News #1
Sumber Dari:
HATI-HATI sebelum membeli/melabur dalam IRAQI Dinar/ Wang DINAR IRAQ
PPIM menerima beberapa pertanyaan /aduan orang ramai mengenai perkembangan terkini dalam peluang membuat “keuntungan besar” dalam skim terkini iaitu pembelian pelaburan Iraqi Dinar.
Melalui siasatan awal kami mempunyai sebab untuk menasihatkan orang ramai dan ahli-ahi agar berhati-hati sebelum membeli dinar tersebut. Kami sedang membuat penyiasatan kerana mempunyai sebab untuk meragui kebenaran skim ini.
Kami difahamkan puluhan juta telah bertukar tangan bagi membeli dinar ini yang di beritakan beribu pejabat di Amerika..
Sehubungan dengan itu, kami menasihatkan para pengguna di luar sana agar bersabar sedikit sebelum membuat sebarang pelaburan atau pembelian sehingga penyiasatan kami selesai dalam masa terdekat ini.
Tidak rugi bersabar dan berhati-hati kerana ada skim di luar sana yang didalangi oleh mereka merancang untuk menipu.

Harap ambil perhatian.

Lapor @ Aduan BPPNS writes “Avoid Investing In Iraqi Dinar Scheme Warning KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 20 (Bernama) — The Malaysian Islamic Consumers Association Tuesday cautioned the public against a suspicious Iraqi dinar investment scheme, saying they could end up losers.
The association’s project director, Noor Nirwandy Mat Noordin, said the scheme might be illegal and hoped that the public would not be duped by its attractive returns. “Malaysians’ excitement over fast and attractive returns has been a worrying phenomenon. The excitement over illegal investment schemes like the Swiss cash can backfire and they can be burnt,” he said in a statement released here. Noor Nirwandy said the Iraqi dinar investment plan operates on a pyramid scheme concept where investors are promised a return on investments of up to RM243,375 in one month. As such, those who have information on such a scheme are requested to contact the association’s hotline at 019-3591000 or its website at, or to inform the central bank, he said. — BERNAMA

Respon kepada Persatuan Pengguna Islam

Sumber Dari:

Oleh knizams
Saya merupakan salah seorang yang menjalankan aktiviti menjual Koleksi Set Dinar Iraq. Saya telah membaca komen yang dibuat oleh Persatuan Pengguna Islam dan didapati bahawa mereka sendiri tidak mengetahui apa yang mereka perkatakan.
Adalah amat memalukan jika dilihat kepada tindak tanduk pemimpin di dalam persatuan tersebut yang kononnya memperjuangkan aktiviti kepenggunaan.
Sebelum saya menjalankan perniagaan ini, saya sendiri telah memeriksa dengan Bank Negara Malaysia mengenai status Koleksi Set dan terbukti tidak salah di sisi undang-undang ( BAFIA, AMLA).
Dua perkara berbeza, Koleksi Set dan Currency Trade. Koleksi Set Matawang tidak salah diniagakan tetapi jika menjalankan Currency Trade ( macam money changer ) anda perlukan lesen drpd BNM. Jangan mudah menuduh sesuatu itu skim kerana menyimpan matawang untuk dijadikan sebagai POTENSI MASA DEPAN adalah perkara biasa di luar negara dan sebahagian kecil komuniti yang memahaminya di Malaysia. Jika tidak tahu, bertanyalah kepada yang mengetahui.
Jangan hanya merujuk kepada satu dua orang yang menunujuk pandai di dalam bidang yang mereka sendiri bukan ahlinya. Saya sendiri merupakan lepasan di dalam bidang ekonomi dari salah sebuah Universiti Terkemuka di US. Adakah anda ingin mengatakan bahawa orang ramai yang sedang membeli Dinar Iraq di serata dunia merupakan orang yang terlibat dengan SKIM ataupun ditipu buta-buta.
Lihatlah sejarah matawang dunia secara terperinci dahulu. Adakah pihak Persatuan berani untuk mengatakan Dinar Iraq tiada nilai mahupun potensi masa depan? Ini adalah salah satu peluang bagi orang Melayu untuk mendapat sesuatu yang sangat berharga. Kaum Cina telah mendahului.
Kenapa apabila ada sahaja peluang yang datang, hanya orang Melayu sahaja yang dikatakan BODOH kerana terlibat dengan “SKIM”. Hello… ini zaman globalisasi.. satu dunia, sedang berlumba-lumba membeli Dinar.. cubalah rujuk sendiri di laman web Bank Pusat Iraq dan lihat sendiri STATISTIK tukaran matawang mereka. Orang bijak pandai hanya melihat kepada statistik dan fakta dan bukan kepada tuduhan melulu. Mengenai dakwaan PPI bahawa, sistem piramid digunakan di dalam urusan pemasaran, nampak sangat mereka ini belum cukup matang di dalam mengenali sistem Network Marketing..
Saya tidak mahu komen panjang-panjang mengenai Network Marketing, cuma PPI kenalah lihat dari aspek menyeluruh. Cuba lihat betapa banyak syarikat MLM di Malaysia yang kononnya berlesen tetapi mengaburi mata rakyat Malaysia dengan produk yang tidak berkualiti dan membuat moneygame? Saya rasa adalah lebih baik PPI menjalankan siasatan terperinci terhadap syarikat tersebut terlebih dahulun sebelum menuding jari kepada syarikat yang beroperasi secara global dan memberikan komisyen yang berpatutan.
Beginilah, saya tidak nampak sebarang kerugian dipihak yang membeli Dinar tersebut kerana mereka telah diterangkan dengan terperinci mengenai risiko pelaburan tersebut. Dan mereka melabur dengan rela hati dan sedikit pun tidak menjejaskan keadaan ekonomi mereka. Tanpa perlu bergolok bergadai, meminjam kepada bank seperti mana amalan biasa di syarikat2 MLM untuk jadi CEPAT KAYA dan tidak juga meminjam drpd bank seperti ketika dipujuk rayu untuk membeli AMANAH SAHAM.
Yaa… apa sahaja pelaburan ada risikonya. Kenapa tidak diperjuangkan orang2 yang membeli saham-saham amanah yang merudum jatuh sehingga tidak mampu bangun-bangun lagi? Kenapa ? Saya merasakan ada faktor tertentu yang menyebabkan pihak PPI bertindak mengeluarkan kenyataan sebegitu rupa. Dan semakin mereka mengeluarkan kenyataan yang berupa prejudis, semakin ramai yang menyertai “SKIM” tersebut. Adakah golongan cerdik pandai, profesional serta tokoh korporat yang menyertai “SKIM” tersebut, tidak pandai berfikir mahupun tertipu dengan FAKTA PALSU? Tepuk Dada Tanya Diri Sendiri.
Bagi saya, yang telah merantau dibanyak negara, telah banyak mengajar saya erti globalisasi dan dasar terbuka. Dan untuk pengetahuan PPI, saya merupakan salah seorang yang bertuah kerana pernah mendapat KEUNTUNGAN daripada kejatuhan matawang Dinar Kuwait dahulu dan juga ketika kejatuhan matawang Rupiah serta Baht. Hanya Jauhari yang mengenak Manikam.. Semoga bertemu di lain masa…

Komen Dari Pihak Kami- Nazhasecret TEAM

Assalammualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua peminat dinar iraq
Pada 26 Disember 2006 yang lepas,hari yg paling byk sy menerima panggilan dan sms berkenaan dgn isu ini dan juga pertanyaan mengenai ciri ketulenan dinar iraq..sekadar memberi pandangan peribadi di sini.
Kami sudah menerangkan RISIKO yg kite harus tanggung bila membeli dinar iraq (Rujuk OUR PRODUCT & FAQ) dan juga POTENSI yg bakal kite dpt JIKA ekonomi Iraq pulih..rujuk pd artikel kami dlm blog ni.
Kami hanya berkongsi peluang yang ada utk semua sama2 memiliki set dinar iraq..

Maklumat yg terbaru kami terima mengenai Skim Dinar Iraq ni,salah satu cara yg diaorg buat adalah dengan menjual secara bond dan pembeli hanya dpt certificate saje yg mengatakan mereka membeli sejumlah nilai dinar iraq dan akan diserahkan pd mereka dinar2 iraq tu bila matawang dinar iraq telah di floating kan nanti..

Tidak kah anda tahu masyarakat dunia khusus nye US dan Israel menyimpan dinar iraq ini? Sila search di Yahoo dan Google utk mengetahui lebey mendalam lg..

Anda mengatakan BODOHNYE org yg pernah ke anda fikir BODOHKAH pihak BANK TERNAMA spt HSBC (membuka cawangan nye di Iraq), PUBLIC BANK ade juga menyimpan,membeli dan menjual dinar iraq ini?
Kalau anda pergi tanya dan lihat di Money exchanger..mmg dinar iraq ini tidak ade dijual kerana dinar iraq belum lagi memasuki international market..sekarang dinar iraq ini di anggap set koleksi (sebab tk laku lg kt semua negara di dunia kecuali di Iraq sahaja)


Additional Info

Soalan yg sering diajukan pada kami: Kenapa ada pihak yg menawarkan harga lagi rendah ?CONTOH 50 000 dinar iraq = rm 450-rm600 sebagainya..

Jawapan Kami: Cuba pihak tuan tanye pd pihak tersebut..nilai 50 000 IQD bersamaan dgn berapa keping,dan note apekah yg anda dpt?PASTI pihak tuan akan mendapati nilai 50 000 IQD itu mengandungi 2 KEPING NOTE IQD25k atau 5 KEPING NOTE IQD10k ..
Ini kerana note 25K atau 10K tu boleh dibeli secara pukal atau dalam kuantiti yang banyak dengan nilai yang rendah. Oleh itu, tidak mustahil pihak tersebut boleh menawarkan harga yang lebih rendah..
PIHAK KAMI TIDAK MENGGALAKKAN anda membeli dan menyimpan note dinar Iraq yg mempunyai nilai besar saje..kerana itu akan lebih meninggikan risiko anda dalam pelaburan Dinar Iraq ini..jika benar nilai Dinar Iraq ini naik, anda lah org yang bernasib baik tetapi jika nilai Dinar Iraq ni statik atau lebih menyedihkan makin turun pada masa hadapan…Macammana??
Kami menggalakkan anda menyimpan semua jenis note yang terdapat di Iraq skrg yang terdiri drpd 7 keping note IQD 50 ,IQD 250, IQD 500, IQD 1 000, IQD 5 000, IQD 10 000, IQD 25 000. Ini kerana untuk makluman, sukar untuk anda mendapatkan note yang kecil.


News #2

Sumber Dari:…le/indexm_html

IPOH: Ada sindiket tertentu termasuk dari luar negara dikesan menawarkan urus niaga membabitkan mata wang Dinar Iraq di negara ini kononnya ia bakal memberi pulangan 150 kali ganda.

Urus niaga itu dijalankan menggunakan laman web serta orang perseorangan yang dilantik ejen sindiket terbabit dengan menawarkan jualan Dinar Iraq pada harga yang rendah.

Antara contoh yang digunakan ketika menjalankan urusniaga terbabit ialah bagaimana orang ramai yang membeli mata wang Kuwait pada suatu ketika dulu mengaut keuntungan besar apabila dijual semula sebaik negara itu kembali aman daripada peperangan.

Menurut sumber, sebuah bank terkemuka di sini, dakyah yang disebarkan itu sebenarnya bertujuan menipu untuk mengaut keuntungan dari orang awam.

“Bagaimana sebuah negara yang sedang bergolak mempunyai nilai mata wang yang tinggi.

“Mata wang Dinar Iraq bukan saja bernilai rendah malah bank dan pengurup wang di Malaysia tidak berurus niaga dengan mata wang itu,” katanya ketika ditemui di sini semalam.

Katanya, sejak dua minggu lalu setiap hari lebih enam orang datang untuk menukar mata wang sama ada Dinar Iraq 10,000 atau Dinar Iraq 1,000 selepas membeli dari individu tertentu termasuk dipercayai kakitangan kerajaan.

Sumber bank berkata, ramai pembeli cuba menukarkan wang terbabit di bank perdagangan dan di premis pengurup wang khususnya di Ipoh dan Kuala Kangsar tetapi gagal berbuat demikian sehingga mengakibatkan mereka (pembeli) kerugian.

Beliau berkata, bagi negara Teluk, pihak bank hanya menerima Riyal dalam urus niaga pertukaran wang asing selain 25 mata wang popular dunia.

Sementara itu, seorang mangsa yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Zainuddin mendakwa dia membeli mata wang itu selepas percaya dengan pujukan ejen mata wang yang juga kakitangan kerajaan.

“Saya membeli Dinar Iraq terbabit 1,000 dengan harga RM20 selepas diyakinkan kakitangan kerajaan itu bahawa mata wang ini bernilai 150 kali ganda di pasaran.

“Tetapi apabila datang ke sini (pengurup wang), mereka memberitahu saya sudah diperdaya,” katanya yang bekerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan di sebuah pasar raya di sini.

Katanya, dia kesal dengan kerana mempercayai ejen yang juga kakitangan kerajaan itu.

Bagaimanapun Zainuddin enggan memberitahu jumlah kerugian yang dialaminya akibat kegiatan penipuan itu.


News #3

Sumber Dari: Harian Metro Online (Malaysia)

‘Jutawan segera’ dinar Iraq

Oleh Mohd Sabran Md Sani

KUALA LUMPUR: Satu laman web antarabangsa dikesan aktif menawarkan skim pelaburan cara mudah bagi mata wang dinar Iraq kepada individu yang mengidam menjadi ‘jutawan segera’ tanpa mempedulikan risiko bakal dihadapi.

function c1090_DoFSCommand(command, args) { var args_arr = args.split(“,”); var args_new = “”; var _m4u = false; _m4u = args_arr[0]; for(var i=0; i Dengan hanya bermodalkan minimum AS$500 (RM1,775), pelabur dijanjikan keuntungan berlipat ganda tanpa perlu bersusah payah memerah keringat atau melalui prosedur pelaburan biasa.

Untuk meyakinkan pelabur, penganjur skim mata wang dinar Iraq terbabit turut menggunakan beberapa teknik pemujukan termasuk mendakwa dinar itu diiktiraf sebagai mata wang bernilai tinggi di peringkat antarabangsa.

Laman web berkenaan mendakwa mata wang dinar baru Iraq itu, menggantikan dinar digunakan ketika era pemerintahan Allahyarham Saddam Hussein dan ia sedang dicetak sebuah syarikat di Hampshire, England.

Difahamkan, syarikat berkenaan yang menggunakan nama ‘De La Rue’, mencetak tujuh dominasi wang kertas pelbagai nilai membabitkan 50 dinar Iraq, 250, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 dan 25,000.

Bagi menarik pelabur antarabangsa termasuk dari Malaysia, penganjur skim pelaburan mata wang terbabit mendakwa semua dominasi mata wang baru dinar Iraq itu pertama kali dikeluarkan pada 15 Oktober 2003 dan mulai 15 Januari 2004, ia diiktiraf mewakili versi mata wang rasmi kerajaan Iraq.

Malah, ia turut mengakui not 500 dinar yang dikeluarkan Bank Pusat Iraq pada November 2004 boleh digunakan untuk transaksi di pasaran antarabangsa, selain cantik dan tahan lasak kerana dilengkapi beberapa ciri keselamatan.

Antaranya, mata wang berkenaan mempunyai kualiti ‘Swiss’, manakala ciri-ciri keselamatan yang ada padanya menyebabkan individu atau sindiket sukar menirunya untuk dipalsukan seperti wang kertas sedia ada.

Pemerhatian Harian Metro terhadap laman web berkenaan mendapati, mata wang dinar pelbagai denominasi dikeluarkan dalam beberapa warna iaitu ungu bagi 50 dinar, 250 dinar (biru), 500 dinar (hijau), 1,000 dinar (coklat), 5,000 dinar, 10,000 dinar (hijau) dan 25,000 dinar (merah).

Bagaimanapun, penganjur skim itu mendakwa tidak mampu memproses pesanan melalui kad kredit yang dibuat dari tiga negara iaitu United Kingdom, Thailand dan Malaysia, sebaliknya pelabur perlu memilih kaedah pembayaran melalui internet.

Penganjur skim terbabit mendakwa, nilai mata wang dinar Iraq itu mampu meningkat secara mendadak apabila negara sedang bergolak itu dijangka kembali aman dalam jangka masa terdekat.

Pemerhatian terhadap laman web itu turut mendapati perangkaan terhadap peningkatan nilai dinar Iraq di pasaran apabila kadar tukaran asing yang direkodkan Bank Pusat Iraq melalui nilai jualan lelong antara dinar Iraq dan dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS) berada pada tahap konsisten.

Buktinya, apabila rekod jualan bagi kedua-dua mata wang berkenaan oleh Bank Pusat Iraq tidak menunjukkan perubahan besar dan mampu membawa keuntungan kepada pemiliknya jika disimpan lebih lama.

Penemuan laman web terbabit membongkar kegiatan sindiket tertentu termasuk dari luar negara dikesan menawarkan urus niaga membabitkan mata wang dinar Iraq di negara ini, kononnya ia bakal memberi pulangan sehingga 150 kali ganda.

Aktiviti penipuan yang berlaku di Ipoh, Perak pada 1 Januari lalu seperti disiarkan Harian Metro, membuktikan kegiatan kurang sihat terbabit semakin berleluasa dan mendapat perhatian rakyat negara ini.

Urus niaga yang dijalankan menerusi laman web serta orang perseorangan yang dilantik ejen sindiket terbabit dengan menawarkan jualan dinar Iraq pada harga yang rendah sambil menawarkan pulangan sehingga 150 kali ganda.

Malah, sumber sebuah bank tempatan terkemuka menyatakan, dakyah yang disebarkan itu sebenarnya bertujuan menipu untuk mengaut keuntungan daripada orang awam.

Ini kerana dinar Iraq bernilai rendah dan pengurup wang di negara ini tidak berurus niaga dengan mata wang berkenaan.

Lebih malang apabila mereka yang sudah terpedaya seolah-olah tidak percaya 1,000 dinar Iraq dan 10,000 dinar Iraq yang disimpan tidak dapat ditukar di bank perdagangan dan di premis pengurup wang khususnya di Ipoh dan Kuala Kangsar sehinggakan pembeli mengalami kerugian.


News # 4


Denda RM1j urus niaga tukaran wang asing haram
KUALA LUMPUR 1 Feb. – Kerajaan telah memperuntukkan hukuman lebih berat untuk membanteras urus niaga tukaran wang asing secara haram dengan meningkatkan amaun penalti daripada RM10,000 kepada RM1 juta dan hukuman penjara antara tiga hingga lima tahun, kata Timbalan Menteri Kewangan, Datuk Dr. Ng Yen Yen.

Beliau berkata, kerajaan telah meminda Akta Tukaran Wang Asing (1953) untuk memperuntukkan hukuman lebih berat terhadap mereka yang terlibat dalam urus niaga tukaran wang asing.

Pindaan itu berkuatkuasa 1 Januari tahun ini.

‘‘Tahun lepas, lima peniaga tukaran wang asing haram ditangkap dan Bank Negara sedang menyiasat 10 kes,’’ katanya kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan kempen Sumbangan Ang Pow Tahun Baru Cina Sports Toto di sini hari ini.

Yen Yen berkata, Kementerian Kewangan menerima banyak laporan daripada mereka yang ditipu oleh ‘ejen tukaran wang asing’ yang menawarkan skim pelaburan tukaran wang asing dalam mata wang Iraq dan Iran.

‘‘Saya ingin jelaskan bahawa di Malaysia, kita hanya membenarkan bank perdagangan dan institusi kewangan menjalankan urus niaga tukaran wang asing. Tiada entiti persendirian diberikan lesen untuk menjalankan urus niaga itu.

‘‘Saya mengingatkan rakyat Malaysia supaya tidak terperdaya dengan perangkap mereka. Malahan pengurup wang di negara ini tidak menjalankan urus niaga tukaran wang asing tetapi hanya membuat tukaran mata wang,’’ tegas beliau.

– Bernama


Kami Boleh Membuktikan Set Kami Ini Tulen dan Sah


News #5 Skim dinar Iraq tipu LATEST 5/2/2008

Oleh Mohd Jamilul Anbia Md Denin
KUALA LUMPUR: Selepas menyepi lebih setahun, sindiket penipuan skim pelaburan mata wang dinar Iraq muncul kembali dengan menawarkan keuntungan sehingga 200 kali ganda kepada individu yang teruja bergelar jutawan dalam tempoh kurang sebulan.

Malah, sindiket itu cuba memperdaya mangsa kononnya kemenangan calon parti Demokrat sama ada Hillary Clinton atau Barrack Obama pada pilihan raya Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), bakal menaikkan kembali nilai mata wang dinar Iraq yang kini merudum.

Alasannya, Rumah Putih akan menarik balik semua tentera AS dari negara Teluk berkenaan, sebaik negara itu diterajui parti Demokrat.

Seorang mangsa, Zainali Darus, 32, berkata dia terperangkap dengan penipuan skim pelaburan dinar Iraq itu selepas terbaca sekeping risalah menawarkan penjualan mata wang itu yang ditampal pada dinding bangunan berhampiran Jalan Masjid India di sini, dua minggu lalu.

Menurutnya, dia mula tertarik pada risalah itu yang mendakwa pelaburan berkenaan mampu memberikan keuntungan berlipat ganda kepada mereka yang membeli dinar Iraq.

“Bagaimanapun, dinar Iraq itu dijual pada harga RM800 bagi satu set wang kertas berjumlah 50,000 dinar, berbanding RM680 yang pernah ditawarkan dua tahun lalu.

“Berdasarkan maklumat pada risalah itu, saya dijanjikan memperoleh keuntungan lebih 200 kali ganda jika membeli dan menyimpan dinar Iraq,” katanya.

Menurutnya, tambah meyakinkannya apabila risalah itu turut menunjukkan perbezaan nilai mata wang Kuwait dan Afghanistan ketika Krisis Teluk dan kenaikannya selepas tamat era perangan.

“Disebabkan teruja mencuba, saya menghubungi nombor telefon bimbit tanpa nama pemiliknya yang tertera pada risalah terbabit.

“Saya cuba menghubungi nombor itu beberapa kali, namun tidak diangkat sebelum menerima SMS daripada pemilik telefon bimbit berkenaan yang bertanya sama ada saya berminat membeli mata wang dinar Iraq,” katanya.

Menurutnya, dia kemudian membalas SMS itu sebelum diminta menghubungi telefon bimbit berkenaan satu jam kemudian.

“Saya berjaya bercakap dengan lelaki terbabit yang memperkenalkan dirinya Suhaimi dan bekerja di sebuah bank terkemuka di ibu kota.

“Lelaki itu memberitahu jumlah set wang kertas dinar Iraq yang dimilikinya hampir habis berikutan sambutan menggalakkan dan orang ramai berlumba-lumba mendapatkannya,” katanya.

Menurutnya, lelaki terbabit memaklumkan potensi dinar Iraq untuk naik amat tinggi berdasarkan ‘trend’ nilai mata wang Kuwait dan Afghanistan yang naik semula dan stabil selepas perang tamat.

Disebabkan percaya dengan tawaran dan hujah itu, Zainali bersetuju membeli dua set mata wang dinar Iraq daripada lelaki terbabit yang memberikannya nombor akaun bank untuk dimasukkan bayarannya.

“Dia meminta saya memasukkan RM1,600 ke akaun bank berkenaan dan berjanji menghantar dinar Iraq ke rumah saya dalam tempoh tiga hari dari tarikh pembayaran.

“Malah, dia turut meminta saya menghubunginya semula sebaik wang terbabit dimasukkan ke akaun berkenaan. Saya yang yakin dengan janjinya kemudian ke sebuah bank di Jalan Pudu, sebelum memindahkan sejumlah wang ke akaun berkenaan,” katanya.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, selepas seminggu menanti, dia hampa apabila dinar Iraq yang dijanjikan tidak sampai, malah lelaki terbabit gagal dihubungi.

Sementara itu, jurucakap Bank Negara ketika dihubungi menasihati orang ramai berhati-hati dan tidak mudah terpedaya dengan bentuk penipuan yang membabitkan tawaran skim pelaburan mata wang asing termasuk dinar Iraq dan rial Iran yang dikatakan mampu memberikan pulangan berganda kepada pelabur walaupun dengan jumlah pelaburan yang kecil.

Menurutnya, melalui rekod sebelum ini kegiatan terbabit dijalankan sindiket secara sistematik dan cekap sehingga dapat mengaburi mata bakal pelabur dan penguat kuasa yang bertanggungjawab dalam kes seperti itu.

“Biasanya taktik itu dijalankan secara siber dan transaksinya menggunakan Internet yang boleh diakses sesiapa saja, sekali gus merumitkan kerja pemantauan dan pendakwaan pihak berwajib,” katanya.


313 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. nazhasecret
    Jan 01, 2007 @ 20:21:07

    komen aku simple jek..

    td baru baca coz ade org bagitau kt YM..sama ade org yg jual tu tk bagitau terang2 yg dinar iraq ni tkde nilai skang…atau org yg beli tu terlampau ‘PANDAI SANGAT’..hehehehe

    dinar iraq baru mmg tidak laku atau dgn kata lain no value at all skang ni..dinar iraq ni hanya laku dan sah di negara iraq saje..aku mmg dh terangkan pd our prospek..aku dh kata..klu u ge tukar kt money changer pun mmg diaorg tk terima..dinar iraq ni bole ditukarkan bila dia dh mula floating n memasuki internatinal forex market nanti..

    yg paling merisau kan ialah jika dinar iraq baru ni adalah so far kite test guna ultra violet ungu mmg tkde masalah dan kite guna cara tradisional- amik tisu atau kertas putih..tenyeh kt permukaan dinar iraq..jika ade warna kt tisu atau kertas tp kt duit tk luntur..original la tu..


    • mahyuddin
      Jun 02, 2017 @ 12:46:11

      Saya salah seorang pembeli Dinar Iraq…saya membeli tidaklah mengharapkan kaya dgn segera….semua bergantung kpd rezeki dari ALLAH SWT….Saya beli dan simpan lebih kpd koleksi…..mana tau kan kut ada rezeki….sama juga dgn kolektor matawang lama…..mudahkan….


      • Rizz
        Oct 01, 2020 @ 10:00:32

        Saya ada 60,000 dinar iraq..
        Dekat mana sepatutnya saya nak tukar..
        Bila pergi money changer dia tak ambil..kenapa?..
        Dekat mana harus saya tukar

  2. gibrael a.k.a amier a.k.a arm_imi
    Jan 06, 2007 @ 10:35:35

    Sedikit komen mengenai News no 3 tu ( Berita dinar iraq dalam METRO semalam)
    PERTAMA : berita tu bg tau ada web yang menjual dinar iraq dan memberikan jaminan akan mendapat pulangan 150 kali ganda dalam masa terdekat…
    KOMEN SAYA: dinar iraq memang boleh memberikan pulangan sebanyak itu atau lebih tapi ada beberapa condition nyer…
    1. matawang dinar iraq ni telah di floatkan dalam international forex market DAN nilai nyer naik pada masa itu…
    2. tempoh masa tidak boleh dipastikan kerana ini semua bergantung bila matawang ini di floatkan dan nilai nyer masa tu meningkat….jika nilai nyer jatuh…maksud nyer sesiapa yang mempunyai dinar iraq ni akan mengalami kerugian…
    tapi itulah risiko nyer dinar iraq ni..

    KEDUA: mengenai sesorang yang mendakwa telah di tipu kerana bila nak tukar ke money changer, dinar ini tidak bernilai
    KOMEN SAYA: memang benar perkara tu berlaku dan untuk makluman skrg ni duit dinar iraq cuma digunakan di IRAQ SAHAJA…so kalau nak tukar skrg di mana2 pun nilai nyer memang under value….tu yang kami tekan kan…dinar iraq ni adalah pelaburan angka masa panjang dan kita akan mendapatkan keuntungan JIKA matawang iraq telah difloatkan dalam international forex market dan nilai nyer naik pada masa itu…


    • Mohd
      Aug 19, 2018 @ 15:09:40

      Macam mana dengan nilai matawang iraq pada tahun 2018 ni? Ada can naik? Hee


  3. halim othman
    Jan 15, 2007 @ 08:16:13

    tolong jawab sat ttg web site nie..


  4. nazhasecret
    Jan 15, 2007 @ 08:24:53

    salam en halim othman..


    1dinar iraq=0.0006925usd ( latest rate 25/11/2006)
    1dinar iraq=0.00071usd (latest rate 15/12/2006)
    1dinar iraq=0.000735usd (latest rate 22/12/2006)
    1dinar iraq=0.0007547usd (latest rate 3/1/2007)

    LATEST RATE-12/1/2007
    1 dinar iraq= 0.00076046 usd


    dinar iraq tiada di money exchanger..skang ni hanya di wartakan sbgai koleksi set saje..susah nk dpt dgn rate dan money exchanger blum trade lg,kalau encik halim othman bole dapatkan dinar iraq tu dgn harga semasa mcm dlm web tu..sila emailkan pd kami..tq


  5. nazhasecret
    Feb 04, 2007 @ 07:42:50

    pasal latest NEWS yg # 4 tu…komen dr saya sikit je:

    Ini la dia berita hangat.dr semlm ngn td byk dpt msg dr prospek dinar yg baru online setelah 2hari tk online sbb pi KL ari jumaat(2 Feb 2007) baru balik..actually ni pendpt peribadi saya ye.. Dinar Iraq masih di wartakan sebagai barang koleksi buat masa skang ni sbb dia hanya sah dan laku kt iraq aje,lg pun kt mana2 money exchanger n bank dlm negara kite tkde di jual dinar iraq ni so nk dptkan kat mana?nk pi sendiri kt IRAQ ke? utk penjual note SAHAJA..saya tatau nk komen mcm mana bg penjual set koleksi dinar iraq baru(sekali ngn file folder) anda selamat kerana terlepas dr AKTA caya pi check kt bnm..tq


  6. Mr. Dil's
    Feb 22, 2007 @ 10:50:30

    Kepada para hadirin sekalian.

    Saya telah melihat perkembangan dinar iraq sejak berbulan yang lalu. Memang betul terdapat peningkatan dalam nilai matawang dinar Iraq ( Setiap yang kita labur ada risikonya. Melabur dalam bursa saham ada risikonya. Begitu juga, web sites Splitindex, Abbfund, Swiss Cash, Eaindex, CPI, JAI, jinLee dan banyak lagi wujud.

    Sebagai pelabur, pelbagai kerugian telah saya alami. Begitu juga ada keuntungan saya perolehi. Baik, keuntungan dalam perniagaan internet, pelaburan internet dan tidak kurang iraq dinar.

    Sebagai orang yang berpendidikan saya memberi pandangan:
    1. Program-program seperti Splitindex, Abb fund, Swiss cash eaindex, CPI, JAI, Jin Lee Capital semuanya bentuk pelaburan menggunakan internet. Saya yakin ada yang dah dapat pulangan dalam RM, ada yang dapat pulangan atas komputer sahaja & ada yang rugi.Tapi ianya masih tidak telus dari segi kenyataan yang dikeluarkan. Pendek kata, siapa cepat dia lah yang dapat.(Fikirkanlah!!!!)
    2. Dinar Iraq. Ia nyata dan boleh dilihat dari asas logikal bagaimana ia naik/turun berdasarkan asas analitikal. Manakala, asas fundemantel berdasarkan sejarah Iraq & isu-isu semasa mengenai ekonomi Iraq. Jika, pihak yang pernah bermain dengan Bursa Saham malaysia saya anggap ia satu peluang. Saya berpandangan, kalau nak kaya kumpul dinar ini dengan sebanyak yang mungkin targetlah RM 1 juta.

    Setiap yang dilaburkan, jumlah itulah risiko yang mampu kita letakkan untuk mengharapkan pulangan dijangkakan. Secara teorinya, tinggi risiko sudah pasti pulangan tinggi. Itu reality kehidupan….

    Letakkan wang dalam pelaburan, tutup mata. Cukup tempoh harap-harap ada pulangan…. Rugi itulah risiko yang sanggup kita tempuhi..

    Sekian… dari saya

    Mr Dil’s


  7. planet
    Mar 17, 2007 @ 11:57:03

    Mana mereka dapat dinar iraq ni? Mereka beli dari sapa? Heran juga orang malaysia sibuk beli dinar iraq dan jual balik. apo ni?

    Jika benarlah mydinar ni kenapa CEO tak nak letak gambar dia kat web? Gambar mat saleh mane kah yang dia ambik saja kat situ?

    kenapa office mydinar ni di us tak ada telefon nombor? apa lah ko orang ni? tak piker ke? kerja lah jangan jadi pemalas. Nak senang kena usaha bisnes betul-betul. Jangan jadi bodoh dan pemalas….


    • megu
      Jul 19, 2011 @ 18:10:07

      korang jangan lah risau sangat pasal dinnar nie..kita tunggu dan lihat …kita tunjuk kat mereka yang duit nie betoi2 bleh digunakan…bknye sampah tepi jalan…janji hati kene bersih…otak kene berkembang….setakat500…1000 pe lah sangat kan…wat beli rokok je dah abis..nie kan plak nk wat melabur utk diri sendiri….pun susah….korang gak yang senang…contoh dah ada kuwait…dulu dia org hidup susah tetapi diaorg sabar…berdoa pada allah…dah dapat balasannye…mewah…kaya…dan tak kecuali pada mereka2 yang pernah melabur pada mata wang kuwait dulu tah skrang dah kaya diaorg….korang simpan je duit tu….aku percaya walaupun lambat mcmana pun duit tu tetap rv sebab pe???? iraq ada minyak….korang tau kan bila minyak kat negara lain abis diaorg nk dpt minyak dari mana??? mestilah iraq…….bila diaorang dah mula ambik minyak kat iraq….takkan iraq nk jual minyak murah …bukan minyak masak…tapi minyak kete korang gak…kan?…kan? mestilah dia jual mahal…..jadi korang yang tak ada minyak nie terpaksa beli gak…klu tak beli sanggup ke korang gie keje naik basikal …keh….keh…tak sanggupkan….bila iraq jual minyak mahal..secara tak langsung mata wang iraq naik …dan bagi pemegang2 mata wang dinnar…….faham2 je la ek……tapi….harap2 korang belilah wang yang ori dan jangan jadi bodoh tak tau bezakan….oklah….assalamualaikum…


  8. nazhasecret
    Mar 17, 2007 @ 18:16:00


    soalan tu u tanye pd pihak ke?yg kami tau set mydinar tu from malaysia je yg beli jual balik??hello encik planet..sila buat kajian lebey mendalam lagi..tau tak bukan setakat malaysia saje…dh global lain(manusia kt seluruh dunia yg peka) dh mula simpan since 2004..kite je baru tau skang..

    pasal benar atau tidak mydinar…KAMI HANYA LAH BEKAS MEMBER MYDINAR…dimana kami join pd bulan september 2006 dan tidak lagi aktif membuat mydinar semasa pihak menaikkan harga set dr rm680 kepada rm760..kepada rm890..dan skang rm940..

    disebabkan kami series dan buat kajian dgn lebey mendalam la kami tarik diri dr terus buat


    Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
    RM International Services SA de CV
    Elpidio Ramos
    Circuito Interior 101
    Ecatepec, MEXICO 55030
    011 52 55 5126 2711
    011 52 55 5126 3905 [fax]


  9. Planet
    Mar 18, 2007 @ 23:59:10

    Dekat web my dinar ada quote dari Forbes pasal melabur dalam dinar Iraq. Mana bukti Forbes yang buat statement tu… dan link bank negar Iraq mana macam di buat oleh amatur aje…

    Hairanlah kenapa lah masyarakat kita ni PEMALAS sangat tak nak usaha dengan tulang empat kerat mereka. Lagi-lagi nak kaya tanpa kerja… mana ada beb… SUNAH TAK BEGITU!!! Itulah agaknya banyak orang kita kena tipu… PEMALAS DAN TAMAK. Kalau ada bisnes betul-betul tak nak buat sibuklah. itulah inilah KALAU melabur tanpa buat apa2 duduk rumah dan TUNGGU jadi Mat Jenin NAKKKKKK. PEMALAS ITULAH SEBABNYA BANYAK KENA TIPU… SAPA SALAH? SENDIRI SALAH LAH…



    • basug!
      Aug 14, 2010 @ 09:50:38

      ko ni pyibuk jak lah.. dripada ko say pmalas..pemalas..pemalas ni cuba ko crita skit pkmbangan diri ko planet,please..mgkin kami perlu MOTIVASI lagi dari ko.. atau engko ni tau komen jerrrr…..


    • megu
      Jul 19, 2011 @ 18:14:47

      nie bkn masalah malas…cuba nasib mana tau untug kapas timbul….untung batu tengelam…


    • megu
      Jul 19, 2011 @ 18:18:08

      tu lah aku tngok bahasa yang dia gunakan mcm dia nie menonjolkan tentang diri dia plak….mana dia tau org yang beli nie pemalas….ada biodata ker…kah…kah…dah mcm budak darjah 1 plak….


    • megu
      Jul 19, 2011 @ 18:27:39

      mana nk maju org melayu klu semua sifat mcm ko??? ko tngok cina berani mati sebab diaorg memegang 1 ayat…. klu nk kaya biar betoi2 kaya…klu tak ada ong….biar jatuh bangkrp…sebab tu ko tngok sendiri kat malaysia nie berapa peratus cina memegang perniagaan…….ko jangan lah bodoh sangat hal2 dunia nie aku tau ko pemalas jangan ckp org lain….


  10. Planet
    Mar 19, 2007 @ 00:02:25

    Pasal domain…. budak umur 7 tahun pun boleh BELI dan hostkan web anak patung dia kat Amerika or mana-mana sahaja di dunia ini…

    Virtual office MELAMBAK. U nak ada “office” di mana, cari sahaja virtual office dalam web bayar beberapa dollar sebulan… dapat kita address pejabat kita di SELURUH DUNIA siap dengan alamat, telefon dan fax sekali, siap dengan operator sekali.

    Sekarang ni semuanya bisa… Yang memberzakan kita adalah TAMAK, PEMALAS ataupun RAJIN BERUSAHA!!!


  11. Planet
    Mar 19, 2007 @ 00:04:54

    Kalau nak kaya hidup senang tuntutlah ilmu perniagaan dan buatlah perniagaan yang betul-betul . . .!!!


    • jula juli bintang tiga
      Feb 03, 2011 @ 15:45:10

      betul2 marah ko encik planet. ko pernah jual dinar iraq ke sbelum ni tapi tak laku… ha ha ha.. lain mcm ko punyer bengang… aku pun mcm berminat dengan dinar iraq ni… sebagai serang peniaga aku akan cuba niagakan apa yang lalu depan mata aku. yg penting dari segi hukumnya adalah halal. apa pun yg kita buat tetap ada risiko… makan pun ada risiko wahai encik planet. tidur pun ada risiko cuma bezanya kecil atau besar. inikan pula pelaburan. Tapi kalau ko kata orang melayu bodoh sebab membeli dinar iraq ni, aku rasa ko tersilap. Dalam isnes ada untung ada rugi, ada pula yang balik modal jer.. adakah ko nak menghukum orang yang bisnes rugi tu adalah bodoh? alah nampaknya ko yang bodoh.. malas aku nak layan.. **admin deleted coz penggunaan bahasa yg tk sesuai aka lucah**


  12. Planet
    Mar 19, 2007 @ 00:07:35

    Mr. Dil,

    Mu mention pelaburan yang tah apa2 hujung pangkalnya ini apa pasal. Tak baca ke statement bank negara….



  13. nazhasecret
    Mar 19, 2007 @ 07:56:33

    salam encik planet..

    kalau u nk berdebat pasal mydinar,u nk tanye hal berkaitan web dia ke..CEO dia phone la bla bla..u hantar email pd support diaorg ok..

    Disini dh tiada kaitan ngn have our own company as a distributor for collector set item(akan di edit kt front page nti).. central bank iraq nye puas ati u search la..dibuat oleh amatur?..dont judge a book by is cover only la.. search central bank of iraq mmg ni la web yg kuar

    u tu yg harus bukak minda kepala u tu..Dinar Iraq masih di wartakan sebagai barang koleksi atau dokumen sahaja buat masa ini..sbb dia hanya sah dan laku di Iraq saje skang ni..banyak yg kena tipu tu..sbb tak beli, dia pun nak beli..
    org join dia pun sebok nk join..yg membezakan bukan setakat tamak dan pemalas..PHD dalam diri memasing tuh sebenar nye..set koleksi matawang yg special..tiada kt money exchanger…sape yg pernah beli dinar kuwait?dh merasa bila dia floating..utk peminat n pemgumpul set koleksi
    skang ni ade yg duk cari Dong vietnam ngn Irani Riyal… dlm suratkhabar melayu je duk kondem…dlm suratkhabar bahasa asing??sendiri pikir la..kami disini berkongsi peluang dgn sesapa yg tau potensi dan risiko..mana2 pun ade RISIKO dan MEMANG kite kena tanggung..mcm yg pernah sy katakan sebelum ni..rujuk OUR FAQ

    KALAU U PIKIR BELI DINAR IRAQ BARU NI RUGI..ORG YG BELI AS A COLLECTION U KATA PEMALAS..BODOH..BANK-BANK NEGARA DUNIA,HSBC(yg bukak cawangan kt IRAQ),Public Bank skang yg jual koleksi set gak tu..sbg apa plak???DIAORG TU LAGI BYK SIMPAN TAU..hahaha..peace!!~

    sendiri pikir dan renung2 kan la..utk sesapa yg beli tu..mmg diri kita yg tanggung risiko kalau dia tk floating TETAPI kalau floating n kite dpt untung..diri kite sendiri juga tanggung merasa keuntungannye..bukan nye u all nk kongsi ngn kami bila dah untung tu kan 😀 ..


  14. planet
    Mar 25, 2007 @ 13:12:34

    Whatever our mind concieve and believe we can achieve… Hiduplah berpandukan dengan Al-Quraan dan As-Sunnah….

    Don’t judge a book by its cover tak boleh di pakai…sebab hakikatnya manusia judge a book by its cover…


    • jula juli bintang tiga
      Feb 03, 2011 @ 15:53:32

      dah la en planet. Ko jangan layan dia orang tu semua. Dia orang mmg jeles kat ko tu sebab **admin deleted coz penggunaan bahasa tk sesuai aka lucah**? ha ha ha.. aku nak sangat tengok muka ko yang bangang tu… pecah tali perut aku.. lepas ni ko diam2 je jangan komen apa2… aku kalau mati tergelak besok sebab baca komen ko… ko tanggungla dosa.


    • batubata
      Jun 12, 2012 @ 14:51:56

      teruk gak en planet kene booo…hehe


  15. Capura_Aniki
    Mar 25, 2007 @ 19:31:31

    akhir kata dari saya, cuba jangan gelojoh dalam mempertikaikan sesuatu perkara.. cari atau dapatkan info terlebih dahulu, fahamkan diri dan sekiranya masih belum faham, barulah pertikaikan di mana2 blog… ni tak, dah berlambak soalan2 bodoh di l0ntarkan dalam blog.. termas0k soal halal haram.. buat pengetahuan k0rang, soal halal haram ni, cuba la search dalam tenet… berlambak cek 0o.. betul tak angah? huhu…


  16. nazhasecret
    Mar 28, 2007 @ 18:29:02

    terpulang pada diri sendiri..kami hanya berkongsi peluang yg ada..RISIKO DAN POTENSI kena tau dan TANGGUNG SENDIRI..utk mencari maklumat…semua nye dihujung jari anda..tepuk dada..tanya la hati..kdg2 tu semut di seberang kite nampak tapi gajah di depan mata kite tk nmpak..jgn hanya pandai mencari salah org tp diri sendiri…..wallahua’lam


  17. Kulaan
    May 15, 2007 @ 05:47:10

    Pedulilah….duit orang pasai nak nyibuk..aku sendiri pun ada 50,000 dinar iraq.harapan naik le.kalau tak naik..aku sendiri rugi…tak susah kan orang. yang tak nak beli tu pasai apa menyibuk sakan..kamukah yang rugi? apa pun kalau sekiranya ditakdirkan Allah,nilai dinar tu naik.. insya Allah aku tak sombong.. bolehlaa derma banyak sikit. ehehehee…penyibuk yang taknak amik peluang ni…lantak kome lee..


    • edie
      Nov 28, 2011 @ 05:18:00

      …mmm drpd mne en. Kulaan beli?boleh kongsikan?


      • nuc
        Mar 04, 2017 @ 11:45:46

        berminat memiliki dinar iraq?harga boley citer..col/wasup 0177325184

  18. nazhasecret
    May 23, 2007 @ 14:05:45

    biar la encik kulaan..hanya org yg paham dan sanggup tanggung risiko je yg beli dinar iraq baru ni..sama2 la kite berdoa supaya cpt2 floating


  19. Muhammad Ridwan Yap
    Jul 30, 2007 @ 07:14:17




  20. nazha_n9
    Jul 30, 2007 @ 07:37:16

    salamz en.muhammad ridwan yap

    dah berulang kali sy tulis kat sini ade pro n kons..web yg u kasi tu dh lama dh sy tau n tq sbb share kt sini.. rate IQD bukan semakin turun..malah semakin naik.. leh check kt web blog ni

    bole gak check sejarah rate kenaikan dia kt central bank of iraq nye web



  21. zacko
    Dec 09, 2007 @ 13:56:30

    berita harian metro salah paham tu…sekrang ni dinar iraq masih lagi rendah valuenya….nape korang beli terus nak tukar….padahal konsep yang btol nyer korang kena simpan dulu….tunggu iraq aman damai baru tukar…ni tak ..iraq tgh kalut malut yang korang nak pi tukar kat pengurup buat ape….simpan la dulu duit iraq tu sampai iran aman damai..ekonomi stabil….baru la pi tukar….


    • pakidar
      Feb 03, 2011 @ 15:58:20

      orang yang tukar duit dekat pengurup tu sebenarnya ialah ……………….. en planet!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ah ahh… tu pasal dia bengang sangat kita beli dinar iraq.. dia bengang sbb dia yang bangang.. jom pakat ketawa ramai2.. 1..2.. 3.. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah… stop! senak **deleted


  22. nazhasecret
    Dec 09, 2007 @ 14:08:50

    salah paham punye isu la tu..surat khabar lg la suka menghangat-hangat kan lagi..dh keje dia..hehe


  23. Jantan
    Dec 25, 2007 @ 02:01:55

    Ini nazha kuantan ke?


  24. Jantan
    Dec 25, 2007 @ 02:08:52

    Berikut ialah “sekadar perbandingan” nilai matawang DINAR yang diguna pakai oleh beberapa buah negara di dunia.

    1 USD = 1214 Iraqi Dinar
    1 USD = 1.2 Tunisia Dinar
    1 USD = 0.7 Jordan Dinar
    1 USD = 0.37 Bahrain Dinar
    1 USD = 0.27 Kuwait Dinar
    Apakah yang dapat anda perhatikan


  25. Jantan
    Dec 25, 2007 @ 02:11:41

    Gambar gambar penyerahan tanggungjawab menjaga Basra oleh Britain kepada Kerajaan Iraq dalam satu upacara yang diadakan semalam – 17 Disember 2007.


  26. wanz
    Dec 29, 2007 @ 07:28:44

    halo….bleh x saper2 ajo aku beli dinar ni???

    -edited by admin nazhasecret
    **pls dunt put ur contact no here


  27. nazhasecret
    Dec 29, 2007 @ 13:57:01

    hi encik nazha dr n9..gud info u put here.tq

    hi sudah disms pd no hp nye tp rasa mcm tk wujud je no yg diberi.. 😀 tu sebab hanya yg serius ingin memilik dinar iraq saja akan kontek sy jd sila kontek sy sendiri,semua maklumat seperti YM,email dn no HP ada di HOME PAGE sy


  28. alan
    Jan 06, 2008 @ 03:03:50

    Sya sendiri pun ada beli 50k dinar iraq dengan harga RM200.Sya beli cuma untuk koleksi sja.Walau apapun jika harga dinar kurang, apa boleh buat.Lagipun cuma untuk koleksi sja,asal tak jadi salah simpan sudahlah.


  29. nazhasecret
    Jan 06, 2008 @ 10:32:19

    betul tu..simpan setakat yg mampu..setakat ni memang tidak menjadi kesalahan menyimpan dinar iraq..apa2 risiko tanggung sendiri la 😀


  30. asri
    Jan 10, 2008 @ 02:52:38

    sy xnak tnye benda tu legal or tak, tipu or tak…cuma nk tnye td ada kt atas ada kata klu beli note besar risiko tinngi..baik beli sume sy kan sama jer kan, kalu naik untung tp kalu xnak mmg la tak untung..apa beza note kecik n note besar.bole explain tak? tq


  31. asri
    Jan 10, 2008 @ 02:56:59

    cuma yg sy nmpk kalu dia naik tinggi nak tukar mungkin susah.sebab sekeping note jer kalu tukar ke duit kita pun dah banyak,money changer mgkin tak ada byk duit…btul ke macam tu..i guess jer, bole expalin tak?


  32. nazhasecret
    Jan 10, 2008 @ 20:31:14

    hurmm..saya kadang2 keliru dgn id id yg posting di blog saya ni..adakah anda beli dinar iraq tapi tk pernah diterangkan ttg risiko dia oleh penjual anda?sms dan call saya tanya mcm2..ym saya pun mcm2 tanya..jika anda dealer,pembeli ataupun team nazhasecret sy mmg sediakan perkhidmatan after sale..jika bukan sila baca setiap info di blog ini,dan jgn pulak anda email/sms sy dgn soalan yg kadang2 menyalahkan sy bila anda beli dinar tanpa ilmu pengetahuan,mungkin penjual anda hanya taburkan kata-kata manis saja sdgkan bukan anda beli dgn sy pun kan..utk semua pembeli dan pemilik dinar iraq..sudah berkali saya tekan kan..sila paham RISIKO MEMBELI DAN MEMILIKI DINAR IRAQ..rujuk pada FAQ di blog kami ini..

    berbalik pada soalan en asri: berulang kali dh mention–cari balik posting saya,rumuors kata note 25k risiko sbb andaikata tetiba iraq nk kuar/tukar note baru kemungkinan besar 25k akan dimansuhkan dulu—rumuors merujuk pada duit malaysia RM dimana malaysia memansuhkan duit paling besar rm1000 lepas tu rm500 dulu..

    soalan ke-2 en asri: kalau floating sape suh tukar kt money exchanger pi check kt bank 1st ok..apa guna ada bank merata dunia duit berguni berkoyan-koyan?tk dapat tukar kt bank malaysia pandai2 la cari ok..itu je yg bole saya bantu.tq ws

    semua based on news n rumuors..ada yg high risk taker tk kisah pun memiliki semua note2 dinar yg besar sbb diaorg paham n sanggup terima risiko..ada plak yg sms saya (beli note ngn sapa ntah) tetiba nk tukar note2 besar yg dia ada ngan saya..adoii…common la..blum ada berita pun yg central bank of iraq secara rasmi keluarkan berita nk tukar note ke,mansuh ke..kalau dh sohih keluar pakat cari penjual masing2..TEAM NazhaSecret sila add ym saya nza_80 utk sebarang update ok..yg mana2 dh tukar no hp ke apa ke..sila update pada sy,yg penting no HP sy ttp lama tkkan tukar,ramai yg dh pergi ke rumah sy,tau mana sy tinggal bole sama2 kita share info nanti)


    • day
      May 26, 2011 @ 02:53:08

      soalan sy..dinar iraq.adakah jadi kenyataan jadi jutawan pd pemegang2 dinar??


  33. Jantan
    Jan 19, 2008 @ 12:16:14

    Assalamualaikum wr wb, dan
    Salam hormat,

    Rakan sekalian,

    Kali ini kita ikuti berita terkini tentang Ringgit Malaysia kita sendiri…

    Untuk link penuh berita di atas, sila ke link berikut:

    Secara ringkas, kisah ringgit kita di atas ialah:

    1) Dulu bebas float, kerana krisis kewangan asia 1997, telah di”peg”kan kepada USD.

    2) Kemudian telah di bebas float secara berperingkat mulai 2005.

    3) 2008, nampaknya ada usaha + inisiatif untuk bebas float sepenuhnya.

    4) Dari RM4.20 dah naik nilai RM ke RM3.26 Per 1 USD. Hampir Hampir RM1.00 Naiknya!

    Bagaimana dengan dinar pula?

    Harap anda telah mempunyai “informasi asas” untuk menjawabnya;)

    Selamat Menyimpan!


  34. Azmi Mamat
    Feb 01, 2008 @ 08:20:04

    A number of people have begun touting so-called “investment” opportunities in the Iraq Dinar as a “sure way” to make a lot of money with little or no risk. Many of our clients have asked our opinion on the legitimacy of this.

    Is “investing” in the Iraq Dinar a sure way to profit? We don’t think so. In our opinion, buying the Iraq Dinar is a high risk investment with a poor outlook.

    A Little History

    The official rate of the old Iraq Dinar, $3.22 USD (U.S. Dollars), was set in 1982 by Saddam Hussein. The old Iraq Dinar could not be freely traded, so this rate was never tested or upheld on the world market.

    The current Iraq Dinar (IQD) was introduced between October 2003 and January 2004 by the Coalition Provisional Authority in close consultation with financial experts from Iraq and the international community. The IQD is currently valued at a little less than seven hundredths of a US cent. (1 USD = 1460 IQD). The old “Saddam” Dinar has no current value and is worth only what a collector is willing to pay for it.

    What’s Happening Now?

    The IQD is not freely traded, and is not being used in any significant international transactions. We are unaware of any official bank or foreign exchange office outside of the middle east that will exchange the IQD.

    The IQD trades on a very small, tightly controlled exchange. The total volume of IQD traded by the Central Bank of Iraq is in the thousands of dollars, compared to the $1,900 billion dollars traded on the Foreign exchange market every day. This small number of trades makes the IQD’s value effectively immaterial.

    The Central Bank of Iraq’s stated objective is not to promote the free trade of IQD, as is the case in a true free market economy, but rather to keep the value of the IQD stable. The only way the Bank can ensure the semblance of stability is by tightly controlling the exchange of IQD on the market, and by ensuring that the currency cannot freely trade on the open market. They evidently fear that open trading of the IQD would lead to a rout in which the value of the IQD would sink to practically nothing.

    Consider the situation. Why tightly control the trading of the IQD if it is likely to appreciate in value? If the value of the IQD were to surge, this could be held out as evidence of a surge of confidence in Iraq’s economy. So why not open the IQD to free trading? Why would this be done unless the Iraqi Central Bank itself feels that the IQD would decline in value in a free market?

    A Snapshot of Iraq Today

    The current situation in Iraq is pretty grim:

    * Over a decade of international economic sanctions and a devastating war has left the infrastructure in tatters
    * $125 billion of external debt
    * Millions of dollars in post-war debt
    * No stable government
    * Insurgency steadily on the rise
    * Oil facilities and pipelines are sabotaged regularly
    * Many predict out-and-out civil war, such as the former Prime Minister of Iraq and the outgoing UK abmassador in Baghdad

    These aren’t the kind of conditions typically conducive to the creation of booming economies. More to the point — a 450,000% increase in the value of the IQD (as predicted by some of its promoters) seems ridiculous in the face of these challenges.

    But Surely There’s Oil Under Those Dunes?

    A lot of the hype over the IQD centers around Iraq’s vast oil reserves and their supposed economic value. The oil market is extremely unpredictable. An economy based on oil alone (oil makes up 95% of Iraq’s foreign exchange earnings), will mirror that unpredictability. Let’s look at a real-world example: Venezuela.

    Oil accounts for 80% of Venezuela’s national exports and 50% of its government revenues. The country is one of the world’s top five oil producers. In the last four years, Venezuela has experienced intense political instability, including an oil strike and an attempted coup d’état. The resulting economic chaos has led to the extreme devaluation of the Venezuelan Bolivar — today, it is worth only about a third of its US Dollar value from January 2000, and only about a quarter of its Euro value from January 2000.

    Investing in a country’s currency is tantamount to investing in that country’s economy as a whole, not in any single commodity. Investing in the Iraq Dinar is not the same as investing in Iraq’s oil.

    But What About Kuwait?

    Promoters of the IQD like to compare Iraq now to post-Gulf War Kuwait — but this is comparing apples to oranges.

    Before the Gulf War, Kuwait had a stable government and its foreign investments generated more income for its economy than its oil did. After the war, despite losing a third of its pre-war investment portfolio (over $100 billion USD), Kuwait still had a solvent economy, a stable government, and an intact infrastructure. It is not difficult to see why a currency’s value might increase in these circumstances.

    In comparison, Iraq entered the war with a $125 billion USD debt, has almost no infrastructure, no stable government, and no other foreign income except its oil — the vulnerability and unpredictability of which we have already pointed out. The outlook for its economy and the IQD is grim for the foreseeable future.

    In late 2004, the US was successful in convincing some foreign creditors to “forgive” some of Iraq’s debt. However, debt forgiveness is seldom a blessing, and generally comes at a very heavy price. Other countries whose foreign debts have been “forgiven” have found it nearly impossible to generate any foreign investment afterwards. Think about it: how would you feel about investing in Iraq again if you lost your entire investment (i.e. you “forgave” it) last time?

    If it Sounds Too Good to be True…

    Ask yourself one question: if the Iraq Dinar is such a hot commodity, why would anyone in the know be willing to sell it to you? If you thought that the IQD was going to multiply in worth by hundreds of thousands of percent, would you sell it? Of course not — you’d be too busy buying as much of it as you could.

    But if you thought that the IQD was going to go down in value over time, well, then you might start trying to convince people that it was a “great deal” so that you could get rid of all of yours as soon as possible.

    Remember the old saying: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be careful!


  35. nazhasecret
    Feb 01, 2008 @ 08:50:28

    pjg lebar nye penerangan atas ni.hehe..well sy tk pernah pun pengaruh org utk beli dgn janji2 manis or ayat/kata2 manis.sesapa yg pernah deal direct ngn sy seringkali sy tanya..anda tau tk risiko menyimpan/membeli dinar iraq ini?anda tau tk kemungkinan apa saja boleh berlaku jika iraq tidak stabil,smpai bila2 pun dinar iraq ni tidak akn laku/x dpt ditukar pd rate yg tinggi..dn semua pemilik dinar bole la gantung jadikan frame perhiasan je dinar ni ..hehe

    TETAPI secara logik nye,2003 tukar duit baru dr yg ada gambo saddam kepada yg skang ni,adakah anda rasa dinar ni akan RV SEKARANG ni????hahahha..kalau RV untung la kan..sapa takmau dia RV cptkan,tetapi personal target kami dinar iraq akan mula RV paling cpt thn target je..mana ada sesebuah negara yg dh musnah amik masa yg singkat utk membangun n bernilai semula duit negara itu..kecuali miracle dgn kuasa Allah aje..dan adakah tidak mustahil negara yg masih menyimpan minyak n sumber asli ini tidak akan membangun sampai bila2??pikir-pikir la..mungkin anda yg tidak membeli dgn kami terpengaruh dgn janji2 manis penjual dinar anda..tidak melakukan research pun ttg dinar ini..sudah berkali sy tekan kan..mmg membeli dan menyimpan dinar ini adalah HIGH RISK dan hanya HIGH RISK TAKER saja yg LAYAK MENYIMPAN…kalau anda rasa,anda bukan tergolong dlm kategori ini,tak payah la bazirkan masa anda utk mencari isu2 yg sebenarnye dh lama n berulang kali dh sejak dr 2 thn lepas..apa yg pasti..nilai dinar iraq bukan nye semakin menurun..malahan sedang naik walaupun nampak sikit tp bg sy amatlah berharga.ADAKAH di MALAYSIA saja yg Membeli/menjual/menyimpan dinar iraq???orang2 kat negara lain tkde la??disebabkan personal target kami paling cpt thn 2010 ,paling lambat 2015 ,maka rasa nya tidak salah kami cuba mendapatkan dinar utk kawan2 yg berminat nk membeli..nk beli kat malaysia bukan ada jual pun kt money exchanger..kt public bank dulu ada gak la jual set ni dgn harga rm555 guna kad kredit..kalau sapa rasa sanggup nk order online beli kt luar negara direct silakan..semua benda ada risiko dan apa yang pasti risiko tu kita kena tanggung sendiri bukan nye menuding jari kepada org lain


  36. nazhasecret
    Feb 05, 2008 @ 11:51:01

    Gempar lg Harian Metro ni..suka memutar belitkan ayat sampai org yg baca keliru

    yg menipu nye org yg jual dinar tu bukan nye dinar iraq.Dinar iraq sedang diguna pakai di Iraq,takkan currency yg scam..pikir logik pembeli kena scam ngn penjual dinar iraq..jadi harap kawan2 semua jgn terkeliru..TQ


    • lidah bercabang
      Feb 03, 2011 @ 16:06:17

      harian metro mmg mcm tu bang oiii… tak lama lagi dia orang nak tukar nama… harian mengong..


  37. Jantan
    Feb 09, 2008 @ 07:49:44

    Assalamualaikum wr wb, dan
    Salam hormat,

    Anda berminat dengan Baghdad Stock Exchange? Berikut berita terkini tentangnya:

    Untuk melihat berita penuh, sila ke link berikut:,8599,1710321,00.html

    Antara petikan yang penting ialah:

    “In the next two months, all investors — foreign and Iraqi — will be able to buy and sell in a matter of minutes, once the ISX’s computers and servers are switched on. Servers, computers and electronic boards have arrived but are not yet operational. Three backup generators will make sure the market will be running nonstop, despite widespread electrical brownouts across the Iraqi capital.”

    “You will be able to buy at 10 in the morning and sell at 10:05,” says CEO Taha Abdul-Salam, a short man with a buzz cut and a pistol holster under his jacket. The ISX is a private venture regulated by the Iraqi Securities Commission. It opened in 2004 with 15 companies. “I hope to have thousands by the end of the year,” says Taha. Realistically he expects maybe 20 more companies to sign on.

    Currently the ISX represents 94 companies and works with 49 licensed brokerages. The total trading volume for 2007 was $354 million, a 250% increase over 2006. The ISX has a helpful website, with regular updates; Taha says the ISX has received 17 billion Iraqi dinars, or $14 million, in the past five months from investors in the region. Banks are 80% of the volume, followed by services, manufacturing, hotels and agriculture.


  38. nazhasecret
    Feb 09, 2008 @ 08:08:47

    salamz EN Jantan..

    thanks 4 sharing that news…ramai yg sabar nk tunggu dinar iraq booming this mcm biasa jgn la kita terlalu mengharap.. mudah-mudahan ada rezeki utk semua yg menyimpan dinar iraq ini..AMIN


  39. Jantan
    Feb 19, 2008 @ 12:44:18

    Ini berita politik terkini yang memberangsangkan.

    Antara petikan yang penting ialah:

    “Today we have a wedding party for the Iraqi Parliament,” said Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, the speaker, who is a Sunni. “We have proved that Iraqis are one bloc and Parliament is able to find solutions that represent all Iraqis.”


  40. Riduan Mas'ud
    Mar 01, 2008 @ 13:12:57

    Ass. katanya lulusan universitas Ternama di USA, tpi mngapa analisa tuan nggak karuan. tuan tolong bunyak buka web tentang iraq dan IQD dan kami harap tuan buka situs2 resmi tentang dinar iraq, setelah anda analisa dengan optimal baru berkomentar. dan yang perlu anda ketahui bahwa namanya investasi pasti ada resiko, namun kan resikonya kicil sebab nilai investasinya juga kecil.mungkin anda lebih baik menasehati orang2 yang investasi di HYIP seperti SC, a3union dan lain2 coba tuan buka


  41. AMRI
    Jul 25, 2008 @ 07:19:47

    NANTIKAN 15.10.2008 1 IRQ DINAR = 3.30 USD.. SUMBER HSBC OF IRQ.


  42. kebayan
    Nov 25, 2008 @ 01:34:43

    BERITA TERBARU:::::::::::::::::::::::
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::15.12.2008 NANTI ::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::1 IQD == 1 EURO :::::::::
    GUE ADA 1550OO IQD== 1550O0 X RM 4.55 ==RM7O5,250.
    boleh lehs beli evos ix.vvvvrrroommmssss..


  43. edey
    Dec 01, 2008 @ 08:28:57

    Harap-harap biar betui


  44. Akub's
    Dec 14, 2008 @ 11:15:07

    Ye ke kebayan? tgk kat website xe tak tunjuk gitu pun.

    1 IQD = 0.000858959
    nverse: 1,164.20

    Awal sgt kalau nak naik 1 IQD = 1 EURO. Perang dier pun tak abis2 lagik. Mana ko dapat information nih?


  45. imam ahmed
    Dec 23, 2008 @ 09:40:50

    be patient…ok?!


  46. ZACK
    Jan 16, 2009 @ 00:57:10



  47. jon
    Jan 17, 2009 @ 01:00:48

    harap2 la btl mcm mr zack ckp..amin


  48. Akub's
    Jan 31, 2009 @ 15:17:32

    Awal sgt, cam tak begitu logik. Cube bg fakta yg lebih concrete en Zack? Siap ada tarikh, betul2 ader org dalam nih..


  49. Akub's
    Jan 31, 2009 @ 15:18:01

    Awal sgt, cam tak begitu logik. Cube bg fakta yg lebih concrete en Zack? Siap ada tarikh, betul2 ader org dalam nih..tapi kalau betul mmg best!!! aminnn gakk…


  50. Hasnee Ariff
    Feb 06, 2009 @ 10:19:51

    Harian Metro, hanya beri komen rambang sahaja tanpa ada maklum balas dari pihak berkuasa, dalam isu ketulenan dinar iraq.


  51. nazhasecret
    Feb 18, 2009 @ 06:30:58

    urmmm..biasa la isu mcm ni..akan di besarkan dlm suratkhabar..aku pun tk paham le..


  52. eddey
    Mar 24, 2009 @ 06:34:27

    1 hb 3 dah berlalu, hampeh….


  53. Akub's
    Jun 26, 2009 @ 03:16:18

    Mod, ader citer terkini ker pasal dinar iraq? Cam sejuk jer..


  54. rem
    Jun 30, 2009 @ 08:42:51

    amerika dah nak balik dah, bila dinar iraq nak naik pula


  55. ensem
    Sep 12, 2009 @ 07:34:32


    saya mempunyai 45000 dinar iraq. sapa2 nak beli, gtau je sya. emailkan jer


  56. Raz
    Sep 26, 2009 @ 17:18:12

    kalau dinar iraq naik lepas tu kerajaan iraq tukar note dia, macam mana plak tu?


  57. Raz
    Sep 26, 2009 @ 17:23:47

    ooo sudah dpt jwpan dkt faq tq…


  58. cd
    Oct 18, 2009 @ 03:31:58

    sape-sape nk jual dinar iraq bagitau aku. email je kat aku.


    • nuc
      Mar 04, 2017 @ 11:57:59

      brmnt dgn dinar iraq?pm 0177325184


  59. cd
    Oct 18, 2009 @ 03:34:07

    sape-sape nk jual dinar iraq. email kat aku,


  60. nazhasecret
    Oct 18, 2009 @ 05:29:57

    xde cite boleh baca rumuors n prediction kt

    note dinar in hand 25k je..note lain kena order n tgk pd supplier ade ke tk..price 2009 pun dh lain..


  61. Razdin
    Oct 18, 2009 @ 14:04:30

    Assalamualikum semua…!

    Masa beli dinar Iraq pun dah diberitahu, ianya sebagai koleksi, tapi yang tak berapa pandai pi beli dan jual tu wat pe…?

    Dinar ni adalah koleksi yang boleh menguntungkan jika ianya difloatkan di International Market, Kalau tidak buatlah koleksi saje, ye tak

    Bangsa lain di Malaysia kebanyakan membeli Dinar Iraq, kenapa kita tidak…?
    Bacalah sejarah sikit masa perang “WW II” dulu pembelian Wang German, bila naik ………. Ok apa…!

    Cuba cari-cari kat Link di bawah:…

    Cari lah sat, search dalam Google ke, Yahoo ke… Banyak Bangsa hingga Ke Israel pun simpan Dinar Iraq.. untuk apa…? mungkin selepas sanction
    ianya akan di floatkan di Intert Market….untung apa….


  62. Razdin
    Oct 18, 2009 @ 14:20:52

    Assalamualaikum Semua…!

    Baca Di Sini:


    2010 Iraqi Polls Likely To Define The Reval Leadership Team
    October 6th, 2009 26
    CommentsNew laws for Iraq Oil legislation will most likely be delayed till after the January National Polls In Iraq. There is no indication at all that the Voting itself will be delayed just over 2 months away. Therefore, the elections are on for Iraq and Iraqis will have a chance to define a leader who will most likely take the country into a Revaluation in the next political term starting in 2010.

    “All the indications point to the fact there is no hope for putting the oil and gas law on the agenda during the time remaining for this parliament,” said Ali Hussain Balou, a Kurdish born hard hitting Iraq Government Critic.

    “Due to the insurmountable conflicts between political blocs, passage of this law could be delayed until the next parliament,” Ali Hussain Balou rifled off.

    Modernizing Iraq’s oil production and export systems is crucial to hitting record production goals and is absolutely achievable with this oil law in place. Without the oil law in place, feuding between Government leaders in Iraq creates a dangerous legal ‘grab and run’. The law once in place will allow enforcement of the law to help greatly reduce corruption in Iraq.

    Every election Iraq has had so far with the new Dinar currency has been a strong success. 2010 Iraq elections will be a turning point for a new era on this journey towards massive profits.


    I’m just plain stunned!
    October 15th, 2009 2
    CommentsThanks for all the survey feedback to all our newsletter readers. I’m going to post some of it next week, right now I’m in Arkansas USA, Texarcana to be exact.

    One thing is for sure, we all need to keep score here. If you don’t keep score, you could be winning and FEEL like you are loosing. Everyone right now who owns Dinar is ‘Winning’, when is the game going to be won, hang in there, you are winning. My score card says that the enemy is coming hard in a defensive but don’t doubt for a second we are winning this fight towards a revalution. Hang in there.

    I will post some feedback from the survey on tuesday, its great. That AskDatabase service is pretty cool stuff listing the more popular words and phrases according to popularity of use in the survey. I’ll post some of it on tuesday for you.

    If I were to show you one of our survey results from 2004 or 2005 and compare it to the most popular phrases mentioned in the feedback form on todays survey, my comment would be this:

    “Massive Improvements In The Average Iraq Dinar Owners Confidence In The Last 5 Years”

    Enjoy the weekend,
    Darren Chabluk

    @ Di Sini

    Revalue Is Opposite To Devalue
    September 29th, 2009 29
    CommentsKuwait and Iraq are two of the richest countries in the world, each country holding 10% of the worlds oil. Kuwait and Iraq are neighbours also, some people don’t know this fact.

    There is one additional distinct similarity between the two counties regarding a revaluation. Both countries have international support to revalue their respective currency. Kuwait experienced its revaluation virtually under the radar after the Gulf war, probably because the Internet as we know it was not around for online trading of restricted (pre-reval) currency.

    Violence in Iraq has dropped dramatically over the past 5 years and this violence was one of the largest reasons that the Iraq Dinar as we know it could fail to make it to the world bank. Were over that hurdle now, waiting for sanctions to be lifted along with more progress in the Iraqi Government.

    Although very real and realistic risks are involved in the Dinar, there are a couple myths that are just impossible. Having a reliable source of information is important.

    If it was a criminal offence to make or believe false accusations about Iraq Dinar currency, I think I could think of a suitable ‘Charge’ such as:

    “Gross Negligence In Iraqi Dinar Knowledge Causing Broke Mentality.”

    Whenever rumours, even ‘reliable source’ rumours relating the Iraq Dinar to Germany’s currency downfall after World War II, there could very well be charges laid of Gross Negligence In Iraqi Dinar Knowledge Causing Broke Mentality. Assuming such type of mentality were illegal, which it is not.

    The world did not support Germany after World War II and Germany does not have 10% of the worlds oil for good measure. Yes, Germany had to devalue their currency after that war. The US Government is fully backing Iraq along with the World Bank and countless other countries with oil deals in the works. Iraq is all about revalue, not devalue. The enemy wants the devalue, and the broke critics like to place the term ‘devalue’ into false ‘reliable source’ scenarios.

    My question for you now is, if such broke mentality were in fact a criminal offence what would be the sentence?


  63. nazhasecret
    Oct 18, 2009 @ 14:49:19

    tak de sapa yg boleh meramalkan msa dpn..spt pos sy di thn2 terdahulu..sapa yg beli,simpan dinar iraq ni kena ingat yg ini high risk,beli n simpan dinar setakat yg anda mampu aje..jgn plak smpai bergolok bergadai kn..coz kita tau risiko kalau tk revalue,dinar iraq ni hanya boleh simpan n di framekan aje dirumah..kalau takut dilambung ombak jgn la berumah ditepi pantai


  64. nazhasecret
    Oct 18, 2009 @ 15:00:06

    semua mcm tk sabar je tunggu nk RV..huhuhu..apa2 rumuors n prediction asing pun berlumba2 simpan n tunggu..dulu personal target sy thn 2009-2010 akan mula RV at least 1 IQD= 0.10 USD..kalau lebey lg la bagus..


  65. Akub's
    Dec 10, 2009 @ 05:11:54

    Mudah-mudahan tercapai la target tu. senang kat sume org 🙂


  66. sulaiman
    Jan 07, 2010 @ 03:05:01

    ada perkembangan terbaru ke tentang dinar iraq awal tahun 2010 ini? TQ.


    • NazhaSecret
      Jan 07, 2010 @ 04:35:21

      tunggu pilihan raya iraq..mac 2010 tk silap


  67. abd halims
    Jan 07, 2010 @ 12:29:11

    1.Kalo nak beli ada lagi ke.? Boleh COD ke?
    2.Ada desas desus kata dah bole tukar kat Singapore..betul ke?


    • nazhasecret
      Jan 07, 2010 @ 15:29:27

      1-setakat ni ngan sy stok byk mmg takde,semua personal yg sy simpan dan cuma ade balance sket yg aritu ade org order 2mill..if esok encik yg dari ganu tu tak jadi beli ngan saya,100k dh ade org chop,balance 750k je in hand utk di jual..if dia amik semua maka takde dh ngn sy..COD area n9-shah alam bt 3-klang.. semua order based on permintaan 1mill keatas akan sy order lg..

      2-pasal tukar kt singapore tu sy lum dgr lg..last year ade yg bgtau sy money changer kt klcc ade jual dinar iraq,beli blum lg


    • nuc
      Mar 04, 2017 @ 12:01:10

      ign memiliki dinar iraq?pm 0177325184


  68. abd halims
    Jan 08, 2010 @ 07:19:56

    1mil berapa rm tuan jual ?


  69. Razdin HS
    Jan 11, 2010 @ 12:25:37

    Sebenarnya kekawan IQD (Dinar) adalah koleksi yang menguntungkan, sekiranya ianya di revalue dan di Float di International Market, ianya bolehlah di tukar ke RM, Bukannya beli terus boleh di tukar ke RM, Bacalah news-news dalam Web, Dr. Diner ke, Dinar Speculation ke.. yang di update 3 @ 4 hari sekali.

    Sebelum Perang Teluk 1 IQD = USD 3.4 = > RM 10
    Sekarang 1 USD = IQD 1152 to IQD 1170 Rujuk Central Bank Of Iraq-(

    Sekiranya selepas di Revalue dan di Float di Pasaran Antarabngasa. Kalau 1 IQD = USD 0.20 @ 0.30 x le dengan RM M,sia, Berape…

    Untuk rujukan kengkawan sila lawati Web-web di bawah untuk mengetahui perkembangan terbaru di Iraq, jangan lupa baca bahagian komen-komen kedua-dua website ini, menarik……. uuu

    1) Dinar Speculation (By Adam Montana) :
    eMail :
    2) Dr. Dinar (By Darren Chabluk) :
    eMail :
    3) Ministry Of Planning of Iraq:

    Boleh rujuk banyak website lagi carilah sendiri…
    RaZdin HS
    L,Kwi. Kedah.


  70. Halimi Ariff
    Mar 16, 2010 @ 02:28:11


    Akhbar nyamuk seperti Harian Metro dan kerajaan Malaysia selalu kondem rakyat yang berpeluang untuk kaya dengan cepat dan betul di sisi agama dan undang-undang. Untuk lindungi rakyatlah , untuk 1 Malaysialah tetapi sebenarnya ingin cukai yang tinggi di kenakan kepada si kaya tersebut.
    Pihak akhbar dan Kerajaan Malaysia harus faham, dunia dah berubah dan maju dengan perbagai perubahan pemikiran manusia masakini.

    Komen negatif yang tidak membina pemikiran manusia menjadikan akhbar sebagai pemikir kelas ketiga malah menjadikan msyarakat di negara ini lebih keliru, kaku dan beku.

    Tambahan pula, ekonomi di negara kita tidak di ketahui bila akan pulih sejak Soros serang matawang Malaysia pada tahun 1997 lagi dan sampai sekarang sebenarnya ekonomi kita masih belum pulih , tenat, tenat dan terus tenat selamanya dan stail ekonomi kembali seperti era 60’an dan 70’an. 2010 , wang besar nilai rendah, 1960’an, wang kecil, nilai besar. Mana anda mahu , fikirkanlah, mana yang anda mau!!!!

    Sekian. Wassalam.


  71. suparjo
    Mar 25, 2010 @ 07:10:13

    Keadaan di iraq ini agak komplek sikit,ada dua golongan besar yang berpengaruh iaitu syiah dan sunnah.golongan sunnah didokong oleh Arab saudi dan amerika sementara golongan syiah di dukungi oleh pihak iran dan sekutunya.Iran dan Arab saudi memang banyak membeli dinar Iraq.Pertentangan antara dua golongan ini menyebabkan RV tertangguh.Apa2 pun selepas tentera Amerika keluar sepenuhnya pada 2011 nanti saya yakin Dinar Iraq akan kembali stabil pada harga yang sepatutnya.Tahniah kepada sesiapa yang membeli tu…pesan saya satu jek jangan lupa bayar zakat.


  72. Razdin HS
    Mar 27, 2010 @ 13:18:01

    Lates News, saya berikan Link carilah sendiri
    (Blog ini kena register dulu) – Adam Montana [Edmonton Canada]


  73. Latif ku
    May 08, 2010 @ 07:09:15

    Mata wang dinar iraq ini memang susah diramal tapi kalau beli sampai IQD100000 bolehlah kalau jadi untung pun besar kalau tak jadi rugipun tak seberapa…. ramal aje


  74. Abd Halim
    May 14, 2010 @ 08:30:12

    Salam ….kata ada news dlm reuters 11/5/2010 IQD akan di apungkan dan not besar akan dihapuskan,Boleh sesiapa ngesahkan berita ini.


  75. mamat
    May 28, 2010 @ 16:38:19

    Saya ada simpan dinar iraq lQD25,000 dan lQD10,000, sekiranya note tersebut nak dihapuskan, apa tindakan yg boleh saya ambil sebelum ianya dihapuskan. Harap tuan tuan yang terlibat secara langsung dalam penjualan lQD ini dapat menerangkan kepada saya mengenainya. tq.


  76. naKata"17"
    Jun 02, 2010 @ 03:49:59

    now da 2/6/10 aDe paPe ciTe pasaL IQD nie ax???


  77. naKata"17"
    Jun 03, 2010 @ 07:35:05

    Menurut info akhbar Timur Tengah, kabinet Iraq akan dibentuk pada pertengahan Jun 2010. Pimpinan lama dan baru Iraq amat mengharapkan dinarnya dinilai semula pada harga paling kurang USD 1.00. Pihak Bank Negara Iraq sedang menimbangkan desakan menaikkan dinarnya. Kenaikan dinar mesti selaras dengan kekuatan ekonominya.

    Satu hal yang cukup menarik ialah Pihak Bank Negera Iraq yang menjual matawangnya setiap bulan sebanyak beratus juta dollar Amerika, telah membuat peruntukkan membeli emas sebagai simpanan dan sokongan atau backup kepada nilai dinarnya. Ini satu langkah yang bijak kerana dengan menjual dinarnya yang berkos murah (kos cetakan sahaja), Iraq telah berjaya mendapat USD untuk membeli emas. Modal utama keyakinan pihak luar kepada Iraq adalah kepada reserve kekayaannya dalam bentuk minyak dan gas. Pada masa kini keluaran minyak Iraq adalah hampir 3 juta tong sehari. Hal ini bersamaan dengan hampir separuh dari jualan Arab Saudi yang menjadi pengekspot utama minyak sebanyak 7 juta tong sehari.

    Mengikut perancangan sedia ada, Iraq sudah pun didatangi oleh pelabur minyak yang cukup mensasarkan pengeluarannya sebanyak 5 juta tong sehari dalam tempoh 5 tahun akan datang. Maka kondisi ini tidak menghairankan jika nilai dinar akan naik ke USD 1.00 jika diapungkan pada bila-bila masa dari sekarang.


  78. rosdhi
    Jun 03, 2010 @ 10:02:49

    Saya ada simpan dinar iraq lQD25,000 , sekiranya note tersebut nak dihapuskan, apa tindakan yg boleh saya ambil sebelum ianya dihapuskan. Harap tuan tuan yang terlibat secara langsung dalam penjualan lQD ini dapat menerangkan kepada saya mengenainya. tq.


  79. naKata"17"
    Jun 03, 2010 @ 14:34:34

    Isu matawang ditukar adalah isu andaian sahaja kerana matawang Iraq kini telah mengikut standard antara bangsa yang diktiraf oleh IMF. Lagi pun Iraq telah mengadakan matawangnya yang kecil iaitu 50 Dinar. Jika dinar naik, maka kerajaan Iraq akan mengadakan matawangnya yang lebih kecil lagi seperti 1/4 dinar. 1/2 dinar atau 1 dinar sepertimana Kuwait juga. Note 25,000 jika mahu ditukar pun akan memberi notis awal selama paling kurang 6 bulan atau 2 tahun untuk ditunaikan atau ditukar.Sepertimana duit kita dulu, Namun jika dinar sudah naik, sememangnya note 25,000 itu pun mahu kita tunaikan. Maka tidak ada isu mahu tukar lagi!!!!niE aPe yG sY daPat daRi akhbar tiMur teNgah…..


  80. mamat
    Jun 04, 2010 @ 07:24:43

    ada kaum kopi pes pertanyaan saya di atas, betul betul kuih punya kaum, kuih, 3 kali


  81. izal
    Jun 22, 2010 @ 05:20:02

    Hari demi hari. bulan demi bulan. tahun demi tahun terus berlalu,betui ke tentang dinar iraq niee….Rambut pun dah mula beruban.Harap-harap benar- benar berlaku hendaknya.


  82. jaula
    Jun 28, 2010 @ 08:55:30

    bangsa asing tengah sibok merancang keuntungan dari pelaburan IQD tapi orang melayu di negara ku masih terkial-kial, masih bertelagah, masih dalam zaman 30 tahun lalu, patutlah bangsa cina dah maju jauh ke depan, bangsa ku masih bangsat melarat…


    • det
      Jul 17, 2010 @ 19:12:55

      bangsa ku bangsa pemalas asyik kena kena dulu swiss cash la ni dinar iraq pula …aku pun dulu main cam ni gak la bisnes sendiri lagi bagus kerja bersungguh-sungguh jgn dok harap nak senang tapi malas buat keja hidup Islam mampus kapitalis


  83. parikui...
    Aug 14, 2010 @ 10:28:16

    sape2 yang dah beli dinar tu jan pla nak trus duk diam jak kat rumah dan tgu kuntungan,jan trlalu mngharap.. buatlah keja usaha yang penting g.. byak bdoa dan bsabar tuk msa dpan kitorang msing2..


  84. Ajae
    Sep 14, 2010 @ 15:44:02

    Investasi memang harus sabar,,,,,
    untung – rugi adalah hal yang wajar,,,,,,,,
    yang penting nawaitu dan selalu berdo’a,,,,,,,,,y gak bro
    makin byk yg berdo’a, mgkin Allah SWT akan mengabulkan dan melimpahkan rahmat-Nya, Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…


  85. Lo_Phunk
    Nov 13, 2010 @ 15:04:59

    beberapa hari lepas saya ada beli dinar berharga 10,000 sejumlah 15 note, ada la dalam RM1050. Saya pun telah diterangkan kepayahan penukaran mata wang asing ini di malaysia. Pada mulanya, saya memang beria-ia untuk mengambil sebanyak 30 unit berjumlah 10,000 dinar…namun sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga, saya hanya ambil separuh je…rugi pun taklah banyak sangat…kalau untung…rezeki la kan…
    bagi saya, selagi kita pegang dinar ini…selagi itu tidak rugi…mana la tahu di masa akan datang, dinar ini boleh ditukar di negara kita..kan sesuatu yang elok tu…cuma sekarang ni, simpan je sebagai koleksi..framekan,dah ada peluang nanti, baru le tukar….
    bukannya kita tiada kerja tetap…cuma worried je kalau nilai dimansuhkan seperti yang diperkatakan 25,000 dinar akan dimansuhkan.sat g kelam kabut cari tempat nak tukar ekekekek….
    ada info saya dapat, wang ni boleh ditukar tapi hanya d singapore …saya tak tahu kesahihannya namun itu lah yang saya dengar…ada kengkawan boleh sebarkan info?


  86. Tol Sg Besi
    Nov 14, 2010 @ 03:18:58


    to Lo_Phunk..
    sedare leh tgk di web **no link pls ..dier org MENJUAL,MEMBELI & MENUKARKAN DINAR IRAQ..sedare leh tanye2 pd mereka


  87. abdul hafiz
    Dec 11, 2010 @ 18:56:50

    eden da ado 15 juta da..takdo bising2…wekkk.kayo denn


    • megu
      Jul 19, 2011 @ 18:31:25

      15 juta ropiah ker?


  88. abdul hafiz
    Dec 11, 2010 @ 18:57:45

    setiap pelaburan ade risiko…jgan la jadi org bodoh..ok..haha


  89. chronic4
    Dec 17, 2010 @ 15:49:57

    pasal dinar iraq ni,yg penakut tu ko dok diam2..yg bangang x reti fikir pn dok diam2..jgn dok nk dengki2 n tunjuk pandai..org2 pandai x menyalak n xde nk bising2..aku pn x pandai dan mungkin kwn2 kata aku bodo sbb aku x pnh x amik peluang even peluang tu wat aku lost yg penting aku x beli no ekor sbb aku tau itu just luck..ko kaji mcm mana pn mmg benda tu xkn logik sbb base on luck..mmg betul org2 yg berani beli dinar iraq ni org2 yg berani amik risiko..mcm aku pn,aku beli selepas aku research..mmg aku pnh rugi dlm internet investment n beberape investment tu semua bg pengajaran supaya aku buat lebih research..dinar iraq ni, ade logiknye value die akan naik cuma kite x tau je bile..korng bkn beli rupiah..kalo korng beli rupiah n tunggu value die naik mmg korng sengal ni iraq..kaya dgn hasil bahan penyimpan dinar iraq ni,kalo value die naik kite untung besar,kalo x naik pn kite still bole teruskn dgn kerja yg kite ade yg kata melayu malas,suruh buat bisnes la semua tu..suggest satu bisnes yg potencial kt sini..kalo setakat MLM lu simpan je k..salam


  90. Mohd Helmy
    Dec 26, 2010 @ 00:51:13


    Ministry of Finance – Iraqi Customs does not permit the entry of IQD currency and will confiscate funds.
    FedEx is not permitted to handle and deliver IQD currency.
    Iraq currency is a national currency only to be used and handled within the Republic of Iraq and not to be used, circulated or handled internationally in anyway.
    For more information about this, feel free to contact us.
    Thank you.
    Ameraq Exchange & Services Group Web Server



    • adiktily
      Dec 26, 2010 @ 11:16:22

      baca blog en. ali mydin….
      kt ctu die sntiasa updated blognye…n korang blh dpt berita semasa dari ctu…
      sy pun salah sorg pengumpul dinar iraq…
      tq n all da best buat pengumpul dinar….insyallah angan2 anda akan jadi kenyataan …..


  91. idam
    Jan 06, 2011 @ 03:35:14

    buat pelaburan emas., potensi 25% setahun . harga emas sedang jatuh di pasaran dan dijangka naik kembali selepas tahun baru cina


  92. jalak lenting
    Jan 06, 2011 @ 15:59:05

    uponyo ali maiden pun dah buka akaun kat iraq ….patut la dio rilex jo…..dio jual cash note kek korang…..duit tu dio simpan dalam akaun…….oooiiiii cordik sunggoh ko ali…..otak ko boleh buat batu cincin la…..nampak gayonya ali tak jadi la dio nak bunuh diri……ha..ha…ha.. padan muko pemegang cash note…terutama yang boli kek dio……dio yang kayo….korang yang papo…….ha..ha…ha….


  93. jalak lenting
    Jan 06, 2011 @ 15:59:33

    ruponyo ali maiden pun dah buka akaun kat iraq ….patut la dio rilex jo…..dio jual cash note kek korang…..duit tu dio simpan dalam akaun…….oooiiiii cordik sunggoh ko ali…..otak ko boleh buat batu cincin la…..nampak gayonya ali tak jadi la dio nak bunuh diri……ha..ha…ha.. padan muko pemegang cash note…terutama yang boli kek dio……dio yang kayo….korang yang papo…….ha..ha…ha….


  94. duke0foren
    Jan 12, 2011 @ 17:24:37

    salam….ala bank negara mmg la ckp mcm 2 penipuanla jgn pecaya la …tapi kite tatau tah2 BNM simpan lg banyak tah berbilion2 iraq dinar ader dorang nk bitau?xkan punye…


  95. nazhasecret
    Jan 12, 2011 @ 18:26:34

    salam all

    ok mmg lama tk mengepost kt blog ni..

    jgn la buat provokasi kt blog ini..komen negative anda tu akn membuatkan pemegang note iqd resah je (sy menerima kol dan sms setiap hari utk menjawab soalan ttg rv iqd n pertukaran , pemansuhan,bukak akaun warka)

    pasal hal fedex ataupun mcm mna nk bawak iqd kuar/tukar tk bole nk jawab coz blum rv kn,tp rasanye teknik mcm mne yg sy dpt iqd dr luar boleh di aplikasikan bila rv nti..walaupun ade 1 blog yg menyediakan pembelian balik iqd dgn kadar yg rendah tp masih bole tukar iqd ni..terpulang pd anda jika ada yg nak jual iqd n nk tukar ke akaun warka

    mmg penantian tu sgt la menyeksakan..berita yg dibaca ttg inflasi yg rendah akan meningkatkan nilai iqd..insya allah

    simpan setakat yg anda mampu utk kehilangan..


  96. veradrix
    Jan 17, 2011 @ 05:31:57

    Renungan semua…

    *1 IQD = 0.002954 sen MYR (pasaran terkini)

    *wang IQD sudah dicetak dengan banyak sekali (serupa Rupiah Indonesia)

    *Iraq kena bangunkan negaranya sendiri ‘start from zero'(sudah ada campur tgn US)

    *Minyak Iraq di intai negara US. (selain tujuan utama perang US/Iraq)


  97. nazari saban
    Jan 20, 2011 @ 04:54:32

    kalau nak keluar RM150 pun takut, guna duit tu pergi beli goreng pisang dan makan, senang buang air. Jangan melalut dalam blog ni. Kalau rugi pun taklah jadi miskin.


  98. jutawan_dinar
    Jan 21, 2011 @ 12:21:49

    ‎411Chloe: 1970moneymaker1970: 11.01 Uhr EST [gankans] That means RV has to have been released! You all are about to witness a new era!

    411Chloe: 1970moneymaker1970: We are seeing history like we have never seen before! I spoke with my contact, and he told me that they are confirming that the RV should be showing up as early as tomorrow!

    411Chloe: 1970moneymaker1970: We are seeing RV of Venez. and we will most likely be able to cash out tomorrow. Several sources are saying that the banks are HOT and ready to cash out. Venezeula as RV’d from what I’m hearing.

    411Chloe: 1970moneymaker1970: I’m so excited for us. My source says they are 100% confident
    [red]that they are starting to receive their packages (payouts)! .[/u[/red]
    411Chloe: 1970moneymaker1970: They also told me that we would see our RV for IQD 24-36 hours after their money was confirmed and starting to be delivered. This was all confirmed yesterday by a very very high source of mine. You all should be extremely happy.

    This weekend our weekend must be easy


  99. Farida
    Jan 21, 2011 @ 17:14:13

    Askm….kepada pemegang IQD….marilah kita sama2 berdoa pd ALLAH banyak2 semoga dinar cepat2 RV….AMINNN….


  100. abad
    Jan 22, 2011 @ 03:26:35

    Assalam…orang yang tak guna akal saja beli IQD terus nak tukar untuk jadi kaya. Tunggulah dulu dengan sabar, insya ALLAH dimakbulkan doa kita semua.Aminn ya robbal a lamjnn..


  101. dinarku
    Jan 25, 2011 @ 14:07:35

    sape2 yg tak beli dinar ni menyesal seumur hidup ler…..skg kat money changer dah buat urusan jual beli…..cuma beli jer rendah…..part jual bukan main mahal lagi dia orang ni jual


  102. Azmi
    Jan 25, 2011 @ 18:16:31

    Ada sesiapa jual..Aku nak beli 1 juta..tolong info.


  103. haji,Shah Alam
    Jan 26, 2011 @ 01:22:39

    Insyaallah….berdoalah…agar semua pemegang duit Iraq dapat Inpak yang sebenarnya sebab dah lama dah….tunggu…jadi …emmang penantian itu satu penyeksaan……


  104. izyan
    Jan 29, 2011 @ 06:45:37

    kalau aku ada dinar iraq tu banyak banyak aku pasti tak jual dah pada orang lain… kalau aku ada banyak untung lagi banyak dan boleh la aku bagi derma pada yang memerlukan dan bukak kulang untuk orang susah kerja dengan aku… cuba pikir balik, apasal diorang beriya iyer sangat nak jual dinar iraq tu pada orang ramai, adakah dia taknak atau dinar tu tak pasti ada harga atau tidak…. jangan pulak nak bagi alasan hanya nak tolong orang melayu… aku tgok orang cina pun banyak jual dinar nie… apa kejadahnyaaaaaa?… aku pun dah naik musykil dah…. aku ada 50k je skarang. itu pun adik aku yang bagi.. aku tunggu je lah apa akan jadi masa akan datang pulak… tapi apa apa hal kita kena pikir perkara yang logik sikit.


    • ayiem
      Jan 30, 2011 @ 06:42:14

      tersangat sokong…….nak invest biarlah cara yang betul…….beli melalui akaun sbg contoh……


  105. onthepagar
    Mar 07, 2011 @ 10:11:56

    salam..pd yg x bminat,mnyampah,x ske or ape2 jela..x prlu la nk provok2 or mcm nk tnjuk pndai..lw x ske snyap2 je..sbb lw ckp pe pon,yg si pnyimpan tetap ngn pndirian just shut ur stinky mouth n carry on ur own life u little jerks. pd si pnyimpan lak,keep on waiting..


  106. wisarmy
    Mar 08, 2011 @ 04:18:14

    As`salam., saya ada kawan mahu jual dinar iraq, patutkah saya beli buat masa sekarang ini lagipun saya tidak tahu menahu status dinar sekarang ini? adakah laku dinar iraq di malaysia jika dijual? blh sesiapa bgi komen…tq


  107. Ahmad faiz
    Mar 08, 2011 @ 19:22:30

    Salam semua,.. disini ramai yang bagi positif dan negatif komen, tapi saya minta tumpang lalu kawan-kawan sekalian nak wat iklan sikit jangan marah tau tumpang cari rezki sedikit kat sini.
    Saya jual dinar iraq

    RM450= 50,00 iqd

    Kalau nak jadi dealer saya boleh jual RM6000 = 1,000 000 iqd

    Sayapun boleh membeli dinar InsyaALLAH tapi dengan harga yang amat murah sekali RM1200 = 1,000 000 iqd

    untuk pertanyaan boleh hubungi saya ahmad faiz (no hp number ok..pls taruk link blog kt bawah nama masa komen or kt nama.tq)
    Tetapi saya akan jual hanya sehingga 23-03-2011 sahaja , selepas dari tarikh tu boleh email saya untuk pertnyaan stock jika ada.
    Kami hanya melakukan COD , sebab penjualan matawang tidak boleh ada delay in time nanti jatuh riba… Kena lakukan secara serentak

    Terima kasih semua kerana bagi peluang untuk saya advertise kat sini,
    p/s- Kalau ada anak-anak melayu kita yang nak melabur atau nak berniaga kalau boleh jangan ada yang bangkang ataupun bagi komen yang negatif, biar saja dia buat business jgn larang, untung ataupun rugi biar dia tanggung sendiri, biar dia tahu erti perit berniaga, so lama kelamaan anak melayu kita akan jadi matang dalam perniagaan, bukan bila anak melayu kita sebutja pasal nak buka perniagaan ramai saja suara sumbang yang halang dan bagi negatif komen, sebab tula banyak product anak melayu sekarang jadi mat rempit, perogol, peragut, perompak, penghisap dadah eh macam-macam “PER” lah…. Kalau orang cina sembang saja bab berniaga tak kirala apa2 jenis perniagaan pun satu family dan bahkan jiran-jiran akan bagi sokongan padu bahkan tak takut langsung untuk hadapi risiko diorang wat business ni macam terjun dari curam yang tinggi tetapi kepala yang jatuh dulu….. sama ada selamat ka tak belakan cerita janji terjun … jumpa batu atau telaga emas dibawah ka lain cerita janji terjun dulu… sebelum terjun tu bawalah sedikit bekalan yerk…. Terima kasih semua…


    • azmi
      Jan 23, 2014 @ 09:59:34

      Salam bro date nk tye same Ade awak masih buat lgi x dinar Iraq says berminat plis col mi 0136776570 tq


  108. Mohd Helmy
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 08:46:07


    Benarkah Ekonomi US akan Collapes???? Bagai mana dengan Matawangnya…???
    Download & Dengarilah Sendiri Apakah Benar Disebalik Cerita Ini????? Dan Apakah Akan Terjadi Dengan Investment Dinar Kita ini ?????


  109. onthepagar
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 09:49:44

    sokong ahmad faiz sgt2..byk melayu yg ske jatuhkan bangse sndiri..
    ske tgk melayu gagal..mentaliti teruk sgt..even adik beradik sndiri pon x bg support,siap kutuk2 lg..even kte x cye pon,xyah la smpai mnjatuhkan org lain least dorg ade usaha n ikhtiar sampingan..susah btol nk buang prsaan hasad,majoriti dlm jiwe org melayu..x slh nk bg nasihat,tp bia la dgn bhase yg elok,.x yh la smpai nk maki2,sndir2,kutuk2..nnti timbul slh fhm..
    bukan nk tnjuk pndai,tp cbe la renung2 kan blk..


  110. Ahmad faiz
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 18:29:57

    untung rugi adat berniaga… janji 1st step yang penting.. mana ada business takda risiko, tak nak risiko tak yah la business dok umah je lar makan gaji
    ( tu pun kalau kerja), cukup umur mati, tidak ada benda yang menyakitkan didalam dunia ni selain menjadi tua dan miskin (tetapi amal ibadah kenala buat juga )… kalau melabur beli umah berjuta2 pun ada risiko, tanah runtuhla,mendapla, bumbung tiris la, retakla, huntedla, vandalism area lah,,, eh macam2 lagila….
    skerang kita melabur dalam currency sesuatu NEGARA, bukannya berniaga kacang kuda or burger, bila duit iraq expect akan naik tetiba ja tak naik ramai orang dah bising2, this is not the monkey business , sedangkan keluarga kita sendiri pun kita susah nak handle kadang2, ni bahkan pula masalah negara bukan senang wooo nak tadbir negara… yang penting sabar… kalau ada rezki adala tu… kalau takda rezkipun takpalah, apa boleh buat, janji kita dah cuba berusaha mencari sedkit rezeki dengan cara ni …


  111. onthepagar
    Mar 10, 2011 @ 08:05:40

    exactly..dh name pon melabur,.untung rugi tu biase la..


  112. nazhasecret
    Mar 15, 2011 @ 05:49:07

    salam semua..sape yg bagi no hp n email promote kt post mmg sy delete/edit..pls taruk kt nama or kt link bawah nama masa post komen ok..sesapa yg deal dgn selain sy,sy tk akan bertanggungjawab..n for ur info pihak kami mmg dh tk jual lg dinar iraq since 2008(yg selepas tu kami hanya deal based on request/serious buyer only)..

    segala pertanyaan yg selalu diulang2 tnya kat komen bole la rujuk kt link OUR FAQ..

    xkira la beli fizikal note or bukak akaun warka online,semuanya ade risiko..n perlu diingatkan risiko mana2 pun ade so if u r not high risk taker tkyah la nak gembang2 sini..

    pasal pertukaran note mmg ade info bole tukar di singapore tp selagi tkde berita yg tepat tkyah la nk risau tk tentu hala..bukan anda sorang je pemegang note fizikal kt sini..insya allah bila smpai masa nye nti,akan dikongsi info2 utk kita sama2..selagi tkde info yg sohih simpan je la setakat mampu..mana tau masa tu nti ade MC/Bank yg dh bole tukar iqd ni

    jgn la tumpu pd dinar iraq je as a investment..pelbagaikan la investment jangka masa pjg..mcm hartanah,public mutual n emas..emas yg bar n dinar/syiling pun salah satu investment jangka masa sederhana/panjang

    mcm sy,sy pilih public mutual n emas sebagai alternatif investment lain..sambil2 tunggu iqd naik (insya allah kalau ade rezeki),cari la peluang yg lain pulak utk menambahkan akaun masing2


  113. Abdah
    Mar 23, 2011 @ 02:10:54

    Assalam semua..kepada penyimpan IQD Sabar, sabarlah dah tak lama lagi tu, insya ALLAH


    • mr. dido
      Mar 23, 2011 @ 16:11:03

      harap2 kputusan yg aku buat ni btol.. tringin jgak nk rse idop snang skit.. da pnat sush pyah, keje kampung, sawah padi, menoreh getah, keje da keras, lg keras dri org yg bkak bisnes,so, istilah PEMALAS N TAMAK tu, pkir2kn lah blik.. hrap2 iraq diar mlonjak dlam buln 4 ni.. aminnn….


  114. IQDD
    Mar 29, 2011 @ 17:49:54

    Berita Baik…Dinar Iraq Akan RV Pada Bulan April Ini..

    Dua hari lalu, saya menerima berita gembira daripada kontraktor Malaysia yang bermesyuarat dengan kerajaan Iraq, bahawa Dinar Iraq kemungkinan besar akan diapungkan (RV) pada bulan April 2011. Diulangi..akan diapungkan pada bulan 4 tahun ini. (tapi taklah 100 peratus kesahihannya). Selain daripada perkhabaran gembira ini, terdapat juga beberapa penanda aras bahawa Dinar Iraq akan diapungkan tak lama lagi..

    Ini penanda arasnya :

    1) Perkembangan politik di Asia Barat kini lebih memihak kepada RV. Ketika ini, semua pemerintah dan raja Arab takut dengan kuasa rakyat sepertimana yang berlaku di Mesir dan Tunisia (sekarang ni merebak kat Libya dan Bahrain). Di Iraq sendiri, ada demontrasi seperti di Mesir yang menyebabkan 14 mati minggu lepas. Mereka tuntut agar kerajaan buat revolusi dalam ekonomi dan kehidupn mereka. (yelah kalau nak pergi melancong, kena bayar harga mahal..bayangkan datang ke Malaysia, kena jadi jutawan dulu sebelum dapat beli tiket kapal terbang yang harganya ribuan ringgit)

    Jadi nak tak nak, pemerintah Iraq akan apungkan mata wang mereka demi ‘menyejukkan’ kuasa rakyat ini.

    2) Harga minyak akan naik sekali lagi. Dan dengan desakan rakyat baru-baru ini, takkanlah kerajaan Iraq tak naikkan harga minyak mereka. Takkanlah nak jual minyak dengan harga yang murah. Secara faktanya, Iraq adalah pengeluar minyak yang kedua terbanyak di dunia selepas Arab Saudi. Simpanan atau rizab minyak mereka sahaja ada $10 TRILLION USD (belum digali). Jadi takkanlah nak biarkan negara mereka miskin. Kurang-kurang pun kena maju walaupun tak setanding Arab Saudi (yang ada menara jam paling tinggi) dan Qatar (yang memiliki bangunan paling tinggi di Dunia)

    3) Perdana Menteri Iraq, Nuri al-Maliki desak menteri kabinetnya buat perubahan dalam masa 100 hari selepas demontrasi minggu lepas ( ini beritanya

    Rakyat Iraq bangkit kerana menuntut kerajaannya mempercepatkan usaha-usaha untuk lengkapakan prasarana negara mereka.

    Maknanya kena selesai semuanya dalam masa 3 bulan..bulan 4 kena RV. Memang syok kita semua.

    4) Parlimen Iraq telah luluskan 93 Bilion Dinar Iraq dalam bajet 2011 mereka. Bajet yang paling tinggi ini didorong oleh kenaikan harga minyak dalam pasaran dunia. Peningkatan jumlah bajet ini menunjukkan bahawa ekonomi negara Iraq sedang alami perubahan dan ia berita baik untuk matawang Dinar Iraq RV tak lama lagi..

    5) Iraq akan mengadakan Sidang Kemuncak Liga Arab 29 Mac ni. Untuk tunjukkan kepada dunia bahawa mereka sudah berubah, maka sudah tentu Dinar Iraq ini akan diapungkan dan mungkin diumumkan pada masa sidang kemuncak ini..(manatahu kalau Nuri Al Maliki nak popular cepat..)
    6) Maklumat daripada money changer di Timur Tengah ( yang berurusan direct dengan CBI), kemungkinan besar dinar akan diapungkan tak lama lagi.

    Apapun kita doakan agar Dinar diapungkan secepat mungkin. Kalau ia berlaku pada bulan 4 ini. Tentu ramai yang akan bergelar jutawan segera. Tak payah banyak, RV 0.30 USD pun dah cukup. Siapa yang ada simpan 1 juta dinar Iraq, boleh untung dalam 300,000 USD. Tukar ke ringgit, untung dalam rm 930,000. Woww..itu baru rv 0.30 usd. Kalau 3.00 USD sama sebelum perang dulu?? Bak kata pikirlah sendiri…


  115. Sirlah
    Apr 04, 2011 @ 02:04:25

    Insya ALLAH… marilah kita sama-sama berdoa semoga kita semua akan mendapat apa yang diimpikan setelah sekian lama kitqa bersabar. Amminnnn……Orang yang beriman perlu banyak bersabar.


  116. jagindas6
    Apr 10, 2011 @ 20:07:30

    sy juga mmiliki dinar ni,juz nak kongsi info sikit je…
    1)perihal spekulasi EON BANK n HONG LEONG BANK(KL),pegawai dari 2 bank ini menasihati pemegang iqd agar tggu berita gembira dari iraq minggu ini.
    2)barrack obama didesak oleh pelbagai pihak agar luluskan bajet US 2011 pada 8 april ini,WTO akan bersidang 7 april,samada iraq dterimasbg ahli atau tidak.maka 8 april bajet US bakal diluluskan….INSYAALLAH…


  117. IQDD
    Apr 11, 2011 @ 06:30:10


    * Admin Just4Dinar: Just4Dinar 4/9/11
    April 9th, 2011 10:07 pm · Posted in DOOZIES

    Watch this coming Thursday….as The debt clock will tell the tale.
    Watch the debt clock. In order to close the acct, it has to be EMPTY!
    Thurs night, they will be at ZERO. Remember that the clock is moving at 2 bill a day.
    They COULDN’T shut down before , they still had money left in the acct!! That’s why they “extended” it to Thursday!!!
    Ministers will be officially announced, RV FRI or shortly afterwards, banks and FOREX get the memo, then cash in.

    This is open and shut. Its numbers, not INTEL.

    US budget ends the 15th (HUGE)

    UN Basket of RV’d currencies posts the 15th

    “The Arab Summit is scheduled for May 15th and it is to be hosted in Baghdad. Iraq is spending amazing amounts of money redoing the roads from the airport and redoing all of the 5 star hotels in order to impress their brother nations at the summit. Also, in order to be admitted as a full member, it has to have a trade able currency (at least) 30 days prior to the summit itself (that would be April 15th).”

    Emancipation Day – April 15th (freedom!)

    In 2011, Washington, D.C., will celebrate Emancipation Day on April 15, a day earlier than normal, since April 16 falls on a Saturday. Emancipation Day marks the anniversary of the day that President Lincoln signed the Compensated Emancipation Act. The Act, which was “for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbia,” freed 3,100 slaves in the District, making DC residents the “first freed” by the federal government. In 2005, Emancipation Day was made an official public holiday in the District of Columbia.

    In observance of the DC holiday, Tax Day will be moved forward one business day, this year landing it on Monday, April 18. That’s the date your form has to be either submitted electronically or postmarked by for your tax return to be considered timely filed by the IRS.”

    – Govt shuts down FRI, Apr 15th
    – Govt is completely Bankrupt
    – RV at April 14th at MIDNIGHT
    – Apr 15th is EMANCIPATION Day
    – CBI is CLOSED on FRI the 15th (Holy Day)
    – Apr 18th the new system begins
    This “theory” fits with the DEBT CLOCK.

    REVALUATION OF IRAQI DINAR – April 15th or shortly afterwards.


  118. jagindas6
    Apr 11, 2011 @ 11:37:47

    IQDD:malay pleaz,kurang faham la….


  119. Mohd Helmy
    Apr 13, 2011 @ 11:29:36

    The central bank about to put the final touches on the draft to three zeros of
    the Iraqi dinar

    13/04/2011 ad-11: 19 AM

    The Iraqi Central Bank declared, Tuesday, that is about to end of the draft to
    three zeros from the currency, pointing out that the project is strategically,
    will be submitted to the prime minister, if it is completed.

    The central bank’s advisor said the appearance of Muhammad Saleh, in an
    interview to “Sumerian News”, that ” the draft الاصفار to three of the dinar is
    a strategic project and the central bank is about to put the final touches to
    the draft, the idea of theory into practice, close to an end, will be submitted
    to the ministers and MPs.”
    Saleh said that “This project will reduce the cost of transactions and
    carrying money”, adding that ” Iraq is about to produce 6 to 12 million barrels
    of oil, which would impact on development and increase the value of the dinar
    The Iraqi central bank adviser said that ” the bank achieved three things over
    the last period, as was first to build reserves from zero to 50 billion
    dollars, in the meantime, the past five years to reduce inflation rates mainly
    to 34 percent from 4, or 3 percent, stability in dinar exchange Iraq.”
    The Iraqi central bank adviser was the appearance of Mohamed Saleh, said in a
    previous interview to “Sumerian News”, the bank’s readiness to remove الاصفار
    from the Iraqi currency, pointing out that الاصفار, which was added to the
    Iraqi currency in the last period accounted for a huge cash block at 27
    trillion Iraqi dinars.
    On the other hand, adviser to the Iraqi central bank, that “Iraq was for the
    first time the system of payments between banks and the transition to the
    electronic clearing away from hand and in which six banks and exchange
    instruments inter-bank electronic will link the Smart Card credit with the
    central bank,” he said.
    He continued that ” the central bank will be three years after the so-called
    the payments, which sets out protocols-is the infrastructure of Iraq.”
    لمتخصصين Was preceded by Iraqis in the area of the economy that have played
    down the impact of the central bank should be deleted zeros of the purchasing
    power of the Iraqi dinar, and the government hopes for such a step, and
    researchers believe that the cost of the الاصفار will be the largest of the
    benefit, considering that currency strength measured its stability, which is
    based on the strength of the productive sector capable of the provision of
    goods and services.

    P/s: Dah berbunyi balik dah… pasal penghapusan 3 angka sifar…. tetapi kali ini bunyinya semacam serius sahaja… 🙂 🙂


  120. Mohd Helmy
    Apr 13, 2011 @ 11:41:32

    Iraq Central Bank to remove three zeroes from Iraqi Dinar

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011 09:58 GMT Iraq’s Central Bank announced on Tuesday that the project of Iraqi Dinar re-denomination consisting of removing three zeroes is close to completion.

    The re-denomination project is believed to be a strategic plan that will be passed to the ministerial council and Parliament once complete.

    The plan to remove three zeroes from the Iraqi Dinar is a strategic plan that the central bank is currently finalizing, Central Bank’s advisor Mothahhar Mohammed Saleh said in a statement to Alsumaria News.

    This plan aims to alleviate transactions cost and help people carry less money, Saleh said noting that Iraq seeks to produce 6 to 12 oil barrels which is expected to increase the value of Iraqi dinar and boost development, he said.

    Iraq’s central Bank has managed during the past five years to reduce inflation rates from 34% to 3 or 4% and stabilize Iraqi Dinar exchange, the Central Bank’s adviser told Alsumaria News.


    P/s: pada sesiapa yg sudah mempunyai Account Bank Di Iraq…Sama ada anda membuka account bank melalui saya atau pun tidak Syabas saya ucapkan…kerana itulah jalan yg terbaik untuk membuat investment.


  121. Mohd Helmy
    Apr 13, 2011 @ 11:44:46

    Maaf link yg saya berikan tadi salah… dibawah ini adalah link yg betul. 🙂


  122. Zaimi
    Apr 13, 2011 @ 15:19:09

    “P/s: pada sesiapa yg sudah mempunyai Account Bank Di Iraq…Sama ada anda membuka account bank melalui saya atau pun tidak Syabas saya ucapkan…kerana itulah jalan yg terbaik untuk membuat investment.”

    *admin deleted sila guna penggunaan bahasa yg elok.tq ..wooooo..dia nk gempak kat org yg beli fizikal dinar iraq??come on man, 1 dunia beli dinar iraq..bkn sng dia nk hapuskan 3 zeros dlm masa yg singkat without giving certain period..or in other mean, removing 3 zeros is floating the dinar rate 3 step to the right mean current 1 IQD=0.000848542 USD become 1 IQD=0.848542 USD..who agree??


    • Mohd Helmy
      Apr 14, 2011 @ 15:29:36

      Jangan Over Confidence…Bro.. Iraq Bukannya Bodoh…dengan sewenang2nya nak bagi semua orang yg memegang duitnya kaya sekelip mata…macam nielah aku bagi contoh… kau andaikan kau adalah PM iraq…kau rasa berbaloi ker kau nak beri khazanah negara kau pada orang luar????? dengan hanya menyimpan duit mereka???? dah tentu tidak kan!!!! . perlu diingankan Iraq pasti akan menggunakan sistem stop loss untuk membendung kerugian negaranya…dengan pelbagai cara…& kaedah diantaranya

      i) dengan menutup sempadanya selama 72 jam , dan rakyat Iraq disuruh mendepositkan kesemua cash note kedalam bank,dan duit mereka akan ditukarkan dengan Cash note Yg baru… selepas 72jam cash note dinar iraq yg lama tak ubah nilainya seperti note sadam hussin.

      ii) Kemungkinan Iraq akan mengapungkan matawangnya pada nilai IQD1 = USD 0.01,di mana CBI akan memberi tempoh selama Min 30 hari @ 6 bulan untuk memanggil semula kesemua cash notenya yg berada diserata dunia, setelah sampai tempohnya, cash note dinar Iraq yg anda simpan X laku so kalau anda menyimpan dinar iraq sebanyak IQD 1,000,000 anda akan mendapat USD 10,00 bersamaan RM: 30,+++ . dan selepas dari itu barulah nilai dinar akan meningkat sedikit demi sedikit atau pun terus melonjak keparas asalnya.

      itu sebab aku katakan yg dah ada account bank diirak selamat… sebab duit yg berada didalam bank tidak mempunyai tempo penukaran… kerana duit tersebut akan bertukar secara automatik.dan mereka2 yg mempunyai duit didalam account bank diiraq tak payah nak risau… sebab mereka berpeluang untuk menikmati nilai dinar iraq pada nilai yg tinggi.

      so..kesimpulannya bro…tak perlu nak maki2 kat dalam fourm…sebab dengan menggunakan bahasa2 yg kurang baik…orang dapat menilaikan ilmu pengetahuan anda cetek…. so kalau x setuju pun ngan pendapat saya… kan kita boleh berhujah!!!! 🙂 🙂 😛


      • jagindas6
        Apr 14, 2011 @ 16:48:35

        lg 1 nk tnye lpas die da bsidang n bt kputusan utk mmbuang angka 0 2,maybe diowg akan amik mase lg utk laksane kan kputusan 2 kan?xkan la gitu cpt diowg nk rv…

      • Mohd Helmy
        Apr 14, 2011 @ 17:05:51


        Iraq akan membuat RV serta merta..tampa berlengah…selepas mendapat persetujuan dari semua pihak yg berkepentingan di IRAQ.contoh yg amat terbaik saya bagi adalah singapura… hari ini singapura dah RV kan matawangnya…

        P/s: tiada angin tiada ribut yg diharap2kan dinar iraq RV….. rupa2nya Singapura terdahulu yg mengambil langkah untuk me revalue kan matawangnya…”ADAKAH SELEPAS SINGAPURA INI IRAQ AKAN MENYUSUL ??????? WALLAHUALAM”. 🙂 🙂

    • sharin
      Apr 20, 2011 @ 17:36:37

      slm tuan blh sy tumpang tanya skt mcm mana ye kalau saya nak buka acc bnk iraq?


  123. jagindas6
    Apr 14, 2011 @ 16:33:04

    lek2,jgn gado,kite sume mngharapkan bende yg same,maybe ade yg hyper tension cz da lame sgt tggu bile iqd nk rv,tp pape pown kputusanye kite kene r trime dgn redha,sume nie da trsurat so tawaqqal je pdNye…


  124. Mohd Helmy
    Apr 14, 2011 @ 16:35:14

    CBE: Council of Representatives decides to raise zeros from currency


  125. jagindas6
    Apr 14, 2011 @ 16:40:49

    helmy:comfirmke dey allz akan bg mase 3 bulan lpas rv?nthen note yg akan dtukarkan juz note 25k je kan?n i hope kalo ade ape2 info tlg la update kat blog nie,tataw nk rujuk kat mne lg daa….


    • Mohd Helmy
      Apr 14, 2011 @ 16:44:04


      buat pengetahuan anda… bukan hanya note 25K sahaja… malah ke semua jenis note…ini disebabkan ada penambahan bahasa pada note yg baru… iaitu bahasa KURDIS.


      • jagindas6
        Apr 14, 2011 @ 16:51:54

        o i see,kalo ade pape info plz la update kat sini cz da tataw mne nk rujuk lg…mne la tau kot2 da rv n then sy x taw,x ke naye sy smpan iqd ni lame2…

      • Mohd Helmy
        Apr 14, 2011 @ 16:57:57

        Insyallah… saya akan cuba updatekan news yg penting2 aje… yg tak berapa penting saya buat untuk tatapan saya sahaja.. :-):-)

  126. Mohd Helmy
    Apr 14, 2011 @ 16:45:39

    In Depth Explanation About Iraq’s Currency Redenomination and Exchangeability

    “It has long been the opinion of many Iraqi Dinar investors that the Iraqi Government must introduce new lower denominations into their economy before the value of their currency increases.”

    There have been a tremendous number of inquiries about the recent news that Iraq will be increasing the value of their currency and, at the same time, introduce new denominations into the Iraqi economy sometime in 2010 (currently planned). Specifically, it has been reported that the Iraq Finance Minister issued a statement saying they have prepared a plan to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar and will introduce 25, 10, 5, 1, 1/2, ¼, and smaller (possibly 1/10 or 1/20) dinar banknotes and/or coins.

    He said that successful fiscal policies pursued in Iraq have contributed to increasing the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, noting that the U.S. Dollar dropped significantly in value during the current year. Of note, he also said in a press statement that the bank has been following with great interest the phenomenon of low demand for the U.S. Dollar in the local Iraqi currency exchange markets.

    Mudhhir Muhammad Salih, a member of a Central Bank advisory panel, said by the end of 2010, new banknotes will be fully introduced while the current banknotes will be gradually removed from circulation. He did not specify when the new banknotes would be issued. Both (current and new) denominations will be legal tender in Iraq until the current banknotes are completely withdrawn over a period of time. Economic analyst Hilal al-Tahhan was quoted as saying “the bank’s move is overdue.”

    He said he expects the currency change to go smoothly because of the decision to allow both the current and new banknotes to coexist during an extended exchange period, leading to less turbulence in the economy. What does all this mean? Overall, this news appears to be very positive and possibly points to some significant changes in the value of the Iraqi Dinar.

    It has long been the opinion of many Iraqi Dinar investors that the Iraqi Government must introduce new lower denominations into their economy before the value of their currency increases. If the value (buying power) of the dinar increases significantly or rapidly, the larger denominations currently in circulation would be impractical for use during everyday transactions in the Iraqi economy.

    If the Iraqi Dinar increased in value to 10 cents (.1 USD), the smallest banknote in Iraqi would have a value of $5 USD. There would no practical way to purchase everyday items in the economy and no way to make change—the currency would be impractical and unusable. If a soda in Iraq has a value of 50 cents now, it will still have a value of 50 cents if the value of the dinar increases—there has to be a denomination in the Iraq economy to pay for it.

    The current problem is that Iraq doesn’t have any currency in circulation to pay for normal day-to-day products if the dinar rises significantly in value—Iraq must have smaller denominations moving forward. Also from the recent news, it appears as though all denominations (current and soon to be issued) will be in circulation at the same time and no immediate exchange will be necessary. Hopefully, the Iraqi Dinar will be on the world exchange market soon to allow for even easier exchange in the near future.

    Expectations are that Iraq is moving as fast as they can to rebuild their economy and wealth, and join the international economic community. There have also been rumors about the future exchangeable value of some current Iraqi banknote denominations, and limited time periods for exchange of current Iraqi banknotes. It has been falsely rumored that perhaps the 25,000 dinar banknote will be exchanged at a different exchange rate than current smaller Iraqi banknotes.

    Another false rumor suggests there will be a very short period (days or weeks) of exchange for the current Iraqi banknotes after a significant change of value and introduction of lower denominations . Well, to address these rumors, let’s look at currency from a basic level: Countries issue their own currency.

    They issue their currency with a responsibility to honor it and redeem it. The currency must be accounted for. When a country issues currency (the US as an example), they borrow against the currency and issue debt to support it. The US recently printed a significant amount of currency in order to finance stimulus funding.

    In order to do this, the US government had to borrow the money with an obligation to pay it back. One of the main functions of the US Treasury Department is to manage the U.S. national debt (the amount of money which the federal government owes to its creditors).

    China owns much of our debt as do US citizens and other countries—we must honor our issued currency and our debt. If a country doesn’t honor its debt, creditors (other countries and investors) lose faith in the defaulting country and a country will end up in financial ruins. Iraq, as a responsible member of the world economic community with a goal of getting their currency online with the rest of the world currencies, has issued currency with an obligation to honor it—-all of it—not just certain denominations.

    Throughout modern history, I can’t think of one instance where a country honored some denominations , but not others—it doesn’t make sense—people and other countries would lose faith in that country’s responsibility to respect their debt and honor their issued currency—who would trade with them, exchange with them, or conduct business with them?

    To limit the time period for currency exchange in order to force the de-valuation of currency in circulation in order to reduce debt doesn’t happen and wouldn’t be tolerated by the world financial community. Countries have to be accountable for all of their currency and they can’t play games with exchange time lines to try and prevent people for exchanging.


    • jagindas6
      Apr 14, 2011 @ 16:56:49

      kawan nie BI x la pndai sgt,translate plz…


      • Mohd Helmy
        Apr 14, 2011 @ 17:08:42

        anda hanya perlu copy & pastekan semua artikal dalam BI ke dalam link di bawah ini…. 🙂|ms|

  127. Mohd Helmy
    Apr 14, 2011 @ 17:45:45

    American Contractor

    13 April 2011

    There are a few points and observations that the American Contractor would like to make in reference to the Central Bank of Iraq and what the esteemed Dr. Shabibi is currently doing. First, Dr. Shabibi has not given any interviews on Iraqi TV discussing the topic of the Iraqi Currency in recent weeks nor months. Dr. Shabibi refrains from making any public statements to any media and only allows his Public Relations Rep to handle those topics which are sensitive in nature. When it comes to Iraq, it seems that any kind of trivial comment snowballs into an out of control rumor. Just to clarify and make it clear, the Central Bank of Iraq is not shredding the Iraqi Dinar as some would like to suggest and imply.

    There is absolutely no truth to this rumor.

    The Arab League Summit will commence on 10 and 11 May and will be held inside the International Zone, formerly the green zone. Iraq is making some progress with continuing to clean up the streets and remove t-walls that lined up the streets. The GoI has several construction projects currently going such as apartments and hotels, all inside the International Zone. The Iraqi National Investment Board has recently stated that it has plans for investment in the next five years and has a budget of 180 billion dollars to spend.

    The Agricultural Bank in Dhi Qar has announced that they will begin the service of issuing loans to Iraqi Farmers however, one problem exists. The Agriculture bank is requiring (like all banks in Iraq currently are) the collateral guarantee for the loan. This would be the deed to the farmers property and only when it is verified will the farmer be issued a loan. Unfortunately, there is a large percentage of Iraqi’s that have defaulted on their bank loans in recent months.

    In other news, a Central Bank of Iraq spokesperson, Mohammed Saleh stated in an article from the Alsumaria News that the project of removing the three zero’s is very close to being complete. The Central Banks plan will be reviewed by the Council of Ministries and then voted on by the Iraqi Parliament. After all this transpires, the Iraqi citizens will be educated about the new currency and it’s process of distribution. It is important to note that this re-denomination will have no effect on the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar.

    This is not a LOP and definitely NOT the RV that everyone has been speculating about and watching for the last eight years. Do not misconstrue this as any form of my being negative, I am simply putting forth the facts and explaining it how it has been made to all of us here as also reported in the news.

    Here’s an interesting tidbit. What most people do not know, but for the longest time, Iraqi merchants have already removed three zeros from prices of their goods inside their stores. For example, a can of coke in Iraq will cost you approximately 500 dinar. They now remove the two zero’s and the selling price is .50 usd. However, If you give an Iraqi merchant a $1.00 usd the Iraqi merchant will not give you back any change. They will keep your one dollar for the purchase of the can of coke. That’s just a policy they’ve seemed to be doing for awhile now.

    In regards to the 52nd Iraqi Parliament session. Well, it was completed that part is true. However, it did not meet in secret as some are suggesting and implying. The Parliament attendance has yet to have the full 325 members. Some just will not attend solely because the government security does not allow them to carry their personal weapons inside the government building. This will be ongoing.

    Other Central Bank News

    The Central Bank is encouraging private banks to start merging or partnering with other banks in Iraq. However, there is a problem with most of the private banks. They do not want to relinquish control to the partnered bank. Most of the private Iraqi banks are family owned.

    There are 27 privately owned banks in Iraq and half of these banks do not have 75 billion dinars in capital. How does anyone expect these banks to fund the reconstruction of Iraq?

    Iraq commercial debts will be paid within the next year with the help of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank according to the Mohammed Saleh of Central Bank of Iraq. I’ve stated before the Development Fund for Iraq will be the same as it is today just under a different name and still held in the Federal Reserve of New York.


  128. jagindas6
    Apr 16, 2011 @ 16:15:59

    salam admin nazhasecret…

    *Nape da lame x update ape2 info?
    *adakah page ni x di gunapakai lagi?
    *sy amat memerlukan info2 terkini ttg iqd nie…
    *kerjasame dr pihak admin teramat2lah sy hargai…


    • nazhasecret
      Apr 19, 2011 @ 22:32:38


      semua page n info dlm blog ni dibuat since dr 2006 lg..skang ni blog ni digunakan utk sama2 share info,news terkini di ruangan komen..bkn utk promote

      semua info terkini mostly rumuors yg sama je,utk yg pemegang note fizikal sama2 la berdoa n nantikan jika ade rezeki

      **yg ade akaun warka tk semestinya tkde risiko,semua investment ade risiko kecik atau besar..bila dh berada dlm ni,semuanya akan berisiko kan


  129. Mohd Helmy
    Apr 16, 2011 @ 16:18:17

    Million Iraqi marchers tell US get out of our country by end of 2011 or else
    14 April 2011

    If the US does not leave Iraq by the end of 2011, resistance leaders say they will escalate the military and peaceful opposition and turn Baghdad into a giant Tahrir Square.

    Share |
    By Pepe Escobar
    Asia Times
    13 April 2011

    Heeeeeee’s back! Every time Iraqi nationalist Shi’ite cleric/politician Muqtada al-Sadr resurfaces with a bang, the United States establishment shakes like a willow tree, while US corporate media duly dusts off the usual “radical, anti-American, Iran-friendly firebrand cleric” rhetoric.

    Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq was finished eight years ago this past Saturday; Shi’ite Sadrists and most Sunnis regard April 9 as the ignominious day Iraq was annexed by Washington. Iraq is that Arab nation that was under a no-fly zone for a decade – and then had almost all of its society and infrastructure smashed by the Pentagon (neo-conservative Washington dreamed of rebuilding it, for a profit).

    So this is what the Sadrists sent as a gift card to the “liberators”; you’d better leave our land by the end of 2011, for good, as agreed. Or else one of the Pentagon’s ultimate nightmares will be back; a revived, revamped Mahdi Army unleashing guerrilla tactics.

    Muqtada’s gift card message – he continues to study theology in the Iranian holy city of Qom – was delivered via his spokesman Salah al-Obaidi and backed up by a million-man-march across Baghdad. The masses came from all over Iraq’s south and from Diyala province to the east (the crowds were smaller because security closed off streets and bridges leading to the rally, near a US military base.)

    The message came like clockwork, just one day after Pentagon head Robert Gates visited northern Iraq to convince the Nuri al-Maliki government to, well, keep occupying the country to an indefinite future. By then, the US State Department had already announced it wanted to keep an army of mercenaries and what could amount to thousands of bureaucrats in the largest US Embassy in the world. The mercenaries allegedly will protect the bureaucrats. Talk about American exceptionalism.

    According to Muqtada, “The first thing we will do is escalate the military resistance activity and reactivate the Mahdi Army in a new statement which will be published later … Second is to escalate the peaceful and public resistance through sit-ins.” So if the US stays, Muqtada will turn Baghdad into a giant Tahrir Square – with the added bonus of commandos turning the Green Zone red and condemning contractors to road-kill status. The great 2011 Arab revolt keeps reinventing itself in myriad ways.

    Anyone who seriously bet years ago that Washington would pull no punches to edit the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) it signed with Iraq must have reached Wall Street investment banker status by now.

    The SOFA was signed by former president George W Bush in November 2008. According to the text, the whole of the US military, plus their civilian personnel, must exit Iraq by December 31, 2011, at midnight. If Washington does not honor the agreement, the US will be technically at war with Iraq – as in US soldiers illegally deployed without the consent of the US Congress.

    There’s absolutely no evidence this SOFA will be amended before the deadline, although Maliki’s government, under extreme pressure, could always ask the Barack Obama administration to extend the occupation. But for this, Maliki needs the Sadrists – which are part of the government.

    So Muqtada’s message is actually a stern warning to Maliki. And by the way, this is not only about 47,000 US boots off the ground; it’s about the end of the Iraq chapter of the US empire of military bases (other rallies went on Saturday near US bases in Kirkuk, Dhi Qar, and al-Asad base in Anbar province).

    No wonder both the Obama administration and the Pentagon are on red alert. Vice President Joe Biden urgently called Maliki after Gates left Iraq to keep up the pressure. Iraqi parliamentarians, for their part, stress any extension would have to be approved by parliament. And Muhammad Salman, from the Sunni Iraqiya party (most Sunnis are Iraqi nationalists who also want the US out) has already talked about a popular referendum.

    The SOFA itself was supposed to be approved by referendum (it never happened). In a nutshell, the only players who want the US to stay are the military in Iraqi Kurdistan – who fear they may be overpowered by Iraqi Arabs.

    Essentially, Washington is bewildered in its reaction to the House of Saud’s power-play in Bahrain – a ruthless counter-revolution imposing its intolerant/repressive/militaristic brand of Sunni Islam over Shi’ites all across the Gulf. The anger felt by Gulf Shi’ites is shared by Iraqi Shi’ites; but from that to assume that Iran will increase its influence with them is not a given. The Maliki government is close to Iran – but that does not imply that without US boots on the ground Baghdad will become a Tehran protectorate.

    Shi’ite Iraqis also routinely accuse wealthy Wahhabis from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of having funded hardcore Sunni guerrillas during the civil war in Iraq between 2005 and 2007 (a claim I confirmed at the time in Baghdad).

    Most of all, Washington worries about the future of the US 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Judging by the Saudi power-play, it does not seem the base is going anywhere else; even if it did, bets can be made that Qatar or the UAE would be more than happy to welcome it.

    The bottom line is that the majority of Iraqis, Sunnis and Shi’ites want the US to pack up and go on December 31. In the unlikely event Baghdad would want air security (against whom? The House of Saud?), the US could come up with an arrangement out of the al-Udeid base in Qatar. The Maliki government is not suicidal; forget about a SOFA extension. As of December 31, 2011, the tragic Iraqi chapter of the US worldwide empire of bases may be finally over.


  130. hida
    Apr 29, 2011 @ 06:33:14

    kat maner leh beli dinar iraq ni lg?


  131. major
    May 02, 2011 @ 08:47:56

    saya berpendapat iraq akan rv mungkin pada bulan jun 2011..kemungkinan sahaja..

    en helmy sila bagi pendapat anda mengenai artikel di bawah ini..
    Expected Council Action • Background • Key Issues • Options • Council and Wider Dynamics • UN Documents • Other SCR Reports on this Issue
    Expected Council Action
    A report from Iraq is expected in early May on its plans for a new mechanism that will enable the scheduled termination of the DFI to take place. At time of writing, no briefing or Council action was scheduled.
    top • full forecast
    Resolution 1483 in 2003 established the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) to meet Iraq’s humanitarian and economic reconstruction needs following the fall of the Saddam regime in 2003. The DFI was provided with immunities to prevent creditors from seizing Iraqi oil revenue and financial assets. It holds the proceeds of petroleum export sales from Iraq as well as balances from other frozen Iraqi funds.
    Resolution 1905 in 2009 extended the DFI and related immunities for another year and called on Iraq to establish an action plan and timeline to ensure the transition to a post-DFI mechanism by the end of 2010. This deadline was then further extended by the Council in resolution 1956 at a high-level meeting on Iraq held on 15 December 2010.
    Resolution 1956:
    •terminated, as of 30 June 2011, the DFI and the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB) that monitors the DFI;
    •welcomed Iraq’s decision not to request any further extensions of DFI financial immunities and decided on a final extension of immunities until 30 June;
    •affirmed that 5 percent of the proceeds from all export sales of petroleum would continue to be deposited into the compensation fund established by resolution 687 (1991);
    •called on Iraq to work closely with the Secretary-General to finalise the transition to a post-DFI mechanism by 30 June, including putting in place external auditing arrangements;
    •requested Iraq to provide the Council with a written report by 1 May on progress made on transitioning to a post-DFI mechanism, as well as written confirmation once the transfer of funds from the DFI to the successor mechanism is complete; and
    •requested the Secretary-General to provide ongoing written reports to the Council every six months on compliance with making required deposits to the compensation fund, beginning by 1 January 2012.
    top • full forecast
    Key Issues
    The key issue for the Council is whether progress made by Iraq in transitioning to a post-DFI mechanism appears to be satisfactory.
    top • full forecast
    Options for the Council include:
    •taking no action at present while continuing to monitor Iraq’s transition to a post-DFI mechanism throughout June;
    •using the May benchmark as an occasion to issue a press statement (perhaps congratulating Iraq on its progress if appropriate or encouraging continued progress); or
    •an informal meeting to assess progress with the other outstanding issues such as the outstanding matters between Iraq and Kuwait.
    top • full forecast
    Council and Wider Dynamics
    It seems most Council members continue to feel that progress made by Iraq in meeting its international obligations should be assessed regularly throughout the year. In particular, the resolutions and statement adopted by the Council in December call on Iraq to ratify the IAEA Additional Protocol and make progress on issues with Kuwait. While resolution 1956 is viewed as an important step that provides final direction on establishing a DFI-successor mechanism, most Council members do not seem to foresee any significant problems with Iraq’s completing the transition by 30 June.
    The US is the lead country on Iraq issues in general, and the UK is the lead on Iraq/Kuwait issues.
    top • full forecast
    UN Documents
    Selected Security Council Resolutions
    •S/RES/1958 (15 December 2010) terminated the Oil-for-Food programme and established an escrow account to provide indemnification to the UN.
    •S/RES/1957 (15 December 2010) terminated the WMD-related Chapter VII measures and urged Iraq to ratify the Additional Protocol as soon as possible.
    •S/RES/1956 (15 December 2010) extended the DFI and related immunities a final time until 30 June 2011.
    •S/RES/1905 (21 December 2009) extended the arrangements for the DFI and the IAMB until 31 December 2010 and called on Iraq to develop an action plan and timeline for a post-DFI mechanism in 2010.
    •S/RES/1483 (22 May 2003) established sanctions against the previous Iraqi government, created the DFI, provided immunity to Iraqi petroleum products and envisaged the termination of the Oil-for-Food programme.
    •S/RES/692 (20 May 1991) established the UN Compensation Commission and the UN Compensation Fund.
    Meeting Record
    •S/PV.6418 (10 November 2010) was the latest briefing on the DFI and the IAMB.
    Latest Secretary-General’s Report
    •S/2010/563 (1 November 2010)


  132. Mohd Helmy
    May 02, 2011 @ 14:52:11

    Salam .. boleh bagi saya link yg anda dapat tak…. sebab yg anda copy & pase dalam ini mengelirukan saya nak buat jawapannya. 🙂


    • Mohd Helmy
      May 02, 2011 @ 14:56:05

      so kemungkinan sekiranya saya dapat link artical yg sebenar….mungkin saya boleh memberi penerangan serba sedikit berkenaan artical yg anda maksudkan tersebut.



  133. Mohd Helmy
    May 02, 2011 @ 15:54:13


    untuk pengetahuan major , disini saya dapat sedikit maklumat tentang soalan anda di atas.saya tidak dapat menjelaskan kesemuanya didalam fourm ini.. tetapi anda boleh merujuk dari sumber2 yg saya perolihi…sebab articalnya cukip panjang untuk saya huraikan disini.

    Resolution 1483 in 2003 – perlucutan senjata pemusnah Iraq dan sebagainya untuk maklumat lanjut boleh download link dibawah ini

    Resolution 1905 in 2009 – tentang pembangunan negara iraq & hutang negara iraq pada zaman pemerintahan saddam Hussien dan sebagainya untuk maklumat lanjut boleh download link dibawah ini

    Click to access res1905.pdf

    Resolution 1956 in 2010 – berkenaan hasil pendapatan minyak Iraq dan sebagainya untuk maklumat lanjut boleh download link dibawah ini

    Click to access res1956.pdf

    resolution 687 in 1991 – pemulihan negara kuwait & mengembalikan kuasa dan kedaulatan negara kuwait & mengembalikan kerajaan yg sah di kuwait dan sebagainya untuk maklumat lanjut boleh download link dibawah ini

    Click to access 687.pdf

    harap anda dapat jawapannya dari soalan yg anda ajukan pada saya.

    sekian. 🙂


  134. major
    May 02, 2011 @ 16:27:55

    nie link nya..

    boleh juga search di yahoo @ google mengenai dinar daddy’s


  135. major
    May 03, 2011 @ 07:08:21

    salam all friends..

    saya petik dari link di bawah ini untuk berkongsi pendapat..
    sesiapa ada pendapat sila beri komen2 anda..

    * Frank Conference Call Notes: Frankly Speaking 5/2/11
    By: DebTarHeelGirl
    Delta gave info from CBI on last phone call that the rate may be $.85 – why would we introduce that as the known reviewed contracts say $3+…. We have to share this but I am still at the $3+ rate but we need to study every avenue….
    At 8:30 there will be an audio in Arabic played for you and they are being specific about the exchange rate value of the Iraqi Dinar…
    All this information about the differences in rates are for your good – for you to study…
    When they opened the New York accounts – Shabibi –one was for DFI funds for over 20 years where oil money and other incomes made are kept there now – untouchable now – they are sanctioned for later – and another one now open for OIL – now the DFI does not exist anymore as that 20 years worth of money is now useable and a prerequisite of lifting Chapter 7 now…and not these two NY accounts have all their former DFI money and are about to sell their oil through these accounts – the DFI which they could not touch is for them now – its about to be and oil fund is about to be now to being set up for blessing to come…they passed it by the GOI too – this means they are totally protected by the USA for being sued for war issues, financial issues anything by former debts – the USA protects that now…the paid the $400 Million and that is CBI money and OIL is being protected by USA banks now… It’s real big as it’s a requirement for the BLESSING to occur…
    Does that mean the USA will be paid in OIL from Iraq- YES
    We have our hooks into Iraq – YES we do we are protecting them
    Nixon and Kissinger did this in 1971 with Saudi Arabia – OPEC Agreement – YES
    We are in good shape
    May 1st was the day the CBI and Shabibi was to turn in their report to UNSC – YES
    They got the green light and worked with UST and the World Trade came to train Iraq – they saw the rate and approved it and said let’s get busy…
    The USA has our hooks in their OIL and their Money cause its in our US Banks now – YES
    When will we give them Chapter 7- at the moment they raise the value of their CURRENCY- it’s The Authors PLAN
    CBI is now in charge of their own money – interesting
    This past Saturday the MOF met with Shabibi – privately working into Sunday – working on Ideas for their country’s currency- more to gain than loose united.
    Rumor from another site Shabibi got in a fight last night with Maliki – Frank states I am not sure of that but I would not be surprised as they do not get along – S says to do what THE PLAN says to do and Maliki fights that always…
    The banking systems are set – the lower denoms are loaded and ready in the banks – the banking systems were started last year around Sept when ISX and Reuters got involved.. they are done. Now we wait for Shabibi to come out and say the rate… VERY SOON – we have returned back to the days of the 70’s – no wonder china is angry we have our hooks in Iraq- we will become powerful again – we can take their oil and sell it to other countries that are too lazy to get involved with the rest of the world…
    DFI – 20 years of the DFI and all their future OIL is in our American Banks? YES that’s Brilliant
    Take this opportunity to learn about discipline and practice patience – its coming…
    Sunday they did meet and continued their studies of the currency and investors.
    Shabibi was looking for a holiday with 3 days afterwards – we thought that Easter last week might qualify cause the auction numbers came out it seemed low and it was low and the following day it was low too – GENX – Bob – 3 days in a row under 40M – and there were 3 days with low auctions and I thought last Thursday we had a good chance – with history of RV’s and RI”s on last Thursday of every April but it didn’t happen… Yesterday was Iraq’s holiday – their Labor Day- Both the GOI and CBI were busy yesterday- the auction today was 20M from 6 banks that’s insane unless you are about to have an RI or RV… last week on Thursday that was the last day of commerce in Iraq cause Friday the banks are closed as well a Saturday- there is no money and businesses need money to run your business = Now Sunday yesterday, nothing – 3 ½ days of nothing – and no dinars out in the streets in Iraq and they NEEDED dinars – wow that’s a long time – and only 20 million dinars auctioned today – that’s beyond low….
    Folks EVERYBODY is waiting on Shabibi to announce it they know what is going on…
    EDUCATION OF THE CITIZENS: Shabibi has come out almost weekly announcing on what they are doing in fact yesterday we found out that Saturday that on the 13th of April a campaign stated in Iraq to educate the Iraqi citizens – it was heavy and the TV had already done this but wow now this campaign was many meetings and are still going on called Seminars of Education of the Lifting of the Three Zeros – they are doing this everywhere by Professors of Economics to teach the people – On the 12th of April Shabibi put out an article that said the CBI is “putting the FINAL TOUCHES on the drafting of lifting the three zeros”… on the following day the 13th the campaign stated to educate the citizens…
    The laws today – they spoke of laws being passed by the GOI – that doesn’t exist – HA – Maliki may never introduce a seated government – they are already seated and functioning…
    Rumor here that the borders are closed – they are NOT CLOSED – they do this to check VISA’s so they can get more money as folks cross the borders its not due to our investment.
    CBI source told Delta the rate may be $.85 – it’s so you can have this info but not written in stone but on ICE that is exposed under the desert sun …. The info that we are getting from the CBI we should consider and study and include to discuss with you and YES I WILL STAY at the $3+ rate and I believe strongly and let’s pretend it does come out at $.85 it will not stay there long and it will take about days maybe a week to two weeks to drive it up past $3.00+…. The traders are salivating right now… the “Whales” can buy up at $.85 but the wrong whales not the investors as they have already bought – the traders – the moment the rate comes out at $.85 the whales will take it and drive it like a Sherman Tank going 100 MPH through a concrete wall… sitting waiting for this ti happen as NO ONE knows the rate waiting with their big big money to invest – that will drive up the RATE within Days to a week…..
    Folks it doesn’t matter what the rate is – let it come out and let the investors DRIVE IT UP FAST…
    Shabibi said himself our currencies will co-exist with each other – the there zeros will exist while the lower denoms will exist at the same time… Be reminded Shabibi said they would exist at the same time – we are not going to have a time frame to cash per Frank – our currency still has 3 zeros but they are gone – still co-exist and are still legal at our rate… so if a $3+ rate comes out the less of those 3 zeros the better for the CBI
    I could be possible truth in this $.85 rate – pay attention – Kuwait has a 20 dinar its their highest note – they phased out all their 3 zeros and they have a high rate so – Iraq wants the same – Franks says he sees the $3+ rate in the contracts and I will stay with that rate…
    Delta is on the call and they are playing a recording from the CBI officials in Arabic speaking of what the rate will be…..He states that the interview of the CBI Selah stated we will lift the 3 zeros up of the value of the Dinar for the exchange rate…. He was speaking to the people and the rate will start at $.85 on this recording per 1.17 dinars – WHY – reason is that the revalue needs to be revisited a couple of times due to inflation – so rate wont’ stay there…
    Delta states that if no one has no savings and he gets 400,000k dinars a month and in Iraq they get paid monthly and at 1170 rate right now its $333.00 per month – that’s not much money – when the CBI said they would make it easy- then they will start adjusting the salaries of the people and increase the value of the dinars – that means 400 dinars to the citizens and the rate will be increased to match the $333 – that way they can phase out the 3 zeros denoms and those people get used to this currency. They are trying to reduce the physical money supply but want to deal with currency now electronically.
    Shabibi said to hold and keep dinars cause they are trying to revert to 1970 and 1980s and today my contract at the CBI today said and not doing the $3+ rate now he said ti would be too much of a shock to the economy and they will never do it right now over $3+ rate as it never happened in any other country…
    The currencies will co-exist – both small and denoms – when there is no more 3 zeros above 25MM or less then they will go up past the $4+ rate… they said a while back it will take 2 years to do this then they will increase this… now the legislation is being organized to lift the 3 zeros- they may say 6 months to cash out or they may not have a time limit – if in part cash out and leave the remainder to cash out…
    Delta States – Please I am not bringing this CBI Spoken $.85 rate again to you as I am just as shocked as you are as I wanted $3+ rate also but everybody in Iraq KNOWS it’s going to come out at $.85 – Iraqi’s know this as they are already talking about this rate at $.85 per Dinar. Their people are being educated for a while in this knowledge… this RV will be done in stages to not hurt the economy… and they are ready to do this – it will be smooth and very fast and effective – and Selah of the CBI stated that doing it low they will not take anyone’s money – SO go to the bank and cash out some now to pay debts and hold the rest for the rate to raise up…
    Delta says the blessing is due possibly this month – they have to be international before July 1st at least a month before that and no later – and our contacts are telling me even today that everything is now done they are waiting for the right signal for Shabibi to do this…. Iraq has 32 million population and Basra Kurdistan east west and they want to make sure the lower denoms are distributed into the ATM’s etc for the people to be able to have at this RV – announcement should come before the next pay period of Iraq – they get paid once a month – normally the first of the month but for the next pay period Shabibi will do it so they can have time to adjust all the salaries…
    Right now in Iraq they have 9 million people that do not know how to read or write since the Saddam regime…these people are needing to be educated in this exchange from 3 zeros to lower denoms – we believe that this month is the high potential to RV for sure…
    The auctions – Shabibi is looking for a 3 day period after a holiday now yesterday was their holiday and if we see tomorrow and Wed another low auction – we need to be prepared for a Thursday RI-RV – so be prepared on Wednesday again if this auction comes out LOW BE IN A HIGH ALERT FOR A THURSDAY RV… our team is currently in a RED ALERT as this thing can pop any minute… nothing happens on a Friday or a Saturday…. Delta states that they are watching for a Tuesday through a Thursday so with the $.85 it will cause the markers to adjust for the first stage – then go up later… so family HOLD ON…
    Frank states that the Whales are not looking for the rate to be low so they can buy up more – they have their money in their hands waiting to get it on the Dinar – they do not care about the rate so they can start to trade it – they want it recognizable so then it will drive up the rate FAST FAST FAST… the price of the oil will explode the moment the rate goes up
    Maliki came back to Iraq Saturday from Korea and the now have 7 days to sit the ministers or the vote of confidence to kick him out…
    The CBI auctions came from the DFI fund per the UNSC allowanced… they agave them permission to use part of it….
    July 1st Iraq can control their own money and their own OIL and they have to be internationally recognized and the immunity on the DFI fund will be lifted and the CBI cannot use this money for the auctions anymore at that date…
    Delta states that they opened the DFI New York accounts they will be wired and transferred way before July 1st – that gives us an Idea the CBI knows the date when these moneys will be coming through these accounts…. And today there was word that on May 14th those DFI monies should be transferred to the new New York Bank accounts that means the RI-RV has to come before the 14th…WOOO HOOO
    90% of the people know the Dinars will increase and with the auctions not increasing something is about to happen….any moment…
    IMPORTANT REVIEW: Frank Says if this comes RI-RV tomorrow and it comes at $.85 are you ready- have you asked GOD what would you have me to? Have you gone to the financial advisors and attorneys yet to figure out what to do with this cash? Create scenarios of what to do…remember the Whales and Sharks will drive up the range in days or few weeks so plan on what you want to do – say it comes out at $3.22 you are prepared for that aren’t you – why not then are you not prepared at $.85 – there is logic here – we want you to be prepared for either way folks…that’s why we study all that we here from Iraq, the CBI – its easier to give you a good estimate about the rate than it is a Date….
    The investors do not care about cash money they care about investing….power is to try to make MORE money so they will investing in Iraq… they won’t buy all Dinar and Trump has a business there in Iraq – he is investing there…. It’s the best place to invest right now… OIL etc…
    The laws that are being passed – the HCL was it passed not sure but they did actually passed the OIL and Natural Gas – they are working round the clock passing laws right and left…
    THE CBI has not been paid for 2 months since the UST was locked up with the CBI working on the RI-RV – the auction is very low due to something is about to happen…
    CLUE FROM DELTA – When you see the CBI website go down this time – this is it…. It will come up with a “new face” and the new rate will be there…
    Delta says it will be a managed float per the CBI cause if not they could have economic problems – they have to manage the rate… so many factors to drive it to $3+ rate…


  136. IQDD
    May 03, 2011 @ 15:03:25

    Askm…arinie 3mei CBI melelong matawangnya sebanyak USD3juta saje, semalam Usd20juta & kelmarin dlu Usd 50juta….sebelum nie lelongan biasanya sekitar Usd150-200 juta……..jumlah lelongan yg sangat2 rendah….so ada apa2 kee berkenaan dengan lelongan serendah ini….sape2 ada info sila beritahu….


  137. makhlukALLAH
    May 03, 2011 @ 17:21:33

    sy penjual dinar kecil2an dr PJ, sgor…
    namun menawarkan hrga yg amat brpatutan…
    self collect or buy post…

    note iqd25k sekeping dari rm100.
    note iqd1ok dari rm4o skeping
    note iqd5k dari 25 sekeping

    *** tolong jgn iklan kt sini ok. (admin nazhasecret)

    tempah skrg ..ready stok.


  138. Leben
    May 06, 2011 @ 07:54:25

    * dipetik dari fourm lain.

    Dinar Trade, Inc. is no longer buying or selling currency at this time.

    penjual terbesar di US yang satu ketika dahulu lantang bersuara bahawa mereka menjual dan boleh juga membeli balik CASH NOTE dinar iraq… akhirnya akur gulung tikar dan menukar statmentnya yg memberi tahu bahawa mereka kini tidak lagi menjual mahu pun membeli semula CASH NOTE dinar iraq yg telah mereka jual suatu masa dahulu…

    P/s: company yg ada lesen dari UST pun boleh lingkup.


  139. Leben
    May 06, 2011 @ 07:55:23

    Dinar Trade, Inc. is no longer buying or selling currency at this time.

    sebenarnya dinar trade gulung tikar sebab didapati bersalah kerana menjual dinar iraq . sila download link dibawah untuk melihat surat saman terhadap dinar trade

    ini adalah tindakan pertama dealer dinar iraq yg dikenakan tindakan undang2.. tak lama lagi adakah kemungkinan2 semua delear2 & penjual Cash Note Dinar iraq dimalaysia akan dikenakan tindakan yg sama oleh BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA??????

    sama2lah kita tunggu dan lihat kesudahan Game dinar iraq ini.


  140. Cricket
    May 10, 2011 @ 00:30:06

    Askm…saya nak tanya ckit pasal money chenger yang nak dibuka dimalaysia yang boleh membeli semula dinar iraq.adakah telah dibuka atau belum?


  141. Ninpow
    May 16, 2011 @ 04:56:35

    dinar oh dinar..aku kesal hhuhuhuhu


  142. day
    May 26, 2011 @ 03:30:54

    btl ke beli dinar iraq..blh jadi jutawan..


  143. jsham
    May 28, 2011 @ 03:47:10

    kalau setakat nak teka2 dan ikut orang lain tak payah melabur. Nanti kesal tak habis2 mcm si Ninpow.


  144. jsham
    May 28, 2011 @ 03:50:47

    Nak masuk satu2 pelabur kena buat kajian sendiri serta resikonya. Baru kita tak sesal kemudian hari. Kalau jadi juga kena terima dgn hati yg terbuka. Mengenai pelaburan dinariraq…bagi saya memang saya yakin ianya bukan scam dgn melihat beberapa analis yg dibuat oleh pakar2 ekonomi dunia. boleh cari sendiri infonya.


  145. day
    May 28, 2011 @ 06:55:23

    sy nak try modal rm100..kot2 leh dpt rm1000..klu xdpt pon xla ralat sgt..klu dpt syukur rs sedikit kesal..sbb xbeli byk sikit…hehehe..


  146. day
    May 28, 2011 @ 07:03:43

    dinar ni sperti tanam pohon durian..musim durian xda harga ramai xberani tanam pohon durian.ada yg try tanam 2pohon..tiba berbuah 10thn kemudian..harga durian tggi musim tu..aduh terasa kesal sbb xtanam pohon durian byk waktu tu..pd org yg xtanam lngsung tu lg rs nyesal n timbul sifat irihati..lht jiran dpt hasil pohon durian..dinar pon bakal terjadi sperti ni 1masa nti…percayalah….


  147. Jamal Ahmad
    Jun 23, 2011 @ 16:45:05

    saya harap org yg smpn dinar iraq ni akan beroleh keuntungan,insyaallah


  148. abdah
    Jun 24, 2011 @ 11:52:49

    Durian yang kita tanam dah berputik, tunggulah, sabarlah.


  149. yudi
    Jun 26, 2011 @ 10:37:06

    semoga sukses di kemadian hari pemegang dinar iraq


  150. abdullah ahmad
    Jun 30, 2011 @ 03:28:35

    Tak lama dahh..


  151. nazhasecret
    Jun 30, 2011 @ 08:47:38

    sabar je la,kalau ade rezeki tk kemana kan 😀


  152. Mohd Helmy
    Jul 01, 2011 @ 06:15:42


    Reports of New Fake Dinars in Circulation

    Posted on 29 June 2011. Tags: Corruption, counterfeiting, IQD, iraqi dinar

    On Wednesday a number of currency dealers in southern Iraq’s Nassirya City reported the spread of a new counterfeit 10,000-dinar notes, according to Aswat al-Iraq.
    “We have noticed the existence of a false 25,000-dinar currency in the market, being cautious against it, but a new false 10,000-dinar note, with a very close print to the original currency, had been spread last week,” a shop-keeper told the news agency, saying that “this is a very serious matter and the government must stop it in every possible means.”
    A petrol filling station worker said that the “number of cars trying to fill petrol in his filling station was huge, and he and his colleagues can’t easily differentiate between real and false currencies.”
    Iraq Business News has also received unconfirmed reports that a judge in the Mosul area has been arrested for possession of fake Iraqi dinars.
    The reports come just days after Iraq’s Central Bank announced that it would redenominate its currency.
    (Source: Aswat al-Iraq)

    On his part, the Chairman of the Security Committee in Thi-Qar Province, where Nassirya is its center city, called on citizens to be vigilant against such currencies, saying: “we had not faced such case and nobody had presented a case about the presence of false currency in the Province,” calling on the mass media to “uncover persons, behind the spread of such currency, in order to foil their criminal plans.”

    Reports of New Fake Dinars in Circulation

    P/s: hati-hati …apabila beli cash note dinar iraq.


  153. Warka Investment & Finance
    Jul 01, 2011 @ 14:48:33

    Yahoo!!!!!! Warka Bank bagi aku RV in account….yahoo!!!!!!… aku dah RV dahulu..sorry beb…tak dapat kawal emosi aku….. thank you warka…


  154. habislahtakan RV cash note
    Jul 02, 2011 @ 01:31:42

    Iraq Said To Be Planning Currency Overhaul, Redenomination

    BAGHDAD — A senior Iraqi Central Bank adviser says the government has adopted a two-pronged plan to restructure the national currency in order to facilitate large transactions and make government accounts more efficient, RFE/RL’s Radio Free Iraq (RFI) reports.

    Mudhhir Muhammad Salih, a member of the bank’s advisory panel, told RFI on June 23 that in the short term, larger banknote denominations of the dinar will be issued to simplify major transactions.

    He said that because so many Iraqis still deal mainly in cash, it is cumbersome to carry bags full of money to pay for expensive items like cars. The inconvenience leads people making such purchases — as well as many entrepreneurs — to use dollars for those kinds of transactions instead of dinars, something the government wants to end.

    He added that large denominations equivalent to around $100 will be issued to simplify major purchases, and new coins and lower denominations will be introduced for smaller transactions.

    In the longer term, Saleh said a redenomination is needed wherein three zeros will be dropped so that the 25,000 Iraqi-dinar banknote — currently the largest denomination — becomes a 25-dinar note.

    He said the change is inevitable, considering the economy is expecting high growth in the coming years with a planned increase in oil production to finance reconstruction projects.

    Saleh said there are currently some 29 trillion dinars in circulation in Iraq, represented by some 6 trillion banknotes of various denominations, most of them quite small. He said this also causes complications for the central bank and government, as well as commercial accounting departments.

    Saleh said the monetary-restructuring plan was drawn up with the help of foreign experts and financial institutions, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF), of which Iraq has been a member since 1945.

    The plan will soon be presented to the cabinet, which is expected to subsequently send a bill to parliament.

    Saleh noted that until 1980 the Iraqi dinar exchange rate was 1 dinar/$3.3 compared to $1/1,168 dinars now due to hyperinflation that occurred during the latter part of the late ousted leader Saddam Hussein’s reign.


  155. Dinar Oh Dinar
    Jul 08, 2011 @ 00:21:38

    IS YOUR DINAR EXPIRED!!!! (Dipetik Dari fourm Luar Negara)

    OK, I’m not a pumper and not a person who wants to put out negative stuff either.
    The one thing I know and know for sure is that money can expire or can be expired.

    I personally have 2 million dinar, so my concerns are real and hope to get more
    clarity why this wouldn’t happen with my Dinar.

    Here is my experience with expired money. I used to live in Asia. I lived in many, many different countries and had this happen a number of different times.

    I would leave a country for a year and when I came back with my old currency that I kept with me, it was expired.
    My currency looked just like the currency they were presently using, but the serial number were expired I couldn’t
    cash them in. Yes, tried to cash them in, in a number of different places and banks. They all
    said the same thing

    Now if this only happened in one country, I would think OK maybe it’s only that county.
    Dirty Rats!!! The thing is I had this happen in many countries.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this. What would the reason be that Dinar couldn’t
    expire like other foreign currencies.

    Please share your input .

    *** Respond Answer From Other Person Regarding Dinar Expired

    Of course they can expire! Take your magnifying glass and look at the bottom of the note under the invisible horse’s head. You’ll see an expiration date written in Arabic. When the currency is sent, it’s sprayed with money smell and a special chemical that turns the note pitch black when it hits the due date. My Arabic friend, Naifiyabi Salulabi says most of my notes still have 3 months left, so I’m hoping this thing will hit by October 1st. GO RV!!


  156. CaraBou
    Jul 18, 2011 @ 13:38:44

    sekarang berapa ye rate RM untuk beli Dinar Iraq..??

    betol ke leh naik… ni dah tahun berapa dah ni.. huhu..


  157. Bini Najib(BN)
    Jul 19, 2011 @ 00:45:30


    Amboiiii… Bukan main lebar senyum gua panggil jutawan hek!!

    Errkkk… APA?? Belum RV lagi?? YEKE NIE?? EK EHH??

    BETUL KE?? HUHHHHH?? TIDAKKKKKK!!! hahahahah….


  158. Profesor Gile
    Sep 13, 2011 @ 11:26:09

    Assalammualaikum..kami menjual note cash IQD…

    **bape kali nk bgtau tlg jgn promote kt sini.tq-admin nazha


  159. Azam Samuri
    Oct 06, 2011 @ 02:15:29

    suka duka anda memegang keyakinan dengan IQD amat saya kagumi… saya rasa anda menunjukkan bukti bahawa an apportunis still can hold their ground… sbb seorang yang suka mengambil peluang selalunya akan cepat ‘give up n give in’ dan as a result, they try another things.
    saya tergerak memberi pendapat,.. sifat orang melayu yang sepatutnya dibenci adalah bukan orang yang mengambil peluang, orang yang mencuba (elakkan mencuba, kalau nak buat, buat betul-betul)… tetapi sifat dengki,… sifat hasad dan sikap membangkang.
    Sikap membangkang perlu dikikis sedikit demi sedikit. Sikap ini biasanya terdidik daripada sosial yang menganggap dirinya sentiasa betul dan pendapat orang lain sentiasa salah. Sekiranya kita menganggap pelaburan ini salah… sebaiknyalah.. kita nasihat dengan bahasa yang elok. Jika masih juga tidak diendahkan, Kita bantu mereka lihat perkara sebenarnya beserta hujah dan bukti yang kukuh. Jika masih tidak diendahkan,.. kita serahkan kepada Yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyanyang,.. kita doakan mereka dalam doa kita supaya Allah membuka mata mereka kepada kebenarannya. Bukankah Nabi Allah Muhammad telah mewarisi sifat ini sewaktu Baginda ke Taif dengan harapan membawa sinar bahagia kepada Rajanya. Jika Baginda bersifat seperti yang tertera di atas,.. saya rasa tiada zuriat dan nasab daripada keturunan Taif hari ini. Saya tahu kita bukannya Nabi , bukankah Sunnah itu pegangan kita ..
    Saya mungkin bukan collectors… tp untuk menjatuhkan usaha rakan-rakan sebangsa mencari rezeki mungkin tidak saya lakukan. Saya yakin dengan tuan-tuan yang mengharap rezeki sudah hampir 5 tahun. Saya faham tindakan tuan tuan tidak menyalahi undang-undang. Tapi, diharap janganlah sampai membengkokkan undang-undang untuk diri kita. Maksud saya, individu memang tidak boleh berurus niaga mata wang, dan saya juga faham kita bertukar-tukar koleksi mata wang as a collections dibenarkan oleh Bank Negara. Saya harap semasa kita membuat akad jual beli IQD ni, kita seharusnya berniat menjual dan membeli koleksi mata wang dan ianya bukanlah dicanang sebagai pelaburan mata wang yang pastinya menguntungkan. Sekiranya akad ini betul, saya rasa tiada yang akan terasa ditipu, rugi dan akad kita akan dianggap sah serta tidak melanggar undang-undang. Sememangnya, sekiranya berlaku RV seperti yang diharapkan. Dan we entitled to cash in the IQDs.. saya rasa itu adalah bonusnya.
    Saya sentiasa mendoakan agar usaha, doa dan tawakkal tuan-tuan akan diberikan ganjaran oleh Allah.

    ps : Allah telahpun berikan kepada kita kad ‘ATM’ untuk SOS sekiranya perlu…
    Dapatkan lah Solat Dhuha yang paling khusyuk dan insaf,.. Insya Allah, Allah akan bagi cash in dalam masa 24jam… Tp, harus diingat Solat Dhuha adalah Solat sunat paling mudah waktunya, dan paling sukar dilakukan atau untuk mendapatkannya, kerana hanya insan yang Allah nak berikan syafaat dan rezeki sahaja yang akan dapat menikmati Solat Sunat Dhuha ini.

    Assalamualaikum dan Semoga berjaya!.


  160. Yop Takor
    Nov 03, 2011 @ 03:24:14

    Ape cite kome ni.. belum boleh jadi kite kaya lagi ye.. sabo je le kome semua.. zaman dan peluang kite dah berubah… tambah-tambah zaman IT ye.. Maaf le teman ni orang kampong Ulu Chepor , Perak. Cakap tak berapa terus.. Semoga kita jumpa di suatu forum yang beso bersama jutawan dinar Iraq warga Malaysia.. Amin.


    Nov 04, 2011 @ 15:10:40

    Salam ,
    Agak-agak biler nak RV hah? Dah bulan 11 dah ni…kata nak bayar gaji guna rate baru pada 3hb?
    Apa yang Shabibi ni dok fikir?….


  162. japari
    Nov 18, 2011 @ 15:17:46

    good news to everybody bulan 12 rv yahoo


  163. japari
    Nov 18, 2011 @ 15:20:40

    bnyakkan bersedekah pasti rv


  164. steve
    Nov 19, 2011 @ 13:45:47

    Saya akan cakap balik, dinar iraq menyepi selama setahun, bukannya ia tertipu atau menipu atau sebagainya, Pelaburan ini menguji kesabaran seseorang sementara menunggu revaluation yang akan di umumkan bila bila masa, dan tiada istilah penipuan di sini. Mata wang dinar iraq adalah paling stabil dari dahulu hingga sekarang. Cuma ekonomi terganggu akibat perebutan hak negara iraq oleh US. Minyak sumber yang terpenting dan menjadi tumpuan pedagang asing….. Banyak faktor yang berkaitan dan membuatkan negara IRAQ terus lambat maju. Dan saya yakin PADA 2012 akan berlakunya nya kegemilangan iraq sepenuh.


  165. sting
    Nov 24, 2011 @ 03:59:23

    pelabur dinar iraq kena tipu…tipu…tipu hahahaaaaaa…….


  166. mat nor pesona
    Nov 25, 2011 @ 18:55:26

    harap hujung bln 12 ni rv..tq saudagar zul


  167. hantu meeting
    Nov 26, 2011 @ 09:19:47

    rv sudah hampir yeahhhhhhhhhh


  168. amy
    Dec 09, 2011 @ 16:28:07

    Erm kelakar pon ade tengok komen2 nie.. Bagi saya tak salah membeli dinar jika anda telah mengkaji dan memahami risiko yang bakal anda terima. Dan saya rasa bagi pemain forex amat memahami situasi ini dan perkataan “melayu”, “cepat kaya”, “bodoh” adalah tidak patut bagi saya. Who say ni nak cepat kaya?? Saya sebagai penganalisa forex sangat memahami bahawa bukan mudah untuk mengkaji sesuatu matawang itu sehingga kan kita mahu membeli atau menjualnya. dan itu dikatakan mahu cepat kaya? ini semua bersebab dan atas usaha, kajian , dan risiko. Jangan lah mudah memperbodohkan kaum sendiri..


  169. WaKaya
    Dec 09, 2011 @ 19:40:27

    hahahahha…siapa2 yg apply nak buka account bank selepas 10 Disember… anda tidak dapat berpeluang untuk menjadi jutawaan. ini kerana process utk membuka account memakan masa 3-4 minggu tak termasuk masa untuk mendeposit duit kedalam account & juga process untuk mendapat internat sekiranya benar2 iraq melakukan process pembuangan 3 angka sifar pada 01.01.2012, so setiap duit yg masuk kedalam account bank diiraq adalah berdasarkan pada kadar nilai yg baru.


    sekiranya anda depositkan duit USD 1,000 kedalam account bank anda diiraq pada 31/12/2011 duit dalam account bank dinar anda masih tertera IQD 1,000,000 setelah anda convertkan duit tersebut.

    tetapi ……

    apabila anda mendeposit duit anda kedalam account bank iraq anda berjumlah USD 1,000 pada 01/01/2012 so baki duit didalam account IQD anda akan tertera IQD 1,000 sahaja juga setelah anda convertkan duit tersebut. ini disebabkan anda mendapat tukaran nilai yg baru.

    so sekiranya didalam account bank iraq anda dah sedia ada jumlah IQD,1,000,000 yg anda depositkan sebelum tahun 2012 ,so jumlah duit itu akan tetap sama nilainya.hehehehehehe……..


    • nazhasecret
      Dec 09, 2011 @ 20:06:25

      alamak..kot ye pun excited tkyah ar post bnda sama kt topik berlainan..whatever,selagi ko pun tk dpt kuarkn iqd dgn tukaran berganda tkyah ar nk kecoh sgt kan


  170. wakaya
    Dec 15, 2011 @ 02:28:52

    Remove Three Zeros From Currency Paper

    13/12/2011 03:34 PM


    Has directed the CBI to revalue the dinar to increase the demand for it recently against a decline in demand for foreign currencies in the domestic market, in return the bank denied the existence of any intention to make sudden changes lead to damage to the Iraqi economy.

    Economists said in remarks to (people) that the reason for inconsistencies in the statements of the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Iraq to raise the value of the dinar is due to the different policy of central bank policy of the Ministry of Finance, which they described non-effective, in respect of a way to support the dinar by injecting large amounts to the market, critics at the same time the central bank’s policy of withdrawing cash from the market.

    He called for an economist Asad to raise the value of the dinar, but gradually, so as not to cause confusion to the market.

    economist Asad told (people) should speed up the implementation of deleting three zeros from the


    in order to reduce inflation and create a budget real dinars, compared to foreign currencies, indicating that despite the substantial improvement of the Iraqi economy, but the pricing of the dinar stopped at a certain point does not consistent with the amount of oil exports and strategic stockpiling cash in Iraqi banks worldwide.

    He confirmed that the deletion of zeros economist will help to widespread use in the local currency traded in the market with large amounts of money and will open prospects for the transfer of funds more easily.

    He noted that the deletion will help the economic recovery will work on the use of coins as the amount of JD 1000 could become the currency of a small iron.

    He also encouraged economic analyst Mohsen Areda idea to delete the zeros from the ” CURRENCY PAPER “, said that many of Iraqi experts and experience the great subject diagnosed with a diagnosis directly, especially after the decline in the economy to the low limit of the nominal value.

    And select Mohsen Areda told (people) and there are two types of nominal value of the first and second real, stressing that the adoption of the nominal value to achieve the purpose of the real value of the standard as the foundation upon which to build the Iraqi economy.

    Bidder did not hide his fear of the process of removing three zeros from the ” CURRENCY PAPER”, he will affect the market dramatically, calling for study of dimensions of the subject extensively to overcome any gag can affect the Iraqi economy.

    He pointed to the need to calculate the impact of this process to calculate the value of securities and stocks and transactions are on credit before the process of deletion of zeros.


  171. wakaya
    Dec 17, 2011 @ 14:15:55

    Bank Negara Malaysia | Central Bank of Malaysia (Official)

    Kami ingin berkongsi maklumat dengan tuan bahawa di bawah Akta Kawalan Pertukaran Wang 1953, adalah satu kesalahan untuk seseorang individu di Malaysia membeli atau menjual mata wang asing (forex) atau melakukan apa-apa tindakan yang meliba…tkan, berhubung dengan, atau persediaan untuk, membeli atau menjual mata wang asing dengan mana-mana orang, selain daripada peniaga berdaftar. Di bawah Akta ini juga, adalah satu
    kesalahan untuk seseorang itu membantu atau bersubahat dengan orang lain untuk membeli atau menjual mata wang asing dengan mana-mana orang, kecuali orang tersebut ialah peniaga yang dibenarkan.

    Untuk makluman tuan, Bank Negara Malaysia tidak menyenaraikan Dinar Iraq sebagai salah satu matawang pertukaran asing. Makluman lanjut boleh diperolehi melalui halaman :

    Orang ramai adalah dinasihatkan untuk berurusan secara terus dengan bank-bank tempatan (di bawah penyeliaan Bank Negara Malaysia) bagi mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan dengan matawang tersebut bagi mengelak daripada penipuan oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.


  172. nazhasecret
    Dec 17, 2011 @ 14:44:49

    well..wait n see je la nti ok..kalau nk ckp hal isu ni..bole dibangkitkan jg individu yang mengambil ‘upah’ berganda bukak akaun warka utk org lain..bnm mmg suka isu2 cmni kan 😀


    • wakaya
      Dec 17, 2011 @ 15:46:44

      hehehehe… cik admin,nampak sangat anda tidak dapat membezakan diantara penjual duit dinar dan pengambil upah untuk membuka account bank diiraq. penjual duit cash dinar iraq dimalaysia dah terang2 melakukan kesalahan dimana mereka yg menjual cash dinar iraq tidak mempunyai kebenaran “aka” lesen untuk memperdagangkan matawang Dinar Iraq.tetapi tak sama dengan orang yang mengambil upah untuk membuka account bank di Iraq.orang yg mengambil upah membuka account bank diiraq…mereka menawarkan perkhidmatan sahaja….tetapi mereka tetap membeli matawang sesuatu negara melalui bank2 perantaraan yg diiktiraf oleh BNM.

      Contoh yg paling baik yg boleh saya berikan pada cik admin adalah
      ” dispatch ” . andai kata cik admin sibuk tidak mempunyai masa untuk pergi ke money changer atau pun kebank untuk membeli sesuatu matawang, lalu cik admin menggunakan khidmat “DISPATCH” untuk membeli sesuatu matawang di MC @ bank . dispatch disini mewakili seseorang yang mengambil upah untuk menjalankan sesuatu perkerjaan ini termasuklah dalam urusan pembelian matawang dari money changer atau pun bank. adakah DISPATCH ini telah melakukan kesalahan????? dah tentu2 jawapannya “TIDAK” kerana dia (dispatch)hanya mengambil upah sahaja untuk menjalankan kerja untuk membeli matawang dan matawang yg dibeli oleh DISPATCH tersebut adalah melalui MC @ bank2 yg diiktiraf oleh BNM. so dimanakah kesalah dispatch tersebut???? dah tentu tak salahkan!!!!! sebab dia beli dengan MC @ bank2 yg berlesen dimalaysia.begitu juga dengan si pengambil upah yg menawarkan perkhidmatanya untuk membuka account bank diiraq dimanakah ke salahnya????. disini saya tak nampak kesalahan yg dilakukan oleh si pengambil upah. sebab si pengambil upah tersebut juga membeli matawang negara asing melalui perkhidmatan bank di Malaysia. hehehehehehe……


  173. nazhasecret
    Dec 18, 2011 @ 12:53:51

    hahaha..biasa la,nak pertahankan sbb dh terlibatkan..mmg la tk nampak,org yg amik upah pn berlindung disebalik id ibarat baling batu then sembunyik kan tangan…pastu mula la nk cari isu plak kat sini,gelabah nye bole blah je baca ayat2 ni..huh!!!


    • wakaya
      Dec 18, 2011 @ 18:13:28

      statement tak boleh blah ker… atau ayat saya ini membuatkan cik admin pening kepala nak jawab????hehehehe…apa2 hal pun soalan saya cik admin masih tak jawab lagi….. berkenaan jaminan Cash Note yg diserahkan oleh coustomer2 cik admin kepada cik admin YA Atau Tidak ? saya bukannya nak tahu dgn sape mereka berurusan & macam mana caranya cik admin deal sebelum ini. Duit yang tak ada nilai… orang penipu pun boleh tutup sebelah mata menjualnya dengan layanan first class lagi…hehehehe… maklumlah jual duit tak laku dengan mendapat duit yang ada nilai….memanglah servis baik punya confirm tak lari punya…!!!! .tapi bila ada masalah duit hilang dalam perjalanan untuk pertukaran….hehehehe…silap2 cik admin punya batang hidung pun tak nampak. hehehehehehe….maklum sajalah duit tak laku tersebut dah ada nilainya….sila jawab yer cik admin!!!! coustomer anda tengah ternanti2 jawapan dari cik admin YA @ Tidak , taknak dalih2 lagi tau… hehehehe…


  174. nazhasecret
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 09:35:55

    awak ni customer kami ke?sorry jawapan tu hanya exclusive for Nazha’s IQD Group only..jika anda pernah memiliki set yg berfolder spt kami sila email details nama penuh,no ic sbb setiap pemilik yg beli ade details ngn tkyah nk kecoh kt my blog ok.just send email to tq


  175. wakaya
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 12:35:43… berdalih lagi..cik admin nie…susah bebenar yer cik admin nak menyata kan Yer atau Tidak dalam blog ni, sampai kena bagi nama & no ic…hehehehehehe…macam ada lesen sahaja cik admin nie berniaga yer sampai mencatat no ic orang???hehehehe…MC pun kalau orang beli matawang negara lain pun tak minta nama dan no ic,cuma dia bagi resit pembelian sahaja….hehehe..kan senang kalau cik admin berkata “TIDAK” kat dalam blog nie…so senanglah coustomer cik admin mencari jalan alternatif lain…selain mengharapkan orang tengah cik admin yg tentu2 tak secure.sekurang2nya coustomer cik admin bolehlah bersiap sedia dengan cara pergi sendiri ker Iraq untuk menukarkan sendiri duit mereka…lagi mereka confidence.anyway…beginilah sukarnya membeli Cash Note dinar iraq dengan orang perseorangan yang menjualnya secara tidak berlesen kat malaysia.masa menjual Cash Note semuanya manis berkata2…tapi bila ditanya tentang jaminan kehilangan duit tersebut dalam tangan orang perantaraan….nak jawab “YA” pun berdalih2 sampai nak minta nama dan no ic lagi.hehehe..


  176. nazhasecret
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 14:56:22

    aik?ke ko yg takut nk bg details 😀 aku tkde masa nk layan org kuat propa kat blog aku ni..


    • wakaya
      Dec 19, 2011 @ 18:25:17

      buat apa saya nak bagi detail pada orang yang dah sah2 menjual cash note dinar iraq secara salah. dah terang lagi bersuluh anda telah terang2 melanggar akta Bank Negara Malaysia. dan anda telah melakukan 2 kesalahan iaitu:

      kesalahan pertama anda,menjual cash note dinar iraq tampa mempunyai lesen yang sah dari BNM

      kesalahan kedua anda,anda menjual Cash Note dinar iraq melebihi dari harga sebenar pasaran Mata wang Iraq- CBI.

      disebabkan kerana orang2 seperti andalah(penjual Cash Note) yang membuatkan ramai diantara orang berangapan dinar iraq ini scam .


  177. wakaya
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 18:42:03

    Minimize the importance of reports on the fraud of the currency in Iraq

    19.12.2011Ghassan Ali

    Iraqi Central Bank reduced the significance of the reports indicated the prevalence of counterfeiting in Iraq, whether local or foreign ones.

    The bank adviser said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that those reports were exaggerated, and untrue to the existence of significant fraud in Iraq, adding that the rates of counterfeiting in the country is very small, have not changed since the founding of the Central Bank so far.

    Press reports had spoken of turning Iraq into a center for counterfeiting of currency in the region after the spread of gangs specialized in forging local and foreign currencies in various Iraqi cities, as quoted by the reports from economists Iraqis saying that there are foreign countries have old conflicts with Iraq contributing to the making or passing counterfeit currency into the country in order to sabotage the Iraqi economy.

    Indicates the benefit in an interview with Radio Free Iraq that fraud is divided into three sections, the first undertaken by persons individually, and the second is run by some traders, and the latter played by some intelligence States, the most serious types of fraud, asserting that what is currently in Iraq is fraud-commercial use only.
    And confirms the central bank adviser and international coordination with Iraq to combat counterfeiting, pointing to the security agencies recently managed to arrest many of the fraud rings.

    The expected benefit of the reduction of fraud in Iraq during the coming period, especially after the initiation of the process of changing the Iraqi currency and printed a new currency of high technical specifications very difficult to forge.


    • wakaya
      Dec 19, 2011 @ 18:53:12

      Fake money gang arrested in Sulaimaniyah
      18/12/2011 18:58
      SULAIMANIYAH, Dec. 18 (AKNews) – Security forces in Sulaimaniyah city have detained two people on charges of forging Iraqi money. The two people have been detained with fake money and arms in their possession.

      The two men were arrested by the security forces after another man who had been detained the previous day on similar charges admitted to his business and named the other two.

      “After the homes of the two men were inspected… 1.95 million fake Iraqi Dinar was found.. In addition to a color photocopy machine” Sulaimaniyah Asayish (security forces) said in statement seen by AKnews.

      According to the statement, the security forces discovered other fake documents including identification documents, driving licenses.

      The arms seized in one of the houses inspected by police included an RPG rocket propeller, five RPG rockets, and an AK-47.

      The three men are under investigation.


  178. wakaya
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 18:47:31

    CBI project called ATM

    19/12/2011 09:59 AM

    BAGHDAD – Babinaoz (Reuters) – Iraq’s central bank announced that it began implementing a project divided the national aims to provide ATM service to citizens across the devices installed in different areas.
    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Jawad, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the central bank has agreed to implement a project divided the national, which allows users in both government and private banks disposing of their money through credit card and dissemination devices exchange markets, train stations, airports and public places.”

    “The government and private banks expenses will be covered by the company implementing the project and the process of buying the equipment and its installation,” pointing out that “the central bank will oversee the supervision years divided the national project.”

    Jawad said that “the shareholders of any bank, government or private will be able to withdraw their money through the divided national or ATM this year and will contribute in enhancing the bank in the country. ”

    The Council of Ministers in March / March, new mechanisms to facilitate the opening of documentary credits for less than $ 4 million through the revitalization of the role of private banks, which aims to stimulate trade in the country.

    The Iraqi government is still limited in its financial transactions on the government banks relied upon by 85%.

    The total capital of Iraqi private banks billion and $ 600 million currently, other than that owned by the branches of Arab and foreign banks operating in the country.


  179. wakaya
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 19:13:35

    Parliament convinced of deleting 3 zeros

    19/12/2011 09:59 AM

    The Central Bank of the House of Representatives is satisfied the process of deleting three zeros from the currency after examining the details of the project with experts and economists in the House of Representatives. “

    said the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh (people) that “the central bank was able to answer all questions and inquiries by the Commission Parliament, which I listened to a detailed explanation on this subject, and persuaded the House of Representatives in the project and its positive effects on the Iraqi economy. “

    He added that “The project is also being transmitted to the Economic Committee in the Cabinet for discussion, indicating that the deletion of the three zeroes from the local currency will be in 2013.”

    He pointed to the “The system of financial management suffers from the legacy of a large and need to repair large to remove the legacy of the economy is open, which he inherited Iraq because of the policies of the former regime.”

    The central bank said it plans to issue a new currency from the category of 50 dinars after deletion of zeros which is equivalent to $ 50 thousand JD at the moment. “

    examines the central, since last June deleting three zeros from the local currency in an attempt to promote the value of currency in circulation, external and internal. Will be added the Kurdish language to the new currency in addition to Arabic. “

    The Ministry of Finance to delete the zeros will free the economy from the constraints and enhance the value of the dinar in the International Monetary Fund.

    He International Monetary Fund last August to support the Iraqi economy in the event of his a number of economic measures, including raising three zeros from the local currency.


  180. wakaya
    Dec 20, 2011 @ 03:10:18

    Central Bank announces the “national key” to facilitate the payment system and instruments in Iraq

    17-12-2011 | (Voice of Iraq)

    Central Bank of Iraq announced the start of the national key project that deals with the introduction of modern technologies in the banking system by facilitating the work and payment instruments in Iraq.

    The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in a statement to the Agency (news) on Saturday: that the central bank is working hard to introduce modern technologies in the Iraqi banking system through the use of electronic devices to facilitate the work of payments and instruments between Iraqi banks within a project called key national levels.

    And the benefit is that this project is an electronic device inventor called “Qassim national” works to facilitate the withdrawal of money fast and brief for people who have credit in Iraqi banks of any bank they want within this device instead of going to the bank, which filed it be trusted , for the purpose of the payments system and facilitate the exchange of instruments between banks in Iraq, in addition to the introduction of mobile technology to know the bank account and credit transfer through a collaboration with the mobile communications companies in Iraq.

    He added that a national Qassim managed by a company that specializes in this work for certain wages and are monitored by the Central Bank of Iraq to determine their performance and the extent of its capabilities and efficiency in the process of providing financial services to the citizen.

    Saleh pointed out: that there is a local and international companies expressed their desire to manage this device will be announced soon for an international tender to enter the largest number of companies to choose the company efficient, which will manage the device, and continued after it is determined the company would be the formation of the national top consists of: representatives from Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance as well as banks and telecommunications companies to monitor and organize the work of this device for fear of differences in the process of drawing and performance.

    The deputy governor of central bank monetary policy in Iraq continues, in the process of introduction of modern banking technologies and works invisibly with the help of international organizations and international institutions for the success of the plans for the development of the banking sector in Iraq, those of the U.S. Development and the World Bank and all other international organizations in countries friendly to Iraq.

    In the period from (18 to 19) of the month of November of this year, the systems department development plan, the financial one section of the Central Bank conference Nqashiya in Istanbul to study the draft key national to facilitate dealings in credit cards and electronic cash Alale for the development of e-banking in Iraq.


  181. wakaya
    Dec 26, 2011 @ 14:39:00

    Symposium for deletion of zeros moving forward


    Diwaniyah (Iba) .. نظمت كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد في جامعة القادسية، ندوة علمية تخصصية عن حذف الأصفار من العملة العراقية وآثارها في الاقتصاد العراقي. Organized by the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Qadisiyah, specialized scientific symposium for the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency and its implications in the Iraqi economy.

    وقال مصدر في الجامعة ان الندوة تضمن القاء محاضرة بعنوان حذف الأصفار من العملة العراقية وأثارها على الاقتصاد العراقي القاها نائب محافظ البنك المركزي العراقي الدكتور مظهر صالح تطرق فيها إلى أهمية النقود وتأثير ظروف العراق على اقتصاده، مبيناً أن الاقتصاد العراقي كان مكبوتافي ظل النظام السابق بسبب الحروبوانهيار البنى التحتية. A source at the university, said the seminar included a lecture entitled to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency and raised on the Iraqi economy delivered by the Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Iraq, Dr. the appearance of favor in which he discussed the importance of money and the impact of conditions in Iraq on the economy, noting that the Iraqi economy was Mekpottafa under the previous regime because Aharopoanhiar the infrastructure.

    وأضاف المصدر أن نائب محافظ البنك المركزي اوضح خطوات الاستبدال تتضمن إعلان الموازنة العامة للدولة وتكتب كل السجلات المحاسبية والمصرفي بالعملة الجديدةموضحاً أن عملية استبدال العملة سوف تمتد إلى سنتين فضلا عن أن عملية إتلاف العملة القديمة ستجرى في البنك المركزي العراقي. The source added that the deputy central bank governor said steps include replacement Declaration of the state budget and write all the accounting records and bank currency Aljdidhmodha that the process of replacing the currency will be extended to two years as well as the process of destruction of the old currency will be held at the Central Bank of Iraq. (النهاية) (End)


  182. wakaya
    Dec 27, 2011 @ 00:19:28


    Central Bank of Iraq’s decision to raise zeros from the Iraqi currency maker, but he needs to field work.

    The appearance of the central Mohammed Saleh told the reporter Agency (news) on Wednesday: that the »decision to raise zeros from the Iraqi currency maker but he needs to work convicts on the level of banks and international accounts, the retirement of the old currency.

    Saleh pointed out: that the field work is very important for the completion of such a step being the need to create banks to deal with the competent organs of the new currency, noting that the replacement of the currency in the year (2003) was a step quick, but now do not need this speed and we have enough time to create all the necessary steps for the success of the replacement process.

    Salih stressed that Iraq had supplies sufficient to perform this experiment, but will need to will and to move away from fear and hesitation in the implementation of its decisions


  183. wakaya
    Dec 31, 2011 @ 04:09:28

    Dollar accounts for 40 percent of trades in Iraq

    Thursday, 29 _12_ 2011
    جريدة الحياة السعودية Al Hayat, Saudi Arabia
    بغداد – نصير الحسون BAGHDAD – Naseer Goldfinch

    أكد نائب محافظ المصرف المركزي العراقي مظهر محمد صالح في حديث الى «الحياة»، ان استمرار ظاهرة دولرة السوق العراقية وازدواجية التعاملات التجارية في مختلف العملات، أمر سلبي يحتاج الى تطبيق برنامج قادر على إعادة الثقة بالدينار، مشيراًً الى ان الدولار يستحوذ على 40 في المئة من التداولات المحلية. Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview to «life», said the persistence of dollarization of the Iraqi market and the duplication of transactions in different currencies, something negative needs to implement the program is able to restore confidence in dinars, adding that the dollar accounts for 40 percent of local trading.

    وقال: «السوق العراقية لا تزال من الأسواق المدولرة، وهذه ظاهرة سلبية معناها أن هناك خللاً في الاقتصاد المحلي وعلاقاته الدولية، ويؤدي بالتالي الى تدهور سوق العملة محلياً وخارجياً». He said: «the Iraqi market is not removed from the market Almdolrh, and this negative phenomenon means that there are flaws in the domestic economy and international relations, and thus lead to a deterioration of the currency market locally and abroad».

    ولفت إلى ان التقديرات الأخيرة سجلت ان ما بين 35 و 39 في المئة من التعاملات تتم بالعملات الأجنبية في الأسواق المحلية، موضحاً ان الصفقات الضخمة كشراء البيوت والسيارات والذهب تعقد بالدولار، والصغيرة بالدينار. He pointed out that recent estimates reported that between 35 and 39 percent of transactions in foreign currencies are local markets, adding that large transactions such as buying houses, cars, gold held in dollars, dinars and small. وقال : «مشكلة الدولرة تعود إلى قلة الثقة بالدينار العراقي الذي أصبح من العملات القوية جداً ويتداول حتى في أسواق دول الجوار، وسبب ذلك يعود لوجود خلل في هيكلية العملة العراقية وضعف تركيبتها، فأعلى ورقة لدينا هي من فئة 25 الف دينار أي ما يعادل 20 دولاراً، وبالتالي فإن المدفوعات النقدية الكبيرة تحتاج لفئات اكبر لتسهيل الدفع والحمل، بخاصة ان العراق حتى الآن يفضل التعامل النقدي بعكس دول العالم التي تخطت هذه المرحلة واستخدمت آليات دفع سهلة وبسيطة مثل البطاقات والصكوك وأجهزة الدفع الالكترونية وغيرها». He said: «the problem of dollarization due to a lack of confidence in Iraqi dinars, which became the currency very strong and is trading up in the markets of neighboring countries, and the reason for this is due to a malfunction in the structure of the Iraqi currency and the weakness of composition, and higher paper we have is from the category of 25 thousand dinars, equivalent to $ 20 and, therefore, cash payments large need for larger groups to facilitate the payment and pregnancy, especially since Iraq has so far preferred cash handling unlike the countries of the world that have crossed this stage and use payment mechanisms that are easy and simple, such as cards, instruments and devices of electronic payment and other ».

    وعن الخطوات التي اتخذها المصرف المركزي لحل المشكلة، ذكر صالح ان «العلاج الأبرز يكمن في تطبيق مشروع حذف الأصفار لإعادة هيكلة الدينار ومعادلة ظاهرة الدولرة». And the steps taken by the Central Bank to resolve the problem, Saleh said that «the most prominent treatment lies in the application of the deletion of zeros for the restructuring of the dinar and the equation of the dollarization phenomenon».

    وفي شأن التعامل بالعملة الإيرانية والدينار الكويتي والريال السعودي قال: «إنها تندرج ضمن نطاق التعاملات السياحية، فبسبب تقارب الحدود ووجود سياح تجري هذه التعاملات كنوع من التسهيلات». In regard to the deal in the Iranian and Kuwaiti dinar and the Saudi riyal, said: «It is within the scope of tourism transactions, due to the convergence of the border and the presence of tourists, these transactions take place as a sort of facilities».

    وأوضح الأكاديمي العراقي باسم أنطوان، أن «الطبيعي في كل دول العالم هو ان تتم التعاملات بالعملة الوطنية، وهذا سيكون الأفضل، ويحصر استعمال بقية العملات في التعاملات الخارجية، لكن المواطن العراقي اعتاد على التعامل ببقية العملات، وتراه مراقباً لحركة أسعارها وأصبح الأمر ظاهرة ستستمر إذ لم تعد هيكلة الدينار». The Iraqi academic as Antoine, the «natural in all countries of the world is that the transactions are in the national currency, this would be the best, and restricts the use of other currencies in foreign dealings, but the Iraqi citizens accustomed to dealing with the rest of currencies, and you see an observer of the movement of prices and it has become a phenomenon will continue as no longer structured dinar ».

    وأكدت عضو اللجنة الاقتصادية في البرلمان العراقي نورة البجاري، أن «ما نراه هو انعكاس لانعدام الثقة في الدينار الذي كان أشبه بالدولار في الستينات والسبعينات من القرن الماضي، لكن الحروب والعقوبات جعلته عملة محلية فقط». And confirmed a member of the Economic Committee in the Iraqi parliament Bijari Nora, that «what we’re seeing is a reflection of the lack of confidence in the dinar, which was more like the U.S. dollar in the sixties and seventies of the last century, but the wars and sanctions have made local currency only


  184. wakaya
    Dec 31, 2011 @ 04:11:21

    Trade Bank of Iraq decided by the introduction of electronic clearing

    December 27 / 1 December 2011 16:11

    {Baghdad} Euphrates News announced for Trade Bank of Iraq, he decided to work clearing electronic system early next year.

    وقالت مديرة المصرف حمدية الجاف، في حديثها مع وكالة {الفرات نيوز} ان “المصرف سيباشر بعمل نظام المقاصة الالكتروني مطلع العام المقبل”. The Director of the bank Hamdiya dry, in her talk with the Euphrates News Agency {} “The bank will begin the work of the electronic clearing system early next year.”

    واضافت الجاف، ان “المصرف سبق وان اشترك بغرفة المقاصة الالكترونية في البنك المركزي العراقي وسيبدأ العمل عليه مع كافة المصارف الحكومية والقطاع الخاص المشاركة في الغرفة لغرض تسهيل تبادل المعلومات فيما بينها”. She is dry, that “the bank had previously participated in the electronic clearing house Central Bank of Iraq will begin work on it with all government banks and the private sector to participate in the room for the purpose of facilitating the exchange of information among them.”

    والمقاصة الالكترونية هو نظام يمكن المصارف المشاركة وفروعها من تبادل أوامر الدفع فيما بينهم بطريقة آلية، وتتم المعالجة وأرسال صافي التسوية النهائية الى نظام التسوية الاجمالية الآنية، وكذلك يتم من خلال النظام تبادل الصكوك الالكترونية . And the electronic clearing system is banks can participate and branches from the exchange of payment orders among themselves in an automated fashion, and are net of treatment and send the final settlement to the Real Time Gross Settlement System, as well as through the system is the exchange of electronic instruments.

    وسيتم في وقت لاحق نشر الحوار الكامل الذي دار بين وكالة {الفرات نيوز} ومديرة المصرف العراقي للتجارة.انتهى. Will be later in the full deployment of the dialogue that took place between the Euphrates and the Agency {News} and Director of the Trade Bank of Iraq. Finished.


  185. wakaya
    Dec 31, 2011 @ 04:13:38

    Expert economic: to delete the zeros of the three project does not lead to the strengthening of the Iraqi dinar .. And will cost the state large sums of money

    12.30.2011 | (Voice of Iraq)

    Baghdad (news) confirmed the economic expert Ikram Abdul Aziz said the project to delete three zeros from the currency has no effect on the Iraqi dinar and the economy, just switch the form of foreign currency, saying it would cost state large sums of money when implemented. said Abdul Aziz told the reporter Agency (news) Friday: that the strength of the Iraqi dinar depends on the strength of the Iraqi economy and its diversity, ie diversity of revenue annual State through the activation of all economic sectors, and the Iraqi economy diversified revenue rather that the economy is a yield unilaterally dependent on oil. She said Abdul-Aziz: that the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency does not lead to the strengthening of the Iraqi dinar and the national economy, but it just reduces the money supply in the market, asserting that a sound by the Central Bank to facilitate the trading process and provide the currency with a few categories. She pointed out: This project will cost the state large sums of money and expensive through the process of printing currency and instruct citizens on how to use and dealing in them, stressing that this project has no impact either negatively or positively on the Iraqi economy. The economic expert if it wants monetary policy to work to strengthen the Iraqi dinar, it has to go towards restructuring the economic sectors in Iraq and diversity in its infrastructure in order to strengthen the Iraqi economy and then the Iraqi currency. The CBI had earlier announced that the project to delete the zeros of the three Iraqi currency exists in spite of the criticisms directed against him by officials and economists, will be implemented after two years from now.


  186. wakaya
    Dec 31, 2011 @ 05:10:01

    Rifai arrested a gang specialized promotion and counterfeiting Iraqi currency

    December 30 / 2011

    Agency of Dhi Qar, the news /
    She said the security agencies in the city of Al Rifai it had arrested a gang of rigging and the promotion of counterfeit currency in the city.

    The source, who preferred anonymity confirmed to Nasiriyah News Network, that the security agencies in the city of Al Rifai – 90 km north of Nasiriyah – received intelligence information indicating the existence of a gang based in a cafe-based promotion of counterfeit currency.

    He emphasized that the force of city police in cooperation with the National Division of Information, was able to arrest two members of the gang, as well as the confiscation of a number of counterfeit currency class ten thousand and twenty-five thousand dinars.


  187. wakaya
    Dec 31, 2011 @ 12:27:29

    Obama, Maliki has promised to take the necessary money to protect the State of Iraq after the end of 2011

    31.12.2011 | (Voice of Iraq) Baghdad – where the MP for the coalition of state law, Ihsan Al-Awadi said U.S. President Barack Obama promised Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Bagara necessary for the protection of overseas funds of Iraq after the end of the year. He told Al-Awadi all of Iraq [where] today, “al-Maliki during his recent visit to discuss the protection of Iraqi funds deposited outside the country of Iraq being indebted to many countries of the world due to the hostile policy of the former regime and there is fear from the control of the creditor countries on the money.” He added that “the money was under the protection of the United Nations and after the expiration of the protection of the United Nations adopted the U.S. Congress decision to protect these funds, but this decision will be completed by the end of the year. ” He added that “al-Maliki made ​​the subject of the main topics discussed with the U.S. side during his recent visit and was able to obtain assurances from the side U.S. to take steps that will protect Iraq’s foreign money. ” The concerns raised by some politicians from the feet of the creditor countries of Iraq to control Iraq’s foreign funds after the end of this year to run out of power for U.S. protection.


  188. wakaya
    Dec 31, 2011 @ 12:55:02

    Iraq Dinar Value Increasing Steadily Decposted by Tom Harris filed under Forex Trading


    Iraq dinar stays mostly decoupled frοm world financial markets. Iraq includes a reduced sovereign credit rating аnd thеrе exists merely trivial need fοr іtѕ dinar. Thе Iraqi dinar value continues thеѕе days tο bе managed through thе Iraq central bank.

    Thе Iraq dinar ѕtаrtеd circulation аѕ soon аѕ Iraq gained іtѕ independence іn 1932 аftеr being ruled through thе Ottoman (Turkish) Empire аnd thеn Britain. Prior tο thе dinar, thе Iraqi money wаѕ thе Indian rupee, launched wіth lіttlе creativity bу thе British rіght аftеr thеу defeated Turkey during WWI аnd took over management οf Iraq.

    Thе Iraqi Dinar hаѕ long bееn a managed currency. Upon іtѕ introduction іn 1932, thе dinar wаѕ fixed towards thе pound. In 1959 thаt association wаѕ changed tο a US greenback peg. It stays pegged towards thе US currency tο thіѕ day.

    Following thе initial US Gulf War аnd аlѕο thе imposition οf UN financial sanctions, economic circumstances inside Iraq worsened sharply. Bу 1993, inflation hаd exploded tο a annual rate οf more thаn one thousand %, unemployment wаѕ аt a hυgе fifty percent аnd thе Iraqi dinar exchange rate dropped significantly. During 1994, іt required аbουt 2,500 dinars tο bυу 1 US dollar. Tο support thе Iraqi dinar, various actions wеrе launched іn 1996 such аѕ nеw regulations permitting Iraqi residents tο υѕе overseas money financial institution accounts.

    Following thе second Gulf War, nеw preparations wеrе сrеаtеd tο bе effective οn 15 Oct 2003 tο produce a nеw Iraqi dinar аnd аlѕο tο control thе Iraqi dinar exchange rate. Sіnсе those nеw arrangements hаνе bееn launched, thе Iraqi Dinar Value hаѕ steadily increased. Thе current exchange rate іѕ 1,170 dinars fοr one US dollar.

    Information printed through thе US Central Intelligence Agency indicates thаt thе quantity οf Iraqi dinars needed tο рυrсhаѕе a US greenback wаѕ 1,475 dinars (οn average) throughout 2005, 1,255 throughout 2007 thеn down tο 1,170 іn 2009. Thе exchange rate today stays near 1,170 dinars per US currency.

    Iraq recently quantified іtѕ confirmed crude oil reserves аt 143 billion barrels, іn comparison wіth Saudi Arabia wіth 265 billion barrels οf confirmed reserves. Thе grеаt раrt аbουt thеѕе reserves аrе thаt thеу аrе effortlessly available аnd аѕ a result thе oil іѕ cheap tο produce. Roughly 95% οf аll Iraqi export worth іѕ derived frοm crude oil.

    Longer term, аѕ political stability returns tο Iraq, іtѕ economic programs increases efficiencies аnd іtѕ citizens capture thе full value frοm thе national crude oil wealth, thе Iraqi dinar value mіght bе anticipated tο increase considerably above іtѕ present level.

    Lіkе mοѕt currencies іn thе world currently, thе Iraqi dinar value іѕ vital tο those whο dο business globally. Thе opportunities available tο those whο аrе considering investing means tracking thе Iraqi dinar exchange rate consistently.


  189. wakaya
    Jan 03, 2012 @ 00:29:19

    Kurdistan region imported 17 tons of gold during 2011

    02/01/2012 18:43

    Erbil, January 2 (Rn) – According to the Directorate of statistical quality control of gold in the Kurdistan region, importing about 17 tons of gold in 2011 the past.

    Gold, zer The statistics that in 2011 saw the last import about 17 tons of gold and more than five tons of silver to the markets of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil International Airport.

    The deputy director of quality control for jewelry in the Ministry of Planning Government of the province, Ismail Sabir, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “during 2011 the past was imported about 17 tonnes of gold and five thousand and 162 kilograms of silver to the region, through the Erbil airport.”

    “The bulk of the gold imported from Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, due to the increasing demand for citizens to buy it.”

    From: Hassan Repin, see: Ihsan Aervani

    P/s: WoW!!!! kaya benor rakyat iraq ekk… dia orang siap shopping gold lagi…hehehhehehehe…ini menandakan nak RVlah kot x lama lagi.


  190. wakaya
    Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:18:18

    Cantikkkkkkkkkkk…….. sah dan dipersahkan oleh CBI bahawa duit aku dan duit kau orang yg ada dalam account bank diiraq bukan tergolong didalam duit pengubahan wang haram dan statusnya sah disisi CBI.

    Central Bank Of Iraq : funds entering Iraq are scarce and there is no money laundering

    01/07/2012 7:38

    Baghdad, “Iraqi gate” follow-up economics editor
    A source at the Iraqi Central Bank, said the case of money laundering in Iraq is almost negligible, and that the money coming into Iraq are scarce and are not subject to money laundering.
    The report presented by one of the channels local to the lack of control over money entering Iraq, and not to check sources of funds included in the accounts of some of the clients of private banks, whether persons or companies, and most likely report the existence of cases of money laundering in Baghdad and several provinces Mahaddh to neighboring countries, The report warned of the use of these funds in the financing of terrorism.
    The former Iraqi minister has revealed, told, “Ur” in September for information to the effect that there is a major money laundering taking place in Iraq now and by gangs in power, while, according to banking sources said about 30 million dollars is laundered per month. The minister added that he did not want the proportion of the information to him by name, “according to Orr,” that what is happening now is a matter of many of the concerns on the political and economic levels.
    Banking sources confirm that the money laundering operations in Iraq began to spread in a strange and significant transactions during the Iraqi private banks with capital valued at an unknown source and is often all foreign remittances.
    Reports indicate that Iraqi banks are the incubator for big money laundering operations .. And that there is money laundering taking place under the cover of legal and illegal entry through dealers and owners of exchange companies in addition to private banks in Iraq, which mostly operate through banks, non-Iraqi foreign untapped Auction Central Bank of Iraq which will be held for five days a week.
    These reports confirm that all banking transactions are in coordination with the Department of the Bills in the Central Bank. And that the process is to provide the bank or the company lists the names and numbers, the amounts transferred and most of these names are fictitious grounds that they require financial transfers while in Jordanian banks, or banks, Bahrain or UAE and after anchoring Bid on one of the companies or banks are given instruments to the amounts purchased from the foreign exchange reserves to the Department of the Bills which are often in other banks and is lowered into the accounts of the central bank after three or four days is sufficient to wash the money and run in banks outside of Iraq. And confirmed that all these operations are carried out in coordination with some of the staff who work in the Bills and the Central Bank of Iraq did not bother to investigate the many names that comes to the bank every day under the pretext of remittances.


  191. wakaya
    Jan 11, 2012 @ 17:20:43

    hahahaha…”WARKA BANK” mengorak selangkah lagi kehadapan dengan mengembangkan lagi sayapnya di “DJIBOUTI” dengan membuka Branch yg baru. hehehehe…..bukalah Ooooiiiii akuan warka bank….tak payah lagi simpan duit cash note tu!!!!!!. Duit cash iraq tu dah nak tak laku lagi dah….!!!!!. lupakanlah si penjual cash note tu….

    Warka Bank enters Djibouti Market

    11 January 2012

    President Ismail Omar Guelleh recently inaugurated the first subsidiary of Iraq-based Warka Bank for Investment and Finance (BWAI) in Djibouti to offer full range of banking services. The ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister Dileita Mohamed Dileita, Mr. Hichem Ben Turkia, who is Warka Bank representative, several members of government, as well as ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic corps accredited to Djibouti and representatives of international organizations.

    Established in 1999 in the Iraqi capital, Warka Bank for Investment and Finance now has branches in Jordan and Lebanon and is one of Iraq’s biggest private banks. The entry of BWAI has risen the number of private banks operating in the country to a dozen. It plans to offer facilities such as transferring remittances, credit cards, personal loans, long-term finance, trade finance, structured finance and investment.

    The Chief of Djibouti’s central bank, Mr. Jama Mohamoud Haid, who was also present for the occasion said this event highlighted Djibouti’s rapidly growing economy. “This second ribbon cutting ceremony of a banking institution in the space of two weeks demonstrates the vitality of the sector particularly financial and our economy in general,” he said.

    He further stressed that the bank will place Djibouti in a more favorable economic position in the region and help strengthen trade relations with the Arab world. He said the central bank was providing the right environment for private banks to thrive.

    “I can assure you Mr. President, the local banks tell me that their goal is also to play an important economic contribution to the creation of national wealth. And therefore , to improve the lives of our citizens the central bank of Djibouti is committed to motivate and support them in this will,” he said.

    He urged international investors to take advantage of Djibouti’s position as a stable and leading regional financial, trade and transport hub. Appealing to foreign investors, he said, “a strong and stable currency, political stability, Geo-strategic position open to the outside world, a telecommunications system performance, and finally the existence of a port structure in the potential.”

    “We hope that the arrival of Warka Bank in the financial Djibouti will contribute to further transform the banking landscape, making it more competitive by introducing a wider range of financial products and services, while respecting international law and regulations of the Central Bank of Djibouti which has continued to support us and advice, “he said finally.


  192. wakaya
    Jan 11, 2012 @ 17:54:54

    Fears that smuggling money abroad

    10/1/2012 | (Voice of Iraq)

    Baghdad / follow-up term economic Economists confirmed the existence of cases of smuggling of money as a result of lack of control over the economy in addition to fully understanding the wrong of some politicians on the subject of a market economy, as between the Central Bank of the possibility of the existence of simple operations of this phenomenon, pointing to impose measures working to reduce them. The economist said Majid picture, according to (Rn) that this smuggling resulted from the lack of control over the economy in general on the grounds that the concept of a market economy for politicians is wrong, they think that this means full freedom to act funds and economic potential. ” He said the picture that the smuggling of funds abroad evidence of a weak economy and lack of control, indicating that some of the money smuggled in a formal way and informal as well as lack of control over the transfer of funds out-of-government banks. ” He said the picture that the existence of financial corruption and management is the most prominent reasons that lead to smuggling money, “adding that” there are those who defend the smuggling of money and money laundering. ” The financial corruption and theft of public money and the growth of wealth is a natural one of the reasons the smuggling of money that has grown and spread in recent years. turn , did not deny the central bank and there are cases of smuggling money outside the country but stressed that he is watching and follow up on all the sources and destination of funds. The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed, told the Kurdish (Rn), that the “smuggling capital is classified as a money laundering if Mtherbh of taxes, but lighter than the process of money laundering the latter being the result of crimes and drug trafficking. ” Saleh added that “Iraq by virtue of conventions of international, especially the International Monetary Fund signed in 1945, Article VIII, which stresses that all countries signatory to the Convention to liberalize the current account of balance of payments, this means allowing the transfer of funds for the purpose of the goods and services of any commercial purposes. ” Saleh continued: it wants to buy funds at the auction provide documentation that they use that money to trade. If we confirm that the person was an Iraqi and has a bank account and claims he was working on the import of goods after receiving a the support of the tax and commercial documents which that money is not the result of money laundering. ” He pointed out that “the demand for foreign currency increased in the last stage due to the withdrawal of foreign Iraq and political issues, but the great demand is the transformation of some Iraqi traders adults to the dealer and broker of regional trade by virtue of conditions in the region with them. ” Observers believe that the phenomenon of money laundering in Iraq has grown in the absence of an integrated banking sector governing financial transactions between the inside and outside Iraq on the one hand, and between markets within the country on the other. The Economic Committee in the House of Representatives: to control the process of smuggling, money laundering, require extra effort in Iraq, if compared in stable countries and scientifically advanced. A member of the Committee Mahma Khalil (Rn), “The control of the phenomenon of money laundering and smuggling require state electronic and culture and procedures, laws, political stability and security, even if we compare Iraq to developed countries and stable world it is chugging along fine. ” Khelil said that “Iraq has changed from a state with a centralized economy to a state with a free economy and this requires processors from all aspects, most notably address the financial and administrative corruption, which provides a way for the widening the phenomenon of smuggling and money laundering. ” The developing and underdeveloped countries a suitable environment for money laundering operations to these countries is characterized by weakness in the laws and the fragility of the legal control and a clear decline in the level of statistical and mathematical operations.

    P/s:hehehehe….dah sah2 Penasihat Bank Negara Iraq menyatakan Duit Iraq yg diseludup keluar dari iraq merupakan satu Kesalahan Jenayah dan ianya diangap sebagai “MONEY LAUNDERING” yang paling BEST sekali…. Duit Iraq yg diseludup keluar dari iraq sedang dan telah dipantau oleh “Central Bank Of Iraq” hehehe…aku x tahulah apa yg bakal dilakukan oleh CBI nanti terhadap duit2 seludup tu…..apa yang aku pasti duit yg kau orang beli tu….aku takut CBI kira right-off jer duit tu….hehehehehe…..aku dah cakap dari dulu kini dan selamanya…..JANGAN BELI CASH NOTE DINAR IRAQ !!!!!!! “BAHAYA”!!!!!!!! hehehehe….


  193. Kord Gitar
    Jan 12, 2012 @ 07:42:54

    ikutan nyimak aja


  194. wakaya
    Jan 14, 2012 @ 02:28:45

    Guaranteed By The Central Bank Of Iraq

    Tuesday, 10 / 1 / 2012 11:33 GMT

    Alsumaria News / Diwaniya called Diwaniyah,

    Government banks in the province to take over the Iraqi currency affected by the different groups, confirming that they are guaranteed by the Central Bank of Iraq. The deputy governor of Diwaniya for Financial Affairs Abbas Jubouri in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “on the banks government in the province recognizes the currency-affected citizens, especially of the class 250 and 1000 dinars if the damage was not lost its features completely. ” He added Jubouri that “the banks and filling stations, merchants and community collection refuses to recognize those currencies of the citizens who obtained it by trading in local markets,” , noting that it “damaged the economic citizen and the province.” The Deputy Governor that “the Iraqi currency is guaranteed by the Central Bank of Iraq in all categories,” noting that “banks do not account for receipt of such currency Petkdsha in their vaults asset frozen refrain public treasury for receiving the” . The Jubouri that “maintaining the readiness to address any government issued orders to banks to refrain from receipt of the Iraqi currency is affected.” For their part, a number of citizens to maintain their surprise of the failure of government banks for receipt of such currencies affected. Moualem said Saad-Ghorayeb’s “Sumerian News “,” filling stations refused to recognize the category of a thousand dinars, even if they were affected a little bit, “pointing out that” the banks declined to the other for receiving, causing loss of time and money. ” confirmed employee Magda Abdel Hussein that “Ratbna Monthly includes the amounts of currencies different, many of which affected to varying degrees as a result of trading continued, “adding that” the government banks refuse to replace them, leading to losing her, despite the limited our income. ” The Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi confirmed at a meeting of independent bodies with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which took place in the 19 June 2011, ready to create all the supplies to replace the Iraqi currency, urged the Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs on 25 August 2011 the Central Bank of Iraq to stop the action to change the currency, warned of “mafias currency” is preparing to rig the trillions of dinars exploited to change the currency, also confirmed that it will result in a huge mass of cash is difficult to confront. The Diwaniyah, 180 kilometers south of Baghdad, the second poorest provinces, with the proportion of poverty by 35 percent, according to official statistics.


  195. wakaya
    Jan 14, 2012 @ 02:29:46

    Decision of the finance committee demands to control the Iraqi borders to reduce the phenomenon of smuggling Iraqi funds
    On Friday,

    Alih bahasa tajuk berita :

    Keputusan jawatankuasa kewangan menuntut untuk mengawal sempadan Iraq untuk mengurangkan fenomena dana penyeludupan Iraq
    Pada hari Jumaat,

    13-01-2012 04: 19 PM

    Baghdad (News). Called on decision of the Finance Committee, the representative of the Iraqi Coalition/Ahmad al-msari to the importance of Control border crossing points to reduce the phenomenon of smuggling Iraqi funds abroad.
    Al-Msari Said in a statement to the (news News) today (Friday): There is a money-laundering Iraqi to some neighboring countries, especially states that are affected by political and economic crises, calling for taking the necessary measures by the federal government for the expansion of this phenomenon.
    Al-Msari Said: There must be tightened in the work of the border crossing points to Iraq in order to gain control over funds smuggled, the phenomenon of غسي money to do not lead to the depletion of Iraq.
    Earlier, the commission has called for parliamentary integrity the ministries concerned to form monitoring committees to follow the work of the banks and money exchange Iraqi to reduce the phenomenon of money laundering of the local currency, holding at the same time, traders up this phenomenon.
    He said a member of the Committee of parliamentary deputy from/Iraqi coalition/Khalid al-` alwani is in a previous statement (the news News): The fact that the integrity committee in the parliament sent a letter to the Ministry of Finance and others concerned, مطالبتا to control the formation of committees to take its role to follow up the work of the banking offices of Iraqi banks to reduce the phenomenon of money laundering the current currency.
    Al-Alwani Said: This phenomenon did not be borne by banks and money exchange firms only But there are Iraqi traders and other countries took advantage of the situation and stable in the country through متاجرتهم of Contraband which led to economic chaos in the local market. /End/8.. O /


  196. wakaya
    Jan 30, 2012 @ 13:29:55

    CBI responds: Our “Dropping of the Zero’s” policy is successful and Anbuge personal criticism doesn’t represent the opinion of the government


    Baghdad described the Central Bank of Iraq, Sunday, his policy of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar to “successful”, saying that the criticisms made ​​by the Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Al-Hussein Anbuge personal and do not represent the opinion of the government.

    The deputy governor of the Bank Mazhar Mohammad Saleh in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “The Central Bank maintained the value of Iraqi dinar and stability in the difficult conditions that prevailed in the country,” noting that “the Iraqi government and international organizations confirmed that the policy Bank raised the value of the dinar against the dollar successful. “

    Saleh added that “the Director of the IMF France Christine Lagarde praised the other successes of the Central Bank of Iraq during a meeting with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Washington,” adding that “the Bank has a lot of problems, he was able to achieve some goals. ” Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki visited, in the 12 of December last in 2011, Washington, at the head of a delegation that included a number of ministers and advisers in the government, where he met President Barack Obama and a number of American officials.

    Salih stressed that “the purchasing power of Iraq at this time a stable and good, compared to previously when it was the Iraqi citizen carries money is worthless, “pointing out that” the criticisms made ​​by the Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Al-Hussein Anbuge the bank does not represent the opinion of the government. “

    He was an adviser to Prime Minister for the economic Abdul Hussein Al-Anbuge criticized, on Saturday (January 28 now), the policy of the Iraqi Central Bank to lift the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar, while noting that the bank had not coordinated with the economic system in addressing the situation, saying that such policy violates the productive base in Iraq . and had previously objected Anbuge the policy of the Iraqi Central Bank aimed at deleting three zeros from the Iraqi dinar and the currency exchange, noting that this would cause great mischief.

    The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in the 19th of this January, for having raised Iraqi dinar against the dollar during the sessions for the sale and purchase of foreign currency at the rate of four dinars, indicating that the rate of the dinar nominal is not commensurate with the purchasing power to him or the real price of the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar. (Note: The recent increase equated to .34%)

    It is noteworthy that the CBI is being daily sessions for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies with the exception of public holidays on which depends the Bank for these auctions, and is the Central Bank of Iraq under the law issued on the sixth of March of 2004, which refers to him as an independent body which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies and management of foreign reserves and the issuance of currency management, as well as to regulate the banking sector to promote the financial system competitive and independent.


  197. wakaya
    Jan 30, 2012 @ 13:31:57

    Adakah CBI telah Membuat Kenyataan Bahawasanya Duit yang berada diluar Iraq merupakan duit ” PALSU “???????

    Sekiranya Benar apa yg dicakapkan itu…..Maka dengan resminya segala duit Cash Note yang anda beli & simpan diluar dari negara iraq merupakan duit duit ” DINAR IRAQ PALSU ” !!!!! OMG!!!!!!!

    Commercial Bank: No truth to the replacement of forged Iraqi currency from abroad for hard currency

    29/01/2012 18:30:00

    Denied Commercial Bank of Iraq, replacing the forged Iraqi currency from outside Iraq for hard currency through bank branches,

    The General Manager of the bank and the agency and its board chairman, Hamdiya Mahmoud dry in a statement released today, and received “the Iraqi news agency, independent) a copy of it”, said, “cited some of the media about the bank’s branch of the Iraqi city of Najaf, replacing Iraqi currency forged from outside Iraq for hard currency through the branches of a bank is untrue and baseless, “asserting that” our banking systematic scientific manner consistent with international standards.

    The dry that “the Trade Bank of Iraq is an Iraqi bank to a government controlled by the Central Bank of Iraq Board of Supreme Audit and the auditor of an international major companies overseas accounts and therefore can never occur, such as how banking transactions suspicious,” emphasizing “the right of the bank to prosecute those who try to discredit the bank lies and slander.

    For his part, considered the Branch Manager Trade Bank of Iraq in the city of Najaf, Abdul Wahab Al Habib Hashim that “the reporting of such false news aimed at harming the body’s banking and cheap attempt to discredit the reputation of the Trade Bank of Iraq

    He pointed out that Hashem “the work of the branch in the city is going according to legal frameworks,” he said

    The number of media handled that both Iran and Syria made ​​billions of counterfeit Iraqi dinars into Iraq and worked to replace the dollar with some Iraqi officials and then out to the two countries

    P/s. so… kesimpulannya duit iraq yang berada diluar dari iraq memang tidak boleh ditukarkan didalam negara iraq…tak mustahil sekiranya iraq melupuskan duitnya yang berada diluar dari iraq akan menukarkan duit lamanya kepada duit yang baru hanya didalam negaranya.selepas selesai pertukaran duit lama kepada duit baru….. iraq akan mengumumkan RV pada nilai duit kertas barunya sahaja.hehehehehehe…..


  198. wakaya
    Jan 30, 2012 @ 13:40:04

    Iraqi Dinar Scam..??????

    Beware of the Iraqi Dinar Scam! Did you know that at least one state lists Iraq Money as one of the biggest scams on the internet? In fact, the State of Utah lists Iraqi Currency as the No 2 scam on the internet!

    Here is what they say about the Dinar:

    ‘Advertisements in local newspapers promise great wealth by purchasing the new Iraqi dinar. Promoters explain that as democracy comes to Iraq, the expected peace will stimulate the Iraqi economy and the value of the dinar. What investors are not told is that the dinars can be redeemed only in Iraq and that the sellers already have doubled their money. Thus, the dinar would have to more than double in value and you would have to take a trip to Iraq to collect any profit.’
    Iraqi Dinars

    Try this – the next time you visit a site selling dinar, take a look at the disclaimer located at the bottom of their site; it’s absolutely shocking! (the shocking stuff is usually in the first few lines of the disclaimer).

    The new Iraqi Dinar is real and not a scam itself, it’s the selling of the Dinar without telling the buyer that they are doubling the price and that it can only be redeemed in Iraq that is wrong. In fact, the central bank of iraq is reported to state that it’s illegal to remove dinar from Iraq.

    The only people making money on the Iraqi Dinar are internet dealers. They make a ton of money as soon as you buy dinar, may sell you fakes and will NOT buy back the currency. Once you buy the Dinar, you’ll find it almost impossible to sell it back!

    I should say that there is a remote possibility that you could buy Iraqi Dinar and make a good profit, but that possibility is so small, it’s almost impossible to measure it; State government considers it risky enough to list, so why in the world would you consider it any different?

    Oh, and if you see a site that is registered to sell Iraqi Dinar, don’t be impressed. What they are not telling you is that they have registered with the government as a company dealing with money. It has NOTHING to do with the Iraqi Currency and does not mean they are trusted in any way. It simply says they filed a form informing the government that they are dealing with money. In fact, ANYONE can fill out this form and send it in and you’ll get a statement saying you filed the form. Iraqi Dinar sellers use this to make themselves look legitimate so do not be mislead!

    Remember, if you’re going to look at the dinar as an investment, look at the disclaimer found on sites selling the dinar. Shocking!


  199. wakaya
    Jan 30, 2012 @ 13:42:39

    Don’t Fall for the Iraqi Dinar Currency Scam

    Friday, January 06, 2012

    The Iraqi dinar “investment” opportunity is a scam that has been around for a few years and has recently been regaining much of its former popularity. The opportunity is pitched as a way to profit from a nearly worthless Iraqi dinar that is “sure” to appreciate in the future. The scammers promise that millions of dollars in profits are virtually guaranteed if you buy the dinar at today’s values (about 1,000 dinar to one US dollar) and then exchange the dinars back for dollars at a later date once the dinar exchange rate has improved.

    However, there are some fundamental problems with the Iraqi dinar scam that potential buyers should be aware of before they begin investing in one of the most illiquid currency markets in the world.

    Lack of Registration

    It is illegal in the US and in most other major economies to market an investment without appropriate securities registration. The scammers get around this requirement in two ways. First, it is technically legal to sell hard currency for its numismatic value. In other words, it is possible to sell hard currency as a “collector’s item.” Second, some dealers will register with the US Treasury as a money service business (MSB).

    Registering as an MSB is something that dinar dealers will do to put on the appearance of registration and government oversight. However, the difference between a legitimate MSBs and dinar dealers is that a real MSB is not marketing an investment. So ask yourself; if a business has to lie to get around registration, are they really making a legitimate offer?

    Dinars Are Sold on Misleading Hype

    The potential value of an investment in dinar is often illustrated with references to what happened to the Kuwaiti dinar following the first Gulf War and the German deutschmark following World War II. These would be good examples except neither one was a free-floating currency at the time, so the value was mostly a function of policymaking and official currency management. It is also a fact that no rational investor would base an investing decision on two instances of past data (more than 60 years in the past) without considering all the times this investing strategy did not pay off.

    Will the Iraqi government pursue a policy of currency appreciation in the future? Since an appreciating currency makes funding your brand new government and paying off past debts more expensive, it seems unlikely. An economy in Iraq’s situation is more likely to experience a currency crash or intentional devaluation than a sudden and dramatic reflation.

    In fact, more recent currency history would seem to show that it is more likely that the dinar will depreciate further in the near term. The fallacy that dinar dealers are relying on is that a growing economy will result in a stronger currency. That is not the case. As the recent examples of Venezuela, Turkey, and Mexico show, a growing economy is as likely to be accompanied by an inflating (weakening) currency as not.

    Many dinar dealers refer to the value of the Iraqi dinar prior to the 1990 Kuwaiti invasion (One dinar = $3+ US dollars) as evidence that the potential for the dinar is theoretically unlimited. They don’t mention that the pre-1990 dinar has been demonetized (worthless) and that its value was arbitrarily set by an autocratic regime led by Saddam Hussein. Following the embargo, the ability for the Iraqi government to manage its currency’s value collapsed and it spent the next ten years at 2,000 – 3,500 dinar to the US dollar.


  200. jolly
    Feb 05, 2012 @ 01:06:34

    bukan senang nak jadi senang.. bukan susah nak jd susah.. fikir2kanlah ye.. XD


  201. Izwan
    Feb 06, 2012 @ 11:20:37

    En Planet ni kan lahir dari planet selain planet yg ada kt alam semesta.
    Nasib baik lahir kt malaysia… Kalau bg rm 70 peggi seminar usahawan belum tentu dia naak pegi.
    Encik planet, ada berani jom buat bisnes dengan saya. 3 bulan sahaja rm30k. Ramai jutawan dah lahir dengan syarikat tempat saya keje. Saya adalah yang seterusnya.
    Saya punya rv kalau tukar dapat 1/2 juta tau. awak ada berani keeee. tu belum tanya NazhaSecret lagi tu.

    p/s : Encik NazhaSecret, kalau dia jadi jumpe dengan saya kita turun sama2 basuh kepala dia. Ha ha ha. harap2 dia terbuka hati dengan anugerah ilahi ini.


  202. anais
    Feb 17, 2012 @ 11:47:39

    dinar iraq memang xlaku lagi sekarang…apa bengap sangat pembeli tu???penjual pon satu xbgtaw…hahha..kesiannn


  203. wakaya
    Feb 17, 2012 @ 20:32:27

    Berita Metro Hari Ini…..

    ‘Jutawan’ dinar Iraq

    17 Feb 2012

    Oleh Asmah Rusman dan Siti Nor Hidayatidayu Razali

    KUALA LUMPUR: Bermodalkan pelaburan awal sebanyak RM3,200 untuk
    memperoleh sejuta dinar Iraq iaitu mata wang baharu Iraq, pelabur
    mampu mendapat RM1 juta sebaik nilai mata wang itu dijangka diapungkan
    (RV) hujung tahun ini.

    Inilah trend terbaru penjual mata wang dinar Iraq bagi menarik pelabur
    membeli mata wang berkenaan yang dikatakan memberi keuntungan dalam
    sekelip mata.

    Wang berkenaan kini tiada nilai kerana baharu dicetak bagi
    menggantikan mata wang lama. Penjual mata wang itu turut mendakwa
    mereka memperoleh wang berkenaan dari Jordan yang dibawa masuk melalui Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) dan diluluskan pihak berkuasa Malaysia.

    Difahamkan, pelabur yang menyimpan, membeli atau menjual ketika RV
    diumumkan, nilai mata wang Dinar Iraq yang pada asalnya tidak bernilai
    akan bertukar menjadi mata wang utama dunia, sekali gus menjadikan
    pemiliknya bergelar jutawan segera.

    Menurut penjual dinar Iraq yang dikenali sebagai Norman, 23, pelabur
    tidak perlu bimbang atau takut membeli dan memiliki mata wang
    berkenaan kerana ia dijangka menjadi lebih bernilai daripada mata wang
    Kuwait yang kini menduduki tangga teratas sebagai mata wang paling
    mahal di dunia.

    Katanya, pelaburan itu disifatkan sama seperti pelaburan yang dibuat
    pemilik dinar Kuwait ketika negara itu berdepan dengan krisis ekonomi
    akibat ditakluk Iraq sekitar 1990-an.

    “Ketika itu mata wang Kuwait bukan saja jatuh merudum, malah ia
    menjadi tidak bernilai namun, sebaik saja negara itu bebas nilainya
    mendadak hingga tiga kali ganda daripada nilai asal.

    “Ini jelas membuktikan, mata wang dinar Iraq juga berpotensi untuk
    menjadi seperti dinar Kuwait yang boleh memberi keuntungan berlipat
    kali ganda,” katanya ketika ditemui di sini.

    Katanya, ada segelintir penjual yang turut mendakwa dinar Iraq juga
    dibeli Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) sebagai persediaan menjelang RV
    akhir tahun ini.

    “Saya diberitahu sebuah bank di negara ini juga dilantik khas membeli
    dinar Iraq. “Disebabkan faktor ini, ramai rakyat negara ini semakin
    yakin untuk melabur sehingga ada segelintir sanggup melabur ratusan
    ribu ringgit,” katanya yang sudah menjual 10 juta dinar Iraq.

    Difahamkan, setakat ini, pemilik dan pembeli dinar Iraq bukan saja
    terdiri daripada suri rumah, peniaga kecil dan kakitangan kerajaan,
    malah ia turut menjadi rebutan golongan pelajar institut pengajian
    tinggi dan golongan VIP.

    Norman berkata, sebaik mengiklankan ke laman sosial facebook, ada
    pelanggan dari luar negara seperti Australia dan Singapura yang
    menghubunginya untuk membeli mata wang itu.


  204. wakaya
    Feb 17, 2012 @ 20:35:10

    Comment Dari BNM (Bank Negara Malaysia)

    Jangan Mudah Tertipu !!!!!!! (hehehehehehe….)

    Kuala Lumpur : “Jangan Mudah Tertipu dan mudah terperdaya dengan teori KARUT yang hanya mengundang padah kepada SI pelabur,”

    Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas kegairahan orang ramai membeli dan menjual “DINAR IRAQ” sejak akhir-akhir ini berikutan khabar angin yang menyatakan ia mampu memberi keuntungan berlipat kali ganda.

    Abu Hassan Alshari berkata “Proses jual beli bon hanya dilakukan pihak kerajaan yang terbabit bukannya melalui “INDIVIDU atau AGENSI tertentu seperti yang dilakukan penjual dinar iraq dinegara ini”.

    “Setuasi ini tidak ujud kerana penjualan BON membabitkan nilai pelaburan yang besar bagi negara yang mahu menjana ekonomi terletak dibawah bidang kuasa kerajaan itu sendiri kerana ia membabitkan proses tertentu dan rumit”.katanya.

    Katanya, mereka yang mahu melabur sepatutnya tidak terburu-buru membeli matawang berkenaan sebaliknya perlu membuat Pemeriksaan dan kesahihannya dengan “KERAJAAN IRAQ atau PEJABAT KEDUTAAN NEGARA ITU”

    Menurutnya, kegairahan mereka itu juga dikhuatiri akan memberi peluang kepada penjual untuk “MEMALSUKAN MATAWANG ITU” berikutan ia terlalu mudah diperolehi dan di cetak.

    “Teori yang membabitkan ekonomi sukar diramal.tindakan penjual yang menyamakan keadaan ekonomi Iraq dan Kuwait adalah seperti menjerut leher sendiri kerana ia tidak tepat dan belum dapat dipastikan kebenaranya,” katanya ketika dihubungi Harian Metro.


  205. wakaya
    Feb 17, 2012 @ 20:37:00

    Mmmmmmm…… kata2 penolong gabenor memang ada benarnya berkenaan “Pemalsuan Dinar Iraq” Diluar dari iraq. ini telah disahkan oleh Central Bank Of Iraq (CBI) sendiri,bahawa Iran dan syira telah mencetak Dinar Iraq dengan banyak dan menjualnya semula untuk mendapat tukaran DOLLAR. dan CBI sendiri telah memberitahu bahawa Dinar iraq yang berada diluar dari iraq tidak boleh dibawa masuk semula kedalam negara iraq untuk ditukarkan kedalam matawang iraq dalam bentuk matawang iraq yang Asli.

    Commercial Bank: No truth to the replacement of forged Iraqi currency from abroad for hard currency

    29/01/2012 18:30:00

    Denied Commercial Bank of Iraq, replacing the forged Iraqi currency from outside Iraq for hard currency through bank branches,

    The General Manager of the bank and the agency and its board chairman, Hamdiya Mahmoud dry in a statement released today, and received “the Iraqi news agency, independent) a copy of it”, said, “cited some of the media about the bank’s branch of the Iraqi city of Najaf, replacing Iraqi currency forged from outside Iraq for hard currency through the branches of a bank is untrue and baseless, “asserting that” our banking systematic scientific manner consistent with international standards.

    The dry that “the Trade Bank of Iraq is an Iraqi bank to a government controlled by the Central Bank of Iraq Board of Supreme Audit and the auditor of an international major companies overseas accounts and therefore can never occur, such as how banking transactions suspicious,” emphasizing “the right of the bank to prosecute those who try to discredit the bank lies and slander.

    For his part, considered the Branch Manager Trade Bank of Iraq in the city of Najaf, Abdul Wahab Al Habib Hashim that “the reporting of such false news aimed at harming the body’s banking and cheap attempt to discredit the reputation of the Trade Bank of Iraq

    He pointed out that Hashem “the work of the branch in the city is going according to legal frameworks,” he said

    The number of media handled that both Iran and Syria made billions of counterfeit Iraqi dinars into Iraq and worked to replace the dollar with some Iraqi officials and then out to the two countries.

    MPs and experts: Replace the counterfeit currency Balsabh .. Phenomenon would hurt the country and crush the national currency


  206. wakaya
    Feb 17, 2012 @ 20:38:17

    MPs and experts: Replace the counterfeit currency Balsabh .. Phenomenon would hurt the country and crush the national currency

    5.2.2012 | (Voice of Iraq) – add comment –

    Baghdad (news) Report – Hussein Faleh has warned MPs and economists of the increasing phenomenon of entry of counterfeit currency and replace it with hard currency for the benefit of which is under international sanctions and suffering from Tdhorammeltha cash, because it will lead to an economic problem difficult to solve in the country and crush the currency national. and invites through their talk ( Agency Alkhbaria of news) to the need to set rules and laws and control the border crossings to reduce the deliberate draining hard currency from Iraq. A member of the Finance Committee MP for the coalition in Iraq Ibrahim al-Mutlaq: The phenomenon of entry of counterfeit currency by neighboring countries and replace them with hard currency will lead to economic disaster of difficult to avoid. said al-Mutlaq (the Agency news): The trends of the U.S. dollar in the non-specific, but just sold at auction the central bank without knowing the trend going here is to invest or to smuggling or import from outside the country, calling for setting the direction of exchange, whether within the country or abroad by the authorities concerned. and demanded: not to sell the U.S. dollar at the auction during the current period until the set rules, laws and disclosure of the methods pursued by some countries to combat the Iraqi economy and its currency. as stressed member of the Committee of Economy and Investment MP / National Alliance / Amer Al-Fayez the importance of taking legal action strict against those who are in the process introduction of counterfeit currency into the country for replacing hard currency as a phenomenon leading to the fold of the Iraqi economy and the deterioration of the national currency at home and abroad. said the winner (of the Agency news): The currency comes to Iraq as a result of weakness clearly located at border crossing points of Iraq that must be monitored to fight the owners of the souls of vulnerable workers, whether at border crossing points or trading in these currencies. He explained: that this phenomenon had already occurred within Iraq will impact heavily on Alaguetsadeh because it means the introduction of fake currency and replace it with hard currency, which will reduce the hard currency reserves in the country and a lot of circulation of counterfeit currency and thus will make the Iraqi dinar exchange rate down against the dollar. while denied by the Economic Committee MP for the coalition in Iraq Nahida Daini the existence of any phenomenon to enter the currency forged Iraqi replace foreign currencies during the current period, despite the existence of a process for the depletion of foreign exchange through import external as well as the high demand for purchase of the Central Bank. said Daini (the Agency news): The control Iraq’s borders with neighboring countries and the activation of a standardization and quality control are important factors to limit the entry of goods bad that led to the depletion of foreign currency exchange commodities poor of origin to the country. She added, should be clear study and planning of economic accurate for the development of economic sectors in order to dispense with import foreign goods and to strengthen the Iraqi economy and raising its standards. For his part, fear financial expert Ismail Abdul Hussein: the spread of the phenomenon of switching of counterfeit currency for hard currency within the the country because they cause a risk to the Iraqi economy and the national currency, noting that most of the countries of the world began to center used the invention of special equipment for counterfeiting, particularly the Iraqi to fight the Iraqi economy and crush its currency. According to Abdul-Hussein (of the Agency news): that neighboring countries like Syria and Iran is now suffering from the siege of economic and the deterioration of its currency, what made ​​them Iltjaon to Iraq to buy the dollar. He explained: that the Iraqi currency, which replace them in U.S. dollars that they were valid and not fraudulent, it is a positive thing for Iraq through the recovery of the Iraqi currency to the origin, while if the fake Iraqi banks is not ready to reveal these currencies have There is a danger to Iraq in general. called: the importance of there being complete by the readiness of Iraqi banks to detect counterfeit currency entering the country, in addition to control of the border crossings to prevent the entry of such currencies to Iraq


  207. wakaya
    Feb 17, 2012 @ 20:40:18

    Arrest of a number of the owners of printing presses in Baghdad on charges of fraud


    Februari 1, 2012

    The future of Iraq / specialWitnesses for the “future of Iraq,” The strength of economic security arrested on Monday afternoon, a number of the owners of printing presses in Sadoun Street in Baghdad on charges of printing paper currency, government documents, official letters private forged. The witnesses heard the elements of that force you talk about the existence of other names to the owners of presses required to arrest for the charge itself. According to press reports, to turn Iraq into a center for counterfeiting of currency in the region after the spread of gangs specialized in forging local and foreign currencies in various Iraqi cities, as quoted by the reports of Iraqi economists saying that there are foreign countries have old conflicts with Iraq contributing to the making or passing counterfeit currency into the country in order to sabotage the Iraqi economy. Reduced with the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of d. The appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview earlier of its importance, describing the reports as exaggerated, denying the existence of significant fraud in Iraq, explaining that the counterfeiting operations in Iraq is very low. According to Saleh, said that fraud is divided into three sections, the first undertaken by persons individually, and the second is run by some traders, and the latter played by some intelligence States, the most serious types of fraud, asserting that what is currently in Iraq is a fraud-commercial use only.

    Berkenaan dengan kenyataan Penolong Gabenor bank negara malaysia berkenaan dengan pertanyaan kepada Kerajaan Iraq atau kedutaan iraq berkenaan investment dinar iraq ini diluar dari iraq,dibawah ini satu surat daripada kedutaan iraq di Washinton DC berkenaan dinar iraq diluar dari iraq untuk tatapan mata anda semua. surat ini telah dikeluarkan dua tahun lepas.

    Dinar Investors,

    The following statement is a response from the Deputy Commercial Attache, Iraqi Embassy in Washington DC regarding my request for monetary policy information.. It would appear that if what this Republic of Iraq government representative is saying here is in fact true, a Dinar denominated commercial bank account is most likely the only legal vehicle, according to Iraqi law, with which anyone physically outside the Republic of Iraq may own the Iraqi Dinar. I suggest you scroll down, begin from the bottom and read up. Then draw your own conclusion

    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for contacting the Iraqi Commercial Attache in Washington DC. Reference to your inquire we would like to inform you that as of now it is illegal to sale Iraqi currency outside Iraq. You can visit Iraq central bank website ( to get more details about Monetary policy in Iraq.

    or more than four years THE AMIRAQ FUND managed by William Burbank has been the choice of hundreds of American investors who have seen the appreciation in the value Iraqi Dinar coming. It has proven to be safe, liquid, and a predictable way to participate in the rise in value of this country’s currency without the worry and uncertainty that goes with direct possession and delivery of the paper currency

    Amjad A. Rajeb
    Deputy Commercial Attache
    Iraqi Commercial Office
    Embassy of the Republic of Iraq

    So mari kita lihat apa Comment Admin blog ini!!!!!.


  208. myra
    Feb 25, 2012 @ 14:36:14

    sesiapa yang memiliki dinar iraq setuju ke tak bahawa dinar ini kalau rv maksud 3 zero tu bermakna dinar akan note 25000.00 hanya jadi iqd25.00,
    10000.00-iqd10.00, 5000.00-iqd5.00,1000.00-iqd1.00 dan hanya 500.00,250.00 & 50,00 berkecuali beza 2 zero,1 zero jika berlaku rv contoh
    tak kan iqd500.00 jadi iqd5cents , iqd250.00-25cents ,iqd50.00-5cents
    ok kalau beza awak ada 500,000.00 buang 3 zero tinggal iqd500.00 atau 5,000.000.00 juta buang 3 zero tinggal iqd5000.00 disini beruntung kalau ada note kecil sebab kalau pergi tukar semasa rv tukar saja 2 ,3 keping sehari jikalau 100,000.00 note kecil berbaloi


  209. Mat
    Feb 25, 2012 @ 15:54:22

    Kemungkinan berlaku pemotongan 3 sifar pada cash note amat kecil, pembuangan 3 sifar atau LOP biasanye berlaku jika sebuah negara tersebut mengalami kadar inflasi yg amat tinggi, contohnya Turki.
    Dalam kes di Iraq ni amat kecil peluang berlaku LOP pada mata wang nya, keadaan ini disokong oleh pengeluaran negara yg kukuh iaitu emas, minyak, gas asli,perlancongan dan pertanian, kuasa2 besar yg menyimpan cash note dinar tidak mungkin membenarkan LOP berlaku.

    Pada penyimpan cash note disyorkan buka saving akaun di bank Iraq, yg pasti simpanan terjamin dan duit sentiasa berkembang. Berapa kali CBI tukar mata wang, duit dalam akaun tetap selamat dan takperlu nak risau.

    Masih ada masa utk buka akaun simpanan di Iraq, jangan putus asa setiap masalah pasti ada jalan penyelesaiannya.

    **bape kali nak warning jangan iklan dekat blog saya-admin nazha


  210. Azri
    Mar 02, 2012 @ 01:37:20

    Cmne nk buka akaun kt iraq


  211. sidara
    Mar 14, 2012 @ 10:10:26

    gi bank mane nk buke akaun ni……


  212. missnurul
    Sep 18, 2012 @ 03:50:59

    sy dapat 25k dinar iraq dengan harga 75rm … ^_^


    • mr_ajai
      Nov 18, 2012 @ 10:29:53

      mane beli boh?


    • MR Info
      Dec 27, 2012 @ 03:22:02

      anda beli masih mahal lagi…..hehehehe saya beli IQD25k direct dengan bank diiraq dan duit tersebut dimasukan didalam akuan bank saya di iraq dengan hanya RM 65 sahaja. 😛


      • Jhonny
        Jan 13, 2013 @ 08:34:55

        mcmana tuan bkk akaun bank di iraq?
        blh tuan tlg jelaskan?

    Oct 30, 2012 @ 03:33:07

    What’s up, I want to subscribe for this webpage to get most recent updates, so where can i do it please assist.


  214. dinsigma
    Dec 19, 2012 @ 01:13:50

    soalan, kalau matawang IQD tidak sah diperdagangkan, mana datangnya duit2 tu yg banyak dok jual kat malaysia ni? dari BNM? mungkin tidak dan tidak mungkin. Seludup? mungkin juga. Ada sapa2 yg boleh jelaskan?


    • MR Info
      Dec 27, 2012 @ 03:13:30

      perlu diingatkan RV berlaku setelah keluarnya duit cetakan terbaru iaitu duit yg mempunyai 3 cetakan bahasa.dan duit tersebut tidak mempunyai 3 angka 0 dibelakangnya dan duit tersebut sah diperlakukan nilainya diseluruh dunia.tetapi cash note dinar iraq cetakan 2 bahasa dan mempunyai 3 angka 0 dibelakang duit cash note tersebut, tidak laku untuk pertukaran diseluruh dunia…kecuali hanya sah ditukarkan hanya didalam negara iraq sahaja.ini telah dinyatakan olen CBI dari dahulu lagi.

      kesimpulannya….. duit cash yg anda semua beli & simpan tidak ada nilainya sehingga anda pergi sendiri tukarkan cash note dinar iraq tersebut kepada CBI sahaja. setelah anda tukarkan duit cash tersebut dari duit cash yg mempunyai 2 bahasa (mempunyai 3 angka 0) kepada cetakan yg terbaru 3 bahasa (tidak mempunyai 3 angka 0)…. barulah duit anda tersebut sah & laku untuk digunakan diseluruh negara. ini disebabkan iraq hanya merevaluekan matawang mereka pada duit cetakan yg mempunyai 3 bahasa.


  215. pantat_jawa
    Jan 22, 2013 @ 03:00:44

    Korang sembang cakap pandai jeeee…..Aku beli dinar Iraq not 25,000 ngan harga rm50 jee….Aku beli 8 keping…bayangkan, kalo sekeping bleh untung rm150,000…..Hahaha….Korang bleh keee cari dgn harga tuu….hahaha….Korang nak aku tolong carikan? SORRY LAAAA…..dah takde masa laaa aku nak tolong sesama Melayu….ITS TIME TO BE SELFISH…..ISTILAH PERJUANGAN BANGSA DAH TAK WUJUD….AKU LEBIH PENTINGKAN DUIT!!!!!……SO LONG, SUCKER!!!!!


    • info
      Mar 28, 2013 @ 02:47:47

      kalau yer pun kau beli 25K RM 50…itu bermakna duit yg kau beli tu belum tentu laku lagi…sebab CBI dah bagi tahu duit iraq yg diluar dari iraq merupakan duit MONEY LAUNDERING.tak kiralah walaupun kau beli IQD25K dengan RM10….confirm tak laku untuk ditukarkan.


  216. hatta_san
    Jan 29, 2013 @ 03:11:42

    nanti boleh le beli kelab EPL, good luck


  217. info
    Mar 28, 2013 @ 02:39:36

    Cerita tentang kekayaan penyimpan duit cash note Dinar Kuwait diMalaysia merupakan satu penipuan….kenapa aku cakap satu penipuan???? ini kerana aku sendiri bertemu dengan penyimpan cash note dinar Kuwait di Pulau Pinang…..dimana aku ditunjukkan oleh Owner penyimpan duit cash note dinar Kuwait pada September 2012 separuh bilik penuh dengan duit cash note dinar Kuwait bernilai KWD 10.aku sempat bertanya pada pemilik tersebut …kenapa dia tidak menukarkan duit tersebut ketika bank negara Kuwait meminta untuk membuat pertukaran duit lama kepada duit baru….pemilik tersebut memberitahu bahawa duit yg dia ada ini tidak boleh dibawa keluar….dari malaysia kerana tiada sebarang resit pembelian sah matawang tersebut. inilah yg menyukarkan si pemilik tersebut untuk membawa keluar dinar Kuwait untuk ditukarkan.


    belilah duit matawang asing…tak kira matawang negara mana….dengan cara yg betul iaitu dengan cara yg sah…berserta dengan resit belian,untuk memudahkan pertukaran duit tersebut pada masa akan datang.

    dalam isu terkini sebagai contoh DINAR IRAQ, belilah dinar iraq dengan cara yg sah dengan melalui pihak bank dimalaysia melalui TT dengan menggunakan matawang MYR ke USD ke IQD (dalam Borang TT dimalaysia memang dah terang2 kita menulis nama bank perantaraan untuk membuat penukaran USD kepada IQD. so disinilah salinan TT tersebut telah diangap sebagai bukti pembelian matawang asing melalui bank dimalaysia.


    Pihak Bank dimalaysia memang tiada menjual Fizikal cash note dinar iraq….tetapi melalui Wire Transffer matawang apa sahaja didunia ini bank Malaysia ada menjualnya. yg penting anda mesti mempunyai akuan bank dinegara dimana duit yg anda nak beli itu dimasukan.


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  221. Shoshana
    May 26, 2013 @ 13:10:46

    ły poganin. Podobno oraz
    diabłu ogarek zaradził w kaplicy Shoshana stawiać.

    Zaś poczwara był tym, co bezlitośnie drażniło mieszczan.
    Rycerz podjął wolę.
    Przerwał von Eggerowi niecierpliwym machnięciem d�.


  222. kopi laqie
    Jul 25, 2013 @ 01:57:13

    met puasa..yuk sedekah.. . let’s let go to schol school…. Mari sekolah ayo kuliah. thank you very much …keep up. Smangat selalu.. brgds, by


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  225. rich
    Nov 07, 2013 @ 01:12:05

    Mana berita pasal dinar ni..sepi jer blog ni


  226. remadz
    Nov 08, 2013 @ 13:05:43

    nak tanya macam mana nak dapat kan dinar iraq ni cara yg sah..tolong ajarkan..


  227. ask-mar
    Nov 09, 2013 @ 02:47:02

    Bertahun tunggu iraq dinar ni sesapa pun still tggu bile nk rv..huhu..ada jgak simpan..tapi ada rezeki rv, kite tukar dlm RM..xda rezeki, simpan jer sebagai koleksi..


  228. ezre
    Nov 12, 2013 @ 04:37:33

    sabar ja.


    Mar 03, 2014 @ 13:53:55

    Each show is different and it really depends
    on whos booking it and for the bigger shows with
    celebrities and bands they need a lot of lead-time. “Arsenio was a big hit way back when, he exited prematurely,
    and aren’t we all just plain tired with Jay Leno and Letterman.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we could take a magic pill and have a
    perfect relationship.


  230. naz_uduram-atok
    May 03, 2014 @ 06:23:20

    Pilihanraya iraq sedang di berlangsung…so sabaq n bdoa smoga IQD akan rv..


  231. mmm indonesia kompas
    May 12, 2014 @ 18:26:25

    Right away I am going away to do my breakfast, once having my breakfast
    coming over again to read other news.


  232. Nawi
    May 26, 2014 @ 13:41:19

    Hahaha…dinar iraq rv konon. Semua kene tipu je la.


  233. ping
    Jun 11, 2014 @ 02:44:17

    yer lah.. rasanya macam kena tipu jer.. dah lama sangat simpan duit iraq ni.. tapi tak naik2 pun dari IQD 25000 : RM200.00 skrang dah IQD 25000 : RM70.00.turun adalah.. simpan kat neverland je lah biar peter pan yang pakai.. huhu


  234. icepick
    Jul 17, 2014 @ 23:26:08

    uit? da x dew yg bg comment lg kew ? news kew apew kew..


  235. knizams
    Aug 20, 2014 @ 05:19:22

    Kepada Jutawan dan bilionwan Dinar Iraq. Diharap dapat membantu saudara kita di Gaza. Sial salurkan RM ke
    Acc.No. : 558220601374
    Swift Code : MBBEMYKL


  236. jilbab
    Sep 05, 2014 @ 02:27:13

    It’s actually very difficult in this full of activity life to listen
    news on TV, therefore I just use the web for that purpose, and get the
    hottest information.


  237. Usahawan Prepaid
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 04:41:00

    bila la agaknyer yer


  238. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 25, 2014 @ 02:19:37

    Salam… Latest News: Duit Cetakan terbaru 2013 dinar iraq diperkenalkan oleh CBI pada 7/8/2014 , 9/10/2014 & 21/10/14

    21/10/2014 (Sumber ini saya dapati dari laman sesawang CBI Versi Bahasa Arab)

    (Press release) for the purpose of the development of the current series of Iraqi banknotes, and increase efficiency, they have been printed using the finest types of paper and placed in several technical and security features and will present the CBI papers Alnkaditin categories of the (5000) dinars and 25,000 dinars to the trading specifications security and protection marks a new high

    P/s:Duit Cetakan IQD25,000 & IQD 10,000 Versi terbaru yg akan digunakan untuk pertukaran pada RV yg akan datang.duit cetakan ini menggantikan duit cetakan 2013. pada masa ini CBI sedang bergiat mengedarkan pada rakyat iraq utk ditukarkan duit lama kepada duit cetakan terbaru. pada sesiapa yg ada menyimpan duit IQD25,000 & IQD10,000 bolehlah memeriksa duit tuan2 dan puan2 melalui link dibawah ini.

    P/s: nasihat saya sila berjumpa dengan penjual Cash Note dinar anda,minta mereka menukarkan Cash Note dinar lama anda kepada Cash Note cetakan Terbaru. saya kuatiri…cash note dinar yg anda simpan tidak akan laku lagi ketika RV nanti. ini pesanan dan nasihat saya,agar nasi jangan menjadi bubur satu hari nanti.

    P/s: Sila pastikan sekiranya anda ingin membeli lagi cash note dinar iraq dari penjual dinar iraq dimalaysia…pastikan duit tersebut cetakan tahun 2013 dan pastikan segala rupa bentuk gambar yg dicetak diatas duit cash tersebut serupa 100 peratus dengan image duit terbaru yg telah saya nyatakan didalam blog ini.kerana image duit ini saya perolihi melalui laman sesawang CBI dalam CBI update news bertarikh 7/8/2014 , 9/10/2014 & 21/10/14.


  239. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 25, 2014 @ 02:24:46

    09/10/2014 (sumber ini saya dapati dari laman sesawang CBI Versi Bahasa Arab)

    CBI raises category (10000) dinars for technical trading and high security features with the continued circulation papers


  240. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 25, 2014 @ 02:42:21


  241. Mohd Helmy
    Oct 25, 2014 @ 02:43:14


  242. Mohd Helmy
    Nov 01, 2014 @ 16:48:42

    Orang amerika baru sedar tentang duit baru dinar iraq

    video diatas bertarikh 29/10.

    saya dapat mengesan pertukaran duit baru dinar iraq 5 hari awal dari mereka.


  243. Mohd Helmy
    Nov 01, 2014 @ 17:07:27

    The Iraqi Dinar will Reval


    • awi
      Dec 13, 2014 @ 04:03:23

      sama sama doa yg terbaik buat negara iraq dan dinar nya


  244. soo
    Jan 20, 2015 @ 03:14:52

    good luck bakal2 jutawan dinar iraq hehehehe


  245. shafiq
    Feb 05, 2015 @ 10:27:32

    macam mana saya nak beli dinar ni? bagi no phone boleh?


    • kecik
      Jul 11, 2016 @ 17:52:41

      nk beli?sila cal sy…01129683277


    • khai_sue
      Sep 04, 2016 @ 04:57:35

      25k=rm 90


  246. eros
    Mar 20, 2015 @ 04:32:42

    en dah ready packing beg buat menukar dinar tau…awak baru cari..huhuhu. tp jgn risau masih ada stok tersisa..


  247. izrul2308somebody
    Apr 23, 2015 @ 16:13:02

    As salam.. Setelah sekian lama sy membeli duit dinar iraq, ini baru pertama kali sy buat semakan keatas duit dinar.. sy beli pada oktober 2011 dari seorg rakan baik, sekeping duit kertas IQD25000 X 9keping = RM1,000 ( harga yg sy bayar ).

    Pertanyaan sy adalah,

    1 – adakah sewaktu sy membeli duit IQD 25000 dan sy mendapat 9keping persamaan sy membayarnya dgn nilai duit kita sbyk RM1000 adalah berpatutan dgn nilainya sewaktu itu?

    2 – jika mata wang kertas IQD yg kita simpan sebelum ini selepas duit Cetakan IQD25,000 & IQD 10,000 Versi terbaru yg akan digunakan untuk pertukaran pada RV yg akan datang masih sah digunakan untuk pertukaran kelak? Apakah langkah yg paling selamat sekiranya Cetakan IQD versi terdahulu yg kita simpan sebelum ini tidak dpt kita tukarkannya dari pembeli yg kita beli sewaktu dahulu kepada cetakan IQD versi terbaru?? Adakah Cetakan IQD versi terdahulu kita simpan masih laku untuk pertukaran kelak??

    Harap ada seseorang yg boleh menjawab diatas segala kemuskilan ini, Trm Ksh.


  248. dinarian
    Dec 08, 2015 @ 09:43:29

    225,000.00 IQD = 868.107 MYR
    Iraqi Dinar ↔ Malaysian Ringgit
    1 IQD = 0.00385825 MYR 1 MYR = 259.185 IQD
    Convert again
    MYR/IQD thumbnailView Chart
    Mid-market rates: 2015-12-08 09:42 UTC

    mahalnya harga yg saudara beli..


  249. Mohamad
    Feb 09, 2016 @ 14:08:34

    En knizams yang belajar di universiti terkemuka AS dah jadi jutawan kerana duit iraq.

    Yang beli 10 tahun lalu pun dah jadi jutawan juga agaknye.

    Apa kata kita beli duit Zimbabwe pulak. 1 USD : 1 trilion Zimbabwe. Lagi banyak boleh beli wooo. Mana tau ekonomi Zimbabwe akan mencanak naik antara setahun ke seribu tahun lagi.


    • Fariz
      May 20, 2016 @ 14:04:27

      Sentiasa menanti sehingga RV haha…..


  250. reezalryzal
    Apr 05, 2017 @ 14:41:32

    insyaallah xlama akan RV…nak senang bukan mudah..perlukan kesabaran..yakin dan bertawakal…


  251. Dinarku
    Aug 29, 2017 @ 10:21:40

    Salam.. APA yg nak di kecohkn beli Dan simpan je.. ikut kemampuan.. sy ada 200 keping note 25k buat relex je


    • wan
      Mar 24, 2018 @ 13:47:04

      saya mencari dinar iraq 25k…..ada sape2 nak jual?


    • muhammd izzat
      Jun 23, 2020 @ 07:28:20

      adekah tuan mahu jual note 25000 iraqi dinar tu sila email saya


      • Jinggo
        Nov 24, 2020 @ 23:03:04

        Teruskan lah berharap. Dah nak habis 2020 dah ni. 😆

  252. Dinarku
    Aug 29, 2017 @ 10:30:42

    Ada duit lebih beli Dan simpan matawang ni
    1. Colombia
    2. Combodian
    3. Semua matawang Africa
    4. Mongolia
    5. Iran
    6. Tanzania
    7. Vietnam
    8. Laos

    Beli 100 keping note 100k.. simpn n relex je


  253. Maz
    Mar 07, 2018 @ 15:53:16

    Si penjual kertas dpt untung serta merta.manakala si pembeli kertas perlu tunggu dlm ketidakpastian.naik tak naik ,naik tak naik matawang.kenapa la akal singkat?
    Beli emas la weyy..


  254. korang bodo
    Jun 21, 2018 @ 08:01:21

    dah kaya ke belum semua ni?


  255. Bob
    Aug 23, 2018 @ 08:52:35

    Ars ultimate sdn bhd ape eh?


  256. Master super
    Oct 02, 2018 @ 05:02:51

    IQD RV 2018, PM Iraq baru je bagitau aku…


  257. Jan Tell
    Jun 27, 2021 @ 10:08:44

    Complimenti bravo continua cosi!!ottimo lavoro Grazie!!


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