iraq Educate Citizens Changing Money And Use It Before Delete The Zeros.


      Baghdad, 21/11: Member of the Finance Committee called on the parliamentary and MP for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Najiba Najib, “not to rush the implementation of the process of switching the currency period of time a few, but should be taught in detail to determine the positive and negative aspects,” emphasizing “the need to deploy awareness among citizens through the media on how the currency exchange and use. ” و قالت نجيب في تصريح (للتآخي) إن “مشروع حذف الاصفار الثلاثة من العملة العراقية لا يعمل على زيادة قيمة الدينار العراقي تجاه العملات الاجنبية بل هي مسألة شكلية لإعادة هيكلة العملة و التقليل من الكتلة النقدية المتداولة”. And Najib said in a statement (the fraternity) that “the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency is not working to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies, but is a matter of formality for the restructuring of the currency and reduce the money supply.” و أوضحت نجيب أن “مشروع حذف الاصفار من العملة العراقية سيسهل للبنوك و المصارف و التجار و أصحاب المبالغ الكبيرة عملية نقل اموالهم من مكان الى اخر عكس ما يجري عليه الآن للعملة الحالية بأنهم يقومون باستبدالها بعملة اجنبية”. Najib and explained that “the project to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency will make it easier for banks and banks, merchants and owners of large sums of money transfer money from one place to another is the opposite of what it is now the currency that they are replacing the current foreign currency.” و أضافت أن الهدف من هذا المشروع هو “اعادة هيكلة العملة وجعلها أكثر تداولاً من قبل المستثمرين و المصارف العراقية و الابتعاد عن التداول بالعملة الاجنبية كونها تقلل من الكتلة النقدية للعملة”، و تابعت أن “هذا المشروع قدم كمقترح من قبل البنك المركزي و لم يطلًع البرلمان على تفاصيله بشكل كامل و حدث اجتماع فقط بين ادارة البنك المركزي و اللجنة المالية النيابية و اكدوا انهم عازمون على تنفيذ هذا المشروع”. She added that the goal of this project is to “re-structuring of the currency and make it more heavily traded by investors and Iraqi banks and stay away from trading in foreign currency being reduced from the cluster’s monetary currency,” and continued that “This project presented a proposal by the Central Bank and not seen Parliament on the details in full and the meeting occurred only between the administration of the Central Bank and the Parliamentary Finance Committee and confirmed that they intend to implement this project. ” و دعت عضو اللجنة المالية البرلمانية الى “عدم التسرع بتنفيذ هكذا مشروع كبير بفترة زمنية قليلة بل يجب ان يدرس بشكل تفصيلي للوقوف على الجوانب السلبية والايجابية”، مشددةً على “ضرورة نشر الوعي لدى المواطن عن طريق وسائل الاعلام في كيفية تبديل العملة و استخدامها”. And invited member of the Knesset Finance “not to rush the implementation of such a large project time period is a few but should be taught in detail to find out the negative aspects and positive,” emphasizing “the need to raise awareness among citizens through the media how to switch the currency and use it.”

      P/s: aku dah cakap….duit Cash Yang ada diluar iraq pasti akan bermasalah.iraq akan membuat pelbagai cara untuk me rite-off kan duit mereka yg berada diluar dari negara mereka.kalau tak masakan iraq nak mendidik/mengajar rakyatnya menukar dan menggunakan duit cash note yg ada dalam simpanan mereka sebelum proses pembuangan 3 angka sifar dijalankan.hehehhehehe…..


  579. gua
    Dec 09, 2011 @ 01:31:41

    juga diambil dari fourm lain.

    Wahai tuan-tuan yang bijak sana dan bijak sini ,mohon ulas sikit tentang laporan dibawah ini.

    Buys, holds, and hopes

    Is The Iraqi Dinar Worthless Paper Or Maker Of Millionaires?

    Postscript. After reading several good comments on this blog exposing the buy Iraqi Dinar get rich quick scheme as a scam, I want to make it very clear that I also believe it’s a scam. My intent for the original blog was to answer tax questions about holding physical currency as an investment, not to drill down into the Iraqi Dinar scheme. I may do just that in a follow-up post soon. -R.G.

    Dozens of people have signed up for tax consultations with me over the years looking for a windfall profit on the U.S. government revaluation of the Iraqi dinars back into U.S. dollars. In other words, these were people holding dinars who were hoping they could exchange them for dollars again.

    Most dinar investors are current and ex-military, warzone contractors and now speculators. A cottage industry of promoters has sprung up on the Internet promising dinar “get rich” schemes. Many have invested, say, $5,000 and they hope to make millions. I’ve always thought it was a scam, as it sounded too good to be true.

    These people ask me about their potential large tax bills. Most hope for long-term capital gains tax rates, currently up to 15 percent. I have to give them the bad news: holding physical currency is considered ordinary gain or loss in Section 988 (foreign currency transactions). Unlike forex traders, who don’t hold physical currency and don’t take or make delivery, they can’t file a capital gains election to opt out of Section 988 and into short- and long-term capital gains treatment.

    That means no lower 60/40 futures tax rate either (Section 1256). At least, it’s not considered a personal loss which otherwise can’t be deducted, as is the case when a person returns from a vacation and exchanges his left over currency from that trip. Investors in dinars can deduct ordinary losses in Section 988, but few expect a loss.

    Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World by Liaquat Ahamed is about how the four leading central bankers from the U.S., U.K., France and Germany navigated in and out of WWI and financed recoveries and German reparations. These central bankers went off and on the gold and new dollar standards by manipulating their exchange and interest rates and much more. This is how money and power (military and otherwise) go hand in hand.

    Our current situation begs the question: Did the Bush administration plan on, and is the Obama administration still considering, paying for part or all of the Iraq war by collecting taxes from the revaluation of the dinar?

    Special Offer: Safety In High-Yield. Three of Richard Lehmann’s fixed-income portfolios yield more than 7.1%. Click here for to gain access to his portfolios in Forbes/Lehmann Income Securities Investor.

    If this scheme has any resemblance of reality, it could be an interesting revenue raiser for the government, and I know the government is hunting for revenue raisers and closing of tax loopholes.

    Maybe the story here is just that it’s a scam. But, if rumors in the marketplace are true, and the dinar does revalue and allow conversion for most to pre-war levels, what are the ramifications for the government, Iraq, the military, investors and taxpayers? Also, what’s holding up the revaluation? Can Iraq handle it?

    It does sound like a happy ending which makes me suspicious. How much tax revenue do U.S., state and local governments stand to collect? How many former and current military personnel and contractors stand to become millionaires overnight?


  580. gua
    Dec 09, 2011 @ 01:34:34

    juga dipetik dari fourm lain.

    How do the currency dealers get their currency?

    mohon ulas sikit tentang laporan dibawah ini.
    adui!!! lagi buat aku bingung dengan kenyataan dibawah

    02/12/2011 12:28

    SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: Iraqi law prohibits adult Iraqis and foreigners from holding and transporting more than 10,000 USD in cash out of Iraq. However, adult Iraqi and resident foreigners may hold and transport no more than 200,000 Iraqi dinars to cover travel expenses. Iraqi law also prohibits taking more than 100 grams of gold out of the country. Iraqi customs personnel are taking action to enforce these laws and may pose related questions to travelers during immigration and customs exit procedures. (Civil customs personnel also will verify passport annotations related to any items such as foreign currency, gold jewelry, or merchandise that were declared by passengers upon entry into Iraq on Form-8.)

    All U.S. citizens are reminded that it is their duty to respect Iraqi laws, including legal restrictions on the transfer of currency outside Iraq. If you are detained at the airport or at any other point of exit regarding your attempt to transfer currency out of Iraq, you should contact, or ask that Iraqi authorities immediately contact, the U.S. Embassy.

    Transporting large amounts of currency is not advisable. Almost all of the international companies working in Iraq have the capability to make payments to their employees and at least four Iraqi banks are also able to convert cash into an international wire transfer directed to a bank account outside Iraq. Branches of the Credit Bank of Iraq on Al-Sa’adoon Street, Baghdad, Dar Es Salaam Bank, Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank, and Al-Warqaa Investment Bank all have this capability. Please be aware that large wire transfers may require Central Bank of Iraq approval due to measures in place to combat money laundering. Such approvals can be obtained by the sending bank if a customer provides information on the origin of the funds and the reason for their transfer. Additional information on banking in Iraq is available at the Central Bank of Iraq website.


    So, since it’s not legal to take large amounts of currency out of Iraq, how do the currency dealters (link dinarbanker or tampadinar,etc) get the currency out of Iraq to sell to us?


    • gua
      Dec 09, 2011 @ 02:02:53

      teka-teki yg menyentuh/menguris hati Pemegang Cash Note Dinar Iraq juga saya copy & paste dari fourm lain.

      Soalan : dari orang yg memberi teka-teki.

      berdasarkan artikel ini aku boleh simpulkan umpama pantun teka teki ini….dalm banyak banyak duit kat dunia nie…duit apa yang mandul………jwb…ye…..

      Jawapan: orang yang menjawab teka-teki.

      hahaha..wakakawakaka…hehehehe…pakcik kayo!!!!! ada buat aku gelak berguling2….lawak be..benor teka-teki hang nie…..tapi tak mengapa,aku cuba jawap teka-teki hang nie.heheheh… dah tentu2lah jawapannya “CASH NOTE” dinar iraq!!!!!! wakakawakakawakaka….hang nak tahu tak keapa aku teka “CASH NOTE” dinar iraq!!!!!!

      “CASH NOTE” dinar iraq,kalau hang simpan hatta 2000 tahun sekali pun… duit tu tak akan bertambah2 dengan sendirinya.melainkan kalau hang simpan duit hang tu dalam account bank, dah tentu2nya setiap 6 bulan sekali hang dapat lihat perubahan amount duit hang dalam account,tu..ini disebabkan Dividen yg anda dapat daripada hasil simpaan duit hang didalam account ,tampa hang meng top-upkan duit tersebut.hahahah…wakakakakawakakaka

      adakah benar jawapan hamba….Wahai pakcik kayo?


      • gua
        Dec 09, 2011 @ 02:08:37

        Jawapan yang diberikan oleh orang yg memberi soalan teka-teki.

        ha..ha..ha…benar sekali jawapannya wahai tuan hamba…….sungguh bergeliga otak anda tu….boleh buat batu cincin da……ha…ha..ha….

  581. gua
    Dec 09, 2011 @ 01:38:24

    Diambil dari fourm lain.

    Hahahahahha….ini ada berita gumbira buat pemegang account bank iraq.buat pemegang cash note…..jangan merah mata yer!!!!

    Sunday, December 4, 2011

    Iraqi Banks Calls to activate the role of private banks in economic development
    Snip ~ *Iraq under the table of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations was still an obstacle in front, though the exchange banks to provide all banking services to customers of citizens within and outside of Iraq from the remittances of internal and external and letters of credit and letters of guarantee and development processes, etc., It is also moving in its activity, according to the operations of the Central Bank to deal in the fight against inflation


    Calls to activate the role of private banks in economic development

    Baghdad, rising chorus for the need to work to promote mechanisms of action of private banks in the country, for its prominent role in the process of economic boom, through the services provided to the production and service sectors, at the time called economic experts that exclusive private banks on the basis of solid, and offer advanced services and quick to the public beneficiaries.

    Continues …

    economist Qasim Khazraji told (morning): The contribution of private sector banks in the economic and social development is very important, especially in the phase shift which we live today, pointing to the importance of supporting the private and public sectors of these banks to continue and grow in their activities and the development of its business for the better Sectors Economic started to grow gradually and catching the world towards Iraq has been growing remarkably, which imposes the need to access banks for what he has reached international banks.

    He said, when private banks expectations of investment major development only The article (28) of the Banking Act currently prevent these aspirations has asked banks modified has to understand the central bank that, but did not get modified to the day, indicating that these banks was founded to work with a capital-funded Iraqi private sector and contributed to the capital without the burden of the State, so the private sector banks have worked to invest funds of the private sector in the creation of these banks are using their money and their potential in the service of society and national economy, and there must be encouraged and bringing it to the ranks of international banks, especially since it is characterized by the spread over a wide area of the provinces Iraq to provide its services to all sectors where they exist in different orientations commercial, industrial, agricultural and construction sector, services and others.

    He pointed out that the private banks a prominent role in the operation of other institutions such as insurance companies and the stock market and has a distinct role in the transfer of shares in the Iraqi market for securities and the feet of investors to buy shares, one of the major investments in front of the citizen, and this service investment by the private sector investor Iraqi and foreign, as they are required to have greater freedom to develop its business, although it started years ago to work for the purchase of banking systems and comprehensive use of accounts and electronic linking its branches network communications via satellite and the of the calculated to the security situation use the sites outside of Iraq to put his accounts in the sites honest and linked with its branches and its public administration operating in Iraq and imposed here that are homogenous with the public sector.

    He Khazraji saying that the financial sector banking civil works funds of the Iraqi private sector and have an active role in the fight against unemployment and run workforce of graduates with specialties business, financial, legal and graduates of technical disciplines in the accounts and systems programming and disciplinary engineering to work within its staff and has a role in the operation of local employment, adding that some banks recycles ATMs ((ATM and contracts with international companies to ATM service and management operations withdrawal of these services all over the world, and payments for their purchases using the cards, MasterCard and Visa Card and put it in reach of its customers which is accomplishing an important and newly measured years of existence, this banking institution in the country, and drew attention to enable them to build relationships with many banks and Arab world to work as reporters have

    Although the circumstances of economic sanctions against the former and the continued existence of Iraq under the table of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations was still an obstacle in front, though the exchange banks to provide all banking services to customers of citizens within and outside of Iraq from the remittances of internal and external and letters of credit and letters of guarantee and development processes, etc., It is also moving in its activity, according to the operations of the Central Bank to deal in the fight against inflation.

    He pointed out the need for the expansion of banks use depositors’ funds in the operations re-investment and the granting of loans, advances and overdrafts in trade accounts and discount bills of exchange and open letters of credit and the issuance of letters of guarantee internal and external financing the purchase of private cars and productivity, housing, and has thus contributed to the economic activities of the various sectors within Iraq.

    also must work to create cadres of banking intern and sophisticated wider than it is through their participation in the sessions banking inside and outside Iraq, noting that many of these banks worked on the investment their funds to buy bonds, government debt of the various an effective contribution to support the publication of the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Iraq from remittances Alkhoznipp.

    and called for a unified study supported by economic policy and raise some of the barriers from the private sector to exercise active role in the construction and reconstruction and overall development.


  582. WaKaya
    Dec 09, 2011 @ 19:36:41

    Yahoo!!!!! Mari kita lihat siapa yang KENA !!!!!!

    P/s: Dah lama aku tunggu detik2 ini….TAK LAMA LAGI!!!!! Wakakakakkakakakakakhahahhahahahahhahaha…………..

    New Currnecy To Replace Beginning Of 2012


    The head of the parliamentary Finance Committee Haider Abadi, that with the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency as an important and necessary condition that the procedures associated with sound and correct.

    Abadi and predicted that “the start of the new currency to replace the beginning of 2012, wondering whether enough time remaining to the procedures associated with the replacement of the currency or the extension period will be longer.

    Abadi said that a number of precautionary measures have been discussed with the Central Bank to be the replacement process successful and correct.

    The MP for the rule of law that one of the precautionary measures are to be currency safer and less fraud because the old currency and the percentage of fraud where few but the amount was large, pointing out that the fraud case of an international and not without a state by as long as any fraud rings Valtzoar is in America, Britain and other nations.

    And Abbadi, “The new currency will not reflect negatively on the inflation situation in the country and financial transactions will be in Iraq, easier and better delete the zeros.

    He noted that “the new place that will bring the process of replacing the new currency and destroying old currency not yet been determined.

    Abadi said that the size of the Iraqi currency has become unreasonable and we are not the first country in the world to replace its currency, because many countries have preceded us in this context, such as France, Turkey and others.


  583. nazhasecret
    Dec 09, 2011 @ 20:09:43

    well..jgn epy sgt beb..kang kot akaun ko yg lesap..tinggal ZERO je la..


    • wakaya
      Dec 10, 2011 @ 00:40:58

      hahahaha…cara percakapan anda membayangkan tahap dimana iQ anda wahai cik admin….orang yg pandai mereka dah stanby dengan backup plan untuk membuktikan account mereka ujud dan sah. …tak spt anda,hanya tahu menjual dinar yang dah tahu statusnya tidak sah dan penuh dengan resiko.hehehhehe.

      P/s:kebanyakan penjual dinar mereka dah mempunyai account bank disana,cuma mereka tak nak memberitahu pada pelangan2 mereka,kerana ditakuti duit yg mereka jual tu taklaku. contoh dah ada.sendiri mahu ingat.


      • nazhasecret
        Dec 10, 2011 @ 03:18:06

        whatever en wakayap..kami pun dh ade backup plan tp tkde la kecoh gebang sana sini cm org warka yg suka benar propa lebey ni

        **im not aware dgn penjual ‘cth dh ade’ tu..

      • wakaya
        Dec 10, 2011 @ 11:10:10

        Boleh Pakai ker Backup anda tu….hehehehehe. backup sekadar melalui orang perantaraan.. tu….alamatnya untung sabut timbul….untung batu tenggelamlah alamatnya..hehehhehe…wa punya backap…guna cable besar lagi…. dan cable tu boleh dipercayai cabel banklah katakan….hahahhahahha….

        jangan nagis udahlah yer cik admin kalau masuk angin keluar asap….kalau anda saja masuk angin keluar asap tak pelah juga…. ini masuk angin keluar asap dengan pembeli2 yg membeli dengan anda sekali…. hahahhahahaha…

  584. zareeeds
    Dec 11, 2011 @ 17:16:08

    Salam..saya tidak mahu komen banyak2 lah tentang komen2 yang dihantar oleh saudara2 sekelian sebab setahu saya saudara2 sekelian yang menghantar komen2 ini ada lah orang2 yang lebih bijak daripada orang2 lain…kalu kita hendak bertelagah sesama kita pun sampai bila2 pun kita tidak akan ada jalan penyelesaianya,so kepada saudara2 yang lebih bijak daripada orang2 laiin tu atau pun saudara2 yang kurang bijak pun boleh jenguk sikit ke website http://WWW.DINARRECAPS.COM atau pun http://WWW.DINARGURU.COM…saya suka membaca kedua2 websites tersebut sebab ia senang dibaca,mudah difaham dan rengkas.. untuk peringatan jangan kita percaya kepada semua apa yang di katakan,kalu berita itu tidak betul,anggap lah ia sebagai bahan hiburan semata mata sebelum menjelmanya RV..


  585. Mamat
    Dec 12, 2011 @ 00:21:23

    Sdra zareeeds,
    betul dan saya setuju dgn pendapat sdra, saya suka baca bahan yg memberi ilmu pengetahuan sebenar tntg pelaburan ini supaya kita mampu menilai komen dan juga spekulasi pelaburan ini, komen/pendapat yg tidak berasaskan ilmu tak perlu kita bg response, lebih lebih lagi jika komen/pendapat yg berbau emosi dan mementingkan diri sendiri. marilah kita sama sama menghindar dari membuat dosa kering terhadap rakan rakan di blog ini, maaf sekiranya ada yg tak setuju dengan saranan saya supaya kita elakkan dari membuat dosa kpd rakan rakan yg kita tak kenali dlm blog ini, sebab dosa badan binasa d akhirat nanti. maaf sekali lagi, semoga kita sama sama beroleh keuntungan apabila lQD d RV nanti


  586. wakaya
    Dec 12, 2011 @ 04:17:47

    hahahaha….. tak guna zareeeds & Mamat kalau anda asik membaca fourm yg merapu yg disediakan oleh Orang Putih tu..kebanyakan fourm orang putih tu semuanya berunsurkan PUMMPER sahaja.buat anda berasa syok untuk membeli duit cash dinar iraq.kalau anda benar2 nak tahu berita tentang dinar iraq dan apa2 yang berlaku diiraq,anda bacalah semua berita2 online terus dari akbar iraq.itu yang lebih baik. kebanyakan fourm orang putih, mereka banyak berpandukan Rumor dari fakta,bergitu juga fourm dinar iraq dimalaysia tak terkecuali.apa yang aku lihat dalam fourm dinar iraq dimalaysia,kebanyakan mereka yg membeli cash note lebih suka mendengar cerita2 rumor.

    perlu diingatkan kepada mereka yg menyimpan duit cash dinar iraq,bahawa anda berada jauh dari bumi iraq.sekiranya iraq melaksanakan pemotongan 3 kosong pada wang kertasnya pada tahun 2012 sebelum mereka menaikkan nilai matawang mereka,apa akan berlaku pada duit cash yang anda beli?

    dah tentu2nya nilai duit anda itu menjadi kecil yer tak? disini anda telah mengalami kerugian yang agak besar,ini belum lagi saya bagi tahu anda selepas iraq membuat pemotongan 3 kosong ,iraq akan memberi tempoh 6 bulan atau setahun untuk pertukaran cash note lama kepada yg baru,dalam tempoh tersebut nilainya masih belum berubah,so di manakah anda hendak menukarkan duit cash lama tersebut dimalaysia? bolehkah anda menukar duit cash dinar iraq lama anda ke MONEY CHANGER?? atau pun di Bank2 Commercial di malaysia? jawapannya dah tentu2 tidak boleh, kerana duit cash dinar iraq anda masih tidak mempunyai nilai dan duit cash dinar anda tersebut masih tidak lagi di iktiraf oleh bank dunia. adakah anda nak menukarkan duit cash dinar iraq anda tu kepada penjual2 duit cash dinar iraq dimalaysia? sanggupkah penjual2 cash dinar iraq di malaysia menukarkan duit cash lama anda kepada duit cash yang baru anda secara “PERCUMA”pada anda? walaupun anda satu masa dulu membeli duit cash tersebut pada mereka?dah tentu2nya jawapannya tidak!!!! kerana process penukaran cash dinar lama kepada dinar baru memerlukan kos untuk menghantar semula duit tersebut kedalam negara di sini anda akan mengalami lagi kekurangan nilai duit cash dinar anda. dahlah duit cash dinar anda mengecil nilainya ditambahkan lagi kos untuk penukaran,itu belum lagi termasuk risiko kerugian total pada anda sekiranya duit yang anda harapkan untuk ditukar dari lama ke baru tu dibawa lari oleh orang yang membawa duit tersebut.

    perlu di ingatkan “DUIT” kalau dinama duit adik beradik pun sangup bergaduh,inikan pula orang yg anda tidak berapa kenal,anda serahkan duit anda kepada mereka.


  587. nazhasecret
    Dec 12, 2011 @ 09:18:14

    utk pembeli fizikal note ngn team NAZHA IQD GROUP insya allah kami ade perlu nak kecoh2 lagi..setakat nk tulis hatta ade ‘org dalam’ kt iraq pun bole..

    RV pun blum nmpak ujung pangkal lg bila,yang tukang bg jawapan tu mcm kompem je ek kami ni tk bole nk tukar time tu..well apa2 pun bole berlaku kalau dh RV nti..

    utk pembeli NAZHA IQD GROUP if kita ade prob masa nk tukar nti,ade org perantara yg akn uruskan cuma mmg ade % kita kna topup utk kos pertukaran tu..exactly bpe % akn diupdate bila confirm kita tkde alternatif utk tukar disini


    • wakaya
      Dec 13, 2011 @ 07:38:59

      hahahaha…kan aku dah cakap mesti ada charge tersembunyi…..untuk nak tukarkan note lama pada note baru….satu prediction aku dah terbukti betul… ada charge tambahan, cuma satu lagi jer masih belum tahu lagi…sama ada prediction aku nie betul atau pun tidak.iaitu duit cash pelabur2 iraq dimalaysia bakal lesap dilarikan oleh orang tengah dalam process nak tukar duit cash lama pada yg baru…hahahaha… tak mustahil ini akan terjadi,kerana dalam situasi ini duit cash ditangan orang perantaraan..


      • nazhasecret
        Dec 13, 2011 @ 20:58:28

        whatever..kita ni jgn jadi mcm tin kosong dah la ok..bingit sana sini jek

        ingat kami ni x go deeply ke pasal benda ni..ade ke ingt senang2 nk kutip gitu je..malas ar nk nk komen pjg2..sampai masa nye nti bru la sembang balik 😀

      • wakaya
        Dec 14, 2011 @ 02:31:02

        hehehehe…saya tidak bersembang spt tin kosong wahai cik admin,sembang saya penuh bermakna buat mereka2 yg membeli cash note pada cik admin dan pada siapa2 saja penjual note dinar iraq dimalaysia.bolehkah cik admin memberi jaminan kepada pembeli2 cash note yang membeli dinar iraq pada cik admin,bahawa cik admin akan bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya diatas kehilangan duit mereka setelah mereka serahkan note dinar mereka pada cik admin???? hanya yg saya nak tahu dari mulut cik admin sahaja….adakah jaminan tersebut cik admin berani berikan pada coustomer cik admin.

      • nazhasecret
        Dec 14, 2011 @ 06:47:40

        customer sy tau dgn sape mereka berurusan ,mcm mne cra sy deal sebelum ni.. so tkyah la nk ‘bimbang’ kat kitaorg yg pegang fizikal note ni ye..

        kehilangan?how sure u punya jawapan pd your ‘prediction’ ek..anyway,cm sy dh bgtau,we hve our own backup plan..plan yg mcm mne?biar kami dedahkan bilamana alternatif utk tukar kt sini dh tkde..apa jaminan?semuanye akn dibertahu pd semua pemilik iqd fizikal under team kami nti..bkn bgtau kosong-kosong cmtu seat back n just wait n see

  588. nyaya
    Dec 12, 2011 @ 19:27:25

    Drop 3 zeros from the dinar

    December 12, 2011

    By: Iraq

    Stay tuned the biggest scam on the Iraqi people, the process of dropping three zeros from the Iraqi currency!!

    Said that the U.S. Treasury Department to buy the Iraqi dinar at a rate of $ 150 million a day over the week and for the few months that preceded the withdrawal of U.S. forces, “declared” out of Iraq.

    Goal is to save part of the U.S. economy deteriorating, and the process is a “recipe” on the backburner, underlying each of the “Chef” Biden and his aides! Case simply as follows:

    buy American today 1170 dinars Iraqi amount of $ 1 and keep the financial asset beyond the stage of shooting down three zeros, then the equivalent of the CBI value of Iraqi dinar to one dollar, and then return the Americans to push Iraqi dinars, one for each dollar convicted by the swap transactions of economic (oil) with Iraq … This way, they pay the equivalent of $ 1170 “after dropping three zeros from the dinar,” what they bought only one dollar!!

    Is not up yet?! … Well … The simplest form:

    Today, Americans buy Iraqi dinars, and the fall of Iraq tomorrow, three zeros from its currency, bring down the effect of zeros ” DOES NOT APPLY OUTSIDE THE BORDERS OF IRAQ ” ( This new law, “Lange” Year of Biden … Economists and butt their heads against the wall of the world!!)

    Americans will respond to Iraq Iraqi amount of 1170 dinars for $ $ 1170 is payable for Iraq, “How many barrels of oil price,” which has already cost him just $ 1 …!


  589. wakaya
    Dec 17, 2011 @ 14:19:07

    Bank Negara Malaysia | Central Bank of Malaysia (Official)

    Kami ingin berkongsi maklumat dengan tuan bahawa di bawah Akta Kawalan Pertukaran Wang 1953, adalah satu kesalahan untuk seseorang individu di Malaysia membeli atau menjual mata wang asing (forex) atau melakukan apa-apa tindakan yang melibatkan, berhubung dengan, atau persediaan untuk, membeli atau menjual mata wang asing dengan mana-mana orang, selain daripada peniaga berdaftar. Di bawah Akta ini juga, adalah satu
    kesalahan untuk seseorang itu membantu atau bersubahat dengan orang lain untuk membeli atau menjual mata wang asing dengan mana-mana orang, kecuali orang tersebut ialah peniaga yang dibenarkan.

    Untuk makluman tuan, Bank Negara Malaysia tidak menyenaraikan Dinar Iraq sebagai salah satu matawang pertukaran asing. Makluman lanjut boleh diperolehi melalui halaman :

    Orang ramai adalah dinasihatkan untuk berurusan secara terus dengan bank-bank tempatan (di bawah penyeliaan Bank Negara Malaysia) bagi mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan dengan matawang tersebut bagi mengelak daripada penipuan oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.


  590. nazhasecret
    Dec 17, 2011 @ 14:42:53

    well..wait n see je la nti ok..kalau nk ckp hal isu ni..bole dibangkitkan jg individu yang mengambil ‘upah’ berganda bukak akaun warka utk org lain..bnm mmg suka isu2 cmni kan 😀


    • wakaya
      Dec 17, 2011 @ 15:51:01

      hehehehe… cik admin,nampak sangat anda tidak dapat membezakan diantara penjual duit dinar dan pengambil upah untuk membuka account bank diiraq. penjual duit cash dinar iraq dimalaysia dah terang2 melakukan kesalahan dimana mereka yg menjual cash dinar iraq tidak mempunyai kebenaran “aka” lesen untuk memperdagangkan matawang Dinar Iraq.tetapi tak sama dengan orang yang mengambil upah untuk membuka account bank di Iraq.orang yg mengambil upah membuka account bank diiraq…mereka menawarkan perkhidmatan sahaja….tetapi mereka tetap membeli matawang sesuatu negara melalui bank2 perantaraan yg diiktiraf oleh BNM.

      Contoh yg paling baik yg boleh saya berikan pada cik admin adalah
      ” dispatch ” . andai kata cik admin sibuk tidak mempunyai masa untuk pergi ke money changer atau pun kebank untuk membeli sesuatu matawang, lalu cik admin menggunakan khidmat “DISPATCH” untuk membeli sesuatu matawang di MC @ bank . dispatch disini mewakili seseorang yang mengambil upah untuk menjalankan sesuatu perkerjaan ini termasuklah dalam urusan pembelian matawang dari money changer atau pun bank. adakah DISPATCH ini telah melakukan kesalahan????? dah tentu2 jawapannya “TIDAK” kerana dia (dispatch)hanya mengambil upah sahaja untuk menjalankan kerja untuk membeli matawang dan matawang yg dibeli oleh DISPATCH tersebut adalah melalui MC @ bank2 yg diiktiraf oleh BNM. so dimanakah kesalah dispatch tersebut???? dah tentu tak salahkan!!!!! sebab dia beli dengan MC @ bank2 yg berlesen dimalaysia.begitu juga dengan si pengambil upah yg menawarkan perkhidmatanya untuk membuka account bank diiraq dimanakah ke salahnya????. disini saya tak nampak kesalahan yg dilakukan oleh si pengambil upah. sebab si pengambil upah tersebut juga membeli matawang negara asing melalui perkhidmatan bank di Malaysia. hehehehehehe……


  591. nazhasecret
    Dec 18, 2011 @ 12:56:18

    hahaha..biasa la,nak pertahankan sbb dh terlibatkan..mmg la tk nampak,org yg amik upah pn berlindung disebalik id ibarat baling batu then sembunyik kan tangan…pastu mula la nk cari isu plak kat sini,gelabah nye bole blah je baca ayat2 ni..huh!!!


    • wakaya
      Dec 18, 2011 @ 18:15:09

      statement tak boleh blah ker… atau ayat saya ini membuatkan cik admin pening kepala nak jawab????hehehehe…apa2 hal pun soalan saya cik admin masih tak jawab lagi….. berkenaan jaminan Cash Note yg diserahkan oleh coustomer2 cik admin kepada cik admin YA Atau Tidak ? saya bukannya nak tahu dgn sape mereka berurusan & macam mana caranya cik admin deal sebelum ini. Duit yang tak ada nilai… orang penipu pun boleh tutup sebelah mata menjualnya dengan layanan first class lagi…hehehehe… maklumlah jual duit tak laku dengan mendapat duit yang ada nilai….memanglah servis baik punya confirm tak lari punya…!!!! .tapi bila ada masalah duit hilang dalam perjalanan untuk pertukaran….hehehehe…silap2 cik admin punya batang hidung pun tak nampak. hehehehehehe….maklum sajalah duit tak laku tersebut dah ada nilainya….sila jawab yer cik admin!!!! coustomer anda tengah ternanti2 jawapan dari cik admin YA @ Tidak , taknak dalih2 lagi tau… hehehehe…


  592. nazhasecret
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 09:31:25

    awak ni customer kami ke?sorry jawapan tu hanya exclusive for Nazha’s IQD Group only..jika anda pernah memiliki set yg berfolder spt kami sila email details nama penuh,no ic sbb setiap pemilik yg beli ade details ngn tkyah nk kecoh kt my blog ok.just send email to tq


  593. wakaya
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 12:00:14… berdalih lagi..cik admin nie…susah bebenar yer cik admin nak menyata kan Yer atau Tidak dalam blog ni, sampai kena bagi nama & no ic…hehehehehehe…macam ada lesen sahaja cik admin nie berniaga yer sampai mencatat no ic orang???hehehehe…MC pun kalau orang beli matawang negara lain pun tak minta nama dan no ic,cuma dia bagi resit pembelian sahaja….hehehe..kan senang kalau cik admin berkata “TIDAK” kat dalam blog nie…so senanglah coustomer cik admin mencari jalan alternatif lain…selain mengharapkan orang tengah cik admin yg tentu2 tak secure.sekurang2nya coustomer cik admin bolehlah bersiap sedia dengan cara pergi sendiri ker Iraq untuk menukarkan sendiri duit mereka…lagi mereka confidence.anyway…beginilah sukarnya membeli Cash Note dinar iraq dengan orang perseorangan yang menjualnya secara tidak berlesen kat malaysia.masa menjual Cash Note semuanya manis berkata2…tapi bila ditanya tentang jaminan kehilangan duit tersebut dalam tangan orang perantaraan….nak jawab “YA” pun berdalih2 sampai nak minta nama dan no ic lagi.hehehe..


  594. nazhasecret
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 14:57:45

    aik?ke ko yg takut nk bg details 😀 aku tkde masa nk layan org kuat propa kat blog aku ni..


    • wakaya
      Dec 19, 2011 @ 18:30:26

      buat apa saya nak bagi detail pada orang yang dah sah2 menjual cash note dinar iraq secara salah. dah terang lagi bersuluh anda telah terang2 melanggar akta Bank Negara Malaysia. dan anda telah melakukan 2 kesalahan iaitu:

      kesalahan pertama anda,menjual cash note dinar iraq tampa mempunyai lesen yang sah dari BNM

      kesalahan kedua anda,anda menjual Cash Note dinar iraq melebihi dari harga sebenar pasaran Mata wang Iraq- CBI.

      disebabkan kerana orang2 seperti andalah(penjual Cash Note) yang membuatkan ramai diantara orang berangapan dinar iraq ini scam .


  595. nazhasecret
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 19:06:36

    tk payah nk berlagak n buat kecoh kt blog org ok

    guna pun fake id posting kt sini,pesal ??


  596. nazhasecret
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 19:24:02

    ko sendiri yg post bgtau “Untuk makluman tuan, Bank Negara Malaysia tidak menyenaraikan Dinar Iraq sebagai salah satu matawang pertukaran asing” so..mmg la iqd bkn matawang kt yg tk phm mcm ko n yg suka buat propa n kecoh kt blog org mmg mcm ni..putar belit je keje nye..dh lama dh kt blog ni stated ayat “Dinar Iraq masih di wartakan sebagai barang koleksi atau dokumen sahaja buat masa ini. Dan setelah dia menjadi matawang yang di trade kan antara negara(international market) penjualan Dinar Iraq ini memerlukan syarikat kewangan berlesen atau pengurup wang yang sah.

    selama ni pun iqd dianggap Produk Collector’s Set je.skang ni pun sejak thn 2011 ni iqd bole dibeli kt MC kt sini cuma tk dijual terang-terangan ni share info since 2006 ok


    • wakaya
      Dec 20, 2011 @ 02:07:35

      hehehehe……dinar iraq yg cik admin jual nie mana ada status “KOLEKSI”…sila bagi tahu saya siapa yang menyatakan dinar iraq nie sebagai koleksi.dinar yang cik admin jual nie,valuenya masih ada…tetapi bukannya dimalaysia atau pun diseluruh dunia.dinar iraq ini hanya ada value didalam negara iraq sahaja…hehehehehe…dan dinar iraq ini merupakan salah satu “EXOTIC CURRENCY” itu sebab ia tidak diwartakan oleh BNM.hehehehe….

      berkenan dengan MC yang menjual dinar iraq dimalaysia bukan dengan cara terang2…ini menunjukkan MC tersebut telah melakukan kesalah dibawah akta penjualan matawang asing 1953.jika didapati bersalah lesen perniagaan mereka akan ditarik balik dan wang cagaran mereka pada BNM akan dirampas.ini disebabkan MC berkenaan tidak mendapat lesen untuk memperdagangkan matawang IRAQ.dan satu lagi saya ada terbaca di dalam blog ini,ada seseorang yang bercita2 untuk membuka MC kat malaysia khas untuk penukaran Cash Note Dinar Iraq.hehehehe… orang tersebut berkata MC tersebut akan dibuka pada penghujung tahun 2011. apa cer yer….orang tu…dah suksess ker??? hehehehehe….sebab dah nak masuk tahun baru nie….Sonyap jer.

      berita terkini CBI berkata pemalsuan Cash Note Dinar Iraq paling banyak berlaku diluar dari iraq berbanding dari dalam negara. salah satunya yg paling terbesar adalah ” fraud-commercial use” dan selainnya adalah ” ndertaken by persons individually ” dan yg ketiga ” run by some traders “. agak2nya dimana cik admin berada yer….diantara ke tiga2 yang dinyatakan?.hehehehe. apa comment cik admin.


  597. zareeeds
    Dec 20, 2011 @ 16:48:10

    Salam…malang sungguh pembaca2 forum di “Prediction on Dinar Iraq” ini.Dalam beberapa hari ini di sajikan dengan cakap2 yang langsung tidak memberi sebarang faedah kepada pembaca2 forum ini.Sepatutnya forum yang dikhaskan untuk berbincang dan mendapatkan informasi2 mengenai Iraq/Dinar Iraq RV telah diabaikan disebabkan perbezaan pendapat diantara dua belah pihak.Kalu sifat begini berpanjangan,maka makin ramai lah pembaca2 akan beralih arah ke forum2 lain nanti dan tinggal anda berdua sahaja lah bertelagah sampai ke RV.
    RV belum lagi nampak hujang pangkal tetapi sudah mula bertelagah mengenai macamana hendak menukar cash note dan berkira kira hendak menjadi kaya.
    Kepada pihak yang berkenaan,kami telah cukup matang dan berakal waras sebelum mencebur diri dalam pelaburan ini,Kami tahu akan risikonya dan setiap pelaburan ada risikonya samaada untung atau rugi so diharapkan jauhi lah daripada menakut nakutkan pemegang cash note ini yang tidak mempunyai akaun Warka.


  598. rose
    Dec 23, 2011 @ 00:17:52

    salam, saya ada menyimpan 100,000.00 dinars, bila lah saya blh tukar dlm rm ni…..


  599. nawi
    Dec 30, 2011 @ 02:40:28

    macama mana nak bukak akaun di bank iraq


  600. qaiezer2
    Jan 03, 2012 @ 07:09:04

    pd KEMBARA IQD sila tel sy sbb sy nk mklimt lanjut tntg dinar…

    **pegi je la kt blog dia-admin nazha


  601. zareeeds
    Jan 12, 2012 @ 03:14:44

    Kepada yang berkenaan.

    They have stated that both currencies will coexist for a period of time, to draw in the old over a 2 year time span. If the majority of Iraqi’s who stashed away a $25,000 notes and the government immediately made them worth $25 found out about this, you could easily expect civil strife. Explained the LOP in an easy to follow manner.

    10 reasons why the IQD will not LOP

    1. Monetary policy was a success talking inflation from 35% or higher to around 7% currently.
    2. Any type of currency devaluation (LOP) is considered a failure of monetary policy. Dr. Shabibi has not failed.
    3. Lesser value notes in circulation such as 50, 250, 500. Devaluing the larger 3 zero notes would make them worth less than these lesser notes.
    4. Iraq wants the dinar to be an international reserve currency. Cannot devalue the notes in reserve (25,000), circulate them as payment, or traded amongst countries.
    5. Iraq holds arguable the second largest oil reserves and is mineral rich. They are too wealthy to not honor the value stated on the notes.
    6. Iraq has stated..They want the “strongest currency in the Middle East” Any such type of LOP would be a devaluation and therefore not considered strong.
    7. US holds dinar as a result of funding the CBI’s initial reserves. This dinar will eventually payoff the war debt.
    8. One of the authors of the currency exchange plan – Assistant Professor Dr. Fadel states in his documentation, “We must emphasize the extremely important issue is that if you remove three zeroes from the currency should not affect the actual value thereof to be trading in the old currency…”
    9. In 2003 when the NID was introduced at it’s initial rate, the previous currency was in essence devalued taking all wealth from the country to prevent funding of terrorism. Raising the currencies value will in essence, return that wealth now that the GOI is stable and economic conditions have improved.
    10. The CBI has stated “both currencies will co-exist” and the process will not change the “monetary value” of the dinar.They have stated that both currencies will coexist for a period of time, to draw in the old over a 2 year time span. If the majority of Iraqi’s who stashed away a $25,000 notes and the government immediately made them worth $25 found out about this, you could easily expect civil strife.



  602. gonjeng_KL
    Jan 15, 2012 @ 14:13:31

    Central Bank plans to launch three categories after deletion of zeros from the Iraqi dinar

    Saturday, 14 / 1 / 2012 09:24 GMT

    Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh
    Alsumaria News / Baghdad

    The central bank of Iraq, Saturday, intended to put all three categories after the large deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the process of replacing the currency will take two years.

    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “the Bank will present three classes a great addition to the categories of mineral, after the deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi dinar,” noting that “the process of switching would reform the system of currency management and ease of use. ”

    Saleh added that “the three categories consist of 200 dinars, which is equal to 200 thousand dinars at the present time and a 100 dinars, which is equal to 100 thousand dinars, and the category of 50 dinars, which is equal to 50 thousand dinars, in addition to the coin of the category of the dinar and Dinarin as well as half and quarter dinars and 100 fils and dirham “.

    Saleh indicated that “the deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi dinar would shorten the number of banknotes of four billion and paper, which is equal to 30 trillion dinars exist in the Iraqi market to one billion and 800 million paper only,” asserting that “the currency exchange will not affect the per capita income or over its wealth or its contractual obligations. ”

    Saleh pointed out that “the Board of Directors has approved the decision to delete the zeros after the completion of designs currency bearing the legacy of Iraq and its history and civilizations, as well as for discussion by the Financial and Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers,” noting that “the Bank pending the Board’s approval to begin the replacement of the new currency and which must be with the new financial year and proposed by the Bank with the beginning of the year 2013. ”

    Salih stressed that “the process of replacing the currency will take two years to prevent any disruption in the process of delivery and receipt,” explaining that “the banks will continue to receive the old currency for ten years as rights and not negotiable.”

    The central bank was charged in (12 September 2011), government agencies of obstructing monetary reform and vowed to sue, blaming the authorities responsible for exposing the financial interests of the country to danger.

    He said an adviser to Prime Minister for Economic Affairs (25 August 2011), to raise zeros from the currency is the biggest corruption in Iraq if it was during this period, and fall under the name of tampering with the economic, warning of “mafias currency” is preparing to rig the trillions of Iraqi dinars to replace them in the light of the planned changes.

    The Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi independent bodies during a meeting with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which took place in the (June 19, 2011), his willingness to create all the supplies to replace the Iraqi currency.

    It is noteworthy that some economists believe that Iraq is ready for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to be a security and political stability as well as economic stability.



  603. Achillez
    Jan 15, 2012 @ 14:37:46

    Salam Admin,

    Macam mane perkembangan IQD fizikal tahun ini? boleh share sikit? kalau saya ade note tandatangan 2003, adakah ia masih boleh digunakan?


  604. wakaya
    Jan 15, 2012 @ 15:29:42

    Hanya Sekadar Info…..

    2003 – Cetakan pertama Duit baru Iraq.

    2006 – Cetakan kedua Duit baru Iraq.

    2009 – Cetakan Ketiga Duit baru Iraq.

    2012 – Adakah cetakan keempat Duit baru dinar iraq merupakan duit yg telah dilupuskan 3 angka sifar?

    Kesimpulanya Iraq Mencetak duit Cash Notenya setiap 3 tahun Sekali. dan CBI telah Berjaya Menarik Keluar duit Cetakan tahun 2003 & 2006 dari dalam pasaran (circulation) dengan mengantikan Duit cetakan tahun 2009.

    Persoalannya bilakah CBI akan Menarik balik duit cetakan tahun 2009?
    adakah penarikan balik duit cetakan tahun 2009 akan digantikan dengan duit Baru dengan penambahan Bahasa kurdis dan dengan pembuangan 3 angka sifar. so sama2 kita lihat dalam tahun 2012.


  605. wakaya
    Jan 15, 2012 @ 15:43:38

    Sekadar Info….

    Dua tahun lepas CBI telah membeli 15 buah Mesin De La Ru…..(mesin pengira dan mesin pengesan ketulinan chemical dakwat yg ada pada cash note dinar iraq.ini disebabkan hanya mesin tersebut sahaja dapat membezakan ketulinan cash note dinar iraq.

    seperti yg kita sedia maklum pemalsuan dinar cash note dinar iraq telah berleluasa di seluruh dunia.sehingga CBI menyatakan pemalsuan cash note dinar iraq sehingga 99% sama dengan ketulinan bagi pandangan aku kalau dah 99% sama dengan yang baru…jadi 1% lagi kekurangan pada cash note Dinar iraq palsu terletak pada ink (Dakwat) cetakan tersebut. aku ada buat sedikit Reserch tentang De La Ru… dan apa yang aku sangkakan pada ink tersebut kemungkinan benar. kau orang boleh baca dan lihat apa yg aku perolihi dari reserch aku dibawah.dan kalau kau orang pandai mengodek sedikit info berkenaan Ink tersebut….kau orang akan tahu ink yang digunakan oleh DE La Ru…
    hanya mereka sahaja tahu nisbah campuran dari berbagai2 jenis chemical dicampurkan untuk menghasilkan ink untuk cetakan Duit Cash bagi setiap negara. ini bererti setiap negara yg mencetak cash notenya dengan De La Ru…mempunyai berlainan jenis ink. mungkin ink inilah yang dapat membezakan diantara duit palsu dan duit Asli.

    Selamat mengodek Info.


  606. zareeeds
    Jan 16, 2012 @ 02:38:27

    History of Dinar
    The dinar was introduced into circulation in 1932, by replacing the Indian rupee, which had been the official currency since the British occupation of the country in World War I, at a rate of 1 dinar = 13⅓ rupees. The dinar was pegged at par with the British pound until 1959 when, without changing its value, the peg was switched to the United States dollar at the rate of 1 dinar = 2.8 dollars. By not following the devaluations of the U.S. currency in 1971 and 1973, the dinar rose to a value of US$3.3778, before a 5 percent devaluation reduced the value of the dinar to US$3.2169, a rate which remained until the Gulf War, although in late 1989, the black market rate was reported at five to six times higher (3 dinars for US$1) than the official rate.
    After the Gulf War in 1991, due to UN sanctions, the previously used Swiss printing was no longer available. A new, inferior quality notes issue was produced. The previous issue became known as the Swiss dinar and continued to circulate in the Kurdish region of Iraq. Due to sanctions placed on Iraq by the United States and the international community and excessive government printing of the new notes issue, the dinar devalued quickly, and in late 1995, US$1 was valued at 3,000 dinars.
    Following the deposition of Saddam Hussein in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Iraqi Governing Council and the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance began printing more Saddam dinar notes as a stopgap measure to maintain the money supply until new currency could be introduced.
    Between October 15, 2003 and January 15, 2004, the Coalition Provisional Authority issued new Iraqi dinar coins and notes, with the notes printed by De La Rue using modern anti-forgery techniques, to “create a single unified currency that is used throughout all of Iraq and will also make money more convenient to use in people’s everyday lives.” Old banknotes were exchanged for new at a one-to-one rate, except for the Swiss dinars, which were exchanged at a rate of 150 new dinars for one Swiss dinar.
    These new banknotes led to a new industry of selling the new Iraqi dinar to oversea investors who hoped to profit from Iraq’s new currency when the economy improved. The provisional government of Iraq has made this legal, but the banknotes are exchanged at different rates by companies wanting to make profit. Due to the success of this program, though, Iraqi dinar has been widely counterfeited. However, there are six different security features on the 25,000 Iraqi dinar note that one can check for authenticity. Although the value of the dinar appreciated following the introduction of the new banknotes from 4,000 dinars per U.S. dollar, at the time of their introduction, to a high of 980 dinars per dollar, it is now held at a “program” exchange rate, as specified by the International Monetary Fund of 1170 dinars per US dollar at the Central Bank of Iraq. However, there is not yet a set international exchange rate and so international banks do not yet exchange Iraqi dinar. The exchange rate available on the streets of Iraq is around 1200 dinars per US dollar.
    For a wider history surrounding currency in the region, see British currency in the Middle East.

    On May 3, 2007, the IMF released a statement in relation to the international compact with Iraq, which has turned the tide in regards to speculation on the Iraq dinar. The contents of the article discuss changes made in Iraq on the economic front of how the Iraq government had eliminated fuel subsidies. The article also stated that the Central Bank of Iraq had raised interest rates in an attempt to allow a gradual appreciation of the dinar in an attempt to fight dollarization of the Iraq economy. Although there are claims of widespread optimism of some language used later in the press release among some dinar speculators, there have been no publicly released statements or analysis by any news sources or governments.

    Coins were introduced in 1931 and 1932 in denominations of 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50 and 200 fils, seats with the 200 fils known as a rial. The 20, 50 and 200 fils were minted in silver. In 1953, silver 100 fils coins were introduced.
    Following the establishment of the Iraqi Republic, a new series of coins was introduced in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 fils, with the 25, 50 and 100 fils in silver until 1969. In 1970, 250 fils pieces were introduced, followed by 500 fils and 1 dinar coins in 1982. Coin production ceased after 1990.
    In 2004, new 25-, 50- and 100-dinar coins were introduced. However, these coins proved to be unpopular and were withdrawn from circulation.In 1931, banknotes were issued by the government in denominations of ¼, ½, 1, 5, 10 and 100 dinar. The notes were printed in the United Kingdom. From 1931 to 1947, the banknotes were issued by the Iraqi currency board for the government of Iraq and banknotes were convertible into pound sterling. From 1947, the banknotes were issued by the National Bank of Iraq, then after 1954 by the Central Bank of Iraq.
    100 dinars notes ceased production in the 1940s but otherwise, the same denominations were issued until 1978, when 25 dinars notes were introduced. In 1991, 50 and 100 dinars were introduced, followed by 250 dinars notes in 1995 and 10,000 dinars notes in 2002.
    Banknotes that were issued between 1990 and October 2003, along with a 25-dinars note issued in 1986, bear an idealized engraving of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Following the 1991 Gulf War, Iraq’s currency was printed both locally and in China, using poor grade wood pulp paper (rather than cotton or linen) and inferior quality lithography (some notes were reputedly printed on presses designed for printing newspapers).
    Counterfeited banknotes often appeared to be of better quality than real notes.Despite the collapse in the value of the Iraqi dinar, the highest denomination printed until 2002 was 250 dinars. In 2002, theCentral Bank of Iraq issued a 10,000-dinars banknote to be used for “larger, and inter-bank transactions”. This note was rarely accepted in practice due to fears of looting and counterfeiting. This forced people to carry around stacks of 250-dinars notes for everyday use. The other, smaller bills were so worthless that they largely fell into disuse. This situation meant that Iraq, for the most part, had only one denomination of banknote in wide circulation.

    Currency printed before the Gulf War was often called the Swiss dinar. It got its name from the Swiss printing technology that produced banknotes of a considerably higher quality than those later produced under the economic sanctions that were imposed after the first Gulf War. After a change-over period, this currency was disendorsed by the Iraqi government. However, this old currency still circulated in the Kurdish regions of Iraq until it was replaced with the new dinar after the second Gulf War. During this time the Swiss dinar retained its value, whilst the new currency consistently lost value at sometimes 30 percent per annum.
    In 2003, new banknotes were issued consisting of six denominations: 50, 250, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 25,000 dinar. The notes were similar in design to notes issued by the Central Bank of Iraq in the 1970s and 1980s. A 500 dinars note was issued a year later, in October 2004. In the Kurdish regions of Iraq, the 50 dinar note is not in circulation.


  607. Bell Yie
    Jan 17, 2012 @ 15:11:53

    dan bila duit ini dapat di urus niaga


    • wakaya
      Jan 18, 2012 @ 01:20:57

      hahahaha…kalau x ada arah melintang 2012 / 2013 lah jawabnya…

      Jubouri expects deletion of zeros to be complete by end of 2013; Explains 3 stages of currency reform

      15/01/2012 11:43:00

      Signed by the parliamentary Finance Committee Haitham Jubouri currency to be replaced by deleting three zeros from the end of 2013.

      He said in a statement to the Agency for National Iraqi News / Nina / Today: “The process of replacing the currency will be three stages of the first printing of new currency and the second came on the market and the third withdrawal of old currency, adding that he will be the completion of the purchase of equipment printing the new currency in the first half of this year “.

      He Jubouri: “The Finance Committee was wary of deleting three zeros from the currency and cause an increase of the rate of inflation and exploited in the process of money laundering, but we got assurances scientific specialists in the Central Bank and Cdo that the replacement will support the Iraqi currency against other currencies so that there is a balance between the ” VALUE IN THE HANDS OF THE CITIZEN ” with the commensurate with the value of the real exchange rate markets. “

      He explained: “The replacement of the existing currency will be accurate and thought no need to fear them or of the fraud, because it will print with the latest devices that can not be forged, adding that the process of replacing the currency does not need to be approved by Parliament, but was consulted committees of financial and economic developments in the House of Representatives He received the Central Bank approval.

      He was adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said in a press statement prior to the completion of preparations for the implementation of the project to delete the zeros and the issuance of a new Iraqi currency, in the framework of the currency reform of management system in preparation for the next stage.

      He noted that the decision by deleting the zeros will be followed by a period of awareness to dispel fears and shed light on the fact that the reform measure designed to facilitate the exchange will not affect the incomes and wealth.

      The Iraqi Central Bank estimates that the amount of Iraqi dinars traded rose from about $ 25 billion in 1980 to about 27 trillion at the present time it has increased any thousand and eighty-fold.

      P/s: Si jubo dalam kenyataannya memberitahu kita…. bahawa dalam tahun ini akan diedarkan duit CASH NOTE baru IRAQ untuk menggantikan duit sebelumnya yg ada dalam simpanan rakyat iraq pada masa sekarang ini.dan process untuk pertukaran CASH NOTE lama kepada CASH NOTE baru memakan masa selama 2 tahun bermula dari tahun ini.


      • pakcik kayo
        Jan 18, 2012 @ 15:56:48

        dari artikel tersebut boleh di simpulkan bahawasanya……..

        **tolong jgn komen guna bahasa kotor disini-admin nazha

  608. zareeeds
    Jan 26, 2012 @ 06:58:17

    Key events currently taking place:
    • In December 2011 the CBI announced it was important for government politicians to be supportive of an Iraqi currency reform plan, specifically the dropping of the zeros. Also stated the reform would take place in 2013.
    • CBI announces in January 2012 it has completed the first of three phases in its plan to reform the currency policy in Iraq. While the second and third phase remains unknown the first phase included the purchase of equipment to implement the project (note: Keep in mind it was announced Oct 25, 2011 the CBI purchased 10 machines from De La Rue for $15 million. Furthermore several articles have stated the CBI has supplies on hand to implement the dropping of the zeros).
    • CBI announces the currency reform will take place by the end of 2012
    • CBI announces its position the withdrawal of US forces would create economic opportunity for Iraq as well as being a precursor for Chapter VII sanction relief; Says international banks would move to the country post Chapter VII.
    • CBI places importance on June 2012 as it predicts a Chapter VII release date which corresponds which corresponds with the expiration of Executive Order 13303.
    • CBI supports the Iraqi economy with record high foreign currency reserves of $60 billion
    • Iraq inflation continues near 7%; Nearly double from 2010
    • We are seeing increased improvements to Iraq banking sector by way of telecommunications, electronic banking technology, credit card processing, and international banking facilitation. Furthermore we are seeing the CBI implement technology which allows private and government ran banks to communicate electronically.
    • In December 2011 the UN told Iraq to speed up Kuwait resolutions; Taking too long
    • UNAMI representative Kobler outlines the outstanding issues as demarcation, missing persons/property, transfer of tribes and farmers along border, reparations negotiation between Iraq-Kuwait, and Maliki’s letter to Kuwait announcing Iraq will never attack Kuwait.
    • In late December 2011 Maliki announced he is heading to Kuwait to discuss Chapter VII negotiations
    • In January 2012 Kuwait has announced its welcoming of PM Maliki to Kuwait to “complete” the negotiations and resolve outstanding issues
    • UNAMI’s has reinforced its position its top priority in Iraq is to find political and economic resolutions including the betterment of Iraq-Kuwait relations
    • In December International Red Cross conference in Geneva ends with tripartite agreement on Missing Kuwaitis
    • UN will aid in the mediation between Iraq and Kuwait as requested
    • Conducive talks between GOI and Kurds over HCL law
    • GOI (specifically Maliki) reiterates need to bolster investment laws to ease private sector investment (needed for economic sustainment)
    • US troops have completely pulled from Iraq
    • UN states Iraq will be an oil power
    • Iraq’s WTO committee announces while Iraq is ready to move forward with ascension to the WTO it recognizes laws and legislation are needed to match WTO regulations and standards.


  609. zareeeds
    Feb 01, 2012 @ 08:26:46

    Iraq Eyes Malaysian Input In Rebuilding Efforts
    Bernama – [1/31/2012]

    War-wrecked Iraq is looking to tap into Malaysian expertise as it seeks to rebuild itself, offering Malaysian companies ample investment opportunities in the process.

    Iraq’s Planning Minister Prof Dr Ali Y. Al-Shukri said Baghdad was keen to learn how Malaysia went about developing its infrastructure, economy, education, science and technology as well as administrative capabilities.

    “We chose Malaysia because this lovely country is one of the best Muslim countries which have developed really well. We want to be like this country,” he told Bernama in an interview during a recent visit here.

    Speaking through an interpreter, Dr Ali said Iraq would also like to take a leaf from Malaysia’s town planning and provision of basic infrastructure like electricity and water supply as well as roads.

    Disclosing that Iraq planned to build 45,000km of road, 150 bridges, 50 universities and other facilities, the minister said Malaysian companies were encouraged to bid for the projects.

    “We always welcome Malaysian companies wishing to invest in Iraq or form collaborations with the government,” Dr Ali said, singling out Malaysian petroleum giant Petronas as a company that could well participate in Iraq’s oil and gas sector.

    He said Iraq was keen to get pointers from Malaysia on how to attract more foreign investment as the Middle Eastern nation moved from a unilateral to a multilateral economy.

    “We need to expand trade with other countries and attract more foreign investment. We hope that our economic transformation will help build our private sector.

    “To boost our private sector, we’re giving out billions of dollars in loans to companies in Iraq. Hence, it’s really important for us to learn how Malaysia develops its private sector,” said Dr Ali who visited Malaysia with Iraq’s Education and Scientific Research Minister, Ali Mohammed Ali Al-Adeeb.

    Present during the interview with Dr Ali was the Iraqi ambassador to Malaysia, Dr Amal Moussa Hussein.

    Dr Ali said Iraq would like to learn about aspects of governance from Malaysia, including the preparation of an annual budget for the country.

    He said that 50 Iraqi government employees would be sent to Malaysia next month to attend seminars and training programmes for up to three weeks in an effort to boost Iraq’s human capital capabilities.

    Meanwhile, in a separate interview, Ali Mohammed said his ministry was linking up with Malaysia’s Higher Education Ministry in a bid to enhance educational ties between the two countries.

    “Both ministries have completed a draft document outlining our cooperation programme. We’re now awaiting approval from the Malaysian Foreign Ministry,” he said.

    The minister said Iraq would send about 400 students to Malaysia this year to pursue studies in science and technology, especially engineering.

    They are part of 10,000 Iraqi students to be sent for studies abroad to countries like the United States, Australia, Turkey, Iran and the United Kingdom.

    Ali Mohammed said Iraq welcomed Malaysian universities to open branches in the country.

    He described the two memorandums of understanding (MoU) inked between the respective ministries with the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) last Thursday as a starting point for greater cooperation between both countries.

    The MoUs were signed by IIUM Rector Prof Datuk Seri Dr Zaleha Kamaruddin while Ali Mohammed and Dr Ali represented their ministries.

    Parties to the MoU will collaborate in the fields of research, academic and student exchange programmes and any other field mutually agreed upon.


  610. Ada rezeki
    Feb 08, 2012 @ 08:07:36

    huhh ,kalau camani ada peluang pergi irag, banyak peluang tuuuu


  611. zareeeds
    Feb 10, 2012 @ 18:27:54

    Hyundai to Make Cars in Iraq
    Posted on 10 February 2012.

    General Company for Car Manufacturing, Hyundai, Kia, Mercedes, Proton, Renault,Scania, Volvo

    Iraq’s state-owned General Company for Car Manufacturing has announced its intention to sign a contract with the South Korean Hyundai Company to construct a complete car manufacturing line within 3 years, reports Aswat al-Iraq.
    The Iraqi company has already built up special car assembly and manufacturing lines in its efforts to expand the stages of manufacturing until it becomes capable of manufacturing and producing an Iraqi car.
    The Company has finalised contracts with several investors and international automobile companies to improve production and profitability, and to supply the Iraqi market with new and affordable vehicles.
    For the production of trucks, the company has deals with Mercedes, Renault, Scania and Volvo, while Iranian and Chinese companies are involved in the production of saloon cars. The Company is currently negotiating with Proton, Kia and Hyundai, according to Director-General Adnan Ahmed Zein.

    (Source: Aswat al-Iraq)


  612. zareeeds
    Feb 28, 2012 @ 20:56:10

    Deputy for CBI: Project to delete the zeros from the currency-based and will be announced as soon as GOI approval

    On: Tuesday 28/02/2012

    Baghdad (news) .. Description of the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh project to delete the three zeroes from the currency as strategic for the country as it will reduce the mass of cash circulating in the local markets.
    Saleh said (of the Agency news) said on Tuesday: The central bank exceeded the advanced stages in the preparation of studies and preparations logistics task for the project to delete the three zeroes from the currency and within a specific timeframe as a reform project of the Iraqi currency.
    He added that in the event of obtaining approval by the federal government on the implementation of the project work will be on the tactical level up and will be announced on its implementation and contract with advertising companies and the media to educate citizens on how to use the new currency and to answer all questions raised by him.
    said: that the meetings continued with the relevant committees of the Iraqi economy in both houses of ministers, MPs and we are now awaiting approval from them to get to the final stages of project implementation.


  613. zareeeds
    Mar 05, 2012 @ 02:10:48

    CBI places Warka Bank under guardianship

    Baghdad: Mon, 05 Mar 2012
    Iraq’s central bank placed private bank Warka Bank under guardianship to supervise it through insolvency, a senior official in the central bank said on Sunday.
    Warka Bank had been in talks with Standard Chartered to sell a stake last year, but the talks reached a dead end, said Mudher Kasim, deputy governor of the central Bank of Iraq.
    ‘We gave Warka a chance to have Standard Chartered to be a partner but that did not happen, so there was nothing we could do as a financial authority … but to intervene as a guardian,’ Kasim said.
    He said the central bank would appoint a new administration to run Warka Bank, which would be given a month to appoint an auditor to determine how to restructure it and whether it needs to sell assets to raise capital.
    ‘When the bank loses its capital, fails in its financial operation and faces an unsolved problem, the central bank according to its law, intervenes as a guardian and appoints a new temporary administration to run this bank.’
    Abdul-Aziz Hassoun, executive director of the Iraqi Private Banks League, said in August Warka needed less than 100 billion Iraqi dinars ($90 million) to enhance its liquidity. Warka Bank executives could not be reached for comment.
    Iraq has seven state-owned banks, 23 private banks and eight Islamic private banks, according to the central bank website.
    Its banking sector is dominated by two state-owned banks, Rafidain and Rashid, which are undergoing restructuring to eliminate debt racked up after years of war and sanctions.
    Much of Iraq’s private banking activity is limited to deposit services and a small amount of personal lending. Warka Bank for Investment and Finance, which was established in 1999, has 130 branches and 350 ATM machines around Iraq.


  614. zareeeds
    Mar 08, 2012 @ 07:59:07

    Wednesday, March 7, 2012 06:15
    Central Bank decides custody of the Warka Bank

    BAGHDAD / Baghdadiya News / .. at the time decided the Iraqi Central Bank to impose guardianship on the Warka Bank, described the members of Parliament in the Economic and Financial Committee and officials in the banking sector this step (b destroyer)
    Of the banking sector, which is the main gate in the process of attracting foreign investment, among bankers that the decision to trust is not justified, especially that of Warka, which was founded in 1999 still has the financial strength did not announce bankruptcy.
    A statement issued by the Club journalists economists Iraqi got / Baghdadiya News / a copy of it, that the Central Bank of Iraq admitted in a report released by the Directorate of banking and credit control department inspection, that the reason for the lack of liquidity to the Warka Bank and also the rest of the private banks is the decision of the Ministry of Finance 402 on 15/1/2009 and ordered by all ministries and government departments to withdraw their deposits from private banks, and do it Warka and returned $ 800 billion dinars during the period of one month.
    Decision of the Ministry of Finance said he called the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed as “the straw that broke the back of private banks,” and admitted that the decision was made suddenly and no one knows the reasons that called for it, and turned the private banks of the banks in the true sense to just financial institutions rely solely on banking market.
    We confirmed our reservation for the conduct of the Ministry of Finance as the above is bad for the banking and financial system does not know her reasons for that, and here we had committed a fatal error
    Report of Inspection Committee also recognized the error seriously committed by the central bank, and that any Committee is part of the bank, which showed that the central imposition of the death on the Warka to close all branches that have not obtained approval of a final (50 branches), causing the withdrawal of customer deposits in those branches at once, which impact negatively on liquidity.
    Banking sources revealed that the Central Bank and after approval to close the 50 branches despite the presence of Movqat principle to open initiative also issued another order is irrelevant where decided to keep the Warka of the stock sale and purchase of foreign currency in the bank, causing a shift customers Warka banks another civil, it which increased the suspicions of collusion of former officials in the Central with these banks.
    Also touched on the central bank to the size of the remaining cash to Warka, amounting to 13% while that must have a minimum of 30%.
    He has Warka, one of the largest Iraqi banks at all and most modern in terms of the application of electronic banking more than 128 branches and the number of employees exceeded 885 employees, while the number of clients 128 thousand customers among them foreigners, while the preparation of deposits 89 A and deposit.
    Central Bank, according to his confession, the Warka is the first system has been introduced ATMs that have reached their preparation in all branches of more of 346 device and the number of cards (MasterCard) 75 thousand and the number of points of sale located in shops, markets and restaurants 1300 device and has a correspondence with more than 40 bank Bank and Arab and foreign.
    With a report issued by the Central Bank also revealed that the Warka managed to get the approval of a loan from the Rafidain Bank, with the consent of the Minister of Finance not be disbursed the loan amount up to now because of obstacles placed Rafidain Bank, and here it will be incumbent on the central bank granting Warka loan fast and urged the government banks to Cooperation with Warka granting loans and be patient in demanding payment. and urged him also to participate with Arab and international banks.
    Economic expert Abbas Ghalibi explained his part, he, unfortunately, we found the government and since 2003 until now tend more to the solutions (prosthetic) and did not hear one day that it had developed a strategy to study the problem scientifically and to find effective solutions to them, and this is what we see in its dealings with the private banking sector .
    Banking expert Ghazi Kanani between the cause of failure of the banking sector is a government decision that prevented the government departments to deal with it.
    He Kanani said the government always trade a paragraph supporting the private sector to gain a propaganda, and the truth is that they are always one of the strongest warriors of the sector in all branches of industrial, banking and agriculture. ”
    He asked Kanani reasons for preventing government departments from dealing with banks eligibility are led to the accumulation of the money supply within the state banks by 94 per cent and most of them government deposits, noting the reluctance of the work of some private banks was caused by corruption of state banks, or government decisions, and this was not the cause enough to suppress the private sector, although the latter better off than the government set up branches in terms of speed and performance and provide mechanisms, while the government completely the opposite of what we have mentioned.
    Official of the Association of private banks confirmed that the Association is currently discussions with the Central Bank to resolve this problem and raise the guardianship of the Warka Bank.
    The source, who declined to be named, said everyone recognizes the existence of faltering in the work of Warka because of the government’s decision to withdraw their deposits, but here was the central bank to address the situation which is universally applicable, any damage to the bank, we will find banks, states the central monetary authority and the Ministry of Finance to follow procedures to address the situation.
    The source added that the Warka Bank did not declare bankruptcy, according to figures available, our imam Vemogodat Warka cover liabilities and increase it much, but stopped payment on the borrowers and the problems of government decisions caused the lack of cash to Warka.
    The source revealed for the Warka had previously, and lend a hand to banks announced Avlasshma in 2005 and two each from the Bank of the pond and the Iraqi Islamic, and the experience of Warka was the rehabilitation of the two banks assisted the CBE board and is currently working of these banks do not have a problem, here are the private banks also help Warka in this ordeal.
    He referred also to an incident bankruptcy bank my family in 1995 for a Islamic banks and initiated the central monitor the sum of one billion and a half to help him, and there is ample precedent most recently the Government of America to pump $ 700 billion for banks to end the global financial crisis, always governments go towards raising the damage on citizens and shareholders.
    And that the decision to the tutelage of the Central illegal it did not apply the necessary conditions for the guardianship, and must begin with the Central by the other and, unfortunately, give the Central Bank Law of 2004 wide powers of the Bank in its decision-making, and began its sudden and will leave a negative impact on the sector liquidator in general.
    CBI reply in the words of his deputy, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh these opinions that his bank is the garrison of the device the Iraqi financial, guardianship here does not mean liquidation but is a form of protection, and any failure of the Bank or stumbling here’d take action and we shall manage the Department Warka until they returned to put it correct.
    And that there are stages in the lag, for example there is a liquidity crisis and liquidity drying stage, and here intervene to protect the bank and the customers and also here will not resort to the liquidation of any bank, but my family will stand beside him.
    We deal with all banks to that of the same level and we consider a single market in the interest of the Iraqi financial market and its development.
    Member of the parliamentary economic Nora Albjara stressed that many of the government decisions relating to the economic sector, and after careful consideration you will find them contradictory with the orientations of other government.
    She said the Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers has recently decided to support private banks and also re-powers of the opening credit bank it for the benefit of foreign investment companies operating in Iraq, and a few days after a decision the tutelage of the right bank my family, we do not know the reasons for this discrepancy in the decisions.
    She Albjara Many of the decisions are made without reference to its negative effects on investment and attract foreign funds for Iraq, which fear is always of the market is suffering the disorder, and the government created this strike is offset by the laws still suffer Nicosat required by the investor to secure protection for his money, all will limit the process of attraction.
    And refused to Albjara decision CBI latter impose a trusteeship and asked him to find a solution more realistic like those in place worldwide during the financial crises, because such decisions will lead to catastrophic results, overlooked the bank is that the citizens of Iraq from the category of customers of banks will be reluctant to deposit their money in banks, and this will lead to a lack of deposits in any of these banks’ liquidity and thus will stand the last unable to carry out its functions and in particular the exploitation of liquidity in the investment projects, and we will reach to the investment sector is paralyzed after a period of time.
    Revealed that Iraq is one of the few countries that still suffer from the use of cash cache in business dealings and daily, all the world and arrived to the disappearance of the phenomenon of carrying cash in the pockets and move them, either in Iraq, we find the concerned authorities encourage the phenomenon first and create more problems.
    “Working in Iraq now six Arab and foreign banks, namely the” Arab Banking Corporation (Bahrain), the Agricultural Bank of Turkey (aprons), Bank Melli Iran, Lebanon’s Byblos Bank, Intercontinental, Bank of Beirut and the Arab countries. ”
    “As a financial institution made up of seven Iraqi state banks, five of them specialized and cares for the industrial, commercial and housing, while the number of private banks for more than 30 banks, seven of them Islamic, all of which are subject to the law office of Iraqi banks in 2003.”
    The Iraqi government decided recently to facilitate the approval procedures for issuing letter of credit of appropriations of less than (4) million dollars to support the Iraqi banking private sector and contribute to the revitalization of investment.
    Executive Director of the Association of private banks Abdul Aziz Hassoun between that experience has shown provides private banks to the government in terms of staff trained abroad and modern systems and the spread of its branches and the size of its capital and to achieve a good profit and the size of treated clients with the breadth and openness to the States branches are supported, but government harassment going right.
    And threats on the central bank for the banks need to raise capital to 125 billion dinars / 100 million, and otherwise will be liquidated or merged? Abdul Aziz al-Hassoun that all banks have fulfilled this requirement, but managed five banks to raise capital for more than the figure mentioned much. / Finished / agencies


  615. mat ali MTA
    Mar 28, 2012 @ 04:36:20

    wahai sahabab ku sekalian,jangang terpedaya dengan duit iraq,kerana duit itu akan dilupuskan,dan di gantikan dina yang baru,cuba tuan puan fikir lojitnya.kenapa pengedar dina jual di malaysia ni,kalau dia tahu dina tu bolih tukar di malaysia,tak akan jualnya,jadi janganlah terpedaya kepentingan pengedar dinar tu,semoga berjaya jadi jutawan fakir,bagi orang yang takmahu dengar cakap.


    • Saudagar Dinar Iraq Yang Sah.
      Apr 01, 2012 @ 08:55:13

      X payahlah anda memberi nasihat pada pembeli2 cash note dinar iraq…..dimalaysia…sesungguhnya mereka2 yg membeli cash note tersebut bukanlah berniat membeli untuk jadi jutawan @ mendapat untung…..sebaliknya mereka membeli duit Cash tersebut hanyalah untuk mendapat Kerrugian @ masuk angin keluar asap. biarlah luncai terjun dengan labu2nya…. 🙂


  616. mat ali MTA
    Mar 28, 2012 @ 04:37:55

    semua yang beli dina kena tipu


  617. Casbenx
    Mar 29, 2012 @ 09:49:19

    Confius i……


  618. Aib
    Mar 29, 2012 @ 09:51:46

    I pun confius……


    • Saudagar Dinar Iraq Yang Sah.
      Apr 01, 2012 @ 09:17:52

      Confius macam mana pula…. dah sah2 anda beli cash note dinar iraq tu….dengan orang perseorangan @ money changer yg tidak ada lesen penjualan dinar iraq hehehehe….kalau betul money changer dimalaysia mendapat lesen penjualan dinar iraq….mengapa bank2 besar2 dimalaysia pun tidak menjual dinar iraq dikaunter2 bank mereka?????…hehehehe….apa besar sangat ker capital money Changer sehingga mendapat lesen dari BNM untuk menjual dinar iraq????hehehehe….ada akal fikirlah secara logik….bank2 yg capital dia bilion2 pun x dapat kebenaran untuk menjual dinar iraq…..hehehehe….. sesungguhnya anda telah tertipu wahai kawanku dengan si penjual dinar iraq dimalaysia.

      soalan kpd BNM.


      I want to ask BNM about the phenomenon of Iraq dinar trading in Malaysia, can you clarify some thing regarding this matter. Is it legal to keep foreign currency at a high rate and is there any law regarding foreign currency control?

      BNM Answer:

      We’d like to share information with you that under the Exchange Control Act 1953, is an offense for a person in Malaysia to buy or sell foreign currency or do any act which involves, in relation to, or preparation for, purchase or sell foreign currency with any person, other than a registered dealer. Under this Act, is an offense for a person to aid or abet another person to purchase or sell foreign currency with any person, unless the person is an authorized dealer.
      For your information, Bank Negara Malaysia is not listed as one of the Iraq dinar currency exchange rates. More information can be obtained through our site
      The public is advised to deal directly with local banks (under the supervision of Bank Negara Malaysia) to obtain information related to these currencies to avoid fraud by the unscrupulous.

      PENALTY for offences committed under the Exchange Control Act, 1953


      • Dinar Iraq pasti RV
        May 07, 2012 @ 06:58:12

        mesti saudagar dinar ni penyimpan matawang dinar iraq yang tak??:)

      • SeaWolf
        Oct 13, 2012 @ 08:08:22

        Nmpk sgt si saudagar dinar ni tak paham apa yg dia ckp. hehehe.
        Terang2 BNM dah ckp, dinar Iraq tidak di klasifikasikan sbg matawang asing. So kalo ia tak diklasifikasikan sbg matawang asing, bermakna pembeli dan penjual dinar ni tidak terikat di bawah peurndangan yg di sebut. Lain kali baca betul2 dulu. Hehe ~ For your information, Bank Negara Malaysia is not listed as one of the Iraq dinar currency exchange rates.

  619. Kebenaran
    Apr 16, 2012 @ 10:25:30

    Dinar Iraqi akan naik dalam masa beberapa bulan lagi , setaras dgn dinar quwait skrg , jadi terpulang kpd anda semua utk percaya atau tidak .. jgn lepas kan peluang ini , ^_^


    • kayo den
      Apr 17, 2012 @ 04:26:16

      salam en kebenaran..jika benar info yg tuan bagi,alhamdulillah..mintela link nye..usahle makan sorang2..hehehe


  620. niadinar
    Apr 16, 2012 @ 11:20:27

    Fetal berlaku dinar irak yg skrg jg terpengaruh sm komentar org2 oke.


  621. Pemohon
    Apr 16, 2012 @ 11:33:12

    Bgmana skrg kbr dinar irak? Broad skrg per 1USD Mohon info!


  622. eddy
    Apr 19, 2012 @ 08:45:14

    tukaran dinar sekarang:
    stastik sejaj seminggu..mungkin inilah petanda RV semakin hampir…bersabar dan berdoalah selalu agar x terbuai oleh wang dan kekayaan nanti,..^^


  623. Mohamad Zanudin
    May 07, 2012 @ 04:48:19

    dengar kabar dinar iaraq akan naik pada 17 hb ni.wallahhu a’lam


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  627. ariha
    Aug 19, 2012 @ 15:16:50

    Jangan menyesal tidak membeli. Menyesal kerana membeli tak jadi masalah, jika menjadi kenyataan macam mana?


  628. Badarudin alfaruq
    Sep 06, 2012 @ 13:33:51

    Orang punya jiwa interprener pasti mo beli dinar, setiap bisnis pasti ada risiko. Untung rugi beli saja sebanyak mungkin…


  629. takbirr!!!
    Sep 14, 2012 @ 15:26:19

    Apa kabo jutawan dinar kuwait dl…mcm ni la juga dinar iraq…pakat beli…aku sendiri tak tau org yg beli dinar kuwait dl dh kaya ke kayap….


  630. johnny
    Oct 02, 2012 @ 06:18:02

    Siapa jutawan dinar kuwait? bisa dikasih tahu bagaimana dinar kuwait revalue in details dan berapa kali lipat revalue nya dari investasi awal..


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  634. hatta_san
    Jan 15, 2013 @ 23:51:31

    ramai yg kaitkan note iqd ni dgn dinar kuwait yg kononnya masa dinar kuwait dahulu ramai penyimpan note kuwait tu dah jadi kaya. ada jgk yg cakap ‘dato’ itu la, ‘dato’ ini la dan mcm2 dato lagi yg dh kaya dgn note kuwait tu, tapi bukti takde la plk. ada sapa2 yg blh bg bukti? atau mereka yg kaya masa rv kuwait dulu ada cara lain? mungkin jgk


    • info
      Mar 28, 2013 @ 02:28:44

      Cerita tentang kekayaan penyimpan duit cash note Dinar Kuwait diMalaysia merupakan satu penipuan….kenapa aku cakap satu penipuan???? ini kerana aku sendiri bertemu dengan penyimpan cash note dinar Kuwait di Pulau Pinang…..dimana aku ditunjukkan oleh Owner penyimpan duit cash note dinar Kuwait pada September 2012 separuh bilik penuh dengan duit cash note dinar Kuwait bernilai KWD 10.aku sempat bertanya pada pemilik tersebut …kenapa dia tidak menukarkan duit tersebut ketika bank negara Kuwait meminta untuk membuat pertukaran duit lama kepada duit baru….pemilik tersebut memberitahu bahawa duit yg dia ada ini tidak boleh dibawa keluar….dari malaysia kerana tiada sebarang resit pembelian sah matawang tersebut. inilah yg menyukarkan si pemilik tersebut untuk membawa keluar dinar Kuwait untuk ditukarkan.


      belilah duit matawang asing…tak kira matawang negara mana….dengan cara yg betul iaitu dengan cara yg sah…berserta dengan resit belian,untuk memudahkan pertukaran duit tersebut pada masa akan datang.

      dalam isu terkini sebagai contoh DINAR IRAQ, belilah dinar iraq dengan cara yg sah dengan melalui pihak bank dimalaysia melalui TT dengan menggunakan matawang MYR ke USD ke IQD (dalam Borang TT dimalaysia memang dah terang2 kita menulis nama bank perantaraan untuk membuat penukaran USD kepada IQD. so disinilah salinan TT tersebut telah diangap sebagai bukti pembelian matawang asing melalui bank dimalaysia.


      Pihak Bank dimalaysia memang tiada menjual Fizikal cash note dinar iraq….tetapi melalui Wire Transffer matawang apa sahaja didunia ini bank Malaysia ada menjualnya. yg penting anda mesti mempunyai akuan bank dinegara dimana duit yg anda nak beli itu dimasukan.


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    Durasi Pinjaman: ………………….
    Bulanan laba bersih: ………………..

    Balas ke saya secepat mungkin untuk mengisi informasi di atas.
    Harapan untuk mendengar dari Anda

    Terima kasih dan Tuhan memberkati,

    Pastor Amos


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  643. Mr Young Pao
    Jun 16, 2013 @ 21:55:47

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  646. Mr Excel
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  647. Violet Foley
    Aug 10, 2013 @ 12:40:30

    Hey Nazhasecret,
    This might be off topic, however, E. W. Barnes relates in his book The Rise of Christianity: “In its early authoritative documents the Christian movement is represented as essentially moral and law-abiding. Its members desired to be good citizens and loyal subjects. They shunned the failings and vices of paganism. In private life they sought to be peaceful neighbours and trustworthy friends. They were taught to be sober, industrious and clean-living. Amid prevailing corruption and licentiousness they were, if loyal to their principles, honest and truthful. Their sexual standards were high: the marriage tie was respected and family life was pure.” Such were aspects of being a Christian in the early days


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